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6 Steps to Becoming a Confident Presenter and Tour Leader

A professional woman.

If 'public speaking' and 'confident presenter' happen to be terms that make you slightly uneasy, or even bring you out in a cold sweat, take a deep breath. You're not alone, but the good news is that exceptional public speaking skills can, indeed, be learned and refined.

At Gateway Travel, we wholly understand the significance of excellent leadership communication tips in sculpting an extraordinary tour leader. With that in mind, we've designed this guide to not only strengthen your existing skills but also to explore new ways of enhancing speaking skills. Let's unravel the six steps to becoming a confident presenter and tour leader.

1. Know Your Audience

The first step to becoming a confident presenter is understanding your listeners. By tailoring your message to the interests, needs, and expectations of your clientele, you're more likely to capture their attention and hold their interest. When planning your tour, take a moment to consider who your audience will be. Research and be well versed with their demographics, preferences, and potential queries. The more you know your audience, the greater your ability to connect with them on a profound level.

2. Master Your Content

As a tour leader, you’re not just a guide but also a storyteller. The depth of knowledge you have about your tour location, the sites you'd be visiting, and the stories behind them substantially contribute to your credibility and authority. Strive to answer every possible question before it's even asked. However, don’t just regurgitate facts. Breathe life into the information, paint vivid pictures with words that transport your audience to another time or place! Public speaking mastery lies in making your content engaging.

3. Project Confidence

Even the most knowledgeable experts can fall short if they can't effectively communicate their thoughts. But with the right tour leader guidance, you can project a degree of confidence that captures your audience's attention and earns their trust. Practice a commanding yet friendly tone, maintain eye contact, use open body language, and most importantly, believe in yourself. Remember, confidence comes with practice, preparation, and positive thinking.

4. Interact with Your Audience

Interaction is a crucial element of public speaking. The monotonous speech routine can bore your audience. Engage your listeners in dialogue, ask open-ended questions, and encourage them to share their thoughts or experiences. Making your travelers an integral part of your narrative can foster a sense of community and make your tour more enjoyable and memorable.

5. Narrate, Don’t Recite

The key to enhancing speaking skills is to appreciate the power of a well-narrated story. As a tour leader, your task extends beyond spouting off facts. Your responsibility is to bring the facts to life, to weave them into exciting and intriguing narratives that can captivate and transport your audience. Infuse your speech with passion, energy, and enthusiasm to provide your travelers a truly immersive experience. Remember, nobody wants to hear a monotone recital of memorized lines.

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6. Be Ready for Feedback and Continual Learning

The road to becoming a confident presenter and a stellar tour leader is a journey, not a destination. Approach every tour, every speech as a learning opportunity. Be open to feedback, and embrace it as a way to learn, grow, and strengthen your public speaking skills.

Use these leadership communication tips as stepping stones on your path to public speaking mastery. Becoming a confident presenter doesn't happen overnight. It requires practice, patience, commitment, and an unflinching resolve to become better with each passing day.

So, whether you're an established travel agent or someone contemplating a career in this vibrant industry, remember that every tour, every presentation is an opportunity to grow closer to becoming the charismatic, confident presenter and tour leader you aspire to be. And remember, at Gateway Travel, we're with you every step of the way.

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Mastering the Art of Script Writing for Tour Guiding

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As a tour guide, you have the power to bring a destination to life and create lasting memories for your audience. And one of the key tools in your arsenal is a well-written script. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of script writing for tour guiding and how it can elevate your tours to the next level. We will delve into the role of a tour guide, the importance of a well-crafted script, and the impact it has on the overall tour experience. So, whether you are a seasoned tour guide looking to brush up on your skills or a beginner just starting out, this blog is for you.

Researching and Gathering Information:

As a tour guide, it is your responsibility to provide your guests with an informative and engaging experience. This requires thorough research and gathering of information about the destination you will be showcasing.

Conducting thorough research on a destination is crucial in order to provide accurate and up-to-date information to your guests. It also helps you to create a well-rounded and comprehensive tour that covers all the important aspects of the destination. Start by identifying the key attractions, historical sites, and cultural landmarks of the destination. This will give you a framework to work with and ensure that you do not miss any important information. Utilizing different sources for information is essential in order to get a well-rounded understanding of the destination. While guidebooks and online resources are a good starting point, it is important to also explore other sources such as local newspapers, magazines, and blogs. These sources can provide you with insider knowledge and hidden gems that may not be mentioned in mainstream guidebooks. Interviewing locals and experts is another valuable way to gather insider knowledge about the destination. Locals can provide you with personal anecdotes and insights that cannot be found in any book. Experts, such as historians and cultural experts, can provide you with a deeper understanding of the destination’s history and culture. When conducting interviews, it is important to be respectful and ask open-ended questions to encourage the interviewee to share their knowledge and experiences. It is also important to keep in mind that the information you gather may not always be completely accurate. It is your responsibility to fact-check and verify the information from multiple sources to ensure its credibility. This will also help you to avoid any misinformation or outdated information. In addition to gathering information, it is also important to understand the cultural and social norms of the destination. This will help you to avoid any cultural faux pas and ensure that your tour is respectful and inclusive of all guests. Incorporating local language and phrases into your script can also add a personal touch and make the tour more immersive for your guests. This can be achieved through your interactions with locals and through your research on the destination’s language and dialects.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative:

As a tour guide, your main goal is to provide an unforgettable experience for your guests. One of the key elements in achieving this is by crafting a compelling narrative through your script. A well-written script can make all the difference in engaging and captivating your audience, and incorporating historical and cultural context can add depth and authenticity to your tour.

Elements of a Good Story:

Every great tour has a great story at its core. A good story has the power to transport your audience to another time and place, and create an emotional connection with the destination. To craft a compelling narrative, your story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should also have a central theme or message that ties everything together.

Techniques for Engaging and Captivating an Audience:

One of the most important techniques for engaging and captivating an audience is by using descriptive language. Paint a vivid picture with your words, and use sensory details to bring the destination to life. Another effective technique is by incorporating humor and personal anecdotes into your script. This will not only keep your audience entertained, but also make them feel more connected to you as a guide.

Incorporating Historical and Cultural Context into the Script:

Incorporating historical and cultural context into your script is crucial for providing a well-rounded and informative tour experience. This can be done by researching the destination thoroughly and including interesting facts and stories about its history and culture. It’s also important to consider the perspectives of different cultures and present them in a respectful and accurate manner.

Utilizing Visual Aids:

Visual aids can greatly enhance the tour experience and help your audience better understand the destination. Choose visuals that are relevant to your story and use them strategically throughout your tour. This can include photos, maps, videos, and other interactive elements. Just be sure not to rely too heavily on visual aids and remember to still engage with your audience through your words.

Practicing and Refining the Script:

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. It’s important to rehearse and refine your script before each tour. This will not only help you remember your lines, but also give you the opportunity to make any necessary revisions. Seeking feedback from colleagues or even your audience can also help improve your script and delivery.

Dealing with Challenges:

No matter how well-prepared you are, unexpected challenges may arise during a tour. This could be anything from bad weather to a disruptive guest. As a tour guide, it’s important to stay calm and adapt your script accordingly. This could mean changing the route or adjusting the content to suit the audience. Remember to always remain professional and keep the tour engaging and interactive.

Role of visuals in enhancing the tour experience:

Visual aids can help bring your stories to life and make them more engaging and memorable for your audience. They provide a visual representation of the information you are sharing, making it easier for your guests to understand and retain the information. This is especially important for tours that involve historical or cultural information, as visuals can provide a better context and help guests visualize the past. In addition, visuals can also help break the monotony of a long tour and keep your guests interested and engaged. This is especially useful for tours that involve a lot of walking or traveling, as it gives guests something to look at and focus on while they are on the move.

Choosing the right visuals for different types of tours:

The type of visuals you use will depend on the type of tour you are conducting. For example, if you are leading a nature or wildlife tour, using photographs or videos of the flora and fauna in the area would be more appropriate. On the other hand, for a historical tour, you can use maps, illustrations, or photographs of the historical sites you are discussing. It is important to choose visuals that are relevant to the information you are sharing and are of good quality. Low-quality visuals can be distracting and take away from the overall experience. If you are using photographs, make sure they are clear and well-lit. If you are using videos, ensure they are of high resolution and have good audio quality.

Script Examples for Tour Guiding

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We welcome you to the very heart of this gorgeous city! Hello! My name’s John Your friendly guide throughout the entire day. I’m here to help make your trip as interesting, informative and unforgettable as is possible.

When we embark on our journey Let’s take some time to take in the vast weaving of history, culture and the beauty that makes the place we’re visiting so special.

The first stop on our tour is the stunning”[Insert Name of Landmark],” the place where both history and design blend together seamlessly. It was built in the year [year], this iconic building is a testimony to the rich history of [City’s Name]. When you walk through its halls of grandeur be sure to look at the exquisite details in the walls. Each telling a tale that is unique to it.

After that, we’ll travel toward the lively [Insert Name] Then, we’ll head to the vibrant [Insert Market Name]. It is known for its lively energy, the market has an assortment of products from local vendors including hand-crafted items and mouth-watering street food delight for the entire senses!

The journey takes our group to the peaceful natural site of [Insert Park (or Natural Site NameThis is known as the [Insert Name of Natural Site or Park]. Within the hustle and bustle of city life the park is the tranquility of a retreat. Make sure you take photographs of the amazing panoramas that it provides.

Through our journey I would like to encourage everyone to inquire about your questions, engage with people from the area, and fully immerse yourself in the amazing experience that the city of [City’s Name] can offer. Keep in mind that travel isn’t only about exploring new destinations but also experiencing different flavors, cultures and views.

When we go on our journeys with each other, we must respect the customs and values of our city and leave just footprints, and only take photographs.

We thank you for allowing us to serve to be your guide into the city’s heart. [City’s Name]. Relax, sit back and let’s build memorable memories throughout this incredible trip!

All the best to everyone,

Enjoy this thrilling adventure through breathtaking scenery as well as the captivating tales of our city that we adore. I’m John Your reliable tour guide and your travel companion for this journey.

While we set off on this adventure, let’s take in the beauty and vitality that’s essential to our location.

The first place we visit is the breathtaking [Insert Landmark’s Name], which is a gem that crowns this town. It was built in the year [yearit was completed in the year [Year], its beauty and architectural splendor is a testament to the city’s rich history. When we stroll through its streets, let every stone tell tales from the past.

We’ll then make through the bustling “Insert Name of Market The next step is to visit the bustling [Insert Market Name here]. The market in the city is its center of activity, with a pulsating rhythm and vibrant colors. There’s an abundance of treasures from the local area, tasty food, and cheerful people. Do not be afraid to bargain at times, it’s an element of fun!

Then we’ll retreat in the calm embrace of the [Insert Park or Nature Site Name the name of a park or natural site. The city’s tall buildings are a distant memory the natural oasis offers an oasis of tranquility. Make sure you take some time to take in the stunning views that it provides.

Through our travels I would like to encourage that you share your thoughts as well as ask questions and completely immerse yourself in the journey. It’s as much about people and the culture and traditions as destinations.

Happy day fellow adventurers,

We’re excited to share our journey across the breathtaking views and rich past of this fascinating city. This is my guide today We’ll discover the many stories that make the city so special.

The journey starts at the iconic [insert landmark’s name]. The Landmark’s Name. The architectural wonder, constructed in the year [year], is an emblem of the city’s strength and creativity. When we wander its magnificent halls, each part tells an era that has passed.

We’ll then dive right deep into the center of the city, which is the bustling [Insert Name of Market. It’s a sensory blast of sights, sounds and smells. From hand-crafted crafts to tempting local food, it gives you an insight into the life of our town. Meet the sellers their stories are equally as vibrant as the products they sell!

There, we’ll be able to be able to relax in the peaceful surrounding of the [Insert Park Name or Natural Site Name]. The tranquility of this oasis in bustle of the city is the perfect setting for reflection. Make sure to record beautiful views through your camera and within your minds.

While we travel throughout the city, you are at ease to ask questions, talk about your experiences as you immerse yourself into the culture of the city. Keep in mind that travel involves a collection of experiences not only photographs.

Respecting the city’s heritage as well as the natural environment is essential to the journey we are on. Make sure we don’t leave a footprint behind and preserve its beauty for the next visitors.

We thank you for choosing our company to help you navigate the city’s heart. [City’s Name]. Relax and keep your eyes open and let’s create this adventure a treasure-trove of memories that will last forever!

Hello, esteemed explorers,

Welcome to all in our first foray to the intriguing places and intriguing the history of this fascinating city. Your guide for the day I am able to promise you a rewarding adventure filled with exciting explorations.

The first place we’ll visit today is the legendary [Insert Market Name]. The architectural marvel, built in the year [Year], serves as a resounding representation of our city’s imaginative energy and historic depth. While we wander through its magnificent areas, every corner holds an interesting story to tell and a part of the past to tell.

