18 BEST Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram (2024)

Krishna's Butterball, one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram is an ancient port city in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This town is best known for its 7th- and 8th-century Hindu monuments built by the Pallava Dynasty. These are some of India’s most impressive landmarks . There are plenty of amazing places to visit in Mahabalipuram, from the famous Shore Temple to Krishna’s Butterball, which is a pretty unique sight, to say the least.

When I visited Mahabalipuram, I was a bit overwhelmed by how big it was and I also had trouble finding the ticket office and knowing where to head to.

I hope this guide will help you plan your visit to Mahabalipuram so that your visit will be smoother than mine! After all, Mahabalipuram is one of these underrated places that is worth adding to your South India itinerary !

Best Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

As Mahabalipuram is pretty big, and there are quite some things to see here, I put the places to visit here in the right order to make it a little easier for you. These places can easily be visited in 1 day .

Except for #18 on this list, the different sites are within walking distance of one another. You can easily find a rickshaw to take you from one place to another if you don’t feel like walking.

1. Shore Temple

Shore Temple, one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram

As its name predicts, the shore temple is located by the coastline. This temple overlooks the shores of the Bay of Bengal, and it was built in the 7th century AD. At the time, the area was home to a bustling port.

When you look at old maps of Mahabalipuram, you will see that they mention seven temples at this site. It’s believed that the six other ones have been washed away by the sea.

The Shore Temple that’s left consists of three shrines. Two of these were dedicated to Hindu god Shiva, and the third was dedicated to Vishnu.

This is one of the most popular places to visit in Mahabalipuram and it’s magnificent!

Make sure to start your visit to the Mahabalipuram Group of Monuments at the Shore Temple, as this is where you will find the ticket office. It’s not possible to buy an entrance ticket at the entrance of the other monuments, so don’t make the same mistake as I made and head to the Shore Temple first.

2. Shri Dharmaraja Cave Temple

Shri Dharmaraja Cave Temple, Mahabalipuram

The Shri Dharmaraja Cave Temple was carved out of a rock at the beginning of the 7th century and it consists of three small sanctuaries. These are dedicated to Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu, and you will find beautiful carvings inside.

Although this structure is often referred to as a temple, it was never consecrated because it wasn’t completed, so, officially, it’s not a temple.

The back of this monument can be seen from the road on the way to the main group of monuments of Mahabalipuram, which is a 10-minute walk from the Shore Temple. It’s full of beautiful carvings and you can see the lighthouse in the background.

3. Olakkannesvara Temple

Olakkannesvara Temple in Mahabalupuram

This temple is located on top of the Mahishasura Mardini Cave (#5 on this list) and it was dedicated to an incarnation of Shiva, the destruction god in Hinduism.

The Olakkannesvara Temple is also known as “the Old Lighthouse” , as it’s believed that before the construction of the new lighthouse, this temple served as a lighthouse.

You will have to climb up some stairs to reach this temple, and it offers a beautiful view over the new Mahabalipuram Lighthouse (#4 on this list).

4. Mahabalipuram Lighthouse

Mahabalipuram Lighthouse in the south of India, one of the places to visit in Mahabalupuram

Built at the end of the 19th century, the Mahabalipuram Lighthouse is the most modern structure in this complex! It’s located right next to the Old Lighthouse (#3 on this list), and although it was built in 1887, it only became fully functional in 1904.

This 26 m (85 ft) high structure can be seen from afar, and it’s one of the most popular places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

It’s possible to climb the lighthouse’s stairs and reach the viewing platform on top. If you decide to do so, you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the surroundings.

5. Mahishasura Mardini Cave

Interior of Mahishasura Mardini Cave

The Mahishasura Mardini Cave (or Mahishamardini Mandapa)is right under the Olakkannesvara Temple (#3 on this list) and it’s one of the highlights of Mahabalipuram. This is a beautiful example of rock-cut Indian architecture .

Inside the temple, you will find two big carvings. One of the Hindu god Vishnu on a seven-headed snake and another one of the Hindu goddess Durga slaying the demon Mahishasura on her lion. These are beautiful examples of Tamil temple rock art.

6. Krishna Mandapam

Krishna Mandapam

Krishna Mandapam or the Krishna Cave Temple is the largest and oldest rock-cut temple in Mahabalipuram . It dates back to the mid-seventh century.

As its name predicts, this beautiful structure was dedicated to Lord Krishna, the blue god in Hinduism. You will find nine wall carvings depicting scenes from Hindu mythology inside. One of them depicts the story of Krishna lifting the Govardhana Hill with one finger.

I’m still a little annoyed at myself because I missed this place when I was in Mahabalipuram. That’s why I’m not using a picture I took myself. It is a good reason to go back, though.

7. Arjuna’s Penance or Descent of the Ganga River

Arjuna's Penance in Mahabalipuram

Another one of the best tourist places in Mahabalipuram (and another one I missed, unfortunately), is Arjuna’s Penance, which is also known as “Descent of the Ganga River”.

This mid-seventh-century carving is 30 m (98 ft) long and no one is sure which story it depicts, hence its two names.

The first story tells the story of how Arjuna, the son of the god Indra, was extremely rigour to obtain Shiva’s weapon. The second story tells how the sage Bhagiratha was determined to bring the Ganges down to earth and how Lord Shiva had to break her fall.

No matter what story this wall-mounted sculpture tells, make sure not to miss it during your visit to Mahabalipuram!

8. Varaha Cave Temple

Varaha Cave Temple

This rock-cut Hindu temple, which is also known as the Adivaraha Cave , might be small, but it is stunning! You will find this cave right behind Arjuna’s Penance (#7n on this list).

The Varaha Cave Temple is known for its beautiful carvings of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Gajalakshmi, Lord Trivikama and Goddess Durga. However, you will also find carvings of other Hindu deities here as well as sculptures of lions.

9. Ganesha Ratha

Ganesha Ratha

Ganesha Ratha is another beautiful structure that cannot be missed during a visit to Mahabalipuram. This temple was carved out of a rock to resemble a chariot from the 7th century.

It was originally dedicated to Lord Shiva. In the 19th century, however, the Shiva lingam was removed by villagers and this monument became known as “the temple of Lord Ganesh”, the elephant god in Hinduism.

This temple is full of beautiful details including images as well as inscriptions.

Fun fact: The Shiva lingam that was removed from this temple can still be found under a nearby tree.

10. Krishna’s Butterball

Krishna's Butterball

Krishna’s Butterball is quite a unique landmark, to say the least. This enormous boulder looks as if it’s floating and could fall any minute.

Numerous attempts have been made to remove this boulder due to safety concerns, but even with the help of seven elephants, it was impossible to move it .

It’s believed that the rock got its name from a story surrounding Lord Krishna. According to this story, Krishna often stole butter from his mom’s kitchen, and a tour guide said, it was Indira Gandhi who first named this boulder “Krishna’s Butterball” during a visit to Mahabalipuram.

If you’re into photography, it’s good to know that Krishna’s Butterball offers some unique photo opportunities!

11. Trimurti Cave Temple

Trimurti Cave Temple in India, one of the places to visit in Mahabalupuram

This cave temple was dedicated to Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, the “Hindu trinity” or the three most prominent deities in Hinduism.

The Trimurti Cave Temple is divided into three beautifully decorated shrines, which are reachable from the exterior of the temple. Apart from these, you will also find a smaller shrine dedicated to the Hindu goddess Durga here.

Tip: Check out the backside of this temple while you’re there, it’s decorated with carvings of elephants and their cubs, a monkey and a peacock.

12. Dharmaraja’s Throne

Dharmaraja's Throne in Mahabalipuram

Dharmaraja’s Rock-Cut Throne, also known as Lion’s Throne , is one of the lesser-known monuments in Mahabalipuram but it is worth checking out.

This throne is located on top of a 5 m (16 ft) high rock and is believed to have been carved out of a single stone. Apart from this, not much is known about this throne, though.

13. Draupadi’s Bath

Bath of Draupadi

This big “bath” is another one of the lesser-known places to visit in Mahabalipuram, and it’s not so far from the Lion’s Throne (#12 on this list).

Although this rock-cut structure is called “Draupadi’s Bath”, it was used as a cistern and not an actual bath. It’s believed that it was excavated to store water as a drinking source for the workers who excavated the monuments in Mahabalipuram.

14. Five Rathas

Five Rathas, one of the places to visit in Mahabalupuram

The Five Rathas or Pancha Rathas is a 10-minute walk from the entrance of the complex with the previous monuments on this list (#2 to #14).

Here, you will find five stunning temples dating back to the 7th century. Each of these was carved out of large rocks and dedicated to a Hindu god.

The temples are named Dharmaraja Ratha , Bhima Ratha , Arjuna Ratha , Nakula Sahadeva Ratha and Draupadi Ratha . They were named after one or more of the Pandavas, the five legendary brothers of the Mahabharata (a sacred Hindu text), or their common wife, Draupadi.

The word “Ratha” is Sanskrit for “chariot”, and it’s believed that this refers to the temples serving as a vehicle for the gods. It’s believed that the temples were originally architectural models, and that didn’t serve as temples when they were built.

All in all, the Five Rathas is one of the best places to see in Mahabalipuram and one of my favourites too.

15. Sculpture Museum

Mahabalipuram might be most famous for its monuments, but the town’s Sculpture Museum is also worth visiting if you’re interested in art.

The Sculpture Museum boasts a beautiful collection of over 3,000 sculptures of gods and goddesses of Hindu mythology. Apart from that, you will also find plenty of paintings and miniature temples here, and some Buddhist sculptures too.

This museum is close to the Mahabalipuram Lighthouse, which is just a 10-minute walk from the Five Rathas or a 5-minute walk from the Shore Temple.

Tip: If seashells are more of your thing, you can also go to the India Seashell Museum . This museum is just a 5-minute walk from the Five Rathas and it’s home to a unique collection of rare seashells and minerals that were collected from around the world.

16. Mahisasura Rock

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

This rock is located on the beach near the Shore Temple and it has a carving of a lion’s face . The rock was uncovered after the tsunami in 2004, but besides this, not much is known about the place.

Although Mahisasura Rock is right next to the Shore Temple, you will have to take a detour to reach it because there’s a barrier around the temple. That’s why I think it’s more logical to visit this rock when you’re visiting Mahabalipuram Beach (#17 on this list).

17. Mahabalipuram Beach

Mahabalipuram Beach

Besides historical temples and monuments, Mahabalipuram is also famous for its sandy beach. This is the perfect place to take a break and relax.

It’s good to know that you can swim at Mahabalipuram Beach (or Mamallapuram Beach) and that you will find plenty of snacks and restaurants close by. If you’re a lover of seafood, there will be plenty of dishes to choose from.

18. Tiger Cave

Tiger Cave in Mahabalipuram

Located 5 km (3.2 mi) from the Shore Temple, the Tiger Cave is a little further away from all the other monuments on this list. You will easily find an auto-rickshaw that can take you there, though, and walking is an option too.

This rock-cut temple dates back to the 8th century and it got its name from the 11 tiger heads that were sculpted around the entrance. The Tiger Cave served as a place of worship as well as a centre of learning during the Pallava dynasty.

All in all, the Tiger Cave may be a little bit further away from the other monuments of Mahabalipuram, but it is a beautiful place that you cannot miss during a visit to this interesting town.

Map of the Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

Best Time to Visit Mahabalipuram

The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is in the winter months, from December to March .

You will find an overview of the seasons and the weather that you can expect below:

  • Winter (December to March): This is the best time of the year to visit Mahabalipuram. In winter, you can expect temperatures between 19°C and 30°C (66°F and 86°F).
  • Summer (March to June): Summers in the South of India are scorching hot and super humid. At this time of the year, temperatures will be between 25°C and 42°C (77°F and 107°F), but it feels much hotter because of the humidity.
  • Monsoon (July to November): During the monsoon, temperatures in Mahabalipuram range between 26°C and 29°C (79°F and 84°F). July and August are especially humid, and you will experience more rain in this season.

Note that it gets very humid in Mahabalipuram during summer. I was there in May, which is the hottest month of the year and I’ve genuinely never been so hot in my life. It was impossible to walk for over a minute without being drenched due to the humidity. I actually escaped to McLeodGanj , in the Indian Himalayas, soon after because I couldn’t handle the heat anymore.

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

How to Get to Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram is 58 km (37 mi) from Chennai (previously known as Madras), the capital of Tamil Nadu or 94 km (59 mi) from the old French colony Pondicherry .

You can easily reach Mahabalipuram by:

  • Bus: The cheapest way to get to Mahabalipuram is by taking the public bus. There’s no need to book tickets in advance. These buses may not be super comfortable but they’re cheap and efficient.
  • Private car: Mahabalipuram can also be reached by private car. You can either hire a taxi or rent a car yourself . This will be more expensive, though.
  • Tour: If you don’t want to organize things yourself, the easiest way to visit Mahabalipuram is by taking a guided tour. GetYourGuide offers great tours of Mahabalipuram from Chennai .

The streets of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu with a cow and the Lighthouse in the background

Mahabalipuram Ticket Price

The ticket price for the Mahabalipuram Group of Monuments is 600 INR for foreigners and 40 INR for Indian nationals. Children younger than 15 can enter the sites for free.

This ticket can be bought at the Shore Temple and it’s valid for all the monuments in Mahabalipuram.

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India Travel Planning Checklist

🛫 Find the cheapest flights to India on  Skyscanner . 🏨 Find the best accommodation via  Booking  or  Hostelworld . 🛺 Download the  Ola app  to order a rickshaw or a taxi. 🚃 Use  12GoAsia  to book trains and buses in India. 🚗 Rent a car with  Discover Cars  to get the best rates. 💰 Get travel insurance via  VisitorsCoverage , one of the best-reviewed travel insurance companies. 👘 Check out my  complete India packing list for females . 📋 Don’t forget to  check if you need a visa   to visit India.

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Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Laura Meyers

Laura Meyers is the founder of Laure Wanders. She was born in Belgium and has travelled to over 40 countries, many of them solo. She currently spends most of her time between Belgium and South Asia and loves helping other travellers plan their adventures abroad.

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Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

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Tourist Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

Here are some of the best places to visit in mahabalipuram:, shore temple.

