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How to allow pop-ups in safari on mac.

Sometimes you want browser pop-ups!

By default, Safari on Mac blocks pop-up windows from appearing. If you need to allow pop-ups for certain websites, it's easy to make the change in Safari Preferences. Here's how.

First, open Safari on your Mac and browse to the website that includes the pop-ups that you want to allow. In the menu bar, click "Safari," and select "Preferences" from the menu that appears.

In the preferences window of Safari 14 and up, click the "Websites" tab, and then scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar and select "Pop-up Windows."

In older versions of Safari, open Preferences and click the "Security" tab. Uncheck "Block pop-up windows" here. If you're still using an older version, we recommend updating Safari as soon as possible to keep your Mac safe .

With "Pop-Up Windows" selected, you'll see a box on the right titled "Allow pop-up windows on the websites below." Locate the name of the website that you want to allow pop-ups on in the list. (Remember that the site must currently be open in a Safari browser window.)

Click the drop-down box beside the website name and select "Allow."

Repeat this step with any other sites in the list that you want to allow pop-ups for.

If you want to allow pop-ups on all websites by default (although we strongly advise against it), click the drop-down menu beside "When visiting other websites" and select "Allow."

After that, close Safari Preferences, and your settings will be changed. The next time you visit the site that you allowed pop-ups for, the pop-ups will appear as expected. Happy browsing!

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Como permitir ou bloquear pop-ups no Safari

Janelas pop-up aleatórias são irritantes, mas alguns pop-ups são realmente úteis. Então, quando você deve permitir ou bloquear pop-ups no Safari? Continue lendo para conhecer os diferentes tipos de pop-ups, saber como bloquear pop-ups em dispositivos Mac e aprender a desativar o bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari. Ou use o AVG Secure Browser para gerenciar e filtrar anúncios pop-up automaticamente.

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Como bloquear pop-ups do Safari no Mac

Embora possam ser úteis, os pop-ups não têm uma grande reputação. Eles podem interromper seu trabalho, aumentar o tempo de carregamento da página ou até mesmo ocultar software malicioso. Felizmente, bloquear pop-ups no Safari é fácil, porque o navegador possui um bloqueador de pop-up integrado para ajudar a gerenciá-los.

Em dispositivos Mac, o bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari permite bloquear ou permitir pop-ups para sites específicos . Esse recurso é importante em um bloqueador, porque nem todos os pop-ups são mensagens de spam e alguns ajudam a facilitar a navegação.

Você também pode optar por bloquear ou permitir pop-ups em sites específicos com o AVG Secure Browser , um navegador gratuito que coloca a segurança e a privacidade em primeiro plano. Você pode navegar na web anonimamente e personalizar totalmente seu bloqueador de anúncios para permitir apenas pop-ups essenciais. Além disso, você desfrutará de vários recursos de privacidade adicionais.

Como bloquear todos os pop-ups no Mac

Veja como interromper os pop-ups no Mac usando o bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari:

Abra o navegador Safari e clique em Preferências no menu suspenso Safari .

Um menu suspenso do Safari com preferências em destaque

Selecione a guia Websites na parte superior da tela e clique em Janelas pop-up no menu esquerdo.

Configurando as Janelas pop-up nas Preferências do Safari.

Use o botão Remover para apagar as configurações de site mostradas na caixa “Websites configurados”. Em seguida, clique no botão “Ao visitar outros sites” e selecione Bloquear .

Removendo o Google da lista de sites configurados para bloquear pop-ups em todos os sites.

Pronto: o bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari agora está ativo para todos os sites.

Assim como limpar o histórico de pesquisa , excluir cookies e remover extensões do Safari , o bloqueio de pop-ups pode agilizar e acelerar o seu Mac , pois minimiza os anúncios de spam e reduz outras notificações incômodas.

Como desativar pop-ups para sites específicos no Mac

Se o Safari bloquear pop-ups que você quer ou precisa ver, você pode personalizar as configurações de pop-up e bloquear pop-ups de determinados sites.

Veja como desativar pop-ups em sites específicos no Mac:

Abra o Safari e clique em Preferências no menu suspenso do Safari.

Um menu suspenso do Safari com preferências em destaque

Selecione a guia Websites e clique em Janelas pop-up no menu esquerdo. Defina “Ao visitar outros websites” como Permitir para permitir pop-ups como configuração padrão.

Ativando pop-ups para sites individuais nas configurações do navegador Safari.

O site em que você está será listado na área Sites atualmente abertos . Clique no menu suspenso e escolha Bloquear .

Configurando preferências de pop-up de sites individuais para bloquear pop-ups do Google nas configurações do navegador Safari.

Os pop-ups agora serão bloqueados no site escolhido e você pode repetir o processo para outros sites que deseja bloquear. Se quiser saber como mais é possível organizar uma experiência de navegação mais minimalista, também tente definir a página about:blank como a página inicial do navegador.

Como bloquear pop-ups de um site ativo

Você pode definir o bloqueador de pop-ups do Mac para desativar pop-ups apenas para o site que você está usando no momento.

Veja como bloquear pop-ups no Mac no site que você está usando ativamente:

Clique com o botão direito do mouse na barra de endereço do site atual e clique em Configurações para este site .

Acessando as configurações deste site ao clicar com o botão direito do mouse na barra de endereço.

Na janela de configurações, selecione Bloquear no menu suspenso ao lado de Janelas pop-up .

Bloqueando pop-ups no site ativo personalizando as configurações para as preferências deste site.

O Safari agora bloqueará mensagens pop-up nesse site, mas o Mac continuará permitindo pop-ups de outros.

Como bloquear pop-ups do Safari no iPhone e iPad

Os pop-ups também afetam os dispositivos móveis, mas felizmente o Safari possui um bloqueador para iPhone e iPad.

Veja como bloquear pop-ups em iPhones e iPads:

Vá em Ajustes e toque no aplicativo Safari .

menu de configurações no iOS. O aplicativo Safari está em destaque

Role até Bloquear pop-ups e ative o botão.

Bloqueando pop-ups no Safari no iPhone.

Assim como os computadores podem ficar mais lentos com o tempo , os iPhones podem ficar sobrecarregados com mais do que apenas pop-ups. Tome medidas adicionais para limpar e acelerar o seu iPhone e mantê-lo funcionando da melhor forma.

Se você também usa outros navegadores, pode gerenciar pop-ups no Chrome , evitar pop-ups no Firefox ou livrar-se deles no Edge ou IE . Usar uma ferramenta de limpeza de navegador também ajudará a acelerar seu dispositivo .

Como desativar o bloqueador de pop-ups no Mac

Algumas mensagens pop-up são úteis, pois foram projetadas para melhorar a experiência do usuário com notificações úteis ou mantendo o funcionamento do site. Portanto, se você desabilitar um bloqueador de pop-ups no Safari, o que significa que permitirá pop-ups, poderá melhorar sua experiência de navegação.

Veja como ativar pop-ups no Mac:

Clique no menu suspenso do Safari e escolha Preferências .

Um menu suspenso do Safari com preferências em destaque

Clique na guia Websites na parte superior da tela e selecione Janelas pop-up no menu esquerdo. Se houver alguma configuração de site individual na caixa “Sites configurados”, exclua-a usando o botão Remover .

Removendo as preferências de sites configurados para permitir todos os pop-ups no Safari.

Defina o botão “Ao visitar outros sites” para Permitir .

Configurando Janelas pop-up no Safari para desativar o bloqueio de pop-ups.

E aí está — todos os pop-ups agora são permitidos no Safari.

Como permitir pop-ups para sites específicos no Mac

Se você quer desbloquear pop-ups apenas para sites em que confia, pode personalizar as preferências do Safari no Mac para permitir pop-ups em alguns sites e bloquear em outros.

Veja como ativar pop-ups no Mac em sites específicos:

Um menu suspenso do Safari com preferências em destaque

Selecione a guia Sites e clique em Janelas pop-up . O site em que você está será listado na área Sites atualmente abertos . Clique no menu suspenso e escolha Permitir .

A guia de menu do site do Safari foi aberta. Permitindo pop-ups no site atual.

Depois de saber como desativar um bloqueador de pop-up para sites específicos, você pode personalizar ainda mais o bloqueador de pop-up do Macbook ao selecionar “Bloquear e notificar”. Isso permitirá que janelas pop-up bloqueadas sejam exibidas manualmente se você clicar na notificação na barra de endereço.

Como permitir pop-ups de um site ativo

Veja como desativar o bloqueador de pop-ups no Mac no site que você está usando ativamente:

Clique com o botão direito do mouse na barra de endereço do site que você está usando ativamente e selecione Configurações para este site .

Acessando as configurações do Google para esse site ao clicar com o botão direito do mouse na barra de endereço.

Na janela de configurações, localize Janelas pop-up e selecione Permitir no menu suspenso.

Permitindo pop-ups no site ativo personalizando as configurações para as preferências deste site.

O bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari agora permitirá pop-ups do site em que você está atualmente e de outros sites que você também desbloqueou. Mas o bloqueador de pop-ups do Safari continuará a eliminar pop-ups de todos os outros.

Como desativar o bloqueador de pop-ups no iPhone e iPad

No iOS, não é possível abrir uma exceção para habilitar pop-ups de sites específicos. Se você quiser ver algum pop-up, desative completamente o bloqueador de pop-up no seu iPhone ou iPad.

Veja como permitir pop-ups no iPhone e como desativar o bloqueador de pop-ups no iPad:

Vá em Configurações e escolha o aplicativo Safari .

menu de configurações no iOS. O aplicativo Safari está em destaque.

Role até Bloquear pop-ups e desative o botão .

Menu de configurações do aplicativo Safari no iOS. A opção Bloquear pop-ups é alternada para a esquerda.

Os pop-ups do Safari são perigosos?

A maioria dos pop-ups do Safari não são perigosos e realmente ajudam a facilitar a interação com os sites mais acessados. Os pop-ups podem ajudar a interagir com um site, permitir selecionar as preferências, exibir mensagens de marketing ou mostrar formulários de consentimento de cookies. Se você permitir que um site exiba pop-ups no navegador, sempre será possível limpar o cache e desativar os cookies posteriormente para se livrar deles.

Mas existem pop-ups mais duvidosos e até perigosos que podem conter botões falsos de fechamento que realmente executam ações inesperadas em vez de fechar a janela. Um anúncio hover ou um pop-up na própria página aparece como uma camada na frente da tela do navegador, apresentando-se falsamente como a página da web. Se os pop-ups fizerem com que você instale inadvertidamente software indesejado, você pode usar uma ferramenta de remoção de bloatware para se livrar de aplicativos desnecessários .

Os pop-ups mais perigosos podem danificar seu sistema e bombardear seu navegador com um ataque de adware . Outros pop-ups suspeitos podem funcionar como estratagemas de malvertising , enchendo o seu sistema com todos os tipos de malware . Manter-se informado sobre as ameaças à segurança cibernética do Mac é essencial para manter você e seu sistema protegidos. Se você acha que baixou malware no seu sistema por meio de um pop-up, remova o malware do seu Mac imediatamente.

Os pop-ups são um dos principais motivos para obter um bloqueador de anúncios . Mas há desvantagens em um bloqueador que destrói completamente as janelas pop-up. Alguns pop-ups são necessários para o bom funcionamento de um site. Outros pop-ups contêm informações importantes ou permitem acessar recursos mais profundos em um site da web, por exemplo, um instalador de um aplicativo.

Outro motivo para ter cuidado ao usar bloqueadores é que, às vezes, eles podem bloquear anúncios de produtos e serviços genuinamente úteis, como formulários de inscrição em boletins informativos. Com um bloqueador de anúncios, você também pode perder descontos pop-up ou ofertas por tempo limitado, então pode ser melhor bloquear seletivamente os pop-ups no Safari.

Como saber quais pop-ups bloquear?

Como alguns pop-ups são irritantes e outros úteis, não há uma solução abrangente para a questão de como remover anúncios pop-ups no Mac. Considere permitir pop-ups em sites que você conhece e confia e bloqueá-los se não tiver certeza da segurança de um site . Sempre pratique hábitos de navegação seguros e bloqueie definitivamente sites com pop-ups suspeitos.

Pare de pop-ups e navegue com segurança com o AVG Secure Browser

Os pop-ups são muito diversos: alguns são irritantes ou mesmo perigosos, enquanto outros são úteis e necessários. Você pode gerenciar pop-ups facilmente e bloquear os arriscados com o AVG Secure Browser, um dos melhores navegadores para segurança e privacidade .

AVG Secure Browser bloqueia anúncios automaticamente para uma experiência de navegador melhor e mais rápida.

O AVG Secure Browser grátis pode bloquear automaticamente todos os anúncios. Ou você pode definir suas preferências entre Bloqueio leve, básico e estrito. Além disso, você pode ajustar facilmente todas as suas configurações em um só painel.

À medida que as ameaças de segurança cibernética se tornam mais sofisticadas, com a exploração de pop-ups e outros recursos da Web, o AVG Secure Browser, projetado especialmente com privacidade e segurança em primeiro lugar, manterá a sua proteção. Obtenha segurança e velocidade em um navegador rápido e fácil de usar.

Gerencie pop-ups automaticamente

Baixe gratuitamente o AVG Secure Browser para gerenciar pop-ups, bloquear anúncios e evitar rastreamento web com facilidade.

