camp leaders, camp leaders polska, work and travel, camp usa

Wakacje w Stanach to wspaniała przygoda i wyjątkowe wspomnienia. Spełniaj marzenia, podróżuj, rozwijaj się i ciesz benefitami wymiany kulturowej! Dzięki naszym programom poznasz rówieśników z całego świata, zdobędziesz cenne doświadczenie, odwiedzisz największe atrakcje i poprawisz swój angielski! Work & Travel umożliwi Ci wyjazd do USA, zapewni kieszonkowe oraz możliwość podróżowania po zakończonym kontrakcie!

Poznaj Amerykę w sposób, który nie jest dostępny zwykłemu turyście!

work and travel usa poland

Rejestracja 👉 Informacje 👉 Rozmowa 👉 Umowa 👉 Uzupełnienie aplikacji 👉 Znalezienie campu 👉 Rozmowa wizowa 👉 Szkolenie przedwyjazdowe 👉 Lot 👉 CAMP w USA 🇺🇸

Weź udział w spotkaniu online , a następnie zarezerwuj czas na krótką rozmowę po angielsku, po udanej rozmowie podpisz elektronicznie umowę z najkorzystniejszymi warunkami programu. Cały proces od rejestracji do znalezienia campu odbywa się online!

Wybierz rolę opiekuna kolonijnego lub dołącz do zespołu obsługi technicznej. Zapoznaj się z warunkami związanymi z tymi stanowiskami.

work and travel usa poland

Wyjazd do Stanów może być prosty i przystępny cenowo. Wymiana kulturowa to jednak znacznie więcej! Przyjaźnie z rówieśnikami z całego świata, lepszy angielski, rozwój osobisty, większa pewność siebie, cenne doświadczenie zawodowe i wspaniałe podróże!

Work and Travel to najpopularniejszy program umożliwiający legalny pobyt w USA. Co roku, na wyjazd do Stanów z Camp Leaders decydują się tysiące uczestników. Bezpieczeństwo, doświadczenie, łatwość aplikacji i niezliczona ilość pozytywnych recenzji czynią nas ekspertami w branży - z nami nie musisz się o nic martwić!

Otworzenie aplikacji na Camp Leaders do niczego Cię nie zobowiązuje.

Po zalogowaniu do profilu znajdziesz krótkie filmiki informacyjne. Poznasz warunki udziału w programie, jak wygląda camp w USA i dowiesz się, dlaczego warto wyjechać.

Znajdziesz również aktualne linki na otwarte spotkania online. Organizujemy je co tydzień dla wszystkich zainteresowanych wyjazdem do USA na wakacje.

work and travel usa poland

Work And Travel

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Work and Travel USA 2025

Choose your American summer dream job. Check out our current Work and Travel USA 2025 job list. We will open the positions and add new ones during autumn 2024!

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Work and Travel in Poland

Help us grow. share what you know about getting work in poland for travellers., volunteer and paid work opportunities in poland for travellers.

Do you want to make your European backpacking trip that little bit more memorable? Then think about work and travel in Poland. There are more volunteering opportunities in Poland than ever before. With great food, interesting people, and a colourful history this is the place to come if you want to see a different side of Europe. From little villages to sprawling cities, Poland has everything you could ever want on a Eurotrip Let’s take a look at the volunteering projects the travel guides for Poland won’t tell you about. 1. Teach English in the Karkonosze Mountains Teaching English in Poland has become something of a staple of volunteering in this part of the world. Organisations have sprung up throughout the country. One of the most exciting venues for teaching English in Poland is in the Karkonosze Mountains. In the south-west of the country, you’ll go away for one or two weeks to a resort high in the mountains. You’ll be teaching children how to speak English. There’s no need for any formal qualifications just as long as you’re a native English speaker. And there are lots of venues all over the country you can do this in. 2. Work in Hostels in Poland Poland is now officially on the main backpacking trail in Europe. That’s led to hostels both rural and urban popping up. Due to its position in Europe, there’s potential for picking up hostel jobs at any time of the year. Most of these jobs aren’t too strenuous and only require a few hours a day of your time to complete basic tasks. They’ll always offer free accommodation and some of them may even offer cooked meals. It’s a great way to extend your stay as you travel in Poland. 3. Farming in the Polish Countryside Rural communities often struggle to recruit workers during their busy periods because people are all moving into the major cities. That’s why some farmers have started taking in people who want to work in Poland. As you work and travel in Poland you can move through various farms and ranches. You could be looking after horses or just helping out with the harvest. Sometimes you may be helping with construction projects. It all depends on your skills. This is an excellent way to get a taste of the real Poland!


Poland is part of the Schengen area, which gives all EU citizens the right to work and travel in Poland for as long as they like. You don’t need to fill in any paperwork and there won’t even be a border check as you cross into the country. Prior to Brexit occurring in 2019, this also applies to UK citizens. Citizens of the United States and Canada must get a Schengen visa on arrival, which entitles them to 90 days in the entire Schengen zone. But this doesn’t give them the right to take on paid work in Poland. The same principle applies to citizens of New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. South African citizens and people from Russia must apply for a formal Schengen visa at an embassy. Again, this doesn’t entitle the person to work in the Schengen zone.


Spring work.

Spring time in Poland can still be extremely cold, but temperatures quickly begin to rise. The spring time is a fantastic time to start working in the rural areas as this is when farmers tend to be extremely busy. They often need extra hands to help them out. You should apply for this sort of work in winter so as to be sure of a place. However, farmers are often in such desperate need of volunteers that you can apply at short notice and find work.


Summer time in Poland is when temperatures are high and there’s a big rush of tourists coming into the country. This is when English teaching programmes are at their most active. You can apply to these just a few weeks in advance and be almost certain of a place on your desired programme. It’s also a good time to head to big cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, and Wroclaw to find work in hostels. They tend to have a big need for volunteers at this time of year.

The only real seasonal work in autumn is within farming communities. The reason for this is that autumn is the harvest season. Farmers often need help harvesting their crops that they’ve been growing for the whole year thus far. You may also be asked to help look after the animals as they prepare to put them inside for the winter season. Other than that, there are no real seasonal skills needed in Poland throughout this season.

Winter in Poland brings a lot of snow and bitterly cold temperatures. If you can brave them, you should take a look into ski resorts and other winter camps for kids. The main ski resorts tend to be in the southern, more mountainous areas. Many winter camps for kids are also present here. There’s even a trend of combining English teaching camps with winter sports. So throughout the day you might be teaching English and showing the children how to ski at the same time. It’s even possible to find paid work on the ski slopes, if you have all your papers in order.


Poland has become an integral part of the European community in the past few years. It has opened its doors and a lot of foreigners now live in the urban area. For most people, they’re not going to experience any problems with the locals as they work and travel in Poland. However, Poland does have a difficult problem with racism. There are few people of colour within the country and it’s rare for most Poles to ever see a person who isn’t white. That can bring outright hostility in many areas of Poland if you do happen to be a person of colour. You should be aware of that before you start to work in Poland as other travellers of colour have experienced problems in the past. Do you want to work and travel in Poland?

Recent Contributors

  • Edited on May 19 2021 by
  • Edited on May 22 2018 by
  • Edited on Jan 16 2018 by Yara

If you have worked in Poland or live here. Instead of saying `That information is not right` Please sign up to Working Traveller by clicking here and update this page with your opinions on the subject and your views on what the barter points should be. If your a host, you will have a SEO link added to the page directly to your own web site so viewers can see who provided the information. If you are a traveller it will link to your profile.


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Work and travel the world using your skills to gain work experience and references for a good job back home

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The West Choice –  Work & Travel USA


Work and Travel is an edcultural exchane program addressed to students from all over the world.The main goal of it is to learn about American culture and traditions, as well as improve language skills. Participants of the program also have an opportunity to work. This is the most important difference between Work and Travel and other educational programs. Each year about ten thousand polish students go to the USA with Work and Travel. This makes the program the most popular in Poland.

“Work and Travel changed my life completely. It enabled me to expand my horizons and to meet people from all over the world. My biggest wish came true and I saw The Grand Canyon in Colorado” – says one of the participants of the program.

With Work and Travel each participant can spend up to 4 months in the USA working legally, visiting the most interesting places in the country and fulfilling their AMERICAN DREAM.

To organize the program, The West Choice cooperates with the American organization Greenheart Exchange – this is an American sponsor of the program. Designated by the US Department of State, Greenheart issues students the DS2019 document which is a prerequisite for obtaining a J1 visa allowing legal employment in the US.

You can find more details about Greenheart Exchange on their website:


  • be at least 18 years old
  • have a status of a full-time student (students on dean’s leave are not eligible for the program),
  • communicate in English fluently,
  • submit the relevant documents and pay the fees within the prescribed time.

If you meet all the requirements above – You are eligible to participate in the program and spend next summer visiting America. Simple, right?

When you participate with the Work and Travel program, you are guaranteed a job placement in the tourism and catering sector.  That means you can work as a waiter, barista, a person helping to keep order in a hotel (housekeeping). Many participants also have a chance to work in an American amusement park, to operate some of the fastest and largest rollercoasters in the world.

Can you swim and water is almost your natural environment? You can work as a lifeguard at a  swimming pool or at the water rides in the amusement parks .

It’s your choice!

