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Virtual tours Enjoy the Louvre at home! Online tours

Virtual tours, louvre at home.

Visit the museum rooms and galeries, admire the palace architecture and enjoy the views!

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From afar. Travelling Materials and Objects

Through materials and objects, this exhibition describes exchanges between distant worlds – exchanges often far more ancient than the explorations of the 16th century.   From deepest antiquity, carnelian, lapis lazuli, ebony and ivory circulated along trade routes...

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The Advent of the Artist

For its 5th edition, the Petite Galerie takes a closer look at the transition from the typically anonymous craftsman of the classical period to the artist of the Renaissance, featuring works by Delacroix, Rembrandt, Tintoret and more.

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Power plays

This third Petite Galerie exhibition focused on the connection between art and political power, from antiquity to the present day.

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The Body in Movement

In its second season, the Petite Galerie explored one of the performing arts: dance. How did artists use different materials and techniques to represent movement?

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Founding Myths: From Hercules to Darth Vader

The very first Petite Galerie exhibition looked into how illustrators, sculptors, painters, puppeteers, filmmakers, and musicians around the world have drawn inspiration from myths, given them form, and brought them to life.

What activities does the Louvre offer that can be enjoyed from home?

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Events at the auditorium (in French)  

Podcasts (in French)  

Louvre Kids  

“Mona Lisa Beyond the Glass” virtual reality experience  

Virtual tour at Uffizi Gallery :: Virtual Uffizi

Explore the Uffizi Gallery

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The Artworks

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The Artists

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More and more places of art and culture are taking numerous initiatives in order to show their treasures to homebound visitors. Several of the major museums in Italy have decided to make their spaces and their works accessible in virtual mode to ensure visitors from all over the world the possibility to immerse themselves in the beauty of Italian art from the comfort of home. While waiting to be able to visit in person Italy's immense cultural heritage again, we suggest some of the best Italian museums to visit with a click. Not sure where to start? We recommend to start your virtual tour from these unmissable museums: 1. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Tuscany Hypervisions  The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, has created a virtual tour project: a 360 ° tour through the rooms of the museum to admire its masterpieces including the collection of the most precious works by Botticelli and Raphael. High definition and in-depth information are guaranteed in this virtual tour in which different thematic itineraries are proposed from room to room. Discover here  the best places to stay in central Florence.

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You will find all the proposed virtual itineraries at this link  on the Vatican Musems website.

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Take a Virtual Tour of The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the World-Famous Collection of Renaissance Art

in Art | January 10th, 2018 Leave a Comment

The Uffizi Gallery in Flo­rence does­n’t par­tic­u­lar­ly need an intro­duc­tion, see­ing that it’s one of the most wide­ly-vis­it­ed muse­ums in Italy, the home of great artis­tic works from the Renais­sance. If you pay the Uffizi a vis­it, you can see Bot­ti­cel­li’s The Birth of Venus , Dür­er’s Ado­ra­tion of the Magi , Car­avag­gio’s Bac­chus , Michelan­gelo’s The Holy Fam­i­ly , and Rem­brandt’s Self-Por­trait as a Young Man.  Or you could do the same by dial­ing up the Uffiz­i’s Vir­tu­al Tour , embed­ded above, or avail­able here . It’s essen­tial­ly a Google Street View tour of the entire muse­um. It’s admit­ted­ly a lit­tle tedious. But if you have a lot of time and a handy floor plan , you can still immerse your­self in a col­lec­tion that’s been enchant­i­ng vis­i­tors since the 18th cen­tu­ry.

If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newslet­ter,  please find it here . Or fol­low our posts on Threads , Face­book , BlueSky or Mastodon .

If you would like to sup­port the mis­sion of Open Cul­ture, con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion to our site . It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your con­tri­bu­tions will help us con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing the best free cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als to learn­ers every­where. You can con­tribute through Pay­Pal , Patre­on , and Ven­mo (@openculture). Thanks!

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Free Course: An Intro­duc­tion to the Art of the Ital­ian Renais­sance

The His­to­ry of West­ern Archi­tec­ture: From Ancient Greece to Roco­co (A Free Online Course)

Take a 3D Vir­tu­al Tour of the Sis­tine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basil­i­ca and Oth­er Art-Adorned Vat­i­can Spaces

Take a Vir­tu­al Tour of Hierony­mus Bosch’s Bewil­der­ing Mas­ter­piece The Gar­den of Earth­ly Delights

Walk Inside a Sur­re­al­ist Sal­vador Dalí Paint­ing with This 360º Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty Video

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Wherever you are in the world, take a tour of the National Gallery.

Our virtual tours allow you to step inside the Gallery and explore one of the greatest collections of paintings, from the comfort of your home.

Experience the Gallery in virtual reality through your desktop, phone or VR headset.