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Instale gratuitamente o AVG Secure Browser para gerenciar pop-ups, bloquear anúncios e evitar rastreamento web com facilidade.

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Allow PopUps in Safari: Popups are small flashing messages that come in front of any user while browsing the internet & interestingly, you can’t look away from them. And nobody wants to get distracted by many popups bombarding in front while working on crucial work. So, many choose to Disable the Popup messages in browsers on Mac & Windows.


However, disabling Browser Popup Messages often backfired on the user itself. There can be some important popup messages like a Login Message or Sign Up Message , but all get blocked in the browser. And the Safari Popup Messages are not different from those. In such cases, you must go for the Allow Popup in Safari operation on Mac.

In this article, we will discuss the effective steps required for How to Allow & Block Pop-Ups in Safari on both Mac & iPhone.

Steps to Enable Pop-ups in Safari

To enable pop-ups on safari , we have to follow the below steps. We will start by discussing the steps required on the Mac devices.

Section 1: To Enable pop-ups on Mac Safari

If you’re looking to allow pop-ups in Safari on your Mac, you’ll need to enable them in your browser settings. This process involves enabling pop ups in Safari to ensure that certain websites can display pop-up windows when necessary. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Start the Safari & click on the Settings option.


Step 2: Go to the Websites Tab . Scroll down to find out the Pop-Up Windows . And choose the Allow from the Dropdown list.


Hence, we have successfully enable the Popup messages on Safari on the Mac devices.

Section 2: To Enable Pop-ups on Safari in iPhone or iPad

If you’re using an iPhone or iPad and need to enable pop-ups in Safari , you can do so easily through the settings. Simply open the Settings app, scroll down and select Safari, then toggle the switch next to “Block Pop-ups” to off. This will allow pop-ups in Safari on your iOS device, giving you access to any necessary pop-up content while browsing. Here are the steps for you to follow:

Step 1: Open Settings & scroll down to find the option Safari .


Step 2: Disable the button Block Pop-ups to enable pop-ups on Safari in the settings.


Hence, we have successfully enable popups in Safari in iPhone or iPad devices.

So, these are the simple steps you can perform to allow popups in Safari . Using the important popup, you can perform the further next tasks. However, if you find there are a lot of distracting popups arriving, allow popup in Safari again. As per your need, you can again enable the settings.

How To Allow Popups in Safari- FAQs

What is the risk of enabling popup messages in safari.

Enabling popup messages can be risky. They often contain random URLs, clicking on which can lead to loss of personal and financial information. Be cautious when enabling popup message services.

How to allow popups in Safari messages on my MacBook?

To enable Popup Messages in MacBook Safari, the following points should be executed. Open Safari Browser. Click on the Settings option. Go to the Websites Tab. Select Popup Windows Select Allow from the dropdown menu.

What are the steps required for starting the Safari Popup messages on iPhone?

The steps required to start Safari Popup Messages on iPhone are the following. Go to the Settings. Click on the Safari option. Disable the Block Pop-Up button.

Where is the pop-up menu on Safari?

Safari doesn’t have a pop-up menu, but you can control pop-up windows in settings: Mac:  Safari menu > Preferences > Websites > Pop-up Windows iPhone/iPad:  Settings app > Safari > Block Pop-ups

How do I allow pop-ups on Safari?

Sure, to allow pop-ups on Safari: Mac:  Visit Safari preferences > Security > uncheck “Block pop-up windows”. iPhone/iPad:  In Settings, tap Safari and turn off “Block Pop-ups”.

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Easily Block or Allow Pop-Ups in Safari on iPhone

habilitar pop up no safari

Is the pop-up blocker for Safari stopping pop-ups you actually need? Conversely, if you've been having trouble with pop-ups on your iPhone whenever you try to browse online, you're probably hoping for a way to block pop-ups on Safari. In this tip, we'll show you how to do both. Let's go over how to use the pop-up blocker on iPhone.

Why You'll Love This Tip:

  • Temporarily disable your pop-up blocker if a website relies on them to function.
  • Block intrusive pop-ups if you are having trouble browsing the web.

How to Turn Off the Pop-Up Blocker on iPhone

System requirements.

This tip works on iPhones running iOS 16 or later. Find out how to update to the latest version of iOS .

The Safari pop-up blocker on iPhone is turned on by default, meaning that pop-ups will be blocked in Safari unless you turn your pop-up blocker off. Note that this article doesn't cover how to disable in-app rating pop-ups  on the iPhone; you will need to do that in the App Store settings. If you're looking to learn more about browsing settings on your iPhone or other devices, our free Tip of the Day newsletter can help. If you find that pop-ups you actually want are being blocked, you can simply allow pop-ups in Safari while you browse that site and then switch it back on! Here's how to allow pop-ups on iPhone:

iPhone Life

That's how to disable the pop-up blocker on iPhone. For one of Apple's simpler settings, it can make quite a difference in your experience while browsing on Safari. If you want to turn your pop-up blocker back on, you can follow the same steps above. Have you ever come across an image you loved on Safari, but were unsure how to save it properly? If so, you might want to learn these two easy ways to save images from Safari on your iPhone.

Author Details

Rich Hall's picture

Rich Hall has written about Handheld and Pocket computers for the last 13 years. He is the Editor of Pocket PC magazine and former editor of The HP Palmtop Paper, the NEC Ultralite Connection and the HP Portable Paper. He began his career as a high school Math and English teacher. Rich lives in Fairfield, Iowa, with his wife, Lucinda, and their children, Robert and Ella. You can contact him at [email protected] .

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How To Allow Popups in Safari

How To Allow Popups in Safari

Popups are probably the most annoying part of using the internet. Some websites don’t use them, some websites use them well while others seem to think they can bombard you with popups and wear you down enough to buy whatever they are selling. Unfortunately, the first two seem in the minority while some website owners don’t seem to realize there are thousands of other websites offering exactly the same news, entertainment, products or whatever that we can go to if we want to.

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Allow popups from certain websites in Safari

Regardless of all that, there are some reasons when you do want a popup to appear. My online bank uses them to let me access my account. A couple of secure websites I use for work also use popups for validation. It is these cases that require popups to be enabled. Fortunately, you can whitelist those particular websites while keeping the block on others.

You can enable popups on the fly or within preferences in Safari for Mac.

Here’s how:

To enable popups on the fly, select the ‘Pop-up Window Blocked’ notification in the URL bar. Select the option to allow popups for this website and refresh the page. Once fully refreshed, the popup should now appear and you can continue on your way.

If you want to set Safari up to always allow popups from a particular website, you can do that too.

  • Open Safari on your Mac and navigate to the website you want to allow popups for.
  • Select the menu and Preferences.
  • Select the Websites tab and select Popup Windows in the left menu.
  • Select the URL of the website in the center.
  • Select Allow in the menu to the right.
  • Close the Preferences window.

The next time you visit that website, the popup should appear as expected. All others should be blocked still so you’re not bombarded with them once you use the web.

Should you ever want to turn the popup blocker off, you can. In the same preferences window you opened above, select ‘When visiting other websites’ and set it to Allow. This effectively disables the popup blocker and will allow any website to show them to you.

In Safari for iPhone, you don’t get the option to whitelist a website only to enable or disable the popup blocker. It’s a binary choice so you will have to disable them to allow your required popup and then enable it once more to stop others.

  • Launch Safari and access Settings.
  • Toggle Block Pop-ups to off.

That’s all there is to it. Learn the setting as you’ll need it often if you use bank websites instead of their apps!

Do you know of any good popup blockers for iOS? Any ways around this binary option for Safari for iOS? Tell us below if you do!

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How to Disable the Safari Pop-Up Blocker: Quick Step-by-Step Tutorial

Last Updated: November 14, 2023 Fact Checked

Disable for One Website on Mac

Disable for all websites on mac, disable on iphone & ipad.

This article was co-authored by Luigi Oppido and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Dillon . Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,925 times.

Does Safari keep blocking pop-ups that you really need to see? While pop-ups are usually associated with advertisements and spam, sometimes websites use pop-ups to display important information or ask for your login. Whatever the reason, disabling the pop-up blocker in Safari is a simple process on both Mac and your mobile device, so keep reading to learn more.

Things You Should Know

  • To disable the pop-up blocker on a Mac, go to your Safari settings and navigate to the "Websites" section.
  • You can either add specific websites you want to allow pop-ups on, or you can opt to allow pop-ups from all sites.
  • On your iPhone or iPad, you can disable the pop-up blocker by going to the Safari section of your Settings app and toggling it off.

Step 1 Navigate to the desired website in Safari.

  • Repeat these steps for other sites you want to allow popups on.
  • You can also select Block and Notify , which will stop the pop-up from appearing but will notify you that one was blocked so you can show it anyway.

Step 1 Click Safari > Settings > Websites.

  • If you don't see a Configured Websites section, you haven't set any pop-up blocking rules for any websites.

Step 4 Change the dropdown in the bottom-right to

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how to turn on pop up blocker

How to Turn On Pop-Up Blocker

Because we live in an almost digital age, online browsing has become a fundamental part of our daily lives. However, we are sure that, like us, you are tired of the constant presence of disruptive ads every time you visit a website! Intrusive advertisements can affect the user experience by slowing your navigation and causing a lot of visual noise. Learn how to turn on pop up blocker !

In this blog, we will explore an effective solution for you to eliminate all types of ads and the danger they can bring. Discover how to take control by enabling and disabling pop-up blockers in popular browsers like Chrome and Safari. Explore the best Free Ad Blocker to ensure protection and a smoother online experience.

Gain mastery over intrusive pop-ups, learning to turn on, allow, and unblock them. Let's dive into the world of unhindered browsing!

Understanding Pop-Up Blockers

Why enable pop-up blockers, 1. internet explorer, 2. google chrome, 3. mozilla firefox, 6. iphone or ipad ios, 7. chrome on androidtm, how to unblock pop-up windows, enabling pop-ups for specific sites, choosing the right pop-up blocker: stands free adblocker, how do pop-up blockers work, what are the risks of disabling pop-up blockers, can i customize pop-up blocker settings, are there alternatives to built-in pop-up blockers, how to handle legitimate pop-ups.

An Adblock or pop up blocker is a program or plugin that you can download and install on your web browser, which allows you to block advertising that appears when you browse the Internet, either through your computer or mobile device. Depending on the type of blocker you are using, you can block all intrusive advertising and protect your online information.

Pop-up blockers are crucial in improving our online browsing experience by eliminating all intrusive windows. Want to find out how pop-up blockers work? Pop-up blockers employ a few fundamental mechanisms to perform their proper functions. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Pattern recognition:  Pop-up blockers often use predefined patterns to achieve recognition of characteristics commonly associated with pop-up windows, for example, the window size and its specific code.
  • Blacklisting:  Pop-up blockers maintain databases of websites known to be malicious or which generate excessive pop-ups. When visiting a potentially malicious website, the pop-up blocker intervenes by identifying it as dangerous and restricting access. 
  • Anti-tracking filters:  Ad blockers may include filters designed to block scripts and tracking mechanisms. These filters protect users' privacy by preventing advertisers from monitoring their online behavior.

This way, pop-up blockers strive to balance blocking annoying pop-ups and protecting your online information. To get all these protection advantages, you must learn to turn on pop-up blocker or disable it when needed.

allow popups

Here are five reasons why enabling pop-up blockers is a brilliant idea:

  • Avoid being annoyed by so many pop-ups:  Enabling a pop-up blocker helps prevent annoying interruptions while browsing the web. What's worse than entering a website and being unable to read the information due to a barrage of annoying ads? 
  • Improve your cybersecurity:  Some pop-up windows, besides being annoying, can also contain malicious code or links to unsafe websites. Activating a pop-up blocker reduces the risk of exposing yourself to potentially dangerous content and protects your device and online identity from threats.
  • Increase Browsing Speed:  Did you know that pop-up windows consume system resources and can slow down the loading of web pages? By blocking these windows, you reduce page load times and enjoy a more efficient browsing experience.
  • Protect your data:  Some pop-ups are designed to track your online activity and have your data collected by third parties without your consent.
  • Conserve Bandwidth:  Pop-up windows often contain multimedia content, such as video advertisements, which consume bandwidth. By blocking these windows, you can save data by ensuring more efficient browsing.

Turning on pop-up blockers will improve your web surfing comfort and contribute to a safer and more efficient online environment. Ready to surf the net?

how do you allow pop ups

How to Turn On Pop-Up Blocker in Different Browsers?

As we have seen, a pop-up blocker is any program that restricts any advertisements. Generally, pop-up blockers are software installed to avoid annoying pop-up ads while browsing; however, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and other browsers already have built-in pop-up blockers. Discover how to turn on or turn off pop-up blockers in the most popular browsers:

To turn on or turn off pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer, you should take the following steps:

  • Click on the Tools icon, and then tap on Internet Options.
  • Click the Privacy tab.
  • Then, click Settings next to Enable pop-up blocker.
  • Enter the website in the address of the website, and select the "Allow" field.

Now, if you need to turn off pop-ups, you must follow the exact instructions, but do not enable the pop-up blockers by clicking "Close" and then "OK."

Blocking or allowing pop-ups in your browser is very simple in Chrome.

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • In the top right corner, click More, then go to Settings.
  • Click on Privacy and Security, click Site Settings, and select Pop-ups and Redirects.
  • Here, you can choose the option you want as your default setting.
  • To allow all pop-ups, click the pop-up option and use redirects.
  • To enable pop-ups on specific websites, scroll to Allowed to send pop-ups, use redirects, and Add.
  • Enter the website name, add it, and Accept the changes. 