Shore Temple

Pancha Rathas

Pancha Rathas

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Descent Of The Ganges

Group Of Monuments At Mahabalipuram

Group Of Monuments At Mahabalipuram

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Krishna's Butterball

Krishna's Butterball

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Mahishasura Rock

Panch Pandav Gufa

Panch Pandav Gufa

Just as the name indicates, Panch Pandav Gufa temple is dedicated to the five Pandava brothers. The cave is set amidst tall mountains and was discovered by the late Baba Narayandas in the year 1949. A plight of steps down takes one towards the cave having such a narrow entrance that one needs to bend about 1/3rd of his height to enter the cave temple.

Inside the temple, one can find shrines dedicated to Mata Hinglaj, Lord Shiva, Sita Ma, Ram-Laxman, Lord Hanuman and Goddess Durga. The calm ambiance of the place and the panoramic views of the city of Somnath that one can enjoy from the temple make it one of the must-visit places to visit in Somnath.

Location : Prabhas Patan, Somnath, Gujarat

Timing : 08.00 AM - 06.00 PM 

Best Time to Visit : November to June

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places to visit in Mahabalipuram

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7 Best Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

Experience the prehistoric Mandapas, sun-kissed beaches, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and drop-dead gorgeous scenic views at Mahabalipuram.


Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram is a quaint town on a strip of land that lies between the Great Salt Lake and the Bay of Bengal. We have all heard fables and legendary stories, with mentions of the town in the Upanishads and novels. The intricately designed pre-historic architecture dating back to the 7th and 8th century, the sculptures, tell the tale of thousands of years. Its ancient temples and the many places to visit in Mahabalipuram attract thousands of footfalls every year.

Visit the best places in Mahabalipuram to uncover the rich history that is portrayed through its prehistoric intricately designed architecture on the walls of the ancient temples and monuments. A perfect place for history buffs, keen art enthusiasts, and people interested in uncovering the rich traditional Tamilian art. If you are planning a trip to Tamil Nadu, Mahabalipuram is the one you should keep on the top of your list.

Table of Contents

Best Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram is bestowed with one of the most significant structures, which portrays the rich history and culture of the land. Here is a curated listicle of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram, which will help you select the best Mahabalipuram tourist places of the lot. 

1. Mahabalipuram Shore Temple – Prehistoric Rock Temple

mamallapuram temple visit is mandatory while here.

Dating back to the 7th Century CE, the mesmerizing Mahabalipuram Shore Temple is one of the oldest temples in Southern India, located on the Coromandel coast of the Bay of Bengal. Constructed by Narasimhavarman, the temple displays the royal taste of the Pallava Dynasty, which is portrayed through its intricate Dravidian architecture. 

The temple complex comprises three shrines, two shrines are dedicated to Lord Shiva, and the oldest and smallest one is to Lord Vishnu. It is seated on a granite boulder, the height of the structural temple is 60 ft and rests on a 50 ft square podium. The temple comprises two smaller temples, gateways, a large temple, open hallways, and many other artifacts, most of which are buried in the sand. Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Mahabalipuram Shore Temple portrays its intricate carvings and the rich history of Mahabalipuram, which makes it one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

Location: J58V+JWW, Beach Rd, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104

Timings: 6 AM to 6 PM

Entrance Fee: Indians:   INR 10

Foreigners:   INR 340 

Still Camera:  INR 25

You can book your perfect Day Trip to Mahabalipuram (Curated Private Sightseeing Experience) here.

2. Mahabalipuram Beach – Tranquil Atmosphere

Located by the shore of the Bay of Bengal, Mahabalipuram Beach is bestowed with a picturesque landscape, bordered by the dazzling blue sea and steep hills. The golden sandy beach stretches for a distance of about 20 km which provides the perfect environment for a relaxing break from city life. The tranquil atmosphere, accompanied by the intricately carved prehistoric rock-cut sculptures along the beach is a treat to the eye. 

Visitors can engage in various water activities like windsurfing, swimming, and other activities, which makes it one of the best Mahabalipuram sightseeing places.The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is during the Mahabalipuram Dance Festival, which commences in December and January, every year. Witness the numerous stellar performances by skilled classical dancers against the mesmerizing backdrop of the endless sea, which is bound to melt your heart. 

Location: Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu.

3. Arjuna’s Penance – Ancient Tamilian Architecture

history of mahabalipuram dates back to the 7th century

Dating back to the 7th Century CE, the  Arjuna’s Penance or Bhagiratha’s Penance is one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram. Located at walking distance from the Mahabalipuram Bus Stand, the Arjuna’s Penance is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that portrays the rich history and architecture of the land.

Renowned as the Descent of the Ganges, the sculptures portray two most significant events in Hindu Mythology, which is one of the hotspots for history buffs, art lovers, and those keen about ancient Tamilian architecture.

The humongous open-air rock relief is one of the biggest rock-cut reliefs in the world, which is 43 feet high and 96 feet wide. Seated on two large pink granite boulders, the structures depict two legendary stories which depict the legendary story of the Ganges descending on Earth while being watched by Gods, Goddesses, and Puranic figures like Apsara, Kinnara, Nagas, Gandharva, and also animals. The ancient rock relief showcases a collection of 146 figures of Gods, goddesses, humans, half-humans, and animals.

Location: J 59V+43J, W Raja St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104 Timings : 6 AM – 6 PM Entrance fee: Indians : INR 10

Foreign Nationals:  INR 250

Videography : INR 25

Book your perfect Day Trip Kanchipuram and Mahabalipuram tour package, to uncover the best Mahabalipuram tourist places here. 

4. Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple – Rock-cut Relic Temple

mahabalipuram is famous for temples

Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple, also known as Yampuri is the torchbearer of the ancient architectural style of the 7th century, which makes it one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram. The temple is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as a part of the Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram. Located atop a hill overlooking the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, the temple offers some of the most mesmerizing views, where the sky meets the endless sea over the horizon.

The main deity of the temple is Mahishasurmardini, an incarnation of Goddess Durga. The temple houses numerous eye-catching architectural features, but the three intricately fabricated sculptures steal the show. The three sculptures comprise Lord Vishu reclining on Sesha naga, the seven-hooded serpent, the main deity of the temple, Goddess Durga sitting on a lion while she slays Mahishasur, and the third one is devoted to Lord Shiva. The walls of the caves portray detailed scenes of the Puranas, which make it one of the best places to see in Mahabalipuram. 

Location: Mada Koil St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

5. Krishna Cave Temple – Remarkable Wall Carvings

Located in the Kancheepuram District on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, The Krishna Cave temple is one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.  Krishna Cave Temple or Krishna Mandapam is classified as a part of the Groups of Monuments at Mahabalipuram and is considered a World Heritage Site, which was inscribed in 1984. As the name suggests, the prehistoric temple is devoted to Lord Krishna, which portrays the numerous intricately designed architecture and carvings on the cave walls. 

Witness the numerous noteworthy carvings on the walls of the cave, which revolve around the legendary stories of Lord Krishna. The main attraction of the temple is the story’s depiction, where Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat with his little finger to save the people and animals from the torrential rain that continued for more than seven days and seven nights. Other carvings include Lord Krishna in a joyous mood with his Gopis or milkmaids, which portrays the other side of Lord Krishna, as divine. 

The mesmerizing carvings on the walls of the temple depict the most realistic interpretations of the legendary stories of Krishna Leela, which revolves around Lord Krishna in Hindu mythology. 

Location: J58V+X2V, W Raja St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104 Timings: 10 am to 5 pm

6. Krishna’s Butterball – Gigantic Granite Boulder

Krishna's butterball is one of the top mahabalipuram places to visit

A stone’s throw from the Five Rathas is Krishna’s Butterball which is a gigantic balancing rock that attracts tourists from around the world. The perfectly balanced positioning of the boulder on the incline has left scientists scratching their heads. The humongous boulder measures 6 meters in height and 5 meters wide and weighs a whopping 250 tonnes. The Krishnas’s Butterball is also renowned as the Stone of the Sky God, by the locals. The optical illusion created depicts the boulder barely resting on the cliff, which makes it one of the best Mahabalipuram tourist places.

Location: E Raja St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104

Timings : 6 am to 6 pm Entrance fee: Indians: INR 40 Foreign Nationals:   INR 600

7. Tiger Caves – Perfect place for History Buffs

Visit the Tiger Cave to uncover the rich history and stunning architecture of the land, which dates back to the 7th Century. As the name suggests, the cave temple derives its name from the 11 tiger head carvings at the entrance of the cave. Located in the hamlet of Saluvankuppam, which is 5 km from Mahabalipuram, is one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.The Tiger Cave is considered one of the Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram by UNESCO and is one of the protected sites by the Archeological Survey of India. 

The stunning structures are an example of stunning architecture that has stood the test of time to tell the tale of thousands of years. The temples are the best place for history buffs and people who have a keen interest in art and architecture.

Location: Mahabalipuram, Pattipulam, Tamil Nadu 603104

Timings: 6 am to 6 pm

Also Read: Why Visit The Pancha Rathas At Mahabalipuram

Visiting the above-mentioned best places in Mahabalipuram allows you to grab a bag full of sweet and happy memories on your way back to your abode. It would be great if we could hear which of the above-mentioned best Mahabalipuram tourist places made it to the top of your list. 

The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is during the winter season, which starts in November and continues until February. The temperatures during the peak season oscillate between 20-28 degrees. The winter season receives a reduced amount of rainfall and pleasant weather, which is perfect for engaging in thrilling outdoor activities and sightseeing.

You need at least 1-2 days to explore the best Mahabalipuram tourist places. And if you wish to add some more neighboring tourist destinations to your list like Pondicherry and Kanchipuram, then it requires additional 1-2 days.

The closest airport to Mahabalipuram is Chennai Airport, which is 61 km apart. Various carriers provide a comfortable commute that caters to both Domestic and International flights. After reaching the airport, you can book from the various cab rental facilities at the airport.  The nearest railhead to Mahabalipuram is Chengalpattu Junction, which is 23 km from the renowned town of Mamallapuram.

Mahabalipuram is famous for its numerous tourist attractions which attract thousands of footfalls every year. Some of the top tourist attractions are Tiger Caves, Mahishasur Mardini Mandapa, Pancha Rathas, Krishna’s Butterball, India Seashell Museum, and Descent of the Ganges, etc to name a few.

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Explore Mahabalipuram: Where History Comes Alive

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Step into history at Mahabalipuram! Marvel at ancient temples, stunning beaches, and rich culture. Start your adventure now!

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The Best 1-Day Mahabalipuram Itinerary And Travel Guide for 2024

Last Updated on May 14, 2024

A trip to Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram) , the treasure trove of UNESCO world heritage sites was long-awaited.

This is the best 1-day Mahabalipuram itinerary , so let's get started!

I will tell you about the best things to do in Mahabalipuram while taking you on a virtual journey through the stories carved in the stones.

For the unintroduced, Mahabalipuram is a small town on the eastern coast of India, in Tamil Nadu . It is famous for being the abode of the group of rock-cut monuments built during the Pallava dynasty of the 7th and 8th centuries.

Intrigued to know more? Save this post as it has everything you need for your Mahabalipuram trip plan .

If you are into history, heritage and beaches, there's no place in the world that combines the three as well as Mahabalipuram does. Check out this compact, yet comprehensive travel guide to Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu, India #incredibleindia

Mahabalipuram – A Historic Background

You can jump to the Mahabalipuram itinerary and travel tips. But you will enjoy your trip more if you have some historic background of the place before visiting this UNESCO heritage site.

These aren't just Mahabalipuram tourist places, they're spots locals enjoy as well.

Everything from the origin of its name to the cause of its ruin, the history of Mahabalipuram remains shrouded in a charming mystery. It was called the land of seven Pagodas.

People believed that there are seven temples on the shore, six of which are submerged under the sea. Till the tragic Tsunami of 2004, the existence of the other six Pagodas was primarily anecdotal.

It’s ironic how one of the greatest tragedies here is also remembered as a landmark day in uncovering the history of Mahabalipuram.

During the Tsunami, when the waves receded it took with it centuries of sediment that covered the temples and revealed a row of rock structures underneath.

There are eyewitnesses who account for this, but they were submerged under the sea again. However, the sand deposits were removed changing the coastline permanently, leaving a few structures uncovered.

Most importantly it confirmed the centuries-old “myth” of the seven Pagodas.

That's me watching the panoramic views of Mahabalipuram from the cave temples.

The Best Mahabalipuram Itinerary At A Glance

Mahabalipuram is located midway between two busy tourist destinations – Chennai and Pondicherry . So it's an attractive daytrip location which can be easily explored by a walking tour.

However, staying one night in Mahabalipuram is worth it. How else would you catch the glorious sunrise at the shore temple or explore the popular tourist spots without the crowd?

Day 1: Mahabalipuram Walking Tour

  • Reach Mahabalipuram early and climb to the lighthouse.
  • Explore the cave temples, Arjuna's penance, Krishna's butterball and lighthouse museum which are all clustered in the same location.
  • Drive to the Seashell Museum
  • Eat at the Sea Rock restaurant. Or head to “The Golden Palate” for vegetarian meal.
  • Visit Pancha Rathas (queue up for tickets)
  • End the day at Mahabalipuram beach
  • Optional- watch sunset from the lighthouse for free

Day 2 at Mahabalipuram

  • Rise early to see the sunrise at Shore Temple (opens at 6 am)
  • Breakfast and check out
  • Shop for handicrafts
  • Then drive to the Crocodile Beach

You can hit all of these places to visit in Mahabalipuram in 1 day but I don't recommend it. If you condense all these in a hectic one day trip, you will miss spending enough time in one of the most beautiful beaches in India .

13 Things to do on a one-day trip to Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram has around 40 monuments from the Pallava dynasty. Each of them is an architectural marvel that would make you awestruck at the creative and engineering genius of an era without advanced machinery like today.

But there’s a lot more to do in Mahabalipuram than temple-hopping. Here are the 13 highlights of Mahabalipuram based on my favorites.

Shore Temple

Shore Temple of Mahabalipuram -  a huge ancient Hindu Temple with intrivate carvings stand in the sea shore of Mahabalipuram with the overcast sky in the background

The Shore Temple is one of the two most significant places to visit in Mahabalipuram. It is believed to be one of the seven legendary Pagodas, the only one which survived the test of time and tide. It’s amazing to see how this edifice built in the 8th century withstood countless calamities and still has the intricate bas-relief intact.

The temple is located such that the first rays of the Sun fall on the presiding deity Shiva.

The temple is open from 6 am to 6 pm for visit. So, if you stay in Mahabalipuram for one night, do not miss the sunrise at shore temple.