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The Director's Choice virtual exhibition

Visit a virtual space showing a selection of paintings chosen and narrated by our Director, Dr Gabriele Finaldi.

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Fit for a Queen virtual exhibition

Visit our virtual gallery of 28 paintings which celebrates Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

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Fruits of the Spirit virtual exhibition

Visit our virtual exhibition that juxtaposes nine works of art from the National Gallery’s collection with nine works of art from partner institutions across the UK.

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'Sensing the Unseen: Step into Gossaert’s ‘Adoration’, mobile edition'

Immerse yourself in the world of Gossaert’s masterpiece and its awe-inspiring intricate detail.

Step into Gossaert's 'Adoration'

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Sightseeing Tours Italy

Virtual Tour of Florence

by Cameron Ward

Explore the astonishing art collections of two world famous galleries and the fascinating historical centre of Florence, all from the comfort of your own home.

Well known as the birthplace of the Renaissance , Florence is top of the list of cities to visit for any art lover or history fan. This picturesque city along the River Arno is made for exploring on foot as you wind your way through cobblestone alleys to discover incredible architecture and ancient treasures. Join our virtual tour guide for a trip through this remarkable city.

Piazzale Michelangelo

The Galleria dell’Accademia & David

While best known as the home of Michelangelo’s David, The Galleria dell’Accademia also contains many important works by notable Florentine artists including Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Pontormo. Many of the works were commissioned by the powerful Medici family, and later donated to the gallery for the enjoyment of the general public. While David will surely be top of your list of works to see, there are plenty of other important sculptures and paintings worth discovering. Music enthusiasts will also love the incredible collection of musical instruments in the gallery including rare pieces by Bartolomeo Cristofori, the inventor of the piano, and a 1716 Stradivari violin.

After you have explored the other halls, it’s time to enter the Tribune and meet David. Standing at 5.17 metres high, this astounding marble sculpture by Michelangelo is a masterpiece of the Renaissance period. Sculpted between 1501 and 1504, the statue was originally intended for display on the roofline of the Florence Cathedral but was too heavily to lift roof height. It was displayed in the Piazza della Signoria outside of the Palazzo Vecchio, before being moved to its current home in 1873 to avoid further damage by the elements when cracks appeared in the marble.

Piazza Duomo

Ponte Vecchio

Meandering through Florence’s beautiful alleys and lanes can feel like stepping back to a time of knights and damsels, and nothing feels more medieval than Ponte Vecchio. The bridge crossing at the narrowest of the Arno River is believed to be situated on the site of the original Roman bridge. The current version has been standing since 1345, surviving floods and saved from destruction by the Germans during their retreat in World War II.

Uffizi Gallery

Our final stop on this Florence virtual tour is the Uffizi Gallery, home to an astonishing collection of sculptures and paintings. The building was constructed by Giorgio Vasari from 1560 – 1580 to house the offices of the Florentine magistrates, with the top floor reserved for the display of artworks. Over the years, more rooms became dedicated to art and now the first and second floors are occupied by the gallery. Many of the works were donated by Anna Maria Luisa, the last heiress of the Medici family. Opening formally as a museum to the public in 1865, it is one of the first modern galleries and is now one of the best know galleries in the world, welcoming 2 million visitors a year.

Birth of Venus & Primavera

Related article: The Best Day Trips from Florence

Explore Our Florence Tours !


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The Great Masters of Early Renaissance Virtual Tour

The Early Renaissance time period was the start of a cultural rebirth in Italy . Join our special virtual tour and get ready for a journey into beauty and history. We will explore some of the most important artists of this time : from Piero della Francesca to the young Raphael you will be led by an art and history passionate guide discovering some of the major masterpieces in the history of art.

Piero della Francesca was a painter but also a great experimenter , he used geometry and mathematical theory along with Renaissance Humanism to produce some of the most striking religious artworks of the early Renaissance period. Nowadays he represents one of the highest artistic ideals of the early Renaissance.

Luca Signorelli , by tradition a pupil of Piero della Francesca, was another renowned Italian Renaissance painter and he is known for his exceptional skills as a draftsman and unique use of foreshortening.

Perugino , also called the Umbrian divine painter , was important enough to be commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV to paint frescos in the Sistine Chapel , in Rome and he is also known as a teacher of Raphael, whose early works show his influence.

Pinturicchio was a pupil of Perugino and he is one of the most renowned Italian Renaissance artists , who is best known for his frescoes and tempera paintings.

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino , known as Raphael “The divine” , became an apprentice to Pietro Perugino in Perugia and he is considered the best-loved and most emblematic Renaissance painter, celebrated for the perfection and grace of his paintings and drawings.

Don’t miss this great oppurtunity to learn more about the great Masters of Early Renaissance in Italy !