We’ll then dive into the bustling chaotic city’s center The [Market Name]. The market’s bustling activity is an explosion of colors scents, sounds, and colors. There are a variety of traditional crafts, exotic food and friendly smiles. Get to know the locals. their stories add layers to the story of the city.

After that, we’ll move on towards the serene ambiance of the [Insert Park or [Nature Site Name] Then, we’ll move to the tranquility of [Insert Park or Natural. With the bustle of city life it’s a tranquil oasis that is a welcome respite. Be sure to take in the magnificent views that unfold.

Throughout the trip don’t be afraid to inquire, offer experiences, or immerse yourself within the local culture. It’s all about learning. involves absorbing new perspectives and new perspectives.

While we discover the charm of our city we must remember to cherish the city’s traditions and preserve the natural beauty of its surroundings. Leave only footprints and cherish the precious memories.

Thank you for trusting us to guide you through [Name of the City]. Get ready to be overwhelmed and let’s create a collection of unforgettable memories together!

Welcome to all on our journey through the captivating places and intriguing the history of this fascinating city. As your tour guide today I am able to promise you a rewarding trip filled with wonderful experiences.

The first place we’ll visit today is the famous [Insert Landmark’s Name]. This magnificent structure, which was built in the year of [Year], is regarded as a enduring representation of our city’s artistic spirit as well as its historical profundity. When we walk through its vast spaces, each one has an interesting story to tell, a bit of history that we can share.

We’ll then dive into the bustling urban chaos market, which is the market. [Market Name]. The market’s bustling activity is an awe-inspiring display of scents, colors, and sound. The market is filled with regional crafts, exotic cuisines and friendly smiles. Meet the people who live there, their stories add layers to the story of the city.

After that, we’ll move on into the tranquility of the [Insert Park or Natural Site Name] Then, we’ll move to the tranquility of [Insert Park or Natural. In the midst of the bustling city it’s a tranquil oasis that provides a tranquil respite. Make sure you take time to enjoy the stunning views it offers.

While on our journey don’t be afraid for a chat, impart experiences, or immerse yourself within the local culture. It’s all about learning. is about experiencing new things and new perspectives.

When we explore the charm of our city Let’s not forget to respect the city’s traditions and preserve its beauty and natural splendor. We should leave just footprints and cherish the precious memories.

We thank you for trusting us to guide you through the city of [Name] we are honored to be a part of [City’s Name]. Be ready to be overwhelmed and let’s create a collection of memorable moments!

Intrepid travelers, greetings!

Begin our adventure through breathtaking landscapes and the fascinating tradition of this amazing city. As your tour guide I’m thrilled to join you on this journey filled with fascinating insights.

The journey begins with the magnificent insert landmark’s name of the Landmark. It was built in the year of year this awe-inspiring building is an example of the city’s creative talent and the strength of its past. When we travel its long avenues, every intricate element is a relic of past times.

Then we head to the bustling heart of the city. It’s the lively [Insert Name of Market]. The bustling marketplace offers a variety of hues scents, sounds, and colors. From handmade souvenirs to delectable local food, it offers an authentic glimpse of the city’s life. Do not be afraid to interact with locals, their stories add an interesting color to the story of the city.

We then retreat in the calming surroundings in [Insert Park or Nature Site Name]. In the midst of a city’s constant tempo it is a tranquil spot that provides a respite. Take time to take in the breathtaking views which open up in front of your eye.

While we travel, you are welcome to ask questions, discuss your experiences as you immerse yourself within the culture and ethos of the city. Travel is, after all, an opportunity to gather experiences, not merely snaps.

While we weave the fascinating tapestry of our city we must pledge to respect its traditions and preserve its stunning beauty. We must ensure that our footprints remain only temporary, yet our memories last forever.

We thank you for trusting us with your exploration of the city’s name. Get ready for a thrilling trip and let’s create the most unforgettable memories!

Hello, adventurous souls,

Enjoy our thrilling journey through the fascinating corners of this amazing city. Your tour guide is me I’m thrilled to guide you on an adventure that is filled with amazing sites and treasures from the past.

The first stop is the stunning [Insert Landmark’s Name]. It was built in [year] the building represents our city’s culture as well as its long and rich heritage. When we stroll through its sprawling halls, every corner and cranny tells an intriguing tale from the past.

We’ll then explore the vibrant heart of the city: the bustling marketplace named [Insert Market Name]. This lively market provides a visual explosion of smells, colors and sound. There is a variety of traditional products, delicious cuisines and smiling faces. You are welcome to interact with the vendors in town and their stories add a personal element to the story of the city.

We’ll then move into the serene setting of [insert Park or Nature Site Name], Then, we’ll move to the tranquil setting of [Insert Park or Natural. Within the hustle and bustle of city life it offers an opportunity to enjoy a quiet moment. Do not forget to enjoy the breathtaking views it provides.

While we travel I would like to encourage people to inquire to share your thoughts, offer insights as well as fully enjoy the unique atmosphere of your city. It’s true that traveling involves soaking oneself in different perspectives and experiences.

While we explore the charm of the city we must remember to honor its customs and safeguard the beauty of nature. We must ensure that we leave just footprints and bring back an incredible collection of treasures.

We thank you for choosing to join us in exploring the city of [City’s Name]. Make sure you buckle up to embark on an exciting journey in creating an album of memorable moments with you!

Tips for creating visually appealing and informative presentations:

Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering your presentation with too much information or too many visuals. This can overwhelm your audience and make it difficult for them to focus on the key points. Use a variety of visuals: Mix it up by using a combination of photographs, videos, maps, and illustrations. This will keep your audience engaged and prevent them from getting bored. Use captions and labels: Make sure to label your visuals with relevant information, such as the location or date of a photograph. This will provide context and make it easier for your guests to understand. Use storytelling techniques: Just like your script, your visuals should also tell a story. Use techniques such as before and after photos or a series of images to create a narrative. Incorporate humor: Visuals can also be used to inject some humor into your presentation. This can help lighten the mood and make the tour more enjoyable for your guests.

Use technology: There are many tools and software available that can help you create visually appealing presentations. Practice and rehearse: Just like your script, it is important to practice and rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth and seamless delivery.  

As a tour guide, your script is your most valuable tool. It sets the tone for the entire tour and acts as a guide for both you and your audience. A well-written and practiced script can make the difference between a mediocre tour and an unforgettable experience for your guests.

Importance of Rehearsing and Practicing the Script:

Rehearsing and practicing your script is crucial for delivering a smooth and engaging tour. It allows you to become familiar with the content, flow, and timing of your script. By rehearsing, you can also identify any areas that may need improvement or clarification. Practicing your script also helps you to become more confident in your delivery. Nerves and stage fright can be common for tour guides, especially when leading a large group. However, by rehearsing and practicing your script, you become more comfortable with the material, making it easier to deliver it with confidence and enthusiasm.

Seeking Feedback and Making Necessary Revisions:

While practicing your script, it is important to seek feedback from others. This can be from colleagues, friends, or even your guests. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you identify any areas that may need improvement. As you receive feedback, be open to making necessary revisions to your script. Remember, your goal is to provide the best possible experience for your guests, and their feedback can help you achieve that. It is also important to keep in mind that your script should be a living document, constantly evolving and improving with each tour.

Incorporating Improvisation Techniques for a More Natural Delivery:

No matter how well-rehearsed and practiced your script is, there may be moments during a tour that require some improvisation. This could be due to unexpected situations, questions from guests, or simply wanting to add a personal touch to your delivery. Incorporating improvisation techniques into your script can make your tour feel more natural and authentic. It allows you to connect with your audience on a more personal level and make the tour experience more engaging and interactive. Some improvisation techniques you can use include storytelling, humor, and asking open-ended questions to encourage participation from your guests. Remember to always stay true to the main points of your script, but don’t be afraid to add your own personal flair to keep things interesting.  

As a tour guide, you are responsible for creating a memorable and informative experience for your guests. However, despite thorough planning and preparation, unexpected situations can arise during a tour that can throw off your script and disrupt the flow of your tour. These challenges can range from weather changes to technical difficulties, and even difficult guests. As a professional tour guide, it is crucial to have strategies in place for handling these challenges and adapting your script to different audiences to ensure an engaging and interactive tour. Handling unexpected situations during a tour requires quick thinking and flexibility. The first step is to remain calm and composed, as your guests will look to you for guidance. For example, if the weather suddenly changes, you may need to adjust the route or find an indoor alternative. If there are technical difficulties, have a backup plan in place, such as using a different device or switching to a different activity. It is also essential to communicate openly and honestly with your guests, keeping them informed of any changes and reassuring them that their experience will not be compromised. Another challenge that tour guides face is adapting their script to different audiences. Each group of guests is unique, with varying interests, knowledge levels, and cultural backgrounds. It is crucial to research and understand your audience beforehand to tailor your script accordingly. For example, if you have a group of history buffs, you may want to go into more detail about the historical significance of a location. On the other hand, if you have families with young children, you may want to incorporate fun facts and interactive activities to keep them engaged. To adapt your script effectively, it is essential to have a broad knowledge of the destination and its history, culture, and customs. This will allow you to make on-the-spot changes and additions to your script to cater to your audience’s interests. Additionally, be open to feedback from your guests. They may have specific questions or interests that you can incorporate into your script to make it more relevant and engaging for them. Keeping the tour engaging and interactive is crucial for a successful experience. A well-written script is a great starting point, but it is essential to keep your guests actively involved throughout the tour. One way to do this is by incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, games, or hands-on activities. This will not only keep your guests engaged but also make the information more memorable for them. Another tip for keeping the tour interactive is to engage your guests in conversations and encourage them to ask questions. This will make the tour more personal and allow for a deeper understanding of the destination. Additionally, make use of visual aids such as maps, photos, and videos to enhance the tour experience and keep your guests visually engaged.  


In conclusion, mastering the art of script writing for tour guiding is a crucial skill for any tour guide looking to provide an exceptional experience for their guests. Throughout this blog, we have explored the various aspects of script writing and how it can greatly enhance the overall tour experience. We began by understanding the role of a tour guide and the importance they hold in the tourism industry. We then delved into the responsibilities and qualities of a successful tour guide, highlighting the impact of a well-written script on the overall tour experience.

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Mastering Tour Guide English: Essential Phrases and Examples

  • LLS English
  • November 1, 2023
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Are you a non-native English speaking tour guide looking to improve your language skills and provide a better experience for your guests? Look no further! Mastering tour guide English is essential for effectively communicating with tourists from all over the world. Whether you are giving a walking tour, leading a bus excursion, or guiding a group through a museum, having a strong command of the English language will make your job easier and enhance the overall experience for your tour goers.

In this blog post, we will provide you with essential phrases and examples to help you become a confident and proficient English-speaking tour guide.

Tour Guide English: Learn Laugh Speak Helps

Learn Laugh Speak is the perfect solution for busy professionals who want to improve their English language skills. Our program offers 12 levels, from Pre A1 to C2, allowing learners to progress at their own pace.

Whether you are a non-native English speaking tour guide or any other professional looking to enhance your language abilities, our comprehensive curriculum covers reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

With 33,000 exercises and resources, Learn Laugh Speak provides a structured and effective learning experience. We understand that as a busy professional, time is limited. That’s why our program is designed to be flexible and convenient, allowing you to study whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for you.

By choosing Learn Laugh Speak, you’ll have access to interactive lessons, engaging activities, and personalized feedback to help you progress and build confidence in your English speaking abilities. Our experienced instructors are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the guidance and assistance you need to succeed.

So, whether you’re a tour guide in Mexico or any other professional looking to improve your English, choose Learn Laugh Speak as your trusted learning partner. With our proven methodology and dedication to your success, you’ll be well on your way to mastering English and providing an even better experience for your tour goers.

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Mastering the Basics: Essential English Phrases for Greetings and Introductions

Welcome to the first section of our blog post, where we will guide you through the essential English phrases for greetings and introductions. As a tour guide, making a good first impression is crucial, and having a strong command of English will help you achieve that. Try these tips to improve your tour guide English!

When greeting your tour goers, a simple “Hello, welcome to our tour!” goes a long way in setting a positive tone. You can also add a personal touch by asking questions like “Where are you from?” or “Is this your first time visiting?” This shows genuine interest and makes your guests feel valued.

When introducing yourself , use phrases like “My name is [your name] and I’ll be your tour guide today.” Be sure to speak slowly and clearly, especially if English is not your first language. It’s also helpful to provide some background information about yourself, such as your experience and expertise in the area.

Remember to maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor throughout the tour. This includes using phrases like “How can I assist you?” or “Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.” This encourages your guests to engage with you and ensures they have a positive experience.

By mastering these basic English phrases for greetings and introductions, you’ll create a welcoming atmosphere for your tour goers and make a lasting impression. So let’s dive in and take your tour guide English to the next level!

