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What Is Corporate Travel Management?

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A Complete Guide to Corporate Travel Management

Organize Your Employees’ Travel Itineraries and Manage Business Travel Efficiently

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Investopedia / Joules Garcia

Travel is a major expense item for many companies, and while teleconferencing via Zoom and other online platforms may have eliminated the need for some trips, it remains essential for a wide range of business purposes, such as industry conferences and trade shows, critical sales calls, and certain meetings.

Corporate travel management (CTM) is one way that companies large and small can attempt to control and cut down on their travel costs. If you’re considering implementing a corporate travel management program for your business, here is what you need to know about how it works.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate travel management is a way for companies to try to control their travel costs and cut back on them if necessary.
  • Some companies handle this function themselves, while others outsource it to specialist companies.
  • Corporate travel managers can be involved in setting itineraries, booking flights and hotel rooms, and managing other travel-related costs.
  • Today, many companies are concerned with not only the financial costs of employee travel but also its environmental impact.

Corporate travel management refers to processes that businesses put into place to oversee their employees’ travel and entertainment (T&E) expenses and ensure that they comply with the company’s policies. That can include approving (or rejecting) travel plans, arranging itineraries, purchasing tickets, and auditing expense reports.

A large company might have a separate department dedicated to corporate travel management, while a smaller one may assign the tasks to their human resources and accounting departments. Still others may outsource these functions to third-party travel management companies.

While the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant cutbacks in business travel, an October 2023 survey by the Global Business Travel Association found that 84% of companies said their business travel had “largely” or “mostly” returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Companies can choose to exert varying degrees of control over their employees’ travel, from fairly general guidelines on spending limits to very specific, step-by-step procedures, including which travel suppliers to use. Here are some of the matters they may take into consideration.


A business travel itinerary is a summary of a proposed trip, including travel dates and times, flight numbers, hotel bookings, meeting appointments and contact information, and so forth. Corporate travel managers may develop itineraries in collaboration with employees, making sure that each aspect complies with company policies. A written itinerary is also a handy reference for employees to bring with them on their trips.


Corporate travel managers will often make transportation arrangements on behalf of employees, much like a travel agent might for someone’s personal vacation. Because they may control a high volume of business, they can have more leverage in negotiating with suppliers, such as airlines or rental car companies. They may also have special arrangements with certain suppliers, and the company might require its employees to use those suppliers whenever possible.

Even if they don’t have such arrangements in place or much power to negotiate prices, they may have tools at their disposal for searching out deals and discounts that individual employees don’t have. For example, they may have access to an online global distribution system (GDS), such as Amadeus, Sabre, or Travelport, allowing them to compare multiple carriers at the same time.


As with transportation providers, corporate travel managers can help arrange hotel bookings, often securing discounts that would be unavailable to employees individually. Hotel prices and availability are also provided on GDS platforms, which can save employees a lot of time and effort calling around to book a room.

Meetings and Events

For companies planning meetings and other events, corporate travel managers can book venues and assist attendees with their travel arrangements. Some companies may have separate travel management and event planning departments or merge the two into a single department. They can also farm out these functions to third-party companies that specialize in arranging events and have deep experience and contacts in that area.

Costs and Reporting

Since keeping costs under control is a major reason for implementing a corporate travel management program, setting spending policies and enforcing them is one of the managers’ key responsibilities. Employees must generally submit expense reports at the conclusion of their travel, which travel managers can then review.

Keeping accurate records, and receipts where necessary, is also important for tax reporting purposes. Companies can generally deduct employees’ travel expenses if they have a clear business purpose and are “ordinary and necessary” and not “lavish or extravagant.”

In many cases, companies will provide corporate credit cards for employees to use during their travels. Corporate credit cards can make it easier for companies to collect the information they need for reporting purposes, and spare employees the cost and bother of putting travel expenses on their own credit cards and having to wait for reimbursement.

Policy Compliance

Most companies of any size will have a written travel policy that they expect their employees who travel for business to become familiar with. This document will cover matters such as any required approval process before starting on a trip, spending limits, preferred travel suppliers, expenses that are reimbursable (or not), rules on the use of a corporate credit card, and how to fill out and submit an expense report at the conclusion of a trip. Written travel policies serve the dual purpose of controlling company costs and saving employees unwelcome surprises over expenses that the company won’t reimburse them for.

Beyond specific travel-related policies, corporate travel can be affected by broader company policies. For example, a 2023 Deloitte study reported, “Climate concerns will likely put a cap on corporate travel gains for several years to come. Four in 10 European companies and a third of U.S. companies say they need to reduce travel per employee by more than 20% to meet their 2030 sustainability targets.”

Travel Support and Assistance

In addition to helping employees with the logistical and financial aspects of travel, corporate travel managers can provide other forms of support, including help in a medical or other emergency. Many large corporate travel departments and third-party companies have support services available 24/7, just in case.

As mentioned, companies don’t have to take on all (or any) of these responsibilities themselves but can hire another company to handle it for them. While that represents an added cost, a company that specializes in corporate travel is likely to bring greater expertise to the role and may find cost savings that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Companies can also buy travel management software programs that allow employees to book their own travel arrangements and that may link to the company’s accounting software to simplify expense reporting. Such software can also flag and even reject any expenses that don’t comply with company rules.

If they don’t have access to professional GDS platforms, travel managers can also make use of regular consumer booking sites, such as Expedia and TripAdvisor.

Challenges of Corporate Travel Management 

While corporate travel management will often benefit a company from a financial perspective, it does present challenges.

For example, because it takes away some of the autonomy that employees may have become accustomed to in planning their own trips, it can cause them to feel mistrusted or micromanaged and make travel seem like more of a burden. In addition, for corporate travel management to be effective, it requires that the people who oversee it know what they’re doing, which may require not only training but also frequent refresher courses to keep up with the rapidly changing travel industry.

A good corporate travel management policy will lay out as specifically as possible the company’s rules for arranging flights and other transportation, booking hotel accommodations, and expensing other reimbursable travel-related costs, such as meals and entertaining. Any caps on costs should be regularly revisited and revised as necessary to keep up with inflation and changes in the marketplace.

The policy should describe a clear process for having travel approved in advance, if that’s required, and submitting expense reports after the trip for timely reimbursement.

An effective policy will also strive to avoid situations in which lower-level employees feel they are subject to stricter or more penny-pinching rules than higher-ups.

Finally, it’s important that employees be encouraged to read the policy and know the rules. They may also be given the opportunity to provide feedback on ways that the rules can be improved next time the policy is revised.

Corporate travel managers not only play a role in monitoring how a company’s money is being spent and looking for ways to cut its costs. They also often have a major say in setting the company’s annual travel budget, based on previous years’ needs and anticipated pricing changes throughout the travel industry.

Today that may involve weighing in on when a virtual meeting can substitute for an in-person one. A 2023 Morgan Stanley survey of 100 global corporate travel managers found that they planned to replace 17% of their corporate travel with virtual meetings in 2024 for reasons “ranging from cost savings to lower carbon footprints.”   

Why Is Corporate Travel Important?

While many companies learned during the COVID-19 pandemic that they could sometimes substitute virtual meetings for in-person ones, they have also found that travel can more than justify its cost in many instances . As Harvard Business School Associate Professor Prithwiraj Choudhury remarked in a recent interview on the university’s website, “Even in a hybrid world, even in a world of work-from-anywhere, we still need to occasionally meet colleagues in person for social purposes.” In addition, face-to-face meetings can help establish more profitable and productive relationships with a company’s key customers and suppliers.

Who Handles Corporate Travel?

Companies handle corporate travel in a variety of ways. Many have created internal departments dedicated to corporate travel management, while others outsource that role. However, many companies still leave most of the decisions to individual employees. One 2023 survey by Morning Consult Research Intelligence reported, “Over half (51%) of those who travel frequently for work book on their own using a platform of their choice.”

What Does Corporate Travel Include?

Corporate travel can include both domestic and international trips that have a business purpose. It generally doesn’t include employees’ everyday commuting. Commuting costs are not tax-deductible for employees, but companies can choose to subsidize them up to certain limits through what the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) calls qualified transportation benefits. Those benefits are not taxable to the employee, but the employer doesn’t get any tax deduction for providing them.

Corporate travel is expensive, but many companies find that its benefits outweigh the costs. Corporate travel management is one way that companies can try to keep those costs under control and get the most value from their travel budgets. While many companies have embraced corporate travel management programs, others still leave most decisions to their individual employees.

Global Business Travel Association. “ Global Business Travel Industry Sees Rebound in 2023 with Shifting Challenges and Opportunities for 2024 .”

American Express. “ What Is Corporate Travel Management and Why Do You Need It? ”

Internal Revenue Service. “ Topic No. 511, Business Travel Expenses .”

Deloitte. “ Navigating Toward a New Normal: 2023 Deloitte Corporate Travel Study .”

Oracle NetSuite. “ What Is Corporate Travel Management? ”

Morgan Stanley. “ 2023 Outlook: Business Travel Bounces Back .”

Harvard Business School. “ Why Business Travel Still Matters in a Zoom World .”

Morning Consult Research Intelligence. “ Business, but Not as Usual ,” Page 18.

Internal Revenue Service. “ Publication 15-B: Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits ,” Page 22.

