
Best International Travel Health Insurance In Germany [2024 Guide]

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Key takeaways

  • Everyone traveling outside Germany should get an international travel insurance policy.
  • Your public or private health insurance covers only a fraction of medical costs outside Germany.
  • International travel health insurance costs only 8€ per annum for singles and covers 100% of the medical expenses you may incur on your trip outside Germany.

This is how you do it

  • If you already have travel insurance, check if it still offers coverage that is as good as other providers.
  • Get the international travel health insurance policy before the start of the trip.
  • We find Barmenia * and Münchener Verein * travel insurance plans among the best for short trips.
  • You can take Dr-Walter’s Protrip World * for trips longer than ten weeks. For example, you are planning to study or work abroad.

Table of Contents

Best international travel health insurance for expats in germany traveling the world.

In our research, we found Barmenia * and Münchener Verein * to be the best international travel health insurance providers in Germany for short trips (up to 56 days).

International travel insurance


  • 100% coverage of medical treatment outside Germany
  • Covers up to 56 days per trip and an unlimited number of trips in a year
  • Covers repatriation costs that make medical sense
  • Covers the cost of an accompanying member in case of a minor
  • Covers up to 70 days per trip and an unlimited number of trips in a year

If you are traveling for more than eight or ten weeks, you need different travel health insurance. For longer trips, you can get travel health insurance from Dr-Walter.

Protrip World * offers coverage for trips up to 24 months. It’s suitable for digital nomads, au pairs, pupils, students, and travelers. 

Dr-Walter Protrip World

  • Option to cover within EU, outside EU excluding or including USA and Canada.
  • For stays abroad longer than ten weeks.
  • Covers for up to 24 months
  • Suitable for AU pairs, students, workers, trainees, etc.

What is international travel insurance (Auslandreiseversicherung) in Germany?

International travel health insurance covers the treatment costs you may incur while traveling outside Germany. It is called Auslandreiseversicherung in German.

Suppose you are on a vacation and break your leg. Not only will it ruin your trip, but it will also blow up your vacation budget.

In such situations, travel health insurance can come in handy. It covers your treatment costs and the cost of bringing you back home if necessary.

Do you know a single day in a hospital in the USA can cost 194,000€? This was the case with one of the Debeka members [ 1 ].

If you don’t have international travel insurance, you must pay this cost from your own pocket. 

Stay tuned!

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Difference between incoming travel insurance and international travel insurance in Germany

Many people often get confused between incoming and international travel insurance. They are two completely different products.

Incoming travel health insurance is for people who are not German residents and need health coverage while traveling to Germany.

On the other hand, international travel insurance is for German residents traveling outside Germany. 

Is international travel health insurance worth it in Germany? 

Yes, international travel health insurance is totally worth it. It costs only 8€ per annum for individuals, and families can be insured for as low as 19€ per annum.

For such a low cost, it covers hundreds of thousands of euros of your medical treatment expenses abroad. 

Everyone should get good travel health insurance before the start of their vacation.

Real-life examples of treatment costs outside Germany

  • Heart attack when in Turkey: One of the travelers had a heart attack when visiting Turkey. He has to be hospitalized for the treatment. The public health insurance only covered 300€ of the 60,000€ bill.
  • A single day in a hospital in the USA costs 194,000 € to a traveler. Public or private health insurance either doesn’t cover the costs or reimburses a negligible amount.
  • Repatriation cost within the EU: A flight to bring you back home from an EU country can cost tens of thousands of euros. Public and private health insurance doesn’t cover repatriation costs.
  • Repatriation cost from Asia or Australia: As per ADAC, it can cost up to 130,000 €.

German public health insurance coverage outside Germany

  • Public health insurance partially covers you within the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. It also offers coverage in countries where Germany has a social security agreement. However, the coverage is minimal and hardly pays anything.
  • German public health insurance reimburses the amount that the public insurance of your visiting country reimburses. 
  • Public healthcare in other European countries is not as good as in Germany. Moreover, many doctors in other European countries offer private treatments that are not covered by their country’s public health insurance.
  • Public health insurance doesn’t reimburse 100% of the public treatment costs. You must pay part of it on your own.

In short, German public health insurance only covers a fraction of the actual medical costs abroad.

German private health insurance coverage outside Germany

Like public health insurance, private health insurance also offers coverage with the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

Depending on your private health insurance plan, you may also have coverage outside Europe. However, most private health insurance plans don’t cover repatriation costs.

Thus, you should check with your private health insurance provider about coverage outside Germany. 

Even if your private health insurance offers medical coverage, getting international travel insurance is still worth it for the following reasons.

  • Travel health insurance only costs 8 € per annum.
  • You can claim the medical expenses from your travel insurance instead of private health insurance. This way, your no-claim bonus of private health insurance isn’t affected. And usually, the no-claim bonus is way more than 8 €.
  • International travel insurance offers comprehensive coverage outside Germany. For example, covering repatriation costs.

Other types of travel insurance that make sense

  • International travel health insurance (must):  covers the costs of medical treatment abroad and transportation costs back to the home country.
  • Travel liability insurance (must): covers you for up to 3 million euros if you cause damage to a third party. It’s similar to personal liability insurance , which everyone must have in Germany.
  • Travel cancellation insurance: covers the costs of trip cancellation and interruption. It makes sense if your booking costs are high and non-refundable.
  • Travel accident insurance: Pays in the event of death (10,000€) and total disability (30,000€). You should get it if you plan to do sports activities that are prone to accidents.
  • Travel luggage insurance: covers luggage damage or loss (up to 3,000€ for singles and 6,000€ for families). You should get it if you are carrying valuables with you.

Based on the recommendations of top insurance brokers and Stiftung Warentest, we find Barmenia * and Münchener Verein * to be the best travel insurance policy providers.

Both insurers offer all of the above types of travel insurance as add-ons.

What does good international travel insurance cover? 

  • Free choice of doctor and hospital at your holiday destination
  • Reimbursement of costs for essential treatments like outpatient and inpatient treatment, treatment of sports injuries, and reimbursement for necessary aids such as crutches.
  • Dental treatments , repairs to existing dentures, and temporary dentures
  • Reimbursement of costs for the accommodation of an accompanying person in the hospital if a co-insured minor child requires inpatient treatment
  • You should ensure that the provider pays for the return transport if it makes medical sense and justification —and not only if it’s absolutely necessary. “Repatriation makes medical sense” means you can be treated abroad, but treatment in Germany promises better success. Thus, you should be brought back home.
  • Reimbursement of costs of the return transport of an accompanying person. Suppose your minor child falls ill and has to be brought back to Germany with an accompanying person.
  • Transmission of messages to the insured person’s family or company in the event of illness abroad (assistance service)
  • 24-hour emergency service
  • Cover search and rescue costs of at least 5,000€.
  • Covers any number of trips within a year
  • Covers a trip for up to 56 days . The insurance covers all your trips within a year. So, if you took three trips of 50 days each, all of them are insured. 
  • It covers the country you are traveling to.
  • Your insurance coverage should be extended until you are fit for transport.
  • Insurance company takes part in the ombudsman process
  • Covers pre-existing illnesses
  • Travel insurance doesn’t cover the treatment costs you know you’ll need before the trip. However, suppose your pre-existing illness, like asthma, is being treated, and you are fit to travel. But your illness (asthma in this example) worsens during the trip. In this case, your insurance policy should cover the costs.
  • Illnesses caught during a pandemic. Covid has taught us many lessons. One is to ensure coverage for pandemic diseases when traveling abroad, including COVID-19.
  • Your travel health insurance should offer coverage, even if the Foreign Office issues a travel warning for your destination country due to a pandemic.
  • If your partner is pregnant , ensure your travel insurance covers the cost of premature childbirth, miscarriage, or complications during pregnancy.
  • Transfer/burial at the place of death (up to 10,000 €)
  • Hospital daily allowance of 15€ per day 
NOTE : You need different health insurance for longer trips, like working or spending a semester in a foreign country.

What does international travel health insurance NOT cover?

  • Psychotherapy and psychoanalytic treatments .
  • Costs of preventive examinations of a pregnant woman and childbirth. 
  • Good tariffs do not generally exclude pre-existing illnesses. However, it doesn’t cover the treatments you already know you’ll need before the trip . Example: You suffered a back injury before your vacation. You have already started physiotherapy sessions and know you’ll need more sessions during your trip. Such planned and foreseeable treatments are not covered by international travel health insurance.
  • If you visit a country where the Federal Office has issued a travel warning due to war or terrorism , the travel insurance won’t cover you. However, if the travel warning was issued after the start of the trip, then you are covered.
  • Spa treatment for rehabilitation measures.

International travel health insurance for short trips outside Germany

For travels up to 50 days, you can get international travel health insurance from Barmenia * or Münchener Verein *.

When comparing different travel insurance tariffs, we considered the recommendations of top insurance brokerage companies (Bierl, Schleeman), the Stiftung Warentest score, coverage, and customer reviews.

International travel health insurance for long vacations outside Germany

For trips longer than 70 days, a normal international travel health insurance policy doesn’t work. You must get long-term travel health insurance.

You can get travel health insurance from Dr-Walter’s Protrip World * covers you for up to 24 months and is suitable for 

  • Work and Travel participants
  • Language student
  • Long-term vacationers
  • non-posted workers

Moreover, if you forgot to take travel insurance before your trip, you can take Dr-Walter’s Protrip World * during your trip.

Which health insurance do you need to study or work outside Germany? 

During our research, we found Dr-Walter’s Protrip World * a good travel health insurance plan for students planning to study outside Germany.

Protrip World is also a good option for workers assigned to work outside Germany.

When must you take out international travel health insurance? 

You can take out international travel insurance at the last minute or in advance. The insurance companies offer coverage immediately, and there is no waiting period.

However, it’s best to get an international travel insurance that covers all the trips in a year. The policy renews automatically every year.

So, you have to get it once, and you and your family are covered for all your trips outside Germany.

Travel insurance companies revise their tariffs regularly. Thus, you should check your existing travel insurance plan every two years and get a new policy if you find gaps in the existing one.

How do you claim international travel insurance benefits in an emergency? 

Travel within the EU

  • Carry your health insurance card with you. You don’t need an EHIC card; your public health insurance card already has it printed on its back.
  • You can use your health insurance card in the hospitals for treatments. The hospital will charge the insurance company directly.
  • There will be costs that you must pay on your own and are not covered by your public health insurance. You can claim them from your travel health insurance once you return home.
  • Always carry the international travel insurance number and emergency number provided by your insurer. 
  • Contact the travel insurance company to clarify the documents they need to reimburse the costs. This way, you can request the hospital or doctors for the required documents.

Travel outside the EU

  • Public health insurance doesn’t work outside the EU or in countries with which Germany doesn’t have a social security agreement.
  • You must pay the costs on your own, and the travel health insurance company will reimburse you later.
  • For expensive treatments, you or your relatives must call the travel insurance company. The insurer can provide the hospital with a guarantee that the treatment expenses are covered. This way, you don’t have to pay hundreds of thousands of euros before the treatment.

You can do the whole claim process online or in the insurance company’s app. You must upload all the invoices when claiming the insurance benefits.

NOTE: Your invoice should be in German or English and contain the patient’s name, the treating doctor’s name, the diagnosis, and the type of treatment.

Regularly check your current international travel health insurance policy in Germany.

Travel insurance companies regularly revise their contracts. Thus creating gaps in the old insurance policies. 

So, you should regularly compare travel health insurance policies and get a new one if your current plan isn’t the best anymore.

We suggest checking your international travel insurance plan once every two years.



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We are not certified brokers or consultants. Always do your own research and contact certified professionals before making any decision.​

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We get money if you click on such a link or conclude a contract with the provider without costing you a cent extra. 