The queue to tickets and car parking get long during the afternoon. So, if you are on a day-trip, visit the Shore Temple and Pancha Rathas before anything else.

Entry Fee: Rs. 40 for Indian citizens, Rs. 40 for car parking. The entry fee includes entry to the beach as well.

Pancha Rathas

Pancha Rathas - the five chariots carved in stone on the beachside of Mahabalipuram. This spellbinding beauty is a highlight of Mahabalipuram Trip

If you have ever read about Mahabalipuram, then you must have seen the striking picture of the 5 stone chariots. Unlike the spectacular stone chariot of Hampi, these chariots are monoliths and don’t have visible wheels.

The Pancha Rathas is a tribute to the five Pandava brothers in the ancient epic Mahabharata. It is one of the most celebrated icons of Mahabalipuram.

Apart from the ornate chariots, the monolithic Airavat (elephant) and Nandi (bull) also shine bright. The color of the rocks is identical to the sand beneath which makes it a magical sight.

This place too gets really crowded in the peak hours, so go there as early as possible on your Mahabalipuram excursion.

Entry Fee: Rs. 40 for Indian citizens, Rs. 40 for car parking.

Cave Temple Complex

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram Trip - Mahishasur Mardini Cave Temple

Our first stop at Mahabalipuram was the Mahishasur Mardini cave temple . A walk to the hill-top led us to discover a multitude of finished and unfinished rock-cut temples in the area. I will, therefore, group them into this umbrella – cave temple complex.

It’s easy to navigate inside from one cave temple to another using the signboards inside. Google maps are not of great use in the area. The Krishna Mandapam , Varaha cave and Ramanuja mandapam are some of the other ancient shrines here.

You can experience this marvel and all other temples in this cluster without any entry fee.

Roya Gopuram

This is the stone gate to an ancient unfinished temple of Mahablipuram

Roya Gopuram is located close to the cave temples on your way to the famous Krishna’s butterball. Gopuram in Tamil means Gate. It is an unfinished temple located at the hill-top. The intricately carved gates provide a frame that no photographer can refuse.

If you want a perfect picture of yourself with the frames, good luck to you exploring the rest of the town.

Arjuna’s Penance or Descent of Ganges

This intricate stone carving is called Arjuna's Penance as it depicts an important episode of the Hindu epic Mahabharata

Arjuna’s penance is one of the largest open-air bas-relief architectures in the world . The elaborate sculptures on the pink granite are said to depict an episode of Mahabharata.

There is an equally popular alternate theory of the story being related to another mythical story about the descent of Ganga What grabbed my attention though was the sculpture adjacent to it.

The overt detailing of wildlife including a monkey in the act of picking lice from her kid’s head!

Krishna’s Butterball

Krishna's Butterball

Krishna’s butterball, as funny as it may sound, is a name given to the huge boulder precariously balanced on the rocks apparently defying the law of gravity. There must be some scientific explanation for the same, but I didn’t probe into it.

Sometimes it’s just okay to believe in magic when it hurts no one. The most cliched thing to do here is to pose while trying to push the boulder. So far, no human has been able to do so.

The slippery slope near the boulder used by children as a slide.

Mahabalipuram Lighthouse

Top things to do in Mahabalipuram Trip - Lighthouse

Remember I said you have more to do in Mahabalipuram than temple-hopping? Let’s come to that now.

As you hike to the Mahisasur Mardini Cave, you can see the beautiful lighthouse behind it. It’s the highest observatory at Mahabalipuram from where you can get a 360-degree panoramic view of the town.

Maritime Heritage Museum

Best places to visit in Mahabalipuram Trip - Maritime Museum

In the same complex near the caves, you will find a quaint little museum called the Maritime Heritage Museum. I haven’t visited a maritime museum before, so I really have no reference point.

It's certainly not the best or the biggest of them all, but I loved learning about some maritime history of Mahabalipuram. You will find some model ships of the past, and some old anchors, and artilleries among other things.

Outside the air-conditioned building a small well-maintained garden as well.

Entry fee – Rs. 10, Camera fee – Rs. 20

Crocodile Bank

The crocodile bank is a very unique undertaking to grow three different varieties of Indian crocodile. Crocodile hunting was a common business in the tropics till the mid 20th century, which threatened the ecological balance.

The Ma dras Crocodile Bank , located in Mahabalipuram was intended to be a genetic repository of Indian crocodiles, for breeding and safekeeping, and eventually releasing the crocodiles to the wild.

However, as the wild areas have shrunk, the releasing of crocodiles have been temporarily stopped.

Apart from crocodiles, they work on preservation and research of other reptiles and amphibians including the King Cobra.

If interested, you can also visit the “ Dakshina Chitra Museum ” which is about 10 km away from the Crocodile bank, towards Chennai. You can also enjoy some time in the Kovalam beach nearby.

Mahabalipuram Beach

Mahabalipuram Beach

While talking about the numerous gems of Mahabalipuram it’s easy to forget that it is after-all a beach-town. You can’t visit Mahabalipuram and not head to the golden beaches.

The beach near the shore temple is especially interesting with several ancient relics that appeared after the tsunami. If you want to avoid the tourist crowd you can also visit the quaint fisherman villages near the crocodile bank.

Seashell Museum

The seashell museum of Mahabalipuram is the largest one of its kind in Asia. It displays a myriad of shells, corals, and fossils almost single-handedly collected by Mr. Raja Mohammed.

There are about 40,000 specimens of rare seashells, shark teeth, whale fins, and other fossils, as per their official website.

Pallava Beach

Fishing boats at the Pallava Beach in Mahabalipuram trip

Named after the dynasty that defines the heritage lanscape of Mahabalipuram, Pallava beach is an offbeat destination. It's way less crowded than the Mahabalipuram Beach and offers a serene escapade after an exhausting walking tour.

Stone Souvenir Shopping

Souvenir Shopping at Mahabalipuram

The last thing to mention is something that left a slightly sour taste in my mouth, but for all my fault. It’s hard to not notice the large number of beautiful stone artifacts on sale in the streets of Mahabalipuram.

From tiny tortoise replicas that cost only Rs.30 to the bigger and more intricately sculpted ones, these are souvenirs you must consider taking home.

However, I fell into a tourist trap where some over-persuasive salesman followed me from the temples and took me to his shop to sell things at almost thrice their normal selling price.

I don’t know if it was the extreme humidity or just my celebratory mood shortly after my promotion at the office, I somehow ended up duped. Anyways, my mistakes are your learnings.

Don’t enter shops, rather get them from the vendors on the street selling the exact same things under the scorching heat of the sun.

Where to Stay in Mahabalipuram?

When in Mahabalipuram it's best to stay near the beach.

Radisson Blu Resort Temple Bay Mamallapuram

☑️Top Luxury Resort ☑️Best Location ☑️Wellness

At roughly Rs.13000 per night, this is the best luxury resort and the closest accommodation near the Shore Temple and Mahabalipuram Beach. There are many cafes and restaurants nearby if you want to explore food outside the hotel. See current prices .

Thiru Pavilion Retreat, Mahabalipuram

☑️Pocket-friendly ☑️Great Location

At a pocket-friendly rate of Rs. 1500, this beachside property gives you the best value for money. The rooms are spacious and balcony views are awesome. Click to check current rates .

Golden Sun Beach Resort

☑️Affordable luxury ☑️Great Location

At a pocket-friendly rate of Rs. 5000 per night, this seaside property is located near the Pallava beach. It features swimming pool, wellness center and other luxury amenities at affordable rates. Check availability here .

How to Reach Mahabalipuram?

The easiest way to reach Mahabalipuram is by hiring a cab from Chennai – one of busiest international airports in India. Chennai, Mahabalipuram and Pondicherry are connected by the super-fast ECR highway which makes road trips easy.

Essential Travel Tips for a day trip to Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram Trip - Best things to do

If you are going on a day trip from Pondicherry, I recommend that you start at 9 am.

  • Head straight to the Crocodile Bank if that interests you.
  • Then head to the Shore Temple and Pancha Rathas . These are the most famous heritage sites in Mahabalipuram, so it's good to visit it earlier in the day to avoid long queues in parking and ticket counter.
  • After that, you visit the cave temples, Arjuna's penance, Krishna's butterball and lighthouse which are all clustered in the same location.
  • If time permits you can visit a couple of museums.

While the roads are great, most of the highway is single-lane, so if you are driving try to start your return-journey by 5 pm. Alternatively, you can board a bus from Pondicherry to Chennai taking the ECR highway route, that will stop at the Mahabalipuram bus station.

Mahabalipuram is best explored on foot, and you must be ready for a lot of uphill hikes. Check out our guide to choosing the best travel shoes in India . Most of the temples are not living, so you don't have to open your shoes before entering them.

Travelling from Chennai? I highly recommend the Mahabalipuram and Kanchipuram Private tour

If you are interested in relics of the past such as these, you must also consider a trip to Hampi . It's my favorite UNESCO heritage site of India to travel to.

You can also check out the ideal itinerary for Pondicherry here .

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It’s a interesting read! Thanks for the blog and keep up the good work Sinjana!

Thanks a lot!

I visited Mahabalipuram long back, but after reading this, I think it’s time to go back n relive the old memmories

Your posts always inspires me to travel on weekends and explore the surrounding areas. Mahabalipuram and Pondicherry are two such places that are on my weekend getaway bucket list for a long time now.

Thank you and I’m so glad to know that. Both of them are great weekend desitnations from Bangalore

In 2016 I was here and the place is a gem. I loved its beach side of course I was in a private beach area via a luxury resort but I assume the general beach area would also be this great.

As always, very well explored and documented. Refreshing read and realistic review for the traveler. Good job 🙂

Thank you so much!

Thank you for such a detailed travel guide. The temples of Mahabalipuram have always fascinated it. I also overall like the town that has many idol makers and sculptors. I am pinning this guide for my next visit. Keep up the great work.

Thank you so much Purvi!

Nice article, Thanks for sharing.

Love reading your posts. You introduce me to places in India, I have never heard of before. I’m planning my third trip to India next year and as I will be passing through Chennai, I’m going to add a day trip as you suggested to Mahabalipuram.

Thanks Sarah. Though Chennai itself has some beautiful beaches, this heritage site is just an hour’s drive away.

Another place added to my list for India. Thank you, I hadn’t heard of Mahabalipuram before.

Wow! How have I not heard of here, looks fascinating!Pancha Rathas looks amazing as does it all! Time to return to India, I think!!!

Very detailed and nicely put together

Nice Article…. your Article really give best information for travel lover

You’ve given a detailed account, very fascinating. Street shopping in tourist places is the best.

Breath-taking pictures, Sinjana.

Haven’t been to Mahabalipuram yet, despite being in Bangalore for so long. I can’t wait to explore these gorgeous places. Thanks for this post.

Mahabalipuram is a fabulous place. I wish to go there again when the crowd is less.

I have been planning to visit Mahabalipuram in the month of August and guess what, I come across your post. Bookmarking it to refer to this again later. Thanks for sharing.

Detailed review .thank you

You are welcome. Thanks for your feedback.

Very helpful, look forward to the visit even more next week. Thank you!

very informative and useful post.

Thank you so much

thanks a lot for reading

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Ideal duration: 1-2 days

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Mahabalipuram Tourism

Famous for its intricately carved temples and rock-cut caves, Mamallapuram or Mahabalipuram as it is famously known, is a historically important and well-loved tourist location situated on the Coromandel Coast along the Bay of Bengal, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Once the abode of the famous demon king Mahabali, Mahabalipuram was later renamed Mamallapuram. 

The serenity, the alluring atmosphere and the impressive setting with many beautiful white sandy beaches dotted with casuarina trees are all reasons as to why one would want to visit this wonderful town. Some famous tourist spots include the UNESCO world heritage site Group of Monuments like the Shore Temple and the Five Rathas, the Crocodile Bank which is home to some exquisite species of crocodiles and alligators, and the beach resorts in Kovalam and Sadras.

Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

Shore Temple

Shore Temple

Mahabalipuram Beach

Mahabalipuram Beach

Five Rathas

Five Rathas

Arjuna's Penance

Arjuna's Penance

Tiger Caves

Tiger Caves

Crocodile Bank

Crocodile Bank

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  • 15 Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram In 2024 That Puts This Town On The Map

31 Mar 2023

You must have read fables and tales about Mahabalipuram in Upanishads and novels. A small town on a strip of land between the Bay of Bengal and the Great Salt Lake attracts tourists and pilgrims because of its historical temples and alluring sunsets. These places to visit in Mahabalipuram tell a tale that is thousands of years old. If you happen to be in Tamil Nadu for a vacation, then you should definitely put this place on your bucket list. You will be thankful for every second that you spend here admiring the architecture, art, and culture of the small Tamilian town.

Best Time To Visit Mahabalipuram

Best time to visit Mahabalipuram

Image Source

Located on the beautiful East Coast Road in the state of Tamil Nadu, Mahabalipuram is one of the most stunning destinations to go to during the winter season from October to March. Summers are extremely harsh, and it becomes extremely difficult to go around as well.

The weather gets very humid, and the scorching sun can make one feel exhausted and dehydrated quickly. The temperature during these months can vary anywhere between 22 degrees to 31 degrees.

15 Best Places To Visit Mahabalipuram

There are plenty of tourist attractions in Mahabalipuram that will keep you busy with sightseeing in this city of temples. All of these places are famed for their iconic and brilliant structures. You must definitely add the below listed tourist places in Mahabalipuram to your Tamil Nadu itinerary for a memorable and fun vacation.

  • India Seashell Museum – Witness The Beautiful Sea Elements
  • Shore Temples – Beautifully Located Structures
  • Five Rathas – Significant To A Hindu Epic
  • Krishna’s Butterball – An Intriguing Structure
  • Tiger Caves – Magnet For History Buffs
  • Mahabalipuram Beach – Tranquil Atmosphere
  • Arjuna’s Penance – Best Tamilian Architecture
  • Alamparai Fort – A Significant Historical Site
  • Crocodile Bank – The Predators In Their Habitat
  • Covelong Beach – A Charming Retreat
  • Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple – Rock Cut Relic
  • Krishna Cave Temple – Remarkable Wall Carvings
  • Ganesh Ratha Temple – Finest Example Of 7th Century Architecture
  • Trimurti Cave – The Power Of Three Gods
  • Mamallapuram Lighthouse – Exquisite Views

1. India Seashell Museum – Witness The Beautiful Sea Elements

Best Museum in Mahabalipuram

If you are in Mahabalipuram, India Seashell Museum is one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram Tamil Nadu. This museum houses seashells, conch, and other natural substances obtained from the sea. It also has a beautiful aquarium that has a variety of sea creatures like fishes, starfishes, sharks, etc. It would easily take about an hour or two to go around this place. One can also find a curator who would take you around and give a detailed explanation of the museum.

