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How To Create A Product Tour for Customers in 2024

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Think of your amazing product as an elaborate feast – without a guided tour, your customers may not fully understand the complex flavors it brings to the table.

That's where a product tour comes in, serving as a virtual tour guide that introduces new users to your app and helps them get comfortable with your UI.

It's the key to long-term engagement, product activation, product adoption, and user retention.

So, if you want to keep your customers coming back for more, let's dig into what a product tour is, how to create one, and why it's essential for your business in 2024.

What is a Product Tour?

A product tour is a guided walkthrough of your product given to new users when they sign up. It is the quickest way to successfully onboard customers and ensure they get value out of your product at the earliest. 

Through a product tour, you can showcase:

  • How your product works
  • Its benefits
  • Hidden features
  • How to use it

In other words, effective product tours are like a concise and clear roadmap that helps users quickly understand your product's flow and value by taking them on a step-by-step journey through its features.

What is a Guided Product Tour or Walkthrough?

Imagine having a personal tour guide that helps you unlock the full potential of a SaaS product with ease.

That's exactly what a product tour or interactive walkthrough offers.

Interactive guides showcase:

Think of effective product tours as a concise and clear roadmap that helps users quickly understand your product's flow and value by taking them on a step-by-step journey through its features.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in a Guided Product Tour

Let's dive into the reasons why interactive walkthroughs are a game-changer for your business:

Adopt a Product-Led Strategy ‍

In today's competitive market, prospects have countless alternatives at their fingertips.

That's why it's time to let your product take the lead, backed by strategic sales efforts.

Here’s where you can leverage product tours to drive your product-led growth marketing strategy – allowing prospects to experience the value of your product and provide personalized guidance!

The best course of action is to let prospects explore and adopt your product independently, reducing their Time to Value through product demos. The longer it takes for them to see the value, the more likely they are to look elsewhere.

Improve Product Adoption and Upsell

How do you ensure user adoption ? Say goodbye to boring emails and elevate user experience with interactive product demos instead! You can use guided product demos to take your users through new features, introduce them to unexplored areas of your product for feature adoption, and optimize the onboarding process. Do this and see user satisfaction levels go through the roof! 

You can also upsell premium additional features with compelling tours that showcase their value. Onboarding process tours can drive cross-selling opportunities and entice users to upgrade for more benefits.

Ensure Customer Success

A guided product tour is the key to optimizing your customers’ user journey, ensuring they get the most out of your product.

Say goodbye to the hassle of googling "how to" guides and fumbling through software alone.

With a step-by-step product tour, they'll effortlessly learn how to maximize their product experience and save time.

Big win for customer success teams!

Good onboarding experiences also help to guide users to their "aha" moment with ease. Show them how your product can transform their work or life and build lasting relationships with customer loyalty.

Adding an interactive product tour on your website can captivate prospects and prolong their stay on your site, which can significantly boost your SEO.

This is because a longer dwell time can indicate to Google that your company is an authority on the topic and potentially result in a higher page ranking.

Improve Employee Onboarding Experience

Having a guided product tour as part of your employee onboarding experience is a great way to familiarise your new hires with your product. This saves the bandwidth of the customer success team, engineering team, and even the product team!

Get. Set. Go launch that Onboarding Tour 🚀

5 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in a Guided Product Tour

How to Create a Guided Product Tour on Storylane?

The fastest and easiest way to create an amazing product tour is with no-code interactive product tour software like Storylane . Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Capture Your Product’s Screens

To ensure that your demo is effective and beneficial, it's important to highlight the features of your product. To do this, start by using Storylane's Chrome Extension to capture screenshots of your software's screens.

A screenshot of Storylane’s browser extension, with a button pointing at ‘Record a new demo’

For an interactive product tour that gives customers a sort of Sandbox experience, you’ll have to choose the Chrome Extension's ‘Record HTML’ option – this also gives you advanced capture options to make sure you’re covering all bases!

Step 2: Open the Storylane Editor and Add Guided Steps

Once you finish capturing the screens, you’ll be directed to the Storylane Editor.

Here, you can choose from a variety of widgets like tooltips and modals to create a flow for your product tour. These will form the steps of your product tour.

A screenshot of Storylane’s Editor, with the widget bar open. There are several options in the widget bar that are: tooltips, hotspot, walkthrough, modal, text-only, lead capture, image, and video. The text points to one of the options and says ‘Choose one of the tooltips and then choose a place where to place it’. 

Step 3: Customize Your Steps

Each widget that’s added as a step can be customized to match your requirements. You can use product tour tools to make stylistic changes like the background color, the beacon color, add a backdrop, change size and alignment, etc. You can also make more advanced changes like:

  • Adding close ‘x’ buttons
  • Previous/next buttons
  • Numbering steps
  • Adding lead forms
  • Enabling auto play of demos and more!

A screenshot of Storylane’s Editor, with the widget customization option open. The text reads ‘Hover on the widget and press the ‘Edit step’ button. 

Step 4: Add Advanced Flows and Personalization

To make your tour more interactive and show more complex product features, you can create advanced flows like creating a product tour to keep users engaged and avoid drop-offs.

A screenshot of the Storylane Editor that shows the successful creation of a product tour using Storylane. 

  • Personalize for your tour structure: You can edit screens to change the content inside – such as editing text, adding graphs, embedding images, blurring sensitive data, deleting elements and more.

A screenshot of the Storylane Editor that shows an element on the webpage and the text reads ‘Choose the HTML element where you’d like to embed something new’.

  • Personalize at scale for your client’s needs: You can use advanced features to personalize text, day/time, image and video tokens to suit your customer’s specific needs

A screenshot of the Storylane Editor that shows advanced personalization features like changing text tokens, day and time, and more. 

Step 5: Publish and Analyze

While you are building your demo story, you will notice that the status is "Draft". Once it’s ready, you can publish it by clicking on the ‘publish and share’ button in the editor. This will publish your demo story and provide you with different options for sharing – you can share it publicly or opt for secure sharing through passcodes/expiry dates.

A screenshot of the Storylane Editor that shows a hotspot tooltip on the top right corner of the page, on top of the button ‘Publish & Share’. The tooltip text reads ‘Once you are done editing, you can publish and share your story’.

Once you share your interactive guided product tour in the desired channel, it’s time to wait for a while and dig into the analytics ! With a product tour software like Storylane, the analytics feature often is the most valuable one too as it can help you uncover real time helpful insights. 

You can check overall impressions and engagement, story analytics, and even session analytics! These advanced analytics will equip you with valuable insights to optimize your product tours in the long run.

Here's an interactive demo that showcases the entire flow:

Also check out: Best Product tour software for SaaS

10 Best Tips to Create Effective Product Tours That Convert

To create a compelling guided product tour, you need to weave together essential elements. Here are 10 actionable tips to guide you in creating an effective product tour:

  • Use a Storytelling Approach

The key to a successful product tour is storytelling. By narrating a compelling story that showcases how your software can be used, you can keep users engaged and help them understand the benefits of each feature.

Have fun and create a product walkthrough that delights your users – if they enjoy the app experience, they're likely to stick around and gain value from the product. It's not just a "nice-to-have"; it’s essential for user retention and satisfaction.

  • Lead with Value

When creating a product tour, it's crucial to provide contextual guidance by showing users upfront how your product can enhance their lives. Make sure the value proposition is clear from the very beginning of their journey.

Ask yourself at every step: Does this help users understand the value of my product or feature?

Avoid overwhelming them with explanations of every little feature, as this can frustrate and annoy them.

You can always introduce additional features later on.

Instead, focus on highlighting the necessary features that will help them experience your product's core value and lead them to their "aha" moment.

  • Make the Navigation Simple

Don't leave your potential customers in the dark with confusing navigation options. If your product tour is complicated, prospects may leave without exploring further.

Your product demos should be user-friendly, allowing them to move seamlessly between sections and understand your product with ease.

Show users exactly how to use your product, where to click, and what each action affects.

  • Keep the Messaging Crisp

To avoid overwhelming or annoying users with an extensive product tour, focus only on the features that are relevant and important to them. 

Start with the most critical features first, so that users can understand how they work without getting confused by other things. Keep it simple and straightforward for a smooth and engaging product tour experience!

10 Best Tips to Create a Product Tour that Converts

  • Make Sure Your Tour is Structured

If prospects ask themselves, "Why is this feature showing up when I click something else?" during your product tour, it's a sign that your tour may be disorganized and confusing.

To prevent users from getting distracted or lost, create a clear structure for your complex product tour that allows for smooth and intuitive navigation.

This is especially important if you're a product manager showcasing multiple tools or features within the same walkthrough.

Make sure your users know where they're going and how they're getting there, so they can fully understand and engage with your product.

  • Personalize for Better Engagement

Personalization is a powerful tool to create a sense of belonging and connection with your users.

By personalizing your product tour, you can focus on what's important, as the personalization has already been taken care of. Show your potential customers that you value their individuality and provide a personalized experience to drive engagement.

And with product tour tools like Storylane , you can effortlessly personalize text, images, and even video!

  • Engage Users with Media like GIFs, Photos, and Videos

Don't let your product tour be boring and forgettable.

Spice it up with engaging media to capture your users' attention – like an intro video of yourself welcoming users to the tour or a funny GIF to put a smile on their faces.

A more interesting and enjoyable product tour will leave users wanting to click through, resulting in higher engagement and better conversion rates.

  • Keep Users on Track with Calls-To-Action

A clear and prominent CTA can guide users and keep them engaged throughout extensive product tours, driving them toward taking a key action.

Depending on your product tour's purpose, the CTA can encourage users to try a new feature, add a new integration, or do anything else that’s your desired action.

Keep the CTAs prominent to guide users along the desired path, take meaningful actions, and drive customer engagement and conversions.

  • Tailor Your Tutorial: Feature Relevant Parts for Different Users

Not all active users have the same needs or interests when going through your product tour.

Instead of bombarding them with irrelevant information, quickly customize your tutorial by dividing user segments and featuring only the parts that matter to each segment.

With Storylane , this can be easily done to make your product walkthrough more engaging and conversion-friendly.

By providing a tailored product tour experience, you can better meet the specific needs and interests of your new customers or prospects, resulting in higher engagement and better results.

  • Keep Making Data-Driven Improvements with Feedback

A successful product tour should improve customer success.

After the tour, you should monitor user behavior from advanced analytics and collect user feedback to:

  • Identify pain points
  • Areas of confusion
  • Locate drop-off points in your product tour

With this information, you can make necessary adjustments, refine your messaging, and optimize the user experience.

4 Examples of Great SaaS Product Tours

Let’s look at some SaaS product tour examples that have nailed it in getting customers to love their products!

Grammarly is one of the product tour examples that leverages interactive elements such as hotspots and beacons to transform its onboarding process into an engaging experience that promotes meaningful learning and action.

Hotspots and beacons are strategically placed to draw users' attention to important features and guide them through the learning process.

This approach is particularly effective as Grammarly's actual product functionality operates in a similar manner, using hotspot-like elements to highlight grammar errors.

Plus, Grammarly considers returning active users or those already familiar with the tool by providing the option to skip the tour, avoiding repetitive onboarding for those who don't need it.

A screenshot of a part of the Slack product tour. 

Slack’s product tour highlights the collaborative features of the platform – showcasing how active users can communicate and collaborate with their team members. This helps users grasp the value of the product and how it can enhance their work processes.

Another unique aspect is its interactive and personalized approach, led by a chatbot named Slackbot. Through a conversational style, Slackbot engages users by asking about their interests and preferences and then customizes the tour accordingly. This creates a more engaging and interactive experience compared to a traditional one-way presentation, paving the way for better product adoption.

A screenshot of a part of the Asana product tour. 

Upon registering for an account and logging in, new users are guided to create their initial project by Asana. The creation of a new project is a pivotal action that highlights the value of Asana's features to new users.

And for those who complete Asana's engaging product tour, they can look forward to receiving personalized app guidance tailored to their unique needs, leading them to their "aha" moment of discovery and success!

Asana's user-friendly approach includes contextually relevant tooltips that provide helpful guidance during the onboarding process, ensuring that new users are supported every step of the way.

A screenshot of a part of the Evernote product tour. 

Evernote is a versatile note-taking tool designed for both business and personal use. This product tour example shows how Evernote's product tour is designed to help users get started by showing them how to create their first note. It then provides a series of feature walkthroughs that cover more advanced use cases related to organization and note editing. Additionally, the product tour includes an onboarding checklist that allows users to complete individual tasks, fostering a sense of accomplishment and progress as they explore the tool's capabilities.

Q1. What is a product walkthrough?

A product walkthrough is a guided demonstration or tutorial that showcases the features, functionalities, and benefits of a product to a user or customer. It typically involves step-by-step instructions and visuals to help the user understand how to use the product effectively. Product walkthroughs are commonly used in software applications, websites, and other digital products but can also be used for physical products or services. The goal of a product walkthrough is to familiarize users with the product, highlight its key features, and provide a positive onboarding experience to promote product adoption and customer satisfaction.

Q2. What is an interactive product tour?

An interactive product tour is a dynamic and immersive way to showcase the features, functionalities, and benefits of a product to users or customers. It usually involves a guided, interactive experience that allows users to actively engage with the product and explore its various aspects.

An interactive product tour may include elements such as interactive elements like tooltips, modals, pop-ups, step-by-step guidance, visuals and multimedia, and customization.

Q3. How to do a product walkthrough?

To make a product walkthrough, first identify the key features and functionalities of your product that you want to showcase. Then, you can use a product tour software like Storylane to create a step-by-step guide or interactive experience that highlights those features, provides clear instructions or prompts, incorporates visuals or multimedia, and allows users to actively engage with the product to explore and understand its value proposition effectively.

Q4. Why use a product tour?

Product tours are beneficial because they provide an engaging and informative onboarding experience for users, helping them quickly understand the value and functionality of a product. They can improve product adoption, customer retention, and satisfaction by guiding users through key features, functionalities, and benefits, and helping them become proficient users, thus maximizing the potential of the product.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."

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How to create effective product tours that users will love‍.

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Product tours (or product walkthroughs) introduce new users to apps by giving them the lay of the land. You can think of them like interactive tutorials—they help users get comfy with your UI while guiding them to the core processes that bring value to your product. Great product tours set users up for long-term engagement and increase the odds of product activation , product adoption , and user retention .

If you want to keep new users as customers, your product has to work seamlessly from the start —and there’s no better retention mechanism than a stellar product tour.

What is a product tour?

A product tour is a guided walkthrough of a product or service, typically presented to users after they sign up or first log in. Product tours are used to onboard new users, introduce them to a product's key features and value, and help them get started using it. They’re different from product demos , which intend to show a custom solution to a specific user need.

Why use a product tour?

You should expect adopting any new software to come with a bit of a learning curve. A product tour helps users navigate this friction while promptly revealing an app’s important value-laden features. Good tours walk a tightrope between annoying users with over-engagement and frustrating users with under-assistance.

They act as a guided tour for new customers learning how to use your SaaS product for the first time. Product tours:

  • Compel users to take specific, meaningful actions in your app. Instead of leaving users to figure out your app on their own, product tours influence user behavior by explaining why each step is important and guiding users to take critical actions within your product.
  • Guide users toward their aha moment. An aha moment is when users first realize the value that your product provides. Users who stumble upon their aha moment understand how your product improves their work (or life). This isn't always something they'll discover on their own—but a product tour makes that discovery process a heck ton easier.
  • Can be simple to build and experiment with. ‍Tools like Appcues allow you to create or amend a product tour without making software changes within your app. This makes experimenting with your onboarding process a breeze and quickly uncovers what resonates with your users.


Ready to tour appcues' product tour software.

  • Use in-app guides to educate users
  • Increase activation with personalized flows
  • Drive feature adoption to improve stickiness

Charts and graphs

10 tips for building successful product tours

Every product has different features, and every user has different needs—that’s why effective product tours look different for every app. That being said, here are 10 best practices for designing a great product tour that moves users through your flywheel and onto the next stage in their journey.

  • Be sequential : Don't just show users a random collection of tooltips without any clear structure. Each step in your product tour should be clearly defined, and each step should move users further down the path to activation.
  • Focus on the core value : Explaining every little feature will only lead to frustrated and annoyed users. Make sure you're only highlighting necessary features users need to experience your product's core value to keep them truckin' along to their aha moment. (You can always introduce additional features later.)
  • Keep things short and sweet : New users are keen to get started using your app. Respect their time by making sure your tour is brief. Unnecessary steps add unnecessary friction to the onboarding process. Less is more—and three to five steps are usually plenty for an onboarding flow.
  • Provide clear next steps : The best product tours clearly explain the next step a user should take. How do they begin adding their data? Do they need to sign up for a paid subscription first? Users can’t take the next step without first knowing where to start, so show them!
  • Make sure to provide further help : A successful product tour will improve customer success. This means you must stay on top of users’ progress with your product features. Provide links to additional content, interactive guides, and access to real-time customer support as they continue to explore your app. And let them know where they can go to find the product tour if they need to walk through a step again.
  • Personalization is key: Think of your product tour as a personal guide tailored to each user's needs. It's not about one-size-fits-all—it's about fitting like a glove. Segment your tours based on user roles or behaviors. This way, a newbie gets the beginner's introduction, while the seasoned user gets the advanced tips. It’s like having a personal shopper—they know just what you need.
  • Keep your tours up-to-date: Your app evolves, and so should your product tours. Regularly review how your tours are performing. Are users dropping off at a certain point? Maybe that step is the equivalent of a party guest who overstays their welcome. Update and tweak your tours based on user feedback and engagement data. It's like keeping your playlist fresh—nobody wants to hear last year's hits at this year's party.
  • Monitor user engagement: Keep an eye on how users interact with your product tours. Use analytics to understand where they find value and where they don’t. Think of it as being a good host at a party—you want to make sure everyone's having a good time, and if they’re not, you change the music.
  • Constantly seek feedback: Encourage users to give feedback on your product tours. It's like asking your guests for their favorite dessert recipes—it helps you serve up exactly what they want next time. This input can be invaluable in refining and improving the user experience.
  • Offer a ‘skip’ option: Not everyone wants the grand tour. Some users might want to dive right in. Respect their familiarity and confidence with a ‘skip tour’ option. It’s like offering a self-service buffet alongside a sit-down meal. Everyone gets to enjoy their experience in their own way. Plus, this flexibility can prevent user frustration and keep the experience positive.

Andrew Capland , PLG Advisor and Growth Leader, gives us a bit of insight into how he's structured product tours:

"The main challenge with product tours is that most display 1x (usually when the page/feature loads for the first time) and then disappear forever. That's challenging because many users want to explore on their own first - then have guidance later. With that in mind, I've found the best tours can be minimized and then viewed when the user is ready. Ideally, combined with a checklist or "getting started" page. Something that provides help when they need it - on their terms."

While there's no one-size-fits-all best product tour format, there are best use cases for onboarding flow design patterns ; using UI patterns like tooltips, hotspots, and modal windows engages users and educates them on how to use your product.

Types of product tours

Crafting an engaging product tour is a bit like hosting a lively party—every element should spark interest, guide your guests, and make them feel right at home—and remember, variety is key. Here’s a roundup of the different UI patterns you can mix and match for your product tour. Think of these as your party essentials, each bringing its unique flair to the event!

  • Pop-ups: Pop-ups are like those friendly neighborhood billboards, popping up at the right moment to highlight the good stuff. They range from simple splash screens to modal windows demanding a bit of action. Think of them as your app's way of saying, "Hey, check this out!" They're quick, effective, and get the message across without much fuss.
  • Interactive walkthroughs: Imagine having a savvy friend guide you through a new city. That's what interactive walkthroughs do for your app. They're like personal tour guides for users, showing them the ropes step-by-step, making even the most complex processes feel like a walk in the park.
  • Hotspots: Hotspots are the subtle nudges in your app that say, "Psst, look here." These little beacons of wisdom draw users to specific points, perfect for highlighting updates or tucked-away features. They're like the hidden gems of your app, waiting to be discovered.
  • Tooltips: Tooltips are the whisperers of the app world. They hover around, offering nuggets of wisdom about features or elements, without pushing users to act. They're there to inform and enlighten, offering insights in bite-sized pieces.
  • Explainer videos: Combine the charm of a good story with the clarity of a demonstration, and you get explainer videos. They're like mini-movies for your app, greeting new users with a visual feast that walks them through your app's coolest features.
  • Task lists: These are your app's to-do lists, guiding users through tasks with a clear sense of direction and purpose. They're like breadcrumbs leading to the heart of your app, ensuring users don't miss out on anything important.
  • Progress bars: Like mile markers on a road trip, progress bars show users how far they've journeyed in your app and how much more adventure lies ahead. They're a visual pat on the back, encouraging users to keep going and explore all that your app offers.