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What is a Travel Management Company? TMC Explained

what is a travel management company

If you’re a business owner or manager, you know how important it is to keep your team productive and your expenses under control. Without knowing fully what is a travel management company and the services offered by these companies it can be impossible to fully streamline your is business travel operations and manage your expenses. That’s where a tmc comes in.

Generally, a tmc provides a range of services that can help your business save time and money. They can help you create a travel policy on your first business travel that fits your needs, book flights, hotels, and rental cars, and provide 24/7 support to your employees while on the road.

What is a Travel Management Company?

A travel management company (TMC) is a professional service provider that specialises in managing all aspects of corporate travel, from booking flights and hotels to arranging ground transportation and managing expenses.

The best travel management agencies help businesses of all sizes and types to streamline their travel processes, reduce costs, and ensure the safety and well-being of their employees while on the road.

Major Role of a Travel Management Company

The role of a TMC is to act as a one-stop shop for all of your travel needs. They work closely with your company to understand your specific requirements, and corporate travel and expense policies , and then use their expertise and industry connections to find the best deals and options for your business.

This includes negotiating special rates with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies, which can result in significant cost savings on business travel for your company.

In addition to managing your travel bookings, TMCs also provide a range of value-added services to help you optimize your travel program. This includes providing detailed reporting and analytics on your travel spending.

This helps you to identify areas where you can save money, and provide duty of care support to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees while on the road.

Overall, the role of a TMC is to simplify and streamline your travel program, so you can focus on running your business. By partnering with a TMC, you can benefit from their expertise, industry connections, and technology solutions to optimize your travel program and achieve your business goals.

Core Services Provided by Travel Management Companies

Here are some of the core services provided by TMCs:

Travel Booking and Reservations

One of the primary services provided by these companies is travel booking and reservations. TMCs have access to a wide range of travel options, including flights, hotels/serviced apartments, car rentals, and more.

The top corporate travel management companies can help you find the best deals and ensure that your travel arrangements meet your specific needs.

TMCs can also provide 24/7 support for travel emergencies. If you encounter any issues while travelling, you can contact your TMC for assistance.

Travel Policy Development and Compliance

TMCs can help you develop and implement a travel policy that meets your business needs and complies with any relevant regulations. They can guide you on issues such as travel expenses, travel safety, and more.

By working with a TMC, you can ensure that your travel policy is up-to-date and that your employees are following it. This can help you control costs and reduce the risk of travel-related incidents.

Expense Management and Reporting

Another key service provided is expense management and reporting. TMCs can help you track your travel expenses and provide detailed reports on your travel spending.

This can help you identify areas where you can save money on travel and ensure that your travel expenses are within budget. They can also help you streamline your expense reporting process, making it easier for you to manage your travel expenses.

Benefits of Using a Travel Management Company

Here are some key advantages of using a TMC:

Cost Savings and Budget Optimisation

One of the most significant benefits of using a TMC is the potential for cost savings and budget optimisation. TMCs have access to negotiated rates and discounts with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies.

They can also help you find the most cost-effective options for your travel needs.

In addition, TMCs can provide detailed reporting and analysis of your travel expenses, allowing you to identify areas where you can cut costs and optimise your travel budget.

Streamlined Travel Processes

Another advantage of using a TMC is the streamlined travel processes they offer. TMCs provide a one-stop-shop for all your travel needs, from booking flights and hotels to arranging ground transportation and managing travel itineraries.

By automating different travel components into one online booking platform, TMCs make the booking process more efficient and easier to manage.

This saves your employees valuable time and allows them to focus on their core responsibilities.

Enhanced Duty of Care

TMCs can also help you ensure the safety and well-being of your employees while they are travelling. TMCs provide 24/7 assistance, so your employees can get help with any travel-related issues or emergencies at any time.

In addition, TMCs can help you stay up-to-date with travel advisories and alerts, so you can make informed decisions about your travel plans.

This can help you mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of your employees while they are on the road.

Choosing the Right Travel Management Company

Here are some factors to consider:

Assessment of Needs

Before selecting a TMC, you need to assess your business travel needs. Consider factors such as the number of employees who travel, the frequency of travel, and the destinations they visit.

You may also want to consider your company’s travel policy and budget. Knowing your needs will help you find a TMC that can meet them.

Service and Support Evaluation

The quality of service and support provided by a TMC is crucial. Look for a TMC that offers 24/7 customer support and has a dedicated account manager for your business.

You should also consider the TMC’s experience in your industry and their reputation for customer service. Reading reviews and testimonials from other clients can give you an idea of their level of service.

Technology and Integration Capabilities

A good TMC should have technology that integrates with your company’s booking and expense systems. Look for one that offers a user-friendly online booking platform and mobile app.

The TMC should also have the ability to track and report on travel expenses and provide insights into your company’s travel spending. Integration with your company’s travel policy and approval process is also important.

Trends and Future of Travel Management

As technology advances and travel becomes more accessible, the role of travel management companies is evolving too. Here are some trends and predictions for the future of travel management:

Increased Use of Technology

TMCs are becoming more tech-savvy, with many offering online booking tools and mobile apps to make travel planning more convenient.

This trend is expected to continue, with TMCs investing in artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide more personalised and efficient travel solutions.

Greater Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to businesses and travellers alike, and TMCs are responding by offering more eco-friendly and sustainable travel options.

This includes promoting public transport, offering carbon offsetting schemes, and partnering with hotels and airlines that prioritise sustainability.

Emphasis on Duty of Care

As the world becomes more unpredictable, duty of care is becoming a top priority for businesses.

TMCs are responding by offering enhanced safety and security measures, including real-time travel alerts, 24/7 support, and risk management services.

Rise of Bleisure Travel

Bleisure travel, or combining business and leisure travel, is becoming more popular among employees.

Travel management companies are responding by offering more flexible travel options, such as extending business trips to include weekends or offering personalised travel itineraries that include leisure activities.

Key Takeaways

  • A travel management company (TMC) specialises in managing corporate travel for businesses of all sizes.
  • TMCs provide a range of services that can help your business save time and money, including creating a travel policy, booking travel, and providing 24/7 support.
  • Using a TMC can help you track your travel expenses and make informed decisions about your travel budget.

What services do travel management companies typically provide?

Travel management companies (TMCs) offer a range of services to help businesses manage their travel needs. Some of the most common services offered by TMCs include:

  • Booking flights, hotels, and rental cars
  • Providing 24/7 support for travellers
  • Managing travel expenses and invoicing
  • Developing travel policies and procedures
  • Providing travel risk management services

How do travel management companies differ from traditional travel agencies?

While traditional travel agencies focus on leisure travel, TMCs specialise in managing business travel. Usually offer a range of services that are tailored to the needs of corporate travellers, including travel policy development, traveller tracking, and expense management. Additionally, TMCs often have access to special rates and discounts that are not available to the general public.

How does a tmc contribute to corporate travel efficiency?

By working with a TMC, businesses can ensure that their travel policies are being followed, expenses are being managed efficiently, and travellers are receiving the support they need while on the road. This can help businesses to reduce travel costs and increase efficiency.

What are the key components of the travel management process?

The travel management process typically includes the following components:

  • Travel policy development: Develop a travel policy that outlines the company’s travel guidelines and procedures.
  • Travel booking: Booking flights, hotels, and rental cars for travellers.
  • Traveller support: Providing support to travellers throughout their trip, including 24/7 support and assistance with travel disruptions.
  • Expense management: Managing travel expenses and invoicing.
  • Travel risk management: Implementing measures to ensure the safety and security of travellers, including risk assessments and traveller tracking.

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The ultimate guide to corporate travel management

Published: April 9, 2024

The days of businesses operating and growing within a small city radius are long gone. In today’s fast-paced and tech-savvy business world, companies have easy access to global talent and clientele.

As such, transporting stakeholders long distances is standard practice. Recent forecasts project that there will be more than 470 million domestic business trips taken in the US alone in 2024.

While corporate travel is a necessary part of operating a modern business, it can also be logistically difficult and costly to manage—especially as your business scales. This article will help cover what you need to know to improve your corporate travel management operations.

What is corporate travel management?

Corporate travel management is the process of coordinating, analyzing, and managing a company's business travel needs.

Effective corporate travel management is crucial for keeping business trips organized and efficient, ensuring that travel arrangements align with the company’s policies, helping to enhance the safety and comfort of travelers, and adhering to budgets.

What does a corporate travel manager do?

Craft and implement comprehensive corporate travel policies.

Corporate travel managers develop detailed travel policies that align with the company's unique goals and needs.

For example, a travel manager would establish policies for:

Booking procedures. Define processes for booking rides, flights, and hotels.

Travel class guidelines. Set standards for business or economy class based on distance, duration, or employee level.

Accommodation standards. Specify the type, budget, and class of accommodations allowed (for instance, hotels or home rentals).

Expense reporting and reimbursement. Set limits on daily allowances for meals and incidentals, and establish procedures for tracking and submitting travel expenses.

Technology use. Implement travel management software or apps to simplify travel arrangements, data analysis, and reporting.

Orchestrate seamless experiences

Corporate travel managers oversee the coordination and execution of business travel plans for employees. They either directly arrange all aspects of travel themselves, manage an internal team of travel coordinators, or work with third-party travel agents.

Today it’s also essential to adopt corporate travel apps , as they assist managers with streamlining travel plans across their organization. A corporate travel app helps with the following:

Automated expense tracking. Eliminates the need to save hard copies of receipts by automatically adding to the system the trips and meals to be expensed.