Timings: 8 am to 8 pm every day Entrance fee for museum plus aquarium: 130 INR/- Location: 191/1A2, Kalpakkam, Road, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104

Must Read: Mahabalipuram In Tamil Nadu: Explore The Unique Culture Of Southern India

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2. Shore Temples – Beautifully Located Structures

Best temple in Mahabalipuram

There is a group of temples in Mahabalipuram that one must certainly go to. A couple of temples are deep inside the water and you can choose to cruise in the ocean and discover those underwater temples. These temples hold great historical significance to the locals here. When the water levels are low, the hidden temples come to the surface.

Since they are located in the Bay of Bengal, it is coined as Shore temples. It belonged to the 8th century AD and was constructed by the Pallava dynasty. These temples are the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

Timings: 6 am to 6 pm Entrance fee for Indians: 10 INR/-, children below 15 years: Free Foreigner entry fee: 340 INR/- Location: Building complex in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

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3. Five Rathas – Significant To A Hindu Epic

Five Rathas

Five Rathas is one of those historical places that one must certainly go to during their visit to Mahabalipuram. The five Rathas link back to the era of the great Indian epic Mahabharata and the five Pandavas and visiting them is one of the best things to do in Mahabalipuram . If one wants to get a true glimpse of Dravidian architecture, then you must take a tour around these Rathas or chariots. The sight of the huge elephant structures can give you a beautiful feel of a bygone era. For all those architecture lovers, this is one must-go-to place.

Timings: 6 am to 6 pm Entrance fee for Indians: 10 INR/- Foreigner entry fee: 250 INR/- Location: Historical landmark in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

Suggested Read: 50 Best Tourist Places In Tamil Nadu Ensuring The Most Awesome Vacay

4. Krishna’s Butterball – An Intriguing Structure

Krishna’s Butterball

A huge rock a little way from the Five Rathas attracts a lot of tourists towards it. The positioning of the rock is quite surprising and has left a lot of scientists to wear their thinking hats. According to the legend, the king Narasimhavarman tried moving this huge boulder but he was unable to.

Hence, the locals believe and call this boulder as the Stone of Sky God. Also, a few people relate this boulder to the butterball that was being snatched by Krishna from his mother, Yashoda.

Timings: 6 am to 6 pm Entrance fee for Indians: 40 INR/- Foreigner entry fee: 600 INR/- Location: E Raja St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104

Suggested Read: 7 Festivals Of Tamil Nadu That’ll Take You Close To The Traditions Of The State!

5. Tiger Caves – Magnet For History Buffs

Tiger Caves

The people love to go to this place because of the architectural structure and also the historical significance it has. The structure is more or less like a mandap. The primary deity of the shrine in the tiger Caves is the goddess Durga. This place is located almost 4 km away from the main city of Mahabalipuram. There are 11 heads of tigers that are picturesquely carved on the walls of the caves. Hence, the place is called Tiger Caves.

Timings: 6 am to 6 pm Location: Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104

Suggested Read: 9 Magnificent Mahabalipuram Resorts For A Blissful Stay In This Ancient City!

6. Mahabalipuram Beach – Tranquil Atmosphere

Mahabalipuram Beach

Image Source Also called Mamallapuram by the locals, the famous Mahabalipuram Beach is located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal and is one of the best tourist places in Mahabalipuram. It features plenty of prominent rock-cut sculptures that are sure to melt your heart! There are stunning caves, massive rathas, chariots, and temples on this beach that attract hundreds of pilgrims, architecture fans, and history geeks to these shores every month, and leaves them beguiled! Other than exploring these unique Mahabalipuram temples and caves, this beach is a great place to relax and spend quality time with your loved ones.

Location: Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu Timings: Open 24X7 Entrance fee: Nil

Suggested Read: Top 7 Hotels In Mahabalipuram For A Luxurious And Comfortable Stay On Your Trip

7. Arjuna’s Penance – Best Tamilian Architecture

Arjuna's Penance in Mahabalipuram

Image Source The Arjuna’s Penance is one of the largest rock-cut reliefs in the whole world and one of the most popular places to visit in Mahabalipuram. Also known as the ‘Descent of the Ganges’ owing to its unique structure that depicts these two eminent and symbolic events in the Hindu mythology, this attraction is a favourite spot of historians, scholars, academics, and tourists who love ancient Tamilian architecture. What makes it one of the greatest temples in India is its 7th century art and the unique form of carving and sculpting that has given it its distinct shape and structure, and also landed it on the list of sites protected by ASI and UNESCO.

Location: Mamallapuram, Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu, India Timings: 6 AM – 6 PM Entrance fee: INR 10 (Indians) | INR 250 (Foreign Nationals) | INR 25 (Videography)

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8. Alamparai Fort – A Significant Historical Site

Alamparai Fort in Mahabalipuram

Image Source Not many are aware of the existence of the Alamparai Fort in Mahabalipuram, since it’s not as famous as other places to see in Mahabalipuram. However, this captivating fort is a very important historical site in this city. It’s essentially a long forgotten trading post that has a striking and rather imposing architecture, and the views from its top are sure to take your breath away! Though it’s not in perfect condition anymore, a walk across this dilapidated yet enthralling fort will make you feel like stepping back in time. Owing to the numerous shrubs, creepers, bushes, and trees here, it is a remarkable example of ancient architecture that has let nature take over and blended perfectly with the surrounding foliage.

Location: Edaikazhinadu, Tamil Nadu 603304 Timings: 8 AM – 6 PM Entrance fee: Nil

Suggested Read: 8 Famous Temples In Kodaikanal For A Divine Getaway To Tamil Nadu

9. Crocodile Bank – The Predators In Their Habitat

Hartley's Crocodile Adventures

Looking for some places to visit in Mahabalipuram next? Don’t forget to visit the exciting Crocodile Bank situated about 14 km from Mahabalipuram main city. Established by herpetologist Romulus Whitaker in 1976, this conservation center holds a diverse species of Indian and African alligators, crocodiles, and even snakes. You’ll be able to spot these ferocious beings out in open pools here that have been made to resemble their natural habitat. The snake farm located right next to this center has a laboratory where antivenom is produced, helping the local snake catcher tribes make a living.

Location: Post Bag No 4, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104 Timings: 9 AM – 5 PM Entrance fee: INR 35

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10. Covelong Beach – A Charming Retreat

A couple strolling on the Kovalam Beach

A popular tourist hub on the coastline of the Bay of Bengal, the famous Covelong Beach is located in the Covelong Village a few miles away from the main city of Mahabalipuram. This charming retreat is one of the best beaches near Chennai for nature lovers, beach bums, and couples who wish to spend quality time on its silver sands, palm trees, and crashing waves. Once entangled in long-drawn political squabbles, this beach has now been transformed into one of most happening picnic spots near Chennai. Another interesting factor that draws people to this village is that it has India’s first Surfing School which makes it one of the top places to see in Mahabalipuram.

Location: Covelong, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Timings: Sunrise to Sunset Entrance fee: Nil

Suggested Read: 23 Picnic Spots In And Around Chennai For An Extravagant Holiday Experience

11. Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple – Rock Cut Relic

Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple

Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple is an epitome of 7th century Indian architecture. This monument is also known as Yampuri and is a rock-cut structure that leaves one in awe because of the aesthetics. One of the beautiful places to visit in Mahabalipuram , Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple adorns carvings of the Hindu mythology. It showcases the Lord Vishnu on his seven hooded serpent and Lord Durga sitting on her lion as she slays the demon Mahishasur. A magnet for Hindu devotees and pilgrims, this structure also have scenes of Puranas depicted on the cave walls. This temple is sitting atop a hill and offers impeccable views of the surroundings.

Location: Mada Koil St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu Timings: NA Entrance fee: Nil

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12. Krishna Cave Temple – Remarkable Wall Carvings

Krishna Cave Temple

Another one of the open-air relic with the architecture dating back to the 7th century. As the name suggests, this temple is decdicate to Lord Krishna and is one of the eye-catching places to visit in Mahabalipuram . The monument found itself to become a part of the Group of Monuments that were taken under the list of UNSECO World Heritage Sites back in the year 1984. It was during the 16th century that the temple was enclosed with the empire of Vijayanagar. The brilliant and remarkable craftsmanship from that Era can be witnessed via the carvings of Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhan Parvat adorning the walls of the cave.

Location: W Raja St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu Timings: 8 am to 6 pm Entrance fee: Nil

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13. Ganesh Ratha Temple – Finest Example Of 7th Century Architecture

Ganesh Ratha Temple

Ganesh Ratha temple is the apex of rock cut Indian architecture that was formed using just one rugged element. One of the fascinating places to see in Mahabalipuram , Ganesh Ratha Temple was also constructed back in the 7th century and is a present day eye candy for the history buffs out there in the country. The temple was built when Mahendravarman I was reigning. This temple is devoted to the God of destruction, Lord Shiva. It is also said that a Shivaling was also placed inside the temple but later it was removed. In the present days, the temple has devoted every nook to Lord Ganesha who is worshipped here. Innumerable Hindu pilgrims do pay a visit to the temple.

Location: Mahabalipuram, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu Timings: 8 am to 6 pm Entrance fee: Nil

Suggested Read: 14 Exciting Things To Do In Mahabalipuram On Your Next Vacay In Tamil Nadu!

14. Trimurti Cave – The Power Of Three Gods

Trimurti Cave

As the name suggests, Trimurti Cave blankets the rock cut formation of the three Gods of the Hindu mythology. These Gods were the creater aka Brahma, god of preservation aka Vishnu, and the god of destruction aka Shiva. The other cave temples that cover the floors of Mahabalipuram have pillared mandaps but this one opens directly to the shrines of three Gods. One of the interesting places to see in Mahabalipuram , Tirumati Cave is also home to the shrine of Goddess Durga on her lion as she slays the demon Mahishasura.

Location: Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu Timings: NA Entrance fee: Nil

15. Mamallapuram Lighthouse – Exquisite Views

Mamallapuram Lighthouse

The lighthouse is one of the must visit places to see in Mahabalipuram . This particular beauty was constructed back in the 20th century. But the lighthouse was only open to the public in the year 2011. The structure of the lighthouse is built using the natural stones. The best part about this lighthouse is that the travelers are given permission to climb up the stoney stairs. Once atop, the panoramic views of the surroundings is a real treat for both eyes and soul of spectators. It is truly an experience that is worth every capture!

Location: Mada Koil St, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu Timings: 9:30 to 5 pm Entrance fee: INR 100

Suggested Read: 12 Honeymoon Places In Tamil Nadu For A Romantic Getaway !

How To Reach

The best way to reach Mahabalipuram is to take a bus from Chennai, and there are several buses that frequently ply to this place. It takes about 2-3 hours to reach Mahabalipuram because of the heavy traffic. Also, one can also choose to book private buses from some of the major cities as there are a lot of services.

The closest railway station to Mahabalipuram is around 22km away, and the place is called Chengalpattu. One can also take a train to Chennai and from there, hire a taxi or even commute through the Tamil Nadu Public transport. The buses are frequently available, and this can be one of the convenient ways too. Chennai railway station is 62 km from Mahabalipuram.

There aren’t any direct flights to Mahabalipuram, and the closest is the Chennai Airport. All the major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and other big cities are well-connected. The distance from the airport to Mahabalipuram is approximately 52 km. From here, one can hire a taxi and reach the temple town of Mahabalipuram.

Further Read: 8 Homestays In Mahabalipuram To Feel At Home On Your Trip To The South!

Exploring these places to visit in Mahabalipuram can be a once in a lifetime experience. Witnessing the beauty of an architectural marvel that has an amazing history is a great thing to do on your vacation in Tamil Nadu . Also, experiencing the lovely sunrise from the mesmeric Bay of Bengal is yet another thing that would be etched in your mind and heart forever.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Mahabalipuram

What are the top attractions to visit in Mahabalipuram?

The following are the top tourist places in Mahabalipuram - India Seashell Museum, Shore Temples, Five Rathas, Krishna’s Butterball, Tiger Caves, Mahabalipuram Beach, Arjuna’s Penance, Alamparai Fort, Crocodile Bank, Covelong Beach, Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple, Krishna Cave Temple, Ganesh Ratha Temple, and Trimurti Cave.

What is famous in Mahabalipuram?

Mahabalipuram is known for its exquisite temples and monuments. The Shore Temple is the most prominent tourist attraction here. It comprises three temples built in one single complex, that was constructed in the 8th century.

Is it safe to visit Mahabalipuram during Covid times?

You need to follow all the mandatory travel guidelines mentioned by the authorities to ensure a safe travel experience. Complete both doses of vaccination before planning your visit and get an RT PCR test done as you may have to produce it at the entry and exit points. Maintain social distancing and remain masked while stepping out. Avoid visiting crowded places and gatherings. Keep sanitizing your hands regularly after touching surfaces.

Which are the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram in 2 days?

India Seashell Museum, Shore Temples, Five Rathas, Krishna’s Butterball, Tiger Caves, Mahabalipuram Beach, Arjuna’s Penance, Alamparai Fort, Crocodile Bank, Covelong Beach, Mahishasura Mardini Cave Temple, Krishna Cave Temple, Ganesh Ratha Temple, Trimurti Cave, etc. are the most popular places in Mahabalipuram to explore on a 2 days trip.

What is the best time to visit Mahabalipuram?

Winters months, especially between October to March are the best months to plan a trip to go to Mahabalipuram. The weather remains pleasant during this time.

Is Chennai close to Mahabalipuram?

Yes, Chennai is at a distance of 62 km from Mahabalipuram. Both the places are well-connected by road and you can take a bus or taxi to reach here.

Are the beaches in Mahabalipuram opened 24 hours?

No, the beaches in Mahabalipuram are not open until late at night. You can visit the beaches during the day.

Is Pondicherry close to Mahabalipuram?

Yes, a trip to Pondicherry would be possible when you go to Mahabalipuram. It is just a 1-hour journey from here.