Take the following steps to turn Pop-up Blockers on or off in Firefox:

  • Select the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner.
  • Select Settings and the Privacy and Security tab on the left side.
  • To turn the pop-up blocker on or off, uncheck or check the Block pop-up windows box below the Permissions section.
  • To allow specific pop-ups, click Exceptions and enter the website URL you want to whitelist.
  • Close the window and click OK.

We recommend that you relaunch the browser once these actions are finished. Looking for the best Ad Blocker for Firefox ? Find it here!

enabling pop up blockers

To turn on or turn off pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer, take the following steps:

  • Click on the Settings and then click on the More icon.
  • Click Settings and then tap Site permissions.
  • Click Pop-ups and redirects, and Add.
  • Enter the website into the address to allow it, and click Add.

If you want to block ads, repeat the same steps, but you must enable pop-ups. We recommend you close and relaunch Edge for the changes to set better. Do you want to get the best Ad Block for Edge ?

Depending on your Safari version, you can now add pop-up blocker exceptions. Take the following steps:

  • Select Safari and then go to Preferences.
  • Select Websites at the top of the window.
  • Then, choose Pop-up Windows on the left side.
  • When visiting other websites, use the menu to select if you want to block and notify, block, or allow.

Take the following steps to turn off pop-up blockers in iPhone or iPad iOS:

  • Open the Settings app in iOS and go to Safari.
  • Under the General Safari settings, activate Block Pop-ups to the OFF position to disable the pop-up blocker or to the ON position to enable the pop-up blocker on iOS.

Take the following steps to turn off pop-up blockers in Chrome on AndroidTM:

  • Select the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and go to Settings.
  • Scroll down, look for Advanced settings, and then select Site settings.
  • Click on Pop-ups and redirects.
  • Toggle the switch on or off, depending if you want to enable or disable pop ups.

Learn everything about the best Ad Blocker for Brave !

how to unblock pop up windows

To unblock pop-ups, you can follow these simple steps. In your browser, look for the pop-up blocking settings. This option is usually found in the site's privacy or content settings. Adjust the settings to allow pop-ups on the specific site you are visiting. Some browsers also allow you to temporarily unblock pop-ups by clicking an icon in the address bar. Unblock only on trusted sites to maintain a safe browsing experience. For more specific information, check the steps for each browser or device type.

Discover all about ad blocker Stands for safe and smooth browsing!

Here is a general guide to enabling pop-ups for specific sites in most browsers. Please note that the exact settings for these options may vary slightly depending on your browser.

  • First, open your browser on your computer or portable phone.
  • Look for the settings or preferences option in the browser menu. 
  • Explore the settings or privacy options related to pop-ups.
  • Within the pop-up settings, look for the option to add exceptions or enable permissions for specific sites.
  • Add the address of the website for which you want to allow pop-ups.
  • Save the settings and then close the configuration window.

Stands Free AdBlocker is a 100% free adblocking solution that will offer you better control of your online privacy and eliminate all those annoying ads! Some excellent features of Stands Adblocker are:

  • Smooth browsing:  Say goodbye to annoying video ads, pop-ups, flashing banners, and any advertising interrupting your browsing experience. 
  • Online security:  With Stands Free Adblocker, you can avoid all dangerous phishing websites and malware attacks.
  • Data security:  Ad-blocking software like Stands will prevent tracking companies from tracking your online activity and collecting private information. 
  • Protecting your children online:  Ad-blocking software like Stands protects your children online by hiding all inappropriate and adult content, such as material that may be annoying, disturbing, or offensive. 
  • Improve page loading speed:  Downloading an ad blocker like Stands will speed up page loading by turning off all elements that may slow down the site.
  • Stands Adblocker is 100% free!

Discover the best Free Ad Blocker with Stands!

enable popups

We explored comprehensive solutions for eliminating various types of ads and the risks they pose. By learning how to enable and disable pop-up blockers in popular browsers like Chrome and Safari, you can ensure a smoother browsing experience. Understanding the mechanisms behind how pop-up blockers work and the importance of enabling them will enhance your cybersecurity.

To ensure online protection, you can turn on pop-up blockers in different browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, iOS, and Android. However, choosing the right pop-up blocker, like Stands Free Ad Blocker , ensures a seamless and secure online journey for free. Embrace the power of pop-up blockers to transform your digital experience with Stands AdBlocker, making intrusive ads a thing of the past.

Your online privacy is in your hands, and with readers like you supporting us, we can continue to provide valuable insights into navigating the web securely and efficiently.

Pop-up blockers are programmed to scan the code of a web page and look for any hint of a program that commands your browser to open a new window. If the blocker finds this code, it turns off the command, and this magic means you don't get any annoying ads.

Turning off pop-up blockers could lead to a less secure, more annoying, and slower browsing experience. Balancing convenience with security and efficiency is essential when deciding on pop-up blocker settings.

Yes, you can usually customize the pop-up blocker settings in most browsers. Its exact location may vary slightly depending on your browser version. Personalizing the settings allows you to tailor the pop-up blocking experience to your preferences and needs.

Yes, there are alternatives to the pop-up blockers built into browsers. These alternatives are usually extensions or add-ons that you can add to your browser to enhance or customize the pop-up blocking functionality.

Handling legitimate pop-ups effectively is essential to avoid losing important information and ensure a smooth browsing experience. If you use a pop-up blocker, set up exceptions for legitimate websites that may require pop-ups, such as email services, online banking platforms, or password management systems.

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72 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Moscow

fun things to do in Moscow

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Sure, Moscow is the Russian political capital and the nation’s most populous city, but describing it as such couldn’t be any further from the truth. More accurately, Moscow is a city of contrasts.

It exudes history — its Kremlin dates back centuries, nodding to royalty and leadership old and now, while the famed Red Square, the poster child of the city, blends striking color with ancient tradition and religion.

On the other hand, it’s a city of modern pop culture and towering skyscrapers; a place where you’ll come across new-age museums, arts centers, manmade parks, and an efficient transportation system that’s one of the most beautiful in Europe.

It’s a city of longstanding culture — the Bolshoi Theater is an international symbol for excellence in classical dance, while Russia’s National Ballet Company remains renowned worldwide — as well as upbeat nightlife, with some of the world’s most celebrated rooftop bars and nightclubs.

While it’s a city filled with opposites, there remains no shortage of things to do in Moscow for all types of travelers — from those who want cultural immersion to those looking for an epic night out, you’ll be spoiled for choice. And if you’re not sure where to start, here’s a list of suggestions!

The Moscow Kremlin

If there’s any particular district begging to be the first place you visit on your trip, it’s the Kremlin.

Built in the 16th century by Ivan the Terrible, the UNESCO-listed area has since become the heart of Russia’s capital city, where you’ll find several churches, palaces, and other noteworthy buildings.

We’ll dive into each of its main attractions in a second, but regardless of what you visit, try to make it to the Kremlin in time for sunset — because seeing its golden domes glinting in the late-afternoon light makes for one spectacular tourist photo!

Click here to learn about Kremlin tickets prices .

1 – Admire the abundance of Kremlin towers | the Kremlin

Kremlin towers, Moscow

As your eyes dart down the towering red-brick Kremlin wall, the first thing you’ll notice is its large towers of all different styles and sizes.

With a whopping 20 separate minarets towering above the historic area, each with its own name, colors, features and history, a guided tour to learn each of their fascinating stories is a must.

To give you a little taste, the Konstantin-Yeleninskaya Tower once housed a torture chamber. Saviour’s Tower at the main entrance boasts a famous chiming clock, the Secret Tower houses a secret escape tunnel, and the Trinity Tower is the tallest of them all.

  • Moscow Kremlin tours

2 – Visit the enormous Grand Kremlin Palace | the Kremlin

Grand Kremlin Palace, Moscow

A remarkable attraction in terms of both beauty and history, the Grand Kremlin Palace is an ornate rococo-style building that was commissioned during the reign of Nicholas I, and today acts as the official residence of none other than the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Perched atop Borovitsky Hill, its 125-meter-long facade is unmissable, making for impressive photos.

Take note: guided tours are few and far between, so you’ll have to book a few weeks in advance if you want to check out the decorated inner sanctum.

Directions in Google Maps

3 – People-watch in Cathedral Square | the Kremlin

Cathedral Square, Moscow

One of the most popular areas in all of Moscow (sometimes called Sobornaya Square), with multiple massive churches at its heart, Cathedral Square is flanked by several historic buildings and is never shy of a tourist crowd.

The three main churches — each spectacular works of architecture in their own right — are the Cathedral of the Assumption (the oldest and the biggest of all Kremlin churches), the 16th-century Cathedral of the Archangel Michael (known for its beautiful Corinthian gables and turrets), and the golden-domed Cathedral of the Annunciation (which connects to the Grand Kremlin Palace’s main building).

Throw in the 60-meter-high Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the lesser-known Church of the Twelve Apostles , the Church of the Deposition of the Virgin’s Robe (underrated yet famous for its marvelous stained-glass windows), and the medieval residence-turned-museum that is The Patriarch’s Palace, and you can see why this square is regularly number one on any visitor’s list of things to do in Moscow.

4 – See a show at the State Kremlin Palace | the Kremlin

State Kremlin Palace, Moscow

Just like the Grand Kremlin Palace , this theater and prestigious concert hall — with its grandiose facade and multiple sculptures — is another ornate building that’s worth admiring.

A popular place to hold conferences, the State Kremlin Palace was originally built as part of a larger complex for Communist Party meetings, but today hosts some of the biggest events in Moscow — we’re talkin’ sold-old ballet performances, world-famous concerts, opera shows, and festivals.

Check the website to see what’s on the calendar for your visit!

5 – See centuries worth of national treasures at the Armoury Chamber | the Kremlin

Armoury Chamber, Moscow

For anyone with an interest in historical weaponry and armor, this museum — which dates back to the early 1500s when it was created as the royal armory — is a must-see.

The Armoury Chamber (as well as the Diamond Fund Exhibition) is home to some of the most valuable objects that were originally owned by Russian monarchs — from jeweled heirlooms and intricate boxes to ornately decorated pistols and swords — many of which are centuries old.

Within the armoury chamber, you’ll also find the Russian historical regalia, a collection of artifacts that belonged to Russian tsars and emperors between the 13th and 20th centuries, highlighted by the Ivory Throne and the Monomakh’s Cap.

  • Armoury Chamber tours

6 – Step inside the Palace of the Facets | the Kremlin

Palace of the Facets, Moscow

The Palace of the Facets is one of the most underrated buildings in all of Moscow, largely because it’s not as widely promoted or photographed even though its exterior adorns some postcards.

From the outside, it blends in with the crowd. But step inside and you’ll discover a world of beauty and wonder — its frescoes, golden columns and enormous rooms are a sight to behold

The Palace of the Facets is not only a piece of art (literally, with painted walls), dating back over 500 years, but also acted as the dining hall for the Tsars.

7 – Feel small next to the Tsar Bell | the Kremlin

Tsar Bell, Moscow

Making Philadelphia’s famous Liberty Bell look diminutive in size, this monument , which never actually functioned as a bell due to its immense size (at 205 tons and standing 20.1 feet high!), has found fame in recent years for being the heaviest attraction inside The Kremlin.

With the bronze landmark’s claim to fame of being the biggest bell in the world, it presents as a great, quick photo op when roaming through the Kremlin.

8 – Check out the Senate Palace | the Kremlin

Senate Palace, Moscow

Another architectural masterpiece that’s tucked away within the Kremlin, this palace is famous for being one of Moscow’s most beautiful buildings — its yellow façade curves around to face inward and truly engulf anyone who stands near it.

Built back in the late 1700s, today it houses the Russian presidential administration and, unfortunately for us, is off limits to the general public.

Still, admiring it from outside, with the nearby Tsar Cannon, is certainly good enough.

9 – Grab a photo in front of the Tsar Cannon | the Kremlin

Tsar Cannon, Moscow

One of Moscow’s most iconic symbols, Tsar Cannon (or Royal Cannon) is a cannon that was manufactured in 1586 and resides — yep, you guessed it — within The Kremlin.

Following the theme of the enormous Tsar Bell, it weighs a whopping 39 tons — making it one of the world’s largest cannons even though it has never been shot.

And while its size may be impressive on its own, what makes this cannon so special is that it’s adorned with intricate carvings, ornaments, inscriptions, and a figure of a horse-riding Tsar Feodor the Bellringer.

  • walking tours in Moscow

10 – Join a tour of the Terem Palace | the Kremlin

Terem Palace, Moscow

A stunning, fairytale-like palace that’s steeped in history and detail, the five-story Terem Palace is one of the most underrated attractions within The Kremlin. However, as part of the official residence of the Russian President, much of it is off-limits to snap-happy tourists.

That said, there’s still plenty to be seen in the accessible areas by joining a group tour: a beautiful white-stone carved staircase; curved, decorated, and painted ceilings; and an enchanting low-vaulted Antechamber with lancet windows.

The Red Square

As we move away from the Kremlin, our next stop is the most photographed, picturesque public area in the country.

Flanked by gorgeous, colorful towers and buildings, the Red Square is the most famous square in all of Russia — and one that’s steeped in history, patriotism, and communist symbolism.