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Plan for Germany

Traveling or relocating to Germany? Understanding the German healthcare system is vital, as every individual in Germany, even short-term visitors, must have health insurance to comply with regulations. Failure to have insurance may result in visa application rejections. Explore the various types of health insurance available:

  • Essential for individuals requiring a Schengen Visa for short stays in Germany.
  • Covers medical emergencies and accidents during the visit.
  • Ensures compliance with visa application requirements.
  • Mandatory for international students enrolling in German universities.
  • Covers medical expenses and provides clearance from the university.
  • Required for students attending preparatory language courses in Germany.
  • Offers coverage for the duration of language courses.
  • Essential for individuals relocating to Germany for work.
  • Provides comprehensive coverage for up to five years.
  • Ensures financial protection and peace of mind during the stay.

Ensure you have the right health insurance coverage before traveling to Germany to pursue your dreams. From short-term tourists to long-term expatriates, having adequate health insurance is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free stay in Germany.

Travel Health insurance for foreign visitors/tourists in Germany

Planning a trip to Germany or Europe? Whether it’s sightseeing, visiting relatives, attending a business conference, or backpacking through Europe, your first step is to check if you need a Schengen Visa. This visa allows for a “short stay” of up to 90 days in 26 European countries.

To obtain a Schengen Visa, one of the requirements is to have proper health insurance in Germany. Medical insurance is compulsory for all foreigners visiting the country, with a minimum coverage of €30,000 for medical treatment.

The travel insurance for Germany covers medical emergencies or accidents and is easy and affordable to obtain. MAWISTA Visum is a suitable choice for tourists and business travelers seeking travel insurance for visa purposes. Plus, it offers free cancellation if your visa is refused. Ensure you have the necessary health insurance for a hassle-free trip to Germany.

Travel Health insurance for international students in Germany

As an international student in Germany, obtaining health insurance is a crucial step in fulfilling your dream of studying abroad. Student health insurance not only provides you with permission and clearance from your chosen university to start your studies but also covers all your medical expenses.

With the right health insurance, you can focus on your studies without worrying about unexpected medical bills during flu season or other health-related concerns. There are two main types of health insurance plans available for international students in Germany:

  • Most foreign students in Germany are required to hold statutory health insurance, also known as public health insurance.
  • Exceptions to this requirement include guest scientists, post-graduate students, scholarship holders without an employment contract, college students, participants in language courses, students aged 30 or above, and those who have been studying in Germany for more than 14 semesters.
  • Students who fall into the exceptions mentioned above or prefer private health insurance can opt for this type of coverage.
  • While public health insurance is more common, private health insurance offers additional flexibility and coverage options.

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If you choose to obtain health insurance from a company in Germany, it’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions outlined in their contracts. Protect yourself from potential pitfalls by understanding the coverage details and potential costs involved.

Companies like Mawista have a long-standing reputation in the industry and offer tailored student packages such as the Tariff Mawista Student Classic, which are popular among international students in Germany. These companies provide affordable options and meet the specific needs of students studying abroad.

Please note that proof of health insurance, whether public or private, is required for enrollment at a German university. Ensure you have the necessary coverage to comply with university requirements and enjoy a seamless academic experience in Germany.

Travel Health insurance for language course/preparatory course students

If you’re planning to study or work in Germany and have enrolled in a preparatory language course, having health insurance is a prerequisite for attending the course. In this scenario, statutory or public health insurance is not permitted, and you’ll need to obtain private health insurance in Germany.

Private health insurance for language course or preparatory course students ensures that you are covered for the entire duration of your studies and alleviates concerns about unexpected health issues. This type of insurance offers comprehensive coverage at an affordable price, with basic monthly plans starting at only 33 euros.

With private health insurance, you can focus on your language studies without worrying about your health coverage. This insurance provides peace of mind and ensures that you have access to medical care during your time in Germany.

Travel Health insurance for Freelancers, Employees, and Expatriates in Germany

Germany is not only a desirable destination for visiting or studying, but it also boasts world-class working conditions and offers exceptional benefits to its workforce. If you’ve secured a job and are relocating to Germany, obtaining working health insurance is imperative. Even if you haven’t found employment yet, you can obtain the Blue Card, akin to the U.S. Green Card, allowing you to reside in Germany while seeking employment.

It’s advisable to acquire working health insurance, providing coverage for up to five years and comprehensive protection against emergencies and accidents. This type of health insurance is particularly recommended for expatriates.

For expatriates, it’s crucial to purchase working health insurance before making any other commitments in Germany. Moreover, this insurance is suitable for German citizens traveling abroad, ensuring coverage in any location they visit.

What does a Travel health insurance cover?

Depending on your requirements and circumstances, you will receive various levels of coverage with corresponding fees. Most of the health insurance options outlined in this article offer the following benefits:

  • Hospital treatment and emergency services
  • Medical treatment, including outpatient or dental treatment
  • Provision of walking aids or wheelchairs
  • Transportation to the nearest hospital
  • Coverage for burial or transfer expenses
  • Protection against theft or loss of personal belongings and property
  • Coverage of expenses in case of rescue operations after accidents.

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Travel Insurance Germany

Travel insurance for germany.

Nestled in the heart of Europe, Germany is a country that waltzes between medieval charm and cutting-edge innovation. From the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to the enchanting Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, every corner tells a story steeped in history and culture. Before you pack your bags and set off for your adventure, let's talk about something important – your travel insurance for Germany. From health coverage to travel hiccups, here's everything you need to know about a travel protection plan to Germany.

  • What should your Travel insurance cover for a trip to Germany? 
  • How does Travel Insurance work for Germany?
  • Do I need Travel Insurance for Germany? 
  • How much does Travel Insurance cost for Germany? 

Our Suggested AXA Travel Protection Plan

  • What types of medical coverage does AXA Travel Protection plans offer?
  • Are There Any COVID-19 Restrictions for Travelers to Germany?

Traveling with pre-existing Medical Conditions? 

What should your travel insurance cover for a trip to germany.

At a minimum, your travel insurance to Germany should cover trip cancellation, trip interruption and emergency medical expenses. When it comes to international travel, the US Department of State outlines key components that should be included in your travel insurance coverage. AXA Travel Protection plans are designed with these minimum recommended coverages in mind.

  • Medical Coverage   – The top priority is making sure your health is in order. With AXA Travel Protection, you can have access to quality healthcare during your trip overseas in the event of unexpected medical emergencies.    
  • Trip Cancellation & Interruptions  – Assistance against unexpected trip disruptions can dampen the mood, AXA Travel Protection offers coverage against unforeseen events.   
  • Emergency Evacuations and Repatriation   – In situations where transportation is dire, AXA Travel Protection offers provisions for emergency evacuation and repatriation.   
  • Coverage for Personal Belongings  – AXA offers coverage for your belongings with assistance against lost or delayed baggage.   
  • Optional Cancel for Any Reason  – For added flexibility, AXA offers optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage, allowing you to cancel your trip for non-traditional reasons.  Exclusive to Platinum Plan holders. 

In just a few seconds, you can get a free quote and purchase the best travel insurance for Germany.

How does Travel Insurance for Germany work?

Imagine this: You're exploring the scenic beauty of the Rhine River when, unfortunately, you fall ill unexpectedly. In need of medical attention, you're relieved to have AXA Travel Protection with the "Emergency Medical Expenses" coverage. The policy offers care for your medical costs, including hospital stays and doctor's fees so you receive the necessary care. In challenging circumstances, AXA stands ready to assist you in developing a strategic course of action. Here’s how travelers can benefit from an AXA Travel Protection Plan:

Baggage Benefits: 

  • Luggage Delay: If the airline delays your checked baggage, your policy might offer reimbursement for essential items like clothing and toiletries. 
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage: In the unfortunate event of permanent loss or theft of your luggage, your policy may offer reimbursement for its value, assisting you in replacing your belongings. 

Medical Benefits: 

  • Emergency Medical Expenses: Should you fall ill or have an accident during your trip, your policy may offer coverage for medical expenses, including hospital stays and doctor's fees. 
  • Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation: In case of a serious medical emergency, your policy may include provisions for evacuation to the nearest appropriate medical facility or repatriation. 
  • Non-Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation : In non-medical crises (e.g., political unrest), your policy may cover evacuation or repatriation, subject to policy terms. 

Pre-Departure Travel Benefits: 

  • Trip Cancellation: You may be eligible for reimbursement if you cancel your trip due to a sudden illness or injury. 
  • COVID-19 Travel Insurance: Coverage is available for trip cancellation and medical expenses related to COVID-19, subject to policy terms and conditions. 
  • Trip Delay: If your flight faces delays due to unforeseen circumstances, you may have coverage for additional expenses such as meals and accommodations. 

Post-Departure Travel Benefits:

  • Trip Interruption: In case of an unexpected event, you could be eligible for reimbursement for the unused portion of your trip.
  • Missed Connection: If you miss a connecting flight due to delays or cancellations, this coverage may help with expenses like rebooking fees and accommodations.

Additional Optional Travel Benefits: 

  • Rental Car (Collision Damage Waiver): Exclusive to Gold & Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit gives travelers extra coverage on their rental car against damage and theft. 
  • Cancel for Any Reason: Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders; this optional benefit gives travelers more flexibility to cancel their trip for any reason outside of their standard policy. 
  • Loss Skier Days: Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit offers reimbursement to mitigate some costs associated with pre-paid ski tickets that you or your traveling companion cannot use due to specified slope closures. 
  • Loss Golf Days: Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit offers reimbursement to mitigate the expenses linked to prepaid golf arrangements that you or your travel companion are unable to utilize due to specified golf closures. 

Do I need Travel Insurance for Germany?

Citizens from non-EU/non-EFTA states like the U.S., Canada, and New Zealand, can enter Germany without a visa, and are not obligated to have travel insurance. Even if you're not required to secure travel insurance, it is still highly recommended. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Medical Emergencies: Given the diversity of activities in Germany, from exploring historic sites to enjoying outdoor adventures, having coverage for unexpected medical expenses allows you to travel with coverage and assistance. This benefit becomes especially crucial in case of illness or accidents, allowing you to access necessary medical care without hurting your pocket.  
  • Lost Baggage: Airlines sometimes mishandle baggage, and the last thing you want is to be without your essentials in an unfamiliar place. Travel insurance offers to cover the cost of replacing necessary items, allowing you to continue on.  
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage: While generally safe, tourist destinations in Germany may pose a risk of theft. The "Lost or Stolen Luggage" benefit is important in the unfortunate event of permanent loss or theft of your belongings. It offers reimbursement for the value of your lost items and essential possessions.

How much does Travel Insurance cost in Germany?

In general, travel insurance costs about 3 – 10% of your total prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses. The cost of travel insurance depends on two factors for AXA Travel Protection plans:

  • Total Trip cost:  The total non-prepaid and non-refundable costs you have already paid for your upcoming trip. This includes prepaid excursions, plane tickets, cruise costs, etc. 
  • Age:  Like any other insurance type, the correlation is rooted in increased health risks associated with older individuals. It's important to note that this doesn't make travel insurance unattainable for older individuals. 

With AXA Travel Protection, travelers to Malaysia will be offered three tiers of insurance:  Silver,   Gold  and  Platinum . Each provides varying levels of coverage to cater to individual's preferences and travel needs. 

AXA presents travelers with three travel plans – the  Silver Plan ,  Gold Plan , and  Platinum Plan , each offering different levels of coverage to suit individual needs. Given that United Kingdom hospitals often do not accept U.S. health insurance or Medicare, we genuinely recommend travelers consider purchasing any of these plans, particularly for the crucial coverage they offer for emergency accident and sickness medical expenses. The Platinum Plan is your go-to choice if you're looking for extra coverage for Germany’s experience. "Cancel for Any Reason" offers greater flexibility for those unexpected twists in your travel plans and the "Rental Car (Collision Damage Waiver)" offers assistance when you're out exploring Germany's stunning landscapes in a rental car. Whether you're navigating the slopes of the Bavarian Alps or exploring the ski trails in the Black Forest, AXA Travel Protection's "Loss Ski Days" benefit may offer reimbursement for pre-paid ski tickets in the event of specified slope closures, so you can make the most of your skiing experience in Germany's world-class ski resorts.

What types of medical coverage do AXA Travel Protection plans offer?