No matter the mix, the aim is the same: engaging users in a journey of discovery through your app. It's about making learning interactive, fun, and effective for all types of users.

How to choose the right UI pattern for your product tour

Selecting the right UI pattern for your product tour is like picking the right music for your party—it sets the tone and keeps the vibe just right. Here’s how to ensure you’re making the best choice for your users:

Assess your app’s complexity

Just like a complex dish needs more detailed instructions, a complex app requires more comprehensive guidance. If your app is a multi-layered lasagna, packed with features and intricacies, you'll need a full-on guided tour to help users digest it all. But if it's more like a simple, yet elegant bruschetta, a few tooltips or hotspots might suffice. 

Below you’ll see how Zenefits uses a blend of modal windows and tooltips to smoothly guide users through its HR platform. It’s a perfect example of matching the tour complexity with the app's nature.

Know your audience

Just as a good host knows their guests' tastes, understand who your users are. Are they digital natives who navigate apps like a fish in water? Or are they folks who might need a bit more hand-holding? 

It's important to match the UI pattern you choose with the needs of your users and the requirements of your app. More complex apps might require more targeted onboarding guidance , while straightforward apps might only require basic tips.

You should also think about your users' motivation. How likely are they to complete a more extensive product tour? How tech-savvy are they? It's important to empathize with users as you choose which UI pattern to apply to your product tour.

These are the 3 most popular UI patterns for building product tours :

mobile product tour

If your users are like tech-savvy partygoers, a light touch with hotspots or brief tooltips, much like Asana's "Add New" button highlight, could be the way to go. 

mobile product tour

For those who are more like first-time guests in the digital world, consider a more structured approach with interactive walkthroughs or even explainer videos. Remember, it's all about making your guests feel at home.

Align UI patterns with user motivation

Think of this as choosing the right music for your party. How engaged are your users likely to be? Are they ready for a deep-dive tour, or would they prefer the highlights? This is where you gauge the room's mood. 

If your users are eager learners, ready to explore every nook and cranny of your app, then a detailed tour with progress bars or task lists might be the ticket. But if they're only popping in for a quick visit, a simple tooltip or a brief explainer video might be the better choice. It's about reading the room and adjusting the volume accordingly.

3 amazing product tour examples

There’s no better way to level up your product tour game than looking at great examples in action. Here are several of the best IRL product tour examples and product walkthroughs that set the bar for what you can achieve.

mint screen grab

Personal finance management app Mint built its product tour to guide users through a lengthy setup process that involves everyone’s favorite task: typing in sensitive personal information. Mint uses tooltips to make what would otherwise be a thorny starting process a cinch.

After entering their email address, Mint asks users to add all of their bank accounts. Mint knows that most people don’t enjoy tracking down all of their financial information and giving it to a private company, so they include a reassuring sidebar on the right side of the screen to build trust with users. The sidebar includes a checklist of the steps required to get started, while including blurbs highlighting its dedication to security and the trust of its millions of clients.

After that, Mint liberally uses tooltips to point out the most important features within the app. The tooltips employ bold colors to contrast against the rest of the UI. It also includes CTAs and options for more information for users who want to engage with the feature immediately. For everyone else, the “Next Tip” button stands out brightly against the dark gray tooltip.

mint investment tooltip screen grab

Mint’s tooltips also employ the use of gentle animations to further draw attention to its onboarding tips.

HR platform Zenefits uses a combination of modal windows and tooltips to acquaint users with its app. Its product tour funnels users to a demo version of its platform that allows them to learn about and engage with important features before venturing off on their own.

First, Zenefits uses modal windows for users to input the information required to get started.

zenefits onboarding modal screen grab

Another modal window then informs the user that they’ll be working inside a demo version of the software. It also uses this as an opportunity to have users review its Terms and Privacy policy.

zenefits demo account screen grab

From here, Zenefits guides users from function to function with the use of tooltips. The tooltips point directly to the features mentioned in the copy. The product walkthrough thoughtfully includes a “Back” button within each tooltip in the event a user accidentally hits the “Next” button.

zenefits demo center screen grab

Zenefits also grays out the area behind the tooltip and feature to emphasize the feature’s location within the UI.

zenefts demo center tasks tooltip screen grab

Product tours should stay short to retain users’ attention, but sometimes complex products require more guidance. Enterprise software company Zuora bills itself as an “all-in-one” solution. It offers a full stack of subscription management tools to stand out from competitors. Users must understand how to work every tool in its stack to see the full benefit of the product. This means its product tour runs long by most standards.

Zuora solves this problem through the smart use of modal windows. Early in the product tour, new users select whether their interest in the app concerns “Product & Growth” or “Finance & Accounting.” This allows Zuora to immediately introduce users with targeted in-app messaging to the features that brought them to the product in the first place.

zuora focus option modal

Zuora uses tooltips as the framework for most of its product tour. Too many tooltips will disengage readers and can lead to customers clicking “Next” without reading anything. Zuora throws in a few action-driven tooltips to prevent this from happening:

zuora tooltip screen grab

It wraps up its lengthy product tour with a modal window congratulating the user. This final modal contains a video that allows curious users to find more helpful information on how to use the product to get results. Users who’ve seen enough can click the “Done” button in the bottom right corner.

zuora congratulations modal screen grab

4 best product tour software to consider

There are plenty of free, paid, and open-source tools to build modal windows, tooltips, and more for your product tour or walkthrough. It's great to have options, but the reality for most SaaS companies is that building your own product tour from scratch isn't cost-effective . This rings especially true once you factor in the costs of maintenance and iteration. Instead, consider using dedicated tour-building software to build your product tours. Such platforms are usually more efficient, easier to use, and less expensive in the long run than their alternatives.There are many platforms out there that can help you build a user-friendly product tour, including:

Of course, we're biased! But Appcues has nearly a decade of experience in the product tour space. Companies like Amplitude, Heap, and Hotjar use Appcues to enhance their user onboarding and product experience. Its easy-to-use tour builder allows you to create pleasing walkthroughs without getting bogged down in coding. Tooltips, slideouts, hot tips, and modal windows can all be constructed in Appcues and implemented across tours and flows. It’s the premier tool for companies looking to enhance their product tours or build their first one from scratch.

Consider Appcues for its:

  • Array of UI patterns
  • Easy installation
  • Code-free tracking and powerful analytics
  • Many integration options, including Salesforce, Slack, and Mixpanel
  • Mobile app support

Check out this step-by-step guide to creating interactive product tours in Appcues quickly and efficiently.

screen grab of appcues tool

Pendo allows you to create product tours across your website and mobile apps. Its UI pattern toolbox includes banners and lightboxes to add flavor to your walkthroughs. Its analytics functionality is powerful and works well for product managers whose interest in analytics capabilities exceeds their need to improve the user experience.

screen grab of pendo tool

Userpilot is another popular option for product tours. You can build tooltips, checklists, and more using its no-code builder. Userpilot backs its tour-building features with analytics tools to help segment users and test flows for optimized performance, though these features are not as robust as some of its competitors.

Level up your product tours

Remember that no one experience fits every customer’s needs. Just like your product, your tour should evolve based on user feedback and changing needs. Your returning customers, for example, will appreciate tours that recognize their familiarity, offering them new insights instead of a repetitive run-through.

The key to a successful product tour is continuous improvement. You’re in the unique position of knowing your product intimately, but stepping outside that familiarity is crucial, and seeing the tour through your users' eyes is even more crucial. 

Use tools like A/B testing, usability tests, microsurveys, and product metrics to fine-tune your approach. This isn’t only about making your tour better—it’s about making it the best it can be for every user, every time.

And if you’re hungry for more insights on crafting standout product experiences, we’ve got just the thing. Dive into our collection of wisdom with 20 Proven Strategies for Creating More Impactful Product Experiences . This guide is your next step towards mastering the art of engaging and effective product tours. 

Customers returning to your product after some time away won’t want to watch a full-fledged product tour again. It’s worth creating different product tours for unique user segments to provide more personalized and pleasing UX.

And one final piece of advice: test your product tours thoroughly. You and your team know your product inside and out, so your experiences with your product are inherently biased. Employ A/B testing, usability tests, micro surveys, and track product metrics to optimize your tour experience and balance between being helpful without being obtrusive.

How do I make a product tour?

Creating a product tour is like crafting a story—it needs a beginning, middle, and end. Start by identifying the key features and functionalities you want to showcase. Use a tool like Appcues to build the tour without heavy coding. Keep it interactive, simple, and focused on delivering value. Test it out, gather feedback, and don’t be afraid to iterate.

How effective are product tours?

Product tours can be incredibly effective if done right. They're like the friendly neighborhood guide who helps new residents settle in. A well-designed tour can boost user engagement, increase product adoption, and reduce time-to-value. However, their effectiveness hinges on their relevance, brevity, and clarity.

How do you improve a product tour?

Improving a product tour is like tuning a musical instrument—it requires attention and regular adjustments. Use analytics to understand where users drop off or engage the most. Personalize the tour for different user segments, and always allow for feedback. Keep the content updated, and ensure that the tour aligns with your product's new features.

What are product tour trends to watch?

Some product tour trends to keep an eye on include increased personalization, the use of AI and machine learning for more dynamic tours, integration of multimedia elements like videos and animations, and the rise of mobile-friendly tours. Also, watch for more immersive experiences, like augmented reality tours, as technology evolves.

What is a product walkthrough?

A product walkthrough is a step-by-step guided tour within an application, designed to familiarize users with its main features and functionalities. It's like having a knowledgeable friend walk you through a new device, ensuring you know all the cool things it can do and how to use them.

What is a feature tour?

A feature tour focuses specifically on showcasing the features of a product. It's more detailed and feature-centric than a general product tour. Think of it as a highlight reel for your app, spotlighting each feature with explanations and demonstrations, helping users understand and utilize your product’s capabilities to the fullest.

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How to Create the Best Interactive Product Tour in 2024

Photo of the author, Maya Sasson

Understanding your audience 

Setting clear objectives , research and competitive analysis, analytics and iterative improvements , storyboarding, interactive elements and features, content creation guidelines, user testing and feedback , optimizing for mobile devices, promotion and distribution, choosing the right platform, using interactive product tours to build a winning b2b sales strategy.

These days, it feels like every company and their mother are pulling out all the glitz and glamor to present their products to prospects. 

Don’t get us wrong. How you present your product is important. But it’s about how you do it. 

2024 is the year to delve into interactive product tours to ramp up the power of your sales and customer engagement strategies. By offering unparalleled insights into products with just a click, you can take a more memorable and impactful approach to your lead nurturing strategy . 

Because let’s face it, as a collective, our attention spans are increasingly fleeting. Interactive product tours stand out by providing detailed sales demonstrations that uniquely speak to each user in a manner that not only informs them on the value of your product, but will also engage them. 

With the right approach, an interactive product tour can transform the user experience, leading to higher engagement, improved understanding, and ultimately, delighted customers.

So, join us as we break down everything you need to know about creating the best interactive product tour. 

Create interactive product tours today with Walnut >  

Creating the best interactive product tours requires having a deep understanding of your target audience and their respective journeys. 

If you haven’t already defined your user personas, now is the time to do so. This will allow you to tailor the live sales demo experience to meet their specific preferences and needs by considering factors such as demographics, behaviors, and goals.

Personalization is key here, as it’s the ultimate way to show your prospects you care for them and their needs. 

In addition, by segmenting your product tours based on user roles or behaviors, you create a more relevant and engaging experience that’ll increase the likelihood of them saying “yes.” 

However, while working on your product tour, remember that your audience has varying degrees of comfort with technology. So, be sure to stick to the essential features of your product that present the most value to prospects, while also leaning on building confidence and trust. 

If you start creating an interactive product tour without clear objectives, that’s pretty much like winging a series of paid ad campaigns without any form of strategy set in place. 

It’s crucial to start off with a firm grasp of your goals—whether it’s elevating feature adoption, boosting user engagement, or streamlining the onboarding process. 

Setting such objectives will shape the structure of your product tour, and also ensure that every element introduced is purposeful and impactful for your audience.

It’s also important to delve deep into competitive analysis to understand how your peers introduce themselves to users. This step is crucial in identifying your unique selling points and differentiating your product tour in a crowded market. 

Pay close attention to how competitors highlight key features, sequence their information, and guide users through the buying journey. Adopting best practices while infusing your product tour with innovative elements that reflect your product’s unique value proposition can set you apart.

Visualizing the end goal for your users is paramount. Your product tour should not only acquaint users with the product’s features, but also inspire confidence in its utility. 

By mapping out a user journey that is logical, intuitive, and aligned with your defined objectives, you create a coherent narrative that incrementally builds the user’s understanding and skills. Every step of the tour should be a stepping stone towards enabling users to fully harness the power of your product, ensuring a seamless transition from curious buyer to proficient user.

Diving into the creation of an interactive product tour demands thorough market research and competitive analysis. 

But what we’re referring to here is the analysis of competing product tours. The purpose isn’t to copy what everyone else is doing. 

Rather, it is to understand your competition’s approach while also uncovering opportunities to innovate and stand out from the rest of the pack. This will allow you to grasp the prevailing trends, identify what resonates with users, and pinpoint areas that you know you can easily improve on.

This form of competitive analysis is instrumental in highlighting your product’s unique selling points, as it provides a clear landscape of how competitors communicate their value proposition and engage with their audience. 

Embracing best practices in market research and competitive analysis ensures your product tour is not just another drop in the digital ocean, but a beacon that guides users effectively towards realizing the unique value your product delivers. Through this lens, every aspect of your product tour becomes a strategic move to elevate your product’s visibility and appeal in a crowded marketplace.

When it comes to perfecting an interactive product tour, the journey is continuous, and it is underscored by the powerful role of analytics and performance tracking. 

Your initial demo won’t be perfect, but it will serve as a starting point, and its real value will lie in leveraging data for ongoing refinement. 

Analytics are a lifesaver because they offer insights into how users interact with your product tour, while also pinpointing areas of engagement, and identifying stages where improvements may be needed.

Your team will need to be open for continuous improvement by closely monitoring performance metrics. This will allow you to adjust and optimize each element of the tour to better meet user needs and expectations. 

This process is not about seeking perfection on the first attempt, but rather about being responsive and adaptable, using real-time feedback to incrementally enhance the user experience. 

To build an effective product tour, you’re also going to need to rely on storyboarding.

Storyboarding refers to visually organizing your interactive product tour, to ensure your message is conveyed with clarity and impact. 

At the heart of effective storyboarding is the flow design. This helps in setting the stage for a compelling narrative that guides users through your product’s features and benefits. This process begins with defining the flow of your product tour, a task that requires a thoughtful balance between your objectives and the needs of your users.

The flow needs to lead users on a journey that progressively builds their understanding and engagement with your product, with each step of the tour meticulously designed to contribute to a cohesive story. 

Visual elements play a crucial role in enhancing the overall experience. Imagine taking users by the hand, leading them through your product’s landscape where every feature and benefit is a scenic stop. This journey is thoughtfully plotted to deepen their understanding and investment in what you’re showing them. And here, visuals aren’t just decor; they’re powerful tools that grab attention and make a lasting impression.

When tailoring each step of the tour, it’s about viewing it through the user’s eyes—acknowledging the diversity in their backgrounds and challenges, and customizing the content accordingly. Adding interactivity turns the tour from a monologue into a dialogue, boosting engagement.

But the storyboard isn’t set in stone. It evolves through user feedback, a critical step where your product tour undergoes continuous refinement. This feedback loop is your product tour’s lifeline, ensuring it stays relevant and resonates deeply with your audience. 

Through this process of ongoing enhancement, informed by user insights and analytics, your product tour doesn’t just keep pace with expectations—it sets new standards.

Integrating interactive features and elements into your product tour transforms it from a passive presentation to an engaging journey. 

These kinds of engagement tools are much like hosting a lively party where every element sparks interest and makes guests feel right at home. Variety is key, with each UI pattern bringing its unique flair to the event for user interaction.

Interactive tours serve as personal guides, leading users step-by-step through your product, simplifying complex processes into manageable chunks. Hotspots, the subtle nudges within your app, draw attention to specific points of interest, encouraging discovery and exploration.

Tooltips provide bite-sized pieces of information without demanding action, enhancing understanding with minimal intrusion. 

Together, it all helps create an immersive experience that not only educates but also engages, ensuring your software makes a lasting impression.

Content creation for interactive product tours requires a blend of engagement and education, aiming to capture the attention of today’s software buyers who prefer experiencing products directly over hearing sales pitches. 

The core of a standout product tour lies in delivering content that is not only rich in information and visually captivating, but also clearly demonstrates your product’s benefits and value.

The ultimate aim is to connect your product with its potential users in a way that not only educates and engages, but also streamlines the path to conversion and onboarding. 

By embracing these guidelines for content creation—prioritizing a design that speaks to users, ensuring interactivity, and maintaining clarity in your messaging—you lay the groundwork for a product tour that resonates deeply with viewers

And this will enrich their experience with your product from the first click.

Conducting user testing is a critical step in validating the effectiveness of your interactive product tour. 

It offers a direct line to understanding how real users interact with your product tour, what they find engaging, and where they may encounter confusion or barriers. This process is not a one-off event, but rather an ongoing cycle of feedback loops and iteration, essential for refining and optimizing the tour experience.

Interactive tours provide opportunities for collecting user feedback, not limited to direct inquiries like surveys. Advanced analytics from interactive demo platforms can reveal detailed engagement metrics, highlighting which aspects of your product tour captivate users’ attention the most. This data simplifies the task of identifying strengths and pinpointing areas needing improvement for lead nurturing .

Embracing a continuous improvement mindset is vital. While gathering, analyzing, and acting upon user feedback can seem daunting, leveraging solutions with robust analytics capabilities can streamline this process. These insights allow for targeted enhancements, ensuring that every iteration of your product tour resonates more effectively with your audience.

It is worth noting that navigating through varied user opinions to make meaningful improvements can be challenging. It’s sometimes necessary to create customized versions of your product tour to cater to distinct user segments, ensuring relevance and effectiveness across diverse audiences.

Additionally, users can inadvertently help detect bugs or technical issues. Addressing these promptly enhances the tour’s reliability, ensuring a seamless experience. Utilizing tools that separate the demo environment from your product’s back-end can safeguard against exposing users to any technical glitches, maintaining the integrity of the user experience. 

Through this iterative process of testing, feedback collection, and refinement, you can continually enhance your interactive product tour, making it an ever-more powerful tool in your engagement and conversion arsenal.

These days, optimizing your interactive product tour for mobile devices isn’t just ‘nice-to-have.’ 

If anything it’s a necessity. That being said, you need to ensure your product tour delivers a friction-free experience across various screen sizes and operating systems with responsive design. 

This will also ensure cross-device compatibility. With all the tech that’s available, there’s no excuse for not being able to provide customer delight .

Mobile optimization enhances user engagement and accessibility on any internet-connected smart device, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, making it easier for potential customers to explore your product anywhere and at any time.

There are many marketing tactics that can maximize the visibility and impact of your product tour. 

It’s highly recommended to go beyond social media promotions and enforce a multi-channel approach to reach your target audience. Email campaigns, tailored to highlight the value and uniqueness of your product, can spark interest and encourage clicks from those already interested in your offering. 

Forming partnerships with related businesses or platforms can further extend your reach, introducing your product to new but relevant audiences. 

By strategically leveraging these promotion strategies and distribution channels, you can significantly increase the engagement and effectiveness of your product tour, turning viewers into users and advocates.

When it comes to selecting the right platform for interactive product tours, you wouldn’t just want to choose randomly from the first page of your Google results. 

This is a very important decision that can significantly impact your product tours’ effectiveness. 

Beyond having a smooth UX, you want to make sure your platform of choice offers in-depth analytics. This will enable you to gauge how buyers interact with your tour, which is invaluable for ongoing refinement.

At the end of the day, a platform that offers robust analytics, flexibility in creating diverse tours, and supports your promotional strategies will be key to maximizing the impact of your interactive product tours. 