Wednesday, December 06th, 2023

03.00 pm – 04.00 pm EST (New York Time)

Check in your  timezone here

Time zones examples:

  • Rome Time: 09.00 pm
  • London Time: 08.00 pm
  • Los Angeles Time: 12.00 pm

The tour will last approximately 1 hour. At the end of the tour you will be given the chance to interact and make questions just like a live tour. The tour takes place in English!

⭐PRICE⭐ How much does the virtual tour cost? Our virtual tour is tip-based . We prefer a system where you don’t have to pay for a ticket in advance without knowing how the virtual tour is going to be, instead, you take part in the tour first and at the end, you decide the price based on your satisfaction. Support our cultural activities  with a voluntary contribution. Your contribution will help us continue our initiative and  support the guides . You can leave a tip here:

Can’t watch our virtual tour live due to the time zone or are you unable to join us live? Register at the virtual tour and we will send you the recording  hence you can watch it  in your own time!

How to Join:

The tour will be hosted on Zoom. After the registration, you will receive an invitation with the Zoom Meeting link.

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The Geographical Cure

How To Virtually Tour Paris’ Louvre & See Every Masterpiece

If you’re an art enthusiast, the Louvre is probably at the top of your Paris or museum wish list.

As the world’s largest and most visited museum, it boasts an impressive collection of 35,000 artworks, ranging from the 6th century BC to the 19th century AD, all housed within a magnificent Renaissance palace.

renaissance museum virtual tour

However, as you might imagine, visiting the Louvre can be quite the experience.

It’s often packed with crowds, flashing cameras, selfie sticks, and people bustling around or trying to touch the art. This can make it feel a bit chaotic and overwhelming.

But there’s good news! You can now explore the Louvre from the comfort of your home, avoiding the hustle and bustle.

I’ll guide you through how to virtually visit this iconic museum and view all its must-see masterpieces.

Get ready to enjoy your personal Leonardo or Michelangelo experience in peaceful solitude.

sculptures in the Apollo Gallery of the Denon Wing

Layout of the Louvre

The Louvre is a U shape, divided into three wings: Denon, Sully, and Richelieu. Each of the wings has four floors.

The Denon Wing is home to the Louvre’s best known art work, including the world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa .

The Sully Wing is known for its statuary and antiquities.

The Richelieu Wing houses the lavish apartments of Napoleon III and some famed Dutch art works.

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503

Virtual Tour of Louvre Masterpieces

Let’s take an online virtual tour of the Louvre, wing by wing.

You can see all the must see masterpieces via 360 video tours, YouTube videos, or online tours on the Louvre Website itself. For a lengthy overall YouTube tour of the Louvre, click here .

The Denon Wing

The Denon Wing is the most visited part of the Louvre. It boasts the fabulously ornate Apollo Gallery, with high arches and frescoed ceilings.

It’s a shrine to Sun King Louis XIV. The paintings were begun by Charles Le Brun and completed by Eugene Delacroix.

Theodore Gericault, Raft of the Medusa, 1819

1. French Paintings in the Denon Wing

The Denon Wing is most renowned for its iconic French paintings from the Neoclassical and Romantic periods of art history. The must see French masterpieces include:

  • Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People
  • Jacques-Louis David, The Coronation of Napoleon
  • Theodore Gericault, Raft of the Medusa
  • Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Grand Odalisque

Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830

You can take a virtual tour of the recently restored Apollo Gallery on the Louvre’s website here . You can learn about the Coronation of Napoleon from this Louvre YouTuber .

You can take a virtual video tour of the world’s most famous French painting, Liberty Leading the People here . And learn about the Grand Odalisque here .

Via my blog, you can also explore the Louvre’s underrated masterpieces in the Denon Wing.

I also have a guide to what I think is the best painting in the Louvre , Gericault’s Raft of the Medusa , a then-scandalous painting based on a true story.

Raphael, Portrait of Baldasarre Castiglione, 1515

2. Italian Paintings in the Denon Wing

The Denon Wing also boasts treasures from the Italian Renaissance.

This is where you’ll find works by Sandro Botticelli , Leonardo da Vinci , Raphael , and Titian. The must see masterpieces include:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa
  • Leonardo Da Vinci, The Virgin and Child With St. Anne
  • Titian, Pastoral Concert
  • Raphael, Portrait of Baldasarre Castiglione
  • Paolo Veronese, The Wedding Feast at Cana

Paolo Veronese, The Wedding Feast at Cana, 1563

You can take a virtual 360 tour of the Grand Gallery, which houses much of the Louvre’s Italian art.

If you’re a Mona Lisa fan, the Louvre is offering the museum’s first virtual reality experience , which brings to life the story of the enigmatic portrait. You can also take a virtual tour of the Mona Lisa here , with Smarthistory, an artsy YouTube channel.

In the Louvre’s busiest room, the Mona Lisa stares across at Veronese’s massive Wedding Feast at Cana . You can take a virtual tour and get the full scoop on the Louvre’s largest painting here .