AXA covers three types of medical expenses:

  • Emergency Medical
  • Emergency evacuation & repatriation
  • Non-medical emergency evacuation & repatriation

Emergency medical: Covers unforeseen events such as fractures, burns, sudden illnesses, and allergic reactions. Emergency evacuation and repatriation: can cover your immediate transportation home in the event of an accidental injury or illness. Non-medical emergency evacuation and repatriation: Extends coverage to situations where immediate departure from a destination is necessary for reasons unrelated to medical issues. This can include events such as natural disasters or civil unrest, providing assistance and support during non-medical emergencies.

Are there any COVID-19 restrictions for Travelers to Germany?

Currently, all the COVID-19 entry restrictions for traveling to Germany have been removed. You can now enter Germany for any reason, including tourism and visits, without needing to show proof of vaccination, recovery, or a negative test result.

Traveling with pre-existing medical conditions can complicate your plans, but with AXA Travel Protection, we're here to support you during your trip.   Our Gold and Platinum  plans offer coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.  The Platinum plan , in particular, is our highest-offered choice for travelers who want our highest coverage limits and optional add-ons, 

What does this mean for you? If you've got a medical condition that's been hanging around, you can qualify for coverage under our Gold and Platinum plans with a pre-existing medical condition , so long as it’s within 14 days of placing your initial trip deposit and in our 60-day look-back period. We're here to ensure you travel easily, no matter your health situation. 

1. Can you buy travel insurance after booking a flight?

You can buy travel insurance even after your flight is booked.

2. When should I buy Travel Insurance to Germany?

It is advisable to purchase travel insurance for your trip as soon as you have made your initial trip deposit (prepaid and non-refundable trip costs.) AXA Travel Protection offers coverage as soon as you purchase your protection plan. We can give coverage against unforeseen events before you leave for your trip. Additionally, our policies offer coverage for preexisting medical conditions and Cancel for Any Reason if you purchase your protection within 14 days of making your initial trip deposit.

3. Do Americans need travel insurance in Germany?

No. Travel insurance is not mandatory for U.S. citizens staying in Germany for less than 90 days. Nonetheless, securing travel insurance is highly advisable. Medical expenses can be significant for non-residents, and having travel insurance is important when you consider the potential costs of prescriptions.

4. What is needed to visit Germany from the USA?

To enter Germany, US passport holders need a valid US passport issued within the last ten years, with at least three months of validity after leaving Germany and two blank pages. Additionally, make sure to have proof of a return ticket.

5. What happens if a tourist gets sick in Germany?

If you become sick in Germany, travelers with AXA Travel protection can contact the AXA Assistance hotline at  855-327-1442 . Contact information is typically provided within the insurance documentation. Please ensure to read through your policy details and information.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that Destination articles are for editorial purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional. Specifics of travel coverage for your destination will depend on the plan selected, the date of purchase, and the state of residency. Customers are advised to carefully review the terms and conditions of their policy. Contact AXA Travel Insurance if you have any questions.  AXA Assistance USA, Inc.© 2023 All Rights Reserved.  

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Advigon’s medical insurance for foreign visitors in Germany

Whether as an intern, expat , work & traveller or as a tourist – a trip to Germany is a little adventure for everyone. However, there are things you want to be protected against when you’re travelling to a foreign country –  whether it’s an  unexpected stay in hospital  or an accident with a rental car. Enjoy your stay and don't worry about paying doctor's bills and other unexpected costs. For  up to 5 years , international guests enjoy comprehensive protection against illness and accidents  in Germany as well as when travelling within Europe  (EU, Schengen countries, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City). We offer medical insurance in Germany for EU citizens, but also for people from the rest of the world. Without incoming health insurance in Germany, even a short visit to the doctor can quickly become an expensive surprise.

If you take out health insurance (or ‘Krankenversicherung’ in German) with Advigon we’re your reliable partner during your stay in Germany: If you need immediate help, you can call our  English-speaking customer support:  +49 40 5555-4020  and our  24-hours emergency line  +49 621 5490-1906   is always available if you’re in trouble.

According to the German healthcare system,  everyone in Germany must have health insurance , whether it’s statutory or private. People in employment or students who enrol at a public university in Germany are generally subject to compulsory insurance in a German health insurance scheme. Anyone not insured in this way must take out insurance cover.

In addition, either as a tourist or a ‘Work & Travel’ visitor, you may need   travel insurance for a Schengen visa if you wish to visit the country for more than three months. For this, proof of valid travel health insurance is required. With  Advigon's incoming insurance , you meet all the  legal requirements to obtain a valid Schengen visa .

With our ‘Foreign Guests’ travel health insurance, you not only comply with the conditions of the Schengen Agreement for your visa application, but are also  completely insured in the event of an accident or sickness : from out-patient and in-patient treatment to dental care. Advigon policies also cover medications and medical treatments, as well as a medically-advised repatriation to your home country.

We have an appropriate plan and policy for everyone's individual needs – whether you're a tourist, freelancer, self-employed, expat, student, au-pair or a ‘Young Travel’ participate, at Advigon you are guaranteed to find the right tariff. Additionally, we offer each insurance in two tariffs:  ‘Basic’ which covers all important treatments and examinations and ‘Profi’ which includes additional benefits , so you always get the services you want. Our medical insurance starts at 0 years, so also your children are safe with a health insurance at Advigon.

Travel health insurance policies

With our travel insurance policies ‘Young Travel’, ‘Foreign Guests’, ‘Expat Insurance’ and ‘Freelancer & Self-Employed’  you will always be on the safe side . All of our insurance policies satisfy not only visa requirements of the European Union, but also the   corresponding regulations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Our travel health insurance policies can be concluded online, quickly, comfortably and simply, and are reliable and indispensable companions when staying in Germany and for  temporary trips in the Schengen area .

Foreign Guests

The travel health insurance gives you the best coverage possible 

Our insurance for foreign guests is suitable for all visitors staying for a longer period in Germany who need comprehensive travel health insurance. For persons up to  75 years of age .  

Young Travel

To ensure young guests from all over the world are well-insured

Whether you are staying abroad as a pupil, student, doctoral candidate, scholarship winner, trainee or participant in a work & travel program, our insurance offers you optimum travel cover. For persons up to  35 years of age  (in education and training).

Our health insurance for expats: A new adventure with the good feeling of being safe

Germany will be your new place of work and you are looking for a reliable and affordable health insurance? We will support you during this exciting experience and make sure that you are always covered.

Freelancers & self-employed

The safe and reliable health insurance for freelancers and self-employed in Germany

Are you a freelancer or self-employed person from a foreign country who wants to travel to Germany? Then Advigon's medical insurance is the right one for you. While you take care of your business, we'll take care of your health!

Health Insurance for the Schengen Visa

Anyone who applies for a visa for germany needs travel health insurance.

You must provide proof of travel health insurance to apply for a Schengen visa to enter Germany. The Schengen visa will only be issued if the travel health insurance meets specific requirements.

The Schengen Visa Code sets out the requirements for travel health insurance. The travel health insurance must cover at least 30,000 euros. It needs to cover the cost of repatriation in case of illness or death, and the cost of emergency medical assistance and emergency hospitalization during the stay. In addition to the monetary amount covered, the geographical area and time period covered also play a role. The travel health insurance should be valid for the entire Schengen area and the planned duration of the stay.

Take out health insurance for the visa online

Here you can calculate the cost of travel protection for foreign guests and apply directly for travel insurance. The process takes place online at HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung. You will receive an immediate confirmation.

Take out guest insurance

For trips for the purpose of participating in sporting events or medical treatment, stricter rules apply to travel health insurance. Applicants are required to inform their insurance provider of their plans and pay any potential additional costs.

The health insurance company must have an office located in the Schengen area or a cooperation agreement with an insurance company from a Schengen country.

When applying for a Schengen visa, the applicant must provide proof of insurance coverage. The applicant is exempt from this obligation in certain cases. This exemption applies to applicants who are assumed to have adequate insurance coverage due to their professional situation. Also, spouses and family members of EU citizens are not required to provide proof of health insurance coverage.

If you are not within one of these exceptions, it is advisable to pay attention to possible requirements when taking out travel health insurance. Some travel health insurance policies have lower coverage if you are over a certain age or do not meet certain health requirements. Also, travel health insurance with a deductible is accepted as sufficient insurance coverage only if the applicant is able to pay the deductible in the case of an emergency.

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Germany – Visitors Insurance and Safety Advice

Safety and travel insurance advice for germany.

Flag of Germany

Before you get swept up in all the magnificence Germany has to offer, below is an overview of the most important healthcare, insurance, and safety information that short-term and long-term visitors need to know to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Related:  International Health Insurance in Germany for Foreigners

Common Safety Tips for Visitors to Germany

Germany is a relatively safe country to travel in, and crime rates have continued to drop in recent years. As always, foreigners need to stay alert and be on the lookout for pickpockets and thieves, especially near popular tourist areas like train stations, museums, and hostels. Be sure to protect all of your personal belongings, and leave your valuables and physical passport at home or in the hotel. Carry a copy of your passport with you at all times and never the actual booklet.

Futbol (soccer) is incredibly popular, but fans can turn sour pretty quickly if their team loses a game, so be aware of and avoid possible riots and angry mobs, as foreigners can be easy targets for them.

Intense heat and dehydration are typical, especially during the summer season, so be sure to drink lots of non-alcoholic liquids and stay hydrated during your travels.

Know your embassy and bank contact information in case of emergencies, including addresses and phone numbers. There is a U.S. Embassy located in Berlin for any mishaps with your passport, travel, or your safety as a U.S. citizen. Keep notes on what to do if you lose your passport or if your wallet or purse is stolen to make the replacement process as simple as possible.

Read:  The 11 Best Cities to Work in Germany for Expats

German Health Care System and Types of Insurance

The German Healthcare System is excellent, one of the best in the world. There are three options for health insurance during your stay in Germany: public government-regulated public insurance, private insurance from a German or international company, or a mix of the two. Long-term travelers would benefit from International Health Insurance the most, while short-term travelers would be covered under travel medical insurance plans . Both are excellent options to cover healthcare in Germany for visitors.

You must have insurance and support documents to obtain a visa or a residence permit. Different types of visas may have different insurance requirements, so be sure to confirm the requirements for the specific type of visa you need. Longer-term visitors will likely need a Schengen Visa for entry into Germany and other European countries.

Learn more about Schengen Visa Insurance Requirements .

Around 85% of the population is covered by the public insurance system and 10% by private companies. Public officers, self-employed persons, and individuals earning above 50,000 Euro qualify for private healthcare, although most choose to stay in the publicly financed system. Many insurance providers will take your age into account, which can increase premiums and reduce benefits at milestone ages of 60, 65, and 70 years old. Other policies may limit the amount of travel time you get to your home country; often the maximum is 30-60 days.

When you arrive for a long-term stay, you should take the time to find a primary physician ( Your International Health Insurance provider can help you find high-quality providers locally ) and schedule a routine checkup. This will familiarize you with your doctor’s office and could make other medical appointments go smoothly in the future, especially for families with children. Depending on location, it may be difficult to find a doctor that speaks fluent English. Most embassies have a list of English-speaking doctors that you can request, however, the availability of these physicians will vary. Knowing your doctor ahead of time can make it easier down the road, especially for sick leave, which requires a doctor’s note. German companies give employees unlimited sick days. It would be wise when making an appointment to ask the receptionist when is the best time to come in, however you should still be prepared to wait before seeing someone, especially if the public insurance plan. Additionally, it is a German custom to greet other patients in the office and say goodbye to them before leaving.

Find the Best International Hospitals in Germany

Otherwise, students and more short-term visitors may be better off using a private insurance company that caters to international travelers. These policies will cover areas specific to the expatriate lifestyle and are often less expensive than German providers. Students especially should research their options, as discounted plans are common.

Visitors Insurance for Travel to Germany

Health insurance for foreigners visiting germany.