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14 Amazing Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram (+ Expert Tips On The City!)

Categories Destinations , Asia , India , Mahabalipuram , Tamil Nadu , UNESCO Heritage Sites

14 Amazing Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram (+ Expert Tips On The City!)

There is so much India that lies unexplored. While we were planning our road trip to Pondicherry, I happened to stumble across a small gem called Mahabalipuram. Located on the coast of Tamil Nadu, this little town is known for its 7 th and 8 th century structures that exist till date. The archaeological interests that lie in the city isn’t the only reason to visit.

Since Mahabalipuram lies on the coast of India you can treat yourself to some relaxing time on the white sandy beaches too. One thing became apparent rather quickly.

There are lots of amazing places to visit in Mahabalipuram and you will enjoy visiting each site at your own pace. Assuming you have time that is… We visited the city as part of a road trip from Bangalore to Pondicherry .

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🚗 Looking at ticking off all the different things to do in Mahabalipuram? I recommend booking this Mahabalipuram Self-Guided Audio Tour which lets you tour the area at your own pace. 🚗

Table of Contents

Facts about mahabalipuram.

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Most people haven’t heard of Mahabalipuram. I have to confess that three weeks before our trip, I hadn’t heard of it either. I expected it to be a great place to make a pit stop and enjoy the beach. I had no idea just how many things to see in Mahabalipuram were actually there.

Despite being really sick, the temptation to see each one of them was strong. That’s the main reason why I have started putting together this Mahabalipuram travel guide. B

efore we start talking about all the places to visit in Mahabalipuram, let’s take a look at some facts that could make planning your trip easier.

History of Mahabalipuram

Since Mahabalipuram has so many archeological sites of interest, knowing a bit of the history makes the visit so much more interesting. The town was a sea port as far back as the 1 st century.

The archeological sites however are from the 7 th century and belong to the time of a south Indian dynasty called to the Pallavas. You will find that the history is closely tied to most of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

Climate in Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram has a tropical climate. Expect the weather to be hot and humid since Mahabalipuram occupies a sliver of land that is on the East coast of India. May is hottest season in the year (32 o C) and January is the coldest (24 o C).

It also receives 1219 mm of rainfall every year so be prepared in case you reach there in the monsoons. The best time to visit this town is said to be between October and March.

Currency Used In Mahabalipuram

The currency used in Mahabalipuram is the Indian rupee (INR). Being an Indian I did not have a problem with the currency. I did see only one money exchange shop in the city so I think it would be better to get your currency exchanged at a bigger city.

That being said many places accept a credit card but a number of them ask for cash so it is wise to be prepared.

Food You Have To Try In Mahabalipuram

You can except to get both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food in Mahabalipuram. Most of the food is cheap enough. Seafood tends to be the most expensive thing on the menu. A lot of the restaurants and cafes specialize in breakfast items. Of all the places that we visited, Namaste and Babu’s café were my favorites.

Getting To Mahabalipuram

For us Mahabalipuram was a stop on a short road trip out of Bangalore but if you are heading here without your own vehicle then you should know that the town does not have an airport. The closest main hub is Chennai so if you want to fly anywhere you need to fly there. The city is located at the south of Chennai (58 kilometers south) which makes getting there easy enough.

The cheapest way is to get on one of the local buses in Chennai. Since it is only 58 kilometers, the journey won’t be that long. Bangalore is a lot further away but when I was doing my research I noticed that there were a couple of buses that leave from this city too.

Transport In Mahabalipuram

We found that we could walk to most places in Mahabalipuram. This was largely because we were staying in the heart of the city and very close to the coast. Auto rickshaws are also available but I am not really sure about the prices. Renting a motorbike is another option. My choice however would be to rent a bicycle and cycle through the town.

Accommodation In Mahabalipuram

Accommodation is cheap in Mahabalipuram. Then again it depends on what you are looking for. Shawn and I found ourselves a room at Rajalakshmi Guest house for 600/- ($9) a day. It was a small room with a fan and an attached bathroom but it did the job well and we were happy especially because of its location.

There is a common area with hammocks that you can rest in and network with people. If not sitting in the attached balcony of your room and looking at the potted plants is also very relaxing.

Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

Like I mentioned before, there are a lot of things to see in Mahabalipuram. A number of the archaeological sites are even UNESCO heritage sites. One thing that I loved the most about the little town was the way the monuments were cared for.

There was no litter and trash in most places so I’m assuming that there are people who actually move around making sure that the monuments are kept clean.

1. The Beach

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Relaxing at the beach is something that we always love to do. It is also one of the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram lies on the east coast of India and it has some really beautiful beaches. If you head to the beach early in the morning you can catch the sun rising above the waves. Perch upon one of the docked fishing boats in the evening and let the wind whip through your hair.

If you aren’t interested in the beaches close to the hub of the city, head a little way out and you will find less crowded stretched of white land.

2. The Shore Temple

The shore temple is one of the most famous places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

The shore temple is one of the most famous places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

The Shore temple is located on the beach. If you want to catch a great photograph of the temple then head there for the sunrise. The gates open at 6 am sharp. There is hardly anyone at the temple and you can get some amazing angles without the crowds. It is also a lovely place to sit and enjoy the scenery.

An interesting fact about the Shore temple revolves around the tsunami of 2004. It was at this time that the Shore temple was discovered as a pile of collapsed rocks. The Archeological Survey of India has built a break water wall in order to protect the Shore temple from further damage by the sea.

The Shore temple is one of the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram and it belongs to a group of Monuments that has been declared as UNESCO Heritage sites.

3. Tiger Cave

The tiger cave is another one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

The tiger cave is another one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

The Tiger cave is situated a little away from the main town but I would advise you to put it on your list of places to visit in Mahabalipuram. There isn’t much to see in the area but the park itself is nice and lush green. Trees provide shade while the sea breeze keeps you cool.

Just 100 meters away is a beach which isn’t very touristy. It’s a great place for a picnic if you have the time.

4. Descent Of The Ganges

The Descent into the Ganges is an impressive fresco that you can't help but admire.

The Descent into the Ganges is an impressive fresco that you can’t help but admire.

This particular monument is easily missed if you don’t walk on the outer road of the park that holds most of the UNESCO monuments. It is definitely one of the significant places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

Two huge rocks rise to the sky but it is the carvings etched on their sides that catch a spectator’s eye. The carvings are said to depict the legend of how the Ganges (a sacred river) descended to the Earth.

5. Krishna’s Butterball

Sometimes ancient structures seem to defy the laws of Physics!

Sometimes ancient structures seem to defy the laws of Physics!

Listed as a historical monument by the Archeological survey of India, the Krishna butterball is one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram because it seems to defy the laws of physics. The enormous rock weighs around 250 tons and is 5 meters wide and 6 meters high.

It is balanced on a slope and a spectator can’t help but feel that it will come rolling down at any moment. Well the eyes can deceive you it seems as this rock has been precariously placed for almost (according to legend) 1200 years.

6. Ganesh Ratha

The UNESCO monuments are high on everyone's list of places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

The UNESCO monuments are high on everyone’s list of places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

After gazing at the Krishna butterball, the first temple on your path will be the Ganesh Ratha. Like so many of the other monuments, the Ganesh Ratha is also a part of the UNESCO heritage site and is one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram. This temple is fully complete and is carved out of pink granite rock.

7. The Vartha Cave

Another monument sculpted into rock.

Another monument sculpted into rock.

The Varaha cave is another interesting spot to stop at as you move through the park. The temple is cut into a enormous rock. As usual the carvings on the wall are breathtaking. This particular rock-cave kind of architecture is called a mandapa.

One of the most prominent sculptures that can be seen in the Varaha cave is that of Lord Vishnu. The Varaha cave also belongs to the group of monuments in Mahabalipuram that are declared a UNESCO heritage site.

8. Raya Gopuram

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Incomplete or not, the Raya Gopuram is beautiful and was one of my favourite places to visit in Mahabalipuram .

Gopuram means a gatehouse tower. The Raya Gopuram is thought to be an incomplete Gopuram. The structure itself is beautiful and is my favorite spot in the park because of the view that you get when you reach it. The Raya Gopuram is a great place to sit for a while and enjoy the cool breeze that blows your way.

9. Mandapa Of Krishna

A fresco depicting an ancient legend in Mahabalipuram.

A fresco depicting an ancient legend in Mahabalipuram.

Next on our list of places to visit in Mahabalipuram is the Mandapa of Krishna. This monument too is part of the UNESCO heritage site. The frescos inside are said to depict the scene of the Lord Krishna lifting a hill called Govardhana. He did this to protect the cowherds and the milk maids from heavy floods and rains.

10. Mahishasuramardini Mandapa

It is hard to believe that this spot is easy to miss!

It is hard to believe that this spot is easy to miss!

The Mahishasuramardini Mandapa is an example of a cave temple. It dates back to the 7 th century and was part of the Pallava dynasty. The cave temple is very close to the light house and is situated in a nice shady spot. Above the temple is a short hike to a small stone structure. Shawn climbed up and said the view was awesome.

11. The Lighthouse

The lighthouse provides one of the best views in the city.

The lighthouse provides one of the best views in the city.

The lighthouse in Mahabalipuram stands tall with an awesome view of the sea. For a fee you can climb up and scan the area from the eagles perch. The light house itself is old and dates back to 1907 but seated at its side is the oldest lighthouse in India.

The tiny square shape structure on the left is a lighthouse which was built by the Pallava dynasty way back in 640 AD.

12. Mahishamardini Rock Cut Mandapa

The Mahishamardini Rock cut Mandapa is another one of the great things to see in Mahabalipuram. It is cut into the rock just like most of the other Mandapas in the region. Situated near the lighthouse, the Mahishamardini Mandapa is easy to miss if you aren’t on the lookout for it.

13. Olakaneeswaara Temple

Shawn said that the temple was much prettier up close.

Shawn said that the temple was much prettier up close.

The Olakaneeswaara is probably one of the best preserved temples in the park. Situated on a hill above the Mahishamardini Rock Cut Mandapa, the temple is dedicated to Lord Siva.

Shawn climbed up all the way and said that the view was gorgeous. The photographs that he brought back were certainly proof enough for me.

14. Museums

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Some of the thousands of shells that we saw at the museum.

Mahabalipuram has a number of museums that are worth visiting. Unfortunately because of my illness we couldn’t visit most of them. We however did manage to visit the India Seashell museum.

The other museums of note are the Heritage museum, the Lighthouse museum and the Naval museum. Note that these three museums close at 5 pm and the timings that Google provides are far from correct. We reached too late and sadly couldn’t enter.

Tours To Mahabalipuram

There are loads of things to do in Mahabalipuram but it can get difficult to hit all of them if you are short on time. Taking one of the popular tours is definitely an idea that you should be open to.

Private Tour of Mahabalipuram From Chennai By Car

⭐️ Rating: 5/5 (123 Reviews) Price: $100 per person Duration: 7 hours 📍 Meeting Point: Multiple pickup points Details: Read more on Viator!

One of the closest cities to Mahabalipuram is Chennai and if you have set up your base here you can easily take this Mahabalipuram tour from there. This tour includes includes door-to-door transport, lunch, and all entrance fees.

Oh and the car is airconditioned so it will help you beat the Indian heat.

“Ramesh was an excellent guide. he explained everything well and gave me enough time to slowly look around and take photos. The transport was quick, efficient and on time. The driver, Baskar was very nice and accommodating. It was an excellent experience!” Nandita ( read more reviews now! )

You don’t even have to worry about the language of narration because you will be provided with a guide that speaks English which is great because you can catch all the local stories too!

Mahabalipuram Self-Guided Audio Tour

⭐️ Rating: 4/5 (17 Reviews) Price: $6 per person Duration: 1-6 hours 📍 Meeting Point: Mahabalipuram Details: Read more on Viator!

Another way to enjoy the city is to take a Mahabalipuram self-guided audio tour. That way you can enjoy the city at your own pace. You also get to enjoy all the little stories along the way and you don’t have to worry about any language barriers.

You don’t even need to carry any device. The audio tour can be downloaded on any phone or tablet.

Accessories you should carry

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

No travel guide is complete without advice of the accessories that you should carry. Mahabalipuram is a simple town but you do get most of the basic things required during travel. A few things that you should consider taking along however are:


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When traveling through the tropical parts of India you are bound to find mosquitoes especially when it rains. With the number of mosquito borne diseases becoming more and more rampant, you will find that prevention is better than cure.

Most of the accommodations that you book will provide you some form of mosquito repellent when you are in the room. It is when you are outside that the problems begin to start.

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You never know when the skies are going to open and shower you with their blessings. That being said you don’t want to be trapped in the rain while heading to the different places to visit in Mahabalipuram. I always find that a raincoat or a jacket is a good and practical shield to carry along.

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The rain maybe one part of your worries but make sure that you don’t forget about the heat of the sun. Sunburn is particularly easy if you aren’t used to the hot temperatures that India is bound to throw your way. That is the reason why sunscreen is always a good idea.


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A good camera is important wherever you travel to. Mahabalipuram also has a number of different activities to offer like surfing. While I was quite happy with my DSLR, I can’t help wonder whether a GoPro would be more practical especially where the weight is concerned.

MAHABALIPURAM TRAVEL GUIDE: Experiences You Should Not Miss

We strongly believe that every place that you travel to has something to offer. Something that is best suited to you. Travel is enriched by the experiences that other cultures offer us but we need to be open to learning about them and understanding them. Here are our top picks of the experiences you should consider trying in Mahabalipuram.

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram is a quiet laid back place in South India. It has the best of both worlds: the old and the new. One thing that stands out is that all the things to see in Mahabalipuram are well maintained and kept relatively clean.

The people are genuinely friendly and you will find that most of them speak English so language shouldn’t be much of a barrier either. If you are ever in Tamil Nadu, do not skip this gem off a place.

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

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Saturday 11th of January 2020

I love this architechtual magic, I would love to see it in real life :)

Loved ready about this destination and seeing your photo journey, I felt like I was there.

Sunday 5th of November 2017

I loved seeing your photos on your facebook, so it was great to read the post! My husband has family. In Chennai, and we will be going there in 2018, so this might be something we have to do for a little break from family! Thanks for sharing and giving me some planning tips.

Monday 6th of November 2017

You made my day Susanna. I'm so glad that you will get a chance to visit Chennai. Mahabalipuram is just a short drive away. In fact you could even make a day trip out of it! Do not miss it. It is absolutely amazing!