Centralized control from a dashboard. Provides complete visibility into travel policies, procedures, expenses, budgets, and plans.

Real-time reporting and tracking. Offers a comprehensive look into customized travel programs with real-time updates for travel, meals, incidentals, and more.

Simplified travel management. Includes flexible and customizable limits for booking rides, buying food, and processing payments (such as charging to a personal card for reimbursement or to a business card).

Control the budget for optimal financial outcomes

Travel managers navigate the line between providing comfortable travel experiences for employees and sticking to the business’s travel budget.

To do this, managers research cost-saving opportunities, identify the most cost-effective times to travel, and negotiate discounts with travel vendors.

A travel manager might, for instance, identify and book off-peak flights for a team attending an international conference. They could also track rideshare prices to find optimal travel times and book hotel rooms with corporate discounts.

Analyze data to inform future travel policies

Corporate travel managers are also responsible for monitoring travel data. Keeping a close eye on travel analytics helps with:

Tracking expenses. Examining corporate travel expenses reveals spending patterns and shows where the company can reduce costs.

Identifying travel patterns. Historical travel data helps managers find patterns and trends, which helps with forecasting future travel needs and preferences.

Benchmarking against industry standards. Travel managers compare their company’s travel spending and policies against industry benchmarks to better understand performance.

Analyzing supplier performance. Evaluating data about suppliers can uncover their reliability, service quality, and value.

Managers capture this data with feedback surveys from employees, travel industry reports, travel management software, and third-party travel platforms.

Prioritize duty of care for employee well-being

Corporate travel managers work closely with HR managers to develop duty-of-care protocols for their employees.

Duty of care in corporate travel includes:

Ensuring the health of employees. Maintaining the well-being and health of traveling employees and making sure they have access to necessary healthcare and support.

Providing for basic needs. Arranging for essential amenities like quality food and beverages, and comfortable accommodations.

Protecting employees. Keeping travelers away from situations where they may experience harassment, stress, or discrimination.

Collaborate with industry partners

Corporate travel managers’ duties don’t start and stop with coordinating and managing business travel. They’re also responsible for building relationships with top industry partners and vendors.

This includes establishing discount and comfort agreements with airlines, negotiating deals with hotel chains, and selecting the best rideshare apps.

They also work closely with internal teams and senior management to ensure that travel strategies and contracts align with overall business goals.

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Challenges within corporate travel management

Successfully managing corporate travel requires so much more than simply booking plane tickets and hotel rooms for employees. Below are some of the top challenges corporate travel managers face.

Cost-benefit analysis

In corporate travel management, this involves quantifying all costs associated with travel and weighing them against the benefits, such as networking opportunities, employee development, client relationships, and successful sales.

Imagine a scenario where a company is considering sending an employee to an international conference that costs $3,000 in total. The corporate manager would need to research the potential benefits (such as networking, business development, and employee growth) of spending that $3,000 and determine if it’s worth it.

Cost-benefit analysis can also be nuanced. Consider this data point, for example: 48% of business travelers say their last work trip was too long. If an employee can accomplish what they need to in 2 days of travel and a manager books a trip for 4 days, it results in 2 extra days of employee time and corporate travel budget.

Cost-benefit analysis, in this instance, would involve analyzing past data, including post-travel feedback surveys, to understand how long employees need to travel to accomplish goals while optimizing the travel budget.

Traveler satisfaction

Research shows that 60% of employees say business travel positively affects their satisfaction with their job. And Slack’s 2023 “State of Work” report found that most employees say feeling happy and engaged at work is a key motivator. What’s more, when employees are happy and productive, businesses thrive, according to The Economist .

The tricky part for travel managers is accommodating employees’ diverse travel needs and preferences within a corporate (not a luxury vacay) budget.

To keep employees happy and productive, travel managers must understand what satisfies employees while they travel and then develop a plan to deliver a positive experience while working within a corporate budget.

Adapting to changing business needs

Shifts in business priorities, such as targeting new international markets or altering strategic partnerships, directly affect travel requirements.

A shift toward more in-person client meetings, for example, can increase travel frequency. Corporate travel managers must adapt policies and budgets to align with evolving business needs.

And efficient corporate travel management requires monitoring shifting political, economic, and health climates worldwide and being ready to respond and adapt. Travel needs can change in an instant, and corporate travel managers must remain adaptable to adjust travel strategies as necessary.

Environmental sustainability

A 2023 Deloitte study reported that climate concerns will likely limit corporate travel growth in the coming years. Deloitte found that “4 in 10 European companies and a third of US companies say they need to reduce travel per employee by more than 20% to meet their 2030 sustainability targets.”

This statistic highlights the growing pressure on corporate travel managers to devise travel strategies that meet the needs of a growing business while being efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible.

4 tips for managing business travel

Now that we’ve discussed some of the job responsibilities and top challenges of corporate travel managers, let’s cover the best tips for managing business travel.

1. Establish clear communication channels

When employees don’t know your travel policies and procedures, it’s impossible for them to comply.

In other words, they might not know how much they can spend at a corporate dinner, whether they should take a taxi or use a rideshare app, or what safety and security policies they need to follow when traveling for business.

Consider establishing a clear communication channel where every employee can access critical travel information. This could be a dedicated travel portal or intranet page, regular email updates, or travel management software that provides real-time communication.

2. Conduct regular training sessions

Another way to fine-tune communication and increase awareness about travel policies is by conducting regular training sessions.

Create a live or digital training course that covers the following:

  • Travel policies: Review company-specific travel guidelines and booking procedures.
  • Safety measures: Explain all protocols and emergency procedures for travel. Draw special attention to areas people may be visiting that are undergoing political or civil unrest.
  • Changes in procedures: Provide updates on any new or altered travel-related processes. This is especially important during health crises.
  • Duty-of-care responsibilities: Educate on and provide clear definitions of the company’s commitment to traveler safety and well-being.
  • Per diem amounts: Outline the daily allowances for expenses while traveling. Include a definition of what is and isn’t allowed. For example, is alcohol part of a per diem or excluded from corporate expenses?
  • Expense reporting: Give instructions on how to accurately report and submit travel expenses.

3. Adopt travel technology

When you’re managing travel for multiple employees across different offices, it’s challenging to educate everyone, track expenses, and ensure compliance with travel policies. To organize and streamline everything, you may consider a travel management system (TMS).

A TMS is a comprehensive travel platform that helps companies book, track, and report travel activities. It typically also provides real-time data and analytics, helping you monitor travel spending and optimize your travel strategies.

4. Evaluate and update travel procedures and policies

Any changes in technology, the world economy, political climates, global health status, and industry have a profound effect on business travel.

As such, it’s essential to establish a process for continually evaluating and updating travel procedures and policies.

This could include:

  • Reviewing policies to make sure they’re relevant, cost-efficient, effective, and safe
  • Surveying your employees to see how happy they are with your travel policies
  • Evaluating your TMS data to identify where you can optimize travel, innovate, and improve processes

Move your business forward with Uber for Business

In today’s fast-paced business world, getting corporate travel right is more important than ever. Adapting to changes quickly and embracing new technologies are key to staying ahead in managing business trips effectively.

You may also consider leveraging Uber for Business , a game changer in managing your company’s travel needs. It simplifies the entire process of corporate travel management with features like automated expense tracking and centralized control, making it easier to stick to policies and budgets.

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What Does a Travel Management Company do?

What Does a Travel Management Company Do?

A travel management company (TMC) is a travel agency that provides extensive business travel support to organizations of all sizes. A TMC can simplify your workload, help you manage travel risks, reduce travel spend, serve your travelers, and provide integrated and centralized data reporting.

1. Simplifies and Streamlines Your Workload

Corporate travel management is complex. As a travel manager, you are often juggling a lot of different tasks within your company. Trying to keep track of employee travel preferences, travel plans, unused tickets, and more can be a daunting task. Travel management companies streamline your processes and support your business travel program through service and technology.

Christopherson Business Travel understands that technology is key to simplifying your workload. That’s why we built our AirPortal software platform. AirPortal provides customized dashboards for both travel managers and travelers with access to all the tools each stakeholder needs to manage the travel program and their business travel, respectively. This suite of tools within AirPortal streamlines the ability to manage risk, spend, profiles, travel plans, unused tickets, booking options, and more.

Each traveler is able to create a unique profile within our travel management platform that securely stores their travel preferences and loyalty program information. These profile details are fully integrated to ensure ease and convenience at the time of booking. When working with a TMC, travelers are able to book travel online or with an expert travel agent, based on your unique service needs. Your company travel policy is also custom-built and integrated to ensure all bookings are compliant.

AirPortal uses artificial intelligence to show the user what’s most important. On both the travel manager and traveler dashboards, AirPortal provides My Action Items, a feature that lists pressing or time-sensitive tasks and reminders so you always know what’s most important today. For example, if a traveler books their flight and rental car, but not a hotel reservation, a line will populate in their My Action Items alerting them of this gap in their travel plans. Or maybe a travel manager missed a travel approval request. This too will appear in the My Action Items feature of their dashboard, along with any other pressing tasks.

Some travel management companies like Christopherson also integrate their travel management software directly into valuable benchmarking tools, preferred booking tools, and your HR feed. Facilitating these integrations allows you to access everything you need from one centralized location, saving travelers and travel managers time, and ultimately money.