Home to some of Moscow’s greatest landmarks including St Basil’s Cathedral (featuring its iconic onion domes), Lenin Mausoleum, GUM department store (an architectural masterpiece that is the most famous shopping mall in Russia), The State History Museum, and more, it’s not just a sight to see in Moscow but also one that has been seen by hundreds of millions from around the world.

11 – Make your way inside St. Basil’s Cathedral | Red Square

St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow

Built back in the early 1500s, this quirky-looking, 65-meter-tall Orthodox church is so unique and detailed that it’s earned its place as one of 16 UNESCO cultural sites in Russia — and, thanks to many Hollywood productions like Bond: Skyfall (2012), has only continued to increase in fame.

Its exterior boasts multi-colored domes crowned with golden onion top spires. Meanwhile, inside, you’ll find nine small, separate chapels, and plenty of decorated walls and windows — all best viewed as part of a walking tour of Red Square.

  • Red Square tours in Moscow

12 – Visit the State Historical Museum | Red Square

State Historical Museum, Moscow

One of seven museums that can be found around the expansive Red Square, the State Historical Museum is one of Moscow’s most revered.

Housed in a neoclassical building (the same as GUM), it features more than 4 million items relating to Russian history — making it so vast and incredible that you’ll need at least two hours inside to see just a fraction.

While you’re in the area, be sure to check out the Marshal Georgy Zhukov Monument, a towering horse-riding statue of arguably the most famous and heroic Soviet military commander of WWII, which can be found in front of the museum.

13 – Shop till you drop at GUM | Red Square

GUM department store, Moscow

The official state department store of Russia, having opened in 1893 and become one of Moscow’s most iconic attractions for shopaholics over the years, is known for its gorgeous architecture that looks more like a palace than anything else.

Entering through its massive golden doors, you’ll be surprised to find an extensive shopping center with more than 100 luxury and world-renowned brands of clothing and accessories for men, women, and youngsters.

Even if you don’t plan on buying anything, stop into the Gastronom №1 for a bite to eat or take a stroll through its corridors to appreciate the building’s history and beauty.

14 – Visit Lenin’s Mausoleum | Red Square

Lenin's Mausoleum, Moscow

Another iconic Red Square attraction is Lenin’s Mausoleum, a small yet foreboding building that houses the embalmed corpse of Communist leader Vladimir Lenin (who led Russia through the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917).

Opened in 1930 after his death and standing at more than 12 meters tall, it presents as both a unique and macabre site — and, considering the life-like nature of the body, certainly isn’t for the faint of heart.

Note: Entrance is free of charge, but expect to be searched by security before being allowed in.

15 – Ride the Moscow Metro, enjoying the beautiful stations along the way

Moscow Metro, Russia

As we leave the Red Square, the next cab off the rank is Moscow’s unbelievable artistic Metro network (rivaled only in beauty by that of Stockholm). Constructed between the 1930s and 1950s, its stations were built by hand with a wide range of artistic themes — from socialist realist to Slavic pagan.

Tips: The best way to experience them is as part of a Moscow Metro tour, which can be booked online. However, if you prefer exploring solo, then make sure to visit the Mayakovskaya Metro Station which is known for its seemingly endless archways.

You may also check out Dostoyevskaya, named after a famous writer with murals depicting his stories. The Ploshchad Revolutsii Metro Station is another option where a handful of Socialist statues provide a wonderful contrast to the red marble arches.

  • metro tours in Moscow

16 – Spend the afternoon exploring the State Tretyakov Gallery

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Boasting the reputation of being one of the world’s leading art museums, the State Tretyakov Gallery is home to a stunning collection that features well over 100,000 works from Russia and around the globe.

Featuring everything from ancient Russian icons to Soviet-era artifacts and contemporary pieces, the museum also houses a charming green garden perfect for recharging.

Visitors are advised to allocate at least three hours inside to properly appreciate everything on show — or consider booking a private VIP tour to skip the lines and focus on the best sections.

  • Tretyakov Gallery tickets

Click here to find out the best Moscow tours .

17 – Get out of town to the Tsaritsyno Museum & Nature Reserve

Tsaritsyno Museum & Nature Reserve, Moscow

Located a short drive from the hustle and bustle of the Red Square, this incredible attraction is both a palatial museum and cultural center, with an enchanting open-air garden to boot — spread across 405 hectares altogether.

Boasting beautiful 18th-century baroque architecture, it was originally built as a country retreat for Catherine the Great. However, it has since been transformed into an outdoor museum with several museums inside — including exhibits dedicated to Russian history and culture.

18 – Tick off the main haunts with a hop-on hop-off bus ride

bus tours in Moscow

Short on time or just can’t be bothered walking around anymore? Then make sure to check out the double-decker Hop-on-Hop-off Bus, a convenient and cheap way of seeing all the main attractions in one go.

With unlimited-ride tickets lasting between 24 and 72 hours, there’s plenty of flexibility to soak in must-see areas like Red Square, the Kremlin, Arbatskaya Square, Theatre Square, and the Red October neighborhood — and with a free audio tour (in English) throughout the ride, you’re sure to learn a thing or two as well.

Busses usually run every 15 minutes, with the full city loop taking roughly an hour — of course, you can disembark and reboard to your heart’s content.

  • bus tours in Moscow

19 – Learn about military history on Poklonnaya Hill

Poklonnaya Hill, Moscow

For an up-close and personal experience with the past, make sure to check out Poklonnaya Hill — a UNESCO World Heritage Site about 20 minutes out from the city center that’s home to several relics from Russia’s pre-revolutionary era.

It has everything from Great Patriotic War memorials dedicated to fallen soldiers of the Russian military forces, to the Eternal Flame and the Museum of Great Patriotic War. This is an unmissable opportunity for history buffs.

Hot tip: While you’re in the area, be sure to stop into the Victory Museum (the nation’s biggest military history museum) and check out the gold-tipped Church of St. George the Victorious .

20 – Get artsy at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Home to one of the finest and most significant art collections in Russia, the highly-regarded Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts showcases everything from medieval icons and paintings. With over 500,000 pieces of works by renowned artists like Rembrandt, Renoir, Picasso, Matisse, Karl Bryullov and Rubens, the museum is undeniably one of the best things to do in Moscow for art lovers.

The museum also houses impressive exhibits dedicated to ancient Greece, archaeological collections, decorative arts and a 200,000-item Numismatic library.

21 – Take a charming stroll down Arbat Street

Arbat Street, Moscow

Boasting everything from galleries and craft stores to souvenir shops, cafes, and some of Russia’s finest restaurants and hotels — as well as top-notch street performers (like jugglers and caricaturists) — Arbat Street is one of Moscow’s most famous pedestrian hubs for good reason.

The entire walkway, flanked by colorful buildings, stretches about a kilometer through the historic district, making it the perfect start to any day of inner-city exploring.

22 – Lounge around at the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure, Moscow

One of Moscow’s biggest and most beloved green spaces, Gorky Central Park is a must-visit for anyone looking to soak in some fresh air.

The park boasts 45 hectares of picturesque grassland, forests, Golitsinsky Ponds (home to squirrels and ducks), walking trails, fountains and the Neskuchny Garden. This place is also home to the wooden Olivkovy beach, a hot spot for photographers looking to appreciate the Moskva river.

Plenty of cafes line the well-manicured park, likewise public art projects and picnic spots and an open-air cinema in the summertime!

While a relaxing day in the gardens is never a bad idea, if you’re looking for something a little more interactive, there’s the 18-meter-tall Observation Platform and a handful of museums on site. The Gorky Park Museum , Muzeon Park of Arts , Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and New Tretyakov Gallery are all noteworthy stops within walking distance.

23 – Stare at the ceiling of the Christ the Savior Cathedral

Christ the Savior Cathedral, Moscow

On an easy stroll from the southwest side of the Kremlin, you’ll find a majestic memorial cathedral doused in history: the 5-golden-domed Christ the Savior Cathedral .

With a beautiful color-contrasting exterior that still falls short of the intricately painted inner walls and ceiling, this underrated (due to not being in Red Square with the other main cathedrals) attraction is a must for the bucket list.

24 – Zoom around town in a Soviet van

Soviet van tours in Moscow

If a hop-on-hop-off bus screams of cliche tourism, why not get a little more cultured by skirting around the city’s main haunts in a real, war-era soviet van?

Undeniably one of Russia’s most emblematic vehicles as both a symbol of a Soviet past and a comical cultural nod to its boring exterior (dubbed the “loaf of bread”), the UAZ-452 vans are iconic.

So whether you opt for a pub crawl, landmark sightseeing tour, or day of adventure with wintertime off-roading, be sure to ride shotgun in one of the loaves of bread at some stage!

  • soviet tours

25 – See sharks up close at the Moskvarium

Moskvarium, Moscow

The mightiest aquarium in Europe (by size), the Moskvarium is an impressive modern space dedicated to the beauty and diversity of aquatic life.

Located right on the outskirts of Moscow’s city center (about 20 minutes drive from Red Square), this huge complex encompasses over 70 interactive exhibits. These include live shows, and the chance to go swimming with dolphins — that are sure to impress the whole family.

26 – Go underground at the Bunker 42 Cold War Museum

Bunker 42 Cold War Museum, Moscow

In the depths of Moscow’s shadow-strewn streets, hidden 65 meters beneath the tourist crowds are a Cold War-era bunker and former secret communications center.

Bunker 42 was built in 1955 as a nuclear-proof hideaway, but today you can book tours that reveal its secrets and stories — a must for the common history buff.

  • Bunker 42 tickets

27 – Immserve yourself in the soviet culture at the VDNKh theme park and exhibition space

VDNKh, Moscow

Sprawling across the Ostankinsky District, VDNKh is a massive open-air museum and theme park paying homage to Russian industry and Soviet values.

The enormous complex is decked out with several gold-clad statues and palatial pavilions, each uniquely designed to represent different Soviet interests and endeavors, such as geology and the space race.

Hot tip: For a wonderful view of the Moscow skyline, be sure to jump on the Ferris wheel after riding the small roller coasters and merry-go-round.

28 – Take a trip to the Kolomenskoye Palace

Kolomenskoye Palace, Moscow

Overlooking the sparkling Moskva River about 20 kiometers south of central Moscow, the postcard-worthy Kolomenskoye Palace is a former royal estate. It’s now open to the public as an extensive park with carefully-kept gardens, including one of Russia’s oldest white stone churches (the tent-looking UNESCO-listed Ascension Church ).

It has walking trails through peaceful wooded areas and gorgeous views out over the region from its high hilltop location. The park has long been considered one of the hidden gems when it comes to things to do in Moscow.

29 – Enjoy the view from the Ostankino TV Tower

Ostankino TV Tower. Moscow

With the coveted claim to fame of being the tallest free-standing structure in Europe (and 11th tallest in the world) — standing above the Empire State Building, for reference — the 540.1-meter-tall Ostankino Tower is picturesquely located next to Park Dubovaya Roshcha, not too far from VDNH, the Moskvarium, and the widespread Park Ostankind.

So long as you’re not left lighthearted by heights, the 337-meter-high observation deck is the go-to spot for panoramic views.

30 – Blast off at the Museum of Cosmonautics

Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow

One for the space nerds and future astronauts, the Museum of Cosmonautics is dedicated to the history, present-day relevance, and future possibilities of space exploration. It provides a spectacular insight into the Soviet perspective of the 1960s space race.

Located on a lovely green site in one corner of VDNKh, the museum features an outdoor planetarium, interactive displays for children, as well as inside exhibits that showcase original spacecraft parts.

For the best experience, consider a pre-arranged tour that includes access to both the Museum and VDNKh.

31 – Complete your Moscow culinary experience with a food tour

food tours in Moscow

Foodies, listen up! Moscow has gained a reputation for being one of the finest cities in Europe for foodies, with an excellent range of restaurants and bars.

For those looking for a complete Moscow culinary experience that includes some of the best hidden gems and experiences, food tours are an ideal way to go.

Depending on your tour of choice, expect to sample a few Pelmeni (dumplings), Blini (wafer-thin pancakes), and world-famous Ponchiki doughnuts. Then wash it all down with some locally-distilled vodka or Nalivka (a sweet berry-infused liquor).

  • food tours in Moscow

32 – Smell the flowers at the Main Botanical Garden — the largest botanical garden in Europe

Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Constructed in 1945, the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a 340-hectare space of plant collections and lakeside walkways to explore.

It’s one of those places that gets better as you make your way around it on foot (or even rollerblades). There are many well-kept gardens, beautiful ponds filled with turtles and waterfowl, a charming Japanese Garden and some very rare trees.

33 – Wander around the Novodevichy Monastery

Novodevichy Monastery, Moscow

The Novodevichy Convent and surrounding Kremlin-style walls combine to be one of Moscow’s most picturesque sites — a UNESCO-listed complex that was founded in the 1500s and includes an interweaving of churches, cathedrals, bell towers and a cemetery.

After admiring the buildings, check out the monastery which is surrounded by green spaces perfect for a stroll and a snack.

To learn all about its architecture and history, opt for a guided tour as recommended by most travelers.

34 – Ride the coasters at Family Park SKAZKA

Family Park SKAZKA, Moscow

If you’re traveling with youngsters who seem to never be able to burn off their energy then make a beeline for the Krylatskoye District neighborhood, home to the popular SKAZKA adventure park.

Kids can enjoy everything from bumper cars to the petting zoo, while parents might want to pop into one of the cafes or restaurants.