Saturday 4th of November 2017

I must admit, I haven't heard of this place either! And I was so close to Tamil Nadu the last time I was in the country!~ It looks all kinds of amazing here and I will def try to make it out when I go back to India. Thank you for the detailed post!

I love that you visited without much expectation and fell in love with the city! The photos from Tiger's Cave and Descent into the Ganges really impressed me. Looks like such a fun place to explore - and the beach is a good bonus :-D

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

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nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

  • Mahabalipuram Overview
  • Top 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram
  • 21 Best Mahabalipuram Tour Packages
  • Top Resorts in Mahabalipuram
  • Best Time to Visit Mahabalipuram

How to Reach Mahabalipuram

  • Mahabalipuram Tour Plans
  • Driving Directions to Mahabalipuram

About Mahabalipuram

Country: india | state: tamilnadu, #13 of 25 places to visit in tamilnadu | #48 of 100 places to visit in india, ideal trip duration: full day, base station: chennai (58 kms), nearest city to mahabalipuram: chennai (58 kms), best time to visit mahabalipuram: october to march, peak season: december to february, mahabalipuram weather: maximum: 36.6°c minimum: 19.8°c.

At a distance of 57 km from Chennai, 65 km from Kanchipuram, 96 km from Pondicherry, 420 km from Madurai, and 290 km from Trichy, Mahabalipuram (also called Mamallapuram) is situated in Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu. It is one of the major heritage sites in Tamilnadu , and one of the best places to experience Tamilnadu Tourism . Mahabalipuram is known for its historical monuments, sculptures, scenic beauty, culture, and tradition. Built-in 7th century CE, shore temples are the prominent attractions that can be visited as part of Mahabalipuram tour packages . These temples built largely during the reigns of Narasimha Varman and his successor Rajasimha Varman, showcase the movement from rock-cut architecture to structural buildings. The mandapas and the rathas shaped as temple chariots are made from the granite rock face, while the famed Shore Temple, erected half a century later, is built as a structured temple with huge blocks of rocks following wonderful architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage Site was the second capital of the Pallava kings of Kanchipuram . It is an ancient historic town and was a bustling seaport during Pallava kings in 7th Century AD. According to the legend, it has been named after the demon king Mahabali who was renowned for his generosity. Some maintain that it has been named Mamallapuram after the Pallava King Narasimha Varman I, a great wrestler with the title Mamallan. Mahabalipuram art can be divided into four categories: open air bas-relief, structured temples, man-made caves and rathas (chariot temples). The famous Arjuna's Penance and the Krishna Mandapa adorn massive rocks near the centre of the village. The beautiful Shore Temple towers over the waves, behind a protective breakwater. Sixteen man-made caves in different stages of completion are also seen, scattered through the area. The striking feature is that all the sculptures here are monolithic - giant structures carved from single rocks. Thirukadalmallai temple, Cholamadal Artist's Village, Mahabalipuram Beach, Tiger Cave and Crocodile Bank serve as popular picnic spots for people here. Mahabalipuram can also be visited as part of Pondicherry tour packages . One of the prominent festivals celebrated here is the Mamallapuram Dance Festival, which is organized by the Department of Tourism every year during December - January. As part of the festival, various dance forms are showcased including Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakali and Odissi. The nearest airport to Mahabalipuram is in Chennai, located about 50 km away. The nearest railhead is in Chengalpattu, close to 30 km from Mahabalipuram. It has trains from Chennai, Pondicherry, Kanyakumari, Mumbai, Trivandrum, Kanchi, Tirupati, Ernakulum, Villupuram, Rameshwaram and Jodhpur. Buses arrive here from either Koyembedu (CMBT) or Tiruvanmiyur (in Chennai) and Kanchipuram and Pondicherry . The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is from October to March while the peak season is from November to February. Usually it takes one full day to visit Mahabalipuram.

...read more

Nearest Airport: Chennai - Chennai International Airport (68 Kms)

Direct flights to chennai, nearest train station: chennai central railway station (58 kms), direct trains to chennai, nearest bus station: mahabalipuram bus station (0 kms), direct buses to mahabalipuram, distance chart, distance chart & driving directions to mahabalipuram, top 10 places to visit in mahabalipuram, shore temple.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

#1 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 2 km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station, the Shore Temple is an ancient temple situated on the shore of Bay of Bengal in Mahabalipuram. It is one of the most photographed monuments of heritage in India , and among the must-visit Mahabalipuram tourist places . Shore Temple was built in the 7tcentury CE by Pallavas during the reign of Narasimhavarman. It is one of the oldest temples in South India constructed in the Dravidian style and depicts the royal taste of the Pallava dynasty. It has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the 'Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram'. It is one of the must include places in Mahabalipuram trip . Shore Temple is a structural temple built with blocks of granite. It is so named because it overlooks the Bay of Bengal. The Shore Temple .....

Arjuna's Penance

Arjuna's Penance

#2 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 0.5 Km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station (on Mada Koil Street), Arjuna's Penance or Bhagiratha's Penace is the name of a massive open air bas-relief monolith dating from the 7th century CE. Measuring 96 feet long by 43 feet high, the bas-relief is also known as The Descent of Ganga. It has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of 'Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram'. In one interpretation, a figure in the bas-relief who is standing on one leg is said to be Arjuna performing an austerity Tapas to receive a boon from Shiva as an aid in fighting the Mahabharata war. The bas relief is situated on a rock with a cleft. Figures within the cleft are said to represent the River Ganges and Shiva. This provides the basis for an alternative interpretation, rather than Arjuna, the figure performing austerities is said to be Bhagiratha.

Mandapams / Caves

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

#3 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 0.5 Kms around Mahabalipuram Bus Station, there are 14 rock-cut carves and Mandapams in and around Mamallapuram. Mythological scenes are depicted on these architectures. These caves have been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of 'Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram'. Following three are important Mandapams: 1) Krishna Mandapam - This is the biggest among the Mandapams and is dedicated to Lord Krishna. The sculptures inside this Mandapam beautifully picturize the myth of Lord Krishna during his brave and energetic adulthood. 2) Mahishasuramardhini Mandapam - The battle between goddess Durga and the buffalo headed demon, Mahishasura is beautifully inscribed. 3) Varaha Mandapam - the side walls have large sculptured panels depicting Vishnu as Varaha, the boar, holding up Bhudevi, the earth goddess.

Pancha Rathas

Pancha Rathas

#4 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 1.5 Kms from Mahabalipuram Bus Station, Pancha Rathas (Five Chariots) - five monolithic pyramidal structures named after the Pandavas (Arjuna, Bhima, Yudhishtra, Nakula and Sahadeva) and Draupadi. It has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of 'Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram'. An interesting aspect of the rathas is that, despite their sizes they are not assembled - each of these is carved from one single large piece of stone. The Pancha Rathas shrines were carved during the reign of King Mahendravarman I and his son Narasimhavarman I. Each temple is a monolith, carved whole from a rock outcropping of pink granite.

Mahabalipuram Beach

Mahabalipuram Beach

#5 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 2 km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station, the golden sandy Mamallapuram Beach is a serene beach situated near the Shore Temple in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu. It is identified as the one of the most pristine beaches in Tamilnadu , and among the must-visit places during your Mahabalipuram tour . Lies on the shore of the Bay of Bengal, the Mahabalipuram Beach is a picturesque place bounded by the shimmering sea and rolling hills. The beach stretches for about 20 km and comprises some rock-cut sculptures which are pleasing to the eyes. It is a perfect place to relax and give yourself a break from the hustle-bustle of city life. This is one of the famous Mahabalipuram places to visit for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts as well. This charming beach is one of the perfect places .....

Krishna's Butter Ball

Krishna's Butter Ball

#6 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 0.5 Km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station (on Mada Koil Street), Krishna's Butter Ball is a huge boulder near the Ganesha Ratha. It rests precariously on a narrow rock base. Legend has it that several Pallava Kings attempted to move it, but all the kings and their elephants could not shift the boulder even by an inch.

Ganesha Ratha

Ganesha Ratha

#7 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of nearly 0.5 Km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station, Ganesh Ratha Temple is located towards the north of the Arjuna's Penance. It is a temple carved out from a rock to resemble a chariot and is built in Dravidian style of temple architecture. It was once dedicated to Lord Shiva. But when the original lingam was removed, the temple came to be known as the temple of Lord Ganesh. It has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of 'Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram'.

Sculpture Museum

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

#8 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 1 Km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station (situated in East Raja Street), the Sculpture Museum is famous for its elaborate collection of sculptures and images of god and goddesses of Hindu mythology. There are more than 3,000 sculptures can be found in this museum. All the sculptures bear the historic significance and the tales of the by-gone days. In the display of the museum there are sculptures made of wood, metal, brass and cement. There are creations of ancient artists to the contemporary ones. Not only Hindu mythology but the Buddhists sculptures and images too, exist in the temple town. The monolithic statues, the Rathas (chariots), sculptured relief and their miniature can be seen in the museum. Timings: 10 AM to 5 PM on all days

Tiger Caves

Tiger Caves

#9 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 5 Kms from Mahabalipuram (on Chennai - Mahabalipuram Road), Tiger Caves are situated in a coastal village on the Kovalam Road. This is a magnificent mandapa which contains a shrine dedicated to goddess Durga which has big beautiful figures in front. The deposition here is on the battle of Goddess Durga and Mahishasura. There are number of charges in this Mandapam from that of the Mahishasura Mardini Mandapam. The figure of somaskanda is found in Athiranachanda Mandapa to the south of Tiger care.

Sadras Beach Resort

Sadras Beach Resort

#10 of 19 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

At a distance of 13 kms from Mahabalipuram (towards South) and 68 Kms from Chennai, Sadras is an outstanding beach resort that takes advantage of the beautiful landscape. This is one of the popular tourist places to visit around Chennai. The beaches that surround Mahabalipuram are encompassed by beautiful, green casuarinas groves. The contrast of the vibrant green with the sparkling white beaches is breathtaking, and a sight that numerous tourists want to experience. There is an old ruined Dutch Fort and a Dutch cemetery with finely carved headstones at Sadras as well.

Top 5 Mahabalipuram Packages

Mahabalipuram related packages, mahabalipuram related pages.

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Mahabalipuram Travel Guide

Once a bustling port of Tamil Nadu, the town of Mahabalipuram rose to prominence from 4th to the 9th century, during the heydays of the Pallava Kingdom. Centuries later, today Mahabalipuram with its numerous architectural marvels is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From ancient temples to ruins of age-old shrines, the places to visit in Mahabalipuram will fill you with an absolute sense of pleasure. Also, an archaeologist's delight, this shore town boasts of a large number of ornate stone-carvings made out of uncut rocks. Such structures are sprinkled all over the complex that demands the awe of travellers who flock to the place almost round the year. Mahabalipuram's strategic location along the east coast of India and proximity to major cities of South India, make it an ideal weekend getaway. One of the most prominent places to visit in Mahabalipuram happens to be the Shore Temple. It is a complex full of temples and religious shrines. The Shore Temple is one of the oldest temples in India built out of blocks of granite, dating back to 700-728 CE. Shore Temple symbolises the excellent Pallava architecture and the maritime ambitions of the their rulers. Its small size belies its excellent proportion and the supreme quality of the carvings, many now eroded into vaguely impressionist embellishments.

However, today the shore temple has been ruined to a great extent owing to constant soil and wind erosion. Despite that, the remains that are left, are strikingly beautiful and thus attracts thousands of visitors. Other places to visit in Mahabalipuram include Arjuna's Penance and Krishna's Butterball. Apart from the shore temple, these two happen to be major tourist attraction in the town. Depicted from the epic Mahabharata, the structure is a rock-cut one and considerably huge. Unique in its own way, both the structures are definitely worth admiring. On the other hand, the Varaha Cave temple and the Mahisasuramardini Mandapam are equally admirable for their imposing structures. Apart from the historical sites and structures, Mahabalipuram boasts of other places of interest that includes lighthouses, pristine beaches, temples and even museums. Its possible to survey the best monuments preferably early in the morning near the coast when you can possibly grab the best sights of the ruins. It would seem you are almost inside an open museum. As a beach destination, it goes without saying that Mahabalipuram is definitely one of its kind. In our Mahabalipuram travel guide, we have compiled every detail about the places to visit and things to do in an around the coastal town of Mahabalipuram.

Best Time to Visit Mahabalipuram

Because of its geographical location (along the coast), Mahabalipuram enjoys a humid and tropical climate almost throughout the year. Summers can get scorching hot and humid, thus making it somewhat difficult for the tourists to explore around. Monsoons are humid and the moderate rainfall also makes it somewhat uncomfortable for the tourists. Winters are best time to visit Mahabalipuram as the weather is pleasant with humidity in the air reduced considerably.


Mahabalipuram experiences very hot and humid summers. Average temperature ranges anywhere between 25°C to 37°C. At times, the temperature even crosses 40 making it exceptionally exhausting for travellers to roam around and explore the town. Therefore, very less number of tourists flock to this prominent tourist destination during summer months.


Monsoons in Mahabalipuram span from July to mid-September. Owing to its geographical location, the coastal town experiences somewhat scanty rainfalls with occasional heavy showers. However, humidity level goes up considerably making it quite difficult for the tourists go around the town or even indulge in tourist activities.


Winters are the best time to soak into the beauty of Mahabalipuram. The town enjoys winters from November end to mid-February. Weather during this time is extremely pleasant as temperature ranges from 21°C to 27°C. Humidity in the air is substantially reduced, and travellers can enjoy exploring the town and indulge in a lot of tourist activities as well.