You can virtually tour Raphael’s paintings, including Baldasarre , on Google Arts & Culture . Learn about Titian’s Pastoral Concert , which inspired Edouard Monet’s groundbreaking painting Luncheon on the Grass , here .

READ : 3 Day Impressionism Tour of Paris

Antonio Canova, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, 1793

3. Sculptures in the Denon Wing

If you prefer sculpture to painting, the Denon Wing has one of the world’s most magnificent sculptures — the Winged Victory of Samothrac e.

It also has a room on the ground dedicated to Italian sculpture, the Michelangelo Gallery. It’s one of my favorites spots in the Louvre.

It’s home to Michelangelo’s Dying Slave and Rebellious Slave , from 1513-15. These sculptures seem to struggle to escape the marble.

They were originally intended for the Tomb of Pope Julius II in Rome. But Michelangelo got distracted with the ceiling of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel and could never finish the tomb.

READ : Masterpieces of the Vatican

Michelangelo, Rebellious Slave, 1513

You can also find Antonio Canova’s incredibly romantic Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss . It’s considered Canova’s master work.

You can take a virtual tour of Michelangelo’s Slaves here , a virtual tour of Canova’s work on Google Arts & Culture , and a virtual tour of Canova’s Psyche here . You can take a virtual 360 tour of the Winged Victory here .

Winged Victory of Samothrace, 220-190 BC, second floor of the Denon Wing

2. The Sully Wing

In the Sully Wing, you’ll find some of the world’s most beautiful sculptures, antiquities, and the remains of the Medieval Louvre.

One of the Louvre’s greatest ladies, a Hellenistic masterpiece, is here — the Venus de Milo . Even without arms, Venus de Milo is considered the classical epitome of female beauty.

You can also see another masterwork, Sleeping Hermaphrodite , a mythological merger of a male and female body. The ancient sculpture was discovered in Rome near the Baths of Diocletian.

Cardinal Scipione Borghese commissioned the Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini to carve the mattress in 1619. He later sold the piece to the French when he was strapped for cash.

READ : The Bernini Trail in Rome

Venus de Milo, 3rd to 1st century BC

The Egyptian Antiquities are a well loved highlight of the Sully Wing. The collection features the 12 ton Great Sphinx of Tanis, model ships, ancient sculptures, a massive statue of Ramses II, and a sarcophagus room.

The medieval Louvre is also a fascinating place. Originally, the Louvre was a 12th century fortress built by King Philippe Auguste.

The lower levels are all that remain. Archeologists discovered and excavated the underground medieval remains during the construction of I.M. Pei’s pyramid in 1983-85.

You can take a virtual tour of all the Louvre’s Roman Antiquities here , the Venus de Milo here , and the Sleeping Hermaphrodite here . You can take a virtual tour of the famed Egyptian Antiquities here and walk around the Medieval Louvre here .

the Apartments of Napoleon III in the Richelieu Wing of the Louvre

3. The Richelieu Wing

In Richelieu Wing, you can admire the Louvre’s Mesopotamian Antiquities, Napoleon III’s Second Empire rooms, sculptures, and some amazing Dutch masterpieces.

The Richelieu Wing boasts the spectacular Cour Marly, a spacious glass roofed courtyard.

It’s stuffed with 17th and 18th marble and white stone sculptures, many commissioned by Sun King Louis XIV and Louis XV. There’s also a magnificent Fountain of Diana, dating from 1550.

the statue-filled Cour Marly in the Richelieu Wing

Perhaps the most famous part of the Richelieu Wing is the Napoleon III apartments. They were built between 1852-57 to accommodate visiting dignitaries. They’re sumptuous.

Crystal chandeliers glitter, gilded furniture gleams, and the ceilings sport beautiful frescos — all set amid red velvet and red drapery. The Rococo state dining room could seat almost 100 people.

You can virtually tour the Cour Puget here and the Cour Marly here . You can take a virtual tour of Napoleon’s Apartments here .

Johannes Vermeer, The Lacemaker, 1669-70

The Richelieu Wing is also home to some unmissable Dutch old master paintings, including:

  • Johannes Vermeer, The Lacemaker
  • Johannes Vermeer, The Astronomer
  • Rembrandt, Bathsheba at Her Bath.
  • Hieronymous Bosch, Ship of Fools
  • Georges de la Tour, The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds

From the Louvre’s website, you can see and get an education on The Lacemaker here , Bathsheba here , Ship of Fools here , and The Cheat here .

Sarcophagus of the Spouses, 9th to 1st centuries B.C.

If you’re a Beyonce fan, her recent music video featured pieces from the Louvre. Now, you can follow the Beyonce Louvre Trail on the Louvre website.

The Louvre is also featuring an Artwork of the Day . If you’re interested in the history of the Louvre, here’s my guide .

Tickets For The Louvre

Naturally, if you decide to visit the Louvre in person, it’s essential to p re-book a skip the line ticket . If you take your art seriously, you may want to  book a guided tour .