  • certificate from the university that will confirm your student status
  • passport (valid until at least May 2023)
  • application card, contract, and application – we will make it available to you at the office
  • visa / ID / passport photo
  • for foreigners studying in Poland: additionally, we need a copy of your visa or residence card (the document should be valid at least until the end of September 2023).

When you come in to sign the contract, we will let you know when to you will need to provide the above documents.

We provide:

  • a job offer from an American employer
  • full medical insurance in accordance with the requirements of the US Department of State
  • access to the employers’ database as well as participation in the Job Fair with employers from the USA
  • English language interview
  • document DS2019 that leads to a visa (it allows you to apply for a J1 visa and legally work in the US)
  • obligatory entry into the SEVIS system
  • assistance with the visa procedure.

We will give you all the tips you need to complete the visa application! Including:

  • Submitting your application to the Embassy
  • Arranging a conversation with the consul
  • Helping you prepare for the visa interview and;
  • We will personally accompany to the Embassy on the day of your appointment!
  • Help and Care from Greenheart Exchange in the USA
  • Pre-departure training


  • Transfer from the US airport to your American place of work
  • Cost of accommodation and meals in the USA (unless the contract with the employer guarantees otherwise)
  • Pocket money, which you should have with you when flying to the USA (according to legal requirements, minimum 1000 USD).

Application procedure

  • Contact our office, select an offer, pass the English test
  • Sign the contract and pay the application fee.
  • Deliver the required documents to the office. Complete the online application. Check the expiration date of your passport.
  • Pay the program fee – must be in dollars to the account specified in the contract.
  • Mandatory Attendance at the Job Fair – employers from the USA come to Poland, and we organize your meeting in Lublin. The fair is a chance to get to know your employer personally before you leave for the US. We will inform you about the place and time in advance.
  • Signing the contract with an employer.
  • Submission of visa documents at the office.
  • Purchase of an plane ticket. If you want to go with your friends – it’s not a problem. Plan your journey well. This will help you to avoid additional costs connected with a possible change of a plane ticket.
  • Pre-departure training – we will inform you about the exact time of training in advance.

The most important thing during the entire application process is that you regularly check your e-mail. We will pass most of the information to you this way.

Business Travel Group


Problem z wyborem, profesjonalny doradca.

726 020 050 [email protected]

Poznaj charakterystykę ofert pracy i aktualne oferty Work and Travel USA 2024!

Sprawdź i skorzystaj z możliwości jakie oferuje program:

  • Podejmij legalną wakacyjną pracę w USA aż do 4 miesięcy (między 25.05 – 30.09). Oferty Work and Travel niewątpliwie znajdują się w popularnych i ciekawych ośrodkach turystycznych w USA!
  • Zwiedzanie najciekawszych zakątków Ameryki, do których z pewnością należą Nowy Jork, Miami, Los Angeles, Wielki Kanion, parki narodowe, Bahamy i wiele innych!
  • Najskuteczniejszy sposób na udoskonalenie znajomości języka angielskiego!
  • Wysokie zarobki pokrywające koszty programu, pozwalające na zwiedzanie oraz liczne wydatki!
  • Nowe przyjaźnie z ciekawymi ludźmi z całego świata, które pozostaną z Wami na zawsze!
  • Niezapomniane przeżycia, bezcenne doświadczenia, przygody i wspomnienia na długie lata!

Brak ofert.

Brak miejsc

Far land provisions.

Provincetown, Massachusetts

5.25 - 6.23 to 9.09 - 30

Terra Nova Cabins

West Yellowstone, Montana

5.25 - 6.15 to 9.15 - 30

Convenience Store Clerk

Harris Teeter Outer Banks

Kitty Hawk (Outer Banks) North Carolina

5.25 - 6.30 to 9.20 - 30

Glocery Clerk


United States

5.25 - 7.10 to 9.05 - 30 (depends on Employer)

Ride Operator, Lifeguard, Food Service Ass. Retail Ass. and more....

Adirondack Hotel On Long Lake

Long Lake, New York

5.25 - 6.26 to 9.20 - 30

Resort Worker

Alaska Collection Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge

Talkeetna, Alaska

5.25 - 6.15 to 9.10 - 30

Laundry/Room Attendant

Aquatica Water Park

Orlando, Florida

6.04 - 25 to 9.05 - 30

Food & Beverage Service Ambassador, Guest Arrival Ambassador

Aramark Pikes Peak

Colorado Springs, Colorado

5.25 - 6.05 to 9.15 - 30

Food Prep Worker, Cashier, General Utility Worker

Aramark Sports and Ent Minute Maid Park

Houston, Texas

5.25 - 6.24 to 9.05 - 30

Stand Worker, Runner, Server

Aramark Yosemite National Park

Yosemite, California

6.06 - 29 to 9.04 - 27

Dishwasher, Restaurant Cashier, Cook's Helper

Bailey’s Beach Club

Newport, Rhode Island

5.25 - 6.15 to 9.15 - 25

Kitchen Prep

Carowinds a Cedar Fair Park

Charlotte, North Carolina

5.25 - 6.24 to 9.05 - 08 (min. 10 weeks)

Casino Pier

Seaside Heights, NJ (1.5h from NYC!)

5.25 - 6.28 to 9.03 - 30

Game Attendant, Lifeguard

Cedar Point

Sandusky, Ohio (on Lake Erie shore)

5.25 - 7.15 to 8.02 - 9.30 (min. 10 weeks)

Housekeeper, Traffic Attnd, Park Service Attnd

Eddies Cafe and Gifts

West Glacier, Montana

5.25 - 6.27 to 9.01 - 30

Host/Barista, Retail and Ice Cream, Housekeeping, Dishwasher/Busser/Prep Cook

Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park, Montana, 4 different locations/resorts

5.25-6.27 to 9.07-20, depends on location/position

Dining Room Attnd., Laundry Attnd, Prep Cook, Barista

Gozzer Ranch 

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (only 50 miles away from Spokane (from there Seattle and Portland are only a 1hr flight away)

6.05 - 25 to 9.15 - 30

Server/Bartender, Server Assistant/Busser

Grand Teton

Grand Teton National Park, 36 miles north of Jackson, WY

6.01 - 30 to 9.01-30 (min. 3 months!)

Laundromat Att, Housekeeping, Host,

Interlochen Center for the Arts

Interlochen, Michigan, 15 minutes away from Traverse City

5.25 - 6.30 to 9.03 - 30

Dining Services Attendant, Housekeeper/Cleaning Attendant

Jenkinson’s Boardwalk

Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey (only 50 miles away from NYC!)

6.01 - 26 to 9.06 - 30

Food and Beverage, Ride Operator

Kings Island

Mason, OH (22 miles from Cincinnati)

5.25 - 7.15 to 8.02-9.30 (min 10 weeks)

F&B Associate, Lifequard

Luna Park Amusements

Brooklyn, New York City (by the beach!!)

5.25 - 6.30 to 9.01 - 30

Ride Operators

Morey’s Piers

Wildwood, NJ, close to NYC and DC

6.01 - 20 to 9.03-30 (min. 12 weeks)

Motel Long Lake and Cottages

6.16 - 23 to 9.20 - 30

Piezanos Pizza South

Ocean City, Maryland

6.01 - 15 to 9.01 - 30

Santa Cruz Seaside Company

Santa Cruz, California; 1.5 hours from San Francisco

5.25 - 6.24 to 9.02 - 30

Boardwalk Guest Services

Food & Beverage Service Ambassador, Guest Arrival Ambassador, Sales Ambassador

Sun Valley Resort

Sun Valley, Idaho

6.01-15 to 9.07-30

Food Service Associate, Customer Service and more...

The Woo Hoo

Beach Haven, New Jersey, close distance to Philadelphia and New York City

5.25 - 6.06 to 9.15 - 30

Team Member

Twin Orchard Country Club

Long Grove, Illinois (approx. 30 miles northwest of Chicago)

5.25-6.15 to 8.31-9.07

Server/Banquet Server

Yellowstone Xanterra

Wyoming State

5.28 - 6.25 to 9.05 - 30 (min. 10 weeks)

Hospitality Crew, Server Assistant, Gift Shop Worker

Xanterra Rocky Mountain NP

Estes Park, Colorado

6.06 - 30 to 9.15 - 30 (min 10 weeks)

resort worker

Vacasa Bethany Beach

Bethany Beach, Delaware (2 locations)

5.25 - 6.05 to 9.01 - 30

Linen Specialist, Lifeguards, Beach Concession

Vail/Beaver Creek , Colorado

5.25-0.15 to 9.15-30

Sales Associate

Valleyfair a Cedar Fair Park

Shakopee, MN (only 30 min from Minneapolis!)

5.25 - 6.24 to 9.05 - 30 (min. 10 weeks)

Aramark South Lake Powell

Page, Arizona

5.25 - 6.30 to 8.05 - 9.30 (12 weeks, Thursday - job start day)

Guest Services Worker, Cashier F&B, Cleaning Services Worker and more....