You know, like Walnut (wink, wink).

Creating an effective interactive product tour in 2024 has become a core requirement for engaging and converting tech-savvy users. 

This journey starts with understanding your audience, crafting a compelling narrative through storyboarding, and integrating interactive elements to create an engaging user experience. 

Additionally you wouldn’t want to forget the importance of optimizing for mobile devices, utilizing effective promotion and distribution strategies, and choosing the right platform are crucial steps towards ensuring your product tour reaches its full potential. 

Strategically implementing these guidelines will not only enhance your product’s visibility, but also significantly improve your user engagement and conversion rates.

What are you waiting for? Start creating winning interactive product tours by clicking that “Get Started” button.

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product tours

Product Tours: A Definitive Guide to Enhance User Engagement

Product tours are a helpful tool used by product managers when guiding their users to find value in their products. By guiding how users interact with your product, you highlight how your product can add value to their everyday life.

Effective product tours are a combination of science and art. It equally requires data analysis and design to match the needs of your users perfectly.

So, the big question is: How can product tours enhance user engagement ? This article will give you a definitive guide to using product tours to increase engagement.

But first, what is a product tour?

Table of Contents

What is a product tour?

What is not a product tour, #1. new users may need more information, #2. it saves time and money, #3. it builds trust, components of good product tours, #1. focus on your key features, #2. promote a dependable brand experience, #3. provide value, #4. trigger product tours with user action, #5. embrace self-discovery, #6. personalize, #7. timing and context are key, #2. typeform, #1. userpilot, #3. appcues, #4. userguiding, machine learning in finance: 12 essential applications, how to create interactive compliance training for bank employees, how fintech apps are using gamification to increase user engagement, top gamification companies for employee & customer engagement.

Product tours serve as a guide that provides a complete walkthrough of your product’s features. Its main goal is to encourage new users to become active and drive product adoption . This will lead to product-led growth and, ultimately, product success.

Source: appcues

Interactive product tours are created with in-app messages that make user onboarding easier. It’s composed of tutorials that help users navigate the app. It helps companies simplify the onboarding process as well as boost user engagement.

To understand product tours better, let’s discuss what they are not.

Some product managers must distinguish product tours from product demos, employee onboarding, or client onboarding.

A product tour is a customer engagement tool that interacts with end-user to boost product adoption rates. It’s a set of experiences within the product itself. Therefore anything else that does not focus on the product experience is not a product tour.

Product demos are used to show off your product’s new features and are used to drive sales. Hence, they focus on selling rather than guiding users as they explore your product.

Why do you need a product tour?

Only some products out there have a product tour, so you may need to be more familiar with why your product requires it. Here are three reasons why your product needs a product tour:

Imagine signing up for a new product you’re very interested in. After signing up, you can explore and navigate the product independently.

Isn’t it confusing not to be given any guidance as to how you can maximise and fit the product into your routine?

Doesn’t it make you want to exit the app or the website and not give it another go?

Some product managers must remember that, although they are very familiar with the product they developed, their new users must be.

A good product tour highlights the value of your product, making it easier to understand.

A product tour will save you and your users time. 

You can also save money with a successful product tour. New users will likely engage with your product immediately because of the tour. This will pique their interest and prevents customer churn.

Guiding your users straight to what they expect from your product shows reliability. It shows that you are willing to walk them through and save them the trouble of figuring out everything independently. This builds trust and helps you gain loyal customers seeking your business.

You can use your product tour to build trust with your customers. That’s why you need to know what makes a product tour exceptional.

Product tours are simply what the word implies – a quick tour highlighting your product’s key features and functionalities.

However, these engaging tours are critical to boosting user engagement, so keep that in mind when designing your product tours. They should fit perfectly into all the stages of the product adoption cycle.

Product tours start after new users sign up and log into your product. At that point, ensure that your tour includes the following components:

  • Initial product overview or tutorial – The first thing your users need to see upon logging in is an initial product walkthrough. The product overview may be the tour itself. However, the tour can still include some important elements for better results.
  • Interactive guidance –   You can add chatbots to accompany your users as they go through your product tours. You can use it to provide easy-access information and minimise the need for technical support. This helps users navigate your product flawlessly and become productive in no time.
  • Live messaging options – Adding a live messaging option is helpful if your users need to talk to customer service. With this feature, you give them the convenience of choosing what kind of help they want.

Provide your users with all the information they need to reach their “Aha!” moment. You must introduce your product’s core features as soon as they log in.

Guidelines for creating the perfect product tours

Now that you know what product tours are, let’s discuss creating a successful product tour to increase user engagement.

Every product tour has its purpose. It may be to onboard new users, walk current users through a product update, or highlight a new feature.

Creating the perfect product tour must be your top priority regardless of your main goal. Here’s a definitive guide to making the ideal product tours:

A good product tour should be clear and definitive. It must define the product and its features, but only some things at a time.

Focus on the most essential elements of your product. Provide meaning to your product and what users can accomplish with it.

Source: fastercapital

Let’s say you are to create a product tour for a social media app. Here are the key features you can highlight:

  • Point to where the search tab is
  • Where the friend list is
  • Where their subscriptions are listed, and
  • How to subscribe and follow content creators

Answer your users’ questions while displaying how simple the functions are and how they can easily navigate the app.

Maintaining a consistent brand experience across your channels is very important. Remember that to have an excellent user experience, your brand must have a consistent design, tone of voice and approach. This includes your onboarding, training, support, and product tours.

When your brand experience is inconsistent, your users will likely feel confused because specific standards are unmet.

To maintain brand consistency, design a user journey map. This will help you lay out the stages of the user journey and align the experience around your customers’ perspectives.

Product tours should never be disrupting or draining from your customers’ point of view. Instead, they should feel thankful and at ease during the tour. So introduce your product’s value as soon as you can.

If your customers don’t find tours valuable, they’ll likely exit and won’t be open to anything similar. That’s why it’s essential to create relevant and efficient product tours.

Product tours don’t have to start after users sign up for your product. It’s much better to trigger these tours with a specific user action to give it more context.

A quick overview is helpful, but initiating the tour in one go will overwhelm your users.

Give your users ample time to get used to your software and provide guidance whenever they hit a milestone. What’s the use of rushing them to keep them in your mobile apps anyway?

One of your main goals is to show your users the gem that is your product. However, always telling them which way to go differs from how to achieve this. You can’t limit what your users will do with your product.

According to research , users who are free complete the tour at their own pace are more likely to complete it. You can add a pause button to allow users to return to the product tour whenever they want.

Creating generic product tours for all users is just as good as not creating a product tour. If you want to appeal to all users by making one basic product tour, you will likely appeal to none.

You can personalise product tours through segmentation and gamification.

Segment product tours according to user roles

To personalise your product tours, segment users based on their characteristics and purpose for using the product. You can also segment users based on their language preference, product version, user persona , and geographical location.

Source: clevertap

You can implement user segmentation by:

  • Tracking user behaviour – Use a product analytics tool to add information about product usage and user behaviour. Understand how the different groups use your product and create product tours that are interesting for them.
  • Comparing activity – After putting your users into groups, you can compare the different types of your users. This will help you understand how to create a tailor-made product tour just for them. You can also increase engagement for users with low activity and prevent them from churning.
  • Measuring impact – By measuring the impact of your product tour on different user segments, you can make relevant changes to increase user engagement.

Applying gamification strategies

Another way of personalising product tours is through gamification .

Gamification is the application of game-like elements, such as challenges and rewards, to encourage participation and engagement.

Here’s how to gamify your product tours for a more personal touch:

  • Avatars – Allow users to design their avatars in a way that resonates with them. This adds to your product’s fun value and excites them of what’s to come.
  • Checklists – Providing a list of all the stages of your product tour helps keep users focused and attentive. Knowing what’s in store gives your users a grasp of the tour and how it will help them.
  • Rewards – Some users may need more motivation to finish your product tour. That’s why you can use a rewards system to spice it up. Rewarding users with coupons at your store is the best and most effective way to motivate them.
  • Badges – To ensure that users will return and finish your product tour, reward them with badges for every stage they accomplish. This allows them to recognise their progress and encourages them to go through and finish the tour.

The last tip for a perfect product tour is to showcase your product’s value exactly when your users need it. If you create a product tour about a new feature, launch it when the feature is already on the page.

If your product tour is misplaced where it’s relevant, it might cause a negative experience for the users. However, when your tour pops up exactly when it’s needed, it enforces the value of your product. Find the perfect combination of timing and context for your product tours, and you’re golden.

Best product tour examples of 2023

Demio is a webinar hosting company with one of the best product tours because of how interactive it is.

The highlight of their tour is a fake webinar for their users. The webinar will start with a Demio employee explaining what the webinar is all about. They will then give you the hosting spotlight and allow you to share your webcam and presentation.

Source: demio

To make things more exciting, some fake guests will attend to give you the feel of using the product.

Demio perfectly captures the meaning of a successful product tour that highlights the value of its product. All of this while giving their users the time of their lives!

Typeform is an all-in-one online forms platform that their clients use for registrations, incident reports, lead generation, and many more. Because of its vast platform, Typeform’s product tours vary for different users.

What makes Typeform’s product tour unique is its laid-back and friendly tone. They let the users get comfortable before the tour.

Typeform replaced the start button with a  “Show me the highlights” button, as seen below. This conveys that the tour will be quick and concise, only showing the essential features of their product.

Source: typeform

If their client doesn’t want to start from scratch, Typeform offers masterclass templates relevant to their needs. They use these templates as product tours to educate, engage, and drive their customers to make successful forms.

Introducing their users to various unique templates is an excellent way to establish their value.

Slack is one of the most successful messaging apps many corporations use today. 

For their product tour, Slack uses helpful tooltips and personable copies. Their tooltips explain how public channels and direct messages work and how to differentiate each one.

Source: slack

Slack also perfects brand consistency with its app and website’s design and laid-back tone. The product tour encourages you to chat with the bot to learn the key features and mechanics of the product.

Best product tour software to create engaging product tours

Userpilot is a product tour software that provides personalised in-app experiences that help their clients increase engagement. 

Aside from their friendly interface, they also offer many ways to segment users. Here are some ways Userpilot segments your customer base:

  • Custom event
  • Feature tags

Your product tours should be a memorable experience for your users. That’s what Mambo is all about. This gamification platform helps businesses enhance user engagement and experience with game-like strategies.

Mambo adds competition and rewards to your product tour, making it fun and engaging. With custom app gamification, you can provide a personalised experience your users can access anytime from any device.

An interactive product tour that excites your users about your product is what you need to increase user engagement.

Since its launch in 2013, Appcues made a massive wave of transformation to the SaaS product tour landscape. 

With its easy product tour builder, you can create elegant visualisations for product walkthroughs and slideshows. You can construct tooltips and slideouts across your product tour to make your users’ journey smooth.

Whether you want to enhance your existing product tour or start from scratch, Appcues will guide you through every step.

If you want to create great product tours but need more coding knowledge, userguiding is the product tour tool for you.

Its code-free software lets you choose the popups you want for your product tour. You can also select the type of welcome modal you need by adding the details and images.

Userguiding allows you to design great product tours easily and on a budget!

Finding ways to enhance user engagement is undoubtedly one of your top priorities as a product manager. A successful product tour will increase engagement, improve onboarding, increase adoption, and help generate more sales.

Following this definitive guide, you can earn more significant returns from your product tours today and in the long run.

To create a fun and interactive product tour, book a demo with Mambo today!

Download your free “Gamification Guide”

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Interactive Product Tours: How, What, and Why

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Do you remember your first day of middle school?

Chances are, you were given a tour of the school and a fun (awkward) round of icebreakers to meet your new classmates before starting class.

Interactive product tours are the same — except digital.

Gaining insight into the influence of product tours on user conversion will help you optimize the onboarding process and get more customers.

What is an interactive product tour?

A product tour  is a guided flow that takes users through a product’s features and functions. They’re designed to familiarize users with a product’s features and capabilities. Tours shows users how to navigate the product to achieve a desired outcome.

More specifically, an interactive product tour allows users to learn and explore a platform at their own speed. This allows users to slowly learn by interacting with each feature. Instead of providing a massive amount of information in a single video or manual.

The goal of an interactive product tour is to gently guide users to quickly understand a platform, its functionality, and how it helps them reach their goals.

For example, here’s how Microsoft introduces new users to their platform with interactive cursors.

(Image source:  Microsoft )

The more a user understands how your product helps them reach their goals, the more likely they’ll remain engaged. And in turn, an engaged user that continuously uses your product, is more likely to remain loyal.

Characteristics of an interactive product tour

An interactive product tour is a powerful tool that helps businesses create an engaging user experience. It requires the user to interact with a product or service while guided by visual and audio cues such as animations, videos, and images.

Usually, product tours depend on:

  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Visual and audio cues
  • Animations and videos
  • Images to explain product features
  • Interactive tooltips and help texts
  • User feedback and analytics

(Image source: Product Fruits )

Fruity Tip: Tours typically feature mini bites of information, to avoid overwhelming users with too much at once.

Why are product tours important?

Product tours help users quickly understand the features and functions of a product. They also alert users when new updates are available, recognize the value of the product, and learn how to use it, as well as become quickly onboarded as new users.

Interactive product tours supply an immersive experience that is both stimulating and informative.

They offer organizations an opportunity to showcase their products in an in-depth manner without overwhelming users.

Interactive product tours:

  • Improve engagement:  Our clients notice a double in user conversion.
  • Reduce support team load:  Our clients report a  70% decrease in support  queries.
  • Improve time to value:  Our clients report  users complete onboarding 29% faster.

Product tours allow clients to pick up intricate processes, quickly, reducing customer service costs while fostering brand recognition at the same time.

4 Steps to create an interactive product tour

The placement of features, information, timing, and order will have an impact on the onboarding journey. The goal is to make the onboarding experience as smooth and frictionless as possible.

To create a strong and effective product tour, follow these steps.

Step one: Map your user journey

Start by identifying the user’s end goal. Once the goals are identified, work backwards from there.

That means, taking a look at all the steps and routes the user will need to take to reach their objective. By understanding the user’s context and goals, you can create a product tour that is tailored to the user’s individual needs and experiences.

Step two: Highlight important features

Map out the features and aspects of your product that will help users reach their goals. You want to showcase these in your tour and choose a design layout that best highlights them.

For example, if an icon provides a feature that isn’t super-intuitive, it might be worth highlighting what it does.

👀 Take a peek: 5 Essential Elements for Superior User Onboarding

Step three: Include visual elements

When creating an interactive product tour, it is important to create an engaging experience for users by including visuals and animations that are relevant and easy-to-follow.

Animations can help break up text sections so users don’t feel overwhelmed with too much information at once.

Consider including some screenshot GIFs to show the functionality of a button. Or, opt for some video tutorials to explain complex features.

Step four: Provide clear next steps

Information on product tours provides context. But it can be tricky when multiple steps are involved.

Consider sharing a practical next-step suggestion to guide users on their flow.

I can simply highlight the next button, or recommend the next action.

It is also important to provide clear call-to-actions at each step in order for users to gain clarity on what they need to do next during their journey through the tour.

5 best practices to create interactive product tours

Self-guided interactive tours increase completion by  123% . This is a great reason to include interactive product tours that are native to a platform and inform users to accomplish high engagement and completion rates.

But, it’s not enough to create a product tour and cross your fingers that it’ll work.

You need to make interactive product features both engaging and informative.

Here are some tips to help create engaging product tours that will elevate the user onboarding experience.

1. Personalize the product tour to each user’s needs

Use the information gathered during users’ onboarding to personalize their experience. That way they can find the feature that most serves their needs and interests as fast as possible.

For example, imagine you are creating a product tour for a grocery delivery app. You could quickly highlight the location feature to users or the delivery tracking feature to users who tend to order their groceries in bulk.

2. Keep it short

Yes. Interactive product tours are self-guided and by definition should be shorter than normal product tours. After all, that’s why users have selected that option.

But, sometimes longer tours are required — depending on the product.

Even so, keep interactive tours no longer than three steps. Studies have shown that a  three-step tour is 38%  more likely to be completed, compared to a six-step tour.

So keep each bite of information actionable and to the point. Users can always come back and explore new features later.

3. Maintain brand tone and consistency

Make your platform personable and unique by flowing your brand tone and style into the product tour.

This could be by including media to explain features that follow your company’s unique graphics. Or it could be to emphasize your product’s brand language.

For example, here at Product Fruits, we want you to feel supported every step of the way. And the message we share with our users communicates that through our tone.

( Image Source: Product Fruits )

4. Add media to keep it visual

When video media is included in product tours, users  increase their time by 9% . Add visual elements like videos, photos, GIFs, and screenshots to help users grasp features faster.

By adding media you avoid product tours being boring, monotonous, or text-heavy introductions.

Media can help draw attention to key features being showcased on the tour. Additionally, colorful fonts and attractive colors can improve the visual appeal.

5. Make it repeatable

Over  95% of users  agree they value being able to replay product tours and hints.

The reason is, that sometimes users are in a hurry and don’t have time to complete a new feature tour. That doesn’t mean they aren’t interested — and that’s an important distinction. Tour dismissal and abandonment reveal two completely different things.

All-in-one product tour platform

To create a delightful onboarding experience with comprehensive product tour features — you need a solution that offers you customization, onboarding features, and analytics.

👀 Take a peek: A Guide to Choosing the Right Product Tour Software

Product Fruits act as an invisible layer on top of your platform. That means you can add, tailor, customize, and include product tour features without any coding required.

From tooltips, personalized demos, checklists, hints, announcements, and more, Product Fruits gives you control of how you onboard users. This means you can learn from your users and continuously optimize their onboarding experience.

Try Product Fruits for free  and create beautiful product tours that your users will love. 

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15 Best Product Tour Software Tools & Solutions to Improve Your In-App UX

User onboarding is your time to shine! Find a tool that works best for you among these fifteen top-notch software solutions, and use it to increase product adoption and drive growth.

mobile product tour

Have you ever been so frustrated with an app or product that you’ve exited and never returned? You’re not alone. 90% of users say they’ve left an app because of its poor UX. 

It’s essential to ensure your users don’t become part of that 90%. But how ? Well... Product tours are an excellent place to start.

By using the right product tour software, you can provide new and old users with the best experience possible and ensure they’re maximizing the value of your tool. You’ll also:

Impress users and fight churn

Help users reach their “aha!” moment

Encourage new feature adoption

Improve user onboarding

Provide a first-rate user experience

Boost customer satisfaction and retention

Among these fifteen top-notch product tour software solutions, you can find a tool that works best for you and use it to ease decision fatigue, gather user feedback, and reduce time to value.

Overview of the product tour software we'll dissect

Browse through the fifteen product software tools and use the jump links in the left side bar to skip to the ones that take your fancy.

How to find the right product tour software

Finding the right product tour software for you means knowing what to look out for. There are a number of key capabilities you should consider when evaluating tools.

Make sure the product walkthrough tool is easy to use

There’s little point in a tool you don’t know how to use. 

Consider ease of implementation. You wouldn’t want to wait weeks, or even months, to start using your product tour solution. You want a solution that’s easy to set up and configure. 

Consider how much coding knowledge you need to get started — if any. Product tour software should let you make changes quickly and easily without needing development support. 

Search for a solution that you and your team find easy to understand. Otherwise, you may spend more time learning to use the software than implementing it to improve your offerings.

Consider how easy it is to: 

Navigate through the platform 

Build and customize tours

Gather feedback

...And anything else you may need to do

Evaluate based on core product tour capabilities

There are some key features you need to identify in your product tour software . These features are essential to building and implementing engaging product tours.

Audience segmentation: Whether you want to create onboarding tours for new users or advanced feature tours for existing customers, you need a tool that lets you build and customize step-by-step tours that fit the specific needs of different user segments.

Versatility: You need to be able to add various forms of in-app guides, whether it’s through in-line help, modals, banners, in-product widgets, or onboarding checklists. These help you provide additional guidance at key steps.

Continuity: Setting up a product tour isn’t a one-and-done task. You want a tool that enables you to continuously collect user feedback at any stage of their journey, and then iterate and improve.

These features empower you to build a comprehensive product experience for your users. 

Which features are must-haves for your business?

Choosing the right product tour software means focusing on features that meet your unique requirements. If specific capabilities like user segmentation, rate limiting, A/B testing , or scheduling are key, then make sure your chosen tool has that functionality. 