I hope you’ve enjoyed my guide to taking a virtual tour of the Louvre. You may enjoy these other Paris travel guides:

  • 3 day itinerary for Paris
  • 3 day art weekend in Paris
  • 5 day itinerary for Paris
  • Hidden gems in Paris
  • Guide to the Latin Quarter
  • Guide to Montmartre
  • Best museums in Paris
  • Monet guide to Paris
  • Louvre survival Tips
  • Tourist traps to skip in Paris
  • Guide to the Musee d’Orsay

If you’d like to take a virtual tour of the Louvre from home, pin it or later.

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1 thought on “How To Virtually Tour Paris’ Louvre & See Every Masterpiece”

Good day. I was wondering if you would recommend the Louvre at night . Is there a significant difference in terms of avoiding crowds, the lighting for pics and access to different wings?

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Last Updated on August 17, 2024 by Leslie Livingston

19 Virtual Museums Tours You Can Take Right Now for Free

You can go to the Louvre right now.

Mona Lisa relocated in the Louvre's Salle des Etats in Paris, France on April 06th, 2005.

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From Paris's Louvre, to The Vatican, and the MET, there are a variety of museums offering interactive virtual tours. That means you can travel from continent to continent from the comfort of your home, while perusing the finest art and artifacts in your pajamas . Not to mention, they're also a great activity to entertain your kids.

Below we detail the virtual museum tours that'll take you away on an instant adventure.

The Paris historical monument is the world's biggest museum (and home to the Mona Lisa) and is currently offering tours of four exhibits: The Advent of the Artist, Egyptian Antiquities, Remains of the Louvre's Moat, and Galerie d'Apollon.

The Guggenheim

The museum will hold its interactive family tours on select Sundays despite the fact that this New York institute is currently closed. You can also peruse selections from their 8,000-piece artwork collection.

Try the Tour Now

The National Gallery

London's National Gallery has a Google virtual tour of its Renaissance collection, the Sainsbury Wing which contains more than 270 paintings, and look at 18 other fascinating rooms.

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Washington, D.C's National Museum of Natural History provides a room-by-room virtual tour of the entire building, including the main rotunda where you're greeted by a beautiful elephant, the butterfly pavilion, and "Sea Monsters Unearthed."

Hirshhorn Museum

Enjoy relaxing nature views, with a side of art, thanks to virtual tours of the grounds' two sculpture gardens and a close look at the building's exterior.

National Portrait Gallery

In addition to its main hall, London's National Portrait Gallery includes virtual tours of art from six galleries, including the English kings of the 15th century Tudor period and pieces created during Queen Victoria's reign from 1837 to 1901.

National Museum of Asian Art

In addition to 13 online exhibits and 36,750 items in their collection available to view online, there are indoor and outdoor virtual tours of the Freer and Sackler Galleries, which make up the National Museum of Asian Art.

National Air and Space Museum

The most-visited museum in the country currently has 49 online exhibits, 1,971 items to view in its online collection, and virtual tours of the first and second floors, and its companion facility, the Udvar-Hazy Center's first and second floor at the Washington Dulles International Airport.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Located in NYC, and the biggest museum in the United States, The Metropolitan Museum of Art provides six quick videos that give 360° views of key parts of the grounds, including the great hall.

Musée d’Orsay

Displaying art from 1848 to 1914, the Parisian museum offers a free virtual walking tour and a 278-piece online collection.

The Vatican Museum

Comprised of art collected by the Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church over centuries, you can treat yourself to seven free online 360° tours, which include the famed Sistine Chapel and the Pio Clementino Museum.

Van Gogh Museum

Virtually travel to Amsterdam and view the celebrated Dutch painter's largest collection of works with the help of Google Arts and Culture.


Amsterdam's arts and history museum allows access to 14 multimedia tours if you download their app, available in the Apple Store and Google Play .

The J. Paul Getty Museum

The Los Angeles art museum has two online exhibits—Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well and Eat, Drink, and Be Merry—in addition to more than 15,000 pieces in an online collection and a virtual look at the grounds.

Georgia O’Keeffe Museum

Dedicated to the life and legacy of the renowned "Mother of American modernism," the New Mexico facility offers six online exhibits.

T hyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Spain's premiere art gallery offers "immersive virtual tours" for those with access to smart phones and virtual reality glasses, in addition to tours of their extensive permanent collection and 10 temporary exhibitions of past and present.

NASA offers a variety of interactive virtual tours through both their site and app, from a look at their flying observatory to the Hubble Space Telescope.

High Museum of Art

View the Atlanta museum's four online exhibitions, including the enlightening Photos from the Civil Rights Movement and How Iris van Herpen Transformed Fashion.

Museum of Fine Arts

The Boston gallery has 17 virtual collections, with an extensive look at 20th and 21st century designer fashion, photography, and works by African American artists.