Atlantic Sands Hotel

Rehoboth Beach, DE, 45 min. from Ocean City, 2h from Philadelphia,  2,5h from Washington DC, Atlantic City

5.25 - 6.01 to 9.15 - 30


Broadway Grand Prix

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

5.25 - 6.20 to 9.04 - 30 (14 weeks)

Park Service, Ride Attend

Cape Hatteras Resort

Rodanthe, NC, only 2 hours away from Virginia Beach, VA, 5 hours from Washington, DC, 6 hours from Charlotte, NC

5.25 - 6.15 to 9.08 - 30

Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach

6.15 - 20 to 9.10 - 30

Exit Glacier Lodge and Salmon Bake

Seward, Alaska

5.25 - 6.15 to 8.25 - 9.12

Server, Housekeeper, Hostess/Host

Forno Bistro Restaurant

Saratoga Springs, NY (just 3h from NYC and the Canadian border)

6.25 - 30 to 9.15 - 30

Line Cook, Busser, Dishawsher

Forty One North

Newport. Rhode Island

5.25 - 6.30 to 9.06 - 25 (13 weeks)

Host, Food Runner, Busser, Barback, Guest Services

Gateway Canyons

50 miles from Grand Junction

5.25 - 6.20 to 9.01 - 30, min. 15 weeks

HAP Denali McKinley Chalet Resort

Denali National Park, Alaska

5.25 - 7.15 to 8.30 - 9.25

Room Attendant, Prep Cook

Shaver Lake, California

5.25 - 6.15 to 9.01 - 15

Kitchen staff, Cashier, Cook, Ice Cream, Shake Prep

Huntington Lake Resort Marina

Lakeshore, California

5.25 - 6.05 to 9.07-15

Restaurant Kitchen Staff, Housekeeper

HAP Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge

5.25 - 6.15 to 8.30 - 9.24

Room Attendant

Mackinaw Hotel Management

Mackinaw City, Michigan (many locations)

6.01 - 7.15 to 9.07 - 30 (depends on location)

Server, housekeeper

Myrtle Waves

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (beach town resort)

5.25 - 6.20 to 9.04 - 30

Old Forge Calypso’s Cove

Old Forge, New York (New York City over 50 miles away)

6.12-14 to 9.05

Calypso's Cove Arcade Attendant/Ride Operator

Old Forge Camping Resort

5.25-14 to 9.5-28

Grounds Crew Team Member

Old Forge Enchanted Water Park

6.12-14 to 9.05, 12 weeks

Food Service, Water Ride Operator

Stop and Shop Supermarket

Narragansett, Rhode Island

6.10 to 9.15 - 25

Grocery Store Clerk

The Reeds at Shelter Haven

Stone Harbor, NJ

5.25 - 6.25 to 9.05 - 30

Cook Assistant, Host/Hostess, Busser, Room Attnd. Bar Back

Wild Dunes Resort

Isle of Palms, South Carolina (Charleston , South Carolina , Less than 25 miles away)

5.25 - 6.01 to 9.10 - 30 (13 weeks)

Culinary Cook, Host

Vail Resorts Mount Snow Resort

West Dover, Vermont

6.05 - 7.03 to 8.28 - 9.03

Front of House, Back of House

Vail Resorts Crested Butte

Crested Butte, Colorado

5.25 - 7.05 to 8.31 - 9.30

Vail Resorts

Vail, Colorado, only 50 miles away from Denver

5.25 - 6.30 to 8.31 - 9.30

F&B Support, F&B Support front of house

Vail Resorts Heavenly Resort

South Lake Tahoe, California (beautiful lake location!)

Smoothie Hut

5.25 to 9.15 - 25

Food Service/Cashier

Work & Travel USA

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work and travel usa poland

Work and Travel USA 2023

  • SALARY 12$/hour+%
  • SC, North Myrtle Beach
  • SALARY from 10$/hour
  • SC, Myrtle beach
  • SALARY from 700$/per week
  • SC, Surfside beach
  • FAQ interviews, program fees
  • Job job search, second job, salary
  • Documents Visa, flight tickets, job offer
  • Life in USA Cash, first steps, transport, communication
  • To parents Program benefit, support, insurance

Lorem ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel magnam atque non, ratione rem quasi sint assumenda ipsum tenetur, error fuga inventore! Consectetur ullam, ratione at ad optio atque illo aliquam quaerat deleniti cumque hic dolores, accusantium sapiente ex qui. Nulla alias debitis distinctio aspernatur saepe fugiat illum facere nisi quas, velit ea voluptatibus molestias eaque iste deleniti officiis, recusandae laudantium repellendus commodi temporibus dolorum ipsum. Modi maiores hic dolore quaerat nam ullam rerum similique, optio, facere earum officiis officia quibusdam odio deleniti minima dignissimos architecto ratione atque minus laborum pariatur enim! Sequi nesciunt, ad ab voluptas ipsam placeat cumque.

Lorem ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur consectetur nesciunt velit officiis quos nostrum cupiditate voluptatum, perferendis molestiae, similique totam amet laudantium in ex commodi reiciendis id vitae eligendi iure praesentium. Distinctio tenetur illum quas enim ullam eaque nihil earum sed tempore, necessitatibus, corporis, omnis est commodi quae voluptatem. Qui cumque tenetur eum quae vero, voluptate sequi fugit, minus iure placeat minima est impedit doloremque, sunt repudiandae obcaecati incidunt! Tempora adipisci minima ducimus deserunt ipsam molestiae nobis, obcaecati aliquam at voluptate hic repellat blanditiis ipsum, voluptas! Libero minus alias ipsa delectus dolore eveniet, maiores, nemo, iste dignissimos atque doloremque!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae accusamus ipsam explicabo, ad dignissimos tempora beatae eligendi temporibus, esse, magnam expedita reiciendis enim sunt assumenda voluptate cum! Laborum, dolor soluta nobis voluptate hic voluptas vero error natus iure. Suscipit esse hic, est? Vero error, rem eaque quaerat qui mollitia obcaecati.

Zapytaj nas o ofertę

Podaj swój adres e-mail. W odpowiedzi wyślemy profil pracodawcy.

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w związku z realizacją zgłoszenia przez THE BEST WAY s.c. Adrianna Kita, Anna Przybyła, ul. Zeylanda 4/2, 60-808 Poznań, NIP 7781453816, która jest administratorem danych osobowych. Zapoznałem się z informacjami zawartymi w Polityce prywatności

Oferty Work and Travel USA

Zakończyliśmy zapisy na edycję W&T 2024 Poniżej PRZYKŁADOWE oferty, jakie były dostępne.

U poniższych pracodawców BRAK MIEJSC

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 30/06 end date: 10/09 – 30/09

stawka: 6$/h+tips lub 13$/h w zależności od stanowiska

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 79.95 $/week

stanowiska: Barrista, Busser, Cashier, Host, Kitchen Helper,

  • Pracodawca oferuje zatrudnienie w kilku obiektach: -Dixie Saloon -Nonna Lisas Italian Restaurant – Starbucks – The Historic Depot – Toast a Go Go – Wienerlicious
  • Mackinaw City is a small town, but a busy tourist destination during the summer months. We are a lake front community – sitting right at the Straits of Mackinac where 2 of Michigan’s Great Lakes meet.
  • Mackinaw City has events happening every weekend throughout the summer from parades to car shows and live music and festivals.
  • If you are looking for an experienced employer who understand the exchange visitor program, than this is the place!
  • We are proud to participate in the Exchange Visitor program, having hosted over 1000 Exchange Visitors over the last 10 years. We employ staff from various backgrounds, cultures and countries.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 26/05 – 26/06 end date: 06/09 – 30/09

stawka: 12.70-15 $/h zależnie od stanowiska

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 150$/week

stanowiska: Food&Beverage, Retail, Games Operator, Ride Operator/Grounds Attendant

  • Point Pleasant is a great location to work due to its proximity to major cities on the east coast as well as living and working at the beach!
  • Our team plans fun activities and trips!
  • Students can take the local bus to NYC or Philadelphia to visit museums, art galleries and other historic sites.
  • The boardwalk has been modernized over the years with new restaurants, arcades, rides and one of the most popular nightclub’s on the east coast. Students love working here for the fun staff, fun jobs and the proximity to the beach and NYC.
  • Jenkinson’s  Boardwalk has been family owned and operated since 1928. We have several rides that were once a fixture on the legendary Coney Island boardwalk, as well as many of the same games of chance that have been a part of the Jersey Shore for the last 100 years. It is a fun environment to work and play!

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 15/06 end date: 30/08 – 30/09, min. 13 weeks work period

stawka: 17.20$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione ZA DARMO

stanowiska: Hospitality crew

  • „Breathtaking” does not begin to describe the view at Jackson Lake Lodge. Our 60-foot floor to ceiling windows frame pristine Jackson Lake and the majestic Teton Range.
  • Jackson Lake Lodge is located in the heart of Grand Teton National Park. It is a full-service, historic eco-hotel, featuring 385 rooms and cottages. The lodge also includes a variety of dining options and retail shops.
  • Employment in Grand Teton National Park provides a unique experience to explore Nature’s Best. The recreational opportunities available in your off-time are limited only by your imagination.
  • Grand Teton National Park is truly a special place and the individuals who work here come from all over the world. If you are looking for the opportunity to work in a multi-cultural environment, we’ve got it!
  • Activities on your time off can include hiking, camping, fishing, sightseeing, horseback riding, wildlife viewing and photography, kayaking, rafting, and much more!  We’re the perfect location for anyone with an adventurous spirit.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 30/06 end date: 15/09 – 30/09

stanowiska: Host/Hostess, Housekeeper

  • Colter Bay Village  has been described as summer camp for the whole family. An outdoor wonderland nestled amongst the trees along the banks of Jackson Lake with the majestic Grand Teton mountain range providing a stunning backdrop.
  • Activities on your time off can include hiking, camping, fishing, sightseeing, horseback riding, wildlife viewing and photography, kayaking, rafting, and much more!  We’re the perfect location for anyone with an adventurous spirit.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 30/06 end date: 05/09 – 30/09, min.10 weeks work period

stawka: 16$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 84$/week

stanowiska: Lifeguard

  • Worlds of Fun is a 235-acre amusement park in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. Roller coasters, thrill rides, live entertainment and family fun are waiting for you!
  • Kansas City is centrally located in the United States. We are known for our hospitality and barbeque. We have great restaurants, art museums, and fun festivals throughout the summer season.
  • The landscape in the greater Kansas City area has everything from country fields to city skyline and nightlife!
  • International students will have the opportunity to go on local trips, such as a baseball game, art museums, shopping, and possibly other amusement parks in the regional area just to name a few. We welcome our international students and would love to have them enjoy their summer at Worlds of Fun!