Here are some must-have features most businesses should look out for:

Code-free customization: A no-code platform is essential for quick and efficient tour building and styling. This also ensures stress-free implementation, without having to rely on developers.

Event-based triggers: The best product tour tools respond to user actions in real-time, rather than simply running them through predefined steps. This event-based dynamic leads to a more engaging and helpful user experience.

A/B testing: Being able to test and compare different elements of a product tour is key to knowing what users prefer and what will keep them engaged.

Fair pricing: While some companies’ pockets are deeper than others, no one should overspend or be forced into a wasteful pricing tier. Look for a vendor that has a fair, transparent pricing structure to ensure you’re getting the right value for your investment.

Seamless integrations: Always consider how the tool integrates with your existing tech stack, and how it fits into your current workflow. For instance, you might want your product tour software to share data with your CRM or web analytics tools.

Ensure the customization capabilities match your expectations

Another thing you want to look out for is customization and personalization options for onboarding UX/UI elements. This refers to how easily you’re able to modify the in-product experience as per your needs — think font, color, branding, placement, size, and more.

You want software that helps you build native-looking product tours to avoid a disconnect between your brand and the in-app support you offer. 

This is also known as a white-label tool. A good tool lets you build product experiences that reflect your brand and company.

Know you'll have the right level of support for your team

Last, but by no means least, find a tool that offers comprehensive support for your team and skill-level. 

A vast majority of product tour platforms will claim to have incredible support, but that’s sometimes far from the truth.

Check out user reviews before making your final decision. They’ll give you a more accurate understanding of a tools’ support team. 

If reviews are consistently negative, then consider looking into another option. You don’t want to be left in the dark after investing in a new product experience tool; you need a team looking out for your ongoing success.

On platforms like G2, you can also filter reviews by topic. This lets you dig deeper into specific aspects of the tool, from customer service capabilities to feature functionality. It’s a key step in your tool evaluation process. Give this a try with G2 reviews for Chameleon .

Now that you know what you’re looking for, let’s dive into the top fifteen tools you can consider for creating tours that will keep your users coming back for more.

Top 15 product tour software solutions that empower your users

Product tour software is key to taking your product tours to the next level — but, how do you ensure yours are top-tier? 

With a powerful tool, that’s how. 

We’ve evaluated the top tools so you don’t have to and looked into the pros and cons of each to provide a comprehensive overview. Get ready to increase customer satisfaction and make creating product tours a breeze with these fifteen product tour software options.

1. Chameleon

Choose Chameleon if you're looking for broad styling options, advanced user segmentation, A/B testing, scheduling options, tour performance analytics, and integrations with your existing tools

Chameleon works with single-page apps and other browser-based web apps, but not with native mobile applications, so if you have a mobile app, Chameleon isn’t going to be the best choice for you

Chameleon is a no-code user onboarding software and a Product Adoption Platform that helps you guide users through any step of their product journey. 

It’s one tool to manage all product engagements within your web app — from onboarding tours to highly customizable in-product widgets and product surveys.

mobile product tour

Chameleon's features

Core product features include: 

Tours: Use banners, modals, hotspots, and more to announce changes or guide users with interactive walkthroughs.

Tooltips: Easily deploy in-app messages wherever your users need a helping hand, without pulling on your engineering or coding resources.

Launchers: Use in-product widgets to apply checklists or help menus to deepen user engagement and aid feature discovery.

Microsurveys: Get continuous feedback on your user experience to build a better product and adoption process. Share this feedback across your other tools using Chameleon’s API .

Additional features include:

Chameleon Builder: Quickly build and update product tours with a WYSIWYG editor with point-and-click selection for exact tour placement and instant deployment.

Customized styling: Using advanced styling options and custom CSS, you can customize the attributes of your steps, and add up to the custom branding.

Chameleon Dashboard: Chameleon automatically collects data and creates tour performance dashboard reports. You can also integrate Chameleon with product analytics tools for more comprehensive insights.

B2B SaaS, product-led companies, and medium and larger organizations

Chameleon pricing: 

Chameleon offers a 14-day free trial , plus three pricing plans.

HelpBar: Free

Startup: From $279/month

Growth: From $849/month

Enterprise: Get in touch for details

Chameleon is the ideal solution for creating fully interactive tours that engage your users with both core and advanced features. You can get a demo to learn more.

Pros of using Chameleon for product tours:

With broad styling options and advanced user segmentation, you can create highly customized and effective product tours without knowing how to code

Easily measure the performance and impact of product tours with in-depth analytics and A/B testing capabilities

Cons of using Chameleon for product tours:

Without native mobile application support, Chameleon is limited to web-based platforms

The platform may be overly complex for small businesses with simpler needs, given its extensive features and customization

Here’s what customers are saying about Chameleon on G2:

“Chameleon is a great tool and a great partner! They have a world class team that is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The tool has a wide range of features and it is clear they really care about building the best solution to help product and growth teams unlike what is on the market. We were able to implement and integrate with our existing stack easily.” — Elyssa S

“Chameleon's intuitive no-code platform has been a game-changer for our SaaS product. The user segmentation and interactive walkthroughs have significantly improved our user onboarding experience. The onboarding checklists and tooltips are not just helpful; they have transformed the way we guide new users through our application, enhancing feature adoption seamlessly. It's incredibly user-friendly and the self-service aspect empowers our team to create custom solutions without always needing technical assistance.” — Anas B.

Choose Pendo for user onboarding behavioral analytics and user sentiment analysis, as well as for employee onboarding and productivity analysis

If you’re just starting out or you run a team in a small-sized company, Pendo might not be the best fit for you

Pendo is a product adoption platform that helps you deliver product experiences through a number of solutions, from user onboarding to product planning and more.

A screenshot displaying UserGuiding competitor Pendo

Pendo's features

Core product tour features include:

In-app guides: Deploy guides to deliver a personalized experience for your users.

Behavioral analytics: Dive into product analysis to find out how different types of users engage with your product.

Feedback: Gather user feedback with in-app polls and surveys.

Additional features include: 

Roadmapping: Coordinate your team around one central planning roadmap and create specific role-based roadmaps.

Sentiment analysis: Understand how users feel about your product.

Medium and enterprise companies

Pendo pricing: 

Pendo offers a free plan with limited features and two paid plans.

Basic: Free

Growth: Custom pricing

Portfolio: Custom pricing

To find out more about the specifics — like total monthly cost — you’ll need to contact the team.

Pros of using Pendo:

Offers detailed view of user activity and emotional states, with behavioral and sentiment analysis

All-in-one platform provides access to a broad range of tools including session replay, in-app guides, and product validation

Cons of using Pendo:

Less suitable for smaller teams, with custom pricing for paid plans that lack transparency

Extensive features and tools can be overwhelming to new users, with a steep learning curve

Choose Appcues if you need click tracking and data visualizations to understand how users interact with your product tours

If you’re looking to build complex flows that look totally on-brand Appcues might not be the best choice; independent reviews discuss reliability issues

Appcues enables you to build personalized product experiences that span from adoption to retention.

mobile product tour

Appcues features

Core features include:

User onboarding: Reduce time to value and guide users to their “aha!” moment.

Feature adoption: Use in-app announcements and guides to meet users where they are.

Insights: Roll out simple click tracking and data visualizations to help understand how users interact with your product.

Custom surveys: Employ drag and drop images, videos, questions, and form fields to get key feedback.

Appcues studio: Manage flows, events, and experiences in a centralized dashboard.

Small and medium-sized businesses

Appcues pricing: 

Appcues offers a 14-day free trial for users. Then you have a choice of three plans.

Essentials: From $299/month

Growth: From $879/month

Enterprise: Custom pricing

The price goes up with active users, meaning you’ll pay more as you grow .

Pros of using Appcues:

Learn how customers use your product via click tracking and data visualizations

Gain insight across your customer lifecycle, from onboarding to ongoing use and retention

Cons of using Appcues:

Falls short for those needing advanced analytics and deeper insights into user behavior

Costs increase as your user base grows, which may complicate forecasting for fast-growing companies

Choose WalkMe if you're a large company dealing with enterprise customers with low monthly active users

If you want product tour software options for actually driving adoption among a growing number of end-users, WalkMe might not be the best fit for you

WalkMe is one of the earliest digital adoption platforms. While it’s a comprehensive solution, it lacks flexibility, customizability, as well as many other things needed in a modern product tour software — like deep integrations.

mobile product tour

WalkMe's features

Product tours: Utilize run-of-the-mill product tours for on-screen guidance.

Microsurveys: Create in-product surveys to collect user feedback.

Checklists: Offer onboarding checklists to your users.

Tooltips: Create tooltips for additional in-app guidance.

Product analytics: WalkMe also offers tools that could be considered as advanced analytics if you're a non-tech firm.

Enterprise-level businesses, and non-tech companies

WalkMe pricing: 

You’ll need to contact the team to get a quote, but, can access a free demo.

Pros of using WalkMe:

Simple and reliable tool that’s ideal for large B2B companies

Offers essential features like product tours, microsurveys, checklists, and tooltips

Cons of using WalkMe:

Not the best choice for companies with a fast-growing user base, due to limited flexibility and customization

Lacks several modern capabilities, such as deep integrations, making it less suitable for tech-savvy businesses

5. Userpilot

Choose Userpilot if you want to track user engagement goals with goal completion analysis

If you run an enterprise-level company, Userpilot might not be the choice for you

Userpilot is a user engagement tool designed to facilitate every stage of the user journey. It offers no-code, in-product experiences built to drive user activation, feature adoption, and customer retention.

mobile product tour

Userpilot's features

In-app experiences: Guide your users through your product and its features.

Engagement goals: Establish and track your user engagement goals with goal completion analysis.

User segmentation: Create role-specific tips for users based on their persona or in-app behavior.

In-app growth experiments: Use simple A/B testing to easily check your hypotheses with no developer support.

In-app surveys: Design or choose from a selection of templates for gathering contextual feedback.

Userpilot pricing: 

Userpilot offers three pricing plans.

Traction: From $249/month

Growth: From $499/month

Enterprise: From $1,000/month

Pros of using Userpilot:

Detailed goal tracking and engagement analytics, with personalized tooltips and user segmentation

Features and capability are suited to the needs of small to medium-sized businesses

Cons of using Userpilot:

Less suitable for large enterprises, with a focus on solutions for smaller companies

If you want your product tours to look close to native; you might run into limitations

6. Product Fruits

Choose Product Fruits if you’re looking for a cost-effective product tour solution with a knowledge base builder

If you need more sophisticated and advanced features for your onboarding flows, Product Fruits might not fit your needs

Product Fruits provides the tools you need to solve your software adoption problems. Product Fruits enables you to meet your users' needs from onboarding to providing contextual self-service.

mobile product tour

Product Fruits' features

Onboarding solutions: Create guided tours and onboarding checklists for new users.

Contextual support: Highlight new features, give tips and tricks, and deliver release notes in-product.

Feedback widget: Enable users to report bugs using videos and screenshots.

Additional features:

Help center: Page-specific support that you can customize for each page.

Knowledge base builder: Create a knowledge base to support onboarding.

Product Fruits pricing: 

Product Fruits offers two pricing options:

Growing: From $79/month 

The platform also offers a 14-day free trial, so you can get to grips with the product before making your final decision.

Pros of using Product Fruits:

Lower price point compared to alternatives, making it cost-effective for smaller teams

Impressive array of features for its price, including product tours, contextual support, and a feedback widget

Cons of using Product Fruits:

Lacks features suited larger or more bespoke businesses, such as advanced customization

Limited integration with third-party tools, which can be challenging for companies with large tech stacks

7. Lou Assist

Choose Lou Assist if you’re looking for a tool with a free plan, and you want to track adoption metrics for behavior data insights 

If you run a bigger team or an enterprise, Lou Assist might not be your best choice

Lou Assist is a digital adoption platform that streamlines user onboarding and training through product tours and in-platform experiences. It’s a lesser-known tool than some big names on our list, but it still packs the necessary punch to create comprehensive tours.

mobile product tour

Lou Assist's features

User onboarding: Create on-brand onboarding experiences with no code required.

Feature adoption: Use the platform to guide users through new features.

Announcements: Announce new features and provide additional information.

Analytics: Track your goals and understand user behavior with feature adoption metrics.

Lou Assist pricing: 

Lou Assist offers four different plans, including a free plan that offers limited capabilities. The other three plans are:

Startup: $99/month

Growth: $199/month

Enterprise: From $299/month

You’d pay a fixed rate for a set amount of monthly active users. But once you get to 10,000+ monthly active users, your costs increase per active user.

Pros of using Lou Assist:

User-friendly, no-code solution to create interactive onboarding experiences, with analytics to measure effectiveness

Offers a free plan and scalable pricing, making it an affordable option for growing businesses

Cons of using Lou Assist:

Features might not satisfy the needs of larger enterprises looking for deeper customization and advanced capabilities

With its focus on web-based platforms, Lou Assist isn't suitable for companies that need onboarding tools for mobile applications

8. Userflow

Choose Userflow if you’re looking for a budget-friendly tool for your SMB

Userflow might not be the best choice for you if you need to connect your product tours with other analytics tools or trigger next actions; they are lacking in integrations

Userflow is a user onboarding software that lets you build customized and dynamic step-based flows. It offers insights and analytics to track users and how they progress through your onboarding process.

mobile product tour

Userflow's features

Element selection: Identify elements in your app based on simple text.

Automated triggers: Perform actions based on user clicks.

Onboarding checklists: Users can complete and check off tasks during their onboarding.

Resource center: Let users access resources directly in your product.

Event tracking: Set up event trackers to analyze users’ experience on your site.

Userflow pricing: 

Userflow offers three pricing levels.

Startup: $250/month

Pro: $750/month

It also offers a 14-day free trial, as well as a demo for those interested in learning more about the platform. 

Pros of using Userflow:

Good range of features for small to medium-sized businesses, including automated triggers and user surveys

A pay-as-you-go pricing model that’s flexible and can be canceled at any time

Cons of using Userflow:

Lacking in integrations (less than 10 in total as of March 2024)

Limited scalability for larger enterprise clients

Choose Apty if you run multiple applications (e.g. Salesforce, Workday), and you need a comprehensive enterprise software adoption tool for employees

If you work in a smaller team and you’re looking for a simpler solution, Apty might not be your best choice; nor if your goal is end-user product adoption

Apty is an all-in-one enterprise transformation platform that gives you the tools for digital adoption.

mobile product tour

Apty's features

Guided workflows: Provide step-by-step on-screen guidance for your users (employees in this case).

Application analysis: Track user behavior and identify common issues with your application and processes.

Cross-application support: Guide users through multi-app tasks that involve internal applications and other software.

Data validation: Solve data accuracy and quality issues by prompting users to fix errors while they’re inputting data.

Enterprise-level businesses

Apty pricing: 

Apty offers a free evaluation period and a custom plan. Contact the team for a custom plan and quote.

Pros of using Apty:

Great for large companies with complex software ecosystems, with tools for guiding their employees and analyzing software use

Helps spot and fix user problems, improving software adoption

Cons of using Apty:

Not a great fit for small teams looking for simple tools nor if you want to guide your non-employee end-users

Custom pricing requires contact with sales team

10. UserGuiding

Choose UserGuiding if you’re on a budget. It’s one of the most low-cost user onboarding solutions currently available in the market

If you need something more sophisticated, like event-based triggering and broad and deep integrations with other tools, UserGuiding may not cut it for you

UserGuiding is a no-code digital adoption platform for creating a linear user onboarding process.

mobile product tour

UserGuiding's features

Resource center: Use this widget to make all your resources accessible in one place

NPS surveys: Measure your net promoter score (NPS) with this in-app survey tool

Onboarding checklist: Deploy this in-app widget to guide users through the onboarding experience with a checklist

User segmentation: Create user segments for targeted onboarding

Analytics: Centralize user behavior data in an analytics dashboard

Small to medium teams

UserGuiding pricing: 

UserGuiding offers a 14-day free trial for users. Then you have a choice of three plans.

Basic: From $69/month

Professional: From $299/month

Corporate: From $499/month

Pros of using UserGuiding:

Affordable for teams on a budget, and offers essential onboarding tools without a high cost

Helpful features like NPS surveys and onboarding checklists simplify user guidance

Cons of using UserGuiding:

Lacks advanced features such as event-based triggers and extensive integrations with other platforms

Won’t meet the needs of those looking for a deeply customizable onboarding experience

11. Whatfix

Choose Whatfix if you're a large company looking for digital adoption platforms that offer a wide variety of integrations

If you want something that’s much more customizable and gives a targeted experience, like user-based triggers, then look elsewhere

Whatfix is a no-code tool that allows you to create interactive product tours, as well as employee training.

mobile product tour

Whatfix's features

Interactive walkthroughs: A no-code editor to create a step-by-step product walkthrough.

Knowledge bases: Self-serve resource centers for giving easy access to help resources.

Task lists: An onboarding checklist to guide the user through the process.

Analytics: A dashboard to view product analytics and user data.

Whatfix pricing: 

You’ll need to talk to the sales team to get a quote. You can also request a demo.

Pros of using Whatfix:

Wide range of integrations and interactive product tours, making it ideal for large companies

Offers resources to improve user onboarding, including knowledge bases and task lists

Cons of using Whatfix:

Lacks advanced customization and segmented user experience features

Lack of a clear pricing structure, requiring contact with the sales team

12. Intro.js

Choose Intro.js if you have coding skills or have dev resources available

Intro.js is a good choice for tech-savvy teams that want a super-budget option that can be deployed quickly and only need very basic onboarding

Intro.js is a JavaScript library for creating product tours. This is a DIY solution that costs only $9.99 for a lifetime commercial license, though coding skills are required.

mobile product tour

Intro.js' features

Tours: Create basic step-by-step product tours.

Tooltips: Use tooltips to give guidance on specific features.

Individuals and small teams

Intro.js pricing: 

Intro.js is open source, which means you can try it out for free. For commercial licenses, they have the following plans, depending on how many projects you want to create.

Starter: $9.99/lifetime

Business: $49.99/lifetime

Premium: $299.99/lifetime

Pros of using Intro.js:

Cost-effective DIY solution that’s great for developers or teams with coding skills

The library is open source, with a low-cost lifetime license for commercial use

Cons of using Intro.js:

Requires coding knowledge to implement, making it inaccessible to non-technical users

Provides only basic onboarding features, without access to more complex product tours

13. Intercom Product Tours

Choose Intercom Product Tours if you already use Intercom and you want to try out a product tour software

If you need something more robust and outside of linear onboarding, then you're better off looking elsewhere

Intercom Product Tours is a product tour add-on to Intercom's core offering. It's easy to use, but the depth of its features are still lacking.

mobile product tour

Intercom Product Tours' features

Core features are:

Product walkthroughs: Provide standard step-by-step interactive product tours.

Tooltips: Supply in-product guidance that targets certain features.

User segmentation: Target and segment your audience.

Integration with other Intercom features: Intercom's product tours software integrates with Intercom's other tools such as its chatbot.

Users of Intercom

Intercom Product Tours pricing:

It’s available as an add-on to an existing Intercom plan. Contact sales for a quote. 

Pros of using Intercom Product Tours:

Perfect for existing Intercom users, seamlessly integrating with their product ecosystem and provides simple software tours

Offers basic features like walkthroughs, tooltips, and user segmentation for targeted guidance and onboarding

Cons of using Intercom Product Tours:

Limited depth of features for onboarding needs beyond basic, linear product tours

Requires an existing Intercom subscription, which adds costs for those who aren’t already using their services

14. Userlane

Choose Userlane if your need is more towards employee onboarding and training

If you're looking for customizable tools that are more oriented toward the end user, there are better options to suit your needs

Userlane is a product tour software that can be used for either internal onboarding or user onboarding but it leans more toward training employees.

mobile product tour

Userlane's features

Guided onboarding: Effectively onboard users to your product with personalized, step-by-step guides.

Audience targeting: Tailor communication to user segments (to a limited degree).

Process recording: Record your process and create a guide based on that.

Userlane assistant: When enabled, your users can use this to easily navigate guides, messages, search, and help.

Medium and enterprise-level businesses

Userlane pricing: 

Contact Userlane for a custom quote.