Essential English Tourism Vocabulary

Make Progress With Your English Today Easily & Correctly A1 to C2

Explaining It All: Key English Terms for Describing Points of Interest

When guiding a tour, it’s essential to be able to effectively describe the points of interest to your guests. This section will provide you with key English terms to help you explain and highlight the significance of various attractions.

One important phrase to remember is “This is…” or “Here we have…” as an introduction to each point of interest. This helps direct your guests’ attention and prepares them for the information you’re about to share.

Additionally, use adjectives like “impressive,” “beautiful,” or “historical” to describe the attractions, making them even more enticing.

To provide more detailed information, you can use phrases such as “This monument was built in [year] to commemorate…” or “This building is known for its stunning architecture, particularly the…” These phrases help paint a vivid picture in your guests’ minds, making the experience more immersive and informative.

It’s also beneficial to use terms like “landmark,” “iconic,” or “symbolic” to emphasize the importance and cultural significance of the attractions. This allows your guests to appreciate the value and historical context of each location.

By incorporating these key English terms into your descriptions, you will enhance your guests’ understanding and appreciation of the attractions. Remember to speak clearly and confidently, ensuring your guests feel engaged and informed throughout the tour.

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Troubleshooting with Confidence: Handling Issues and Complaints in English

Being able to handle issues and complaints with confidence is an essential skill for any tour guide. In this section, we will provide you with useful phrases and strategies to help you troubleshoot and resolve any problems that may arise during your tours.

When dealing with complaints , it’s important to remain calm and empathetic. Start by actively listening to the guest’s concerns and acknowledging their feelings. Use phrases like “I understand how frustrating that must be” or “I apologize for the inconvenience caused.” This shows that you are attentive and genuinely care about their experience.

Next, try to find a solution that addresses their complaint. Offer alternatives or options that can help resolve the issue. For example, if a guest is unhappy with the itinerary, you can suggest alternative attractions or activities to accommodate their preferences.

If the issue cannot be immediately resolved, assure the guest that you will follow up and take necessary action. This can include contacting management or offering compensation if appropriate. Throughout the conversation, maintain a positive and professional tone. Remember that your goal is to provide excellent customer service and ensure that your guests have a memorable experience.

By using these phrases and strategies, you can confidently handle issues and complaints in English, showing your guests that you are dedicated to providing exceptional service.

Learning English Can Also Improve Your Confidence & Self-Esteem.

Engaging Your Tour Group with Fluent English Dialogue

Engaging in fluent English dialogue is an essential skill for tour guides, as it allows you to connect with your tour group on a deeper level and create a more immersive experience. Here are some conversational tips to help you engage your tour group with confidence and flair.

Firstly, encourage interaction by asking open-ended questions that stimulate conversation. For example, you can ask, “What aspects of this attraction are most interesting to you?” or “Has anyone had a similar experience in their own country?” This not only fosters engagement but also creates an opportunity for your guests to share their perspectives and experiences.

Additionally, be an active listener and show genuine interest in what your guests have to say. This can be achieved by maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and responding with thoughtful follow-up questions or comments. This demonstrates that you value their input and makes them feel heard and appreciated.

Furthermore, utilize storytelling techniques to bring the history and culture of the attractions to life. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture in your guests’ minds. Incorporate anecdotes and interesting facts to captivate their attention and make the information more memorable.

Lastly, create a comfortable and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to participate. Be mindful of any language barriers and adjust your speech accordingly. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace, and offer clarifications or explanations when needed. This ensures that everyone can fully engage in the conversation and enjoy the tour experience.

By implementing these conversational tips, you can foster meaningful dialogue and create a memorable tour experience for your guests. So, let your English skills shine and engage your tour group with confidence and flair.

English Vocabulary for Tour Guides

English Should Be Is Easy to Learn & Not A Mystery For Students To Solve

Improving Your Tour Guide English Day by Day

As a non-native English speaking tour guide, improving your language skills is an ongoing process that takes time and practice. The key to becoming a confident and proficient English-speaking tour guide is to make consistent efforts to enhance your skills day by day.

One of the best ways to improve your tour guide English is to immerse yourself in the language. Listen to English podcasts, watch English-speaking tour guides in action, and engage in conversations with native English speakers whenever possible. This exposure will help you become more familiar with the language and build your vocabulary.

Additionally, practicing your English with fellow tour guides or language exchange partners can be extremely beneficial. Set aside dedicated time each day to speak and listen to English. Focus on areas that you feel less confident in, such as pronunciation or using complex sentence structures.

Use Learn Laugh Speak to help you improve your tour guide English. Learn Laugh Speak provides a full learning platform that helps students learn English at the exact level specific for them.

Lastly, remember that mistakes are part of the learning process. Don’t be afraid to make them and learn from them. Embrace opportunities to practice your English and don’t shy away from challenging yourself.

Improving your tour guide English day by day requires commitment and dedication. By implementing these tips and consistently practicing, you will gradually become more confident in your language skills and provide an even better experience for your tour goers. So keep learning, keep practicing, and enjoy the journey of mastering English for tour guiding!

Still have some questions regarding tour guide English? Contact our teachers on the website chat below!

start learning with Learn Laugh Speak

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How to write a tour script that your customers will rave about

Carla Vianna

There’s nothing worse than leading a tour to a group of bored guests. When your guests lose interest in the tour experience, it’s hard to grab their attention back.

This is why the most successful tours are based on a bulletproof tour scripts, a blueprint for the experience that’s been tested and revised over time.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the art of tour script along with sharing best practices and potential pitfalls to avoid.

What is a tour script?

A tour script is the backbone of a guided experience. 

On paper, it’s a well-organized outline of the information, stories, facts, and interactions that a guide will deliver during a tour.

A tour script not only provides the structure for an experience, but also weaves a narrative that keeps guests engaged. It sort of serves as a guide’s compass, ensuring that they cover key points, interact with their audience, and maintain a consistent flow throughout the tour.

What are the benefits of writing a tour script?

Even the most experienced tour guides can benefit from a well-written tour script — here’s why:

  • Provides structure and clarity: A tour script acts as a roadmap, ensuring that your tour follows a clear and logical structure. It helps tour guides organize their thoughts, preventing any confusion or stumbling during the tour.
  • Keeps the experience consistent: With a script in hand, each tour becomes a uniform, high-quality presentation of information and anecdotes.
  • Engages your audience: A well-written script captivates an audience with engaging stories, facts, and insights.
  • Gives your guide a chance to introduce themselves: A script should feature a fun introduction, allowing guests to build a personal connection with your guides right away.
  • A confidence boost for guides: Armed with a ready-to-go script, tour guides feel more confident and prepared — which, in turn, translates into a more enjoyable delivery.

5 steps for writing a tour script

Let’s take a look at how you might create a compelling tour script that leaves a lasting impression on your guests.

Step 1: Define your tour’s theme and goals

Begin by clarifying the central theme and objectives of your tour. Are you highlighting historical sites, local cuisine, or natural landmarks?

Then, define your goals. Are you educating, entertaining, or both?

Let’s say you live in Philadelphia: The city has heavy historical significance, so you design a walking tour that takes guests on a chronological journey of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

With your tour’s theme and goal in mind — “historical” and “to inform” in the example above — you can start to create a cohesive and memorable storyline.

Step 2: Research your content thoroughly

Gather detailed information about the sites, facts, and anecdotes you plan to include in your script. Double- and triple-check your facts with reputable sources, historical records, and local experts.

While you’re researching, take special note of interesting tidbits and any quirky stories that come up. These can be used as “fun facts” throughout the tour.

The more knowledgeable you are, the more engaging your narrative will be. Your research will give your tour credibility and provide you with the proper ammunition to answer guests’ questions.

Step 3: Write a captivating introduction

An engaging opening sets the tone and captures your guests’ interest from the start.

With that in mind, write an attention-grabbing introduction for each segment of your tour. 

For example, at the city’s oldest building, you might start with, “Welcome to the cornerstone of our journey, the Old Town Hall. Let’s unlock its secrets together.”

This will hook your guests’ attention and keep them interested in each stop of the tour.

Step 4: Make the script interactive

Include interactive elements that encourage guest participation, like thought-provoking questions, fun facts, or challenges.

For example, when visiting a site that used to be a market, pose the following questions to your guests: “Can you imagine the bustling market that once surrounded this square? What do you think was the most popular item sold here?”

When guests actively participate in the storytelling, the experience becomes more memorable for them.

Step 5: End with a memorable conclusion

Craft a conclusion that ties together the main themes and emotions of the tour.

Let’s say your tour ends at the city square. You might say something like, “Our journey has unveiled the stories etched in these stones. As you leave, remember the resilience and spirit that continue to shape this city.”

A strong conclusion leaves guests with a sense of fulfillment and a positive impression of the tour, increasing their likelihood of sharing positive feedback.

Don’t forget to remind your guests to leace you a review on your preferred OTA platform and/or website. Including this quick call to action will motivate guests to provide you feedback once they leave your tour.

How to write a tour script for an in-person live tour

When writing a tour script for an in-person live tour, you need to consider all the factors that can make or break a face-to-face interaction.

The more your interact with your guests — like prompting them with trivia questions and sharing anecdotes — the more engaging the tour will be.

In a live tour, you can also use body language and facial expressions to enhance the storytelling experience. Think through how your gestures can complement key points, and where to establish eye contact to connect with different audience members.

Finally, pay close attention to your audience’s reactions. Adjust the pacing and delivery of your speech based on their engagement level. Make sure to leave room for spontaneous interactions and allow time for guests to ask questions.

How to write a tour script for a self-guided audio tour

Unlike live tours, where guides lead in real-time, audio tours rely solely on your  script to captivate visitors.

Begin with clear and concise descriptions of each point of interest. Since you won’t be there to address questions, the script should be comprehensive and help listeners visualize their surroundings. Use navigation cues so they can progress from one point to another. Mention landmarks, specific directions, and a logical sequence to guide them.

Storytelling is just as important in a self-guided audio tour — if not more. Your script is the only thing that will keep visitors engaged; fill it with anecdotes and background information about each point of interest.

Finally, timing is key to preventing listener fatigue. Leave ample room for reflection between each audio segment.

How to write a tour script for a virtual tour

Virtual tours, like audio tours, rely solely on your script to take participants on a journey from the comfort of their screens.

Here, you’re not limited by physical constraints, so you can create a fluid narrative that transitions smoothly. Your script will guide viewers through different locations, so make sure to describe the surroundings in detail to enhance the visual component of the tour.

Again, storytelling remains essential. Your narration should foster a sense of exploration — the better the narration, the more immersed the viewer will feel. 

Similar to an in-person tour, interactive prompts should also be used to keep viewers engaged throughout.

3 examples of great tour scripts

Here we’ll dissect three great tour scripts — from a cathedral in Dublin, a safari in Toronto, and a museum in Milwaukee.

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We will start from here (presuming you are standing near Celtic Gravestone at shop); walk down into the north transept, or left arm, of the Cathedral. We will stop again at the Choir and then loop around into the south transept finally ending up back roughly where we started. The tour will last approximately 40 minutes and if you have any questions as we go please don’t hesitate to ask.

Then, the script begins by sharing the story of St Patrick himself.

“You may not be familiar with the story of our patron saint,” it says, ensuring that everyone in the group is on the same page. Rather than just pointing to the pictures on a window of the cathedral, the script tells the saint’s story through those pictures. The ongoing narrative captures the audience’s attention and keeps them engaged throughout the tour.

This script also includes several “optional extras,” such as an organ containing over four thousand pipes. This is a great way to give the guide some flexibility. Tour guides have the ability to read a crowd — they can then make extra stops that align with the interests of each group.

Self-guided tour

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Toronto Zoo’s Scenic Safari drive-thru tour is a self-guided adventure.

The audio script starts with a message from the CEO warmly welcoming visitors to the zoo. It’s followed by important safety rules that remind visitors to remain in their vehicles, keep noise to a minimum, and drive no faster than 5 km per hour. It’s important to start a self-guided tour with any guidelines that apply to the visit since there is no physical guide present.

The zoo points out interesting facts to pique visitors’ curiosity throughout the tour, like “Did you know that a tiger can bite down with the force of 1,000 pounds” and “A ‘long call’ from an orangutan can be heard up to 2 kilometers away.”

It also uses trivia questions to keep them engaged: “What color do you think a yak’s milk is?”

Mixing educational elements with storytelling makes the safari tour even more memorable for visitors.

Virtual tour

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The Milwaukee Public Museum offers 360° virtual tours , including one of a gallery focused on the common traits shared by all civilizations.

The virtual tour starts at the entrance and moves through an interactive screen that showcases each section of the Crossroads of Civilization exhibit. The script has clear navigational cues, like “You are standing before a model of the First Courtyard of that temple while it is under construction.” This gives the visitor a sense of direction within the virtual experience.

The script also keeps users engaged by offering additional features only available online — like a PDF about colors used in ancient Egyptian art. Viewers can then choose to delve into the topics they’re most interested in, making the tour feel more personalized.