Safe Travels Voyager

  • Comprehensive coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, emergency medical and post-departure travel coverage
  • Cancel for Any Reason available
  • Up to $250,000 in emergency medical coverage

WorldTrips Atlas travel insurance

  • Emergency medical, evacuation, repatriation benefits
  • Choose between the basic and more extensive coverage
  • Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements
  • 24/7 worldwide travel and emergency medical assistance

International Health Insurance for Expats Living in Germany

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Cigna Global Insurance Plan

  • The flexibility to tailor a plan to suit your individual needs
  • Access to Cigna Global’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • The convenience and confidence of 24/7/365 customer service

Germany’s network of pharmacies is broad, and they are marked by a big red “A” for Apotheken . Pharmacies are open from 9 am-6 pm Monday to Friday, and 9 am-12 pm on Saturdays. Prescription medication is sold by company name, rather than the active ingredients as in the US. Doctors in Germany tend to prescribe the most expensive brand, so ask the pharmacist if there is a cheaper generic medicine available. Also, instructions for dosage do not come on the package, so be sure to ask your doctor and take note of how much and how often you should be taking the medication.

Emergency Numbers in Germany

  • Police – 110
  • Ambulance – 112
  • Fire Service – 112

Vaccines and Diet Consideration When Visiting Germany

Currently, Germany has no vaccine requirements. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all travelers be covered for standard vaccinations regardless of destination.

German food can be entirely different from your home country and may affect your digestion. The cuisine is fairly heavy, containing meat, potatoes, and heavy noodles. Be prepared for the changes your body could incur from this type of diet and take the necessary precautions. Additionally, visitors sometimes have problems with alcohol and tobacco intake, as these activities are common and cultural. Make a plan to moderate your drinking and smoking, so no issues arise during your stay.

Prepare for Travel to Germany

Nothing can ruin a vacation quite like unexpected medical occurrences, so the more prepared you are to handle anything that comes your way, the better you will be able to get through it and concentrate on the more important stuff, like a Bavarian cream pie, luxury sports cars, and touring key world history sites!

Travel Insurance for Foreigners Visiting Germany

  • Immigrating to and Becoming an Expat in Germany

Visa Insurance Advice:

  • Travel Medical Plans Required for your Visa
  • Best Travel Insurance for the Schengen Visa

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Provisit Germany international health insurance

provisit  germany Travel health insurance for stays in Germany up to 2 years

  • Can be purchased before and after entering the country
  • Quick conclusion of contract with immediate confirmation
  • Many different payment methods
  • Free of charge cancellation (based on the actual number of days of travel)

Who is Provisit Germany for?

  • Foreign visitors
  • Visitors from abroad
  • Long-term travelers
  • Work and travel participants
  • Seasonal Workers and Caregivers
  • Extensions of stay

Provisit Germany is a comprehensive insurance policy consisting of international health insurance, accident insurance, personal liability insurance as well as deportation costs insurance for foreign visitors in Germany. The insurance can be purchased before or after entry and complies with Schengen visa and National Visa (visa type D) regulations. Provisit Germany also offers you security if you work in Germany and are not subject to German social security. You forgot to obtain international health insurance or your stay in Germany has been extended? Then Provisit Germany is the solution, because it can also be purchased as additional insurance up to 12 months after leaving the country of departure to travel to Germany.

Provisit Germany at a glance

Provisit Germany benefits

Provisit germany premiums, more information about provisit germany.

You will find a full description of benefits and benefit exclusions in the Customer information download.

Product information sheet

Customer information & terms and conditions (German)

Provisit Germany premiums and benefits

Health, personal liability, accident and deportation costs insurance from €38.50 per month.

  • Health insurance
  • Outpatient medical treatment
  • Inpatient medical treatment including operations
  • Provision with medicine, dressing material and medical appliances
  • Provision with remedies such as physiotherapy and physical therapy (during the entire insurance period): up to €250
  • Medically necessary rehabilitation measures (subsequent to a previous medical treatment)
  • Treatment in case of pregnancy and childbirth
  • Medically necessary transport of patients for purposes of inpatient treatment and treatment by an emergency physician
  • Medically necessary and prescribed return transport
  • Non-contributory extension of insurance coverage up to 90 days in case of pending claims and if the patient is not medically transportable
  • Expenses for the repatriation of the insured person’s remains in the event of death or funeral expenses
  • Fees for medical costs projections
  • No deductible in health insurance
  • Direct billing with physicians and hospitals without advance payment
  • Treatment of mental illness (also inpatient) except psychoanalysis and psychotherapy
  • Dental treatment for pain relief
  • Simple repair of existing dentures (during the entire insurance period): up to €200
  • Dentures due to an accident (during the entire insurance period): up to €2,000
  • Personal liability insurance
  • Bodily injuries and property damage: €1,000,000
  • Damage to the immovable property of a host family (deductible: €250). (Damage to the movable property of the host family is not covered.): €1,000,000
  • Damage to rented property: €100,000
  • Accident insurance
  • Accidental death benefit: €5,000
  • Benefit in case of 100% accidental disability: €105,000
  • Disability benefit: €30,000
  • Progression (increase in the sum insured in proportion to the degree of disability): 350%
  • Rescue costs: €3,000
  • Plastic surgery as a result of an accident: €3,000
  • Deportation costs insurance
  • Noncontributory extended liability in case of an ordered deportation: €4,000
  • Purchase of insurance before or within one month after entering the country of destination (maximum insurance period 24 months)
  • For persons up to 29 years: €38.50
  • From the 13th month: €58.50
  • Persons up to 69 years: €64.00
  • From the 13th month: €111.00
  • Purchase of insurance within one year after entering the country of destination (maximum insurance period 12 months)
  • Persons up to 29 years: €54.00
  • Persons up to 69 years: €85.00

Customer information & terms and conditions German)

Provisit Germany - health insurance for guests and visitors from abroad

Can i still take out provisit germany after entering germany.

If you take out Provisit Germany before you enter Germany, or up to one month after entering the country, the maximum insurance period is 24 months.

You can even take out this incoming health insurance if you entered the country more than a month ago, up to 12 months after entering the country. In this case, the maximum insurance period is 12 months.

In both cases, the insurance term begins at the desired insurance start date.

What kind of travels is Provisit Germany suitable for?

Provisit Germany is an international health insurance for stays in Germany of up to 2 years and is suitable for foreign guests, visitors from abroad, long-term travelers, work & travel participants, seasonal workers or nursing staff, extended stays and family visits.

Does Provisit Germany only cover Germany?

No, Provisit Germany insurance cover exists in the European Union (EU) as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.

But you are also insured outside these countries as long as you can prove that your stay there will not last longer than 6 weeks. This includes your home country. This means that vacations and home visits are also covered.

Is Provisit Germany accepted by visa authorities?

Guests and visitors from outside Europe generally require a visa for their stay in Germany. Various requirements must be met for this. These include proof of valid health insurance . 

However, not all travel health insurance policies available on the Internet are suitable for the visa application. The health insurance must have a minimum cover of 30,000 euros , be valid for the entire stay and cover not only Germany but all Schengen states. Provisit Germany fulfills these conditions. 

There are two different types of visa for temporary stays in Germany: the C visa (also known as the "Schengen visa") for stays of up to 90 days and the D visa (also known as the "national visa") for longer stays. Our Provisit Visum travel health insurance is ideal for visitors with a C visa.

For stays longer than 90 days, Provisit Germany is the right choice.

How and when do I get the insurance confirmation?

You will receive confirmation of the conclusion of Provisit Germany immediately by e-mail. You can use this confirmation for the visa authorities as proof of valid health insurance in Germany.

What to do in case of an insured event?

What do you have to do if you actually get sick as a guest from abroad during your stay in Germany? What do you do in the event of a medical emergency? And above all: What do you have to do so that the insurance company pays for the treatment? We answer these questions in our overview " Procedure in the event of a claim ".

travel health insurance for germany

Exclusion of benefits – the facts

No insurance cover is provided for damages:.

  • intentionally caused by the insured person;
  • caused by the insured person as a result of an intentional criminal act or the intentional attempt of committing a criminal act.

Health insurance does not cover:

  • Any pre-existing illnesses, diseases, disorders and their consequences that the insured person already had and suffered from at the beginning of insurance coverage. Furthermore, any consequences of such illnesses, diseases, disorders and of accidents, that were treated during the last six months prior to the beginning of insurance coverage.
  • Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and hypnosis (for exceptions see General Insurance Conditions (German) )
  • Dental treatment that goes beyond treatment for pain relief as well as prophylactic dental treatment including plaque removal.
  • Dentures including dental crowns, inlays and onlays (for exceptions see General Insurance Conditions (German) )
  • Orthodontics.
  • Medical appliances such as glasses, shoe lifts, bandages, trusses, etc. (for exceptions see General Insurance Conditions (German) ​​​​​​​)
  • Pregnancies that were conceived prior to the beginning of insurance coverage.
  • Preventive medical examinations and check-ups.
  • Examinations carried out in order to obtain a residence permit.
  • Treatment in case of acne and hair loss as well as measures for the removal of birthmarks and warts.
  • Treatment of the eyes carried out due to ametropia, including visual acuity determination.
  • Treatment in case of sterility/infertility (in vitro fertilization).
  • Plastic surgery.
  • Treatment for HIV infection.
  • Certificates and expert opinions.
  • Medical treatment by the host family. Material costs will be reimbursed.
  • Medical costs if an illness is treated twice.

You will find the detailed benefits and exclusion of benefits in the General Insurance Conditions (German) ​​​​​​​.

Liability insurance does not cover:

  • damages to motor vehicles as a result of keeping or operating such vehicles;
  • damages caused by the exchange, transmission or provision of electronic data.

You will find the detailed benefits and exclusion of benefits in the General Insurance Conditions (German) .

Accident insurance does not cover:

  • accidents caused directly or indirectly by nuclear power;
  • accidents as a result of mental illness or cognitive disorders;
  • accidents caused directly or indirectly by foreseeable acts of war.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions  

Further details on provisit germany, what kind of insurances do i get with provisit germany.

Provisit Germany is not only an incoming health insurance for guests in Germany, but also an insurance package that includes other insurances that are important for your stay:

- Personal liability insurance protects you against costs incurred if you accidentally damage other people or their property. Among other things, personal liability insurance is important for renting accommodation in Germany.

- Accident insurance pays for disability, cosmetic surgery or accidental death.

- Few people know that in the event of deportation, the foreign visitor or their host can be held liable for the costs of deportation. This is why deportation costs insurance can be very important, which is also included in the Provisit Germany package.

Is Provisit Germany valid immediately?

The official insurance confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided immediately after you have taken out your insurance online . This insurance confirmation is valid as proof of your insurance cover during your stay in Germany when dealing with public authorities.

The insurance cover is valid immediately if you take out Provisit Germany before entering the country or up to one month after entry.

Only if your entry is more than one month ago when taking out Provisit Germany , you have to wait one month for the insurance cover to become valid. This waiting period does not apply under the following conditions :

- In the event of accidents and medical assistance to avert acute danger to the life of the insured person

- In the event of connection to a previous insurance policy that provided insurance cover for outpatient and inpatient treatment in the Federal Republic of Germany (requires proof of previous insurance in the form of a copy of the insurance policy)

What kind of travel insurance is Provisit Germany?

There are many different types of travel insurance. The word "travel insurance" is a generic term under which all types of travel insurance are summarized. The most important and most popular type of travel insurance is travel health insurance , also referred to as "international health insurance".

The term "travel insurance" is also used in the industry to describe an insurance package that includes several different types of travel insurance. Provisit Germany is one such travel insurance policy. It includes international health insurance, personal liability insurance, accident insurance and deportation costs insurance.

Who needs travel insurance like Provisit Germany?

With Provisit Germany , guests from abroad who want to stay in Germany or Europe for a longer period of time can insure themselves against financial risks that can typically arise during stays abroad.

The travel health insurance protects against the very high costs that can arise in the event of serious illness or injury. Personal liability insurance pays out if the foreign guest accidentally causes damage to people or people's property. Accident insurance covers costs incurred as a result of an accident. Deportation costs insurance is also important for the foreign guest, as in the event of deportation, the guest must bear the costs themselves.