Providing guidance through account management is another way a travel management company can streamline and focus your travel program toward reaching your goals. Account managers should work with you to carefully analyze your program to see where you’re succeeding and where the gaps are. Based on that analysis, they should then provide a custom travel management plan to help you know where improvements can be made. This kind of consultative account management allows travel managers to lean on the expertise of seasoned industry professionals

2. Helps You Manage Risk

Duty of Care is the legal and moral responsibility each organization has to keep its employees safe from threats. Such threats could include extreme weather or natural disasters, political strikes and civil unrest, car accidents, theft, personal attacks, or terrorism—the list goes on. As a travel manager, how do you maintain confidence that you are upholding your obligation to protect and care for your travelers?

A travel management company can help expedite your knowledge of threatening situations in areas where you have travelers and facilitate your response and/or assistance. At Christopherson Business Travel, our clients utilize our SecurityLogic tool to access critical, real-time security data, quickly locate travelers and verify traveler safety.

In a recent study, only half of the travel managers surveyed felt confident that they could locate their travelers within two hours of an emergency. If your travelers’ plans are not stored, managed, or accessible from one centralized location, trying to locate employees during a crisis could be a messy and stressful task, not to mention potentially disastrous.

SecurityLogic provides travel managers with a real-time list of who is currently traveling and where those travelers are. SecurityLogic also allows you to quickly see if your travelers are in or are going to be in an affected area.

Travel alerts inform you of events that could impact employee travel or compromise their safety. Travel managers have the option to click through to the news source to get even more information. For extra security, you can set up auto-alerts that push directly to travelers via text and email to verify safety.

Click here to see a quick video tutorial on SecurityLogic.

3. Reduces Your Travel Costs

Partnering with a corporate travel management company can significantly reduce your overall travel costs. TMCs have expert knowledge in all aspects of the travel industry, including contract negotiations. Your account manager should be able to negotiate with your preferred vendors to ensure you are paying the lowest amount possible.

Business travel plans often change or get canceled. Did you know that nearly 10% of all business travel airline tickets go unused? As a travel manager, how do you ensure those funds from unused airline tickets are used before they expire? Keeping track of all the changes in your traveler’s plans could be a fulltime job in and of itself.

Travel Management Companies should ensure your unused tickets don’t impact your bottom line. Christopherson’s AirBank tool, found within AirPortal, captures those unused airline tickets and prevents the loss of those funds by prompting their reuse at the time of booking, whether online or with a full-service advisor.

Working with a business travel agency also ensures employees are booking within your company travel policy. By booking within policy, you can take advantage of your corporate rates, ensure you aren’t overspending, and make expense tracking and reporting a breeze.

Lastly, by partnering with a TMC you are saving time. Every hour you do not have to spend dealing with a travel headache, is an hour you can utilize elsewhere. Travel managers shouldn’t have to troubleshoot flight delays, manually keep track of itineraries, or pull reports from multiple locations. Travelers can find information quicker, make last-minute updates to travel plans, access 24/7 support from a trusted travel expert, and locate all expense receipts in one location.

4. Serves Your Travelers

Companies rely on corporate travel to close new business, foster relationships with current accounts, or inspire and connect departments within their own organization. In order to ensure those travel dollars are well spent, businesses need to prioritize the traveler experience to avoid fatigue and travel burnout. This is where a travel management company can shine.

By utilizing a tool like AirPortal, travelers can access all their travel plans in one location. No more frustrated inbox searching! Travelers are also alerted when they have incomplete trip plans. This allows you to avoid the high-stress situation of arriving at a new destination and realizing you forgot to book a hotel. Avoiding these small hiccups makes for a better traveler experience overall.

Let’s dive deeper into the actual booking process. Whether your travelers like to book online themselves or with a travel agent, partnering with the right travel management company can provide huge upside.

First, adhering to company travel policy is effortless. Regardless of which booking option they choose, your travelers are only offered options that fit within your policy. Traveler preferences are also documented, integrated, and considered before any bookings are confirmed, which makes for happy travelers!

Most importantly, TMCs should offer around-the-clock expert support and consultation. We all know that flights are sometimes delayed or canceled. Occasionally hotels are overbooked. Having access to a dedicated travel advisor team or a certified online support team means your travelers can feel confident in knowing they always have a trusted expert to turn to.

High-stress circumstances during business travel can lead to traveler anger and resentment towards their employer. These situations need to be solved quickly and with little effort from the traveler. With Christopherson Business Travel, your travelers have an expert in their corner to deal with unforeseen issues no matter the day or time.

5. Provides Integrated and Centralized Data Reporting

Next, let’s dig into how a travel management company can help the travel manager as well as the finance department. Many businesses struggle to analyze data because this information is coming from multiple departments and software. Christopherson’s AirPortal platform takes all your data points and presents them in a meaningful and centralized way.

Your AirPortal reporting and analytics tools can help you identify which departments or individuals spend the most on travel, which travelers book outside of your policy, and trends to see where you can save money. Having clear, concise reporting ensures accountability across all departments and helps you to make better-informed business decisions.

In addition to AirPortal’s benchmarking and analytics options, you can also access ValueLogic, an ROI tool that allows you to see exactly how and where we’re saving you money. And since not all travel programs are the same, AirPortal’s reports can be customized to your specific needs, so you see what matters to you. The end result? Cost savings and a well-managed travel program.


Do you need a travel management company  .

From Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits to start-ups, any organization that wants to save time or money on travel can benefit from using a TMC. Download our whitepaper “Do I Need A Travel Management Company?” to better understand how your travel program could benefit from a TMC.

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What is a Travel Management Company (TMC)?

Home » Blog » What is a Travel Management Company (TMC)?

A travel management company (TMC) or corporate travel management company which supports travel-related companies and agencies handling plans and arrangements.

In today’s world, the travel and tourism business market is rising continuously. According to Statista reports, the travel and tourism market will expand rapidly by 188% by 2028.

Let’s learn about the travel management company’s definition, features, benefits, and differences.

Table of contents

What is tmc in the travel industry, 1. booking and reservations, 2. travel policy compliance, 3. expense management, 4. traveler support and assistance, 5. risk management, 1. offers discounts and negotiable prices, 2. consulting services, 3. customize the travel booking, 4. provide full time support, 1. cost savings, 2. efficiency and convenience, 3. policy compliance, 4. traveler safety and risk management, 5. detailed reporting and analytics, 6. improved traveler experience, 7. time saving, difference between a travel management company and a travel agency, 1. american express global business travel (gbt).

  • 2. BCD Travel 

3. CWT (Carlson Wagonlit Travel)

5. fcm travel solutions.

TMC in travel industry

There is an expert service in the travel industry called Travel Management Company (TMC) that handles the travel-related needs and plans of businesses and organizations.

TMCs are focusing on managing trips for the customers. Their different services are meant to simplify the process, lower costs, and make sure that the company follow the rules and guidelines.

These companies can get a lot better at managing their trip needs by getting professional advice, advanced technology solutions, and complete support. 

Aside from that, they help keep costs low and improve the trip overall for travelers and their clients.

This travel management company or travel agency finds the best deals by focusing on the related customers and following the travel policy.

Most of the company and agencies offer the latest technologies, and online booking tools, that support finding the target audiences and making trips at low cost.

What Does a Travel Management Company Do?

travel management works

A Travel Management Company (TMC) mainly focuses on helping travel agencies and organizations with their management of trips and related services.

Here you can see the detailed list of what TMC usually does.

Explore this article “Best Travel Management Software (Top 10): 2024”

In the booking reservation TMC helps when you book your flights, hotels, rental cars, airport transfers, and other transportation needs through this service.

TMC highly focuses on the policy and the guidelines that all trip plans follow the rules set by the company. This helps keep standard services at a lower cost.

Sometimes, it updates with new rules for both travelers and companies that help save extra expenses and keep customers safe and comfortable.

TMC uses technical tools to track and monitor travel expenses which help provide reports and assist with ideas for corporate budgets.

For support and assistance, TMC provides 24/7 services for their customers like as ticket booking, flight cancellation, and other services.

You can take the information on trip management, visa requirements, and other health safety rules.

It is the most important part of the travel company because of safety by providing the different events and advising for their customers. 

Function of Travel Management Company

functions of travel management company

Travel management companies are the companies that organize business trips and that they are efficient, cost-effective, and have company policies. 

The main purpose of TMC help businesses organize their travel operations, reduce costs, customer satisfaction, follow the rules and guidelines and focus on their core activities.

A travel management company or agency supports business travelers to get better deals on flights hotels and car rentals. 

To do this, they work together with airlines, accommodation providers, car rental companies, and people who run online markets.

This service gives you tips on how to make your trip program better way. They find and implement strategies to control travel costs without compromising quality or travel safety.

Travel management companies now offer digital solutions that make booking work trips easier and faster. 

A business traveler can use the mobile app or web planning tool to get the best deals on the right choices and customization of the trip as set by the company.

A travel management agency ensures that a business traveler gets the help and information they need regardless of the customer’s location. 

The traveler knows about updated information and helps immediately by calling the agency’s customer service team.

7 Benefits of Using a Travel Management Company

benefits of using a TMC

There are quite benefits of using a travel management company for businesses and organizations.