6 best practices for writing an engaging tour script

Breathe life into your tour script with these key strategies:

1. Use humor

Infusing humor into your script can transform a mundane description into a memorable anecdote. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine — and don’t hold back on witty stories or lighthearted observations that make your visitors laugh

For example, during a historical walking tour, you might playfully mention how a renowned figure’s statue seems to have witnessed centuries of gossip.

2. Tell stories 

A well-told narrative can transport visitors into the past or alternate realities. Being a good storyteller is key to captivating your audience’s imagination. While guiding a tour through an art gallery, you could share the fascinating backstory behind a masterpiece, revealing the artist’s personal struggles and triumphs.

3. Use clear and simple language

Make your script easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical language that non-experts on the subject wouldn’t understand. Imagine leading a wine-tasting tour: Instead of delving into technical terminology, you would describe the flavors and aromas in relatable terms like “notes of ripe berries” or “subtle hints of oak.”

4. Incorporate interactive elements

Engagement flourishes when your guests are actively involved. Questions, prompts, or challenges encourage them to interact with their surroundings, keeping the group interested from start to finish. For instance, while guiding a hiking trip, you could prompt hikers to look for specific bird species and share their discoveries with the group.

5. Create emotional connections

Always start your tour script by introducing yourself in a friendly manner. Then, make your passion for the said activity known. When guests see how excited you are about the tour, this excitement will translate back to them. During a walking tour, for example, you might share your history with the city, including your favorite memories there.

6. Embrace surprise and curiosity 

Unexpected twists or intriguing facts spark curiosity and attract your guests’ attention. On that same walking tour, for example, you might reveal a hidden alleyway with a captivating history, leaving them eager to explore further.

3 common mistakes in tour script writing

There are a few common pitfalls that can dampen a tour script’s impact. Here are three mistakes to avoid:

1. Information overload

One of the most common mistakes is overwhelming participants with too many details. Bombarding them with an abundance of historical facts, dates, and figures can lead to information fatigue.

Instead, focus on delivering key highlights that are relevant to your narrative. For instance, on an architecture tour, avoid inundating participants with every structural detail and instead focus on the stories behind the most interesting buildings.

2. No interaction

Tour scripts that merely deliver a monologue can fall flat. Neglecting interactive elements can leave participants feeling disconnected from the experience.

To avoid this, leave room for your guests to ask questions, share their observations, or even participate in mini-activities. 

During a food tour, for instance, you might ask guests to talk about their favorite meal, fostering a sense of participation.

3. Ignoring pace and timing

You can quickly lose a crowd by rushing through explanations or dwelling excessively on minor details. Dragging out a segment can also bored your guests to death.

Tour guides need to strike a balance between information overload and conciseness. They can do so by allocating appropriate time for each stop and topic. For example, on a museum tour, you’ll allot extra time to explore a major exhibit, ensuring that visitors have ample time to absorb the information.

A well-written tour script possesses the power to immerse guests in your experience. By marrying your storytelling techniques with thoughtful interactions and original humor, your scripts will result in tours that leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Writer Carla Vianna

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Leadership Speaking Definition, Process, Benefits & Strategies

July 11, 2017 | Category: Blog , Intelligent Leadership , Speaking

In an age of soundbites and 140-character missives, is the art of oration relevant anymore? It may be more relevant than ever, actually. If anything can break through the background noise of convenient aphorisms and bumper-sticker politics, it’s a truly well-crafted, tub-thumper of a speech, whatever the topic. As cynicism and skepticism become almost baseline 21st-century emotions, there is tremendous power in having our world upended for half an hour while we look at a topic with a fresh perspective, guided by someone who knows both the subject matter and how to connect with an audience.

Most of us who have been around for a while have experienced the unique power of a beautifully delivered speech, appeal, sermon, or declaration, and it can be something we remember for the rest of our lives. There are times when an outstanding speech, delivered by someone who has honed the art for many years, can be just the right thing to jostle a business or other organization out of complacency and into action – or at least into a shifted perspective.

tour leader speech

Truly useful, engaging information occupies a “sweet spot” at the intersection of culture, history, and technology-powered zeitgeist.

If you’re a business leader who may be interested in bringing in a leadership speaker for your organization, it’s important to understand what leadership speaking is and is not, what it can and cannot do, and what benefits result from a well-crafted speech, delivered with skill. Here’s what you should know about leadership speaking.

What Is Leadership Speaking?

It’s an oversimplification to think of leadership speaking as a learned individual delivering perfectly-turned phrases to a passive audience. Sure, that happens, but leadership speaking is about communication, and communication is a two-way street. In other words, the audience plays a critical role in successful leadership speaking. This represents a certain risk to the leadership speaker in that the audience may be responsive and engaged, or they may sit there passively, seemingly unable to be cajoled out of their passivity.

tour leader speech

Expect your leadership speaker to engage your audience, helping them become invested in the content and delivery.

That’s why the outstanding leadership speaker has a well-stocked kit of tools meant to get the audience invested and engaged. In general, it’s not a skill set that can be learned through the underclassman introductory course in public speaking that so many of us were required to take at some point. In that scenario, there are right and wrong answers, and grades, and that alone is enough to squash the creativity and drive to engage of some people who would otherwise be quite competent at public speaking.

Outstanding speakers come from every background imaginable. They may or may not look like someone who belongs on a stage, and just about any accent may season their speaking. What they all have in common, however, is the ability to break through the passivity of an audience and help them discover that they are invested in a topic, if only temporarily. Leadership speaking also demonstrates leadership in a contained setting, imparting lessons, and inspiring those who take the time to listen. And with a great leadership speaker, everyone in earshot feels compelled to take the time to listen.

Who Uses It?

Ultimately, the “user” of a leadership speaking event is the individual in the audience, who may learn something, make a new cognitive or emotional connection, or otherwise be inspired to be a better person today than they were yesterday. But it’s usually someone in top leadership who brings in a leadership speaker in an attempt to engage, inspire, and renew commitment among their teams.

Any industry can benefit from the right leadership speaker, from healthcare to telecommunications to education to government. But the organizations that can expect to benefit from leadership speaking are those that want to do one or more of the following:

  • Transform or reinvent their organization to support key business initiatives
  • Strengthen leadership attitudes and skills of current or future leaders
  • Build a stronger culture of leadership or talent to support operational goals

The more of these goals an organization recognizes, as you can see from the following Venn diagram, the more they’re likely to benefit from leadership speaking both short- and long-term.

tour leader speech

Organizational goals are the main determinant of the benefit gained from leadership speaking.

One scenario in which a leadership speaker may be engaged is when an organization has experienced a setback. While it’s unrealistic to expect even the greatest leadership speaker to “fix” an organization beset by scandal or tragedy, there are times when the services of a leadership speaker can help get a discouraged or disheartened team back on track.

By contrast, another scenario in which an organization may bring in a leadership speaker is when something great has happened: a product has taken off, a major contract has been landed, or the organization has been recognized with a prestigious award. A skilled leadership speaker knows how to help harness all that positive energy and keep it moving forward, to take the organization to an even higher level of functioning. And, of course, leadership speakers will always be in demand for specific events, often as keynote speakers for conferences or other “milestone” organizational events.

What Are the Benefits of Leadership Speaking?

Let’s get this out of the way first: to the typical employee, a leadership speaker offers the benefit of breaking them out of their normal workday routine for a period of time, and many will be appreciative for this reason alone. This benefits the speaker as well, because the audience is already primed for “something different” than what they might otherwise be doing on an ordinary Tuesday morning.

But benefits of excellent leadership speaking go far beyond the brief joy of breaking out of routine for a while. For one thing, leadership speaking offers a fresh perspective. Often the outsider is the very person to help teams take a new, fresh look at things, and discover new ways of approaching problems and challenges. Experienced and in-demand leadership speakers are the ones who work with management beforehand to understand the organization’s goals for the event, what drives the organization, and what the organization values most. With their unique outsider’s perspective, the right leadership speaker can help communicate an organization’s goals in a new and fresh way, helping employees reconnect with company (and personal) values.

tour leader speech

Exceptional leadership speakers know that audiences shouldn’t remain passive.

John Mattone has the experience to know that if he’s giving an opening keynote speech, he needs to instill an important message right from the start in such a way that people will continue talking about it throughout the meeting. If he is presenting a closing keynote speech, his goal is to release people back to their regular lives energized and poised to take action. Whatever the setting or reason for leadership speaking, John knows how to connect with the audience and keep them engaged with rich, varied content that may include exercises, case studies, and group discussion.

What Are John Mattone’s Leadership Strategies?

John Mattone offers fast-paced, high energy leadership speaking that is anchored with the gravitas that comes from over three decades in business leadership. The content has to be top notch, and it must be delivered with genuine passion. John is skilled at making an intellectual connection with the audience as well as an emotional connection, and researchers in the field of learning and education will tell you that people assimilate and retain information better when they make an emotional connection as well as an intellectual one. Though he spends the majority of the time on stage, or on a speaker’s platform, John is also known to leave the stage and interact directly and up close with the audience.

Ultimately, John delivers leadership lessons that are simple, practical, and that can be put to use. But he also ensures that the audience is invested and has a great time during his speaking engagements. Your audience will learn, they will laugh, and they will have their own “Eureka!” moments during his presentation. And he focuses on information that people can actually put to use in their daily activities, helping them improve not only professionally, but personally.

Does Leadership Speaking Work for Everyone?

Anyone who doubts the effect that outstanding speaking by a leader can have on an audience only needs to read Winston Churchill’s “We shall fight on the beaches” speech, or Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” speech. Elizabeth I’s speech to the troops at Tilbury is largely credited with inspiring the defeat of the great Spanish Armada in 1588, and if you want to be immediately shaken out of complacency, you could hardly do better than Sojourner Truth’s famous “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech of 1851.

But you’ll notice that these outstanding speeches have something in common: they were delivered to a receptive if skeptical audience – an audience on the cusp of some major change, the consequences of which they could not yet envision. Leadership speaking has immense power, but only if it is used in the context of an organization that is receptive and committed to positive change. Unfortunately, some organizations break down under the weight of disaster or scandal to the point where nothing short of starting over from scratch could possibly bring it back to excellence. In these cases, even a great leadership speech can do little more than distract the audience for a time. In most typical business or organizational situations, however, an exceptional leadership speech can make an immediate and lasting difference.

How Do You See Results?

First of all, you have to be able to identify and articulate the results you want to see. Perhaps you want to kick off a technical conference with a keynote speech that will have everyone talking even at the closing session. Or maybe you want to fire up the inspiration in your sales team as you bring a new and exciting product to market. How do you want your people to feel when they leave the auditorium? If you can’t define what you want to accomplish with leadership speaking, then how will you know if you have succeeded?

tour leader speech

Be able to articulate your goals before booking a leadership speaker.

Likewise, John Mattone goes into every leadership speaking engagement with clearly delineated goals and priorities. First of all, he wants the client to be the hero of the event, with audience members and top management pleased with their choice of leadership speaker. His job is to engage fully with his audience, and elevate each and every event to a higher level of excellence.

John is also equally passionate about making audience members laugh and learn – often at the same time. He wants them to come away from a speech with new tools they can use right away to improve their lives on both a personal and professional level. And he wants them to be invested enough in the event that they can forget their outside problems for a time, and feel genuinely changed afterward. Working with an experienced leadership speaker like John Mattone, an organization can clarify goals, articulate the outcomes they want, and work together toward fulfilling them. Additionally, his website contains a full suite of resources for the meeting planner to help the process along.

Is Certification Necessary for Excellence in Leadership Speaking?

Certifications exist for professional speakers, and someone who is new to planning organizational events may want to look for a leadership speaker who has some kind of professional certification, while taking the time to do enough research to understand what that certification actually means. More valuable to the typical organizational event planner than certification, however, is track record, and a leadership speaker worth booking will be happy to share testimonials and contact information for individuals in other organizations for which they have delivered leadership speeches. They should have online reviews readily accessible, with names and organizations attached so you can follow up if you want to.

Certification may be the cherry on top of the qualifications you desire for your event, but there’s no substitute for digging in and learning what a speaker’s qualifications are, who they have worked with in the past, and what past clients have to say about their events. John Mattone is happy to share reviews of his leadership speaking, reviews from clients as far-ranging as the Cleveland Clinic, Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and Al Hosn Gas in the United Arab Emirates.

Leadership speaking can be phenomenally powerful, and people who have never been part of an outstanding leadership speech don’t know what they’re missing. Sure, we live in a world of YouTube videos and social media posts, but there’s no substitute for the electricity and excitement in the air at a live speaking event featuring someone who really knows how to engage an audience. Leadership speaking can’t fix an organization that is irretrievably broken, but the organization that wants to improve morale, kick off a new phase of business, or celebrate an important milestone can gain momentum and inspiration from the right leadership speaker.