Pros of using Userlane:

Ideal for businesses focused on employee onboarding and training

Offers audience targeting to help customize the onboarding experience

Cons of using Userlane:

Not a great fit for those seeking highly customizable tools, specifically for onboarding of end-users

Lack of clear pricing structure, requiring prospects to contact their sales team

Choose Stonly if you want a basic and less costly no-code design builder to get started on user education

As a budget tool, Stonly isn't ideal for for massive end-user adoption and struggles with contextual guidance and targeting

Stonly helps you create an interactive guide for your product, as well as provide self-serve support.

mobile product tour

Stonly's features

Interactive guides: Create an interactive tour for employee or user onboarding.

Self-serve support: Build self-serve guides to reduce support tickets.

Knowledge bases: Create a knowledge base to accelerate employee education.

Small and medium companies

Stonly pricing: 

Stonly offers a 14-day free trial for users. Then you have a choice of three plans:

Starter: From $99/month

Business: From $199/month

Pros of using Stonly:

Affordable, easy-to-use no-code solution for interactive user guides and self-service support

Leverages knowledge bases to educate end-users and reduce the number of support tickets

Cons of using Stonly:

Lacks detailed user guidance and targeting, so it isn’t ideal for wide user adoption

It likely won’t meet the needs of larger enterprises

Why build interactive product walkthroughs in the first place?

An interactive product tour enables you to guide users through a specific set of actions within your product. By detailing specific steps to take, it guides users from A to B.

It’s an essential part of ensuring a great user experience and guaranteeing your users understand — and love — your product. Let’s take a look at the specifics.

Product tours help guide first-time users

Imagine booking your dream vacation, but not being told which airport you fly from. You’d be pretty frustrated, right?

That’s why you need a product tour — in this case, an onboarding tour . These teach new users about the potential of your product without them needing to figure it out for themselves.

By guiding users through your top features, you enable user activation and improve customer retention. In fact, 86% of people say they’d be more likely to remain loyal to a business that invests in welcoming and educational onboarding content.

And if they can’t use your solution, they’ll look elsewhere. So product walkthrough software is a must. 

Product tours help increase feature adoption

Product tours aren’t just for new users, they’re also a great way to engage existing users around specific features they could find useful.

You can create a product tour to increase feature adoption across your product portfolio. It’s a great way of sharing features your users haven’t yet found to ensure they’re using your product in full. It’s even better if it’s user-triggered.

Product tours enable you to personalize user experience

Hyper-targeted tours let you cater to individual users and user segments to create a better in-product experience.

Let’s say you introduce a new feature developed specifically for the marketers using your software. With the customer data you’ve gathered thus far, you can create an in-product tour for this feature and only show it to marketing teams and managers.

This is an example of a customized product tour that’s hyper-relevant, considers the individual job to be done , and makes sure all users know how best to use your product.

What makes a successful product tour?

The 15 product tour software solutions shared above provide the tools you need to create product tours that encourage adoption, reduce churn rates, and improve user onboarding . 

Great product tours aren't just about tools, though — they’re what you make of them.

So, what's the key to success? 

Here are a few tips to help you make incredible product tours:

Be clear and concise: Users don't need lines and lines of guidance — they just need a nudge in the right direction. Use to-the-point language to guide your users through your tour flow. We found that short, relevant copy of 25 words per step works best.

Present core value: Aid your users in reaching their “aha!” moment with personalized tours. This helps ensure users don't abandon your product before understanding its full potential.

Keep it short and sweet: Our latest benchmark report found that product tour length greatly impacts the completion rate. Tours with four steps receive the highest completion rate of 60.1%%, while tours that include five steps or more drop to under a 20% completion rate.

Use visuals throughout: User onboarding doesn't need a wall of text — a picture is worth a thousand words, after all. Engage your new users with images throughout, and don't be afraid to explain steps using video. 

Following these tips will help ensure you're creating product tours that provide actual value, instead of a quick rundown of what your product offers. Product tours are a time to impress users and fight churn — not a time to bore them.

Wrapping up on interactive walkthrough software solutions

You've reached the end of our tour on product tour tools. Thanks for tuning in.

Building great products involves more than just creating them. You need to get users onboard. You could have the most impressive product on the market, but if users can't get to grips with it, you're likely to encounter issues with customer retention and churn.

Guiding the user journey and providing support during any learning curve is key to the success of your product. These sixteen product tour tools offer ample choice; consider the features to look out for and what's most important for your needs.

If you're curious to find out more about Chameleon's easy-to-use suite of digital adoption tools, get in touch and schedule your demo today , or get started for free and start exploring at your own pace.

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User onboarding still isn't good enough, but here's how it's changing, how to optimize the mobile app onboarding process, boost product adoption and reduce churn.

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  • Platform Overview Empowering teams like yours to tell their stories with winning demos
  • Reprise Reveal™ Overlay and customize your live application in real time.
  • Reprise Replay™ Capture your product, build a compelling demo, and share with your buyers.
  • Reprise Replicate™ Clone your application’s core functionality down to the code level.
  • Security & Compliance
  • Integrations
  • Solutions Overview The enterprise demo creation platform built for every go-to-market team.
  • Product Tours
  • Sandbox Environments
  • Webinars & Events
  • Customer Stories
  • Demo Library

The Ultimate Guide to Product Tours in 2024

mobile product tour

Modern enterprise software buyers have a lot of choices. Instead of long, drawn-out RFPs, buyers want to see products firsthand. Forrester research shows that 60% of buyers will go to a vendor’s website before accepting an online or in-person sales meeting.

As a result, the ability to effectively showcase the value and features of your offering to users is critical. Product tours, or product demos , have emerged as a powerful tool to engage, educate, and convert prospective users. This comprehensive guide will dive into detail on product tours, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how to create them successfully. We will also discuss the tools and software that can streamline the process, as well as showcase some of the best product tours.

What is a Product Tour?

A product tour is an interactive, guided walkthrough that introduces users to the key features, functionalities, and benefits of a digital product or service. Think of it as a virtual guide taking users on a journey through your product, highlighting its value and guiding them to their desired outcomes.

The Importance of Product Tours

Product tours are not just a nice-to-have in your product marketing strategy , they are a strategic tool that plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between your offering and your users. In fact, product tours can be more effective than traditional PLG tactics such as SaaS free trials. Understanding the significance of product tours is crucial for businesses looking to engage, educate, and convert users effectively.

1. Faster Sales Cycles and Higher Conversion Rates

The moment a user visits your website, their level of engagement can determine whether they stay, explore your product, and eventually speak with sales or convert into customers. This is a use case where product tours shine. Product tours capture users’ attention right from the start, allowing them to experience the product for themselves before committing to a sales conversation. After speaking with sales, your champions can use product tours as a tool to convert other committee decision-makers.

By engaging prospective buyers and potential customers, assisting them in onboarding, and ensuring they discover the product’s key features, tours can significantly boost conversion rates. Users who understand a product thoroughly are more likely to take the desired key actions, whether it’s making a purchase or adopting a higher product tier than they have today.

2. Onboarding Assistance

The onboarding process can be a make-or-break moment for many users. If it’s overly complex or confusing, users may abandon your product before experiencing its true value. Product tours act as expert guides during this critical phase, ensuring that users get started quickly and smoothly. They serve as a roadmap, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing any initial hesitation users may have.

3. Feature Adoption & Discovery

Many complex products offer a wide variety of features and capabilities. However, users may not be aware of all these features, or how to use them effectively. This is where interactive guides like product tours are effective educators. They systematically introduce users to each feature, explaining its value and providing hands-on experience. This ensures that users don’t miss out on any of the product’s capabilities.

In summary, product tours are a strategic tool that can significantly impact conversion rates, customer engagement, onboarding success, and feature utilization. When designed thoughtfully and executed effectively, product tours become the cornerstone of a user-centric approach, fostering positive user experiences and long-lasting relationships with your product or service.

Essential Elements of a Successful Product Tour

Creating effective product tours involves integrating several critical elements that collectively enhance user experience and maximize the tour’s effectiveness. These elements ensure that users not only engage with the tour but also gain a deep understanding of your product or service.

User-Friendly Design

At the core of a successful product tour is a user-friendly design. A well-thought-out design serves as the foundation upon which the entire tour is built. It encompasses both the visual aesthetics and the navigational aspects of the tour. Ideally, your product tour will look and feel like your real product, and show off your product in the best possible light.

  • Visual Aesthetics:  A visually appealing design captivates users from the moment they start the tour. It should align with your brand identity, while putting the product’s most prominent features front and center.
  • Navigation: Navigational ease is equally crucial. Users should be able to effortlessly move through the tour. This reduces friction and ensures that users remain focused on the tour’s content.

Interactive Presentation

Interactivity is a hallmark of an effective product tour. Interactive product tours and product walkthroughs transform a passive viewing experience into an engaging journey where users can visualize themselves using your product and immerse themselves in the content.

  • Engagement: Interactive elements, such as tooltips, quizzes, and surveys, grab users’ attention and maintain their interest throughout the tour. That way, users are not passive observers, but active participants in the product tour experience.
  • Effective Recall: People tend to remember information better when they actively engage with it. Interactive elements make it more likely that users will retain the knowledge shared during the tour and ultimately become more qualified prospects.
  • User Feedback: Interactive tours provide valuable opportunities for collecting user feedback. Users don’t always have to participate in solicited feedback such as surveys. Interactive demo platforms provide user analytics that detail areas of engagement, so you can pinpoint which areas of your product tour generate the most engagement.

Clear, Concise Information

The effective communication of information is key during a product tour. Clarity and conciseness are essential to ensure that users grasp the key messages without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Effective Communication: Clear and concise information ensures that users not only receive the message but also understand it. Try to avoid complex jargon and lengthy explanations in favor of straightforward language.
  • Time Efficiency: Today’s users appreciate efficiency. Keeping descriptions brief allows users to quickly digest essential details without spending excessive time on the tour.
  • Reduced Cognitive Load: Cognitive load refers to the mental effort required to process information. A well-structured tour with clear and concise information minimizes cognitive load, making it easier for users to absorb and retain knowledge.

Achieving the right balance between brevity and completeness can be challenging, but it is crucial. While it’s essential to provide sufficient information, it’s equally vital not to overwhelm users with unnecessary details. That’s why any successful product tour is built upon these essential elements: a user-friendly design that captivates users visually and simplifies navigation, interactive elements that engage users and facilitate effective learning, and clear, concise information that ensures effective communication.

Mastering these elements can significantly enhance the impact of your product tour, resulting in more engaged users and higher rates of conversion. Keep in mind that choosing an interactive demo platform with analytics will help you understand exactly how your buyers are engaging with your product tour, so you can refine your tour to optimize conversions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Product Tours

Now let’s answer the question: How do you create a product tour? Let’s navigate through this journey step by step.

Step 1: Define the Flow of the Product Tour

Defining the flow of your product tour is where the journey begins. It’s the foundational step that shapes the entire tour experience. However, it’s not without its challenges and potential setbacks. Here are a few things to consider in this process.

  • Clarity of Purpose: Defining the flow is essential to ensure that your tour aligns with your objectives. Without a clear purpose, your tour may wander aimlessly, leaving users confused and disengaged. A lack of a well-defined purpose can result in a disjointed and confusing tour that fails to meet user expectations. For example, if the objective is site conversions, you want to think about where to put your CTA. If it’s new feature awareness, it’s important to hide all other features that might serve as a distraction.
  • User-Centric Approach: Structuring the tour based on user needs and goals is recommended, but a one-size-fits all tour may not be the right approach for your company. Users are diverse, and their pain points or use cases may vary dramatically. Incorrect assumptions about user segment preferences can lead to a tour that doesn’t resonate with the target audience, so it’s worth investing in a tool that can streamline the process of creating more personalized tours targeted at a variety of personas.
  • Efficient Development: A well-defined flow can streamline the development process if you aren’t using an interactive demo platform. Even so, when requirements change, adapting the tour can be time-consuming. Keep in mind that frequent changes in requirements can disrupt the development timeline, potentially delaying the tour’s launch. Working with a low-code or no-code tool can help product marketers and other stakeholders like sales AEs build interactive product tours themselves, minimizing involvement from developers or SEs.

Step 2: Design Each Step of the Product Tour

Designing each step of the product walkthrough involves creating the visuals, interactive elements, and content that will guide users. When crafting your product tour, keep the following things in mind:

  • Visual Appeal: Effective design captivates users and leaves a lasting impression. However, creating a visually appealing product tour can be resource-intensive, requiring skilled designers and creative effort. Using a dedicated interactive demo creation tool can make your product tour look and feel exactly like your product, taking the lift off of designers and creatives on your team.
  • Alignment with Brand: Consistent design reinforces your brand identity, but achieving this alignment can be challenging. Maintaining a harmonious visual theme throughout the tour while accommodating various design elements can be complex. Keep in mind that consistent branding strengthens brand recognition and trust.
  • User Engagement: Thoughtful design can keep users engaged throughout the tour, but it also raises concerns about implementation. Making design changes after implementation can be a complex and time-consuming process if you aren’t using an interactive demo tool. An inflexible design can result in a static tour that fails to adapt to changing user needs or feedback.

Step 3: Implement User Feedback

User feedback is invaluable for refining your product tour over time. With the right user analytics, this process becomes much simpler.

  • Continuous Improvement: Embracing user feedback is essential for tour enhancement over time. However, the process of collecting, analyzing, and implementing feedback can be resource-intensive, requiring dedicated efforts. It doesn’t have to be that way. Choose a solution that provides product tour advanced analytics, so you can understand exactly which aspects of your demo resonate with your users.
  • User-Centric Approach: Implementing user suggestions demonstrates that you value their input, but it can be challenging to strike the right balance. Differing opinions among users can lead to conflicting feedback. When in doubt, it may be easiest to tailor multiple, custom demos if feedback differs dramatically.
  • Bug Detection: Users can be valuable bug detectors, but addressing technical issues highlighted by active users can be resource and time-consuming. It’s possible to avoid technical demo failures by using a demo creation tool that’s divorced from your product’s backend, so that if anything goes wrong with your software in production, demo users won’t see it.

Creating a Product Tour with the Best Product Tour Tool

Many marketers and product teams develop product tours without the aid of a dedicated demo creation platform. The process often involves the following steps:

  • Seeking Expert Guidance: Product marketers reach out to technical experts, typically SEs or developers, for insights into the latest features or updates. Technical experts, while willing to help, often have tight schedules, leaving marketers with limited time for guidance and collaboration.
  • Manual Recording:  The SE creating the demo usually then enters the live product environment and manually records each step of the user experience, from login to navigation. The process can be meticulous and time-consuming, demanding substantial effort.
  • Dependency on Live Product: Since the team is dependent on a live product, a lot can go wrong. Also, teams often need to wait until new features are live before creating the next demo, leading to a cyclical process of having to reinvent the wheel for each new tour.

Leveraging a Demo Creation Platform

To contrast, many teams use a dedicated demo creation platform, such as Reprise, to craft product tours. This method introduces efficiency into the process, since it’s easy to create a tour without substantial effort from developers or SEs. Here are some of the key benefits of using a demo creation platform:

  • Selective Screen Capture: Teams select only the screens they wish to feature in the demo, bypassing the need for time-consuming login or homepage steps. In some cases, they can access test environments to preview features that may not be available yet.
  • Focused Content: Rather than elaborating on every single feature, demo creators can  focus on capturing the ‘aha moments,’ or the critical interactions that resonate with users and accelerate time-to-value.
  • Efficiency and Precision: The entire process — including demo creation, data cleanup, and anonymization — can be completed in a matter of hours, without the need for coding skills. If you need to tailor more demos to a different persona, it’s easy to start with a golden demo and make edits to customize it to each user group.
  • Flexibility for Updates: When new features are introduced, demo creators can effortlessly swap out a few screens, avoiding the need to recreate the entire demo.

Modern B2B buyers increasingly seek tangible experiences with products. Marketers or product teams relying on a manual approach may struggle to bridge the gap between technical functionality and user experience, limiting their ability to offer immersive demos. To contrast, leveraging demo creation software empowers marketers to create interactive, engaging, and personalized experiences without the need for coding skills. This approach frees up SEs for strategic, technical demos later in the sales cycle, where their time and talent is best spent.

Inside the Reprise Interactive Demo Creation Platform

Product demos on a company’s website are one of the first resources buyers use during their evaluation process. According to Gartner, modern buyers only spend 17% of their time meeting with suppliers, and highly value when companies provide information (like product tours) up front to navigate their purchase. Once the prospect reaches sales, demos become a critical tool in accelerating the buying cycle even further. Sales AEs and SEs leverage demos to tell detailed stories, showcasing how products meet prospects’ specific pain points.

The Reprise demo creation platform is meant to address needs throughout the GTM lifecycle, via three integrated products:

  • Reprise Reveal™: easy customization of live demos by presales and sales teams for a first call
  • Reprise Replay™: creation of interactive product tours and guided demos by marketing and presales teams
  • Reprise Replicate™: cloning of a full application to create a reusable, interactive demo environment

The goal is to make it easy to start with Reprise, and provide the flexibility, extensibility, scale and security to expand to hundreds or thousands of enterprise users across multiple use cases.

For product tours specifically, demo creators can build their own interactive product demos quickly and easily. Walk-through guides that help tell a product’s story — without extensive technical resources. Global find and replace capabilities make it easy to edit demos and anonymize data on the fly. Finally, demo analytics and user activity insights show teams which demos are performing the best, and which features resonate most with specific users.

Best Product Tours

So, now that we know how to create one, what makes the best product tour? Let’s walk through some of the criteria that make product tours most effective:

  • Clarity: Focus only on the aspects of your product that are most relevant to the target user, avoiding a “feature dump” style of demo that can easily lose users in the details.
  • Engagement: Regularly review your demo analytics to understand what parts of your demo generate the most engagement with users. Refine your demos over time and focus them on what resonates best.
  • Conversion: The right product tour can help you generate leads and convert them to  qualified prospects for your sales team. In fact, Reprise-powered demos delivered 60% uplift in average website interactions converted to leads, and a 50% increase in average conversion from lead to pipeline.
  • Reusability and Customization: With a demo creation platform like Reprise, you can reuse and customize demos to avoid reinventing the wheel. That way, you can create custom demos based on certain features, pain points, or use cases. According to the same study cited above, Reprise users experienced a 400% increase in demo capacity, without SE involvement.

Top Product Tour Examples

The Reprise platform enables teams to create interactive product tours for a variety of use cases. Here are a few examples of highly effective Reprise-powered demos.

  • Pendo, a product experience company, leverages interactive walkthroughs as an alternative to free trials for prospects. The company’s marketing team has spun up an extensive demo library to showcase all of its offerings. The company’s demos are the highest-performing CTA, dominating website conversions and scaling to 200,000 visitors per month.

mobile product tour

  • EvaluAgent’s quality assurance platform is so robust that it almost needs to be test driven in order to grasp its full potential. As a result, the EvaluAgent team launched an entire library of custom, interactive product tours that highlight specific product features. The brand sees more than 400 monthly visits to its interactive product tours, resulting in faster sales cycles. Check out how EvaluAgent created a library of product feature demos , with popups like the one in the screenshot below.

mobile product tour

We hope this guide has been helpful to get you started on your journey to creating effective product tours. Let’s address some of the most common questions.

 How Do I Make a Product Tour?

Creating a product tour involves defining the flow, designing each step, and implementing interactive elements. Utilizing a demo creation platform like Reprise can streamline the process.

How Effective Are Product Tours?

Well-crafted product tours can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates, delivering more qualified leads to your sales team. As noted above, Reprise-powered product tours and demos delivered 60% uplift in average website interactions converted to leads, and a 50% increase in average conversion from lead to pipeline.

How Do You Make a Good Product Tour?

A good product tour is user-friendly, interactive, and provides clear, concise information. It aligns with user needs and objectives, and doesn’t overwhelm the user with too much information on features and functionality.

What Are Product Tour Trends to Watch?

More and more companies will be considering how to incorporate demos throughout their GTM lifecycle — not just as an initial product tour on the website. For example, companies will expand their use cases for demos to include live demos, interactive demos, conferences and events, and leave-behinds for committee decision-makers. As a result, the role of an all-in-one, interactive demo platform will become more prominent. It will become crucial to enable sales and marketing teams to deliver hundreds or even thousands of demos without the need for extra technical resources.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered everything you need to know about product tours in 2023, from their fundamental elements to the step-by-step process of creating them to some of the best examples in the industry. Remember, the key to a successful product tour is to take a user-centric approach. Think about how to tailor your demo to your key personas and use cases to deliver a memorable and engaging experience for your audience.