TMCs have built ties with flights, hotels, and car rental companies that let them get special deals and lower prices.

They help businesses stay on budget by giving them tools and services to track and manage travel costs.

Travel management companies (TMCs) offer online booking tools and systems that make it easier for workers to plan their trips and save them time.

They help travelers around the clock, seven days a week, making sure they can get help for changes, delays, and situations.

TMCs make sure that all trip plans are in line with the company’s travel rules. So there is a lower chance of spending money without permission.

They help make travel plans that fit the organization’s wants and goals and make them better over time.

Travel management companies (TMCs) keep up with global news and travel warnings to make sure travelers are aware of any risks.

They help travelers and have backup plans ready in case of accidents, making sure they are healthy and secure.

It provides a complete report and analysis of travel spend, trends and patterns, allowing companies to make decisions based on information. 

The most benefit is providing details reporting data that helps identify areas for cost saving and improvement in travel programs. 

TMCs offer individual help and customized travel plans, improving the overall experience for travelers.

Simple procedures and skilled leadership reduce the time spent on planning and handling trips and increase overall productivity.

Overall, the travel businesses and companies improvements in their travel industry, which can benefit in cost savings, improved traveler satisfaction, and better management of travel-related services.

Based on the knowledge and resources of a TMC, companies can realize significant improvement in the travel industry. Where travel agencies provide travel-related services.

Here are the main differences between a travel management company and a travel agency:

The above table shows the highlights in focus, services, technology, and support between travel management company and travel agency. 

Explore this article “Tour Operator vs Travel Agent- What are the Differences?”

Travel Management Company List

The well-known travel management companies that offer a variety of corporate travel management services are listed below.

One of the biggest TMCs globally, providing complete technological solutions and travel management services.

2. BCD Travel 

BCD Travel is a global leader in travel management business and offers innovative solutions and diplomatic travel management services.

It provides booking, expenditure management travel management services, and risk management. 

This business travel management company uses technology to provide enhanced efficient travel solutions.

It offers comprehensive travel management services that combine global reach with individual care.

These companies are well known for their expertise in corporate travel management, including services such as booking and reservations traveler assistance, and risk management.

In summary, a travel management company is a specialized service provider company that plays a vital role in handling and improving corporate travel for companies and groups. 

TMCs offers a complete set of services, including planning and reservation, travel policy compliance, bill management, and traveler support to ensure speed, cost-effectiveness, and submission to business policies.

They use advanced technology to provide smooth online booking tools, data analytics, and risk management solutions, improving the overall travel experiences and safety for corporate travelers.

With the support of travel management companies may obtain significant cost savings improved compliance, and better control of their travel programs.

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In the travel industry business, TMC means Travel Management Company is a particular type of company that handles corporate travel plans, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with policies.

TMC, which is known as “ Travel Management Company ” is a company that helps you plan and organize operations trips, and booking tickets.  

Yes, TMCs usually  provide full support 24/7 to help travelers  with changes to their plans, cancellations, and situations. In this way, travelers can get support at any time regardless of time zones.

To make the process of handling travel easy way, TMCs offer high-tech tools like mobile apps, online booking tools, data analytics platforms, and interaction with the travel management process.

travel management meaning

Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

2 thoughts on “ What is a Travel Management Company (TMC)? ”

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Hey Marius, if you’re looking to list your facilities on a website this article “https://wptravel.io/best-online-travel-booking-platforms/” can help you.

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Also, check out WP Travel to see if it meets your needs.

Best wishes on your business transformation!

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What is a TMC (Travel Management Company)?

May 17, 2024

Rob Browne photo

Business travel is a trillion dollar industry. With all of the money that is spent on travel every year, it can be a lot for large companies to handle managing all of the trips that their employees take.

Enter the travel management company, or TMC, which can be hired to direct your company’s corporate travel needs.

What is a TMC?

A TMC, or travel management company, provides solutions for the travel needs of a business. It provides the ability to book travel with special rates, can be adjusted to a specific travel policy, and provides duty of care support for travelers.

TMC basics: how it functions, how much it costs & how to find the best one for your company

We’ll go over the basics of what a travel management company does for your company’s business travel , how much it costs, and how to find the TMC that best fits your company.

The role of a TMC in company travel

In managing a company’s travel needs via travel management tools , a TMC will be able to blend the specific travel policies of individual companies with the best available fares and rates on the market. It also can be used as a corporate compliance tool. There are four ways a TMC functions to manage corporate travel.

Enforces a corporate travel policy

Any company that has employees who travel for work needs to employ some kind of company-wide policy to ensure that employees comply with basic standards. These standards can include a specific fare class on flights, a star class for hotels, and a class of rental car.

A TMC helps enforce this policy through guiding travelers to options that are compliant. Often times, a TMC will only display options for travelers to book that are within their company policy. Using a TMC ensures that employees adhere to your company’s travel policy without having to spend extra time and effort to track travel compliance.

Provides systems on which to book travel

A TMC importantly provides both online and call-in systems in which employees can book travel. Online end-to-end booking is a necessity in 2019, especially because to eliminate hassle, booking business travel should be equivalent to booking any sort of personal travel outside of a TMC.

Where a TMC differs in how it provides systems for booking is that you can ensure that it is giving travelers the best rates possible. There are no hidden tricks or gamification strategies involved in booking with a TMC. It is a consistent, reliable platform on which your company receives the best rates regardless of when employees are booking.

Negotiates contracts with vendors for special rates

A key benefit of TMC use is that it can occasionally provide special corporate rates from hotel and car rental vendors for your business trips. These rates eliminate the need for extra work on the part of your travelers, as they have only one place to go for the best rates.

Any online travel site can offer a good sale once in a while, but using a TMC guarantees that you have certified travel professionals in your corner finding you the best options for your bookings.

Provides duty of care support

One of the biggest stressors for travel managers and those pegged with leading a travel program at a company is the safety and security of business travelers. TMCs contain duty of care features that provide real-time communication and information for the safety of travelers in new or unfamiliar destinations. Enlisting the help of a TMC takes the stress off of worrying about employees’ health and safety when they travel for work.

How much does a TMC cost?

TMCs can be priced either based on a fee per travel itinerary or on a monthly or yearly subscription basis. The exact cost will of course depend on the size and geographic scope of your company’s travel needs. TMCs charge fees just as airlines and hotels do when you book directly through them. You’ll also need to take into account that through the special rates they’re able to locate, TMCs find your travelers better fares on average than they would typically find themselves.

It’s hard to estimate an average cost of a TMC because of how dynamic the scopes of different travel programs could be in comparison to each other, but a rough estimate of the cost of a TMC per itinerary booked is $14. Whether you view the trade-offs of sometimes lower fares as valuable for your company is of course up to your discretion. However, most industry leaders suggest that the usefulness of using a TMC exceeds the hassle and potential wasted time and costs of managing your company’s travel autonomously.

Finding the right TMC

Selecting the right TMC for your business should begin not with the TMC itself but your own individual travel policy. Setting out a clear travel policy ensures that the TMC you choose aligns with the exact needs of your company. You should also consider where most of your company’s travel is regionally and what kind of budget your employees have on these trips.

Your industry and size should also dictate the type of TMC you search for. If you are a large company that puts on events and will consistently be on the road, you’ll need a TMC equipped to secure a large number of bookings and adapt to sudden changes in itineraries.

A final key component to finding the right TMC is to make sure that they’re a good cultural fit for your company. They’ll be working closely with your employees and contributing to how their time is spent on the road. If your company values work-life balance or the ability for travelers to have flexible schedules when traveling, you’ll want a TMC that can deliver on that culture.

A live look at the G2 Grid® for this category shows the different travel management products available based on real-time, validated user reviews.

Travel management companies help your business book travel for employees, encourage employee compliance to your corporate travel policy, and ensure the safety and security of business travelers. Although they can come at a steep price, many corporate travel departments view the use of a TMC as worth the money for making sure that business travelers are booking reliable fares and conducting their business on the road in ways that reflect company culture.

Looking for more information on corporate travel? Check out the best travel management software .

See the best travel management software of 2019

Rob is a former content associate at G2. Originally from New Jersey, he previously worked at an NYC-based business travel startup. (he/him/his)

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  • Travel and Tourism /

What is Travel and Tourism Management?

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 7, 2023

travel and tourism management

Do you feel impressed by the prospect of working in an industry that may involve a lot of travel? Would be enthusiastic to explore the world while you get to experience newer aspects of life? If travel is your passion and management is what you are good at, then, a career in Travel and Tourism Management might be perfect for you! Being a rapidly expanding and highly dynamic industry, travel and tourism achieved significant heights in the past few years. With immense career opportunities underway, you can explore a lot of interesting career opportunities in this field. Hence, through this blog, we would help you in exploring how to make a career in travel and tourism .  

This Blog Includes:

Overview of travel and tourism management , popular travel and tourism management courses, travel and tourism management entrance exams, top global universities , top indian institutes for tourism management , what jobs can i get with travel and tourism management degree , job prospects & salary, top recruiters in india, tourism industry in india, types of travel & tourism in india.