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05-15/06 end date: 10/09 – 30/09

stawka: 15$/h + Bonus

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 70$/week

stanowiska: laundry/room attendant

  • Alaska is a majestic place full of adventure , wilderness, trees, animals and more.
  • Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge does a lot of fun activities and recognition for all staff. Activities include guided hikes, glacier walks, zip lining, trips to the nature center, the fair, bingo, basketball, cook-outs, trips to Anchorage or Fairbanks for shopping or sightseeing.
  • We are 2 hours north of Anchorage and 2.5 hours south of Denali National Park. We also pride ourselves in being a destination spot for some of the best fishing, hiking, rafting and picturesque prospects in all of Alaska. The Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge is a great opportunity for you to work develop friendships and see all Alaska has to offer! 
  • The Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge,  an experience by Pursuit is a seasonal property, encompassing seven buildings: a main lodge, four guest lodges, and a maintenance facility. Built from Alaska’s natural resources, and resting on 35 acres of our 640-acre site our spacious guest rooms; onsite restaurants lounge and meeting facilities provide a luxurious getaway with an unmatched view of Denali and the Alaska Range.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 30/05 - 25/06 end date: 30/08

stawka: 15$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 25$/week

stanowiska: Grocery Store Clerk

  • Stop and Shop Supermarkets offer students a dynamic job with lots of customer interaction.
  • Narragansett, Rhode Island is a beautiful beach resort area with a lot of outdoor activities, shopping and history, check it HERE
  • We will provide information about boating trips, day trips to Providence and to shopping destinations, hiking, cycling and trips to Block Island and many other fun adventures!
  • Employee Perks: WE PROVIDE HOUSING FOR  $25/week! We will host a super fun employee party and also provide information on nearby activities. We provide free bikes for students.  We will host a fun company party for students!

work and travel usa poland

start date: datę wskazuje pracodawca end date: datę wskazuje pracodawca

stawka: 12-19 $/h, także z napiwkami

zakwaterowanie: koszt zależy od lokalizacji

stanowiska: różne stanowiska

  • OFERTY w opcji FULL CIEE CONNECT – pracodawcy są dostępni w internetowej bazie, w której aplikują studenci z wielu krajów,
  • dostępność pracodawców zmienia się dynamicznie,
  • dostęp do CIEE Connect możliwy jest wyłącznie dla osób zarejestrowanych do programu W&T USA (podpisana umowa z TBW i uiszczona opłata rejestracyjna),
  • przykładową listę ofert CIEE Connect (bez dostępu do samej bazy i szczegółów) wysyłamy emailem – napisz do nas

work and travel usa poland

start date: 10/06 end date: 02/09

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 85$/week

stanowiska: Arcade Attendant/Ride Operator

We are located in Old Forge, NY which is right in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains – a very popular tourist destination all year round! The scenery is beautiful as we are surrounded by mountains, lakes & nature.

alypso’s Cove Family Fun Park provides afternoon and evening fun in Old Forge, NY. With Go Karts, Bumper Boats, a Zip Line, Batting Cages, a Rock Climbing Wall, Mini Golf & an Arcade and Prize Redemption Center, there’s something for everyone!

We have a variety of fun job opportunities such as Ride Operator, Arcade Attendant and Food Service. One of the best perks of our jobs is that you get to spend your day outside interacting with thousands of guests! Every day is different, new and exciting!

SECOND JOBS : We have a wonderful opportunity for you to work a second job with our company. We have four different properties within Water Safari Resort. We need your help to make our businesses succeed! Your second job will be worked around your first job. There are MANY opportunities to have more than one job. If you are interested in working a second job with us. Please let us know!

work and travel usa poland

start date: 01-11/06 end date: 15/09 – 30/09

stanowiska: Housekeeper

  • Our campground is located in Old Forge, New York which is right in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains – a very popular tourist destination all year round! The scenery is beautiful as we are surrounded by mountains, lakes and nature.
  • The Old Forge Camping Resort is a year-round campground, it is located right next door to Enchanted Forest Water Safari and offers cabins, cottages, RV and tent sites.
  • SECOND JOBS:  We have a wonderful opportunity for you to work a second job with our company. We have four different properties within Water Safari Resort. We need your help to make our businesses succeed! Your second job will be worked around your first job. If you are interested in working a second job with us.
  • Cultural trips vary by the year and are subject to change. Past options include: Niagara Falls, Destiny USA Mall & Entertainment Center, Waterloo Outlet Mall.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 15/07 end date: 02/08 – 30/09; min. 10 weeks work period

stawka: od 13-15 $/h w zależności od stanowiska

stanowiska: food &beverage, lifeguard, ride operator, security associate

  • Allentown is conveniently located, 90 minutes away from major cities, like New York City, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and a drive away to the ocean or mountains!
  • We have a very diverse work force so it is a great way to improve your English while meeting people from many different cultures.
  • Our associates get free admission to our park as well as other local amusement parks when not working.
  • We offer various bus trips throughout the season to places like Washington DC & Niagara Falls and much more.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 05/06 end date: 15/09 – 30/09

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 80$/week

stanowiska: Cashier, Food Prep., General utility worker

  • Pikes Peak is one of the most visited landmarks in Colorado and working on the mountain provides you with unique experiences that you will never find in all your future work environments.
  •   Free meal while on shift. Paid time to travel up and down the mountain for work each day. Free entrance to Pikes Peak mountain.
  • We will be offering company planned hikes in the beautiful scenery. Additionally we host employee appreciation events throughout the year and support for employees to attend local area attractions, and festivals.
  • As one of our team members, you will make friends of a lifetime and meet people from all over the world.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 24/06 end date: 05 – 30/09

stawka: 12$/h

stanowiska: Runner, Stand worker, Server

  • Aramark provides food and beverage services for concessions, premium clubs and suites, non-event day catering as well as team dining in the clubhouse.
  • Minute Maid Park is also known as a special event destination hosting a multitude of events ranging from mega concerts, boxing matches, a cricket tournament, and social events.
  • Houston has become a global city, with strengths in culture, medicine, and research. The city has a large and growing international community and is the most diverse metropolitan area in Texas.
  •  Every month the Astros recognize an Aramark Employee. If you are picked, you will receive 2 free baseball tickets and you will be on the big screen during a baseball game.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 23/06 end date: 15/09 – 30/09

stawka: 13.50$/h + Bonus na koniec sezonu

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 42$/week

stanowiska: Retail Associate

  • Our globally diverse team shares a passion for adventure, a genuine understanding of what makes these places so unique and an authentic desire to play host to the world
  • Our five lodging properties in and around Glacier are the perfect base camps for exploring this bucket-list destination.  A sense of openness and adventure resounds in those who call this place home
  • We are a community of people who say ‘yes’ to adventure time and time again. To be a part of the #pursuitlife and live each day with purpose, turning moments into memories
  • Offering a $500 bonus

work and travel usa poland

start date: 27/05 – 19/06 end date: 07/09 – 25/09

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 101.50$/week z wyżywieniem

stanowiska: Retail Associate (RA)

  • Our globally diverse team shares a passion for adventure, a genuine understanding of what makes these places so unique and an authentic desire to play host to the world.
  • Our five lodging properties in and around Glacier are the perfect base camps for exploring this bucket-list destination.  A sense of openness and adventure resounds in those who call this place home.
  • We are a community of people who say ‘yes’ to adventure time and time again. To be a part of the #pursuitlife and live each day with purpose, turning moments into memories.
  • Offering a $500 bonus 

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 15/06 end date: 07/09 – 26/09

work and travel usa poland

start date: 01/06 – 15/06 end date: 25/09 – 30/09

stawka: 15$/h + Bonus na koniec sezonu

stanowiska: Dishwasher

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05– 09/06 end date: 20-30/09

stawka: 13.50$+tips + Bonus na koniec sezonu

  • The Glacier Raft Company is our base for guiding guests along Montana’s famous Flathead River. It’s also home to a stunning 50-acre property with 13 log cabins, a main lodge, retail store and wedding venue.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 01/06 - 20/06 end date: 03/09 – 30/09