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Onboarding Study

SaaS Product Tours: 11 Tactics & 18 Examples

Scroll down to see all examples

Product tours are unbeatable for helping new users get to know your product’s interface. These tours are typically a series of tooltips, or contextual tips, that spotlight UI elements one at a time. They’re perfect for showcasing key features or guiding users through processes by indicating where to click or what to do next.

For a straightforward feature introduction, users might progress through the tour by clicking a “Next” button. However, if the goal is to teach a process, consider a more interactive approach. Encouraging users to engage directly with the product can make the learning experience more memorable and demonstrate the simplicity of your interface.

Importantly, don’t feel restricted to just one tour. Consider having a comprehensive initial tour to orient new users, and then offer additional, focused tours for specific processes or features they need to understand or set up.

While multiple tours are beneficial, be mindful to keep them concise and not overloaded with text. People are unlikely to retain information from lengthy or dense explanations. The primary goal of product tours is to spotlight critical elements at the moment, not to detail every menu item or icon.

SaaS Product Tour Tactics

Skip the intro message.

Informing users about what a tour will cover can help manage their expectations. However, from my user onboarding research, I’ve noticed a big difference in how users feel when they’re given the option to start a flow versus being automatically put into one. Having the choice makes users feel in control, while being automatically placed in a flow can make them feel like they have to just go with it.

mobile product tour

Make it more personal

Adding a personal touch to marketing often enhances its effectiveness, and the same principle applies to product tours. Consider introducing yourself with your name and a photo to establish a more personal connection with users. While many user onboarding tools might not offer this feature by default, unlike Intercom, implementing it manually is generally straightforward and can significantly enrich the user experience.

mobile product tour

a) for even more context

If text explanations in your tooltips seem insufficient, enhance them with screenshots to show users exactly what steps to follow.

mobile product tour

b) to make it more engaging

Indeed, images serve more than just an informational purpose—they can also make your communication more engaging. Take inspiration from Livechat’s onboarding process, which incorporates well-crafted graphics to highlight features.

mobile product tour

Show progress

Incorporating numbers for each step or adding a progress bar in your flow can significantly enhance the user experience by providing clear indicators of how much is left to complete.

mobile product tour

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  • Discover insights buried in support tickets, feedback forms, sales calls, and more.
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Use a short survey to personalize further experience

Pendo, a user onboarding software, employs a clever strategy for managing a high-friction step in their setup process—adding their code to your app. Instead of presenting this task upfront, they guide users through exploring other features first. Only after users have completed the product tour do they introduce the Polls feature, asking if users are ready to add the code or prefer to explore more.

mobile product tour

Add follow-up actions

The conclusion of a product tour shouldn’t leave users wondering about their next steps. Ensure you guide them by suggesting further actions they can take.

mobile product tour

Let users replay the tour: 

A) use “remind me later”.

mobile product tour

b) Allow to start the flow over

mobile product tour

c) Link to tours from your Resource center

mobile product tour

Focus on the bigger story rather than the UI

Mixpanel offers a notable variation on traditional product tours. Rather than guiding users through the interface with instructions on where to click, their user onboarding approach focuses on teaching the key concepts behind their software.

mobile product tour

Want to see other user onboarding examples?

  • 32 Signup flow examples
  • 94 User onboarding Checklist examples
  • 92 Feature setup page examples

18 Product Tour Examples

Exploring compelling examples of feature walk-throughs, also known as in-app tutorials or product tours, can spark inspiration for crafting your own SaaS tour. This collection includes screenshots of various tours accompanied by brief commentaries. Each example highlights unique approaches to guiding users through a software’s features, from interactive tutorials that encourage direct engagement to conceptual overviews that deepen understanding.

Airtable product tour

What’s good about this product tour:

  • Introduces the main features in an easily digestible form.
  • Allows going back to previous steps.
  • Shows your progress through the tour.
  • Ends with a follow-up action: pointing to the Resource Center .

What’s bad about this product tour:

  • The elements are not sufficiently highlighted; they are only outlined with a barely visible yellow border.

mobile product tour

ActiveCampaign feature explainer tour

What’s good about this feature explainer tour:

  • Is based on an example automation that doesn’t require users to set up anything. For more complex features, this might be a better approach than having users create it from scratch.
  • Helps users understand the functionality rather than just explaining the UI.

What’s bad about this feature explainer tour:

  • The text is heavy and demands a lot from the reader, leading to a high cognitive load.
  • It’s not very engaging—reading through, I found it hard to get excited about starting to use the product.

mobile product tour

Ayoa product walk-through

What’s good about this walk-through:

  • Features short and easy-to-read copy, highlighting the most important information in bold text.
  • Allows you to navigate back and forth.

What’s bad about this walk-through :

  • Progresses with the click of the “Next” button, encouraging the user to focus on reading instead of doing, which might be perfectly suited for this scenario.
  • Lacks a progress indicator.

mobile product tour

Bluescape in-app tutorial

What’s good about this app tutorial:

  • Includes descriptive images that aid in understanding what to do.
  • Is concise and straightforward.
  • Begins immediately, without an introductory message.

What’s bad about this app tutorial :

  • The name “Welcome Tour” could be changed to reflect the benefit or outcome of completing it, such as “Start Creating,” which aligns with the message displayed midway through the tour.

mobile product tour

Booksy UI walk-through

What’s good about this feature walk-trough:

  • Displays your progress throughout the tour.

What’s bad about this feature walk-trough :

  • Could focus on teaching the process through a specific example instead of merely highlighting UI elements.
  • Initially displays two messages simultaneously, which nearly replicate each other in text.
  • Features low contrast between the tooltips and the main interface, affecting visibility.

mobile product tour

Chargebee embedded tour

  • Allows you to grasp the potential of Chargebee through a simplified demo, without any prior setup required.
  • The copy is captivating and motivates you to start exploring.
  • Smoothly incorporates three setup options into the tour, linking each to a specific feature.
  • Recommends follow-up actions in the final step.

What’s bad about this product tour :

  • If you rapidly click through the steps, focusing only on the titles, it’s not entirely clear whether you’re setting up your account or simply taking a test drive.

mobile product tour

Conceptboard intro tour

  • Short, no bullsh*t approach.
  • Shows your progress and lets you navigate back and forth.
  • In fact, shown are 2 tours at the same time which creates confusion in terms of what to focus on.

mobile product tour

Conceptboard web app tour

What’s good about this web app tour:

  • Makes you go through the process of creating the board and using the main features—thus experience the main value yourself.

What’s bad about this web app tour :

  • Has a few unnecessary steps which could be removed, making the experience smoother and less tiring.
  • The amount of text and elements in the tour make it hard to comprehend.

mobile product tour

Hubspot contacts UI tour

  • The tour lets you experience what it’s like working with Hubspot and efficiently goes through the main points without pointing out unnecessary features.
  • It’s based on dummy data so you don’t need to set up or import anything in advance.
  • The story make the experience more engaging.
  • Buttons are self-explanatory, telling you what’s going to happen next.
  • Some parts of the copy could be shortened or a bit more clear at the first glance (so that one understands the point without reading it all).
  • Adding links to additional content inside the tour can be distracting. New concepts should be introduced after users finish the tour.

mobile product tour

Copper walk-through

mobile product tour

Intercom conversations tour

What’s good about this in-app tour:

  • Adding the name and the photo of the guide make the tour more personal and friendly.
  • Is short and easy to understand.

mobile product tour

Jira new feature design walk-through:

mobile product tour

Livechat tour

mobile product tour

Miro intro tour

mobile product tour base feature walk-through

mobile product tour

Shipbob onboarding tour

mobile product tour

Freshdesk UI walk-through

mobile product tour

First screen examples

mobile product tour

Onboarding checklist examples

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The 16 Best Product Tour Software to Support SaaS Onboarding | 2024 update

Summary points:.

This article is a list of the best product tour software designed to help you guide users through your digital product. You will find some popular tools like Intercom and Whatfix, as well as lesser-known ones like Chameleon. Read on to discover what they can do for your business.

How Important Are Product Tour Apps?

Any SaaS business runs the risk of losing potential customers because they can’t figure out how to use the product from the get-go. This is where product tour software comes into play. They introduce users to your product and help them navigate its features to discover its value.

Effective product tours can increase product activation, adoption, and user retention rates and loyalty . Product tour software can also be used to record and analyze customer feedback. If you’re on the hunt for a good product tour tool, check out our suggestions:

1. Userpilot

Cost : from $249/month

Best Features:

  • Growth Insights
  • Engagement Layer
  • User Sentiment
  • Reporting, Targeting & Customization
  • Integrations


With Userpilot you can create fully interactive product walkthroughs and tours. It offers many segmentation and personalization options, as well as advanced analytics. It is easy to use and install (by downloading a Chrome extension and adding a JavaScript snippet). Userpilot is Custify’s primary choice in product tour software and we often recommend it our customers. We also have an active partnership so, as a customer of Custify, you can benefit from a significative discount.

2. UserGuiding

Cost: from $69/month, billed yearly

  • Onboarding Checklist
  • Segmentation
  • Resource Centers
  • NPS surveys
  • Goal Tracking

mobile product tour

UserGuiding is a product tour and digital adoption platform that you can use to create fully customizable in-product experiences easily without any coding. You can also set up sophisticated onboarding flows, checklists for additional help, and resource centers to maximize efficiency and engagement. UserGuiding’s NPS surveys feature helps you gather customer input to measure customer satisfaction and improve customer experience. Keep in mind that, at the moment, UserGuiding elements show on mobile devices but can’t be used for mobile apps.

3. Intercom

Cost : from $59/month

  • Code-free builder
  • Audience targeting
  • Multipage tours
  • Click-to-advance


Intercom is a conversational relationship platform that has a product tour add-on. You can use it to create product tours for your customers and drive onboarding and adoption. With Intercom you can also create frameless video tours to make your customer feel closer to you. However, Intercom tours are linear, with no real interactivity.

Cost : free version, price quote for other plans

  • Mobile guides
  • Guide consumption analytics
  • Themes and styling
  • Pre-built layout library
  • Guide scheduling


Pendo helps you interact with customers by designing personalized onboarding and tutorials, and by sending in-app messages. You can tailor your messages for specific customer segments to make sure they all know how to use the features they need. In-app messages can also result in reduced customer support calls due to increased customer satisfaction. However, keep in mind Pendo’s interface is not friendly to inexperienced users.

Cost: custom price quote

  • Automatic, Precise Targeting
  • Condition-Based walkthroughs
  • Zero-Coding Content Creation
  • Multilingual

product walkthroughs

Whatfix offers interactive product tours and smart content creation. Like Userpilot, it can be installed via Chrome extension and JavaScript snippet. You can use it to easily create content, no coding skills required, and display it in various formats (video, PDF, etc). Whatfix’s installation process is a bit difficult and its customization options are limited.

Cost: from $249/month billed yearly or $299/month billed monthly

  • Onboarding tours
  • In-app surveys
  • In-app messaging

mobile product tour

Appcues is an easy-to-use product tour software that comes with a no-code design-builder and many design options. Its tracking features require no coding skills as well, so you don’t need any help from developers or analysts. Appcues also comes with custom dashboards for reporting and analysis. Nonetheless, its price range is very high compared to that of other software from this list.

7. CommandBar

Cost: free version, from $249/month for other plans

  • Universal search
  • Product tours
  • Onboarding checklists
  • Help hub/resource center

mobile product tour

Cost: price quote

  • Full Interface Control
  • Advanced API Support
  • Multi-language

product walkthroughs

WalkMe is one of the most popular product tour software on this list. You can use it to quickly build, test, and launch non-linear product walkthroughs. It has a wide variety of features like analytics, A/B testing, and task automation, which may seem overwhelming at first. Based on reviews, it’s price quotes are quite steep, and it’s more suitable for large businesses.

9. Chameleon

Cost: from $279/month

  • Microsurveys (including NPS)
  • Event Triggering
  • Audience Segments
  • A/B Testing

product walkthroughs

Chameleon is an onboarding and product tour software that you can use to record and analyze customer feedback. Although not as well-known as other tools such as Appcues or WalkMe, Chameleon provides many UX elements to use in product tours. It also offers custom CSS, allowing you to set specific styling or themes for your product walkthroughs. However, custom coding means Chameleon will take longer to deploy.

10. Userlane

  • Audience Targeting
  • Multi-Language
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Surveys & Feedback
  • Customer Segmentation

product walkthroughs

Userlane is a no-code product tour tool that allows you to offer tailored guidance and support to users. With Userlane you can collaborate with your team members to build step-by-step, on-screen interactive guides. It is easy to use and customize and it gets regular releases of new features. Based on online reviews, one of the downsides is that Userlanes’s analytics feature could use improvement.

11. Userflow

Cost: from $200/month, billed yearly

  • Launchers/Hotspots
  • Surveys/NPS
  • Flow/checklist views
  • Automatic, segmented flow triggering

With Userflow you can build in-app, highly customized, and dynamic flows with no code. Its drag and drop builder is visual and intuitive and it allows you to easily preview flows, directly in your own app. It is also a customer input software that you can use to collect user feedback via NPS, CSAT, and free-form text surveys. However, access to many of its features is restricted on the lower pricing plans.

  • Intelligent Analytics
  • Complex Flow Creation
  • Multiple Domains
  • Custom Validations

product walkthroughs

With Apty you can simplify the learning curve for users and help them get familiarized with your product. You can use walkthroughs and in-app messaging to onboard users or highlight newly launched features. Apty’s analytics tool analyzes user behavior and helps you create customized flows for various user groups. One possible drawback is that Apty’s deployment and integration can take some time.

13. Nickelled

Cost: from $99/month

  • Unlimited users and views
  • Easy page embedding
  • User Segmentation
  • Embed video or audio in guides

product walkthroughs

Nickelled is a 100% code-free product tour software. You can use it to drive product adoption with guided tours, website banners, and onsite widgets. Nickelled is cross-platform so it works on mobile, desktop, and tablet. It doesn’t require software downloads or browser extensions, and Javascript is optional. It is one of the less pricey options on this list, but note that it offers no customer segmentation at the moment.

14. Usetiful

Cost: free version, from €29.90/month for other plans

  • Product tour
  • Customizable themes for native look
  • Usage analytics

mobile product tour

Usetiful markets itself as an “affordable premium solution for digital adoption” which seems to be accurate. You can use it by pasting a snippet of code into your product, or by adding their browser extension. Their product tours and smart tips were designed to look native in your software product for good user experience. As is often the case, lower pricing plans don’t include access to many features.

Cost: Free for Basic Plan, $29 per user/month for Pro Plan, and customizable charge for Enterprise packages.

Best Features

  • Automatic guide creation for training employees and assisting customers
  • Instant documentation of best practices across teams
  • Document consistency and easy update
  • Automatically updated documents
  • Screenshot redaction
  • Embedded guides in any CMS

mobile product tour

Scribe is the first process documentation tool of its kind. It’s a browser extension or desktop app that automatically creates how-to guides.

Simply click “Record” and capture your process. Scribe will instantly create a step-by-step document, complete with written instructions and screenshots. Additional features enable you to edit and update your Scribe, effectively making those changes wherever it’s shared or embedded.

16. Intro.js

Cost : free open-source, lifetime commercial license starts at $9.99

  • Simple, lightweight API
  • Completely customizable
  • Free open-source
  • Easy install
  • 24/7 Priority support option

mobile product tour

Intro.js is a very smart tool that can be just what you need if you’re starting out in the SaaS world. While it doesn’t have all the flashy features of its competitors, Intro.js makes up for it through a highly customizable, 10kB API. The API is free and open-source for personal use. Commercial lifetime licenses start at $9.99 and can go up to $299 for 24/7 priority support, and unlimited projects. The biggest downside of Intro.js is that you need some knowledge of CSS and JavaScript to integrate it. However, that can also be a plus since it allows you to tailor everything to your needs.

Final Thoughts

It might seem difficult to decide – maybe one tool has a feature you like, but is missing another. Or maybe they’re all good. We recommend the following process:

  • Find out what you need from the product tour software (be as precise as possible)
  • Settle on a budget
  • Shortlist a few of the best options for you on this list
  • Do extensive research for each of them
  • Message them with any concerns or questions

Consider your needs and budget and do extensive research before deciding on one. Based on the high review count on websites like G2 or Capterra, Intercom, Pendo, and Whatfix seem to be the go-to product tour tools. Judging by what they offer, however, Appcues and WalkMe are very good choices as well. So here you have it, the next part is on you – good luck!

Victor Antiu

Written by Victor Antiu

Victor Antiu is the Marketing Manager at Custify. With nearly 10 years experience, his focus is SEO, product marketing, and B2B inbound strategy. When he’s not trying to fix websites and automate processes, he’s traveling and sailing around the world.

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How to build a kickass product tour.

Avatar of Domenic Edwards

19 minute read

As a Product Manager, you know your product inside out. You understand how it works, how all its features complement each other, and how to get the most out of it. Great, you don’t need to take a product tour. But what about your new users?  Anyone trying your product for the first time will be coming in with little understanding of how it works. Sure, they may have seen a demo or played around in a sandbox version, but their comprehension of your product is going to be low. If they can’t figure out how to use your product quickly, they’re gonna get frustrated. You don’t want frustrated users, because frustrated users leave.  Product tours help reduce the friction of figuring out a new product. They act as training wheels to stabilize your customers to ensure they don’t fall off the bike and graze their knees while they’re still learning how to steer. Product tours show new users around the core functionality of your product, giving them the basic knowledge to start performing the tasks they signed up for in the first place.  These educational flows are really powerful and are an effective tool when looking to nail your overall product onboarding . Not only are they beneficial for users, but they are useful for your team, too. A product tour can highlight the key features and value of a new product, showcasing to new visitors why your product is so good. This reduces the time to value (TTV) and can help you increase your product adoption rate .  That said, to max out the effectiveness of your product tours, you need to make sure they’re actually good. That’s easier said than done, as there are a lot of pitfalls you can tumble down in the process. Here’s all you need to know to build a product tour that kicks ass. 

What is a product tour?

You’re likely already well-versed in what a product tour is. You experience them every time you open a new app or piece of software, and we’re willing to bet that your product has some sort of tour or educational component already in place.  In short, a product tour is an in-app tutorial that guides users through the key features and functionality of your product. They often focus on teaching how the user interface (UI) works, what everything does, and where each feature is located.  Product tours are designed to help users get up to speed with the product quickly and ensure they don’t miss any hidden features that may benefit them. They’re activated automatically, usually triggered when a customer uses the product or clicks on a new feature for the first time. 

Why do you need a product tour?

Would you trip up a baby that’s still learning to walk? Of course not. That would be horrible. Well, without a product tour, you’re kind of doing the same to your new users. Without any help or guidance on how to best utilize your product, they’re going to struggle to find the value in what you offer, and if they can’t find value they’re gonna look elsewhere.  Well, including a product tour in your onboarding process improves the chance that customers stick around. It also gives you the control to show them what you want them to see first. This lets you create a logical education flow that builds upon the previous point, ensuring that by the end of the tour, there are no gaps in your user’s knowledge.  No matter how intuitive your product is, it will come with a learning curve, some steeper than others. The goal of a product tour is to make that curve feel manageable; like it’s a slight uphill incline instead of an unscalable cliff.  Here’s a look at some other benefits of adding a product tour to your onboarding process:

It encourages users to actually try your product 

You need a product tour in place for first-time users so you have a way of actually inviting them to stay! Product tours act as great initial call-to-actions to get new users to explore your product. It adds that sense of urgency which can be the difference between losing or retaining a customer. A good product tour doesn’t just show a visitor how to use your tool, it should make them desperate to use it.

It helps users reach their wow moment

The wow moment is the point in time when a new user realizes the value of your product and why they need it. It’s the lightbulb moment that flicks a switch in their head from being a skeptic to a believer in your product. You want your new customers to have this realization as early as possible – a product tour that showcases key features and benefits is going to help customers reach this moment a hell of a lot quicker. 

It drives customer success

You want your customers to have a good time with your product, and you also want them to find success when using your product. That’s why you went to the trouble of building it in the first place. A good product tour gives your customers the tools they need to succeed with your product and use it properly. This improves the customer experience and boosts satisfaction, making them more likely to buy, renew, or upgrade their plan and advocate for your brand.