However, travel insurance such as Provist Germany is not only important for the foreign guest, but also for the host - the person, company or institution that invites the guest to Germany to visit family or to work. If the guest comes from a third country, they usually need a guarantor for their visa - a person who undertakes to cover all costs that may arise during the guest's stay in Germany.

Provisit Germany travel health insurance by DR-WALTER

At, we offer insurance policies for visiting foreign nationals in Germany. Provisit Germany is the recognized international health insurance for stays in Germany of up to 24 months. Over 100,000 satisfied customers have already purchased a Provisit Germany policy. We have developed Provisit Germany for your private or business trip to Germany. Who we are? The experts for international health insurance. For over 60 years , DR-WALTER has been insuring all types of travel. Our specialty is providing coverage for foreign visitors. We have received the TÜV certificate “Certified Service Quality” every year since 2011, which is proof of our outstanding services. Over the years, more than 99% of our customers have given us top marks for our insurance policies and services.

Customer reviews Reviews with

Health insurance & Germany: more topics

travel health insurance for germany

Why € 30,000 coverage in incoming health insurance?

Required 30,000 euros coverage explained

travel health insurance for germany

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The national visa is also called Schengen D visa. It allows you to stay longer than…

[Translate to Englisch:]

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What are you looking for?

Medical health insurance.

Information on Medical Health Insurance when applying for a visa.

Every applicant has to submit proof of medical travel insurance covering the entire length of the stay in Europe when applying for a Schengen visa .

There are strict requirements. Please find more information here: Medical Health Insurance PDF / 304 KB

Some medical insurance companies do not cover costs for medical treatment abroad or do not issue letters stating the requirements listed above. In this case, or in the case that you have no medical insurance in the US, you will have to purchase an additional travel insurance

You can find additional insurance companies in your local Yellow Pages or on the internet (search for “health insurance Schengen visa”).

Please bear in mind that some companies offer medical insurance policies only in combination with other kinds of coverage like trip cancellation. Rates depend on the length of the trip, age and number of travelers and the extent of coverage.

Please Note : Although the information on this website has been prepared with utmost care, we can not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.

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travel health insurance for germany

Advantages of incoming insurance

  • 24-hour emergency call service: at your side worldwide in over 12 languages
  • Simple processing: fast and uncomplicated services in an emergency
  • Recognized for a Schengen visa: meets the minimum legal requirements

As a foreign guest, you are comprehensively covered with incoming insurance for your trip to Germany or another host country.

  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Verschieden Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und lachen. Auf dem Tisch kann man Laptops sehen.

  • Good to know
  • Go Germany!
  • Insurances in Germany

Health insurance during your stay in Germany

Profes­sio­nals, students, au pairs and work & travelProfes­sio­nals, students, au pairs and work & travel: No matter where you go or what you do - your travel safety is our focus. Find the best matching cover:

Overview of all insurances for Germany

Statutory health insurance, for professionals and for properly enrolled student at a state-accredited university.

HanseMerkur's partner DAK-Gesundheit is a top-rated German insurance provider committing itself to provide the best service to all customers - with top rates for students, families and professionals.

Private Health Insurance for Pupils, Students and Trainees

For students studying at a private non-state-accredited university, for students aged 30 years and older, for students starting their 15th semester (or higher) or for doctoral students.

This covers you for stays in Germany of up to 5 years. Whether you are staying abroad as a pupil, student, doctoral candidate, scholarship winner, trainee or participant in a work & travel program, this travel insurance offers you optimum travel cover. You may combine your foreign health insurance with travel accident insurance, travel liability insurance cover, emergency insurance cover and luggage insurance cover.

(Example pricing per year)

Travel Insurance for au pairs in Germany

For au pairs.

Individually combined: you are able to extend your foreign health insurance cover for au pairs to include travel accident insurance, travel liability insurance, emergency insurance and luggage insurance to provide you optimum cover. This allows you to enjoy your stay abroad as an au pair without any worries.

Travel Insurance for stays up to five years in Germany

For professionals not subject to social insurance contribution.

For your long-term stay in Germany: opt for a comprehensive cover combining foreign health insurance cover with travel accident cover, travel liability insurance cover, emergency insurance cover and luggage insurance cover (also available individually).

Young Travel Insurance for stays up to five years

For work & travellers.

This covers you for stays in Germany of up to 5 years. When you are staying as a participant in a work & travel program, this travel insurance offers you optimum travel cover. You may combine your foreign health insurance with travel accident insurance and travel liability insurance cover.

Are you living in Switzerland?

If you are living in Switzerland we recommend visiting our Swiss website. There you are given valuable information and you can take out all travel insurances online.

For legal reasons you are not allowed to book travel insurances on our German website. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Switch to Swiss website

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Do I need travel insurance to visit Germany?

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Travel Insurance for Germany: Top Plans 2024

Leigh Morgan

  • Your U.S. health insurance won’t typically work in Germany , so it’s a good idea to have travel health insurance at a minimum.
  • Travel insurance for Germany costs around $8-$10 per day for comprehensive coverage, but basic travel medical plans can be even cheaper.
  • In addition to medical emergencies , comprehensive travel insurance will also usually cover trip delays, cancellations, and interruptions, as well as medical evacuation and lost or stolen baggage.
  • Our top picks for travel insurance for Germany are from Trawick, Seven Corners, Travel Insured, John Hancock, IMG, and Tin Leg . (skip ahead to see these plans)
  • We recommend using an online comparison tool to compare multiple quotes and coverage options all in one place.

Our top picks for the best germany travel insurance

  • Trawick International: Best for Medical Evacuation Coverage
  • Seven Corners: Best Value for Robust Coverage
  • Travel Insured International: Covers Pre-Existing Conditions
  • John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc.: Best Coverage for Seniors
  • IMG: Best for Adventure Sports
  • Tin Leg: Best Overall Value

Our top picks for the best travel insurance for Germany

Trawick international, seven corners, travel insured international.

Even if you don’t need it to get a visa, you should consider buying travel insurance while visiting Germany as U.S. health insurance won’t cover you while abroad .

Travel insurance for Germany isn’t mandatory for stays lasting 90 days or less.

If you plan to stay for more than 90 days, you’ll need a Schengen visa. When you apply for this type of visa, you must prove that you have travel insurance with €30,000 minimum coverage for medical expenses. Your travel insurance must also cover the cost of repatriation if you have to end your trip early.

Here are some of the reasons you should get travel insurance for visiting Germany:

Safety on Autobahn highways

Germany is famous for its ultra-high-speed highways known as the Autobahn. While traveling on the Autobahn can be thrilling to visitors, it also poses safety risks for those unaccustomed to traveling at high speeds and driving in a foreign country where rules may be slightly different . In light of this, travel insurance with medical assistance and rental car coverage is an easy way to help you mitigate risks that could arise from accidents or damage to you or the vehicle while driving in Germany.

Hazards in the Bavarian Alps

The Bavarian Alps in Germany offer stunning landscapes for hikers, climbers, skiers, and more, making them one of the most popular areas to visit in Germany. However, the Alps areas are prone to natural hazards like avalanches and flash floods, as well as safety risks due to the adventure and sports activities typically enjoyed in this region. Travel insurance for medical emergencies, medical evacuation, and adventure sports coverage is key to staying fully covered while enjoying all the Alps have to offer. Not all plans cover adventure activities, so it’s important to compare plans before buying.

Weather disruptions to travel plans

Germany is located in Central-Northern Europe where the weather can be harsher than other countries like Spain or Portugal. Depending on when and where you visit Germany, you may experience unexpected rain or snowfall. It’s important to remember that weather is one of the main factors that can alter travel itineraries and lead to cancellations or delays. Opting for a travel insurance plan that covers delays, cancellations, interruptions, and more can help you minimize the inconvenience and financial risk associated with weather-related trip disruptions.

Public transportation

One thing people love when visiting Germany is how easy it is to get around. Whether you plan to stay in one city, move around the country, or visit neighboring countries, German public transportation is convenient and quite reliable. That said, there can be occasional interruptions due to maintenance, accidents, and strikes. Apart from this, if you aren’t familiar with using public transport it could cause disruptions in your travel itinerary. It’s important to be prepared for using public transport in Germany and to be covered for all possible scenarios. Travel insurance can cover expenses related to missed connections, delays, interruptions, and finding alternative transportation arrangements if needed.

Terrorism concerns

Like other major European countries, Germany has faced rising security concerns due to terrorist activities in recent years. One well-known event was the attack on Christmas Markets in 2016. While these events are rare, it’s important to take them into account and prepare for them when traveling. Most travel insurance policies can cover you in case of evacuations, emergency medical assistance, cancelations, or interruptions due to terrorist activities. Therefore, it makes sense to buy a comprehensive travel insurance plan and stay covered while you travel.

Theft at popular cultural events

Germany is home to world-famous cultural events like Oktoberfest and Christmas markets. These events are usually quite crowded and attract tourists from all over the world. As a result, they are often the target of choice for thieves and pickpockets . Travel insurance can reimburse you for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged while traveling. While it may not replace the sentimental value of your belongings, having the cost covered can mean the difference between ruining your trip or allowing you to pick up the pieces and enjoy the rest of your travels.

Best for Medical Evacuation Coverage

Why We Like It

Editor's take

The Safe Travels Voyager plan from Trawick International is one of the most highly rated plans on our list. This plan’s high coverage limits make it an attractive option for anyone traveling to Germany. The plans primary medical coverage comes in at $250,000 and its medical evacuation coverage tops a hefty $1 million - covering nearly all medical evacuation possibilities

The Safe Travels Voyager plan also offers both trip cancellation and trip interruption covering 100% and 150% of the costs respectively. This plan provides coverage for both domestic and international acts of terrorism and optional coverage to cancel your trip for any reason.

Travel delay coverage comes in at $3,000 and it also offers $2,500 per person and $300 per item, on any baggage delays and loss.

  • Excellent medical coverage limits
  • Up to $2,500 baggage coverage included
  • Covers quarantine accommodation expenses
  • Baggage delay coverage only kicks in after 8 hours
  • CFAR only covers 75% of the insured trip cost

Best Value for Robust Coverage

Seven Corners’ Trip Protection Choice coverage is one of the most robust plans available for its relatively low cost. Comprehensive primary medical coverage comes in at $500,000, covering you for nearly all unforeseen medical emergencies. Complimenting this is Trip Protection Choice’s $1 million in medevac and repatriation coverage, some of the highest levels of medevac coverage on the market.

Along with medical coverage, this plan also offers non-medical evacuation coverage, trip cancellation, interruption, and delay coverage. This complements further clauses such as accidental death & dismemberment coverage, and baggage damage.

Read our full review

  • Offers coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Cancellation & Interruption coverage standard
  • Covers action sports & equipment
  • Cancel for any reason not included standard
  • Must meet waiver for pre-existing conditions to be covered

Covers Pre-Existing Conditions

The Worldwide Trip Protector plan from Travel Insured International is another pan on our list that is perfect for those traveling with a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions are automatically covered with this plan if the coverage is purchased within 21 days of the trip deposit.

This plan is also renowned for its 100% coverage of the insured trip cost due to cancellation and 150% of the insured trip cost due to interruption. The Worldwide Trip Protector plan will pay out $1,500 for trip delays and $500 for baggage delays - simply after only 3 hours’ worth of delays.

Medical coverage from the Worldwide Trip Protector plan is also an attractive perk. This includes $100,000 worth of medical coverage and 1 million worth of evacuation coverage.

  • Travel delay coverage kicks in after just six hours
  • Generous $150,000 non-medical evacuation coverage
  • 24/7 emergency travel assistance included
  • CFAR and IFAR coverage not included
  • Baggage delay coverage only kicks in after 12 hours
  • No rental car coverage

Best Coverage for Seniors

John hancock insurance agency, inc..