Popular Tourist Attractions & Best Places to Visit in and around Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram is an ideal escapade for all kinds of travellers - be it family vacationers, solo travellers, couples or even backpackers. The ample places to visit and things to do in Mahabalipuram will fill you up with an absolute sense of delight.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

The Shore Temple

One of the most prominent places to visit in Mahabalipuram is the Shore Temple. Since the temple is located right next to the coast of Bay of Bengal, it is termed as the Shore Temple and it is the biggest attraction of the coastal town. The temple complex was built between 700-728 AD under the patronage of Narasimhavarman II of the Pallava Dynasty. The shrine is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Descent of the Ganges

A major part of the frescoes of the monuments of Mahabalipuram, the Descent of the Ganges is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the town. It is one of the largest open-air rock relief in the world. This giant relief is an excellent work of fresco depicting a particular scene from the great Hindu epic The Mahabharata. An entire mythological narrative is depicted in the form of frescos on the walls.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Monuments at Mahabalipuram

Monuments at Mahabalipuram are a group of religious shrines nestled along the Coromandel Coast. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, there are more than 400 monuments at the place. Apart from the temples, the many caves at the Monuments of Mahabalipuram are equally amazing to behold. Admire the temples for their beautifully carved architecture as you lose yourself in the tide of timelessness.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Arjuna's Penance

One of the most prominent reliefs at the archaeological site of Mahabalipuram happens to be the relief-Arjuna's Penance. The bas relief is a must visit while you are on a tour of Mahabalipuram. The relief was carved out of a single stone and stands almost 45 feet tall from the ground. Just above the shrine, Arjuna's figure is carved standing. Arjuna's Penance is a must observe while on a tour of Mahabalipuram's ancient monuments. Read more

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Pancha Rathas

Another major site to behold among the main monuments of Mahabalipuram are the Pancha Rathas, that literally translates as the Five Chariots. These are monolithic rock-cut temples carved out of a single huge rock standing majestically on the southernmost extreme of the monuments complex. The five rathas are dedicated to the five Pandava Brothers and their wife Draupadi. Built in the south Indian style of architecture, these chariots are definitely worth admiring.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

India Seashell Museum

One of its kind in India, Seashell Museum is a popular tourist attraction in Mahabalipuram. Opened for public in 2013, the museum is an initiative of an individual named Raja Mohammed. The museum houses more than 2300 species of shells and nearly 40000 exhibits-all from Mohammed's personal collection. Admire the huge collections of shells and learn more about marine life at the museum. Read more

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Krishna's Butter Ball

Popularly referred to as Krishna's Butter Ball, it is a huge round-shaped boulder standing at an angle of 45 degrees and balancing itself atop a rock. While there's not much to the site aesthetically, thousands of tourists are attracted towards it simply because its highly intriguing. It stands on an approximately 1.2 meter base on a slope and is believed to have been on the same place for nearly 1300 years.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Varaha Cave Temple

A significant part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Group of Monuments, the Varaha Cave Temple is yet another interesting place to visit in Mahabalipuram. The cave temple is one of the finest examples of the Pallava style of Architecture. Varaha - a form of Lord Vishnu is the most important sculpture in the temple, is seen holding on Bhumi, his wife (a form of mother earth) on his trunks.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Krishna Mandpam

Also referred to as the Krishna Cave Temple, the Krishna Mandapam is the largest-cave cut religious shrine among the Group of Monuments in Mahabalipuram. Legends have it that, Lord Krishna saved the common people from Indra's wrath of incessant rains by lifting up the Govardhan mountain. This particular episode from Hindu mythology has been reconstructed in the form of frescos here, which is truly admirable.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Pancha Pandava Cave

Yet another wonderful place to visit in Mahabalipuram's main Group of Monuments is the Pancha Pandava Caves. As the name suggests, the rock-cut cave temple is dedicated to the five Pandava brothers. Despite being unfinished, the cave continues to remain one of the major tourist attractions of Mahabalipuram. One of the unique frescoes in the Group of Monuments in Mahabalipuram, the Pancha Pandava Cave is a must visit in the coastal town.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Mahishasuramardini Cave Temple

Among all the cave temples in the coastal town, the Mahishasuramardini Cave temple is one of the interesting places to visit in Mahabalipuram. Located very near to a lighthouse, the cave temple is dedicated to commemorate the mythological episode where Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasura. The carving symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. This particular carving is considered one of best creations of the Pallava Period.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Ganesh Ratha Temple

Dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the Ganesh Ratha Temple is a major religious shrine in the coastal town and one of the most important places to visit in Mahabalipuram. The chariot is an example of a rock-cut monolith architecture dating back to the Pallava Dynasty. It was constructed during the reign of Mahendravarman I and his son Narasimhavarman. One of the main features of the Temple is the engravings inscribed in Nagari and Granth script. (74)

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Trimurti Cave

The Trimurti Cave is a religious shrine dedicated to the three triumvirate of Hinduism-Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar. This particular cave temple is yet another fine example of Pallava architecture. The temple is different from other temples in a way that it doesn't have pillared mandapas. The right most shrine is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the left one to Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma resides in the middle one.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Tiger Cave Temple

Among the many sculpted wonders of Mahabalipuram happens to be the less-visited Tiger Caves. Dedicated to Lord Subramanya, the temple does end up attracting some enthusiastic and seasoned travellers. Dating back to the 7th and the 8th century, the Tiger Caves are associated with the Pallava Dynasty. It is believed that the Pallava Kings addressed their audience from this point.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

The Wide Beach is definitely a major attraction of Mahabalipuram. Located right next to the Shore Temple, the beach makes for an excellent option to take a stroll and witness either sunrise or sunset. Since the beach is a rocky one, swimming is not a great idea. However, Wide Beach is definitely one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Sri Sthala Sayanaperumal Temple

Sri Sthala Sayanaperumal Temple is a popular religious shrine in Mahabalipuram. Ranked among the 61st of the total 108 Divya Desams, the shrine attracts several devotees round the year. The presiding here is Lord Vishnu who is seen in a sleeping posture with his hands on his chest. One of the common religious shrines in Mahabalipuram, do remember to offer prayers at the Sri Sthala Sayanaperumal Temple.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram Beach

One of the most popular beaches in south India, the water's edge is worth a visit if you happen to be in Mahabalipuram. A sudden stroll on the beach with your significant other in the evening watching the sunset is an experience to remember. Adventure lovers can end up trying activities like diving and surfing at the Mahabalipuram Beach. Read more

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Sculpture Museum

The sculpture museum is yet another major tourist attraction in the coastal town of Mahabalipuram. As the name suggests, the museum is exclusively dedicated to sculptures and houses more than 3000 of them. Most of the sculptures are that of Gods and Goddesses, and these highlight the astounding art of the Gupta Period. Buddhist and Hindu sculptures are also present in the sculpture museum. Read more

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Maritime Heritage Museum

Another major attraction among all the places to visit in Mahabalipuram happens to be the Maritime Heritage Museum. As the name suggests, the museum houses various maritime heritages. These include several ancient ships and first ships that landed on the coast of Mahabalipuram. And these also include the models of the routes that these ships took to reach up to the Indian coast.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Lighthouse Heritage Museum

The Lighthouse Heritage Museum is among the latest additions among the awesome list of places to visit in Mahabalipuram. The museum consists of all kinds of heritage items from the old lighthouses of Mahabalipuram and other items related to the same. If you are interested in exploring something different in this coastal town, then a tour of the Lighthouse Heritage Museum is a must.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Raya Gopuram

The Raya Gopuram happens to be an offbeat attraction in the shore town of Mahabalipuram. It is ideally an unfinished structure now ruins of a temple. Historians opine that the structure belongs to the 16th century and is a latter addition among the monuments of Mahabalipuram. While there's not much to do here but admiring the tall structure with all its intricately woven inscriptions are definitely worth it.

Where to Stay in Mahabalipuram?

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Being a very popular tourist spot of India, there's no dearth of accommodation options in Mahabalipuram. Several accommodation options are available in the town catering to all kinds of tourists. From backpackers to family vacationers to solo travellers to luxury seekers can easily find an accommodation suiting their budget. Whether it's a travellers' hostel near the beach or a family-friendly hotel-you can find all in Mahabalipuram.

How to Reach Mahabalipuram?

Located barely 55 kilometres from Chennai, Mahabalipuram can be accessed from all over the country easily. While Chennai is the nearest airport and also nearest railhead, Mahabalipuram can also be reached from other major cities of south India, such as Madurai, Coimbatore and Pondicherry.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

Chennai International Airport is the nearest airport to Mahabalipuram, roughly 55 kilometres away. Apart from being well-connected with a host of domestic airlines with the rest of the country, Chennai airport is also well-linked internationally. Taxis and buses are easily available from the airport for Mahabalipuram.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

While Chennai happens to be the nearest railhead yet again for Mahabalipuram, the coastal town is also well-connected by train with the rest of the major cities like Madurai, Coimbatore, Thiruvananthapuram and even Kochi. Trains from the above-mentioned cities for Mahabalipuram ply on a regular basis and tickets can be booked easily.

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

If you love long drives, you can also opt for a road trip to Mahabalipuram from a number of cities in south India. Buses from Chennai, Pondicherry, Madurai and Coimbatore ply on a regular basis and can be availed easily.

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Tamil Nadu Tourism- Top Things to Do and See

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Arts & Culture

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Tamil Nadu Travel Information at a Glance

There's an abundance of culture, tradition, art, craft, nature, and wildlife experiences awaiting in Tamil Nadu. Choose from our wide array of Tamil Nadu travel packages and get that incredible holiday experience at this colour palette kind of a destination. We design the finest tour packages keeping your likes and dislikes in mind so that you are guaranteed a holistic travelling experience that too in a budget of your choice.

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  • Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

The temple town of Mahabalipuram, in Tamil Nadu, is famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage Site housing 7th and 8th century monuments, along with sun-kissed beaches and scenic shorelines.


Things To See & Do

Krishnas Butterball

Krishnas Butterball

Massive granite boulder.

Suggested Time

Tiger Cave

Hindu Temple Complex

1 to 2 hours

Pancha Rathas

Pancha Rathas

Temples structured like chariots.

Shore Temple

Shore Temple

Unesco world heritage site.

India Seashell Museum

India Seashell Museum

Unique marine museum.

Crocodile Bank

Crocodile Bank

An exciting adventure with crocodiles.

Descent of the Ganges

Descent of the Ganges

Unleashing the power of nature.

Arjunas Penance

Arjunas Penance

A marvel of indian rock-cut architecture.

Varaha Cave Temple

Varaha Cave Temple

An architectural gem of the pallava dynasty.


A Quaint Fishing Village with Historical Significance

Mamallapuram Lighthouse

Mamallapuram Lighthouse

A historic beacon with breathtaking views.

Sculpture Museum

Sculpture Museum

A treasure trove of ancient indian art.

Trimurti Cave

Trimurti Cave

An ancient rock-cut shrine depicting the hindu trinity.

Ganesh Ratha Temple

Ganesh Ratha Temple

A monolithic wonder dedicated to lord ganesha.

Mahabalipuram Lighthouse

Mahabalipuram Lighthouse

Fully functional lighthouse.

Mahabalipuram Beach

Mahabalipuram Beach

Beautiful golden-sand beach, best time to visit mahabalipuram, perfect winter destination, peak season, moderate season.

  • What To Expect : Pleasant days and cold nights.
  • Things You'll Love : Sightseeing and water sports.


Mamallapuram Dance Festival December/January

Pongal January

Book Your Trip to Mahabalipuram

Travel options to reach mahabalipuram.

Our Recommendations

Flight to Chennai Airport, then Car to Mahabalipuram

Booking Options Starting From

Flight to Bengaluru Airport, then Car to Mahabalipuram

Stay in mahabalipuram.

Recommended Options


Recommended for you.

Average Price

Hotel Mamalla Heritage

Near Trimurti Cave


Marutham village resort, 4 star hotels, coral beach resort.

East Coast Road

Esthell Village Resort

Chariot beach resort, 5 star hotels, kaldan samudhra palace, radisson blu resort temple bay.

East Raja Street

Welcomhotel by ITC Hotels, Kences Palm Beach

Discover by interest.


Best Beach Destinations


Affordable International Destinations


Idyllic Romantic Destinations


Honeymoon destinations


Serene Hill Stations


Perfect Weekend Spots

Best places to visit in mahabalipuram.

Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram is a small town popular for its intricately carved temples and rock-cut caves. It is located on the Coromandel Coast along the Bay of Bengal in Tamilnadu. The place is renowned for the amazing monuments, temples, and historical places to visit in Mahabalipuram .

Top Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

India Seashell museum houses conchs, seashells, and other natural things obtained from the sea. The beautiful aquarium here holds a variety of fishes, sharks, starfishes, etc.

Five Rathas

One of the incredible historical places to visit in Mahabalipuram, The Five Ratha links back to the era of Epic Mahabharata. The Dravidian architecture and huge elephant structures will take you back to the beautiful bygone era.

Krishna’s Butterball

A huge rock known as Krishna’s butterball is among the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram. The positioning of this rock is surprising and left even the scientist awestruck.

Tiger Caves

Travelers admire this place because of its historical significance and architectural structure. The deity of the shrine in tiger caves is Goddess Durga. There are eleven heads of tigers carved on the walls of caves.

Mahabalipuram beach is located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal and is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Mahabalipuram. It features many rock-cut sculptures, stunning caves, temples, etc.

Best Time to visit in Mahabalipuram

Summers begin in March and last till May in Mahabalipuram. During summers the climate is quite hot and temperature ranges between 4 to 21 degrees Celsius.

Monsoon commences in Mahabalipuram in June and lasts till September. These months experience moderate weather here.

November to February is the winter season and the best time to visit Mahabalipuram. The weather is pleasant, nights are cool and the temperature goes low up to 16 degrees Celsius.

Places to visit in Mahabalipuram with family & friends

Arjuna’s penance.

One of the largest rock-cut reliefs in the world, Arjuna’s Penance is also known as Descent of the Ganges. Its unique structure, carving and sculpting, and 7th-century art are worth watching. It is among the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram in 1 day.

Don’t forget to discover the Crocodile bank, one of the unique places to visit in Mahabalipuram. The conservation center houses a diverse species of Indian and African alligators, crocodiles, and snakes. It is one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram in 2 days.

Krishna Cave Temple

This captivating temple is among the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram with family. An open-air relief dedicated to Lord Krishna. Various carvings on the monument describe the story of Lord Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan and playing with milkmaids.

Best Places Mahabalipuram for couples

Covelong beach.

Located on the Bay of Bengal coastline, Covelong beach is a charming retreat for couples. Silver sands, palm trees, crashing waves, and the best of nature make it among the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram for couples where they can spend quality time.

Alamparai Fort

It has striking architecture and the sight from the top of the fort is breathtaking. This fort is a perfect example of ancient architecture.

The circular masonry tower of this lighthouse is constructed of natural stones. Climbing on the stones to reach the top of the lighthouse can be a real treat. From the top, the view is just captivating. It is counted among the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram.

Good Places to visit at Night in Mahabalipuram

Maritime tales.