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McKenzie Jean-Philippe is the editorial assistant at covering pop culture, TV, movies, celebrity, and lifestyle. She loves a great Oprah viral moment and all things Netflix—but come summertime, Big Brother has her heart. On a day off you'll find her curled up with a new juicy romance novel.

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You must join the virtual exhibition queue when you arrive. If capacity has been reached for the day, the queue will close early.

renaissance museum virtual tour

The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism Virtual Premiere

Also streaming on  Facebook  and  YouTube .

Join Dr. Denise M. Murrell , Merryl H. and James S. Tisch Curator at Large  in The Met’s Director's Office, for a virtual tour of the groundbreaking exhibition The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism . Through some 160 works of painting, sculpture, photography, film, and ephemera, it will explore the comprehensive and far-reaching ways in which Black artists portrayed everyday modern life in the new Black cities that took shape in the 1920s–40s in New York City’s Harlem and nationwide in the early decades of the Great Migration when millions of African Americans began to move away from the segregated rural South. The first art museum survey of the subject in New York City since 1987, the exhibition will establish the Harlem Renaissance and its radically new development of the modern Black subject as central to the development of international modern art. The exhibition is made possible by the Ford Foundation, the Barrie A. and Deedee Wigmore Foundation, and Denise Littlefield Sobel.

Ford Foundation logo

Corporate sponsorship is provided by Bank of America. 

Bank of America logo

Additional support is provided by the Enterprise Holdings Endowment, the Terra Foundation for American Art, the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund, the Aaron I. Fleischman and Lin Lougheed Fund, and The International Council of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The catalogue is made possible by the Mellon Foundation. Additional support is provided by Denise Littlefield Sobel and Robert E. Holmes. 

Questions? Contact us by  email  or by phone at 212-570-3755.

Your support means more now than ever! A gift to The Metropolitan Museum of Art helps sustain the Museum's extraordinary level of programming, conservation, and research, enabling millions of visitors to experience the power of art.

Want to do more? Join as a Member of The Met to receive access to exclusive content and events. Marquee: William H. Johnson (American, 1901–1970). Woman in Blue , c. 1943. Oil on burlap, 35 x 27 in. (88.9 x 68.6 cm). Clark Atlanta University Art Museum, Permanent Loan from the National Collection of Fine Art, 1969.013

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The J. Paul Getty Museum

Los Angeles, United States

The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center features works of art dating from the eighth through the twenty-first century, showcased against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views of Los Angeles. The collection includes European paintings, drawings, sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, decorative arts, and European, Asian, and American photographs.

The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa in Malibu features Greek, Roman, and Etruscan antiquities presented in a setting modeled after a first-century Roman country house, the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, Italy.

Get information about visiting the Getty Center and the Getty Villa at

The Collection

  • Edgar Degas 58
  • Peter Paul Rubens 24
  • Rembrandt 22
  • Francisco Goya 10
  • Lewis Carroll 9
  • Vincent van Gogh 6
  • Claude Monet 6
  • Édouard Manet 6
  • Paul Cézanne 5
  • Leonardo da Vinci 4
  • Victor Hugo 3
  • Paul Gauguin 3
  • Pierre-Auguste Renoir 3
  • Albrecht Dürer 3
  • Gustav Klimt 2
  • Charles Darwin 1
  • Theodore Roosevelt 1
  • Edvard Munch 1
  • Metal 16213
  • Silver 8499
  • Photograph 3996
  • Drawing 1185
  • Textile 238
  • Ceramic 151
  • Renaissance 859
  • Baroque 439
  • Modern art 139
  • Romanticism 137
  • Italian Renaissance 109
  • Impressionism 84
  • Neoclassicism 62
  • Classicism 25
  • Post-Impressionism 24
  • Symbolism 16
  • Modernism 10
  • Art Nouveau 8
  • Abstract expressionism 5
  • Aestheticism 4
  • Constructivism 2
  • Contemporary art 1
  • Expressionism 1
  • Arts and Crafts movement 1
  • American Civil War 40
  • 2nd millennium 37
  • Marriage 27
  • Franco-Prussian War 14
  • Indian Rebellion of 1857 10
  • Trojan War 5
  • Indian independence movement 5
  • Victorian era 2
  • Crimean War 2
  • Watergate scandal 2
  • American Indian Wars 2
  • Opium Wars 2
  • Battle of Gettysburg 2
  • Video game 1
  • September 11 attacks 1
  • French Revolution 1
  • Driving under the influence 1
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor 1
  • Spanish–American War 1
  • United States 9260
  • United Kingdom 6568
  • France 2057
  • New York 440
  • Germany 306
  • Australia 94
  • Indonesia 9

United States

United Kingdom

Online Exhibit

Play and Games in Ancient Greece

The ancient Greeks and Romans used games to stave off boredom, have fun, and sometimes engage in intense competition.