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 175$/week

stanowiska: F&B/Culinary, Lifeguard, Ride Operator

  • Morey’s Piers is located on the oceanfront boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey overlooking t he magnificent beaches and Atlantic Ocean.
  • We are within a 3.5-hour drive of NYC, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia.
  • Many students reside in the area during the summer months, and the environment is very student-friendly.
  • We organize t rips to NYC, Washington DC, Baltimore, the Niagara Falls, Boston , as well as employee events, such as barbeques, themed parties, sporting competitions.
  • Students can participate in activities like movie or game nights, sport events, company parties and nearby/major attractions.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 01/06-01/07 end date: 05/09 – 30/09

stawka: 13.67$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 105$/week

stanowiska: Culinary/Back of the house Assistant

  • Nearby are Montreal, Boston, New York City, Niagara Falls, and many other attractions. Basin Harbor sits on nearly 700 acres, on the shores of Lake Champlain.
  • Affordable housing and  NO  housing deposit. Employees are also eligible for an end of season rebate of $10/week of paid housing if they complete their agreed term of work.
  • Swimming, cycling, tennis, golf, hiking, yoga, walking, running, basketball, soccer; the list is endless for our guests and we invite you to share in the many sports we have to offer.
  • We provide shuttles to local towns and cities, local county fairs, shopping, and restaurants.  Staff may also participate in most resort entertainment opportunities that are available to our guests.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 01/06-01/07 end date: 20/09 – 30/09

stawka: 20 $/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 125$/week

stanowiska: Tent and event team

  • Burlington offers outdoor shopping and restaurants and many festivals throughout the summer months.
  • One of the perks of the job is our access to free tickets to many of these festivals.
  • The location provides excellent hiking, sailing, and local beach options for recreation.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 06/06 – 30/06 end date: 15/09 – 30/09

stawka: 14,50$/h + Bonus!

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione 101.51$/week z wyżywieniem

stanowiska: Resort worker

  • Xanterra Parks and Resorts, Trail Ridge Gift Store & Cafe is located in Rocky Mountain National Park. Within Rocky Mountain National Park, Trail Ridge Road is the nation’s highest continuously paved roadway, leading through some of the country’s most scenic landscapes.
  • Features of the area include over 350 miles of hiking trails, five distinct ecosystems, majestic mountain ranges, emerald lakes, ethereal waterfalls, lush valleys and abundant wildlife. Outdoor activities in the area include hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing, camping and fishing. Employees reside in the beautiful resort town of Estes Park, Colorado. Estes Park features multiple restaurants, shopping areas, museums, art galleries, special events, and more. Visit for more information on the area.
  • Please note that this is a remote area, best suited for nature lovers! There is a lot to do in the area, so you won’t be bored but this is not the city life! If you love nature, and working with friendly people, this is the job for you.
  • Wind your way through five distinct ecosystems, with majestic mountain ranges, emerald lakes, ethereal waterfalls, lush valleys and abundant wildlife. Then, take in the beauty of the park from a 12,000-foot vantage point atop Trail Ridge Road. This is where you’ll be living and working!

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 nie można zacząć później end date: 25/09 nie można skończyć wcześniej

stawka: 17$/h

stanowiska: Server

  • OFERTA SPECJALNA (obowiązuje inna procedura niż w pozostałych ofertach)
  • wymagane jest doświadczenie w gastronomii oraz zaawansowany j. angielski
  • oferta skierowana jest wyłącznie do osób z polskim paszportem
  • Wyślij do nas CV w języku angielskim (ze zdjęciem) – najpóźniej do 10 grudnia.
  • Menedżer klubu zaprosi tylko wybranych kandydatów na rozmowę (Zoom).
  • Osoby, które nie zostaną przyjęte będą mogły wybrać inną ofertę w opcji FULL.
  • Founded in 1925 and situated on over 183 picturesque acres in Purchase, NY, Old Oaks is one of New York’s premier private country clubs.
  • The facilities include an 18-hole golf course, an 80,000 square foot clubhouse with several dining rooms including a 210-seat ballroom. The Club also has 2 swimming pools, 9 har tru tennis courts 4 of which are covered during the winter months, an indoor golf learning center, 13 guest suites and three cottages.
  • We offer free housing and meals for our employees. Students can participate in potlucks or dinners, trips to nearby attractions and discover New York City on their days off.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 06/06 - 29/06 end date: 04/08-30/09

stawka: 16,45$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 21$/week

stanowiska: roomskeeper, cook's helper, food service utility person

  • Are you looking for a memorable summer? Do you want to have the best summer work experience & make some great new friends? If you said „YES!”, then Yosemite National Park is the place for you!
  • Watch the video about Yosemite National Park here
  • Surrounded by ancient sequoia trees, endless wilderness, and the majestic beauty of El Capitan and Half Dome, our team at Yosemite provides guest hospitality like no other.
  • With a multitude of restaurants, hotels, and year-round activities, you will have a unique opportunity to live, work, and play in the ultimate outdoor playground. If you’re looking for work with a spirit of adventure and memories that last a lifetime, Yosemite is just the place for you.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 – 15/06 end date: 02/09 – 30/09

stawka: 15.50$/h

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 60.16$/week

stanowiska: boardwalk guest services

  • Voted the world’s Best Seaside Amusement Park 10 times over the years, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk features both modern and classic thrill rides, restaurants, miniature golf, video game arcades, and family bowling, all located on a mile of sandy beach.
  • While working for Santa Cruz Boardwalk you’ll be living in the town of Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is a small surf town.
  • Santa Cruz downtown is only a few minutes away. On the main street you can find coffee shops, restaurants, independent shops.
  • There is not a big nightlife scene in this surf town, because surfers wake up very early to grab the first waves!
  • You are only a few hours away from San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. This is the experience of a lifetime. Come join the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Team!

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 - 24/06 end date: 05/09 - 30/09

stawka: 13$/h + tips (host, busser) 14,53$/h lub 15$/h - zależnie od stanowiska

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione, 50$/week

stanowiska: front desk, host, busser, housekeeper, kitchen crew, theatre operations i inne

  • 350 seasonal employees from over 20 countries come to Medora each year to help make unforgettable attractions have a personal touch for the traveling guests.
  • You’ll get to meet people from all over the nation and world, get experience in lots of different parts of the tourism industry, learn from a great management team and some AMAZING volunteers, and, for our student staff, have a chance to earn a scholarship at the end of it all.
  • Not only do you get paid to work and learn in North Dakota’s #1 Tourist Destination, and you also get to explore the beautiful Badlands. You can check out Theodore Roosevelt National Park and see all of the wildlife that call the park home.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05-15/07 end date: 25/08 – 30/09

stawka: 14$/h

stanowiska: food &beverage, lifeguard

  • Work in one of the world’s top drawing amusement parks this summer!  Kings Island is home to more than 100 world-class rides, shows and attractions, including the world’s longest wooden (The Beast) and steel inverted (Banshee) roller coasters and a 35-acre waterpark.
  • Practice your English with our guests – we have over 3 million each year.  We employ more than 4,000 seasonal associates, giving you the opportunity to establish life-long friendships during your summer at Kings Island!
  • Spend your days off enjoying free admission to the park and exploring Cincinnati or relaxing in the dorms with your new friends.
  • The town sits on the Ohio River and borders Kentucky.  Across the river or in Cincinnati there are various night life activities and cultural events for anyone depending on their tastes.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 25/05 - 15/07 end date: 10/08 – 30/09; min. 10 weeks work period

stawka: 14.25- 15$/h zależnie od stanowiska

stanowiska: Zostały tylko: housekeeping,Traffic Associate, Park Services Attendant

  • Located in Sandusky, Ohio, Cedar Point is A Place Like No Other™.  Towering over a mile-long beach, you’ll find 17 world-class roller coasters with three areas filled with rides and attractions for kids and families, an 18-acre waterpark with plunging slides, Marinas, and world class Hotels.
  • Working at Cedar Point gives you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and memories that will last a lifetime!
  • Discounted bus trips to popular destinations such as Niagara Falls, Chicago, and New York City .
  • An associate recreation center that includes a café, retail store, tennis tables, pool tables, basketball court, soccer field, & sand volleyball.
  • A lounge with big screen televisions, a computer lab, and card games! FREE Associate Only Ride Nights.

work and travel usa poland

start date: 28/05 - 25/06 end date: 05/09 - 30/09

stawka: 15$/h lub 8$/h +tips/Server

zakwaterowanie: zapewnione z wyżywieniem 117$/week

stanowiska: hospitality crew, gift shop worker, server assistant

  • Spend your summer in the world’s first National Park! If you like  nature, hiking, camping and enjoying the outdoors,  Yellowstone might be the perfect summer experience for you!
  • Yellowstone National Park features over  1,100 miles of hiking trails, mountains, rivers and streams, wildlife, and geological features including geysers, hot springs, and more . Our jobs are similar to many other places in the U.S., but this is a very special place located in the middle of the wilderness.
  • You will live and work in one of the 6 remote villages within Yellowstone National Park with other Work and Travel students and employees from the United States. All villages have their own  Employee Dining Rooms and recreational activities . It is a great place to  make friends from around the world! 
  • Xanterra Parks & Resorts is the nation’s largest park-management company with operations in many national parks, and other resorts. Xanterra’s mission is to be the leader in park and resort hospitality. This includes creating unforgettable memories for our guests and employees who come from around the world to see our legendary landmarks.

work and travel usa poland

stawka: 15 $/h

stanowiska: Ride operator

  • Enchanted Forest Water Safari is New York Largest Water Theme Park with over 50 rides and attractions, including 33 heated water rides!
  • Our water theme park is located in Old Forge, New York which is right in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains – a very popular tourist destination all year round! The scenery is beautiful as we are surrounded by mountains, lakes and nature.
  • One of the best perks of our jobs is that you get to spend your time outside interacting with hundreds of guests every day! Every day is different, new and exciting!
  • SECOND JOBS:  We have a wonderful opportunity for you to work a second job with our company. We have four different properties within Water Safari Resort. We need your help to make our businesses succeed! Your second job will be worked around your first job. There are MANY opportunites to have more than one job. If you are interested in working a second job with us.
  • Obejrzyj filmik o Old Forge Enchanted Water Park TUTAJ

work and travel usa poland



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U.S. Embassy Warsaw, Poland - WRW

Please follow the steps below before your immigrant visa interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Warsaw, Poland.