Even if you don’t have kids in tow, the adrenaline-pumping roller coasters invite thrill-seekers of all ages.

35 – Understand the deeper meanings of “Soviet Jew” at the Jewish Museum & Centre of Tolerance

Jewish Museum & Centre of Tolerance, Moscow

Opened in 2012, the Jewish Museum and Centre of Tolerance is a fascinating institution dedicated to exploring and honoring the diverse complex Russian-Jewish history and culture.

Explore every facet of the role of Russian Jewry throughout the centuries — including food, artifacts, religious beliefs and cultural traditions. Visitors can also see an array of exhibits made from testimonial footage, as well as a large collection of works of Jewish artists.

For history buffs, the museum dives into the intriguing role that Jewish soldiers played during World War II.

36 – Cruise down the Moscow River!

boat tours in Moscow

For those looking for a unique perspective on the city, there are stacks of tours (romantic, sightseeing, luxury-themed or party-vibed) that explore Moscow from its riverfront.

Take in some of the most iconic landmarks around the Kremlin and Gorky Park on a boat. Cruises can also take you underneath bridges, entertain you with live music and offer insights into the landmarks that pass by with live audio narration.

  • boat tours in Moscow

37 – Grab a table at Café Pushkin

Café Pushkin, Moscow

A favorite of many Muscovites, Cafe Pushkin on Tverskoy Boulevard is an intimate spot to enjoy some authentic Russian dishes.

It’s hand-picked by locals for its traditional décor resembling a nobleman’s house and charming atmosphere (thanks largely to the rustic bookshelves). You’ll find that the menu consists mainly of classic European cuisine mixed with a few local favorites. It’s complemented by a wooden bar with a fine collection of vintage wines and regular live music.

38 – Spend the day at the Karibiya Aquapark

Karibiya Aquapark, Moscow

After a hard day exploring the city, why not spend some time out to relax and unwind at one of Moscow’s largest water parks?

Karibiya has a handful of pools (including a heated salt-water spa) and fun but not too wild slides, plus a bowling alley for the kids, a fitness center and bar for the adults. There’s something to keep everyone entertained.

39 – Take a day trip to Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad day trips from Moscow

A photographer’s dream with blue-and-gold cupolas contrasted by snow-white walls, the ancient town of Sergiev Posad (just over an hour’s drive from Moscow) is a quaint tourist favorite. It’s famous for being home to one of Russia’s most important and sacred monasteries — the free-to-visit Trinity Lavra St. Sergius monastery complex.

Founded in 1340 AD by Saint Sergius, today it serves as an active monastery where visitors are free to attend daily services. Admire its truly remarkable artworks and historic museum collections.

  • Sergiev Posad day trip

40 – Spot starfish (and monkeys?) at the Crocus City Oceanarium

Crocus City Oceanarium, Moscow

One of the latest attractions in Moscow, Crocus City Mall’s iceberg-shaped  Oceanarium is a vast three-floor aquarium. It has more than 5,000 species swimming gracefully under one roof — not to mention the reptiles, birds, and monkeys that also call this place home.

Since the mall also boasts shopping centers, a pair of concert halls and a skating rink, there’s no shortage of activities on offer to whisk away a rainy day.

41 – Button-mash at the Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines

Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines, Moscow

Where are the gamers at?

For anyone curious about the video games and technology of Russia’s yesteryear, there’s no better place to visit than this retro museum (complete with Soviet-era soda).

Filled with an impressive collection of more than 100 vintage arcade machines dating back as far as the late 1970s (like ”Pull the Turnip”), it’s sure to take you on a trip down memory lane.

42 – Take a walk through the Alexander Garden

Alexander Garden, Moscow

While the majority of Moscow’s other top attractions require a ticket or entry fee, there is at least one gem that doesn’t. It happens to be right on your doorstep if you’re staying anywhere near the Kremlin.

Alexander Garden (also known as Alexandrovsky Sad) is an expansive park that stretches the entire western wall of the Kremlin (nearly 1km in length). It’s filled to the brim with colorful flower beds, winding walkways and calming fountains.

Don’t miss the tomb of the Unknown Soldier while you’re there.

43 – Sign up for a dog sledding adventure!

dog sledding in Moscow

Cliche? Sure, maybe a little. Seriously fun? You better believe it!

Winter is coming, and that means it’s time to get out there and experience Russia the way only locals can — by dog sledding.

Typically lasting seven or eight hours, these outdoor adventures (which include hotel pick up and drop off) are a wonderful way to experience nature and immerse yourself in ancient Russian traditions — and hang out with a handful of adorable huskies, of course!

Seriously though, this is one of those things you’re going to want photos (and videos) for when you get back home because, really, words just wouldn’t do it justice.

44 – Walk beneath the Iberian Gate and Chapel

Iberian Gate and Chapel, Moscow

Facing away from the Red Square and linking Manezhnaya Square, the Iberian Gate and Chapel (sometimes called the Resurrection Gate) is overflowing with history. It acts as the spiritual entrance to the Red Square and the home of the wooden chapel that houses icons of the Iberian Virgin.

Many believe it is customary to kiss the Iberian icon before entering the gate and for boys to take off their hats. For an insight into the local culture, join a walking tour and learn more about the gate’s significance to religion and history.

To add to the importance, the gate is also the location of ‘Kilometer Zero’ — the official central point of Moscow.

45 – Play all day at the Dream Island theme park

Dream Island, Moscow

After opening its gates early in 2020, Dream Island earned itself the coveted title of being the largest indoor theme park in Europe (yep, that means it’s even open in the harsh winter).

It’s a delight for kids and adults alike. Throughout the park you’ll find an array of rides themed around classic cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pinocchio, the Smurfs, Hotel Transylvania and Hello Kitty. It also has charming and well-arranged streets that transport you to bustling cities like London and Barcelona!

Throw in live performances, plenty of eateries, a cinema and a hotel, and you can see why it’s become all the rage recently.

46 – Race against the clock in an escape room

escape rooms in Moscow

An unmissable and quick activity for any budding Sherlock Holmes out there, escape rooms challenge your mind and require wit, teamwork, and logic. Figure out the puzzles and escape from each room before time runs up.

Moscow’s escape room games usually last around 60 minutes and cover a range of themes (like a USSR Nuclear Bunker or even an outdoor, app-led scavenger game) — perfect for the whole family.

47 – Chill out by the Patriarch’s Ponds

Patriarch's Ponds, Moscow

Surrounded by residential buildings in the fancy downtown Presnensky District, the enormous (9,900 square meters, to be exact) the Patriarshiye Prudy is a beautiful oasis. It’s frequented by dog walkers, picnickers, artists and musicians alike.

In summertime, you’ll find people picnicking on the grassy banks or sunbathing by the ponds. In the winter, it transforms into a magical wonderland of snow and ice, morphing into a popular public skating rink.

Directions on Google Maps

48 – Go behind the scenes at Luzhniki Stadium

Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow

Moscow’s Lujniki Stadium is one of Europe’s biggest soccer complexes, capable of hosting some 80,000 fans with an electric-like atmosphere — as we saw during its phase as the main stadium of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Besides being the current home ground of Russia’s National Football Team, it also hosts concerts by some of the biggest international acts and was also the focal point of the 1980 Olympic Games.

If your trip doesn’t line up with any sellout matches, you can still join a backstage stadium tour that explores the dressing rooms, press conference room and the field.

49 – Head to Suzdal and Vladimir for a day

Suzdal and Vladimir day trips from Moscow

A fantastic option for anyone who wants to get out of the chaos of Moscow for a minute, these two towns are parts of the Golden Ring of ancient Russian cities. They present as perfect day trips, thanks to their rich history, diverse culture and white-drenched architecture.

In Suzdal , the Kremlin fortress is the main event, with the Cathedral of the Nativity (and its 13th-century Golden Doors) captivating visitors year after year. In Vladimir , the awe-inspiring Assumption Cathedral (Dormition Cathedral) teaks center stage, with its five golden domes making for a wonderful photo backdrop

Don’t feel like hiring a car? Take the hassle out of your getaway and book a pre-arranged tour that visits both ancient towns on the same day.

50 – Escape the crowds at the Botanic Gardens of Moscow State University

Botanic Gardens of Moscow State University, Moscow

Wielding the title of Russia’s oldest botanic garden, the Botanic Gardens of Moscow State University (founded in 1706) is a fantastic place to escape the city and learn about Russia’s rich flora.

The beautifully arranged garden boasts more than 6,000 plant species that span various climates across the world, allowing visitors to see everything from roses and tulips to cacti and bamboo trees!

51 – Climb inside a tank at the Kubinka Tank Museum

Kubinka Tank Museum, Moscow

A must-see for any military history buff, the Kubinka Tank Museum showcases dozens of tanks and armored vehicles from across the globe, with a particularly heavy focus on Soviet Union models (to be expected, right?).

The collection includes everything from Polish TKS tankettes to the only remaining Panzer VIII Maus, a captured WWI British Mark V and the Object 172 — as well as plenty of cannons, weapons and missiles.

Serving traditional Russian military meals and national staples, even the cafe-restaurant is military-themed!

52 – Sit front row at the Moscow International House of Music

Moscow International House of Music

A world-renowned performance complex on the picturesque Kosmodamianskaya Embankment, this state-of-the-art venue is best known for hosting Vladimir Spivakov’s Virtuosi of Moscow Chamber Orchestra. It showcases everything from classical concerts to jazz, folk music and more!

The venue’s three magnificent concert halls welcome an array of local and international performers. Check the website to see who’s taking center stage during your visit!

53 – Drift through fresh powder on a snowmobile!

snowmobiling in Moscow

While it’s not always winter (though if you want to make the most of your snowy trip, come between December and March), as soon as that first snowfall hits, it’s time for snowmobile tours. Make for a fantastic way to explore the out-of-the-way locations and magical forests beyond Moscow’s city limits.

Even if you’ve never ridden a ski-doo or snowmobile before, the friendly expert instructors will be with you every step of the way, with safety and enjoyment always priorities.

54 – Crank your head skywards in Moscow City

Moscow International Business Center, Moscow

A stark contrast to the ancient and colorful onion domes in the Red Square, Moscow City’s skyscape (aka the Moscow International Business Center ) is full of towering, modern glass-heavy (even twisting) skyscrapers. Many of which are vying at the top of the list of Europe’s tallest buildings.

At 374 meters tall and with 95 floors — and a wonderful restaurant on its 60th floor — the Moscow Federation Tower is a popular choice for tourists. Meanwhile, the 85th and 86th floor of the OKO Towers play host to a Russian restaurant and skating rink respectively.

Be sure to walk through the modern Bagration Bridge and, for the shopaholics, check out the stores and IMAX theater inside AFIMALL City.

55 – Check out Zaryadye Park

Zaryadye Park, Moscow

Within arm’s reach of the famed Red Square, the peaceful slice of greenery that is Zaryadye Park is a breath of beautiful and natural air amidst the concrete jungle. It’s the first new city park to be opened in Moscow for more than half a century.

At various points around the 10-hectare park, you’ll find a few restaurant pavilions, a media center, a museum and a botanical collection housing over a million plants. It also houses the two-stage Zaryadye Concert Hall where thousands of passersby take a seat on the steps every day.

While you’re there, don’t miss the Chambers of the Romanov Boyars, an unusual museum above the northern side of the park.

56 – Stroll around the cozy Hermitage Garden

Hermitage Garden, Moscow

Small yet incredibly charming and found conveniently smack-bang in the middle of the city, the Hermitage Garden is a perfect spot to relax and unwind after a day of learning about Russia’s vast history.

Surrounded by the Sfera Theatre and The Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre of Moscow , this lovely, leafy garden can be both a relaxing oasis or the prelude to an entertaining evening out.

57 – Treat yourself to a ballet show at the Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow

With a reputation that precedes it, the impressive and world-famous Bolshoi Theatre is a must for any theater lover. Its rich history is making it one of the most iconic theaters in Europe.

While there are several performances to choose from throughout the year — from ballet to opera, classic dramas and even acrobatic shows — you can also get your own private backstage tour.

58 – Get artsy, then party at ArtPlay

ArtPlay, Moscow

This old tea factory turned cultural hub of Moscow’s creative arts is heaven on earth for rotating exhibitions by local artists.

Depending on what piques your interest, you can join in on everything from live music to dance classes, art studio workshops, flea markets and film screenings here. However, after the sun goes down, its alter-ego comes out to play.

So, if you’re feeling peckish, stop into the Domozhilov restaurant nearby for a shashlik. Then wash it down at the English pub with a beer before partying it up at Rodnya, a pumping techno club.

59 – Head to the PANORAMA360 Observation Deck

PANORAMA360 Observation Deck, Moscow

A surefire hit for the social media feed, the observation deck at the top of Moscow’s Federation Tower skyscraper — PANORAMA360 — is a must-see selfie stop for its killer views and … ice cream factory.

From the 89th floor, you can soak in the wonder of Moscow old and new from above. It has floor-to-ceiling windows providing 360-degree vistas, a rotating restaurant and mini-cinema to boot.

60 – Throw down a picnic blanket in Sokolniki Park

Sokolniki Park, Moscow

One of the largest green spaces in Moscow, Sokolniki Park is a very popular gathering place for locals and visitors alike.

Spread across the northeastern Sokolniki District, it’s the perfect distance from the city’s main haunts where the crowds remain small but the accessibility stays high.