Read the story

Joseph: A Celebrated Haitian Model in 19th-Century Paris

Let’s explore the life of a Haitian immigrant to Paris, muse to renowned painter Théodore Géricault, and one of the most famous Black models of the era.

Irises at the Getty

Named after the mythical Greek goddess of the rainbow, the colorful iris is grown worldwide and has captured the eye of artists for many centuries.

Taking a Moment

Meet the 16 talented teen photographers from across Los Angeles who participated in a two-month workshop at the Getty Center through Getty Unshuttered, a teen photography program.

Recent Acquisitions 2023: Collecting for the J. Paul Getty Museum

Each year the J. Paul Getty Museum adds to its holdings of European art from antiquity to 1900, and of international photography up to the present day.

Virtual visits

Virtual Tour

Stay in touch

Follow The J. Paul Getty Museum on Google Arts & Culture for updates to the collection, new stories and upcoming events.

The J. Paul Getty Museum's website

What's on

The Book of Marvels: Wonder and Fear in the Middle Ages

Jun 11, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024

On Thin Ice: Dutch Depictions of Extreme Weather

May 28, 2024 - Sep 1, 2024

Untold Stories of a Monumental Pastel

Oct 3, 2023 - Oct 20, 2024

  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM


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  1. Virtual tours Enjoy the Louvre at home! Online tours

    The Advent of the Artist. For its 5th edition, the Petite Galerie takes a closer look at the transition from the typically anonymous craftsman of the classical period to the artist of the Renaissance, featuring works by Delacroix, Rembrandt, Tintoret and more. Launch virtual tour.

  2. Virtual Tour of Uffizi Gallery Florence Lets You Explore the Museum Online

    Virtual Tour of Florence's Famed Uffizi Gallery Lets You Explore the Museum Online. Today, an increasing number of cultural institutions across the globe are finding new ways to digitally attract and educate audiences. From 3D scans of sculptures to free art books, many arts organizations now provide free online resources to the public.

  3. Google virtual tour

    Take a tour of Renaissance masterpieces from Northern Italy, Netherlands, and Germany, including works by Titian, Veronese, and Holbein. ... Google virtual tour; Google virtual tour. Enjoy panoramic views of the Gallery in 360° - in collaboration with Google Street View.

  4. Virtual tour at Uffizi Gallery :: Virtual Uffizi

    Uffizi Gallery virtual tour and other information explore the Uffizi discover artists, artworks and itineraries of the most famous museum in the world! ... Virtual Tour Take a Virtual Tour of the Museum. Read more . The Artworks The Artworks that made the History. Read more . ... The Japanese Renaissance in an exhibition at ... Luca Giordano ...

  5. Tour: Renaissance Masterpieces

    Tour: Renaissance masterpieces. This self-guided short tour will take you on a journey from Italy to Northern Europe and showcases five examples of early and High Renaissance art by masters such as Leonardo, Raphael and Titian. Renaissance, a French term which has come to describe the 'rebirth' of interest in classical art and learning, above ...

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    We recommend to start your virtual tour from these unmissable museums: 1. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Tuscany Hypervisions The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, has created a virtual tour project: a 360 ° tour through the rooms of the museum to admire its masterpieces including the collection of the most precious works by Botticelli and Raphael.

  7. Take a Virtual Tour of The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the World-Famous

    Take a 3D Vir­tu­al Tour of the Sis­tine Chapel, St. Peter's Basil­i­ca and Oth­er Art-Adorned Vat­i­can Spaces. Take a Vir­tu­al Tour of Hierony­mus Bosch's Bewil­der­ing Mas­ter­piece The Gar­den of Earth­ly Delights. Walk Inside a Sur­re­al­ist Sal­vador Dalí Paint­ing with This 360º Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty Video

  8. Renaissance Florence Virtual Tour

    If you really want to get to know Florence, then you must retrace its art and history. Take a trip back in time on our virtual tour that focuses on the Renaissance and hear from our local guide, stories, unknown details, and insights that you can't usually find in a history book. Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 02.00 pm - 03.00 pm EDT (New ...

  9. Borghese Gallery Virtual Tour: the Most Beautiful Art Gallery in the World

    Explore the incredible Borghese Gallery, a unique gem, filled up with masterpieces in the heart of Rome and some of the finest Renaissance-era artwork in the world!. Discover the splendours of the Roman Baroque with our immersive virtual experience of the Borghese Gallery. The museum is a treasure trove of art: Caravaggio, Raphael, Titian, Correggio, Bernini and Canova are among the artists ...

  10. Virtual tours

    Tours. Our virtual tours allow you to step inside the Gallery and explore one of the greatest collections of paintings, from the comfort of your home. Experience the Gallery in virtual reality through your desktop, phone or VR headset.