Since the Travel and Tourism industry is an arena wherein most of the jobs that one undertakes are certainly client-facing and involve a certain extent of interaction, courses in this sphere involve various studies in the domain of Communication and Writing skills, Critical Reasoning, and Presentation. Building on these fundamentals, the courses undertake certain papers on the Fundamentals of Tourism, its History, Ecotourism, Environmental Management , Business Statistics, Aviation Management , Airport Management , Introduction to Hospitality , Business Research Methods, Human Resource Management, Travel Agency and Tourism Management, Innovative Practises in Tourism and Event Management. So, for those who look forward to broadening their understanding regarding international tourism, this course would be highly rewarding for you. 

To progress in the field of Travel and Tourism, there are certain pathways that might seem fit for your future ventures. You can directly get yourselves enrolled in a Travel and Tourism course after the 12th that would give you the key information necessary at the bachelor’s level. But if you have the zeal to learn the managerial skills required for the tourism sector along with in-depth learning about the functioning of international tourism, consider going for master’s or doctoral-level courses.

Some of the popular courses in Travel and Tourism Management have been listed below: 

Below mentioned are the entrance exams students need to prepare for pursuing Travel and Tourism Management:

UG Entrance Exams 

  • JMI Entrance Exam 
  • CUCET Chandigarh University 

PG Entrance Exams 

  • Karnataka PGCET 

To know more about the education and preparation needed to work in Travel and Tourism, read our comprehensive blog on Travel and Tourism courses . 

Not only does the travel and tourism industry involve a thorough study of the subject matter under consideration but also requires one to perfect their skills relating such as leadership, problem-solving, customer-focused approach, ability to work deadlines and team working. So, when you get yourself enrolled in a course in travel and tourism management in one of the top universities around the world, you can nurture your skills in the best possible way. 

  • New York University
  • University of Illinois 
  • King’s College London 
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong  
  • Boston University  
  • Wageningen University and Research Centre  
  • Michigan State University 
  • University of Gloucestershire  
  • The University of Queensland  
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam  
  • University of Groningen  
  • Monash University  
  • Pennsylvania State University 
  • Michigan State University  

Following are the top-level colleges for pursuing a course in Travel & Tourism Management:

  • Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management – Gwalior
  • Indian Institute of Hospitality & Management – Thane
  • Christ University – Bangalore
  • National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management – Hyderabad
  • Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism – Noida
  • Kerala Institute of Tourism & Travel Studies
  • Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management – Bhubaneswar
  • Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management – Noida
  • Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management – Goa
  • Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management –  Nellore

Travel and Tourism Management students are taught business concepts specific to the travel industry and they can take up courses in Human Resources, Media Relations, Facilities Management and Financial Strategies. Besides, this overseas education provides internship opportunities for international students prior to graduation. From working in multidimensional roles in the hotel industry and providing premium services to customers to employing your art of storytelling to provide tour guides to people, there are numerous jobs in Travel and Tourism . Joining at the executive level, you can extend your career and make your way into great portfolios in top-notch institutions.

Some of the prospective job avenues that you may consider after completing courses in Travel and Tourism Management include:

  • Travel Agent : Your role as a Travel Agent allows you to plan a trip including flights, car rentals and accommodations. Also, you should have knowledge about the weather, traditions and tourist attractions of popular destinations. An assistant must have good networking and customer service skills to build and maintain a clientele base.
  • Travel Manager: A Travel Coordinator or Manager organises the travel arrangement of large organisations such as non-profits or universities. From booking flights on commercial or private jets, reserving conference rooms, and supervising support staff in forwarding information, the role of a Travel Manager is endless.
  • Lodging Manager: Lodging Managers are responsible for operating resorts, hotels and motels and are in charge of overseeing the complete operation. Larger landmarks may have separate managers for food services, housekeeping and human resources while small motels may only have one General Manager. 

Besides these, other profiles that you can consider in Travel and Tourism Management include Tour Manager, Event Manager, Holiday Representative, Tourism Officer, Air Cabin Crew , Property Manager, etc.

Tourism Management offers plenty of opportunities to graduates & undergraduates. Here is a list of top job profiles for reference: 

  • Holiday/Travel Agent
  • Travel Executive
  • Tourism Manager
  • Tourist Guide
  • Tour Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Spa Manager
  • Travel Agency Manager
  • PR Manager 
  • Event Manager

The main concern of every candidate is to have a good amount of salary. In the case of tourism, the starting salary is low like in other professions. For early experience, one can also do part-time jobs or can consider summer internships. The Initial Salary ranges from INR 15,000 – 20,000. Although the salary increases with increased experience. 

Here is a list of a few companies which offers jobs in Tourism:

  • Cox & Kings Ltd.
  • Indian Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)
  • Thomas Cook (India) Ltd.
  • Make My Trip
  • Club Mahindra Holidays
  • East India Travel Co. 
  • Jet Airways
  • Kesari Tours
  • Indian Airlines & British Airways, etc. 

A traveller knows how vital, dynamic and evolving is the industry of Tourism. It is important for the economic growth of any country. According to the reports of Tourism in India, it has generated INR 15.24 lakh crore or 9.4% of India’s GDP in 2017. It has also provided employment to the candidates in absolute terms with around 41.622 million jobs that are 8% of the total employment in India. It is estimated that the tourism industry will grow at an annual rate of 6.9% and reach INR 32.50 lakhs crore by 2028. So it is a profound idea of pursuing the course of Travel & Tourism. 

Tourism is all about leisure time and travelling is an activity of people to distant places away from home. It includes Outbound Tourism, Inbound Tourism, and Domestic Tourism. 

Outbound Tourism: It refers to travelling to a place outside of your home country. For example, from the Indian tourism perspective, Going to the UK from India. 

Inbound Tourism: It is when people from another country visit your country. For example, from the Indian tourism perspective, Coming to India from Canada. 

Domestic Tourism: As the name suggests, refers to the people travelling from place to place within the home country. For example, from the Indian tourism perspective, Going from Delhi to Mumbai. 

Ans. Candidates need to have – excellent communication skills, enthusiasm, patience, time management skills, teamwork, leadership skills, etc.

Ans Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management – Gwalior Indian Institute of Hospitality & Management – Thane Christ University – Bangalore National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management – Hyderabad

Ans. IRCTC  Air Asia Flying Fox Indian Airlines & British Airways Make My Trip Emirates

Ans. The scope of Tourism would not end as many people love to explore & visit places. Keeps the lives of people active & away from stress. The opportunities will never end for freshers in this field.

Ans. As an event manager, tour manager, tour guide, PR manager, Travel agency manager, etc. 

Navigating tourists through travel destinations and offering them the history of art and architecture, a job or a business in Travel and Tourism Management would help you find your way into the world. And if you have any doubts or inhibitions, then our experts at Leverage Edu can figure things out for you. 

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Please give me information about travel and tourism course.

Hi Roshan. Travel and tourism courses are courses that gives an individual knowledge about the international tourism industry. Some of the popular Bachelor’s courses include : BA in Travel & Tourism Management, BA in Tourism Studies, BA in Hospitality, Travel & Tourism Management, and BBA in Travel & Tourism Management. The top universities you can apply for these courses are: New York University, University of Illinois, King’s College London, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Boston University. To discover more articles like this one visit the experts at Leverage Edu.

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  • Travel Tips

What Is Tourism Managment

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Ashil Brookshire

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Sustainability



Tourism is a flourishing industry that encompasses travel, accommodations, attractions, and activities for leisure, business, or educational purposes. As travel becomes more accessible and people’s desire to explore new places increases, the importance of effective tourism management becomes paramount. Tourism management plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation, sustainability, and profitability of tourism destinations and businesses.

Tourism management involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the tourism industry, including marketing, planning, development, operations, and customer service. It aims to provide a positive and enriching experience for tourists, while also benefiting the local communities and preserving the environment.

In this article, we will delve into the definition of tourism management, discuss its importance, explore the key elements and functions within tourism management, and highlight the challenges and emerging trends in the field.

By understanding the intricacies of tourism management, professionals in the industry can develop effective strategies to attract tourists, optimize the visitor experience, and contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the tourism sector.

Definition of Tourism Management

Tourism management refers to the practice of planning, organizing, and coordinating all the activities and resources involved in the operation of tourism destinations, businesses, and services. It encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including marketing, budgeting, development, operations, and customer service, with the ultimate goal of ensuring a positive and fulfilling experience for tourists.

Effective tourism management involves a comprehensive understanding of customer preferences, market trends, and destination dynamics. It requires a strategic approach to attract tourists, create memorable experiences, and maximize the economic and social benefits for the local communities. A successful tourism management plan takes into account factors such as infrastructure, transportation, accommodation, attractions, and local resources.

Tourism managers play a crucial role in coordinating the various stakeholders involved in the tourism industry, including government agencies, tourism boards, hospitality establishments, transportation companies, tour operators, and local communities. They work towards developing and implementing strategies that align with the objectives of all parties and ensure the sustainability of tourism destinations.

Furthermore, tourism management involves maintaining a delicate balance between preserving the natural and cultural heritage of a destination and providing quality experiences for tourists. It encompasses initiatives for environmental conservation, responsible tourism practices, and community engagement. By implementing sustainable measures, tourism managers can create long-term benefits and mitigate any negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities.

Ultimately, the goal of tourism management is to create a harmonious relationship between tourists, the destination, and the local community. By carefully examining and managing all aspects of the tourism experience, tourism managers strive to meet the demands of the modern traveler, while simultaneously promoting the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of the destination.