With its many activities — from sports to live music to festivals — not much beats this park when it comes to outdoor fun!

61 – Catch a traditional Russian dance show

Russian dance shows in Moscow

To get a true sense of the rich and diverse culture in Moscow, you can’t go past one of its many folk dance shows.

While there are several to choose from, “Kostroma” and “The Golden Ring” are two crowd favorite choices. Each is thoroughly unique with traditional music and costumes sure to make for a once-in-a-lifetime night of entertainment.

Of course, due to high popularity, be sure to book in advance.

62 – Book a table at the White Rabbit restaurant bar

White Rabbit restaurant bar, Moscow

Perched above the historical center of Moscow on the 16th floor of the Smolensky Passage building, this lavish restaurant is a must-visit for any foodie-obsessed traveler. Why? Because it continually ranks as one of the top 50 restaurants in the world.

The drool-worthy menu made by fifth-generation chef Vladimir Mukhin consists of creative, beautiful plated meals. The coveted eaterie also boasts 360-degree panoramic views of the city and a fine collection of wines and cocktails.

63 – Have dinner inside the Vysoko-Petrovskiy Monastery

Vysoko-Petrovskiy Monastery, Moscow

Whether you’re an architecture or history buff, while visiting Moscow, it would be a shame to miss out on the rare chance to eat in an actual monastery.

This one is particularly special as it dates back some 700 years. Not only will you get to dig into an authentic Russian menu, but learn about the history of the building and (depending on your booking package) get a guided tour too.

64 – Pass by the ‘Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices’ sculpture

Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices sculpture, Moscow

This free public art installation in Bolotnaya square was created by Mihail Chemaikin in 2001. A somewhat controversial landmark, it depicts how children are influenced by vices — alcohol, theft, ignorance, violence, addiction, poverty and war, to name a few.

The sculpture’s uniqueness and thought-provoking nature makes it an essential stop on any day of wandering around.

65 – Get wild on a pub crawl!

pub crawls in Moscow

You’re on vacation, so it’s time to let your hair down, mingle with some fellow thirsty travelers and party it up Moscow-style!

High-energy pub crawls are a great way to get acquainted with new friends while seeing Moscow’s unique nightlife scene first-hand. Let the locals lead you to hidden gems, tourist hot spots and quirky dive bars.

If you don’t feel like walking, why not join a Soviet minivan crawl instead (where you can drink Soviet champagne onboard!)?

66 – Roll up for the Nikulin Circus!

Nikulin Circus, Moscow

If you haven’t had the chance to see a live circus before — and especially if you’re traveling with kids — why not head over to the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard?

It blends traditional Russian acrobatics with modern-day technology, animals, and the classic circular circus stage. This beloved local entertainment is also considered one of the most enjoyable things to do in Moscow!

67 – Get romantic on a Moskva River dinner cruise

dinner cruises in Moscow

What better way to take in the city’s skyline than from a luxury yacht as you enjoy entertainment, fine dining, and (strong) specialty drinks?

Whether you’re looking for something large that can accommodate groups of friends or something smaller with a bit more VIP style, there are several dinner cruises available to suit any taste and budget.

68 – Explore the wonderful Izmailovo District

Izmailovo District, Moscow

One of the city’s best-kept secrets, Izmailovo ‘s focal point is its Kremlin, a colorful wooden complex. Built in 2007, it has had unique museums and flea markets pop up nearby in the years since.

Throughout the area, you’ll uncover museums dedicated to vodka, break and Russian folk art. The district’s charming open-air flea market has all kinds of crafts and souvenirs are haggled on the daily.

Don’t miss Izmailovo Park , which is an enormous 300-hectare space that plays host to souvenir vendors, forest walking paths and even an ice rink in winter.

With so much to see in the district, savvy travelers typically opt for a guided tour.

  • Izmailovo tours

69 – Sip on a cocktail at the award-winning City Space Bar and Lounge

City Space Bar and Lounge, Moscow

Self-dubbed as one of the world’s top 10 bars, with accolades like Luxury Travel Guide’s Bar of the Year 2018, this iconic and luxurious watering hole doesn’t need much of an introduction.

Perched sky-high on the 34th floor of Swissotel Krasnye Holmy, the circular lounge bar slings signature cocktails and dishes up truly stunning views of the city.

Hot tip: While there’s never a poor time to visit, aim to arrive an hour or so before sunset, that’s when the city will truly sparkle below.

70 – Pamper yourself at the Sanduny Baths

Sanduny Baths, Moscow

If you’re looking for something to ease that throbbing headache after a night of pub crawling, why not try the famous Sanduny Baths , a quintessentially Russian experience?

Famed as one of the world’s most beautiful public bathhouses, Sanduny’s steam rooms and pools are said to be some of the best in Moscow. But for something totally unique, you can’t go past the birch twigs massage (read: beating).

71 – Spruce up your social media feed at some Insta-worthy restaurants

insta-worthy restaurants in Moscow

While a good meal is always part of the restaurant experience, getting a good pic for Instagram is half the fun!

Luckily, there are tons of excellent eateries that combine great food with gorgeous aesthetics.

Big Wine Freaks has a fantastic drink selection (naturally), and its dark, classy rooms full of elegant light fixtures and plush furniture bring to mind a spy’s hideout.

Meanwhile, Sempre adopts more of a naturalistic approach, surrounding diners with ferns and greenery.

And at Black Market Moscow , you can choose between indoor and outdoor spaces, each featuring their own unique designs and dining experiences.

Take a bite and snap some pics!

72 – Unleash your inner party animal at the Night clubs

nightlife in Moscow

When the sun goes down, you’ll get to see a whole new side of Moscow: its amazing nightlife!

Head to Propaganda for a bite or a beverage, then dance to some quality club tunes.

Or get a little wild at Chesterfield , where you can pay a flat fee and drink as much as you want – the perfect recipe for fun!

And at Rock’N’ Roll , there’s a new form of excitement every day, from DJ sets to live bands, all playing a lively mix of rock music from across the decades.

With all this excitement, you won’t want to book anything early the next day!

How to get to Moscow?

Unless you’re feeling up to the challenge of a long train journey, you’ll most likely be flying into Moscow.

Luckily, it has three international airports to choose from: Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, and Domodedovo.

Once you’ve arrived, you’ll be able to easily reach the city via the Aeroexpress train.

Where to stay in Moscow?

Golden Ring Hotel  will make you feel like you’re on top of the world, whether you’re getting pampered at the beauty salon or enjoying a meal in the rooftop restaurants.

Or check in to Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center , which boasts everything from riverside views and a gym to nearby shopping areas and relaxing Turkish baths.

At AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow , the massages, international cuisine, sauna, and swimming pool will keep you happily occupied in between excursions.

And at sister property AZIMUT Hotel Smolenskaya Moscow , you can savor a nice meal or admire the scenery from the lounge, or stroll over to Gorky Park or roam along Stary Arbat Street.

Meanwhile, Oblaka Hotel blends simple charm and a convenient location, with charming red brick exteriors and easy access to historic sites and a metro station.

  • best hotels in Moscow

Visiting Moscow on a budget?

There’s nothing like seeing a city on foot… especially on a free walking tour !

These excursions aren’t just a way to save money while still learning a lot; they also offer a wonderful opportunity to gain local perspectives, courtesy of your guides.

But despite the name, they do accept tips for a job well done, so bring a bit of money with you!

Where to go next?

If you’re short on time but still want to see the best of Moscow, try some multi-day tours ; they’ll provide all of the coolest sights and experiences in an efficient format.

After that, it’s time to start exploring further afield!

Though it’s a bit of a trek, St. Petersburg is well worth the journey!

With its famously decadent buildings to its lively arts scene, this is the perfect place to soak up some culture; but there are also some more offbeat options, like folk shows, vodka tastings, and even an amusement park!

And from the jaw-dropping designs of the metro stations (yes, you read that correctly) to the glimmer of Faberge eggs, it showcases beauty at every turn.

Ready to go beyond Russia?

Dive into the best places to visit in Europe , a smorgasbord of art and history, nature and architecture, showcasing some of the most beloved cities and countries in the world.

Final thoughts

While Russia’s capital may seem imposing, its dynamic culture, live-wire entertainment scene, and remarkable history make it an unbeatable destination, with unique adventures that will linger in your memory long after you’ve returned home.

You may feel a little overwhelmed by all of the incredible things to do in Moscow… but that’s all the more reason to come back!

If you have any other must-see suggestions, noteworthy day trips or quintessential tours worth booking, feel free to write in the comments!

As always, happy travels!

2018 Primetime Emmy & James Beard Award Winner

In Transit: Notes from the Underground

Jun 06 2018.

Spend some time in one of Moscow’s finest museums.

Subterranean commuting might not be anyone’s idea of a good time, but even in a city packing the war-games treasures and priceless bejeweled eggs of the Kremlin Armoury and the colossal Soviet pavilions of the VDNKh , the Metro holds up as one of Moscow’s finest museums. Just avoid rush hour.

The Metro is stunning and provides an unrivaled insight into the city’s psyche, past and present, but it also happens to be the best way to get around. Moscow has Uber, and the Russian version called Yandex Taxi , but also some nasty traffic. Metro trains come around every 90 seconds or so, at a more than 99 percent on-time rate. It’s also reasonably priced, with a single ride at 55 cents (and cheaper in bulk). From history to tickets to rules — official and not — here’s what you need to know to get started.

A Brief Introduction Buying Tickets Know Before You Go (Down) Rules An Easy Tour

A Brief Introduction

Moscow’s Metro was a long time coming. Plans for rapid transit to relieve the city’s beleaguered tram system date back to the Imperial era, but a couple of wars and a revolution held up its development. Stalin revived it as part of his grand plan to modernize the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 30s. The first lines and tunnels were constructed with help from engineers from the London Underground, although Stalin’s secret police decided that they had learned too much about Moscow’s layout and had them arrested on espionage charges and deported.

The beauty of its stations (if not its trains) is well-documented, and certainly no accident. In its illustrious first phases and particularly after the Second World War, the greatest architects of Soviet era were recruited to create gleaming temples celebrating the Revolution, the USSR, and the war triumph. No two stations are exactly alike, and each of the classic showpieces has a theme. There are world-famous shrines to Futurist architecture, a celebration of electricity, tributes to individuals and regions of the former Soviet Union. Each marble slab, mosaic tile, or light fixture was placed with intent, all in service to a station’s aesthetic; each element, f rom the smallest brass ear of corn to a large blood-spattered sword on a World War II mural, is an essential part of the whole.

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The Metro is a monument to the Soviet propaganda project it was intended to be when it opened in 1935 with the slogan “Building a Palace for the People”. It brought the grand interiors of Imperial Russia to ordinary Muscovites, celebrated the Soviet Union’s past achievements while promising its citizens a bright Soviet future, and of course, it was a show-piece for the world to witness the might and sophistication of life in the Soviet Union.

It may be a museum, but it’s no relic. U p to nine million people use it daily, more than the London Underground and New York Subway combined. (Along with, at one time, about 20 stray dogs that learned to commute on the Metro.)

In its 80+ year history, the Metro has expanded in phases and fits and starts, in step with the fortunes of Moscow and Russia. Now, partly in preparation for the World Cup 2018, it’s also modernizing. New trains allow passengers to walk the entire length of the train without having to change carriages. The system is becoming more visitor-friendly. (There are helpful stickers on the floor marking out the best selfie spots .) But there’s a price to modernity: it’s phasing out one of its beloved institutions, the escalator attendants. Often they are middle-aged or elderly women—“ escalator grandmas ” in news accounts—who have held the post for decades, sitting in their tiny kiosks, scolding commuters for bad escalator etiquette or even bad posture, or telling jokes . They are slated to be replaced, when at all, by members of the escalator maintenance staff.

For all its achievements, the Metro lags behind Moscow’s above-ground growth, as Russia’s capital sprawls ever outwards, generating some of the world’s worst traffic jams . But since 2011, the Metro has been in the middle of an ambitious and long-overdue enlargement; 60 new stations are opening by 2020. If all goes to plan, the 2011-2020 period will have brought 125 miles of new tracks and over 100 new stations — a 40 percent increase — the fastest and largest expansion phase in any period in the Metro’s history.

Facts: 14 lines Opening hours: 5 a.m-1 a.m. Rush hour(s): 8-10 a.m, 4-8 p.m. Single ride: 55₽ (about 85 cents) Wi-Fi network-wide

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Buying Tickets

  • Ticket machines have a button to switch to English.
  • You can buy specific numbers of rides: 1, 2, 5, 11, 20, or 60. Hold up fingers to show how many rides you want to buy.
  • There is also a 90-minute ticket , which gets you 1 trip on the metro plus an unlimited number of transfers on other transport (bus, tram, etc) within 90 minutes.
  • Or, you can buy day tickets with unlimited rides: one day (218₽/ US$4), three days (415₽/US$7) or seven days (830₽/US$15). Check the rates here to stay up-to-date.
  • If you’re going to be using the Metro regularly over a few days, it’s worth getting a Troika card , a contactless, refillable card you can use on all public transport. Using the Metro is cheaper with one of these: a single ride is 36₽, not 55₽. Buy them and refill them in the Metro stations, and they’re valid for 5 years, so you can keep it for next time. Or, if you have a lot of cash left on it when you leave, you can get it refunded at the Metro Service Centers at Ulitsa 1905 Goda, 25 or at Staraya Basmannaya 20, Building 1.
  • You can also buy silicone bracelets and keychains with built-in transport chips that you can use as a Troika card. (A Moscow Metro Fitbit!) So far, you can only get these at the Pushkinskaya metro station Live Helpdesk and souvenir shops in the Mayakovskaya and Trubnaya metro stations. The fare is the same as for the Troika card.
  • You can also use Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.