Step 1: Register your appointment online

You need to register on the website. Registration provides us with the information we need to return your passport to you after your interview.  Registration is free. Click the “Register” button below to register.

If you need to reschedule your immigrant visa appointment, you can do so through the Global Support Services (GSS) website: (choose "Reschedule NVC Appointment" to reschedule your appointment). Please note that you will not be permitted to schedule a new appointment until the day after your original appointment was scheduled.  If you have questions, please contact the service desk:

Register >>

Step 2: Schedule a medical exam in Poland

As soon as you receive your appointment date, you must schedule a medical exam in Poland, Belarus or Russia. Click the “Medical Exam Instructions” button below for a list of designated doctors’ offices. Please schedule and attend a medical exam with one of these doctors before your interview. Due to overwhelming demand, the doctors in Poland are overbooked and facing backlogs; therefore, we strongly suggest applicants currently resident in Russia and Belarus seek their medical exams in their country of residence.

Medical Exam Instructions >>

Step 3: Complete your pre-interview checklist

It is important that you bring all required original documents to your interview. We’ve created a checklist that will tell you what to bring. Please print the checklist below and bring it to your interview along with the listed documents.

Pre-Interview Checklist >>

Step 4: Review interview guidelines

Read our interview guidelines to learn about any special actions that you need to take before your visa interview.

Interview Guidelines >>

Medical Exam Instructions

All immigrant visa applicants, regardless of age, require a medical examination prior to the issuance of a visa. Only a physician accredited by the U.S. Embassy can perform this exam. It is your responsibility to schedule a medical exam with one of the doctors listed below before your visa interview appointment at the U.S. Embassy. Medical examination results from other physicians will not be accepted.

Items to bring to your medical examination

You should bring the following items to your medical exam:

  • Your visa interview letter
  • Your passport
  • Four (4) recently taken passport-sized color photographs (Only for people for whom medical examinations are performed in the paper version. When making an appointment with a doctor, confirm whether your case is paper-based.).
  • A copy of your immunization records
  • U.S. address
  • DS-260 Confirmation page

Any medical examination fees, including x-ray and blood test fees, must be paid directly to the examining physician.

During the medical exam

The medical examination will include a medical history review, physical examination, and chest X-ray, gonorrhea test, and blood tests (for applicants 15 years of age or older). The United States also requires tuberculosis (TB) testing for all applicants two years of age and older. Please be prepared to discuss your medical history, medications you are taking, and current treatments you are undergoing. More information on general medical requirements for U.S. immigrants is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website .

U.S. immigration law requires immigrant visa applicants to obtain certain vaccinations prior to the issuance of a visa. Current immigrant visa vaccination requirements are available on CDC's website . You can also read Frequently Asked Questions about our medical examination requirements on Travel.State.Gov .

After the medical exam

When your examination is completed, the doctor will send the results directly to the embassy. It may take two to three (2-3) weeks after the exam for the results to arrive, so please schedule your medical exam accordingly. IF GIVEN AN ENVELOPE TO CARRY TO YOUR INTERVIEW, DO NOT OPEN THIS ENVELOPE . Instead, bring it to your visa interview. The consular officer cannot complete your visa interview without the results of your medical exam.

Any x-rays taken will be given to you. You DO NOT need to bring the x-rays to your visa interview unless you suffer from tuberculosis (TB). However, you must carry the x- rays with you when you travel to the United States for the first time. The medical report must be less than six months old when you enter the United States as an immigrant.

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Pre-Interview checklist

Please use the list below to determine the items that every applicant must bring to the immigrant visa interview:

  • A copy of you NVC interview letter (does not apply to Diversity Visa, fiancé(e), adoptive, or asylee/refugee applicants).
  • Unexpired passport valid for six months beyond your intended date of entry to the United States  and  a photocopy of the biographic page (where your name and photo are located).
  • Two (2) color passport-size photographs of each person applying for a visa (5 cm x 5 cm, or 2 inch x 2 inch).  Please review our  onlin e photo requirements.
  • Confirmation page from the Form DS-260 (Application for an Immigrant Visa) you submitted online at .
  • Registration confirmation showing you selected an address for visa delivery through our    
  • Your  original  birth certificate, English translation,  and  a photocopy.
  • Medical examination results in a sealed envelope ( if the physician gives you these results) .
  • Original or certified copies of birth certificates for all children of the principal applicant ( even if he or she is not accompanying ).

Applicants who fall into any category below should bring these additional documents

For family-based visa applications: 

  • The appropriate  Form I-864 Affidavit of Support  for  each  financial sponsor along with a photocopy of the sponsor’s IRS transcript or most recent U.S. federal income tax return, and any relevant W-2s. 
  • Proof of your U.S. petitioner’s status and domicile in the United States (photocopy of a U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, or lawful permanent resident card).
  • Evidence of the relationship between the petitioner and visa applicant. (such as photographs, letters, or emails)

If you are married :  Your  original  marriage certificate, English translation,  and  a photocopy. If you were previously married:   Your  original  divorce or spouse’s death certificate, English translation,  and  a photocopy.

If you are older than 16 years of age:   The  original  police certificate from your country of current residence and countries of previous residence with English translation. If these three items are  all  true, you must bring a more recent police certificate to the interview:

  • You are older than 16 years of age;
  • You obtained a police certificate more than two years ago; and
  • You still live in the country that issued the police certificate.

For employment-based visa applications:  Letter from your U.S. employer dated less than one month ago.

If you have ever been convicted of a crime:  Court and criminal records, English translation, and a photocopy.

If you have served in any country’s military:  Military records (military records for Poland are unavailable), English translation, and a photocopy.

If you are adopted:   Adoption papers or custody documents, English translation,  and  a photocopy.

If you are the petitioner’s stepchild:   The  original  marriage certificate of the petitioner and your biological parent, English translation,  and  a photocopy along with divorce records for any previous marriages of either parent.

Interview Guidelines

Sending documents to the U.S. Embassy

If the U.S. Embassy requested additional information or documents from you, you must submit those documents at a  MailBoxes, Etc document pick up location or personally at the embassy as indicated in the refusal letter.

Rescheduling or cancelling your interview

If you are unable to attend your appointment, you can reschedule it at [email protected] There may be a significant wait before the next available appointment, so please attempt to attend the date already assigned.

Some family-based and employment preference visa categories are numerically limited. If you cannot attend your interview during the same month of your original interview, occasionally it will be several months before a visa number is available again for your visa category. DV applicants should be aware that visas are numerically limited and must be issued by September 30 of the program year.  There is no guarantee that a visa will still be available on the date of your rescheduled interview.

Security screening procedures

All visitors to the U.S. Embassy must follow certain security procedures. Any visitor who declines to be screened by U.S. Embassy security personnel will be unable to enter the embassy. To avoid delaying your entry and that of those in line behind you, please bring only what is required for your interview.

Accompanying persons

Attorneys are not permitted to accompany clients into the waiting room or to their interview. The following persons may accompany a visa applicant to their interview:

  • Interpreter: Applicants may bring ONE interpreter if they do not speak English, Polish or Russian well enough to participate in an interview.
  • Special Needs Visitors: Applicants may bring ONE person to help if they are elderly, disabled, or a minor child.

Immigrant visa fees

If you have not paid all required fees to either the National Visa Center or via the appointment website, please be prepared to pay these fees on the day of your interview. All fees may be paid in U.S. dollars or the equivalent in Polish currency at the embassy’s exchange rate or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Novus/Discover, or Diners only). Checks and euros are not accepted. Please bring the exact amount of money to pay your visa application. Note: Applicants from non-E.U. countries may only pay with cash.

Please note that if you are found ineligible to receive a visa, the application fee cannot be refunded. A complete list of fees can be found here .

Do not make travel plans outside of Poland

If your visa is approved, we will keep your passport at the embassy while we prepare your immigration packet and print a visa for your passport. The consular officer will give you instructions on how to pick-up your passport and visa. If you have to travel within Poland while your passport is still with us, please make sure you have a valid picture ID other than your passport.

A consular officer will make a decision on a visa application only after reviewing the formal application and interviewing the applicant. There is no guarantee that you will receive a visa. Do not sell your house, car or property, resign from your job, or make non-refundable flight or other travel arrangements until you have received your immigrant visa.

After Your Visa Interview

A consular officer can make a decision on a visa application only after reviewing the formal application and interviewing the applicant. There is no guarantee that you will receive a visa . Do not sell your house, car or property, resign from your job or make non-refundable flight or other travel arrangements until you have received your immigrant visa.