John Hancock’s Gold plan is a fantastic insurance plan for those with pre-existing conditions looking to travel to Germany. Automatically included in the coverage, this plan allows elder travelers to be free from the stresses of pre-existing conditions that may hinder them with other providers. Alongside this perk, the Gold plan also offers both trip cancellation and trip interruption coverage worth up to 100% and 150% of the trip cost.

John Hancock’s Gold plan provides top-of-the-range coverage when it comes to all things medical. This plan offers medical emergency coverage worth up to $250,000 and $1 million in coverage for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains - some of the highest across the market.

  • Travel delay coverage kicks in after just three hours
  • Generous coverage for emergency evacuation and repatriation of remains
  • Optional CFAR upgrade available
  • Baggage insurance comes with generous limits of up to $2,500
  • Terror attack coverage included
  • Baggage delay coverage requires a 12-hour waiting period

Best for Adventure Sports

IMG’s iTravelInsured Travel LX Basic plan is a great selection of coverage for those vacating in Germany. Its medical coverage worth $500,000 is a figure that covers you for most medical emergencies and being a primary coverage, you will not end up out of pocket while receiving your care. Medical evacuation coverage is a fantastic $1,000,000 per person and there is also an added bonus of $50,000 worth of non-medical evacuation coverage included.

Those partaking in sports and leisurely activities throughout their German vacation will be pleased to know that IMG’s iTravelInsured Travel LX Basic plan provides a wide range of sports-related coverage. This includes sports equipment delay coverage worth $2,000 and $10,000 worth of search and rescue coverage.

  • 10-day money back guarantee
  • Generous limits for trip delays, emergency evacuation, and more
  • Coronavirus-related medical expenses covered
  • Rental car coverage included
  • Recently developed pre-existing conditions may not be covered
  • CFAR and IFAR coverage only available as an add-on with premium plans

Best Overall Value

Tin Leg

  • Excellent primary coverage for medical expenses
  • High limit for emergency evacuation coverage
  • Optional cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage available
  • Comes with coverage for hurricanes and inclement weather
  • Coverage for pre-existing conditions is available if purchased within 14 days of the trip deposit
  • Baggage delay coverage requires a 24-hour waiting period
  • Low coverage limits for baggage and personal effects

According to official sales data from Squaremouth , travel insurance for Germany costs, on average, around $317.77 for an average trip.

Based on our own official sales figures over the past year, our customers paid an average of $303.40 for travel insurance to Germany.

Travel insurance for Germany costs around $8 to $10 per day for a comprehensive plan that includes coverage for things like cancellations and delays. However, cheap travel insurance plans can often cost around $1 per day for the basic coverage.

To give you insight into the cost of actual plans, we got quotes from three popular providers for a trip to Germany.

This table displays three quotes for basic medical travel insurance plans.

If you want your policy to include things like trip cancellation and interruption coverage, you will need to purchase a more comprehensive plan such as the ones below.

For the following table, we have quotes for plans that reimburse you if your trip to Germany is canceled or interrupted.

Please note that these are taken from a hypothetical quote. Actual plan costs may vary and will depend on your own unique circumstances.

Keep in mind that many factors affect the cost of travel insurance:

  • Trip length: If you plan to visit Europe for a few days, you’ll pay a lot less for insurance than someone who plans to stay for a month.
  • Age: Health insurance typically gets more expensive as you get older. This is because older people are more likely to develop serious health conditions. As a result, older people pay more for their coverage.
  • Trip cost:   The longer you plan to be a tourist in Europe, the more you’ll pay for insurance. This is because the insurance company will have to reimburse you a larger amount of money if your trip is canceled or interrupted.
  • Coverage limits:   If you choose an insurance plan with high coverage limits, you’ll pay more than you would for a no-frills plan.

The above quotes were found using trip parameters for a 35-year-old visiting Germany in September 2024, for a 7-night trip costing $2,000.

We recommend opting for comprehensive travel insurance when visiting Germany. This will give you medical coverage plus protections from other things like delays, cancellations, and more.

Travel insurance plans for Germany can be broken down into two categories:

Medical-based travel insurance

  • Comprehensive travel insurance

What is included in your overall travel insurance coverage will depend on the type of policy you purchase.

The most rudimentary level of travel insurance for Germany should be medical-based. A basic medical insurance policy is often the cheapest level of insurance you can buy. Travel health insurance for Germany will cover you during your trip should you fall ill or require emergency medical treatment.

Government medical insurance such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private US insurance will not be valid in Germany. Therefore, having no medical insurance will leave you picking up the bill should the worst happen during your trip.

Medical-based travel insurance policies usually cover two separate coverage limits for medical emergencies and emergency medical evacuations:

  • Emergency medical insurance: At the very minimum, we recommend purchasing a travel insurance policy that covers medical emergencies. This type of coverage will protect you should you require any hospital treatment such as blood tests, IV fluids, and other types of medical care.
  • Medevac insurance: If you are planning to visit remote locations throughout your Germany vacation such as the Bavarian Alps, medical evacuation insurance is a must. This part of the policy will cover you should you need transport to the nearest suitable medical facility in an emergency.

Medical plans will not cover you for far more in-depth travel insurance add-ons such as trip cancellations or trip cost reimbursement. If you require this added extra, you should opt for a far more comprehensive travel insurance plan.

Comprehensive travel coverage

When purchasing a travel insurance policy, you will have the option of choosing plans that reimburse you for non-refundable prepaid trip expenses and plans that don’t. If you require coverage for such things as trip cancellations , trip interruptions, travel delays, and the loss of personal items, you should purchase a policy that covers trip cost reimbursement.

Your vacation to Germany may be interrupted or canceled based on unforeseen events such as a terrorist attack, social unrest, or extreme weather conditions. If this is the case, you will need to buy a policy that offers cancellation and interruption coverage for prepaid, nonrefundable expenses to claim your money back.

Optional Add-ons

Some travel insurance policies for Germany will offer cancel for any reason (CFAR) insurance . With this type of coverage, you can cancel your travel plans for any reason at all and still get back around 50% to 75% of your prepaid travel expenses. Including CFAR insurance with your travel insurance to Germany will allow you far more flexibility should you change your travel plans.

In most circumstances, travel insurance policies will exclude coverage for the following circumstances:

  • Claims resulting from illegal activities
  • Claims related to medical tourism
  • Injuries resulting from intoxication from drugs or alcohol
  • Cancellations due to fear COVID-19 ( See COVID-19 travel plans )

Other than these highly obvious reasons, some travel insurance providers will also include restrictions for the following situations:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions: Unless you have a waiver included in your travel insurance policy, most providers will not offer coverage for a pre-existing condition . To qualify for this waiver, you must purchase your travel insurance plan within 14 to 15 days of making your initial trip deposit.
  • Adventure sports: General travel insurance plans will not include coverage for adventure sports that can result in injury. This includes activities and sports such as skiing, rock climbing, and other adventure activities. If you do plan to take part in activities such as this during your Germany trip, you must purchase coverage that includes these sports.
  • Pregnancy-related care: Basic travel insurance policies will not cover you for regular wellness care and a normal delivery during pregnancy. However, emergency care that you require while traveling while pregnant may still be covered.

Even if you don’t need a visa, getting German travel insurance has many benefits. To find the best travel insurance at the best price, follow these tips:

  • Shop around: Compare costs before you commit to a specific health insurance or general travel insurance provider. You may be able to get the same coverage for a fraction of the price that other companies are charging.
  • Use common carriers: Remember, trip delay insurance only works if you’re delayed while traveling via a public airline, passenger railway, or another common carrier.
  • Opt for a comprehensive package: Look for one that includes health insurance, trip cancellation insurance, trip delay insurance, and coverage for lost, stolen, and damaged baggage. If you plan to rent a vehicle, consider adding rental insurance.
  • Review your itinerary:   If you plan to participate in any risky activities, such as skiing or ziplining, you may need to purchase additional coverage.
  • Determine how much flexibility you need: If there’s a good chance your plans will change once you get to Germany, you may want to pay more for higher coverage limits.

The table below shows key information you should know before traveling to Germany:

Do I need a visa or passport to visit Germany?

You must have a passport with at least two blank pages to visit Germany. You don’t need a visa unless you plan to stay for more than 90 days. In that case, you’ll need a Schengen visa.

Are there COVID-19 restrictions for U.S. travelers?

According to the German Missions in the United States , Germany has lifted all travel restrictions related to COVID-19. This includes vaccination and testing requirements. Recent reports from the CDC have shown that COVID cases are on the rise, you should therefore consider having a COVID travel insurance policy in place, just in case you fall ill during your vacation.

Is Germany a Schengen country?

Yes. It’s one of 27 countries in the Schengen Zone , a border-free area that allows people to move around without having to go through border checks while crossing from one country to another.

Is it safe to travel to Germany?

The U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 2 advisory due to heightened safety and security risks.

You need travel insurance if you plan to stay in Germany for more than 90 days. Otherwise, this type of insurance is optional.

How much is travel insurance for Germany?

Based on the seven quotes we received, German travel insurance costs an average of $282.55 for a 7-day trip.

What should I look for in a Germany trip insurance policy?

Look for comprehensive insurance that covers a wide variety of scenarios, including cancellations, delays, lost or stolen baggage, medical emergencies, and medical evacuation.

Is German health care free for Americans?

No. Americans aren’t eligible for the free health care provided to German citizens

About the Author

Leigh Morgan

Leigh Morgan is a seasoned personal finance contributor with over 15 years of experience writing on a diverse range of professional legal and financial topics. She specializes in subjects like navigating the complexities of insurance, savings, zero-based budgeting and emergency fund development.

In the last five years, she’s authored over 300 articles for credit unions, digital banks, and financial professionals. Morgan is also the author of “77 Tips for Preventing Elder Financial Abuse,” a book focused on helping caregivers protect the elderly from financial scams.

In addition to her writing skills, she brings real-world financial acumen thanks to her previous experience managing rental properties as part of a $34 million real estate portfolio.

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The Definitive Guide to Public Health Insurance in Germany (2024)

Explore public health insurance in Germany in 2024. Learn about eligibility, costs, coverage options, and how to choose the best plan for your needs and lifestyle.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on public health insurance in Germany for 2024. 

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Determine if public health insurance is for you.
  • Select the best insurance company for you
  • Calculate the exact cost of public health insurance

Let’s dive in.

What is public health insurance in Germany?

Public health insurance, also called GKV or statutory insurance, is Germany’s most popular healthcare solution. It covers about 90% of the population, is usually mandatory for employees, and is highly recommended for most students. 

Here is what you need to know:

  • Public health insurance provides solid benefits but lacks coverage in certain areas, so we recommend getting additional coverage (for example, with our dental insurance policy ).
  • The cost of statutory insurance is proportional to your income.
  • You can change insurance companies yearly if you find one with better benefits, services, or lower premiums.
  • BARMER  
  • AOK (definitely the least English-friendly, but is a good alternative)
  • An alternative is private health insurance , but it has stricter eligibility criteria. 
Private health insurance is an alternative to public health insurance for high-income individuals and self-employed individuals. It is a comprehensive insurance valid for all visas and residency permits. It offers numerous perks that public health insurance can’t match.

Who is public health insurance for?

Employees under 55 years old earning less than €69,300 per year must join public health insurance. Those earning more can also sign up, but only if it’s their first job in Germany or they are currently insured by public health in the EU. Otherwise, they have to go for private health insurance .

Luckily, employees also have the easiest time signing up, which will automatically start with the first day of work. If you don’t sign up yourself within two weeks, your employer will do it for you.

Read our guide to private health insurance .

Students must get health insurance coverage to be able to enroll in a German university. If you’re insured by your parents’ German family insurance, you can remain on it until you’re 25 years old. This also applies if you’re insured by your spouse’s policy. The only caveat is that you cannot work during that time.

If you’re over 25 or your parents live outside of Germany, you could also get discounted student health insurance.

For those over 30, it gets a little more complicated. You could sign up as a voluntary member, but it is much more expensive. The best alternative is expat health insurance .

Read our guide to health insurance for students .