In his capacity as an executive coach and leadership speaker, John Mattone has worked with numerous clients across industries, including Coca-Cola, Amazon, and the late Steve Jobs. He has well-developed and well-received presentations on the topics of Intelligent Leadership, Talent Culture, Cultural Transformation, Success Mapping, Management Trends, and more. He works with each and every leadership speaking client to learn about their goals, their people, and their facilities, and to ensure the necessary audio-visual and staging elements are in place. As a result, every client can expect an energetic, fast-paced presentation, packed with outstanding content delivered in an entertaining and passionate manner. You should expect no less from any leadership speaker you trust your organization to.

tour leader speech

Leadership speaking can do what online communication cannot.

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Glossary of Key Terms

Audience engagement – an environment where audiences feel empowered to interact with a presenter, due to outstanding presentation content and delivery, and a human-to-human connection the presenter makes with the audience

Cultural transformation – a dynamic process where a living culture, whether in an organization, a location, a profession, or societal niche, changes and adapts to internal and/or external forces. In a business context, this begins (but doesn’t end) with transformation in leadership.

Executive coaching – personalized training in leadership from a professional who understands both business leadership and principles of successful coaching. It is a prominent practice among C-level executives.

Keynote speaker – the public speaker invited to either start off or bring to a close an organizational event such as a trade show, technical conference, or celebratory event. An outstanding keynote speaker is able to energize an audience and leave them with plenty to think about as they return to their normal routine.

Leadership content – this is the “meat” of the leadership speech, the information that helps change people’s perspective, inspire them to new achievements, or impart critical knowledge or wisdom on a topic. Without good leadership content, leadership speaking can be dull or empty.

Leadership culture – the system of an organization’s norms at its top level of leadership. The leadership principles that make up leadership culture are shaped by top leaders, and sometimes by outsiders like leadership speakers or leadership coaches.

Milestone event – an organizational event that caps off a long and challenging process, or that kicks off a new operational phase. Examples of milestone events include receiving a prestigious organizational award, winning a lucrative contract, and opening a new branch location.

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English for Tour Guides

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Being a tour guide is a very important job. In many cases, the tour guide is a traveller's first impression of a foreign country. In other cases a tour guide may be responsible for teaching tourists about the culture and sites in a city or town. In addition, many tour guides hold the responsibility of teaching tourists about safety. Even if you are only responsible for taking a tourist from the airport to his or her hotel, it is your responsibility to make the short trip interesting, informative, and safe. The following pages will help you learn some important vocabulary and phrases that you can use with your English-speaking tourists. Check your understanding as you go.

What's Your Message?

The best leadership speech: Are you ready to lead?

Last week a client aggressively urged me to watch ‘the best leadership speech ever’. He’s a pretty good leader himself, with a world class creative team of over 100 people.

I watched it this weekend and it’s pretty good.

The video is long – 50 minutes – but here’s what you get: A unique piece of public speaking that is funny, heartbreaking, honest and motivational.

This leadership speech is by  General Mark Welsh , Commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, speaking to 1,000 cadets at the US Air Force Academy.

It illuminates the life and death gravity of leadership in the armed forces, but it’s the opposite of what you might expect of a military speech. Rather than a tone of ‘You have to do this because it’s an order’, we are treated to an incredibly engaging and persuasive speech that awakens desire in the audience  to be a great leader.

What makes this leadership speech great?

His audience

Men and women 20-25 years old who have a 75% chance of graduating the Academy’s four-year program, which is intended to give cadets the skills and knowledge that they will need for success as officers.

Informal tone to connect

His opening word: “Yo”.

The start is a bit slow but appropriate in that environment.

Pretty soon you see the speaker’s ability to combine life and death issues with personal humour and light-hearted approachability. The subject is serious, but the speaker regularly has a laugh. He seems friendly and welcoming, yet clear about what matters.

He isn’t ‘heavy’ ALL the time. The contrast of light and heavy make the important areas stand out.

Flexible structure

The speech is structured around the profiles of dozens of people under the General’s command. Their pictures are shown and their stories told. His  messages are made concrete  by the fact they follow a real story. Tell a story – make a point. For example:

‘Everybody has a story. If you don’t know the story you can’t lead. Learn the story.’

Clear, personalized messages

This leadership speech is worth watching just to see how the speaker makes all his messages personal.  For example, instead of saying;

“Are you ready to lead”

“Are you ready to lead him ” after explaining a person’s story.

Instead of;

“You are expected to be a great leader”

‘ He expects you be be ready to lead his people. In fact he demands it.’ After telling a story about the head of a division.

Here are some more messages peppered throughout the talk.

  • You better be willing to make decisions. Sometimes without all the information you want. Get ready.
  • You better be good. ‘Your job is to lead them… are you ready?”
  • You will make a difference.
  • We are a team. All the people are important.
  • Attention to detail is it important. You better have it.
  • Leadership is a gift given by those who follow.
  • Are you ready to lead? If not, rededicate yourself to the effort.

Great Explanations

There’s is nothing dramatic about his delivery skills, but he’s comfortable enough to act out a character (‘my son walked over like John Wayne…’).

He doesn’t rush.

This is vital. When information is rushed, it doesn’t seem as important. His pace allows the ideas to come alive. He appears calm, thoughtful, genuine. Present in the moment.

Do you connect with your team this way? Can you stand calmly on stage in silence – allowing your ideas to absorb?

Clear and personal ending

A good ending is important to deliver the key message and make the ideas feel complete (and therefore easier to remember).

“Thank you for being good enough to be here. Make sure you’re good enough to graduate. Take care of yourselves. I’ll see you out there.”

Do your speeches inspire people to follow you?

A great speech like this can strengthen a team or ogranization more powerfully than 10,000 hours of work. It can engender belief and dedication that lives on for years . How powerful are your leadership speeches? —– If you’d like to develop your leadership presentation, consider:

  • Presentation Skills Training
  • Presentation Skills public course
  • Message Development Sessions

Want to be a great speaker? Get the kindle ebook from  What’s Your Message?: Public Speaking with Twice the Impact, Using Half the Effort

SAVE 30% on selected course fees. Ends 23rd April 2024

Open Colleges

10 Of The Greatest Leadership Speeches Of All Time

The world may be dominated by social media these days, but we should never underestimate the power of a great speech..

In fact, despite the prevalence of Facebook and Twitter, videos of some of the  greatest leadership speeches are still immensely popular. Here are 10 examples of fantastic, motivational speeches that will show you why.

1.    Martin Luther King: I have a dream

Any article featuring inspirational speeches must include this ground-breaking speech. 

On 28th August 1963, Martin Luther King addressed a crowd of over 250,000 . In it, he calls for an end to racism and equality for all. In 1999, this speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.

2.    Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave a Commencement Address to Stanford University that will leave you with goosebumps. It’s a brilliant speech, and also a great lesson from one of the most influential presenters in history.

3.    President Obama: Seeking a new beginning

In June 2009, President Obama gave a rousing speech at Cairo University . This speech shows Obama at his best, building a fantastic rapport with his audience.

4.    Randy Pausch: The last lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor, Randy Pausch, gave his last lecture to a crowded auditorium. 

This presentation is about achieving your childhood dreams and it’s a great one to study for tips on building a connection with your audience and really getting them on your side.

5.    Rosalinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

In this incredibly inspirational speech, Torres describes 25 years of observing great leaders at work and then shares ways to learn how to lead .  

6.    Bill Clinton: 2008 Speech to the Democratic National Convention

If you’re looking for an example of fantastic communication skills, look no further than this former US President . This speech shows how great content, teamed with exceptional delivery, can really bring the house down.

7.    J.K. Rowling: Harvard Commencement

Commencement addresses are always very inspirational speeches and this is no exception. Rowling immediately gets her audience on side, inspiring and delighting as she goes.

8.    John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding

As the coach of UCLA basketball team, John Wooden led his team to record wins that remain unbeaten. In this speech, he redefines success with incredible simplicity.

9.    Richard St. John: 8 secrets of success

In this amazing TED Talk, Richard St. John delivers an incredibly motivational speech asking why people are successful. Is it because they’re clever, or lucky ?

10.    Nelson Mandela: Inauguration speech

When you’re thinking about leadership speeches, Nelson Mandela’s inauguration speech in 1994 must be on the list. Mandela was the first democratically elected president of South Africa. He led his country through the end of apartheid and into a united history they had never seen before. 

These 10 examples of leadership speeches show you just how powerful the spoken word can be. These speakers are all experts in their field and captivate their audiences to give incredible, motivational speeches, which lift and inspire . 

Want more inspiration? Get motivated by other brilliant famous team leaders here . 

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By Open Colleges

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Charismatic speaker arouses a crowd

15 Great Speeches By Leaders

In the age of social media, great oratory still resonates with the masses. It’s still true, and was always true — that great, truly great leaders are charismatic speakers. Below are some of the best examples of great speeches that will stand the test of time.

Written by Murray Johannsen. I welcome connections via  LinkedIn  or directly from  this website .

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Pope urban ii: speech at the council of clermont, zelensi’s presentation to the heads of states of the european union, gavin newsom: governor of the state of california, michele obama — summer and fall of 2016, pope francis: speech to the us congress, september 24, 2015..

  • Bill Clinton — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention

Elizabeth Warren — December 12, 2013

Steve jobs — i-phone introduction, martin luther king: i have a dream, admiral william h. mcraven, arnold schwarzenegger, simon sinek: how great leaders inspire action.

  • Steve Jobs — 2005 Graduation Speech as Stanford—Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
  • Randy Pausch — The Last Lecture

Teddy Kennedy, Jr.: A Eulogy for My Father

Map out your leadership journey, discover the theory and skills you need to lead, take action, related pages, learn how to make a great speech.

Great speeches go hand in hand with great leadership. There’s power in the words if you know how to make the perfect pitch — how to deliver a speech — that holds their attention.

A Great Speech That Changed History

Great presentations, great persuasive presentations have a strong motivational impact. They can be so powerful as to change history. 

There is no exact version of what was said, but we know the results — the Crusades. Actually, there were several crusades, some total disasters such as the Children’s crusade. Still, it must have been an incredible speech, one designed to persuade and motivate the nobility of Europe.

This link accesses six versions of what was said .


In November 1095, Pope Urban the second called the European nobility to the Council of Claremont. There gathered the power elite of the day (kind of reminds you of Davos, doesn’t it). While you might call them members of the nobility, they were anything but noble. There were cynical, real political types. We have no exact record of what he said, there were not transcripts, the exact words forever lost.

However, we know the results—the crusades. Nine of them, ten counting the Children’s Crusade, spread over 300 years of time.

Whether or not you believe this was a good thing, one cannot deny that this speech was the catalyst of a social movement that changed history.

By Jean Colombe (about 1492)

One recent example was the 10 minute presentation to the leaders of the European Union by the president of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Article was titled, “Historic sanctions on Russia had roots in Zelensky’s emotional appeal.” Source: Washington Post and Yahoo .

tour leader speech

Normally, a first lady is not known for her ability to inspire and motivate. However, Ms. Obama is clearly the exception. The first speech is one made that had an impact on the 2016 presidential election. It’s included in an article from the Washington Post titled, “ Michelle Obama’s Speech on Donald Trump was Remarkable .”

tour leader speech

The content is extremely well written and delivered. It plays well to a set of aspirational cultural values, in this case, values strongly held in the American culture. That said, he also reminded these political leaders of the moral and ethical basis for exercising power.

Access: Full Transcript

tour leader speech

Bill Clinton  — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention

American president’s while in the office tends to be rather boring (meaning statesman-like). However, they do liven up the rhetoric on the campaign trail. Although it is fairly ethnocentric, focused as it is on American politics, you get a feel for how to good delivery interacts with good content to generate audience enthusiasm .

tour leader speech

It is not that often that a single speech can capture the imagination of many, but that is what happened with this 2013 speech by Senator Warren. Essentially, this short ten-minute speech was a populist one that catapulted the Senator into the position of a national spokesperson for the Democratic Party in America.

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Most business presentations are pretty boring but Jobs has mastered the art of the presentation. You don’t have to watch the entire presentation, but one can see why the iPhone generated so much publicity.

tour leader speech


This seventeen-minute video captured the powerful words of a truly great speaker—one who polished his craft with hundreds of hours of practice. While it is hard to tell from the video, it appears Dr. King started his presentation by reading from a script, then stopped reading from his prepared notes and started speaking extemporaneously. You might say, that’s when the magic began.

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Commencement speeches are always a special event. For the speaker makes a special event to share the lessons of a life time with those who are about to start their work life.