You can have an exotic drinking experience here on the shores of Mahabalipuram. They serve rare imported spirits including Bourbon, Tennessee, premier beers and wines, etc.

The Wharf 2.0

One of the great places to visit in Mahabalipuram at night. The Wharf 2.0 is an amazing place to sit back and relish your favorite drinks and detectable food with the charming sounds of the waves.

Best places to visit near Mahabalipuram

Mudaliar kuppam.

Mudaliar Kuppam is an emerging backwater destination near Mahabalipuram. Adventure freaks must explore speedboats, motorboats, pedal boats, kayaks, and banana boating here.

Vedanthangal Bird sanctuary

It is one of the oldest water bird sanctuaries in India. The sanctuary is a famous migratory home to over 40000 different bird species from all around the world. Several small lakes here attract the birds offering convenient feeding grounds to them.


Kanchipuram or Knachi is an amazing place to visit near Mahabalipuram. It has a rich history and is among the oldest cities in India. The temples here are best known for their grandeur and great architecture.

There are plenty of places to visit in and around Mahabalipuram, that you should not miss out on. If you ever travel to Tamil Nadu, make sure you consider this city of temples as well. You will be thankful for every second that you spend in Mahabalipuram admiring the art, culture, architecture, and beauty of this town.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about Mahabalipuram

What are some of the best places to stay in mahabalipuram.

Mahabalipuram has a large variety of resorts and stays that you can select from ranging from budget to luxurious stays. Some of the most popular places to stay in Mahabalipuram are Welcomhotel Kences Palm Beach, Intercontinental Chennai Mahabalipuram Resort and Chariot Beach Resort.

What are the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram?

The most loved attractions in Mahabalipuram are Krishna’s Butterball, Tiger Cave and Pancha Rathas.

For which type of travelling is Mahabalipuram a perfect destination?

Mahabalipuram is a perfect destination for Heritage themed holidays.

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Covelong Beach

Chennai to Mahabalipuram Expedition for a Perfect Day Trip

Chennai is one of the biggest, cleanest, and most iconic cities in Southern India that has attracted people for centuries to explore this city. Apart from the exploration of the city itself, the tourists also like to visit nearby sites of cultural significance, historical importance, and natural beauty. This makes Mahabalipuram one of the most visited places around Chennai, where the history, culture, and natural beauty all converge to create an amazing sight for the tourists. It is a world heritage site as listed by UNESCO and there are several places to visit in Mahabalipuram, making it one of the most interesting destinations near Chennai. The distance between Chennai and Mahabalipuram is around 60 kilometers and the entire trip can be managed over a day, however, staying at Mahabalipuram can be an amazing experience too. The road trip from Chennai to Mahabalipuram also provides you plenty of opportunities to explore the nearby magnificent sights including marvelous structures, mythological wonders, and heritage monuments. Let us see the various places that you can visit and see in and around Mahabalipuram that you can cover within a day trip.

8 Best Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

  • Mahabalipuram Seashore Temple
  • DakshinaChitra
  • Arjunar Penance
  • Covelong Beach
  • Pancha Rathas
  • Crocodile Bank
  • Muttukadu Boathouse 
  • Krishna’s Butter Ball 

1. Mahabalipuram Seashore Temple

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

If you are visiting Mahabalipuram, one of the best places to start your adventurous day should be the Shore temple overlooking the Bay of Bengal. This ancient temple on the way to Mahabalipuram is rock-cut and five-storied, dating to the 7th century AD. Built-in Dravidian architecture, the temple faces east and the sun rays directly fall on the Shiva linga, while the temple houses two more shrines dedicated to the Lord Vishnu. 

Things to see or do: Admire the beautiful carvings of Nandi along the temple walls

2. DakshinaChitra

nearest places to visit mahabalipuram

This beautiful exhibit of the local culture, craft, and heritage called DakshinChitra should be your next stop. Established in 1996 by the Madras Craft Foundation, this museum showcases various aspects of culture from various states in South India, such as North Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, etc. You can also attend the various workshops that are conducted here in indigenous arts and crafts including pottery and indigo dying.

Things to see or do: Visit 18 historical houses with cultural exhibits from southern states

3. Arjunar Penance

Arjunar Penance

This amazing depiction of the famous Pandava, Arjuna as he performed penance to Lord Shiva is etched on the boulder here. According to the mythological epic Mahabharata, Arjuna performed the penance to seek the blessing of Lord Shiva in form of the Pashupatastra, a weapon to defeat the Kauravas who had wronged him and his brothers. The boulder also depicts the penance of sages to descend the river goddess Ganges to earth from the heavens by the grace of Lord Shiva.

Things to see or do: Carvings of various Animals such as elephants, and Lord Surya, accompanies by celestial gods

4. Covelong Beach

Covelong Beach

One of the most famous of the Mahabalipuram beaches is Covelong Beach which is 17 km away from the city. Also called Kovalam beach, this place is filled with amazing activities for all tourists. There is also a church, a mosque, and a 17th Century port on the beach.

Things to see or do: Visiting the ancient fort located close to the beach

5. Pancha Rathas

Named after the five Pandavas from the epic Mahabharata, these rock structures resemble chariots or rathas. They also have various sculptures of deities such as Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Goddess Shakti, Harihar, and Skanda. Each chariot is different and unique. There is also a huge elephant which is located amid these chariots. Along with the five Pandavas, their wife Draupadi also has a chariot here.

Things to see or do: Enjoy the ancient chariot temples and the intricate carving works

6. Crocodile Bank

This place is a favorite of the younger generation as you can see around 5000 crocodiles here. Apart from crocodiles, you can also see the snakes here of various species including Pythons. There is also one place where snake venom is extracted for medicinal purposes. The wildlife enthusiasts can see the reptiles up close here which is one of the hidden places in Mahabalipuram.

Things to see or do: Enjoy several indigenous species of reptiles including Mugger and Ghariyal

7. Muttukadu Boathouse 

Muttukadu Boathouse 

What can be more pleasant than a boat ride along the tranquil waters to bring a fitting end to an adventurous day. The Muttukadu backwaters provide you the perfect opportunity to do this at the Muttukadu boathouse. The Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation organizes various types of boats including rowboats, pedal boats, and even motorboats.

Things to see or do: Enjoy different migratory and native species of birds around the lake

8. Krishna’s Butter Ball 

Close to Ganesha Ratha, one of the most beautiful temples in Mahabalipuram is one of the natural wonders called Krishna’s Butter Ball. The unique thing about this huge boulder is that it rests along a slope that seems to defy physics. There is an old legend that despite trying to move it using several elephants, the Pallava kings of the past could not move it even by an inch.

Things to see or do: Visit the marvelous wonder that puzzles even scientists

These places can easily be covered within the day trip from Chennai to Mahabalipuram by spending 45 to 60 minutes at each place. It is recommended to start as early as possible from Chennai to get maximum daylight in Mahabalipuram for sightseeing. The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is during the winters from October to March. If you are planning a trip, do consider taking a self-drive car rental in Chennai from Revv which has cars on rent available on an hourly as well as a daily basis. The Revv cars are immaculately maintained and there will be close to zero chances of finding any maintenance issues. Just download the Revv App or visit the Revv Website to get started with having the perfect ride for your Chennai to Mahabalipuram trip.

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  1. 18 Best Tourist Places to Visit Near Mahabalipuram 2024

    Here is the list of 18 Places to Visit Near Mahabalipuram | Tourist Places Near Mahabalipuram. 1. Crocodile Bank, Mahabalipuram. The Crocodile Bank is located 14 kilometers from Mahabalipuram. It was established by herpetologist Romulus Whitaker in 1976. It holds a varied species of Indian and African alligators and crocodiles.

  2. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram. Explore popular experiences. See what other travellers like to do, based on ratings and number of bookings. See All. Private Sightseeing Tours (70) Full-day Tours (30) Caverns & Caves (3) Day Trips (28) Cultural Tours (56) Ancient Ruins (5) Half-day Tours (7)

  3. 18 BEST Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram (2024)

    Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram is an ancient port city in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This town is best known for its 7th- and 8th-century Hindu monuments built by the Pallava Dynasty. These are some of India's most impressive landmarks.There are plenty of amazing places to visit in Mahabalipuram, from the famous Shore Temple to Krishna's Butterball, which is a pretty unique sight, to ...

  4. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Mahabalipuram

    3. Monuments at Mahabalipuram. UNESCO World Heritage site with ancient rock-cut temples and striking monolithic structures, known for intricate stone carvings and a tranquil seaside ambiance. 4. Pancha Rathas. Monuments carved from single rocks to resemble chariots, set in a UNESCO World Heritage site.

  5. Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

    2. Mahabalipuram Beach. Top Attraction 3.7 /5. 2 km. from city center 2 out of 23. Places To Visit in Mahabalipuram. Also known as Mamallapuram by locals, Mahabalipuram Beach is 58 km from Chennai city in Tamil Nadu. The beach lies on the shore of the Bay of Bengal and comprises some rock-cut sculptures. The scintillating beach has golden sand ...

  6. 30 Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram & Top Tourist Places

    Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram: Find best tourist places in Mahabalipuram, attractions, sightseeing tours, & traveler reviews for a perfect holiday. ... 20 Places to Visit near Pondicherry: 2024 (Updated with Distance) 25 Clubs in Chennai: 2024 Updated. Popular Reads.

  7. 10 Must-See Tourist Attractions in and Around Mahabalipuram

    8. Tiger Cave. Tiger Cave is a rock-cut temple 4 km north of Mahabalipuram along the coast of the Bay of Bengal. This temple, like Shore Temple, is also not a place of worship. It is, however, a favorite picnic spot and a great place to hang out with plenty of shade provided by trees.

  8. 7 Best Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram

    5. Krishna Cave Temple - Remarkable Wall Carvings. Located in the Kancheepuram District on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, The Krishna Cave temple is one of the best places to visit in Mahabalipuram. Krishna Cave Temple or Krishna Mandapam is classified as a part of the Groups of Monuments at Mahabalipuram and is considered a World ...

  9. 12 Best Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

    Undoubtedly one of the top tourist places to visit in Mahabalipuram, Ganesh Ratha Temple is situated north of Arjuna's Penance, about 0.5 km from Mahabalipuram Bus Station. ... The nearest airport to Mahabalipuram is Chennai and Chengalpattu Railway Junction is the nearest railhead, 23 kilometres away.

  10. The Best 1-Day Mahabalipuram Itinerary And Travel Guide For 2024

    When in Mahabalipuram it's best to stay near the beach. Top Pick 1. Radisson Blu Resort Temple Bay Mamallapuram. ☑️Top Luxury Resort ☑️Best Location ☑️Wellness. At roughly Rs.13000 per night, this is the best luxury resort and the closest accommodation near the Shore Temple and Mahabalipuram Beach.

  11. Mahabalipuram Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    from ₹3,850 per adult. Mahabalipuram Private tour from Chennai by car with guide and lunch by Wonder. 67. from ₹8,471 per adult. Mahabalipuram & Pondicherry trip from Chennai by Wonder tours. 11. from ₹17,027 per adult. Private Tour to Kanchipuram and Mahabalipuram with Pick Up. 3.

  12. 19 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

    At a distance of 14 km from Mahabalipuram, Thirukkalukundram or Tirukalukundram is a temple town situated near Mahabalipuram. It is one of the popular places to visit near Chennai, and among the must-visit places as part of Mahabalipuram packages. Thirukkalukundram is famous for the Vedagiriswarar temple, a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.

  13. Mahabalipuram Tourism (2024)

    Get travel guides and plan your trip to Mahabalipuram with tour packages, places to visit, sightseeing, hotels, and reviews by other travellers. Explore . Countries Singapore UAE Oman Thailand Nepal Vietnam Seychelles Mauritius India. Packages. ... The top places near to Mahabalipuram are Pondicherry which is 89 km from Mahabalipuram, Chennai ...

  14. 15 Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram You Cannot Miss In 2023

    Mamallapuram Lighthouse - Exquisite Views. 1. India Seashell Museum - Witness The Beautiful Sea Elements. Image Source. If you are in Mahabalipuram, India Seashell Museum is one of the places to visit in Mahabalipuram Tamil Nadu. This museum houses seashells, conch, and other natural substances obtained from the sea.

  15. 14 Amazing Places To Visit In Mahabalipuram (+ Expert Tips ...

    The Archeological Survey of India has built a break water wall in order to protect the Shore temple from further damage by the sea. The Shore temple is one of the top places to visit in Mahabalipuram and it belongs to a group of Monuments that has been declared as UNESCO Heritage sites. 3. Tiger Cave.

  16. Mahabalipuram (Mamallapuram) Tourism

    Explore Mahabalipuram (Tamilnadu) - travel guide with tourist places to visit in Mamallapuram, shore temple History, UNESCO sites, timings, beach details & trip duration. It is an ancient historic town & seaport during the rule of Pallava kings. ... The nearest airport to Mahabalipuram is in Chennai, located about 50 km away. The nearest ...

  17. Mahabalipuram Tourism- Best Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

    Among all the cave temples in the coastal town, the Mahishasuramardini Cave temple is one of the interesting places to visit in Mahabalipuram. Located very near to a lighthouse, the cave temple is dedicated to commemorate the mythological episode where Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasura. The carving symbolizes the triumph of good over evil.

  18. Places to Visit in Mahabalipuram

    One of the great places to visit in Mahabalipuram at night. The Wharf 2.0 is an amazing place to sit back and relish your favorite drinks and detectable food with the charming sounds of the waves. Best places to visit near Mahabalipuram Mudaliar Kuppam. Mudaliar Kuppam is an emerging backwater destination near Mahabalipuram.

  19. 8 Best places to visit near Mahabalipuram

    Arjunar Penance. Covelong Beach. Pancha Rathas. Crocodile Bank. Muttukadu Boathouse. Krishna's Butter Ball. 1. Mahabalipuram Seashore Temple. If you are visiting Mahabalipuram, one of the best places to start your adventurous day should be the Shore temple overlooking the Bay of Bengal.

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow.Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ; 152,463 ; 135,000; 123,000; 97,000 ...

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    9. SmokyGrove. 10. Gandikap. 11. Papa Lounge Bar. 12. Karaoke Bar. Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 803 traveler reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions.

  23. 10 BEST Places to Visit in Elektrostal

    Hotels near Electrostal History and Art Museum Hotels near Park of Culture and Leisure Hotels near Statue of Lenin Hotels near Museum and Exhibition Center Hotels ...