Freelancers & Self-employed

Full-time self-employed individuals can choose between public or private health insurance. If you were insured for more than 24 four months in the last five years, you’d be accepted into the public system, no questions asked. The same thing applies to those insured for 12 or more months immediately before registering as self-employed.

Members of the KSK are required to have public health insurance.

Read our guide to health insurance for the self-employed .

Retirees & Pensioners 

If you worked in Germany and were publicly insured, you can stay with your current health insurance.

If you worked in the EU and were publicly insured, you can choose to sign up with a German public health insurance company. You’ll need to complete an S1 form, and you’ll receive the same benefits as with your home country’s insurance. 

How much does public health insurance cost?

The cost of public health insurance is proportional to your income. The more you earn, the more you pay (up to a certain limit). In 2024, the limit is 62,100, meaning that if you earn more, your contributions would be based on this amount.

In 2024, the contribution rate is 14.6%, plus a company-specific percentage (on average, it’s 1.7%). However, TK’s CEO, Jens Baas, says the cost of health insurance is expected to explode to 20% by 2030. You’ll also need to pay for long-term care insurance, which is around 3.6%.

On the bright side, whether it’s 14.6% or 20%, employees and trainees won’t need to worry about paying the whole thing themselves. By law, employers must pay half of your contribution. 

Unfortunately, since the self-employed, by definition, do not have an employer, they must pay the contribution rate independently. There are some workarounds, like becoming a KSK member.

Retirees’ health insurance cost is a mix of subsidized and unsubsidized payments. Here’s what we mean:

  • With a statutory pension, retirees pay 7.3%, with the Krankenversicherung der Rentner (pensioners’ health insurance) paying for the other 7.3%.
  • With a private pension or other types of income, they’ll pay the full contribution of 14.6%.

As we mentioned earlier, student health insurance is much more affordable, at around €130 monthly.

What is covered by German public health insurance?

Generally, public health insurance covers all medically necessary interventions, with some preemptive measures also included, like cancer screenings. However, the exact coverage can vary from company to company. 

Here’s a general overview of what services are covered:

What is the best public insurer in Germany?

Overall, TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) is the best public insurer in Germany. Strong alternatives include DAK, BARMER, or AOK.

If you want to evaluate other insurers, you should consider three factors:

  • The individual contribution of the company. As we mentioned earlier, the average additional contribution is 1.7%, the lowest is BKK Firmus’s 0.9%, and the highest is BKK Textilgruppe Hof with 2.8%. 
  • Their ability to communicate in English (or in your preferred language). If you’re a fluent German speaker, this won’t be a problem, but if you’re not, this is crucial to ensure you can make the best use of your policy.
  • Additional benefits they provide. 95% of benefits and coverage are mandated by law and identical from one company to the next. However, the 5% remaining caters to different type of people. For example, if you want to reduce your premiums, you should look for a company offering deductibles. Or maybe you value special benefits for pregnancy and young families, in which case public insurance with DAK is your best bet.

How to sign up for public health insurance

If you decide to sign up with one of our recommended insurance companies, the process is easy:

  • Click on the button below to compare them.
  • Click on the “Sign up” button of your preferred company.
  • Complete the questionnaire.
  • You will obtain a confirmation of coverage by email within 2 weeks.
  • When your application is approved, you can request your health card, which you can use to see a doctor (usually within 2-3 weeks).

If you choose to sign up with another company, you can apply for membership by post, online, or personally at their office. The options that are available differ from one fund to another.

How to switch between public health insurance companies

People with public health insurance can change health insurance, but there are some rules regarding notice and commitment periods. 

Here’s a step-by-step process for switching insurance:

  • To do this, you must have been with your current insurer for at least 12 months before you can switch. 
  • There are two exceptions: if your employment changes (for example, with a new job or losing yours) or your insurer increases additional contributions, then you have a special termination right. This means you can switch immediately. You have a 14-day window to enable this right.
  • If one of the cases above applies to you, then you can choose a new insurer. 
  • Once you’re happy with your choice, you can apply for membership in a new health insurance fund. There’s no need to inform your current insurance company or your employer, your new insurer will handle all the details.
  • You’ll have a waiting period of two months before you actually switch insurers.

Can I opt out of public health insurance in Germany?

Yes, you can opt out of public health insurance in Germany. If your gross salary is more than €69,300 annually, or €5775 monthly, you can get private health insurance. 

How do I pay for public health insurance?

To pay for public health insurance as an employee, your employer handles the process by deducting the required amount directly from your gross wage before you receive your paycheck. This means the payment is automatically managed, and you don’t need to take any additional steps or make separate payments yourself.

Students and freelancers pay by bank transfer directly to the provider

Does public health insurance also cover treatment abroad?

Public health insurance covers emergy treatment abroad, but only in the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Coverage in these places is limited to the cost equivalent of treatment in Germany. Regular treatments must be postponed until returning to Germany.

Outside the EU/EEA, public health insurance does not cover treatments, which is why additional travel medical insurance is strongly recommended.

Can I take out public health insurance even with pre-existing medical conditions?

Yes, you can take out public health insurance even with pre-existing conditions and chronic illnesses. They will be covered.

Can I include my family in public health insurance?

Yes, you can include your family in your public health insurance policy, provided they earn less than €505 per month through alternative income (pension, rent, interests….) or less €538 through mini-job. 

Dependants can be added for free, simply contact your current provider and let them know you’d like to insure a family member.

How do claims work in public health insurance?

There are no claims in public health insurance. When you go to the doctor, dentist, or pharmacy, you simply show your health insurance card, pay the deductible if there is one, and your insurance will take care of the rest.

The only exceptions are special treatments that aren’t fully covered, like dental, which must be paid upfront. Afterward, you can claim the appropriate partial amount from the provider by sending invoices to the your insurance.

How do I cancel my public health insurance?

If you’re leaving permanently, it is usually enough to inform your provider. To do so, you can use our template . Most often, additional proof like an Abmeldung (de-registration from your city) or flight tickets might be required.

If you leave temporarily, you can actually pause your insurance. This is called Anwart­schaft , and by doing this, you will make sure you have the right to join the same public insurer after returning. If this case relates to you, it is best to contact your public insurance provider directly.

travel health insurance for germany

With this comprehensive overview of public health insurance in Germany, you now have the essential information to make an informed decision about your healthcare coverage.

We’re interested in what you think:

  • Does public health insurance suit you?
  • Are you leaning towards the private health insurance system instead?
  • Do you have any further questions or need clarifications?

Share your insights and questions in the comments below!

Further reading

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Health insurance guide.

  • The Feather Guide to Health Insurance in Germany
  • Self-assess your health insurance needs
  • Our guide to private health insurance in Germany
  • Our guide to expat health insurance in Germany
  • Customer examples
  • Health insurance add-ons in Germany
  • How do I find a doctor in Germany?
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Best Medical Insurance for Visitors to the U.S. (2024)

with our comparison partner, Squaremouth

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Alex Carver is a writer and researcher based in Charlotte, N.C. A contributor to major news websites such as Automoblog and USA Today, she’s written content in sectors such as insurance, warranties, shipping, real estate and more.

travel health insurance for germany

Tori Addison is an editor who has worked in the digital marketing industry for over five years. Her experience includes communications and marketing work in the nonprofit, governmental and academic sectors. A journalist by trade, she started her career covering politics and news in New York’s Hudson Valley. Her work included coverage of local and state budgets, federal financial regulations and health care legislation.

Here’s a breakdown of how we reviewed and rated the best travel insurance companies

Seven Corners Travel Insurance Logo

Do Visitors Need U.S. Health Insurance?

While health insurance is not always mandatory when traveling to the U.S., regulations may vary depending on the circumstances around your visit and your visa needs. In addition, health plans from different countries are generally not accepted in the U.S., which means you could pay thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for treatment in an emergency without a valid plan.

Note that many foreign visitors traveling to the U.S. do not need a visa to enter the country for less than 90 days. However, some visa requirements for long-term visitors require health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay. Regardless of the requirements for your travels, it’s worth considering a travel medical insurance plan based on the high cost of U.S. healthcare. According to GoodRx, an emergency room visit can cost upwards of $2,400 to $2,600 without insurance in the U.S.

Health Insurance Requirements for People Visiting the U.S.

While tourists do not technically need a travel medical insurance plan to obtain a visa, other types of visitors do. For instance, if you’re a student planning to study abroad in a U.S.-based college or university using an F-1 or J-1 visa, you’ll likely need some sort of health insurance or a comparable equivalent. Many universities that accept students on visas require medical coverage that complies with the school’s outlined health insurance requirements.

Note that health insurance requirements for visitors to the U.S. largely depend on the type of visa you need to enter the country. Regardless of whether it’s required, we recommend medical insurance based on the high costs of U.S. healthcare services.

Best Travel Health Insurance for Visitors to the U.S.

Our team has spent extensive time researching the best travel medical insurance plans for visitors to the U.S., considering factors such as availability, coverage, customer support and provider reputation.

  • Seven Corners Travel Medical Basic: Our pick for group travelers
  • WorldTrips Atlas America : Most affordable comprehensive coverage
  • IMG Patriot Lite : Best for medical coverage
  • IMG Patriot America Plus : Best for medical coverage
  • Trawick Safe Travels USA Comprehensive : Best for student travel insurance

Seven Corners

Seven Corners Travel Insurance

Why We Picked It

Seven Corners’ Travel Medical Basic plan is our pick for group travelers. This plan is specifically designed for groups of up to 10 non-U.S. residents and non-U.S. citizens aged 14 days or older, making it ideal for families traveling together . However, it is also available for solo travelers. You can extend coverage for up to a year, with protection both in the U.S. and worldwide.

Pros and Cons

Medical coverage details.

The Travel Medical Basic plan offers extensive coverage with benefit maximums of up to $1 million and various deductible options, making it easy to customize a plan to suit your needs. Medical coverage offered through this plan includes the following:

  • General medical
  • Emergency dental
  • Emergency services and assistance
  • Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)
  • Optional adventure activity coverage

Learn more :  Seven Corners Travel Insurance Review

WorldTrips Travel Insurance

WorldTrips’ Atlas America plan is our pick for high coverage limits. This plan is designed for U.S. tourists, temporary workers, business visitors and international students studying abroad , providing accessible health coverage to a variety of travelers. It provides overall coverage maximums of up to $2 million, with up to $1 million for emergency medical evacuation coverage.

The Atlas America plan offers up to $2 million in overall coverage and seven different deductible options, providing sound medical coverage along with supplemental travel benefits. Medical coverages include services that fall under the following categories:

  • Emergency dental and vision

Learn more: WorldTrips Travel Insurance Review


We chose IMG’s Patriot Lite plan as our pick for budget coverage — the company quoted us less for this plan than its competitors on our list. You can buy this plan as an individual or group, making it ideal for family members traveling to the U.S. together. Like other insurance companies in this review, IMG is partnered with UnitedHealthcare, meaning policyholders have access to a domestic network of over 1.4 million physicians for medical care.

Policyholders can choose coverage with a maximum of up to $1 million with the Patriot Lite plan, with deductibles ranging from $0 to $2,500. Coverages with the Patriot Lite plan include the following:

Learn more : IMG Travel Insurance Review

IMG’s Patriot America Plus plan also made our list for providing short-term insurance for business and leisurely travelers. We named it our pick for continuous coverage, as it provides up to 24 months of renewable, consecutive coverage. Other benefits include access to multilingual customer service representatives and a maximum limit of up to $1 million. Unlike IMG’s Patriot Lite plan, Patriot America Plus covers COVID-19 treatments.