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Schwarzenegger is truly a special person who succeeded in multiple roles. A famous body builder, a movie star and a governor of California. Not bad for an immigrant from Austria.

tour leader speech

This was the video that founded an extremely successful career as a speaker and author. Not only is it a great speech about leadership, but it contains some timeless wisdom on marketing as well.

tour leader speech

Steve Jobs  — 2005 Graduation Speech as Stanford—Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

tour leader speech

Randy Pausch —  The Last Lecture

University professors are generally not known for memorable lectures. However, this is the  exception to the rule. In the video, we hear words of wisdom from a professor who knew he was dying of cancer. This has been a viral classic for a while and it really has a timeless quality about it.

tour leader speech

A great speech does not have to belong, this one is only 12 minutes. But it captured the many elements that make for a great presentation — there was emotion, there was fluency, and there was humor. You’ll also hear several great teaching stories, especially one which I call, “The Hill.”

tour leader speech

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Leadership Speech

tour leader speech

Leadership is a character a lot of us wants yet only a few can master. Being a leader entails great responsibility. Speech writing could be a challenge for some but for a leader, it is more of a necessity. It requires both the mind and the spirit to come up with a powerful speech.

A leadership speech could be likened to a keynote speech because it stirs emotions among the audience. However, a leadership is more of an encouragement message. It should be filled with words of unity, camaraderie, and trust. Let us discuss in great detail what a leadership speech is.

Short Leadership Speech

Short Leadership Speech

Size: 66 KB

School Speech

School Speech1

Size: 55 KB

What Is  a Leadership Speech?

A leadership speech is a particular kind of speech that is used to deliver a strong message with the purpose of influencing others and providing inspiration when necessary. It is a composition designed with the objective to motivational speech others, lead them in the right direction, and drive them towards a common goal.

Although most speeches require to use proper language to deliver a message, a leadership speech takes more than that. The language to be used should be easily understood by the audience yet able to convey a strong and powerful effect.

Leadership Conference

Leadership Conference

Size: 392 KB

School Captain Speech

School Captain Speech

Size: 543 KB

How to Give a Leadership Speech

In order to give an inspiring leadership speech, you need to have the spirit and heart of a true leader. Here are some tips for you.

1. Be Confident.

Confidence is the first thing you need to practice before delivering a leadership speech in pdf . If you do not sound confident, your audience will see as weak and an inefficient leader.

2. Show Enthusiasm.

If you happen to read some welcome speech examples, you will know that they have a common denominator, i.e., it is filled with energy and emotion. You should be able to convey the right emotion to your audience.

3. Use Body Language.

You cannot just stand in front o everybody and read your lines. You have to use hand gestures and other parts of your body to send your message.

Leadership Elevator

Leadership Elevator

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High School Speech

High School Speech

Size: 94 KB

Leadership Motivational

Leadership Motivational

Tips for an Effective Leadership Speech

When you write your speech , make sure to use proper language and style. Here are a few tips for you.

1. Start with a Strong Opening.

This is always an essential key in any speech. You have to start strong. Remember that you have to catch your audience’s attention.

2. Create an Outline.

When presenting speech make sure to prioritize the important ones. In addition to that, organize your thoughts for a clearer message.

3. Develop a Connection.

Always bear in mind that in order for your message to be understood, you need to have a connection with the crowd. You may also see appreciation speech examples & samples.

High School Graduation Speech

High School Graduation Speech

Size: 75 KB

Effective Leadership Speech

Effective Leadership Speech

Size: 10 KB

International Women’s Day Leadership Speech

International Women’s Day Leadership Speech

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Leader’s Breakfast Speech

Leader’s Breakfast Speech

Size: 71 KB

Benefits of a Leadership Speech

Delivering speeches has always been proven an effective way to send out important message. It can change the course of history. Graduation speech examples have always united the spirit of students although the celebration means they are separating their ways.

A leadership speech word in the same way acts as an instrument to ignite emotions and encourage others. People who do not have a voice in the society consider it an opportunity to be heard and acknowledge specially if the leader understands their sentiments. It is through the leader’s speech that the rest of the members’ thoughts are brought out in the open.


Leadership Speech Generator

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Super scottie: scheffler pulls away to win masters 2024 at augusta national for second major title, share this article.

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AUGUSTA, Ga. — On Sunday morning before the final round of the Masters, Scottie Scheffler felt overwhelmed again.

Two years ago, he was seeking his first major title and wasn’t sure if he was ready for that breakthrough. He felt anxious and broke into tears before his wife Meredith’s calming presence helped him find an inner peace that led him to victory. Two years later, Scheffler was in position to win another green jacket but this time Meredith was back home in Dallas awaiting the birth of their first child later this month. So, Scheffler sat around with some of his best childhood friends, who stepped in to deliver the words he needed so he could overcome his biggest foe: himself.

“I told them, I wish I didn’t want to win as badly as did I or as badly as I do. I think it would make the mornings easier,” Scheffler recounted. “But I love winning. I hate losing. I really do. And when you’re here in the biggest moments, when I’m sitting there with the lead on Sunday, I really, really want to win badly. And my buddies told me this morning, my victory was secure on the cross. And that’s a pretty special feeling to know that I’m secure for forever and it doesn’t matter if I win this tournament or lose this tournament. My identity is secure for forever.”

What a win. #themasters — The Masters (@TheMasters) April 15, 2024

Scheffler’s reputation as the best player in golf keeps growing as he turned in another dominant performance, winning for the third time in his last four starts and claiming his ninth career PGA Tour title. He made seven birdies, including six in a nine-hole span, to shoot 4-under 68 at Augusta National Golf Club and win the 88th Masters by four shots over Sweden’s Ludvig Aberg.

Augusta National always brings out the brilliance in the game’s preeminent players – from Arnold Palmer to Jack Nicklaus to Tom Watson and Tiger Woods – and makes their greatness shine. The course also can expose any weakness and has a way of separating good from great golf. Rory McIlroy has yet to produce the goods at the Masters but he’s experienced stretches of brilliance during his career and game recognized game as he touted Scheffler’s remarkable run.

“Not a lot of clutter,” McIlroy said of Scheffler’s mental approach. “The game feels pretty easy when you’re in stretches like this.”

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon amid the towering Georgia pines and beneath a robin-blue sky, Scheffler’s various super powers were on display and he intimidated his competition into the type of mistakes that he’s learned to eliminate in his latest victory spurt.

“You have to stay patient and trust in all aspects of your game,” Scheffler said.

Scheffler raced out of the gate with a bogey-free 66 on Thursday, endured swirling winds and shot even-par 72 when scores ballooned on Friday and bounced back from his lone rough patch of the tournament – a double bogey at 10 and bogey at 11 – by making an eagle at 13 on Saturday and shoot 71  to claim a one-stroke lead heading into the final round.

“He is pretty amazing at letting things roll off his back and stepping up to very difficult golf shots and treating them like their own. He’s obviously a tremendous talent, but I think that is his superpower,” said Max Homa, who shot 73 and finished T-3.

Scottie Scheffler returns his lead to three strokes. #themasters — The Masters (@TheMasters) April 14, 2024

MASTERS : Photos | Prize money | All-time Masters money

In the final round, Scheffler had to fend off Homa, Aberg (69), who was trying to win a major in his first major championship, and Collin Morikawa (74), who was seeking the third leg of the career Grand Slam. The four players shared the lead as Scheffler neared the turn before each of Scheffler’s closest pursuers made a critical error. That’s what Scheffler does. He makes some of the best golfers in the world hit shots they aren’t comfortable hitting. He dragged them into the deep end of the pool to see if they can swim with him. First to sink was Morikawa, who made double bogeys at Nos. 9 and 11.

“Greed got the best of me,” Morikawa said.

Aberg erred at No. 11 too, drawing his second shot too much and it bounced off the bank and into the pond. His hopes of becoming the first Masters rookie since Fuzzy Zoeller in 1979 to win the title drowned with that costly double.

“I knew I couldn’t miss left and I missed it left,” he said.

Homa’s tee shot at the par-3 12 th sailed over the green into a bush and he made double too.

“You just know that Scottie’s just going to play well, and he’s going to be there, and you’re going to have to do something special at some point, chip in, make a long putt, and I just didn’t do that,” Homa said.

Scheffler was there thanks to a tidy short game early, a clutch 10-foot birdie putt at No. 9 and some deadly iron shots that built him a comfortable cushion as he signed for a 72-hole total of 11-under 277.

Scheffler’s lob wedge at the ninth spun back to within inches and his approach at No. 10 danced to 9 feet to set up his third birdie in a row. He made a bogey at No. 11 but got the stroke back after attacking the par-5 13 th in two and stuffing another short iron to tap-in range at 14. He finished off the birdie binge with another iron to 9 feet at the par-3 16th.

“He seems to be good at everything. He doesn’t really have a weakness,” Scheffler’s caddie Ted Scott said. “I think people created a weakness in his putting. He’s not a weak putter. He’s a good putter. He’s a very good putter.”

On his way to sign his scorecard, Scheffler paused to give his putting coach, Phil Kenyon, a bear hug and lifted him off the ground. Scheffler won the PGA Tour’s Player of the Year award last season, but a balky putter kept him from what otherwise might have been a historic season. After Scheffler failed to win the Tour Championship in August, he and his agent Blake Smith discussed his putting woes on the plane ride home.

“We kind of look at each other, and I think we both were thinking the same thing. And we both looked at each other, and I was like, ‘You know, I want to see a putting coach.’ Blake goes, ‘I think that’s a good idea. Let’s talk to Randy,’” Scheffler recalled.

Randy would be Randy Smith, Scheffler’s coach for the last 20 years and also Blake’s father. This was a significant decision.

“For me to have to bring in somebody else could have been a shot to his ego and he may not have wanted me to do it. But Randy sat there and he said, ‘You know what, I think it’s the right time.’ We called Phil, and about a week later he came in, had a visit. We worked for a couple days, and, yeah, now we’re here,” Scheffler said.

Scheffler began using a mallet putter in March at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and it has made a world of difference. Scheffler took 109 putts this week en route to victory.

“His whole putting-majig he was going through, I knew he was going to get out of,” Morikawa said. “But to see what he’s doing with his irons is crazy impressive because he’s hitting every shot, he’s moving both directions, and it’s something that I admired.”

That’s high praise from Morikawa, who has been considered the heir to the throne long-held by Tiger Woods as the best iron player in the game. Scheffler has become dominant with his ballstriking. Morikawa’s caddie J.J. Jakovac joked, “It’s probably a little easier to stop a 7-iron or 8-iron than the skinny 5-iron that I hit. But you play with what you got.”

Scheffler dominated the par 5s the way Woods once did, playing them in 9 under this week. He has yet to shoot a round over par this season. He earned consecutive wins at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and Players Championship before a T-2 in his last start at the Texas Children’s Houston Open two weeks ago on the PGA Tour. He has seven top 10s in eight starts on Tour this season with a worst finish of T-17 at the American Express back in January.

 “Scottie has a way of making the extraordinary look ordinary,” said Golf Channel’s Brandel Chamblee. “You don’t realize until you see his other competitors, these great players in the same spot as him, and they can’t quite match him shot for shot. They can’t quite match him with the nuance, and you begin to recognize his genius…small little differences, but they mean so much around here.”

Scheffler’s won two Masters titles in five starts — only Horton Smith who won two of the first three Masters played has done that faster. In the final round, Scheffler was the player who made the fewest mistakes. He credited Smith with instilling in him the importance of patience.

2024 Masters

Scottie Scheffler walks off No. 15 during the third round of the Masters Tournament. (Photo: Adam Cairns-USA TODAY Network)

“I remember being 15, 16 years old and not winning as many times as I felt like I should and Randy would always say, ‘It’s not about who is the best when you’re 14 years old, it’s about who can be the best when you’re 25 years old.’ And he’s like, ‘It’s a long journey.’ ”

That journey has taken Scheffler to the summit of the game and his Masters triumph felt like a coronation for what has the potential to be a historic year.

“I feel like playing professional golf is an endlessly not satisfying career,” Scheffler said, but he will try to enjoy it before he tees it up again next week. “I will go home, soak in this victory tonight. Will definitely enjoy the birth of my first child. But with that being said, I still love competing. I don’t plan on taking my eye off the ball anytime soon, that’s for sure.”

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Speech On Leadership [1,2,3 Minutes]

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the ways and shows the way”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the meaning of leadership in just a few words. Leadership is a process of influencing, inspiring and helping others to achieve goals along the way.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech on leadership. These speeches have a time duration of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. This article will explain to you what is leadership, who is a good leader and how to choose a good leader.

1 Minute Speech On Leadership

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on leadership.

What is leadership? If you find the definition in the dictionary, you will see it is the ability of a person to influence individuals and guide them in a way that maximizes their efforts and leads to optimum outcomes.

This is why It becomes important for any kind of organisation to have a great leader who has good visionary skills and risk-computing skills so that he can lead the organisation on the path of progress.

Many say that leadership can not be taught but I believe this is an assumption. Various leadership development programmes can help you develop leadership skills.

To sum it up, developing leadership skills is a slow process but anyone can definitely learn leadership. Thank you!