It can breathe life into unused features

Ever spent a lot of time on an amazing feature that no one is using? We’ve all been there. Well, if engagement for a feature is low, you could try to direct attention to it with a product tour. See, product tours aren’t just for new users, seasoned customers can also benefit from them when you highlight additions and changes. A tour is a far more engaging way to showcase a feature than an email or blog and could help you boost its performance.

How do you build a product tour?

There’s no one way to build a product tour. Each product and app is different and will require different things from its onboarding experience. That’s the beauty of building a tour – you can make it your own unique experience that best matches your product and overall brand.  That said, we do think there’s one thing that every Product manager should do: Use tools !  We highly recommend that you use dedicated product tour and onboarding tools when building your flow. That’s what we do here at ProdPad, and you’ll find most of your competitors will too.  Nothing is stopping you from making a bespoke, one-of-a-kind product tour from scratch in-house, we just think it’s a lot of extra effort that you don’t need to go through.  For starters, building a product tour that way is hard. Unless you’re an expert coder, you’re going to need to rope in your Developers to build your tour in-app. This takes a lot of time and resources which could be spent on other things – such as progressing your product roadmap ! The process of building a tour yourself will take much longer compared to using a tool, and you also sacrifice flexibility and control over the process. As Product Managers, we like to have control.  Product tools provide no-code solutions, allowing you to build your flow, input your copy, and set up your automation easily. You can get on with it yourself without having to plan development time and you can make changes and edits on the fly. These tools allow you to move much faster and ship your product tour in less time.  As well as this, dedicated tools give you: 

  • Analytics to measure the performance of your tours
  • Customization options
  • Templates to help you beat writer’s block and get started
  • Integrations with other software

What are the best product tour tools?

If we’ve sold you on using onboarding software tools, you’ll be desperate to know what the best tools out there are. Conveniently, we’ve already put together a detailed list of what we think to be the best onboarding software tools. You’re welcome. Not only can these tools help you build product tours, but they also have extra functionality like surveys, hotspots, checklists, and more. 

Read our list of the best onboarding software tools here.

What are the key components of a product tour? 

When building your product tour, you have a lot of different elements to choose from that can alter how your tour looks and functions. These elements or components offer unique ways to share information and will suit different use cases. Understanding these elements gives you the knowledge to build the best product tour and choose the right option for your needs.  The elements you’ll find in user onboarding software will vary, but you can expect to find: 

  • Pop-ups: These are some of the most common UI patterns you’ll find in product tours and walkthroughs. Many products use a pop-up known as a welcome modal to first interact with the user and welcome them to the platform. They can range from simple splash screens to larger modal windows, and work by ‘popping up’ over your screen to share key information, usually in the form of screenshots, animations, and illustrations. Be mindful not to instigate pop-up fatigue by using them too often, as this can cause aggravation and lead to users dropping off.

ProdPad product tour welcome popup

  • Tooltips: This component is a small, descriptive textbox that typically activates when a button is clicked or hovered over, usually emanating from that area. Their purpose is to provide a brief, contextual explanation of what a key feature does. Unlike pop-ups, they don’t take up the whole screen. They’re designed to make the product tour more interactive and engaging, and often instruct the user to do something.

ProdPad product tour tooltip example

  • Hotspots: Hotspots are short and sweet little messages that encourage users to check out a certain area of your product. They’re effectively call-to-actions, and can say things like ‘click here’ or ‘psst, you may want to see this’. They’re designed to encourage and are often followed by a tooltip. 

ProdPad product tour hotspot example

  • Slideouts: Slideouts are interesting-looking panels that slide out from either the side, top, or bottom of the screen. These are thought to be less intrusive than pop-ups as they don’t take over the whole screen and still enable the user to engage with the tool. They’re often used to encourage customers to take specific actions. 

To make sure you use the right components, you need to consider what element best suits your product. There are some questions you need to ask yourself to make sure you’re building your tour the right way.  Think about: 

  • The device type : is your product a mobile app or web-based? The difference in display size will impact what types of elements best suit the product. Small tooltips may be harder to see on mobile, requiring a full modal window instead. 
  • Your different users : Do you have a varied target user base with differing understandings of technology? If so, you may have to build two separate product tours to suit each experience level. A novice may appreciate more tooltips explaining simple functionality, while an expert may get frustrated with these interruptions. 
  • The uniqueness of your product : Does your product follow industry conventions or does it do something completely different? If your product works the same as others or has familiar features, then users will have a better time getting to grips with it and won’t need as much information from the tour. If it’s all brand new, then you need to thoroughly explain these new changes. 
  • The complexity of your product : Are the core features of your product easy to find or do users have to navigate through multiple layers to access everything? Opting for contextual product tours that trigger when a user finds a new feature can work best here as it ensures they’re not overloaded with too much information at once. 

Product tour best practices

To ensure your product tour is the best it can be, it’s worth knowing all the best practice theory. All great product tours tend to have the following qualities, so make sure you consider them when building your tour. 

Make it easy to use 

The whole goal of your tour is to make your product simple and easy to understand. If your tour is too complex, then you’re kind of missing the point. The elements you add to your tour should be self-explanatory in terms of how to use them and how to progress to the next tooltip, slide out, or pop-up. 

Structure it well 

You want to build a product tour that naturally flows from one point to another. Your structure plays a massive part in this. It needs to intuitively guide users from one section of your product to another, in an order that makes sense. When building your structure, make sure your users understand what they’re learning, what they’re trying to accomplish, and what they stand to gain.

Keep it light 

We get that you’re excited about your product and can talk about it for hours, but you need to hold back in your product tour. You don’t want to overwhelm your users with too much information. Remember, reams of text can be boring to read.  Less is more when it comes to your product tour. Keep your copy tight, short, and snappy, and don’t dwell on features for too long. Figure out what is crucial for users to understand during their initial exploration and limit your tours to that. Users can always build on their knowledge in their own time with self-help guides and chatbots.

Make sure it’s not boring  

A boring product tour is just as bad as having no tour at all. If your language is dull and your content just doesn’t inspire, your tour isn’t going to be effective. You want users to have a good experience with your tour, so use engaging language and images to keep them invested in what you’re teaching them.  A bored user is more likely to leave your product and look elsewhere for a solution to their problem.  

Get to the point 

When making a product tour, you want it to be quick and snappy. You need to respect your customer’s time and ensure you don’t keep them from using your product for too long.  Quickly show them what they need to know so that you’re not wasting any of your user’s time. When they first log into your product, they’re going to want to start getting results instantly. Don’t let your tour become a barrier that they’ll want to skip through. 

Make it interactive

A passive tour is more likely to bore your users. It’s a good idea to make one that offers an interactive element. A tour that’s just made up of pop-ups or a single video explainer that users can easily skip through won’t work as well as one where they need to perform an action to trigger the next step.  By building a product tour with automation, you can make it more interactive to engage the user with your product. With these types of tours, you can get users to start exploring your tool while you aid them, helping them to better learn how it all works while keeping them engaged. 

Lead with value

Your product tour should be more than just a step-by-step guide on how to use your tool, where all you’re saying boils down to ‘ do this, then do this, then do this’. You need to show why you’re getting your customers to perform an action and make clear what the value of each action is. By being upfront about the benefits of your tool and how it meets their needs, you’re showing them the value proposition early on in their journey.  

Personalize for better engagement

Each one of your users wants to feel unique. Make them feel special by adding personalization to your product tour. This can be as simple as using personalization tags like their name so that they feel more connected with your product.  You can also go further and create different tours based on different audience segments, showing them the key features they specifically care about. Not all customers are planning to use your product in the same way as each other, so try to identify this and create a product tour that displays the right messages and information that’s suited to each user.

Keep making data-driven improvements with feedback

You’re not going to nail your product tour the first time. To make the best one possible, you’re going to have to make changes and edits to your flow. To help guide you, be sure to monitor user behavior to find points in the flow where users drop off, or where there are elements of confusion. Most onboarding software tools have analytics built in to help you make changes to optimize the user experience.  

Don’t use internal language 

When building your product tour, be mindful of the language you use. Your customers do not have the same vocabulary as your internal team, so make sure to stay away from jargon or complicated industry phrases.  You also want to make sure that you provide definitions for terms. The main goal is to make your product tour easy to understand, so don’t complicate things with internal language used by experts.

Examples of good product tours

One of the best ways to know what goes into a good product tour is to see them in action. We’ve found a handful of what we believe to be great examples to act as inspiration for when you go off to build your own.  Check out these examples to learn what you should be doing when building your product tour.  Of course, we think we’ve put together a pretty nifty product tour ourselves, but we don’t want to pat ourselves on the back too much, so we’ve gone for other examples. However, if, as a Product Manager, you want to experience a tour designed specifically for you, then start a free trial of ProdPad and give it a whirl. Of course, there’s no commitment and no credit card needed.

Take a look and check out the ProdPad product tour in action.

1. Grammarly

Example of Grammarly product tour using an interactive demo.

Grammarly has a well-renowned product tour that we think is ace. When you start the spell checker for the first time, you’re put into a demo environment that lets you play around, similar to the ProdPad sandbox . This environment is then supported by hotspots and tooltips that divert your attention to key aspects and features. What’s really great about the Grammarly product tour is that they don’t force you to take part but rather ask if you’d like the demonstration. This is great, as there may be a lot of returning customers or users familiar with similar tools that may not need the extra help.  Plus, thanks to the tooltips and hotspots, Grammary’s onboarding process becomes more interactive, helping the user to actually learn while keeping them engaged.

Example of interactive element of Grammary product tour.

When Slack went through a major layout and UI redesign, the platform offered a product tour to help users through these key changes. This product tour excels because it utilizes personalization well to connect with the user. Here, Slack made use of native components like a theme chooser so that each experience felt tailored to each customer. 

All the elements also looked pretty snazzy and well-designed, and the placement of tooltips, animations, and more helped to instill confidence in the new layout. A great touch is that once the tour finished, users were directed to the Slack Help Center, where they could access more information if they wanted to. 

Example of the personalization in the Slack product tour

Hubspot offers a great example of a product tour that knows its audience and its product. It opts for a simple tooltip approach, using minimal text and flashy elements to keep things easy to understand. This benefits Hubspot because it’s a massive platform, so having a comprehensive and long product tour could overwhelm and confuse new users.  Opting for simple tooltips makes the whole tool feel easy to use. Highlighting certain sections of the product is also a great call, especially as they pulsate, giving life and urgency to the instructions. It’s a small touch that keeps the tour dynamic without bombarding the user with too many visuals.

Hubspot product tour example

Lead the way with product tours

By adding a product tour, you’re making it much easier for your users to engage with and understand your product. They’re like little guides showing off the key sights and information of your product, ensuring that users know the basics to effectively explore your product themselves.  A great product tour can go a long way in improving customer satisfaction and reducing customer churn , helping to ensure that new customers stick around with your product and become active users. By using the right tools and elements, and by following the best practices, you can make a product tour that does the business. Again, if you want to see how we’ve approached our onboarding and product tour, and want to see the key features of ProdPad in action, start a free trial now. We’d love to know what you think. 

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Product tours

Exploring new features and navigating through a product can sometimes be a bit of a maze. Not anymore! Gleap's product tours are designed to make every user’s journey smoother and more enjoyable.

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Trusted by 3,450+

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More than 3,450+ organizations worldwide rely on Gleap.

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Seamless journey from start to mastery

Effortlessly guide your users through your platform's capabilities with our intuitive product tours, ensuring a smooth transition from new sign-ups to proficient users.

mobile product tour

Drive adoption

Unlock the full potential of your product with our product tours. They're designed onboard new users and help existing ones to discover new functionalities.

Highlight new features

Want to showcase what's new on your platform? Our product tours make it a walk in the park. Point out updates and new features effortlessly, ensuring your users don't miss out on anything important.

mobile product tour

Preventive Customer Care

Provide customers with proactive guidance designed to prevent issues before they arise, thereby reducing support volume. Identify potential pain points in advance to ensure a smoother customer experience.

Code-free setup

Setting up your product tour is a breeze and doesn't require any coding skills. Just a few clicks and you're all set to guide your users.

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Guide customers to success with interactive, multi-step tours to help more customers adopt your product.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar

To help customers discover your product’s value, show them how to use it with Product Tours.

From onboarding signups to showcasing new features, Product Tours help you drive better adoption across the customer lifecycle.

With Product Tours, you can:

Onboard new customers with multi-page tours that require no code to set up.

Automatically show tours to a target audience on a specific page, like paid customers who visit a new feature.

Proactively guide customers by sharing tours in conversations, messages, and bots .

Re-engage inactive customers by sharing tours as links in emails, or engage customers by linking to a tour inside your product.

Create a more personal tour by using video pointers to guide customers.

Here’s how it works

You can build a tour from scratch . Or, get started quickly with a template:

mobile product tour

You can create a sequence of posts, pointers and video pointers to guide customers:

mobile product tour

With a pointer, you can direct your customers’ attention to a specific website element on your site:

mobile product tour

Important: Elements in modals or pop ups cannot be selected.

You can embed images or video in your messages to make them more engaging. Or, add attributes to personalize your message.

mobile product tour

Note : We currently support embedding videos in Product Tours from Loom, Youtube (Youtube shorts are not supported currently), Vimeo, Wistia and Vidyard.

To create a more personal tour, use video pointers to personally guide customers through your product.

mobile product tour

Once you set your tour live, customers can easily advance through your tour and really get to know your product.

mobile product tour

Your customers can also progress to the next step by typing in, or clicking website elements. This lets them complete more complex actions, or navigate across multiple pages during a tour.

If one of your messages points to a website element that’s off the screen, the tour will also automatically scroll to your next message - easily guiding your customers around.

You can choose to let your customers snooze, or restart your tours, so they can take them when it’s most convenient.

mobile product tour

Note: Tours that are snoozed, or restarted then viewed again, will not be recorded as an additional view in tour stats.

Celebrate tour completion 🎉

To finish your tour with a bang, you can send a shower of confetti on the final step:

mobile product tour

Learn more about designing a Product Tour (and adding confetti 😉) here .

Automatically show tours to the right customers

You can automatically show your tour to a target audience to help drive adoption of your product. First, choose the page you want your tour to trigger on. Then, choose the audience you want to target:

mobile product tour

Learn more about automatically showing your tours here .

If you've localized Intercom to work with different languages, the buttons in Product tours (e.g. 'Next', 'Done') will be localized for your users.

Proactively guide customers by sharing tours

It’s easy to share tours with customers everywhere you engage them - in conversations, messages, bots, emails and more. Just add the URL your tour should start on:

mobile product tour

Once added, you’ll be able to share tours across Intercom and anywhere else you interact with customers.

mobile product tour

Learn more about sharing tours here .

Can I use Product Tours in my mobile app?

Product Tours are specifically designed to work with web apps. For an engaging multi-step experience on your mobile app, try Mobile Carousels .

Need more help? Get support from our Community Forum Find answers and get help from Intercom Support and Community Experts

Tosca Mobile product tour

Got 5 minutes? Watch this video to see how you can create your most resilient mobile tests at speed for complex end-to-end scenarios. Tosca Mobile is a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly into your broader testing strategy – using the same proven, codeless test automation technology that works across your entire IT landscape. We’ll take you on a tour of key features, including:

  • Codeless test case creation and execution across real devices in the cloud from Apple, Google, Samsung, and more
  • End-to-end mobile testing across integrated workflows with enterprise apps like SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce, and more
  • The powerful combination of Tosca Mobile with Device Cloud for functional, performance, and user experience testing

mobile product tour

Showcase 360 Properties with CloudPano’s Advanced Features

mobile product tour

CloudPano is a powerful tool for creating and sharing 360° virtual tours. Whether you're in real estate, automotive, education, or another industry, CloudPano offers features that make it easy to create immersive experiences. This article explores how to use CloudPano's advanced features to showcase properties and enhance virtual tours.

Key Takeaways

  • CloudPano simplifies the creation of 360° virtual tours with an easy three-step process: capture, create, and publish.
  • Advanced features like hotspots, branding, and scene reordering allow for a highly customized virtual tour experience.
  • You can easily embed CloudPano virtual tours on your website without the need for plugins, ensuring seamless integration.
  • CloudPano offers industry-specific solutions, making it versatile for real estate, automotive showrooms, educational campuses, and more.
  • The mobile app allows users to create, edit, and publish virtual tours on the go, making it convenient for busy professionals.

Creating Immersive 360° Virtual Tours with CloudPano

Creating a 360° virtual tour with CloudPano is a straightforward process that can be broken down into three main steps: capturing the photos, uploading and connecting them, and finally, publishing and sharing your tour. This method ensures a seamless and immersive experience for your audience.

Advanced Features of CloudPano for Enhanced Virtual Tours

CloudPano offers a range of advanced features that make creating and sharing virtual tours easier and more engaging. These features are designed to help you customize your tours, add branding, and set up the perfect views for your audience.

Integrating CloudPano Virtual Tours into Your Website

Integrating CloudPano virtual tours into your website is a seamless process that enhances user engagement and provides an immersive experience for your visitors. Here’s how you can do it:

Embedding Tours Without Plugins

CloudPano makes it easy to embed your 360° virtual tours directly into your website without the need for any plugins. Once you publish a tour, you will receive a code-based link that you can embed on your site. This ensures that your virtual tours are accessible to anyone visiting your website.

Using Custom Domains for a Seamless Experience

For a more professional look, you can use custom domains with your CloudPano tours. This feature allows you to maintain your branding and provides a seamless experience for your users. Simply set up your custom domain, and CloudPano will handle the rest, including adding the SSL certificate for secure browsing.

Enhancing Engagement with Interactive Elements

To make your virtual tours more engaging, CloudPano offers various interactive elements such as hotspots and infospots. These features allow you to add additional information, links, and multimedia content to your tours, making them more informative and interactive for your audience.

With CloudPano, your 360º tours automatically integrate with popular platforms like, Zillow, and more, making it easier to reach a wider audience.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate CloudPano virtual tours into your website and provide a rich, immersive experience for your visitors.

Exploring CloudPano’s Industry-Specific Solutions

CloudPano is a versatile platform that caters to various industries , helping them create immersive 360° virtual tours. Its adaptability makes it a valuable tool for different sectors. Let's explore how CloudPano is making an impact in specific industries.

Real Estate Marketing with 360° Tours

In the real estate market, CloudPano is widely used to create virtual open houses. Realtors can showcase properties in stunning detail, allowing potential buyers to explore homes from the comfort of their own space. This not only saves time but also broadens the reach to a global audience.

Automotive Showrooms and Dealerships

Auto dealerships are leveraging CloudPano to offer virtual tours of their showrooms. Customers can view vehicles inside and out, compare models, and even see detailed features without stepping foot in the dealership. This enhances the buying experience and can lead to higher sales.

Educational Institutions and Campus Tours

Universities and schools use CloudPano to create virtual campus tours. This is especially useful for prospective students who cannot visit in person. They can explore classrooms, dormitories, and other facilities, getting a feel for the campus environment remotely.

CloudPano's integration into various industries like auto dealerships, universities, and real estate presents a significant sales opportunity for expanding virtual tour solutions in other sectors.

Maximizing Engagement with CloudPano’s Live Video Chat

Setting up live video chat for virtual tours.

Setting up live video chat on CloudPano is simple. First, create your virtual tour and then enable the live chat feature. This allows you to directly engage with clients in real-time, making the experience more interactive and personal.

Engaging Clients in Real-Time

Live video chat offers a unique way to connect with potential buyers. You can answer questions, provide additional information, and guide them through the property. This feature makes the tour more immersive and engaging, similar to how property video apps can boost your real estate marketing.

Leveraging Live Chat for Sales and Support

Using live chat, you can not only showcase properties but also provide instant support. This can help in closing deals faster and addressing any concerns immediately. The ability to interact in real-time can significantly enhance the customer experience and increase the chances of a successful sale.

CloudPano’s Mobile App: Creating Tours on the Go

Features of the cloudpano mobile app.

The CloudPano mobile app is designed to make creating 360° virtual tours easy and fast. With this app, you can capture, edit, and publish tours directly from your phone. It supports both iOS and Android devices, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

Capturing High-Quality 360° Photos with Your Phone

To capture high-quality 360° photos, simply open the app and hold your phone vertically. Rotate around the scene, following the on-screen prompts. For the best results, use an iPhone X or newer, as the wide-angle lens provides optimal photo quality.