As with IMG’s Patriot Lite plan, coverage with a maximum of up to $1 million is available, with your choice of deductible from $0 to $2,500. Coverages with the Patriot America Plus plan include the following:

Trawick International

Trawick International

We named Trawick’s Safe Travels USA Comprehensive plan our pick for wellness coverage, as it affords policyholders a general wellness visit with a U.S. doctor during their travels for up to $125. As is standard across most plans in our review, Trawick’s Safe Travels plan offers up to $1 million in medical expense coverage. It also offers up to $2 million in emergency medical evacuation coverage and eight deductible options up to $5,000.</p

The Safe Travels USA Comprehensive plan covers up to $1 million in medical benefits after you pay your deductible. Benefits provided with each plan include:

  • Optional sports activity coverage (excludes extreme sports)

Read more : Trawick International Travel Insurance Review

Compare Travel Medical Insurance Plans for U.S. Tourists

See the table below for a direct comparison of costs, deductibles and more between travel medical insurance plans for U.S. visitors.

We based plan costs on quotes we obtained for a 30-year-old Australian citizen traveling to the U.S. for 30 days. Each plan includes a medical maximum of $500,000 with a $250 deductible. Note that your actual cost will depend on factors such as your age, number of travelers, chosen deductible and more.

Types of Health Insurance for U.S. Visitors

Travelers have options when it comes to health insurance for U.S. visitors. For one, you could choose an international travel medical insurance plan, which provides coverage for emergency medical expenses or evacuation abroad. A U.S. short-term health insurance plan is also an option. Some health insurance companies, such as UnitedHealthcare, work with providers to allow policyholders to use the company’s preferred provider organization (PPO) network.

If you’re wondering whether your domestic health insurance policy will cover you in the U.S., we encourage you to contact your insurance provider for more details. You may need to purchase valid coverage specifically for your U.S. trip if you’re concerned about or foresee needing medical care abroad.

Fixed Medical Insurance

Fixed medical insurance or fixed indemnity insurance pays a predetermined amount of money for specific medical procedures and services. This type of medical insurance plan is limited — no matter what your total bill amounts to, it will not cover more than the agreed-upon amount. Fixed medical insurance plans are usually cheaper than comprehensive policies, which we cover in the next section.

Comprehensive Medical Insurance

Comprehensive medical insurance covers doctor’s visits, hospital care, prescription drugs and more without setting limits on certain services. Note that these plans typically have coverage maximums, deductibles and copays, so you will have to pay a certain amount before your policy covers any medical expenses. 

Comprehensive coverage does not have benefit limits based on the type of medical service like fixed medical does, but it will cost you more overall. However, because health care in the U.S. is expensive, you may find comprehensive plans more beneficial in the long run despite being pricier than a fixed plan.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Health Insurance

Short-term and long-term health insurance plans provide coverage that lasts for a specific period. You can consider travel medical insurance plans short-term policies for U.S. visitors, as they can cover medical expenses incurred during a period lasting less than a year. 

If you plan on staying in the U.S. for longer than a year, you may be eligible to purchase a health insurance plan through a domestic provider, depending on your visa. For example, if you have a J-1 or F-1 visa, you may be eligible for a university-sponsored or private health insurance plan. We encourage you to check with the U.S. Department of State when you receive your visa for more on what long-term health insurance options are available to you.

What Does Travel Insurance in the U.S. Cover?

Travel insurance in the U.S. provides a variety of coverages for unexpected events that can affect your travel plans both before and during your trip. Specifics will vary depending on your choice of policy but will likely include some or all of the following coverages:

Created with Sketch Beta. Trip cancellation: If you must cancel your trip for a covered reason, travel insurance can help you recover non-refundable costs such as hotel reservations, airline tickets and more.

Created with Sketch Beta. Trip interruption: If you need to cut your vacation short for a covered reason, travel insurance plans can compensate you for expenses you didn’t use during your trip.

Created with Sketch Beta. Trip and baggage delays: A travel insurance policy can help cover costs you incur if your trip or baggage gets delayed for a covered reason. Most coverage also includes lost or stolen baggage.

Created with Sketch Beta. Emergency medical: Emergency medical coverage can reimburse the cost of necessary treatments if you experience a medical emergency abroad up to a maximum amount.

Created with Sketch Beta. Emergency evacuation and transport: If you need transportation to a medical facility in the U.S. during a medical emergency, this coverage will provide an expense limit for the services. This benefit can also cover emergency evacuations if a natural disaster or political conflict occurs and affects your travels.

How Much Does Travel Health Insurance for U.S. Visitors Cost?

Our research found that the cost of travel insurance for U.S. visitors can range from $96 to $115 . This range is based on quotes gathered for a 30-year-old Australian citizen traveling to the U.S. for 30 days. Each plan we obtained a quote for included a medical maximum of $500,000 with a $250 deductible.

For cost data specific to your travel needs, we encourage you to gather quotes from the providers in this review. The quotes you receive will depend on factors such as your age, plan limits, chosen deductible, number of travelers and more.

How To Use Visitor Health Insurance

If you’ve purchased a visitor medical insurance plan for your stay in the U.S., it’s important you understand how to use it. Healthcare facilities in the U.S., such as doctor’s offices, urgent care locations and emergency rooms, often require you to bring an insurance card with you. This card includes essential information associated with your policy that helps the facility file a claim with your insurance provider. If you have one through your visitor health insurance plan, it is best to have it on hand when receiving medical treatment.

Your health insurance plan may require pre-approval before you receive treatment in non-emergent cases. Your insurance company may request to verify a procedure or medicine is necessary before agreeing to cover it. Be sure to check your policy to find out what the restrictions are.

Many visitor health insurance plans also cover prescription medications. If you’ve been prescribed medicine through a U.S. doctor during a medical visit, a pharmacy may choose to verify your prescription before filling it. This means the pharmacy will contact your healthcare provider with any questions about the prescription being correct. Verification could delay when you receive your medication, but it likely won’t take longer than three to 10 business days.

Finding Doctors and Hospitals as a Visitor

Most insurers provide online tools that help you find in-network healthcare providers and facilities covered by your insurance policy. Note that you may pay more if you choose to receive care through a doctor or facility that is not considered in-network. Out-of-network providers do not contract with your health insurance plan to provide agreed-upon rates. Unless you have a plan that lets you pick any provider you’d like, you will need to find a provider or facility working with your insurance.

If you want to verify the benefits offered by your insurance plan, contact your insurance provider directly or consult any documentation provided at the time of purchase. Healthcare providers may also take steps to verify your coverage, as it ensures the facility receives payment and lessens the chance of a denied insurance claim. 

The cost of medical treatment depends entirely on the type of insurance plan you have. If you’ve purchased a travel medical insurance plan, your provider will cover emergency medical expenses up to a maximum amount. Once you’ve hit that limit, you will have to pay the rest of your bill. If you have a plan with a deductible or co-pay, you must pay that amount before your insurer will cover your expenses.

Paying Medical Bills Without Insurance

If you opt out of medical coverage when visiting the U.S. and end up needing medical care, you will have to cover the entire bill out of pocket. However, you have several options regarding payment. You can contact the debt collector in charge of your bill and work to negotiate the cost of your bill down . You can also set up a payment plan that works with your income and what you can afford. 

While these payment options can be helpful, they do not negate the high U.S. healthcare costs, and can still leave you with a substantial bill after a medical crisis.

According to a study by the  Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker , health expenditures per person in the U.S. in 2022 were over $4,000 more than any other high-income nation. For this reason, we recommend some form of medical coverage to help cover potential emergency expenses when visiting the U.S.

According to a study by the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker , health expenditures per person in the U.S. in 2022 were over $4,000 more than any other high-income nation. For this reason, we recommend some form of medical coverage to help cover potential emergency expenses when visiting the U.S.

Filing a Claim with Visitor Health Insurance

Filing a claim through a visitor insurance plan or travel medical insurance policy will vary based on your provider. Note that providing proper documentation will help the claims process go smoothly, so it is important to keep track of hospital invoices and other billing forms.

If you have a domestic health insurance policy, the healthcare facility that provided your treatment will file your claim. You’ll receive a bill once your insurance provider processes the claim. On the other hand, travel medical insurance may require you to submit documents proving your claims for emergency medical treatment. Once your claim has been approved, your travel insurance company will reimburse your medical bills.

Where Can You Buy Visitors Insurance?

You can buy visitors’ insurance directly from travel insurance companies, international health insurance companies, university-approved providers and domestic providers, depending on the type of visa required during your stay. If you’re on a tourist visa, you can purchase travel medical insurance covering emergency medical services and transport, if needed, to a healthcare facility. Most travel insurance providers also offer travel healthcare plans that can last up to a year if you are planning multiple trips.

If you’re on a J-1 or F-1 visa and enrolling in a schooling program, contact your university to see if you’re eligible for a sponsored or private health insurance plan. If you need clarification on the available coverage or plan to stay in the U.S. for longer than a year, contact the U.S. Department of State for more information.

Do U.S. Visitors Need Health Care Coverage?

Healthcare in the U.S. is expensive. While medical insurance isn’t required for some visitors — such as tourists on a B-2 visa — it’s still worth considering if you’re concerned about an unexpected medical emergency abroad. We encourage you to extensively research your visa type and the coverage available to you before settling on a plan. Understanding the benefits and exclusions of a healthcare coverage plan will ensure there are no surprises if you need medical care during your U.S. trip.

Frequently Asked Questions About Visitor Health Insurance

How much is visitor health insurance in the u.s..

Visitor health insurance costs in the U.S. depend on factors unique to your travel needs. After gathering quotes from the providers in our review, we found that visitor health insurance can range from $89 to $115 . This range is based on a 30-year-old Australian citizen traveling to the U.S. for 30 days, opting for a plan with a medical maximum of $500,000 and a $250 deductible. Your actual costs will vary.

How much does travel insurance cost for trips to the U.S

Our research team found the average cost of travel insurance ranges from $35 to $400, with the average being $221 for a standard policy. Your costs will vary depending on your chosen plan, provider, length of travels, number of travelers and more.

Can foreign visitors get insurance while in the U.S.?

Yes, foreigners can get insurance while in the U.S. Various insurance options are available to travelers depending on their length of stay and visa type. It’s best to research what’s available to you based on your visa requirements before purchasing a plan.

Is it hard to get travel insurance for U.S.-based trips?

No, it’s not hard to get travel insurance for travel to the U.S. Providers such as Seven Corners, WorldTrips, IMG, Trawick and more provide plans for non-U.S. citizens seeking trip and medical coverage while abroad.

Methodology: Our System for Rating Travel Insurance Companies

  • A 30-year-old couple taking a $5,000 vacation to Mexico.
  • A family of four taking an $8,000 vacation to Mexico.
  • A 65-year-old couple taking a $7,000 vacation to the United Kingdom.
  • A 30-year-old couple taking a $7,000 trip to the United Kingdom.
  • A 19-year-old taking a $2,000 trip to France.
  • A 27-year-old couple taking a $1,200 trip to Greece.
  • A 51-year-old couple taking a $2,000 trip to Spain.
  • Plan availability (10%): We look for insurers with a variety of travel insurance plans and the ability to customize a policy with coverage upgrades.
  • Coverage details (29%): We review the baseline coverage each company offers in its cheapest comprehensive plan. A provider with robust coverage earns full points, including baggage delay and loss, COVID-19 coverage, emergency evacuation and medical coverage, trip delay and cancellation coverage, and more. Companies also receive points for offering a variety of policy add-ons like accidental death and dismemberment, extreme sports, valuable items, cancel for any reason coverage and more.
  • Coverage times and amounts (34%): We compare each company’s waiting periods and maximum reimbursement amounts for baggage, travel and weather delays. Companies that offer customers reimbursement after fewer than 12 hours of delays earn full points in this category. We also reward travel insurance providers that cover more than 100% of trip costs in the event of cancellations or interruptions.
  • Company service and reviews (17%): We look for indicators that a company is well-prepared to respond to customer needs. Companies with an established global resource network, 24/7 emergency hotline, mobile app, multiple ways to file a claim and concierge services score higher in this category. We assess reputation by evaluating consumer reviews, third-party financial strength and customer experience ratings, specifically from AM Best and the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

For more information, read our full travel insurance methodology.

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If you have feedback or questions about this article, please email the MarketWatch Guides team at editors@marketwatchguides. com .

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The compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear, but it does not influence the recommendations the editorial team provides. Not all companies, products, or offers were reviewed.


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