Importance of Tourism Management

The importance of effective tourism management cannot be overstated. It plays a crucial role in the sustainable development and success of tourism destinations and businesses. Here are several key reasons why tourism management is essential:

  • Economic Impact: Tourism is a significant source of revenue and job creation worldwide. Tourism management helps maximize the economic benefits by attracting tourists, promoting local businesses, and ensuring the efficient utilization of resources. It stimulates economic growth, enhances employment opportunities, and generates income for the local community.
  • Sustainable Development: By implementing sustainable tourism practices, tourism management aims to minimize negative impacts on the environment and culture of the destination. It fosters responsible tourism, encourages conservation efforts, and promotes the well-being of local communities. This ensures the long-term viability and preservation of the destination for future generations.
  • Enhanced Visitor Experience: Tourism management focuses on providing exceptional experiences for tourists. It involves careful planning and coordination of attractions, accommodations, transportation, and activities to meet the needs and preferences of different types of travelers. By creating memorable and enjoyable experiences, tourism management fosters positive word-of-mouth recommendations and repeat visits.
  • Destination Promotion: Effective tourism management plays a crucial role in destination promotion. It involves strategic marketing initiatives, digital campaigns, and partnerships to attract tourists from different regions. By showcasing the unique offerings of a destination, tourism management helps create a positive image and differentiate it from competitors in the global tourism market.
  • Community Engagement: Tourism management actively engages with local communities to ensure their involvement and support in tourism activities. By promoting community participation, respect for local customs and traditions, and equitable distribution of benefits, tourism management fosters a positive relationship between tourists and the local community.

In summary, tourism management is vital for driving economic growth, environmental sustainability, and cultural preservation. It strives to enhance the visitor experience, promote responsible tourism practices, and foster positive relationships between tourists, the destination, and local communities. By prioritizing effective tourism management, destinations can thrive and maximize the benefits of tourism while mitigating potential negative impacts.

Elements of Tourism Management

Tourism management involves various elements that are essential for the successful operation and development of tourism destinations and businesses. These elements encompass the key components that contribute to the overall tourism experience. Here are the main elements of tourism management:

  • Marketing and Promotion: This element focuses on creating awareness and attracting tourists to a destination or business. It involves market research, branding, advertising, digital marketing, public relations, and partnerships to effectively communicate the unique selling points of the destination or business.
  • Planning and Development: This element involves strategic planning for the sustainable development of tourism destinations. It includes market analysis, infrastructure development, zoning regulations, carrying capacity assessment, and collaboration with stakeholders to ensure the optimal use of resources and development of tourism facilities.
  • Operations and Logistics: This element deals with the day-to-day operations and logistical aspects of tourism businesses and destinations. It includes managing accommodations, transportation, attractions, tour operations, customer service, and ensuring smooth operations and seamless experiences for tourists.
  • Customer Service and Experience: This element focuses on providing excellent customer service and creating memorable experiences for tourists. It includes training staff, implementing quality assurance measures, addressing customer feedback, and continuously improving the visitor experience to exceed customer expectations.
  • Sustainability and Responsible Tourism: This element emphasizes the importance of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of a destination and promoting responsible tourism practices. It involves implementing sustainable measures, minimizing negative impacts of tourism, supporting local communities, and engaging in environmental conservation efforts.
  • Economic Management: This element focuses on the financial aspect of tourism management. It involves budgeting, revenue management, pricing strategies, cost control, and financial analysis to ensure profitability and economic sustainability for tourism businesses and destinations.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration: This element highlights the significance of collaboration with various stakeholders in the tourism industry. It includes establishing partnerships with government entities, tourism boards, local communities, businesses, and industry associations to foster cooperation, share resources, and work towards common goals.

By addressing and integrating these elements effectively, tourism management can create a well-rounded and holistic approach to the overall management and success of tourism destinations and businesses. It ensures a memorable and sustainable tourism experience for both tourists and the local community.

Functions of Tourism Management

Tourism management involves a range of functions that are essential for the efficient and effective operation of tourism destinations and businesses. These functions contribute to the overall success of the tourism industry and play a vital role in providing a positive experience for tourists. Here are the main functions of tourism management:

  • Strategic Planning: This function involves setting goals, formulating strategies, and developing plans to achieve the desired outcomes. It includes analyzing market trends, identifying target markets, and determining the positioning and competitive advantage of the destination or business.
  • Market Research: Market research is crucial for understanding customer preferences, market trends, and demand patterns. This function involves conducting surveys, collecting data, and analyzing market insights to develop marketing strategies, identify target audiences, and tailor tourism offerings accordingly.
  • Product Development: This function focuses on creating tourism products and experiences that meet the needs and expectations of tourists. It involves identifying unique selling points, designing packages and itineraries, collaborating with local attractions and service providers, and ensuring product innovation to enhance the tourism experience.
  • Marketing and Promotion: This function entails creating awareness, attracting tourists, and promoting tourism offerings. It includes advertising, digital marketing, public relations, social media management, content creation, and developing partnerships to effectively reach and engage with target audiences.
  • Operations Management: This function deals with the day-to-day operations of tourism businesses and destinations. It includes managing accommodations, transportation, attractions, and activities, as well as ensuring efficient logistics and providing quality customer service to enhance the overall visitor experience.
  • Financial Management: Financial management is crucial for the economic sustainability of tourism businesses and destinations. This function involves budgeting, revenue management, pricing strategies, cost control, and financial analysis to ensure profitability and optimize resource allocation.
  • Sustainability and Responsible Tourism: This function focuses on environmental conservation, community engagement, and responsible tourism practices. It involves implementing sustainable measures, promoting cultural preservation, supporting local communities, and ensuring the long-term viability of tourism destinations.
  • Customer Relationship Management: This function emphasizes building and maintaining strong relationships with customers. It includes managing customer inquiries, addressing feedback and complaints, providing personalized experiences, and fostering customer loyalty through effective communication and relationship building initiatives.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaboration is crucial for the success of tourism management. This function involves establishing partnerships with government entities, tourism boards, local communities, businesses, and industry associations to collaborate, share resources, and work towards common goals for the development and growth of the tourism industry.

By fulfilling these functions, tourism management ensures the seamless operation, sustainable development, and memorable experiences for both tourists and the local community. It is a multifaceted discipline that requires a comprehensive approach to meet the ever-evolving demands of the tourism industry.

Challenges in Tourism Management

Tourism management faces various challenges that can impact the sustainability and success of tourism destinations and businesses. These challenges arise from both internal and external factors and require proactive strategies to overcome. Here are some common challenges in tourism management:

  • Seasonality: Seasonality refers to the fluctuation in tourism demand based on the time of year. Many destinations experience peak tourist seasons followed by periods of low or off-peak seasons. Managing seasonality can be a challenge, as it requires finding ways to attract tourists during off-peak times and optimizing resources to accommodate peak season demands.
  • Overtourism: Overtourism occurs when the number of tourists exceeds the carrying capacity of a destination, resulting in overcrowding, infrastructure strain, and negative environmental and sociocultural impacts. Managing overtourism involves implementing measures to distribute tourism flows, regulate visitor numbers, and promote sustainable tourism practices.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring sustainable tourism is a challenge faced by tourism management. This involves balancing the economic, social, and environmental aspects of tourism to minimize negative impacts and maximize long-term benefits. It requires implementing sustainable practices, promoting responsible tourism, and engaging local communities in decision-making processes.
  • Competition: The tourism industry is highly competitive, with destinations and businesses vying for the attention of tourists. Managing competition requires differentiating the destination or business through unique offerings, effective marketing strategies, and continuous innovation to attract and retain visitors.
  • Changing Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior and travel preferences are constantly evolving. Tourism management needs to adapt to these changes by understanding emerging trends, catering to different market segments, and providing personalized experiences. This requires staying updated with technology advancements, digital marketing strategies, and consumer insights.
  • Economic Volatility: Tourism can be impacted by economic factors such as recessions, exchange rate fluctuations, and political instability. These factors can influence travel decisions, tourist spending, and business operations. Tourism management needs to develop strategies to mitigate the effects of economic volatility and attract tourists during challenging times.
  • Infrastructure and Resource Management: Adequate and well-maintained infrastructure is crucial for the smooth operation of tourism. However, managing limited resources, ensuring sustainability, and maintaining infrastructure can be challenging. Tourism management needs to prioritize infrastructure development, enhance resource management, and strike a balance between tourist needs and environmental conservation.
  • Technology Disruptions: Rapid advancements in technology impact the tourism industry. Online platforms, social media, and mobile applications have changed the way tourists research, book, and experience travel. Tourism management needs to leverage technology to enhance marketing, distribution channels, customer service, and overall tourism experiences.
  • Crisis Management: Tourism destinations are susceptible to natural disasters, political unrest, health crises, and other unforeseen events. Crisis management is crucial in ensuring safety, communication, and recovery. Tourism management should have contingency plans, crisis communication strategies, and cooperation with authorities to effectively manage crises.

Overcoming these challenges requires proactive and strategic approaches in tourism management. By addressing these issues, tourism destinations and businesses can thrive, deliver exceptional visitor experiences, and contribute to the sustainable development of the tourism industry.