Rules, spoken and unspoken

No smoking, no drinking, no filming, no littering. Photography is allowed, although it used to be banned.

Stand to the right on the escalator. Break this rule and you risk the wrath of the legendary escalator attendants. (No shenanigans on the escalators in general.)

Get out of the way. Find an empty corner to hide in when you get off a train and need to stare at your phone. Watch out getting out of the train in general; when your train doors open, people tend to appear from nowhere or from behind ornate marble columns, walking full-speed.

Always offer your seat to elderly ladies (what are you, a monster?).

An Easy Tour

This is no Metro Marathon ( 199 stations in 20 hours ). It’s an easy tour, taking in most—though not all—of the notable stations, the bulk of it going clockwise along the Circle line, with a couple of short detours. These stations are within minutes of one another, and the whole tour should take about 1-2 hours.

Start at Mayakovskaya Metro station , at the corner of Tverskaya and Garden Ring,  Triumfalnaya Square, Moskva, Russia, 125047.

1. Mayakovskaya.  Named for Russian Futurist Movement poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and an attempt to bring to life the future he imagined in his poems. (The Futurist Movement, natch, was all about a rejecting the past and celebrating all things speed, industry, modern machines, youth, modernity.) The result: an Art Deco masterpiece that won the National Grand Prix for architecture at the New York World’s Fair in 1939. It’s all smooth, rounded shine and light, and gentle arches supported by columns of dark pink marble and stainless aircraft steel. Each of its 34 ceiling niches has a mosaic. During World War II, the station was used as an air-raid shelter and, at one point, a bunker for Stalin. He gave a subdued but rousing speech here in Nov. 6, 1941 as the Nazis bombed the city above.

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Take the 3/Green line one station to:

2. Belorusskaya. Opened in 1952, named after the connected Belarussky Rail Terminal, which runs trains between Moscow and Belarus. This is a light marble affair with a white, cake-like ceiling, lined with Belorussian patterns and 12 Florentine ceiling mosaics depicting life in Belarussia when it was built.

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Transfer onto the 1/Brown line. Then, one stop (clockwise) t o:

3. Novoslobodskaya.  This station was designed around the stained-glass panels, which were made in Latvia, because Alexey Dushkin, the Soviet starchitect who dreamed it up (and also designed Mayakovskaya station) couldn’t find the glass and craft locally. The stained glass is the same used for Riga’s Cathedral, and the panels feature plants, flowers, members of the Soviet intelligentsia (musician, artist, architect) and geometric shapes.

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Go two stops east on the 1/Circle line to:

4. Komsomolskaya. Named after the Komsomol, or the Young Communist League, this might just be peak Stalin Metro style. Underneath the hub for three regional railways, it was intended to be a grand gateway to Moscow and is today its busiest station. It has chandeliers; a yellow ceiling with Baroque embellishments; and in the main hall, a colossal red star overlaid on golden, shimmering tiles. Designer Alexey Shchusev designed it as an homage to the speech Stalin gave at Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941, in which he invoked Russia’s illustrious military leaders as a pep talk to Soviet soldiers through the first catastrophic year of the war.   The station’s eight large mosaics are of the leaders referenced in the speech, such as Alexander Nevsky, a 13th-century prince and military commander who bested German and Swedish invading armies.

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One more stop clockwise to Kurskaya station,  and change onto the 3/Blue  line, and go one stop to:

5. Baumanskaya.   Opened in 1944. Named for the Bolshevik Revolutionary Nikolai Bauman , whose monument and namesake district are aboveground here. Though he seemed like a nasty piece of work (he apparently once publicly mocked a woman he had impregnated, who later hung herself), he became a Revolutionary martyr when he was killed in 1905 in a skirmish with a monarchist, who hit him on the head with part of a steel pipe. The station is in Art Deco style with atmospherically dim lighting, and a series of bronze sculptures of soldiers and homefront heroes during the War. At one end, there is a large mosaic portrait of Lenin.

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Stay on that train direction one more east to:

6. Elektrozavodskaya. As you may have guessed from the name, this station is the Metro’s tribute to all thing electrical, built in 1944 and named after a nearby lightbulb factory. It has marble bas-relief sculptures of important figures in electrical engineering, and others illustrating the Soviet Union’s war-time struggles at home. The ceiling’s recurring rows of circular lamps give the station’s main tunnel a comforting glow, and a pleasing visual effect.

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Double back two stops to Kurskaya station , and change back to the 1/Circle line. Sit tight for six stations to:

7. Kiyevskaya. This was the last station on the Circle line to be built, in 1954, completed under Nikita Khrushchev’ s guidance, as a tribute to his homeland, Ukraine. Its three large station halls feature images celebrating Ukraine’s contributions to the Soviet Union and Russo-Ukrainian unity, depicting musicians, textile-working, soldiers, farmers. (One hall has frescoes, one mosaics, and the third murals.) Shortly after it was completed, Khrushchev condemned the architectural excesses and unnecessary luxury of the Stalin era, which ushered in an epoch of more austere Metro stations. According to the legend at least, he timed the policy in part to ensure no Metro station built after could outshine Kiyevskaya.

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Change to the 3/Blue line and go one stop west.

8. Park Pobedy. This is the deepest station on the Metro, with one of the world’s longest escalators, at 413 feet. If you stand still, the escalator ride to the surface takes about three minutes .) Opened in 2003 at Victory Park, the station celebrates two of Russia’s great military victories. Each end has a mural by Georgian artist Zurab Tsereteli, who also designed the “ Good Defeats Evil ” statue at the UN headquarters in New York. One mural depicts the Russian generals’ victory over the French in 1812 and the other, the German surrender of 1945. The latter is particularly striking; equal parts dramatic, triumphant, and gruesome. To the side, Red Army soldiers trample Nazi flags, and if you look closely there’s some blood spatter among the detail. Still, the biggest impressions here are the marble shine of the chessboard floor pattern and the pleasingly geometric effect if you view from one end to the other.

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Keep going one more stop west to:

9. Slavyansky Bulvar.  One of the Metro’s youngest stations, it opened in 2008. With far higher ceilings than many other stations—which tend to have covered central tunnels on the platforms—it has an “open-air” feel (or as close to it as you can get, one hundred feet under). It’s an homage to French architect Hector Guimard, he of the Art Nouveau entrances for the Paris M é tro, and that’s precisely what this looks like: A Moscow homage to the Paris M é tro, with an additional forest theme. A Cyrillic twist on Guimard’s Metro-style lettering over the benches, furnished with t rees and branch motifs, including creeping vines as towering lamp-posts.

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Stay on the 3/Blue line and double back four stations to:

10. Arbatskaya. Its first iteration, Arbatskaya-Smolenskaya station, was damaged by German bombs in 1941. It was rebuilt in 1953, and designed to double as a bomb shelter in the event of nuclear war, although unusually for stations built in the post-war phase, this one doesn’t have a war theme. It may also be one of the system’s most elegant: Baroque, but toned down a little, with red marble floors and white ceilings with gilded bronze c handeliers.

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Jump back on the 3/Blue line  in the same direction and take it one more stop:

11. Ploshchad Revolyutsii (Revolution Square). Opened in 1938, and serving Red Square and the Kremlin . Its renowned central hall has marble columns flanked by 76 bronze statues of Soviet heroes: soldiers, students, farmers, athletes, writers, parents. Some of these statues’ appendages have a yellow sheen from decades of Moscow’s commuters rubbing them for good luck. Among the most popular for a superstitious walk-by rub: the snout of a frontier guard’s dog, a soldier’s gun (where the touch of millions of human hands have tapered the gun barrel into a fine, pointy blade), a baby’s foot, and a woman’s knee. (A brass rooster also sports the telltale gold sheen, though I am told that rubbing the rooster is thought to bring bad luck. )

Now take the escalator up, and get some fresh air.

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21 Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow

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1. Rybokhotsoyuz

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2. Easy Russia Tour Guide



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4. 365AltaiMongolia

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5. #1 Russia -Tanzania | Zanzibar, Serengeti Safari & Kilimanjaro Agency | BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD

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  • Easy Russia Tour Guide
  • #1 Russia -Tanzania | Zanzibar, Serengeti Safari & Kilimanjaro Agency | BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD
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Más información

Cómo abrir software de forma segura en el Mac

Cómo reconocer y evitar mensajes de suplantación de identidad (phishing) y otras estafas

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17 Top Tourist Attractions in Moscow

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on November 3, 2023

The capital of Russia is an incredible place to explore. Visitors to Moscow come away spellbound at all the amazing sights, impressed at the sheer size and grandeur of the city. Lying at the heart of Moscow, the Red Square and the Kremlin are just two of the must-see tourist attractions; they are the historical, political and spiritual heart of the city – and indeed Russia itself.

A fascinating city to wander around, stunning cathedrals, churches, and palaces lie side-by-side with bleak grey monuments and remains from the Soviet state. In addition to its plethora of historical and cultural tourist attractions, Moscow is home to world-class museums, theaters and art galleries.

Renowned for its performing arts, fantastic ballets and amazing circus acts, catching a show while in Moscow is a must. The wealth of brilliant restaurants, trendy bars, and lively nightlife means there is something for everyone to enjoy.

See also: Where to Stay in Moscow

17. Tsaritsyno Palace

Tsaritsyno Palace

Once the summer residence of Catherine the Great, the stunning Tsaritsyno Palace is now a museum-reserve. The architecture is magnificent and there is a lovely park surrounding it for visitors to explore.

Located in the south of Moscow, the palace was commissioned in 1775 and recent renovations mean its lavish interior looks better than ever before with its elegant halls and beautiful staircases.

The exhibits on display look at the life of the empress as well as the history of Tsaritsyno itself. The huge palace grounds are also home to some other delightful buildings with the elegant opera house and wonderful brickwork of the Small Palace being particularly impressive to gaze upon.


Starting out in 1935 as the ‘All-Union Agricultural Exhibition’, VDNKh has slowly morphed over the years into the fascinating open-air museum of today. Remarkably, over 400 buildings can now be found within its confines.

The huge park complex has numerous pavilions representing former Soviet republics on show, such as those of Armenia and Turkmenistan and the distinctive architecture of each of the buildings is always interesting to gaze upon. In addition to this there is the fascinating Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics which is dedicated to space exploration and the fun Moskvarium aquarium even offers you the chance to swim with dolphins.

With lots of eateries scattered about and numerous entertainment options such as horse-riding and zip-lining, there is something for everyone to enjoy; the Friendship of Nations fountain truly is wonderful.

15. Kremlin Armoury

Kremlin Armoury

One of the oldest museums in the city, the Kremlin Armoury has a wealth of treasures; highlights include the ornate Grand Siberian Railway egg, the historic Cap of Monomakh and the stunning Imperial Crown of Russia which often has a crowd of tourists around it, jostling to take a photo.

Once the royal armory, there are loads of fascinating objects on display. Perusing the many sabers, jewelry, armor and more is as interesting as it is educational and entertaining and the swords are so finely crafted that you’ll almost wish you could pick up one and wield if yourself.

Established in 1851, the museum is situated in the Moscow Kremlin.

14. GUM Department Store

GUM Department Store

Standing for ‘Main Universal Store’ in Russian, GUM is stunning. Its wonderful skylights and beautiful facades mean it doesn’t look out of place alongside its illustrious neighbors on Red Square.

With over 200 shops, boutiques and upmarket eateries inside, it is a shopaholic’s heaven and concerned partners will be glad to find more affordable options alongside luxury brands such as Dior and Prada.

The main department store in the city, GUM was opened in 1893. The stunning architecture makes it well worth a visit even if shopping isn’t your thing.

13. Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro

It’s not often that public transport looks like a work of art. So many stops on the Moscow Metro will astound visitors with their beauty and elegance.

Decked in marble and with frescoes covering the walls, the stations are amazing to gaze upon and are part of one of the longest metro systems in the world, with the first stations opened in 1935.

Using the metro is the quickest and easiest way to get around Moscow and braving the crowds of commuters is well worth it for the beauty all around you.

12. Arbat Street

Arbat Street

An elegant yet lively street, Arbat is full of impressive architecture and was once a popular place to live for aristocrats, artists, and academics.

A historic place, it is down Arbat Street that Napoleon’s troops are said to have headed on their way to capture the Kremlin.

Nowadays, there are many cafes, restaurants, and shops, as well as various monuments and statues to former residents such as Alexander Pushkin who was reputed to be a lover of the Russian Empress due to his massive influence in court.

11. Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

Drenched in history, the Novodevichy Convent is located in a striking building that was once a fortress. This captivating place is well worth visiting when in Moscow.

Founded in 1524, the convent houses four cathedrals; Smolensk Cathedral is the undoubted highlight due to its delightful 16th-century frescoes.

Wandering around the grounds is like stepping back in time. The Novodevichy Cemetery is where many famous leaders of the Soviet Union are buried, such as Yeltsin and Khrushchev.

10. Pushkin Museum

Pushkin Museum

Despite its name, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts actually has no connection at all to the famous poet other than that it was named in his honor after his death. A delight to visit, its extensive collection focuses on European art with masterpieces by Botticelli, Rembrandt, and van Gogh all featuring.