2-Minute Speech On Leadership

I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on leadership. Before I start speaking my thoughts, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with. Yet, it is not something that can not be learned. It is a process of influencing, inspiring and helping others to become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way.

Leadership skills are always needed to accomplish a great goal of an organisation. A good leader has a good vision and risk-calculating abilities which reduce the risk of a decline in progress. Working for a goal without having a good leader is no less than shooting arrows in the darkness.

A leader can make or break all of your future dreams. So, it is very vital to choose a leader very wisely. But then a question arises in the mind; how to identify a good leader who can actually help us to lead ahead in life?

Well, there are some common personality traits of a good leader which can help in finding a good leader. First , good observation skill is one of the features of great leaders, they observe well before making a decision.

Second , they are action-takers, they do not waste their time on unnecessary activities. Third , they are good communicators. They have a great deal of sense of how to present views in a positive way. This quality enables them to influence and persuade each kind of person.

Fourth , Flexibility is another great quality of great leaders. They change strategies whenever they feel the need. So, pay close attention to who is leading you. Thank you!

2 minute Speech On Leadership

A Speech On Leadership | 3 Minutes

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the ways and shows the way”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the meaning of leadership in just a few words.

Good morning! All of you. Before heading ahead to my speech on leadership, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Who is a leader? The answer is “someone who can lead you somewhere is called a leader” and this kind of capability is called  leadership . Also, a good leader is also a great mentor. Thus, It becomes necessary for any kind of organisation to have a splendid leader.

Leadership is not a new idea. If we examine history, we will find It has been ruling the world since human civilizations came into existence. A leader possesses good visionary skills and risk-computing skills so that he can lead the organisation on the path of progress.

Whether a person, a business or an organisation, all of this desire to lead to new heights. There is no choice but to have a great leader who can show them the right path and help them get there. This is why leadership holds great importance in every sphere of life.

But choosing a good leader is not easy yet not even very tough. Great leaders show some common qualities which can help us select a good leader who can actually help us to achieve goals and accomplish success. Let’s talk about these qualities.

This is the greatest quality that a great leader can have. This quality his see the broad picture of the scene to decide what are the next essential steps to take and where these steps will lead to.

2. Inspiration

Planning without action is worthless. Similarly, having a vision not going to work unless you have the ability to convey a clear picture of your vision to the people. Hence, inspiring people by showing them their vision is another quality of a good leader.

3. Continuous Improvement

A leader strives for continuous improvements as they know that there is always room for improvement. They’ll always be ready to help the members to discover ways to develop new skills or improve upon a weakness,

4. Flexibility

If one strategy does not work, try the other one. This activity is called flexibility. Being flexible enables a person to find out the best way to achieve goals in less time.

If a person possesses these qualities, he or she qualifies to be a good leader. This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

3 Minutes Speech On Leadership

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President Biden rips 'Mar-a-Lago values' on trail in Pennsylvania with Trump in court

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WASHINGTON ― With Donald Trump stuck in a New York courtroom, President Joe Biden took his campaign Tuesday to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he hammered the former president over his tax policies in an appeal to working-class voters .

Biden began a three-day swing through Pennsylvania, the biggest battleground of the 2024 election, blasting Trump's 2017 tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest Americans while calling for the rich to pay their "fair share."

Biden, in a campaign speech, leaned into his modest upbringing in Scranton − "where honesty and decency matter," he said − and compared it to Trump's background of wealth and inheritance.

"People like Donald Trump learned very different lessons," Biden told supporters at the Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple. "He learned the best way to get rich is inherit it. He learned that paying taxes is something that people who work for a living did, not him. He learned that telling people they're fired was something to laugh about."

The Scranton stop − designed to make an economic case for Biden's reelection while inflation remains stubbornly high − fell one day after Tax Day, the April 15 deadline for people to file their federal tax returns. Biden released his tax returns Monday , while Trump did not, following a practice of not publicizing his returns that Trump maintained in the White House.

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"When I look at the economy, I don't see it through the eyes of Mar-a-Lago, I see it through the eyes of Scranton − and that's not hyperbole," Biden said, adding that Trump "and his rich friends" embrace the "failed trickled-down policies" of the past 40 years.

"Scranton values or Mar-a-Lago values: These are the competing visions for our economy that raise fundamental questions of fairness at the heart of this campaign," Biden said.

More: Biden wants to win back blue-collar voters. These Trump-won districts may offer a path.

The visit came as Trump attended day two of his criminal trial  in New York involving alleged hush-money payments he made to a porn star during the 2016 campaign.

Ahead of the November election, Biden is looking to improve Democratic performance with white working-class voters who lack college degrees, who have increasingly moved to the Republican camp in the Trump era.

In his State of the Union address last month, Biden revived a proposal to reverse the corporate tax rate cut that Trump and congressional Republicans passed in 2017 by raising the rate from 21% to 28%. The rate was previously set at 35% prior to the Trump-era cuts.

Biden has proposed increasing a new minimum on the largest billion-dollar corporations − which he signed into law in 2022 − from 15% to 21% and creating a new 25% minimum tax on Americans with more than $100 million in wealth, the 0.01% wealthiest Americans. He has vowed not to raise taxes on any American making more than $400,00 a year.

"No billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, or a nurse or a sanitation worker," Biden said, later taking a jab at the tumbling stock of Truth Social, Trump's social media company. "You know, I have to say: If Trump's stock in Truth Social, his company, drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his."

In a statement, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said Trump "proudly passed the largest tax cuts in history" and accused Biden of backing the largest tax hike in history.

"When President Trump is back in the White House, he will advocate for more tax cuts for all Americans and reinvigorate America's energy industry to bring down inflation, lower the cost of living, and pay down our debt," Leavitt said.

A proposal put forward last month by the House Republican Study Committee would make permanent the Trump-era tax cuts on individuals and businesses, which are set to expire at the end of 2025, along with making other new tax cuts.

Brian Deese, former director of the National Economic Council in the Biden White House, told reporters the Republican plan would add $5 trillion to the deficit and would deliver billionaires a $3.5 million tax cut on average.

"Donald Trump is going to have to stand up in front of the American people and defend why the richest people in the country get a tax cut that is seven times greater than the income of a typical middle class family," Deese said during a Biden campaign call.

Pennsylvania, with its 19 electoral votes, is one of the most fiercely contested battleground states of the election. Biden carried Pennsylvania by just 1.2 percentage points in 2020. Pennsylvania also features a critical Senate race between incumbent Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., and expected Republican challenger David McCormick.

Trump held a campaign rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday. Biden plans to visit the Pittsburgh area on Wednesday and Philadelphia on Thursday in a push to tout an economy recovery that's gone unnoticed for many Americans while inflation remains high.

The trip to Scranton marked the eighth time either Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris have visited Pennsylvania in 2024.

Reach Joey Garrison on X @joeygarrison.

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Germany’s Leader Walks a Fine Line in China

Chancellor Olaf Scholz tried to promote German business interests while delivering warnings from Europe about trade and geopolitical tensions.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany and Xi Jinping, China’s leader, both in dark suits, stand on a red carpet in front of large Chinese and German flags.

By Alexandra Stevenson and Melissa Eddy

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany tried to strike a delicate balance on a trip to China this week, promoting business ties with his country’s biggest trading partner while raising concerns over its surge of exports to Europe and its support for Russia.

Mr. Scholz met with China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Tuesday, the culmination of a three-day visit with a delegation of German officials and business leaders. He also met with Premier Li Qiang as the two countries navigate relations strained by Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s rivalry with the United States, Germany’s most important ally.

Throughout his trip, Mr. Scholz promoted the interests of German companies that are finding it increasingly hard to compete in China. And he conveyed growing concern in the European Union that the region’s market is becoming a dumping ground for Chinese goods produced at a loss .

But Mr. Scholz chose a conciliatory tone over a combative one in his opening remarks before sitting down with Mr. Xi on Tuesday morning, in a meeting that stretched over three hours and turned into a walk and lunch.

It was the German leader’s first visit to China since his government adopted a strategy last year that defined the Asian power as a “partner, competitor and systemic rival ,” calling on Germany to reduce its dependency on Chinese goods.

Germany’s economy shrank last year, and its weaknesses have exposed a reliance on China for growth. Energy prices have risen because of the war in Ukraine, which has been facilitated by Beijing’s support for the Kremlin. German companies have pushed for more access to China and complained that they face unfair competition .

The chancellor visited German companies with extensive investments in China and met with trade representatives and officials in the sprawling industrial metropolis of Chongqing in China’s southwest and in Shanghai and Beijing.

At a talk with a group of students in Shanghai on Monday, Mr. Scholz fielded a question from a student who planned to study in Germany this year, who said he was “really worried” because the country had partially legalized cannabis. “When you study in Berlin, you can run around the whole time and never meet anyone who does that,” the chancellor assured him.

But he also used the platform to push more serious messages about trade. “Competition must be fair,” Mr. Scholz told the students. “We want a level playing field,” he said.

Mr. Scholz’s trip was an example of the difficult dance that Germany is trying to do: maintaining economic ties with China while managing U.S. pressure to align itself more closely with Washington against Beijing.

In his meetings, Mr. Scholz highlighted Germany’s commitment to doing business with China, but he also warned that Beijing had to curb the flood of Chinese goods into Europe. At the same time, he expressed reservations about the European Union’s investigations into China’s use of subsidies for green technology industries, saying that any discussion about trade must be based on fairness.

“This must be done from a position of self-confident competitiveness and not from protectionist motives,” Mr. Scholz told reporters on Monday.

China’s manufacturing push in green sectors like electric cars and solar panels has touched off trade disputes with Europe and the United States, where such industries have also received government support. But with 5,000 German companies active in the Chinese market, Germany stands to lose more than many of its European partners would if Beijing were to retaliate against the European Union.

“If the E.U. goes too hard against China, we could expect countermeasures and this would be a catastrophe for us,” said Maximilian Butek, the executive director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China.

“For us it’s extremely important that the Chinese market remains open,” he said.

In his meeting with Mr. Xi, Mr. Scholz indicated that Russia’s war on Ukraine and its arms buildup were high on his agenda. “They directly affect our core interests. Indirectly, they damage the entire international order,” he said in opening remarks at the meeting, a transcript of which was provided by Mr. Scholz’s office.

Despite pressing the issue with Mr. Xi, he did not appear to win the commitment that he had sought from the Chinese leader to take part in an international conference for Ukraine planned in June. Germany had hoped that China could use its influence over Russia to help work toward a peace agreement.

Germany would also like China stop selling goods to Russia that have potential uses on the battlefield, and Mr. Scholz told reporters that he had brought up the issue in his meeting. “The point has been made,” he said. “There can be no misunderstanding about how we see things.”

China is hoping to drive a wedge between Europe and the United States by courting leaders such as Mr. Scholz. State media reports depicted his visit as demonstrating the strength of China’s relations with Europe, playing up its economic ties with Germany.

In his opening remarks to Mr. Scholz, Mr. Xi said cooperation between China and Germany, which have the second- and third-largest economies, was beneficial to the world, a remark that could be read as directed at those who have urged Berlin to distance itself from Beijing.

“The two countries should view and develop bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective and work together to inject more stability and certainty into the world,” Mr. Xi told Mr. Scholz, emphasizing the importance of seeking “common ground.”

Beijing is sure to welcome the message that German businesses are committed to China. The Asian giant is trying to court foreign investment to reinvigorate its economy, which has faltered because of a housing slowdown. Some Western businesses and investors have also been rattled by Mr. Xi’s emphasis on national security, which they regard as making it riskier to operate in the country.

From China’s perspective, Germany may be its best hope of delaying or watering down any trade restrictions from Europe, said Noah Barkin, a senior adviser in the China practice at the Rhodium Group, a research firm.

German carmakers have invested billions of dollars in China, and much of their revenue comes from there. Many worry that if the European Commission imposes higher tariffs on Chinese exports, and Beijing retaliates, German businesses will suffer most.

Chinese officials “know that German companies are heavily invested and they use that politically to influence political decision making in Berlin,” Mr. Barkin said.

Germany’s biggest companies, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz and BASF, have large operations in China and strong, effective lobbies in Berlin, Mr. Barkin added. Executives from those companies, along with several others, traveled with Mr. Scholz to China.

“The supply chain in China is stuffed with German goods,” said Joerg Wuttke, a former president of the E.U. Chamber of Commerce in China. “If China has a price war with Germany, then no one will make money anymore.”

Mr. Scholz also brought along the German ministers for agriculture, the environment and transportation, officials who experts said would be particularly interested in working with China.

“You set an agenda with these three ministers, the tonality is overall a cooperative one, these are areas that we want to work on,” said Janka Oertel, director of the Asia Program at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Chinese officials, for their part, have brushed off the European accusations of unfair trading practices, calling them groundless and an act of “ typical protectionism .” They have hinted that they could retaliate for any actions taken by the European Union, saying that China was “strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes” its investigations.