If more information is needed

Sometimes a consular officer is unable to make a decision on a visa application because he/she needs to review additional documents or the case requires further administrative processing. When additional documents are requested, the consular officer will give you a refusal letter that asks you to submit specific additional documents. The letter will include instructions on how to send those documents to the embassy.

Administrative processing takes additional time after the interview. Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days. However, the timing varies based on the circumstances of each case. Before inquiring about the status of administrative processing, please wait at least 60 days after your interview.

What happens after visa approval

Passport, Visa, and Sealed Immigrant Packet – We will place your immigrant visa on a page in your passport. Please review your visa to make sure there are no spelling errors. We may also give you a sealed envelope containing documents that you must give to U.S. immigration authorities when you arrive in the United States for the first time. Do not open this envelope. You must carry it with you; do not put it in your checked luggage . if you receive x-rays during your medical examination, carry those with you and give them to the U.S. immigration authorities.

USCIS immigrant Fee – All individuals who are issued immigrant visas overseas must pay an Immigrant Fee to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) prior to traveling to the United States. This fee is for processing your residency status and printing your Permanent Resident Card. The only people exempt from paying this fee are: children entering the United States under the Hague Process, returning residents, and people traveling on a fiancé(e) (K) visa.

When You Should Travel – You must enter the United States before the expiration date on your visa, which is usually usually six months from the date of printing. Your visa cannot be extended and all fees are nonrefundable. The principal applicant must enter before or at the same time as other family members with visas. Unless they are eligible for benefits under the Child Status Protection Act, children who are issued a visa before turning 21 years of age must enter the United States before their actual 21 st birthday to avoid losing their immigrant status.

Getting a Green Card – Your Form I-551 Permanent Resident Card, also known as a green card, will be automatically mailed to the address in the United States that you write in your visa application form. This is a very important document that proves you have permission to reside in the United States.  If you plan to travel outside the U.S. before your green card arrives : Please consult USCIS’s and CBP’s websites for rules about what documents you need to re-enter the country. We also recommend you check with the airline to ensure you are in compliance with their rules.  Once your card is issued, you should not stay outside of the United States for more than one year. If you do, you will lose your status as a Lawful Permanent Resident.

Children’s Issues  – In the United States, children are required to have certain vaccinations before they can enroll in school. We recommend that you bring your child’s complete vaccination records with you to the United States. If your child is adopted, you have full custody as a result of a divorce, or you share custody with another parent, you should bring a copy of all applicable adoption or custodial papers from the authoritative court in your home country. You will likely need these papers (translated into English) for issues such as school enrollment, medical care, and eventual citizenship.

Information for New Immigrants  – Please visit the USCIS web page for helpful information on moving to the United States. You can read their publication “ Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants ” online.

Diversity Visa Applicants - Additional Information

If you are interviewing for a Diversity Visa (DV), all of the above instructions apply to you. Please schedule and attend a medical examination prior to your visa interview, and gather the required documents.

Below are additional instructions that apply only to DV applicants.

Bring to your interview

In addition to the documents listed on the Pre-Interview Checklist in this package, DV applicants should also bring the following items to your visa interview:

  • Appointment information printed from the “Entrant Status Check” on the E-DV website
  • Documents showing that you have either a qualifying high school education OR  two (2) years of qualifying work experience in the five (5) years immediately prior to application (for the principal applicant only; more information is available online ).
  • Payment of the $330 Diversity Visa Application Fee for each visa applicant at the cash desk at the Consulate.

Review your DV Lottery entry

Prior to your visa interview, we recommend that you review the data on your initial E-DV entry. On your initial E-DV application, you must have correctly entered your marital status. If you are legally married you must have listed your spouse, even if you are currently separated from him/her (unless your spouse is a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident).

Additionally, you must have listed ALL of your living children who are unmarried and under 21 years old. This includes your natural children, your spouse’s children, or children you have formally adopted in accordance with the laws of your country.

Failure to have listed an existing spouse or children at the time of your entry in the Diversity Visa lottery will result in the denial of your visa and visas for your family. Any fees paid to the U.S. government in support of your visa application(s) are nonrefundable. If you failed to include a child who had already been born, or a spouse to whom you were married when you entered the lottery, you should not proceed with the visa application. You can review the eligibility requirements online .

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Last Updated: 3/3/2023

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Visas - general information.

Before you apply, you must decide which visa you need:

Airport transit Schengen visa (A-Type)

Choose this visa type if you plan to pass through an international transit area of a Schengen airport travelling with a passport of one of these states:  Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka.

Schengen visa (C-Type)

Choose this visa if you plan to stay in Poland or other Schengen countries for a maximum of 90 days in each 180-day period of time. This means that you are allowed to stay in the Schengen zone legally only if your stay in Schengen countries did not exceed 90 days over the last 180 days. A special calculator on the European Commission’s website will help you count how long you can stay in Schengen countries.

You can apply for a Schengen visa in a Polish diplomatic mission if:

  • Poland is the only destination country of your visit to the Schengen zone;
  • you visit more than one Schengen country, but Poland is your main destination;
  • you do not know which Schengen country will be your main destination, but you cross the Schengen border for the first time in Poland.

In exceptional cases it is possible to issue a Schengen LTV visa which is valid only in the territory of selected Schengen states.

National visa (D-Type)

Choose this visa if you want to stay in Poland for more than 90 days. The validity of a national visa cannot exceed one year. You also need to apply for a national visa if you seek asylum, repatriation, or if you use Polish Card privileges.

Simplified visa procedure for family members of EU citizens

Who is eligible:.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This procedure applies only to family members of EU nationals who do not have Polish citizenship or do not have a permanent residence in Poland.

EU nationals include:

  • nationals of EU member states,
  • nationals of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

A family member of an EU national is:

  • a partner with whom an EU national formed a partnership under the law of a given EU state, provided that this country’s law recognizes a formal partnership as equal to a marriage,
  • a child under 21 who is dependent on an EU national, his/her spouse or partner.

Under the procedure you are eligible to submit your visa application:

  • free of charge,
  • without prior appointment.

Required documents:

  • A printed and signed visa application (filled in online )
  • A recent photo in colour 35 x 45 mm size,
  • A valid passport,
  • A document confirming marriage or partnership with an EU national,
  • A document confirming that you accompany an EU national in his/her journey or join him/her in their place of residence.

Visa refusal:

A consul refuses a visa in the form of a decision. You can appeal against the refusal to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Biometric data

When you apply for a visa, you have to provide your biometric data: a photo in the case of a national visa and a photo and fingerprints in the case of a Schengen visa.

If you have already applied for a Schengen visa in the recent 59 months and if you have given your fingerprints, you do not have to give them again – the system will automatically transfer your data.

The following applicants do not have to give their fingerprints:

  • children under 12;
  • persons who are physically unable to give their fingerprints (because they do not have fingers or they suffer from a temporary finger trauma); 
  • heads of states or governments, members of national governments and their accompanying spouses and members of official delegations if they are invited for official purposes;
  • monarchs and high-ranking members of royal families, if they are invited for official purposes.

Personal data

The authority responsible for the processing of personal data that are in the Visa Information System (VIS) is the Central Technical Authority of the National Information System at the National Police Headquarters, address: ul. Puławska 148/150, 02-624 Warszawa.

Complaints concerning personal data protection are handled by the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection, address: ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa.

Visa representation

Pursuant to the intergovernmental agreement on visa representation between Poland and Latvia, Polish Consul in Los Angeles represents the Republic of Latvia in the territory of the Los Angeles consular district in the scope of processing visa applications and issuing visas C-type (uniform Schengen visa) and A-type (airport transit visa), with the exception of:

  • diplomatic and service visas;
  • visas issued for the purpose of employment;
  • visas issued for the purpose of study;
  • visas issued for other activities for which prior authorization of the Latvian authorities is required.

For the cases mentioned above the competent institution is the Embassy of Latvia in Ankara. 

As a rule, the procedures for submitting and processing visa applications for C-type and A-type visas for Latvia are the same, as the application procedures for  C-type  and  A-type  visas to Poland.

Consultation procedure

The list of third countries whose nationals or specific categories of whose nationals are subject to prior consultation or information can be found below in the "Materials" section.

Criteria for admissibility of a visa application

In order for an application to be considered admissible, the following must be fulfilled:

- A filled in and signed application form (downloaded from e-konsulat system), a valid travel document and a photograph (in accordance with the standards set out in Council Regulation (WE)1683/95)  must be submitted,

- The visa fee must have been paid,

- Where applicable, biometric data must be collected,

- The travel document presented must be valid at least 3 months after the intended date of departure from the Member States in case in a single visa is applied for. If a multiple-entry  visa is applied for, the travel document must be valid 3 months after the last intended date of departure. The travel document should be issued not more than 10 years prior to the visa application,

- The travel document must contain sufficient, at least 2, blank pages.  

Supporting documents must be attached to visa application, in accordance with visa requirements.

The possession of a visa does not constitute an automatic right of entry. The visa holder will be asked at the external border to provide evidence that he meets the entry conditions as foreseen in Art. 5 of the Schengen Borders Code.

ATTENTION: The stamp in the travel document indicating that an application is admissible under article 20 of the Schengen Visa Code has no legal consequences.