  11. Virtual Tour of Florence

    Uffizi Gallery. Our final stop on this Florence virtual tour is the Uffizi Gallery, home to an astonishing collection of sculptures and paintings. The building was constructed by Giorgio Vasari from 1560 - 1580 to house the offices of the Florentine magistrates, with the top floor reserved for the display of artworks.

  12. The Great Masters of Early Renaissance Virtual Tour

    The Early Renaissance time period was the start of a cultural rebirth in Italy.Join our special virtual tour and get ready for a journey into beauty and history. We will explore some of the most important artists of this time: from Piero della Francesca to the young Raphael you will be led by an art and history passionate guide discovering some of the major masterpieces in the history of art.

  13. 31 free 360 virtual tour of the best art museums in the world

    The museum of art of Sao Paulo - Brazil. The Museu de Arte de São Paulo is a private, nonprofit museum founded by Brazilian businessman Assis Chateaubriand, in 1947, as Brazil's first modern museum. The online art exhibits , created in collaboration with Google Art and Culture, is a tribute to Italian, French, and Brazilian painters most ...

  14. 50 World-Class Museums You Can Visit Online for Free

    20. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. US. Washington D.C.'s Museum of Natural History is one of the most visited museums in the world. You can inspect some of its wonderful treasures with an online virtual tour of the entire grounds.

  15. How To Virtually Tour of Paris' Louvre & See Every Masterpiece

    You can take a virtual 360 tour of the Grand Gallery, which houses much of the Louvre's Italian art.. If you're a Mona Lisa fan, the Louvre is offering the museum's first virtual reality experience, which brings to life the story of the enigmatic portrait.You can also take a virtual tour of the Mona Lisa here, with Smarthistory, an artsy YouTube channel.

  16. Renaissance Art

    We will offer a selection of in-person and virtual field trips (using Zoom) for fall 2024. Request for fall field trips (September 30 - December 6, 2024) will be accepted from August 1 - November 1, 2024. ... Connecting new ideas discussed on the tour to prior knowledge of Renaissance art and culture. In-Person Tour Information. Group Size ...

  17. 19 Best Virtual Museums Tours

    London's National Gallery has a Google virtual tour of its Renaissance collection, the Sainsbury Wing which contains more than 270 paintings, and look at 18 other fascinating rooms. ... Displaying art from 1848 to 1914, the Parisian museum offers a free virtual walking tour and a 278-piece online collection. Try the Tour Now.

  18. The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism

    Free with Museum admission. All exhibitions. ... for a virtual tour of the groundbreaking exhibition The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism. The Met Fifth Avenue. 1000 Fifth Avenue. New York, NY 10028. Phone: 212-535-7710. The Met Cloisters.

  19. The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism Virtual Premiere

    Oil on burlap, 35 x 27 in. (88.9 x 68.6 cm). Clark Atlanta University Art Museum, Permanent Loan from the National Collection of Fine Art, 1969.013. A virtual celebration of The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism featuring a tour with Dr. Denise M. Murrell, Merryl H. and James S. Tisch Curator at Large, in The Met's Director's Office.

  20. The J. Paul Getty Museum

    Renaissance 859; Baroque 439; Modern art 139; Romanticism 137; Rococo 124; Italian Renaissance 109; Impressionism 84; Neoclassicism 62; Realism 37; Classicism 25; ... Virtual Tour. The J. Paul Getty Museum. Explore. Stay in touch. Follow The J. Paul Getty Museum on Google Arts & Culture for updates to the collection, new stories and upcoming ...

  21. Virtual Curator-led tour of Fighters for Freedom

    Virtual Curator-led tour of Fighters for Freedom. January 21, 2022 @ 12:00 AM. Virtual Program. BUY TICKETS. Registration Closed Join Virginia Mecklenburg, Curator with the Smithsonian American Art Museum, for this virtual tour and introduction of our newest exhibition Fighters for Freedom: William H. Johnson Picturing Justice. Free, but ...

  22. Nice but not informative

    Voronezh Regional Literary Museum of Nikitin: Nice but not informative - See 13 traveler reviews, 29 candid photos, and great deals for Voronezh, Russia, at Tripadvisor.

  23. THE 5 BEST Voronezh History Museums (Updated 2024)

    Top Voronezh History Museums: See reviews and photos of History Museums in Voronezh, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  24. Interactive Museum BIM

    Interactive Museum BEEM about Voronezh for adult and children. Gift shop, information center, Free Wi-fi. Duration: < 1 hour. Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. All photos (8) The area. Revolyutsii Ave., 48, Voronezh 394000 Russia. Reach out directly.

  25. 26 Best Things To Do In Voronezh, Russia

    4. Tour the lovely Annunciation Cathedral. Posted by Russian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation on Saturday, 3 September 2016. Your tour of Voronezh should lead you to The Annunciation Cathedral. This cathedral is known to be one of the tallest Eastern Orthodox churches in the world and is a spectacle to behold.