Sculptures, graphic art, paintings and more can be found in its beautiful galleries; various sections look at themes and epochs such as the Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age, and Byzantine art.

Among the many highlights are the clownish characters which can be found in Cezanne’s Fastnacht (Mardi Gras) and the twirling ballerinas who look so elegant in Degas’ Blue Dancers. Picasso’s Young acrobat on a Ball is also well worth checking out for its interesting use of shapes and colors.

9. Christ The Savior Cathedral

Christ The Savior Cathedral

This gorgeous Russian Orthodox cathedral is located on the banks of the Moskva River, just a stone’s throw away from the Kremlin.

The church as it stands today was consecrated in 2000, as the original church that stood here was destroyed on the command of Josef Stalin in 1931 due to the anti-religious campaign.

With its delightful golden dome, spires and dazzling white facades, the Christ the Savior Cathedral is stunning. The interior is just as captivating to wander around, with its beautifully tiled floors and impressive altar.

8. Lenin Mausoleum

Lenin Mausoleum

Opened to the public in 1924, Lenin’s Mausoleum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Moscow. The red granite structure is located at the heart of the city in Red Square.

Lenin’s embalmed body lies in a glass sarcophagus; it is a somewhat eerie experience walking past the former leader of the Soviet Union but is well worth doing as you understandably can’t do it anywhere else in the world.

After visiting the mausoleum, head to the Kremlin wall right next to it for more graves of important communist figures such as Stalin and Brezhnev.

7. Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery

Home to the most extensive and impressive collection of Russian fine art in the world, the State Tretyakov Gallery is definitely worth visiting when in Moscow for the wealth of amazing art pieces that it has on display.

Having started out as the private art collection of the Tretyakov brothers, there are now over 130,000 exhibits. Highlights include the iconic Theotokos of Vladimir which you will almost certainly recognise despite probably not knowing the name and Rublev’s Trinity which is considered to be one of highest achievements in Russian art.

An absolute must for art lovers, the State Tretyakov Gallery will delight visitors with all that is has to offer.

6. Kolomenskoye


Once a royal estate, Kolomenskoye is now a museum-reserve and lies a few kilometers outside of the city center. A captivating place to visit, there is a plethora of history on show and the site overlooks the Moskva River.

Consisting of four historical sites, there are extensive gardens for visitors to explore, as well as loads of interesting old buildings, the former village of Kolomenskoye itself and the impressive Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich – once considered the Eighth Wonder of the World by contemporaries.

Among the many stunning sights, it is the brilliantly white Ascension Church that is the undoubted highlight – dating back to 1532.

5. Gorky Park

Gorky Park

Lying alongside the Moskva River, the huge Gorky Park is a lovely place to visit. Its extensive gardens are home to numerous cultural institutions and visitors should definitely check out the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and while the eclectic exhibits may not always feature such incredible sights as a balloon-covered rider on a zebra; they certainly always succeed in pushing back the boundaries of art.

Pop-up exhibitions and festivals can be found from time to time in the park itself and there is an open-air theatre and numerous eateries alongside a plethora of leisure activities.

Whether it’s cycling, table tennis or yoga that you are after or beach volleyball and rowing, Gorky Park certainly has it. In winter, there is a huge ice rink for visitors to enjoy.

4. Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the main theater in the country. The amazing opera and ballet performances it has put on over the centuries go a long way in explaining Russia’s rich history of performing arts.

While the Bolshoi Ballet Company was established in 1776, the theater itself was opened in 1825. The glittering, six-tier auditorium is lavishly and decadently decorated; it is a fitting setting for the world-class performances that take place on its stage.

Spending a night watching a performance of such classics as The Nutcracker or Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre is sure to be a memorable experience and the beauty all around you only adds to the sense of occasion.

3. Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin

This famously fortified complex is remarkably home to five palaces and four cathedrals and is the historic, political and spiritual center of the city. The Kremlin serves as the residence for the country’s president. It has been used as a fort, and this fact is made clear by its sheer size. The Kremlin’s outer walls were built in the late 1400s.

Under Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great, the Kremlin became the center of a unified Russian state, and was extensively remodeled. Three of the Kremlin’s cathedrals date to his reign that lasted from 1462-1505. The Deposition Church and the Palace of Facets were also constructed during this time. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built in 1508. It is the tallest tower at the Kremlin with a height of 266 feet (81 meters).

Joseph Stalin removed many of the relics from the tsarist regimes. However, the Tsar Bell, the world’s largest bell, and the Tsar Cannon, the largest bombard by caliber in the world, are among the remaining items from that era. The Kremlin Armory is one of Moscow’s oldest museums as it was established more than 200 years ago. Its diamond collection is impressive.

The Kremlin’s gardens – Taynitsky, Grand Kremlin Public and Alexander – are beautiful. The Kremlin has also served as the religious center of the country, and there is a tremendous number of preserved churches and cathedrals here. The collections contained within the museums include more than 60,000 historical, cultural and artistic monuments. Those who enjoy the performing arts will want to consider attending a ballet or concert at the State Kremlin Palace. Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin.

2. Red Square

Red Square

Lying at the heart of Moscow, Red Square is the most important and impressive square in the city. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its wealth of historical sights and cultural landmarks.

Drenched in history, the huge square is home to incredible sights such as the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral and Lenin’s Mausoleum, among others. Consequently, it is not to be missed when in Moscow as it really is home to the city’s most stunning monuments.

It is here that many important moments in Russian history took place; the former marketplace has hosted everything from Tsar’s coronations and public ceremonies to rock concerts and Soviet military parades. Wandering around the massive square is a humbling experience and undoubtedly one of the highlights the city has to offer.

1. Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Located in the impressive Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral is gorgeous; its delightful spires appear as if out of a fairytale. The most recognizable building in the country, the cathedral is very much a symbol of Russia. No visit to Moscow is complete without having taken in its unique and distinctive features.

Ivan the Terrible ordered the cathedral’s construction in the mid-16th century, and legend holds that Ivan put out the architect’s eyes so that he would be unable to build another cathedral more glorious than St. Basil’s. Designed to resemble the shape of a bonfire in full flame, the architecture is not only unique to the period in which it was built but to any subsequent period. For various reasons, both Napoleon and Stalin wanted to destroy the cathedral but fortunately did not succeed.

Known for its various colors, shapes and geometric patterns, St. Basil’s Cathedral houses nine different chapels that are all connected by a winding labyrinth of corridors and stairways. On the lower floor, St. Basil’s Chapel contains a silver casket bearing the body of St. Basil the Blessed.

Throughout the cathedral are many beautiful murals, frescoes, wooden icons and other art works and artifacts. Outside the cathedral is a lovely garden with the bronze Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, who rallied an all-volunteer Russian army against Polish invaders during a period of the late 16th century known as the Times of Troubles.

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You know it when you see it: here are some movies that got sex scenes right.

Linda Holmes

Linda Holmes

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It is a happy coincidence that our "What makes a good sex scene?" episode came out in the same week as Challengers, a film about a romance triangle in the tennis world starring Josh O'Connor, Zendaya and (not pictured) Mike Faist. Niko Tavernise/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures hide caption

It is a happy coincidence that our "What makes a good sex scene?" episode came out in the same week as Challengers, a film about a romance triangle in the tennis world starring Josh O'Connor, Zendaya and (not pictured) Mike Faist.

What makes a good sex scene? It can be easier spot bad sex, but Aisha Harris, Christina Tucker, Ronald Young, Jr. and I tried to focus on the good this week on Pop Culture Happy Hour. You can listen to our full conversation here. (We didn't originally plan for this episode to run the same week as our episode about Challengers , which is out in theaters now, but it's a happy coincidence, since that film has gotten a lot of attention — probably too much, relative to its other merits — for the sex scenes involving its three leads. It's really very good .)

Watch a tense romantic triangle play out on the tennis court in 'Challengers'

Movie Reviews

Watch a tense romantic triangle play out on the tennis court in 'challengers'.

It's often very obvious when a sex scene is bad, just like when a sex scene in a book is bad. It can get so uncomfortable to watch that you have to leave the room (and not in a way that feels true to the story). One of my personal tells for a bad sex scene is when all I can think about is how hard the actors are trying to persuade me that the characters are having a good time. For example, there has been much good discussion in recent years about Showgirls being a more interesting and competent project than it originally got credit for, but in that one pool scene (if you know it, you know it), all I can see is the effort.

Lauren Bacall And The 'Sex? What Sex?' Kind Of Movie Sex

Lauren Bacall And The 'Sex? What Sex?' Kind Of Movie Sex

It's not always as clear which scenes are good . That's partly because they serve so many different functions, all of which look different, and all of which can be effective. Furthermore, you don't want to confuse whether a sex scene is used well in a film with whether it's hot to you personally, despite the fact that there is overlap between those considerations.

In the 'Last Dance,' Magic Mike leaves his thong-and-dance routine behind

In the 'Last Dance,' Magic Mike leaves his thong-and-dance routine behind

Here's what I mean: When Aisha talks about the sequence near the beginning of Magic Mike's Last Dance , it's not irrelevant that the scene is, to her (and to me), hot. But it also makes sense in the context of the film and the franchise, partly because of the way it sets up the power dynamic between Mike (Channing Tatum) and Max (Salma Hayek Pinault). Mike is older now, he knows more, and the way he approaches a lap dance is actually different than in earlier movies.

And not all good sex scenes are hot in the same ways. The one I mentioned in the episode, from the romantic drama Love & Basketball , is sexy, yes. But it's also a scene between young adults (the talented basketball players Monica and Quincy, played by Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps), and as such, it incorporates a tentativeness that's not present in Magic Mike's Last Dance , to say the least. As Ronald pointed out during our discussion, that sex scene is quite different from one that takes place later in Monica and Quincy's relationship, when they're older and know each other better. That certainly feels true to real life, but it's not always reflected in Hollywood films, where I would tentatively estimate that 90% of on-screen sex is more idealized and thus less intimate than real-life sex, in part because it isn't allowed to change over the course of a relationship.

'Like it or not, we live in Oppenheimer's world,' says director Christopher Nolan

Movie Interviews

'like it or not, we live in oppenheimer's world,' says director christopher nolan.

Even further from the hotness of the lap dance scene is Ronald's pick: the imagination of Kitty Oppenheimer (Emily Blunt) running wild in Oppenheimer. While her husband (Cillian Murphy) is being interrogated, she pictures him having sex with his mistress, Jean Tatlock (Florence Pugh). It goes by quickly enough that it might seem like a Christopher Nolan flourish for flourish's sake, but it serves the purpose of letting you feel her pain over her husband's affair. Her relationship with Robert doesn't look especially romantic in the film, let alone sexually charged; she finds herself consumed by the idea that he was having hot sex with this other woman, and she locks eyes with her vision of a naked Tatlock and finds herself tormented. It's not really the intent of the scene to titillate the audience, just to give specificity to the shape of Kitty's preoccupation with the affair.

What makes a good sex scene?

What makes a good sex scene?

Christina raised another really important point, which is that sex scenes also collide with viewers at very specific moments. Her example from Bound , and the scenes between Violet (Jennifer Tilly) and Corky (Gina Gershon), touches on (among other things) her own history. It's an underappreciated aspect of the sex-in-movies discourse: representation matters in these scenes as much as anywhere else. I always wish I saw more sex scenes in movies that featured a broader variety of body types; it's still really rare to see ones that feature anybody who is even average sized. This is one of the reasons I'm curious about the upcoming season of Bridgerton , which places its focus on the gorgeous and curvaceous Penelope (Nicola Coughlan).

Looking for 'nomance': Study finds teens want less sex in their TV and movies

Looking for 'nomance': Study finds teens want less sex in their TV and movies

Good sex scenes are like any other kind of good filmmaking, honestly: it comes down to execution with purpose and care, done relative to whatever the function of the scene might be.

Whether that's spiciness or conflict or relationship growth or (as in the case of Bound ) setting up a steamy neo-noir story that wouldn't be the same if it weren't hot as heck, form follows function, ideally.

This piece also appeared in NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter so you don't miss the next one, plus get weekly recommendations about what's making us happy.

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  17. 72 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Moscow

    Sure, Moscow is the Russian political capital and the nation's most populous city, but describing it as such couldn't be any further from the truth. More accurately, Moscow is a city of contrasts. It exudes history — its Kremlin dates back centuries, nodding to royalty and leadership old and now, while the famed Red Square, the poster child of the city, blends striking color with ancient ...

  18. How to get around Moscow using the underground metro

    Or, get an app. Download Yandex Metro. This app has bilingual maps and a route planner that works offline. The Moscow Metro app has a route planner, and you can use it to top up a Troika card and get updates on delays and maintenance work. Disabled passengers can also use it to request an escort or assistance.

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  21. 17 Top Tourist Attractions in Moscow (+Photos)

    The interior is just as captivating to wander around, with its beautifully tiled floors and impressive altar. 8. Lenin Mausoleum. Opened to the public in 1924, Lenin's Mausoleum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Moscow. The red granite structure is located at the heart of the city in Red Square.

  22. The best movie sex scenes? Here are some films that we think got it

    It can be easier spot bad sex, but Aisha Harris, Christina Tucker, Ronald Young, Jr. and I tried to focus on the good this week on Pop Culture Happy Hour. You can listen to our full conversation here.