Emerging Trends in Tourism Management

Tourism management is constantly evolving to adapt to changing market dynamics, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. Here are some emerging trends in tourism management that are shaping the future of the industry:

  • Sustainable Tourism: The increasing emphasis on sustainability has led to a rise in sustainable tourism practices. Travelers are seeking eco-friendly and socially responsible experiences. Tourism management is embracing sustainable initiatives such as reducing carbon emissions, promoting local sourcing, and supporting community development.
  • Authentic Experiences: Tourists are increasingly looking for unique and authentic experiences that provide a deeper connection with the destination and its culture. Tourism management is focusing on curating immersive activities, cultural interactions, and off-the-beaten-path experiences to meet these demands.
  • Technology Integration: Technology continues to revolutionize the tourism industry. Tourism management is leveraging technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to enhance the booking process, improve customer service, and create engaging marketing campaigns.
  • Personalization: Personalization is gaining prominence as tourists seek customized experiences tailored to their preferences. Tourism management is utilizing data analytics and customer relationship management tools to segment markets, target specific demographics, and deliver personalized recommendations and offers to travelers.
  • Wellness and Health Tourism: Wellness and health tourism have witnessed significant growth. As people prioritize their well-being, tourism management is incorporating wellness activities, spa treatments, yoga retreats, and healthy dining options into destination offerings.
  • Community Engagement: Tourism management is recognizing the importance of involving local communities in tourism development. Engaging with local residents, empowering them economically, and showcasing their culture and traditions contribute to sustainable destination management.
  • Multi-Generational Travel: With families traveling together, tourism management is focusing on catering to the diverse needs of multi-generational travelers. Destinations are offering a variety of activities and accommodations suitable for different age groups and interests.
  • Sharing Economy: The sharing economy has disrupted the traditional tourism industry. Tourism management is adapting by collaborating with sharing economy platforms, integrating home-sharing options, and exploring new business models to meet the evolving demands of travelers.
  • Destination Marketing through Influencers: Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool in tourism management. Collaborating with social media influencers to create authentic content and promote destinations has become an effective way to reach and engage with target audiences.
  • Accessible Tourism: The focus on inclusivity and accessibility has led to the growth of accessible tourism. Tourism management is ensuring that destinations, accommodations, and attractions are accessible to people with disabilities, providing equal opportunities for all travelers.

These emerging trends are reshaping the tourism industry and presenting new opportunities and challenges for tourism management. By embracing these trends, tourism destinations and businesses can stay competitive, attract a wider range of visitors, and deliver exceptional experiences in the ever-changing landscape of travel and tourism.

Tourism management plays a crucial role in the successful operation, development, and sustainability of tourism destinations and businesses. It encompasses various elements and functions that aim to create exceptional experiences for tourists while considering the economic, environmental, and social impacts of tourism.

Throughout this article, we have explored the definition of tourism management, its importance, key elements, functions, challenges, and emerging trends. It is evident that effective tourism management is essential for driving economic growth, preserving natural and cultural heritage, promoting responsible tourism practices, and enhancing the overall visitor experience.

However, tourism management also faces challenges such as seasonality, overtourism, sustainability, competition, and changing consumer behavior. These challenges require proactive strategies and innovative approaches to ensure the long-term success and development of tourism destinations.

At the same time, emerging trends in tourism management, including sustainable tourism, personalization, technology integration, and wellness tourism, present new opportunities for growth and innovation within the industry.

In conclusion, tourism management is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a vital role in shaping the tourism industry. By effectively managing tourism destinations and businesses, tourism managers can create positive synergies between tourists, the destination, and local communities, fostering economic growth, environmental preservation, and cultural enrichment.

With the constantly evolving landscape of travel, it is imperative for tourism managers to stay updated with the latest trends, embrace sustainable practices, leverage technology, and engage with diverse stakeholders. By doing so, tourism management can contribute to the growth and sustainability of the tourism industry, creating unforgettable experiences for travelers while fostering a positive and responsible approach towards tourism.


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  • Cooperation to maximize the value and efficiency of your travel program
  • G2 rating : 4.7 / 5 stars, based on 86 reviews
  • Capterra rating : no data available

Reasons why AMEX GBT customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • A huge travel inventory (with particularly wide coverage in Europe), including air, hotels, rail, and more
  • Customer care operating at a target 15-second response time 
  • FlexiPerk: enabling cancellations at any time with 80% of your money back
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BCD Travel homepage

  • A software suite of three separate platforms for businesses to manage travel arrangements
  • Access to APIs to integrate with the platform to meet unique business needs
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  • G2 rating : no data available

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  • Flexible corporate travel bookings with FlexiPerk
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TravelBank homepage

  • All-in-one platform that includes travel data, travel expenses, and travel management services
  • User-friendly platform
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  • G2 rating : 4.4 / 5 stars, based on 333,291 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.7 / 5 stars, based on 225,169 reviews

Reasons why TravelBank customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • Top-notch, in-house support 
  • A larger inventory, meaning better rates, and booking options when you need them
  • A faster pace of development, constantly using feedback to improve functionality
  • TravelSafe : delivering reliable and verified traveler safety information
  • Accessible web and mobile app with over 2.5 million downloads
  • Specialist services for industries such as pharma and biotech, media and entertainment, and energy and resources
  • High-quality risk management
  • G2 rating : 3.1 / 5 stars, based on 7 reviews

Reasons why CWT customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • Flexible corporate travel booking process with FlexiPerk

8. FCM Travel

FCM Travel homepage

  • Strong global presence with business hubs in major international cities
  • Personalized user experience 
  • Use of innovation when it comes to flexible and sustainable travel options 
  • G2 rating : 3.8 / 5 stars, based on 6 reviews

Reasons why FCM Travel customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • An intuitive platform with dozens of third-party integration options
  • 24/7 customer service, delivered within a target 15-second response time 
  • Guest account option for members booking outside your organization

9. CTM Travel

CTM Travel homepage

  • Airfare forecasting
  • Real-time travel risk management 
  • Global team of travel agents
  • G2 rating : 1.8 / 5 stars, based on 2 reviews

Reasons why CTM customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • Leading support in target 15-second response time
  • An industry-leading travel inventory 
  • An intuitive, accessible app to access trip itineraries, and more.


  • Online booking tool 
  • Group travel management 
  • Travel program design 
  • G2 rating: 4.7, based on 7,571 reviews
  • Capterra rating: 4.6, based on 174 reviews

Reasons why Navan customers have moved to TravelPerk in the past year:

  • A much larger global travel inventory — including rail travel across the EMEA region — ensuring access to competitive negotiated rates
  • User-friendly self-service booking platform  
  • With TravelPerk, you have the freedom to choose your own expense management tool that integrates seamlessly with the platform; with Navan, you’re tied into using their proprietary tool 
  • 100% transparency on fees: Only pay for travel when you travel

Wrapping up

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  15. What is a Travel Management Company (TMC)?

    A travel management company or agency supports business travelers to get better deals on flights hotels and car rentals. To do this, they work together with airlines, accommodation providers, car rental companies, and people who run online markets. 2. Consulting Services.

  16. Travel management company

    A travel management company ( TMC) is a travel agency which manages organizations' corporate or business travel programs. Such companies will often provide an end-user online booking tool, mobile application, program management, and consulting teams, executive travel services, meetings and events support, reporting functionality, duty of care ...

  17. What is a TMC and Why Do Companies Need One?

    A travel management company (TMC) is a specialized agency that arranges corporate travel for a business or organization. Businesses can streamline their travel operations, reduce costs, enhance traveler satisfaction, and ensure compliance with corporate policies by engaging a TMC. TMCs offer various services and functionality, such as:

  18. What is a TMC (Travel Management Company)?

    Travel management companies help your business book travel for employees, encourage employee compliance to your corporate travel policy, and ensure the safety and security of business travelers. Although they can come at a steep price, many corporate travel departments view the use of a TMC as worth the money for making sure that business ...

  19. What is Travel and Tourism Management?

    Overview of Travel and Tourism Management. Since the Travel and Tourism industry is an arena wherein most of the jobs that one undertakes are certainly client-facing and involve a certain extent of interaction, courses in this sphere involve various studies in the domain of Communication and Writing skills, Critical Reasoning, and Presentation.

  20. 17 must-have features in a travel management system

    1. Customizable travel policies. One of the most important features in a travel management system is the. travel policy. Even if office managers or travel managers book on behalf of travelers, you still need in-app travel policies to keep administrators on the same page. You should be able to customize your in-app policy by several different ...

  21. What Is Tourism Managment

    Tourism management involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the tourism industry, including marketing, planning, development, operations, and customer service. It aims to provide a positive and enriching experience for tourists, while also benefiting the local communities and preserving the environment.

  22. Corporate Travel Management

    Corporate Travel Management (CTM) is a leader in business travel management services in North America and beyond. We drive savings, efficiency, safety, and sustainability to businesses and corporate travelers, wherever your business takes you. When you partner with CTM you'll enjoy the experience of business travel done differently - a ...

  23. 10 best business travel management companies in the USA

    10. Navan. Founded in 2015, Navan (formerly known as TripActions) is an integrated, online travel and expense management tool that offers regional inventory and local language support to its customers. This TMC also offers travel reporting, 24/7 support, and automated expense management.

  24. Guide On What is a Procurement Manager In Business Travel

    Procurement management in business travel is the strategic process of sourcing, acquiring, and managing the goods and services necessary for business travel needs. It involves various activities, including selecting travel suppliers, negotiating contracts, and ensuring that travel services meet the company's budgetary and quality standards. ...