Legal basis

Ustawa z dnia 14 lipca 2006 r. o wjeździe na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, pobycie oraz wyjeździe z tego terytorium obywateli państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i członków ich rodzin

Ustawa z dnia 12 grudnia 2013 r. o cudzoziemcach

Ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca 2015 r. Prawo konsularne


Find Answers to Immigration Questions

Visa Requirements to Visit Poland as a U.S. Citizen

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“Sometimes, people take part in the program for five years in a row.” Work and Travel USA program — all important information at first hand

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How does one enroll in the Work and Travel USA program? What is the cost to participate? How are the states and jobs chosen? How is the salary paid? Our article includes all the crucial details from a person who has already taken part in the program twice.

Work and Travel Program—Basic Information

“Work and Travel” is an international cultural exchange program that allows students from all over the world to come to the United States for several months and legally work there. The benefits for students are obvious: gaining experience living and working in another country, improving English in a natural environment, meeting people from different parts of the world, etc. 

Students from each particular country have their own dates and duration of stay on the program. For example, for residents of Poland, this period is 4 months (from May 25 to September 30); for students from Spain, it is 4.5 months (from May 24 to October 7); and for Belarusians, it is 2 months (from June 25 to September 1). The Summer Work and Travel 2023 season dates for all countries can be found here . Furthermore, after work, you are given an additional month to travel around the United States (if desired).

You can get into the program through intermediary organizations in your home country. They are also called sponsors. Your sponsor’s job is to help in any way possible with travel arrangements, finding jobs, housing, transportation, etc. 

Most of the work in the program is seasonal in the service industry. You can see on  this map how many participants in a wide variety of states and their cities are willing to hire students during the Work Travel 2023 program. 

Interestingly, all program participants must read the William Wilberforce Act , which explains the rights they have in the United States.

“Don’t wait too long to apply—it’s much harder to get a visa now”

The story of participating in the Work and Travel program and learning about U.S. culture has been shared with us by  Maxim . 

— I learned about the Work and Travel program before university from my older brother’s stories. Therefore, I decided to participate in the program immediately after my first year. Then COVID-19 happened, and the whole program was in question, but I managed to get to the U.S. Embassy in Minsk and obtain a visa just a couple of days before its closure. 

Unfortunately, again because of the coronavirus, flights became more expensive and anti-covid measures were stricter, but with some difficulty, I was able to fly to the United States. 

A year ago, in 2022, I decided to participate in the program again, and it turned out to be another adventure: I flew to Armenia to get an American visa and then made my way to the United States by roundabout means in the summer.

work and travel usa poland

— If I’m not mistaken, applications for the Work and Travel program open each year in September-October. If you’re sure you want to go, there’s no point in procrastinating, especially now that it’s taking longer to get a visa because of restrictions. However, in 2022 I applied for the program in February and successfully flew to the U.S. 

There are two ways to participate in the program: Full-Service (you are helped with looking for a job) and Self-Arranged (you look for a job yourself). The first option costs about $200 more than the second. 

In the case of Full-Service, your application form with all the information is submitted to a special site where there are employers from the USA. They all see your application and can offer you a job if they want. You can also see the employers on the site and send them your applications yourself. As for the state, you specify your preferences by region when you create your application.

The main requirements of the program are to be a full-time student, to be no older than 28 years old (if we’re talking about Belarus), and to have basic knowledge of English. The documents you need are a passport and a certificate from the university.

The cost of participation in the Work and Travel program increases slightly over the course of the year. As a result, applying for the program in February is more expensive than applying in September. But on average, you will need to pay about $1500 . It should be understood that the cost of the program does not include airfare and getting a visa at the U.S. embassy.

work and travel usa poland

Now, I’ll tell you about the experience I had. In 2020, I worked at the famous amusement park in Ohio named Cedar Point. I was basically standing outside the ride, checking passengers and securing their seat belts. 

In 2022, I was working in Rhode Island and combining two jobs, all in hotels. My main job was at the front desk at a Howard Johnson hotel chain, and my second job was serving breakfast guests at a Hilton hotel chain. 

The pay varied depending on where you worked. In 2022, I was paid every week; I can’t remember about 2020. The rate itself also depends on the state and type of work. Different states have different minimum rates per hour, so the average wages are different too. 

In 2020, I got $7.65 per hour, which is very low even by U.S. standards. At the same time, we worked 60 hours a week, and under U.S. law, every hour over 40 hours a week (at the same job) is considered overtime and must be paid at the 1.5 rate. But for some reason, we didn’t get paid for overtime. 

In 2022, I was already getting $15.5 an hour, but I was also working a lot: an average of 90+ hours per week; there was even one week when I worked over 100 hours. The thing is, in addition to the two jobs I mentioned, sometime in the middle of the summer, the manager of my first hotel offered to help me carry linens around the hotel (this time I was already getting paid overtime).

It should be noted that the wage per hour listed on your job offer does not include taxes; accordingly, if you have specified $15 per hour, in fact you will get less. 

Nevertheless, most of the taxes you paid can be refunded . Employers are required by law to send you a special W-2 form by February of next year about the taxes you paid, from which you can use special services to get your money back. However, this usually takes several months.

Participating in this program is an incredible experience that will give you a lot of pleasant memories and allow you to meet interesting people from completely different cultures. This is an opportunity to greatly improve your English and speak at a radically new level. It is also a chance to make some extra money if you manage your time and expenses wisely. I consider myself very lucky to have been to the U.S. twice and to have lived there not as a tourist, but as a local. 

The country is definitely very different from my native Belarus. It has a different mentality, a different culture, and a different language. As with any country, the United States has both pluses and minuses. But overall, I have come to love this country in my own way. I liked the politeness and kindness of Americans: they do not want to spoil your mood, even if they have something wrong. 

I liked that everyone respects your personal space and doesn’t violate it, whether it’s in a store, on a bus, or in a hotel. I liked the standard of living of the average American, who can afford not to worry about not having a place to sleep or nothing to eat. 

I was inspired by the nature of the United States, although unfortunately I didn’t get to see much of it. It is a very diverse country with mesmerizing landscapes and many national parks. 

work and travel usa poland

The problem for me was gastronomy and cuisine in the U.S. in general. Of course, there is a huge variety of national restaurants, from Japanese to Belarusian. But standard American cuisine, which we have all heard about, is everywhere. And it’s incredibly greasy and sweet. It gives you a direct sense of all the harm to your health. 

In local stores, it was impossible or very difficult to find some products to which I’m so used in Belarus. For example, buckwheat, bread, high quality cottage cheese, and dairy products in general. There were also questions about the quality of fruits and vegetables. 

Another issue in the United States is that people do not always feel safe. Especially in the dysfunctional areas of big cities, this is true. I remember walking through a social housing neighborhood in New York City at night, and I have to say, I was constantly on my guard and preparing to run.

Furthermore, I obviously have a strong love for Belarus, so even in such a brief period of time, I still managed to miss it.

Both times I spent 2.5 months in the U.S.—a total of almost 5 months. It is possible to participate in the program more than once. As a result, there have been cases where people have participated in the program five years in a row. Personally, I’m not 100% sure yet whether I will participate this year. But I am thinking about it.

work and travel usa poland

I am responsible for editorial work. I write expert interviews and guides.

How to Bring your Turn Pet into Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide

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Labor shortages in Poland increasing as influx of Ukrainians slows, data suggests

C ompanies in Poland are seeing increasing shortages of workers as the influx of Ukrainians into the country slows, Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita reported on Aug. 5, citing data from Credit Agricole bank.

In total, 1.16 million foreigners work in Poland, 11 times more than 10 years ago, Rzeczpospolita said . Poland is home to the highest number of Ukrainians of all EU countries.

At the end of 2021, around 650,000 Ukrainians had Polish residency permits. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine meant that by the end of 2023, around 955,000 Ukrainians were living in Poland as refugees, many of them children.

Sectors that tend to employ immigrants, such as logistics, manufacturing, transport, and construction, are now increasingly seeing staff shortages, and "the situation may get worse," according to Rzeczpospolita.

"The space for further inflow of workers from abroad is already limited," as the potential for immigration from Ukraine "is slowly being exhausted," Rzeczpospolita said.

Poland's government is also expected to tighten its immigration policy for workers from outside Europe, which will further compound the issue, Rzeczpospolita added.

Polish Ambassador to Kyiv Jaroslaw Guzy said in March that although Warsaw is "absolutely neutral" on whether Ukrainians should stay or return home, "Ukrainians are very important from the point of view of the Polish labor market."

Read also: Poland and Ukraine to form a military unit from Ukrainians in Europe. Will it be effective?

MEDYKA, POLAND - FEBRUARY 17: A woman carries a suitcase as she crosses the Polish Ukrainian border on February 17, 2023 in Medyka, Poland. Since Russia's large scale military attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022 more than 9.7 million refugees from Ukraine crossed the Polish borders to escape the conflict, with 1.4 million registering in Poland whilst others moved on to other countries. (Photo by Omar Marques/Getty Images)


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  12. Poland's Inclusion in the Visa Waiver Program-FAQ

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  25. Labor shortages in Poland increasing as influx of Ukrainians slows

    In total, 1.16 million foreigners work in Poland, 11 times more than 10 years ago, Rzeczpospolita said.Poland is home to the highest number of Ukrainians of all EU countries.. At the end of 2021 ...

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