In an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, Wu Ken, China’s ambassador to Germany, said the competitive edge of Chinese electric vehicles “relies on innovation, not subsidies.”

“The challenge faced by developed countries lies more in the fact that Chinese companies are more efficient,” the ambassador said.

Vivian Wang contributed reporting from Beijing and Zixu Wang from Hong Kong.

Alexandra Stevenson is the Shanghai bureau chief for The Times, reporting on China’s economy and society. More about Alexandra Stevenson

Melissa Eddy is based in Berlin and reports on Germany’s politics, businesses and its economy. More about Melissa Eddy

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Joint Statement from the Leaders of the United   States and the Republic of   Iraq

Today, the President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr., welcomed the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani, to the White House.  The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the enduring strategic partnership between Iraq and the United States and discussed their visions for comprehensive bilateral cooperation under the 2008 U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement.  The President and Prime Minister agreed on the importance of working together to advance regional stability and reinforce and respect Iraqi sovereignty, stability, and security.

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani affirmed that a diversified and growing Iraqi economy, integrated with the region and the global economic system, is the foundation for lasting stability in the region and prosperity for the Iraqi people.  The two leaders exchanged views on how political, economic, and security cooperation between the United States and Iraq could advance shared goals, including the development of a strong and stable Iraqi nation that promotes peace and progress throughout the broader Middle East.

Energy and Environment

President Biden applauded Iraq’s progress towards energy self-sufficiency, and the two leaders discussed Prime Minister Sudani’s interest in future opportunities for cooperation to ensure Iraq becomes self-sufficient by 2030, with help from U.S. companies.  President Biden affirmed continued U.S. support for Iraq’s efforts to modernize its energy sector, reduce methane emissions, improve public health, more reliably provide electricity for the Iraqi people, and complete the electrical grid connections with neighboring countries, including the ongoing efforts to connect Iraq’s grid with Jordan and GCC countries.  The two leaders discussed future plans to develop Iraq’s resources in a manner that ensures all Iraqis benefit from their country’s natural wealth, consistent with Iraq’s constitution. 

Prime Minister Sudani and President Biden affirmed the importance of ensuring Iraqi oil can reach international markets and expressed their desire to reopen the Iraq-Turkiye Pipeline. 

Regional Integration and Political Cooperation

President Biden reaffirmed U.S. support for Iraq in strengthening relations with the international community and states of the region to ensure security, stability, and enhanced prosperity for its peoples.  President Biden pledged continued U.S. support for greater economic integration of Iraq with the Middle East region. 

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani discussed their shared view that the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR) is integral to Iraq’s overall prosperity and stability.  In that vein, the President commended the Prime Minister’s and Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) efforts to reach durable agreements that resolve longstanding challenges, including the recent arrangement to pay two months of KRG civil servant salaries, and encouraged continued progress.  The President also affirmed U.S. support for strengthening democracy in Iraq, including free, fair, and transparent regional elections in the IKR.

Economy and Finance

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani discussed Iraq’s progressive efforts to reform the financial and banking sector to connect Iraq to the international economy and increase trade while shielding the Iraqi people from the harmful impacts of corruption and money-laundering.  Through 2023 and 2024, banks in Iraq have expanded their correspondent relationships with international financial institutions to enable trade financing, with the majority of trade finance now occurring through these channels.  The two leaders affirmed the importance of these and other measures to improve the investment climate in Iraq to attract foreign capital and promote economic growth.  The United States and Iraq commit to strengthen their cooperation to achieve greater transparency and collaboration against money-laundering, financing terrorism, fraud, corruption, and sanctionable activity that could undermine the integrity of both countries’ financial systems.  The two sides also committed to support the Central Bank of Iraq to fully wind down the wire auction mechanism by the end of 2024 and transition to direct correspondent relationships between Iraqi and international banks, a transformation that will connect Iraqi people and businesses with the international economy.

The Lasting Defeat of ISIS

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani discussed their commitment to a stable and secure Iraq.  They agreed that Iraq’s security forces must be able to ensure that ISIS can never again reconstitute inside Iraq to threaten the Iraqi people, the region, or the international community, including the United States.  President Biden reiterated his belief that a strong Iraq, capable of self-defense, is critical to regional stability and committed to bolstering the capabilities of security forces across all of Iraq to secure the country’s territory and people.

Nearly ten years after establishing the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, the two leaders discussed the Coalition’s successes in both Iraq and Syria, where all Iraqi security forces including in Kurdistan were critical to the territorial defeat of ISIS.  Both leaders paid tribute to the sacrifices made by Iraqi, United States, and other friendly countries’ military personnel serving side-by-side as partners during the historic campaign against ISIS, as well as the civilians killed by ISIS, including the massacres at Camp Speicher, Mount Sinjar, and Hit.  Prime Minister Sudani emphasized the national effort that was required to defeat ISIS and discussed his affirmative agenda to continue rebuilding Iraq and restore its position as an engine of stability and growth for the broader Middle East.  President Biden noted that the enduring defeat of ISIS would help ensure Iraq’s, the region’s, and the world’s security in the future, as well as its ability to fulfill the Iraqi people’s aspirations to develop economically, attract foreign investment, and provide regional leadership.

Enduring Bilateral Security Cooperation

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani also discussed the natural evolution of the global D-ISIS Coalition in light of the significant progress that has been made in ten years.  The two leaders expressed their commitment to the ongoing Higher Military Commission (HMC) process and its results, and the three working groups that will assess: the continued threat from ISIS, operational and environmental requirements, and bolstering Iraq’s security force capabilities.  The two leaders affirmed they would review these factors to determine when and how the mission of the Global Coalition in Iraq would end, and transition in an orderly manner to enduring bilateral security partnerships, in accordance with Iraq’s Constitution and the U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement.

The leaders further affirmed their intent to convene later this year the U.S.-Iraq Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue (JSCD) for talks on the future of the bilateral security partnership.

Strategic and Enduring Partnership

President Biden and Prime Minister Sudani renewed their commitment to bilateral partnership for the benefit of their two nations and decided to expand cooperation in all areas discussed in the Higher Coordinating Committee (HCC) meetings co-chaired by the U.S. Secretary of State and Iraqi Minister of Planning.  The two leaders affirmed their intent to continue their consultations on a shared vision for comprehensive, productive partnership to advance common goals.

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2024 RBC Heritage live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, radio, golf coverage

There is no rest for the weary with a signature event on tap this week on the pga tour.


Players make the short trip from Augusta, Georgia, to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for this week's 2024 RBC Heritage. In total, 69 golfers will tee it up on Harbour Town Golf Links across the first two days as yet another signature event on the PGA Tour's playing calendar gets underway.

Unlike the Genesis Invitational or Arnold Palmer Invitational, the RBC Heritage will not feature a 36-hole cut, meaning the entirety of the field will be around for the weekend. That is music to the ears to those who missed out on the weekend action at the Masters, including the likes of Jordan Spieth, Justin Thomas, Wyndham Clark and Brian Harman.

Spieth, the 2022 champion, looks to kickstart his season after a disappointing showing at Augusta National. He is no stranger to bouncing back at the RBC Heritage; he followed a missed cut at the year's first major championship with a win a week later in Hilton Head.

If Spieth is to return to the winner's circle, he will have to go through Scottie Scheffler. The world No. 1 remains in the field for now and aims to collect his fourth trophy in his last five tournaments. Fresh off slipping on his second green jacket, Scheffler has widened the gap between him and the rest of the world and shows no signs of slowing down.

Tommy Fleetwood, Collin Morikawa Xander Schauffele, Ludvig Åberg, Will Zalatoris and Max Homa were among those to perform well at the Masters, and they hope that translates to more of the same. Rory McIlroy, Patrick Cantlay and defending champion Matt Fitzpatrick will look for some form. In total, 26 of the top 30 players in the Official World Golf Rankings are set to play.

All times Eastern; streaming start times approximated   

Round 3 - Saturday

Round starts:  7:15 a.m.

PGA Tour Live:  7:15 a.m. -  6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Live

Early TV coverage:  1-3 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming: 1-3 p.m. on Peacock

Live TV coverage:  3-6 p.m. on CBS Live simulcast:  3-6 p.m. on  and the  CBS Sports App

Radio:  1-6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Radio  

Round 4 - Sunday

Early TV coverage:  1-3 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming:  1-3 p.m. on Peacock

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    English for Tour Guides. These pages from our English for Work series cover language needed by tour guides in an English-speaking context. Being a tour guide is a very important job. In many cases, the tour guide is a traveller's first impression of a foreign country. In other cases a tour guide may be responsible for teaching tourists about ...

  13. Famous Leader's Speeches

    Integrity. The crux of integrity is honesty. Integrity expects you to remain truthful towards your people under every circumstance. It is the founding quality which is required in any leader and for any working sphere. Cooperation. It's a great leadership quality to make everyone work in harmony under one roof.

  14. The best leadership speech: Are you ready to lead?

    He says; "Are you ready to lead him " after explaining a person's story. Instead of; "You are expected to be a great leader". We hear; ' He expects you be be ready to lead his people. In fact he demands it.'. After telling a story about the head of a division. Here are some more messages peppered throughout the talk.

  15. 10 Of The Greatest Leadership Speeches Of All Time

    3. President Obama: Seeking a new beginning. In June 2009, President Obama gave a rousing speech at Cairo University. This speech shows Obama at his best, building a fantastic rapport with his audience. 4. Randy Pausch: The last lecture. Carnegie Mellon Professor, Randy Pausch, gave his last lecture to a crowded auditorium.

  16. Closing Remarks

    Being a tour guide is a very important job. In many cases, the tour guide is a traveller's first impression of a foreign country. In other cases a tour guide...

  17. How to Write a Tour Guide Script that Wows Guests

    Helpful things special with their tour guide script: Focus on your guests: As it allow shall you doing the talking, your client will be giving a lot of return by non-verbal cues. Aim into say just enough to keep them engaged and then move on. Forget the rules: focusing on them will only distract you. Make eye contact.

  18. Qualities of a Successful Tour Director and Guide

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  19. Great Speeches By Leaders

    Gavin Newsom: Governor of the State of California. Michele Obama — Summer and Fall of 2016. Pope Francis: Speech to the US Congress, September 24, 2015. Bill Clinton — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention. Elizabeth Warren — December 12, 2013.

  20. Leadership Speech

    Being a leader entails great responsibility. Speech writing could be a challenge for some but for a leader, it is more of a necessity. It requires both the mind and the spirit to come up with a powerful speech. A leadership speech could be likened to a keynote speech because it stirs emotions among the audience. However, a leadership is more of ...

  21. How to Write a Tour Guide Script that Wows Guests

    After all, when guests book a tour yours hope to be treated well. Search our feel more comfortable and view what different journeys might find interesting while on guided. 5. Informative storyteller. If you've been living includes ampere region forward more time, you probably must a assets of knowledge to share.

  22. How to Be a Funny Tour Guide and Delight Guests

    1. Become a storyteller. When it comes to developing savvy tour guided skills, a sense of humour is pretty high on the list. It's true that storytelling a one of the best ways of connecting to one another and forging connections. Go start, you'll want the become a master at the art of storytelling and bringing your guests into this past.

  23. The Masters 2024 leaderboard: Full final scores from Augusta National

    Telegraph Sport 15 April 2024 • 12:22am. Woods finished rock bottom of the weekend leaderboard Credit: Getty Images /Warren Little. Scottie Scheffler won his second Masters in three years on ...

  24. Scottie Scheffler wins Masters 2024 for second major title

    Super Scottie: Scheffler pulls away to win Masters 2024 at Augusta National for second major title. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. AUGUSTA, Ga. — On Sunday morning before the final round of the Masters, Scottie Scheffler felt overwhelmed again.

  25. Speech On Leadership [1,2,3 Minutes]

    2-Minute Speech On Leadership. I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on leadership. Before I start speaking my thoughts, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity. Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with.

  26. RBC Heritage 2024 Golf Leaderboard

    Tee Times. Odds. Field. FedExCup. Course Stats. TOURCAST. Past Results. Overview. PGA TOUR Tournament Field 2024 RBC Heritage, Hilton Head Island - Golf Scores and Results.

  27. With Trump in court, Biden begins Pennsylvania campaign blitz

    0:44. WASHINGTON ― With Donald Trump stuck in a New York courtroom, President Joe Biden took his campaign Tuesday to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he hammered the former ...

  28. Germany's Leader Walks a Fine Line in China

    Mr. Scholz met with China's top leader, Xi Jinping, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Tuesday, the culmination of a three-day visit with a delegation of German officials and ...

  29. Joint Statement from the Leaders of the United

    Joint Statement from the Leaders of the United. States and the Republic of. Iraq. Today, the President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr., welcomed the Prime Minister of the Republic of ...

  30. 2024 RBC Heritage live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee

    Leaderboard 2024 RBC Heritage live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, golf coverage, radio There is no rest for the weary with a signature event on tap this week on the PGA Tour