Editing and Publishing Directly from the App

Once you've captured your photos, you can edit and publish your virtual tour directly from the app. Connect the photos within the virtual tour creator with just a few clicks. When you're ready, share your tour by sending a URL link or using the provided embed code to add it to your website.

Join over 20,000 users who have created 75,000 virtual tours across the globe. Download the CloudPano app today and start creating immersive experiences on the go!

Case Studies: Success Stories with CloudPano

Luxury real estate virtual tours.

CloudPano has revolutionized the luxury real estate market by providing immersive 360° virtual tours . High-end properties are showcased in stunning detail, allowing potential buyers to explore every corner of a home from anywhere in the world. This not only saves time but also attracts a global audience.

Commercial Property Showcases

For commercial properties, CloudPano offers a unique way to present spaces to potential tenants or buyers. By using 360° tours, businesses can highlight key features and layouts, making it easier for clients to visualize their operations in the space. This method has proven to increase engagement and interest significantly.

Success in the Hospitality Industry

Hotels and resorts have also benefited from CloudPano's technology. Virtual tours allow guests to experience the ambiance and amenities of a property before booking. This has led to higher booking rates and increased customer satisfaction. The ability to add custom icons and hotspots enhances the user experience, making the tours more interactive and informative.

In conclusion, CloudPano's advanced features make it easier than ever to create and share stunning 360° virtual tours. Whether you're a real estate agent, a photographer, or a business owner, CloudPano offers a user-friendly platform that requires no coding skills. With just a few clicks, you can capture, create, and publish immersive experiences that engage and impress your audience. The ability to embed tours on your website and share them across social media platforms ensures that your content reaches a wide audience. Start using CloudPano today and take your property showcases to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloudpano.

CloudPano is a platform that lets you create and share 360° virtual tours. You can use it to make immersive experiences without needing to know how to code.

How do I start creating a 360° virtual tour on CloudPano?

To start, capture 360° photos, upload them to CloudPano, and use the platform to connect and publish your tour. It's simple and quick.

Can I add my own branding to my virtual tours?

Yes, CloudPano allows you to customize your virtual tours with your own logos and branding elements.

Is it possible to embed CloudPano tours on my website?

Absolutely! You can easily embed your CloudPano virtual tours on any website using the provided embed code.

What equipment do I need to capture 360° photos?

You can use a 360° camera or even your smartphone to capture the photos needed for your virtual tour.

Does CloudPano offer a mobile app?

Yes, CloudPano has a mobile app that lets you capture, edit, and publish 360° virtual tours directly from your phone.

360 Virtual Tours With Get Started Today.

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

See our other posts

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CloudPano vs. Other Matterport Competitors: Which Is Right for You?

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Comparing Matterport Competitors: Why CloudPano Leads the Pack

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Why CloudPano Stands Out Among Matterport Competitors

mobile product tour


mobile product tour

What Is A Product Tour And How Do You Build One Code-Free?

10 min read

What Is A Product Tour And How Do You Build One Code-Free?

If you’re building a product tour for the first time, it’s hard to know where to start.

You want an onboarding process that matches your brand values, respects the needs of multiple user groups, is intuitive to follow, AND that ultimately ends up making you money!

Just the thought of creating something like that from scratch is probably enough to make you dizzy with anxiety.

But fear not! You don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

Let me explain how you can build a product tour without writing a single line of code.

  • A product tour shows customers how to use the features of your product that they need in order to activate .
  • Make sure your product tour is interactive , not linear .
  • Most good product tours contain a welcome screen , a microsurvey for segmentation , a checklist , and multiple experience flows.
  • It’s incredibly difficult to build a product tour from scratch unless you’re a coding genius, or have substantial dev resources available.
  • It’s much easier (and cheaper) to use a product tour software like Userpilot instead.

Definition of a product tour

Product tours are used in user onboarding as a way to show customers how to derive value from your app.

Ideally, they illustrate to the customer what your product does in an interactive and engaging fashion.

A good product tour will guide users towards the core value of your product, a measurement that is relative to the person using it.

As the value of your product dawns on the customer, they will experience something known as the “ Aha Moment ,” which is when the penny starts to drop about why working with your business might be personally beneficial to them.

Aha Moment in Adoption Flywheel

Once the customer experiences the value of your product in a first-hand way, they are said to be activated .

SaaS businesses often use product tours to onboard new users.

That being said, tours are just as valuable for highlighting new features during secondary onboarding as they are for the initial part of the user journey.

Feature adoption is correlated with metrics like retention, which have major financial consequences for SaaS businesses.

For more information about the value of retention, please read this post .

I’ve also seen SaaS businesses use product tours as part of employee training, especially when understanding a complicated app is essential to working in towards customer success.

Interactive product tours are essential

We’ve written numerous times on this blog in the past about how onboarding is like customer education. It’s an ongoing process, which never ends.

If you think back to your time in school, there were some teachers who would drone on and on, regardless of how engaged you were in the experience.

But there were also other teachers who turned learning into an interactive, two-way conversation and took your needs into account. I’m willing to bet you liked their classes more!

The product tour equivalent of the boring teacher is the linear product tour . And users hate them…

Linear product tour hate

A linear product tour will generally deliver:

  • Exactly the same information
  • About exactly the same product features
  • In exactly the same way
  • To every single user

Put another way, a linear product tour doesn’t take the unique needs of individual customers into account.

The customer is simply processed by means of a top-down system, one that was pre-decided by a remote group of SaaS executives long before you ever came onto the scene as a customer.

If this sounds soulless and tedious, it’s because it is.

All it leads to is confused customers. Look at this example from a newsletter product tour where a user was asked to create a newsletter before uploading their email list. Hmmm…

So what’s the alternative? Interactive product tours.

As the name suggests, interactive tours are a back and forth between the customer and the product they are using.

The customer is only shown the narrow range of product features which are of interest to them, which is probably not many for a new product.

And they are an active part of the interactive product tour, which means that they get to complete small tasks and engage in “learning by doing.”

Since the SaaS world commonly associates the phrase “product tours” with the linear variety of tour, we often refer to great product tours on our website as “interactive walkthroughs,” just to make the distinction a bit clearer.

If you’re wondering how to create interactive product tours for your business, read on!

Main elements of a product tour

While every product tour is different, there are a number of key elements that we see repeatedly cropping up in the best tours we see online.

Here is our recipe for an excellent interactive product tour.

Start with the welcome screen

welcome screen example

The welcome screen is a really important component of every great product tour, because it’s the first thing that your customer sees after sign-up.

It’s what’s known as a “ dedicated UI pattern ,” meaning that it takes up the whole of the user interface.

Here are some things that are included on most welcome screens:

  • A smiley photo of one of your team
  • A friendly message to welcome the new customer personally by name
  • An introduction to your business, complete with a quick recap of the value you’re providing
  • A quick outline of the next steps in your onboarding process

For example, if you were operating project management software, your welcome screen might say something like:

Welcome David!
We really appreciate you signing up to use PM HQ, your one-stop-shop for making sure all the tasks in your accounting business get done on time, every time.
Allow us to show you what a task board looks like on the next page!

Here’s a simple example of a welcome screen that was built using Userpilot by social media scheduling app Postfity:

Postfity welcome screen

Note the smiley face, the friendly tone, and the playful reminder to the user of what Postfity’s main value proposition is: turning the user into a social media ninja!

To improve this welcome screen, Postfity could address the user by name and include a photo of one of their team.

Remember to segment your users

But here’s the thing: if you were to make too much of being warm and fuzzy on your welcome screen, you’re just going to get in the way of what the user ultimately wants to do: which is to use your software.

So the smartest SaaS companies also use the welcome screen as a way to segment users into distinct groups.

Each customer segment has its own “Jobs to be done,” or types of goals that they want to achieve by using your product.

So for the project management example, those might look like this:

  • Project manager: organize tasks and make sure they get done on time
  • Junior employee: focus on own tasks
  • Accountant: view financial data for each task
  • CEO: ensure that the bigger picture of the business is proceeding according to plan

Practically speaking, the easiest way to segment your users in-app is by using something called a microsurvey .

This is a short survey with 2-3 questions that pops up right after the welcome screen. Here’s what a microsurvey looks like, courtesy of Kontentino :

Kontentino microsurvey

I always think it’s a nice detail when SaaS businesses send surveys like this in-app, rather than to the user’s email inbox.

Even though an email might feel a bit more familiar, using the microsurvey keeps the customer in your app and away from the distractions of their inbox.

This means that you can expect a higher rate of engagement.

Create an activation checklist

Once the user has filled out your microsurvey, you should have a pretty good idea of which customer segment they belong to and which Jobs to be Done they want to aim at.

The next part of the product tour is create a checklist which summarizes those Jobs to be Done and get the user to work through them.

Your checklist should be different for every user cohort, and it should only contain the 2-3 specific product features that a particular customer segment needs to understand in order to activate.

If you give any more guidance than that, you’ll end up overwhelming your user, and risk giving them a linear product tour instead of an interactive walkthrough.

Here’s a good example of a checklist, once more from Postfity:

Postfity checklist

In Postfity’s case, to get their users to experience the core value of their product and activate, they need them to do two things:

  • Add a social media account
  • Schedule a social media post

Looking at the screenshot again, you can see that Postfity’s checklist asks new users to do both of those things.

This means that Postfity knows that any new users who complete the checklist will end up activating as a matter of course, which is great news from a commercial perspective.

But there are a couple of additional items on the checklist: Signed up , and Account Created . Why is that?

Here, Postfity’s thinking is that it’s motivating to give users credit for easy tasks that they’ve already achieved. That makes it more probable that those users will want to finish the rest of the checklist.

You’ve probably experienced the psychological pull of an unfinished checklist item. It’s quite hard to resist finishing it!

This is called the Zeigarnik effect, and it ensures that unfinished checklist items stay on our minds.

If you’re wondering what tasks to put on your own checklists, it will depend on what your users need in order to activate.

To find that out, look at your product analytics and compare the product features adopted by power users against those favored by users who churned early.

The features that are always favored by power users but never learned by Day 1 churners are likely to be the features that a given segment needs in order to activate.

Build an experience flow for each checklist item

To really make sure that your user internalizes how each feature works, your product tour should include an interactive experience flow for each activation step on the checklist.

That’s a bit jargon-y, so let me explain what I mean.

Going back to our Postfity example, it would be tedious for the user to read instructions like:

  • Click on the blue button to the top-left which says “Connect accounts”
  • Choose a social media account
  • Click “Connect”
  • Specify who this account belongs to

I can guarantee that the user would be starting to doze off at this point!

Far more effective is to have the user experience what it’s like to connect their account first hand through an interactive product tour.

In this case, Postfity created a tooltip that automatically highlights the right button to the user to get them started:

Postfity tooltip 1

And for the next stage of activation, there’s also a handy tooltip showing the user what to do:

Postfity tooltip 2

Tooltips are just one of a wide variety of UI elements that you can use to give guidance to your users in an interactive product tour.

Other resources include:

  • Progress completion bars
  • Demo content
  • Content templates

For more about UX patterns, I recommend reading this post .

Is it better to create a user onboarding process with or without code?

Now that you know what goes into an interactive product tour , you’ll need to choose whether you build your user onboarding systems manually or look for a tool to help you.

Unless you’re highly tech-savvy and have built websites and mobile apps before, my guess is that it’s going to be tricky to build a product tour from scratch.

Consider that even creating something as simple as a tooltip will normally require 70-100 lines of code.

Codepen tooltip HTML

Then multiply that by all the different UX elements you need in your product tours… and remember that you need a separate product tour for each individual user segment!

It’s a daunting task, to say the least!

Do your developers really want to build (and maintain) multiple interactive walkthroughs AND build your whole site at the same time?

Use code-free product tour software

Fortunately, in 2022 you don’t have to re-invent the wheel every time you want to build a new product tour. The right software will save you a lot of time.

If you can allow even your non-technical product manager to build great product tours, imagine how much time (and money) this will save your development team!

The right product tour software will empower your product marketing team to be able to run cost-effective product experiments at the drop of a hat.

Since no product tour is perfect the first time you build it, being able to A/B test results on the basis of performance data is really helpful.

So which product tour software should you choose?

Give Userpilot a try

Userpilot banner header

Our software, Userpilot , makes it easy to build product tours without using any code.

All you’ll need to do is install our Chrome extension, add a snippet of Javascript, and then you can get started.

It’s easy to build microsurveys in Userpilot. To find out how, read this article .

If you want to customize the microsurvey to your brand’s personality, you can do that as well, without using any code.

If you want to segment your users as part of your onboarding, Userpilot lets you do that too. You can use a combination of the following segments…

  • User attributes
  • Custom events
  • Feature tags

… to create some really unique user cohorts:

Segmentation example

If you want to assign experience flows to your segments, Userpilot will firstly let you create a checklist …

Userpilot checklist

… and then build a unique flow for each of the activation tasks on the list.

It’s in the building of experience flows that Userpilot really shines. The sheer diversity of tools you have at your fingertips is huge, ranging from tooltips and modals to hotspots and sliders.

Here’s what building a tooltip looks like in Userpilot:

Userpilot tooltip

To help you A/B test your product tours, Userpilot’s software also comes with a dedicated analytics suite.

Userpilot analytics

Userpilot starts at $249 per month for up to 2500 MAUs.

Get a demo today!

After reading this article, your user onboarding should be a breeze!

You now know how to:

  • Distinguish a linear product tour from an interactive walkthrough
  • Recognize the key features of a product tour
  • Build product tours without writing a line of code

Userpilot is an incredibly sophisticated tool that specializes in building interactive product tours.

You can give it a try for free, with no obligations whatsoever.

So what do you have to lose? Click on the banner to get started.

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The Platform Initialization (PI) versions listed below have been or will be released to the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to mitigate these issues.  Please refer to your OEM for the BIOS update specific to your product.

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1st gen amd epyc™ processors formerly codenamed "naples".

AMD plans to release the Platform Initialization (PI) firmware version indicated below. 

For some CVEs, there may be alternative mitigation options provided as noted in Mitigation Option 2, including microcode and/or other patches.

2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors formerly codenamed "Rome"

3rd gen amd epyc™ processors formerly codenamed “milan" and “milan-x”, 4th gen amd epyc™ processors formerly codenamed "genoa", “genoa-x”, “bergamo”, and “siena”.

AMD recommends updating to the Platform Initialization (PI) firmware version indicated below. 





MOBILE - AMD Athlon™ Series Processors

MOBILE - AMD Ryzen™ Series Processors


AMD thanks Enrique Nissim and Krzysztof Okupski of IOActive for reporting this issue and engaging in coordinated vulnerability disclosure.

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document, and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. Any computer system has risks of security vulnerabilities that cannot be completely prevented or mitigated. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD’s products are as set forth in a signed agreement between the parties or in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Instinct, Radeon, Ryzen, Threadripper and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. CVE and the CVE logo are registered trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.


© 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

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How to watch Tour de France Femme 2024: free live streams as race kicks off in the Netherlands

Tour de France Femme broadcasters, TV channels and free streams

The peleton of the Tour de France Femme with the yellow jersey rider in the middle.

  • FREE live streams
  • Watch any Tour de France Femmes stream
  • Watch Tour de France Femmes in US
  • Watch Tour de France Femmes in UK and Europe
  • Watch the Tour de France Femmes in Australia
  • Watch Tour de France Femmes in RoW

Watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 to see the very best bike riders in the world take on the very biggest race on the planet, with a blockbuster finale on the mythical Alpe d'Huez. Below, we have all the info on how to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 from anywhere in the world with details on worldwide TV channels, broadcasters and free streams.

The Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift is the women's version of the Tour de France, revamped and returned to the calendar as of two years ago, and anticipation is high after two thrillers in the past two editions. The race spans eight stages and seven days, with a foreign start in the Netherlands and a set-piece final-day showdown on the famous hairpins of Alpe d'Huez, perhaps cycling's most famous mountain. Demi Vollering (Team SD Worx-Protime), the 2023 champion, is the favourite to defend the yellow jersey but will have to fend off the likes of last year’s podium finisher Katarzyna Niewiadoma (Canyon-SRAM).

The race begins today, Monday August 12, with stage 1 running 123km from Rotterdam to The Hague. The route is almost pan-flat, so a high-speed high-stakes bunch sprint finish is on the cards, but the wind up near the North Sea coast has the potential to throw the race into chaos, ensuring a gripping start to the race. 

Here's where to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 live streams online from anywhere – including FREE options.

Watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 Quick Guide

  • Event dates:  August 12-18
  • Stage 1 start time: 12:45 CET / 08:45 ET / 22:45 AEST / 13:45 BST

Best free streams

  • SBS On-demand  (AUS)
  • Use Surfshark to watch from anywhere

FREE Tour de France Femmes 2024 live stream broadcasters

You can watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 for free with English language commentary on SBS TV channel and SBS On-Demand streaming service in Australia.

  • SBS – (All stages FREE for viewers in Australia)

Other, non-English language Tour de France Femmes free streams can be found on: RTBF (Belgium), VRT (Belgium), Caracol (Colombia), RCN (Colombia), TV2 (Denmark), France TV (France), NOS (Netherlands), RTVE (Spain), TG4 (Ireland), ARD (Germany) and the SRG SSR channels (Switzerland).

Use a VPN to watch Tour de France Femmes for free  on your usual streaming service above if you are away from home.

Use a VPN to watch any Tour de France Femmes 2024 stream

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How to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 live streams in the US

Broadcast rights to the 2024 Tour de France Femmes belong to NBC in the USA.

The Tour de Femmes 2024 live stream is on NBC's streaming service, Peacock. There will also be coverage on the CNBC cable TV channel.

If you don't have cable, Peacock is the best option. You'll need a subscription to the ad-supported Peacock Premium which is $7.99 per month, or ad-less Peacock Plus which is $13.99 per month.

If you want to watch on cable in the States, you'll need a cable replacement service such as Sling TV or FuboTV to pick up CNBC, along with a host of other channels.

How to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 live streams in the UK and Europe

There is free-to-air coverage of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes in Spain, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Belgium and Denmark, as mentioned above. 

Paid-for satellite TV coverage is also available, with Eurosport holding pan-European rights across 54 territories including the UK and Ireland. This can be streamed online using the streaming service of Eurosport's parent company, Discovery . A Discovery Plus subscription starts at £6.99 per month, or the local equivalent, and will allow viewers to watch all eight stages from start to finish.

How to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 live streams in Australia

As mentioned above, the Tour de France Femmes 2024 is available for free on SBS TV and its online streaming platform.

How to watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 live streams in Rest of World

Cycling streaming service FloBikes, part of FloSports, carries the rights to the Tour de France Femmes in Canada. An annual subscription will set you back $29.99/month or $150/year.

  • New Zealand

Sky Sport is the 2024 Tour de France Femmes TV rights holder in New Zealand. You can access Sky Sport through satellite TV or get a live stream with the Sky Sport Now subscription service starting at $29.99 per week.

  • South America

ESPN has rights to the Tour de France Femmes covering 48 territories across Central and South America. It is available on satellite television and streaming with subscriptions. 

TV5 Monde is also showing the race and is available across the Continent on satellite television. 

In Colombia, there is free-to-air coverage on two separate networks: Caracol and RCN.

  • Asia Pacific

Eurosport Asia-Pacific holds pan-Asian rights for the 2024 Tour de France Femmes. This is available on satellite TV packages but can also be streamed online via the Discovery Plus platform. 

In Japan, JSports will show the 2024 Tour de France Femmes on its TV channel and streaming service. 

In China, the race is available on

Satellite TV provider SuperSport has Tour de France Femmes rights in South Africa and the rest of Subsaharan Africa. Additionally, TV5 Monde has rights in Subsaharan Africa. You can watch SuperSport or TV5 Monde through lives streams or the DStv satellite service.

In North Africa, the race will be shown available on TV5 Monde, which is available on satellite TV services across the region.

  • Middle East

Abu Dhabi Sports holds the rights in Abu Dhabi, with satellite TV broadcast and online streaming. 

For the rest of the Middle East, the race is available on TV5 Monde, which is available on satellite TV services across the Middle East. 

Can I watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 for free?

Check your local broadcaster above but people in several territories listed have free Tour de France Femmes 2024 coverage.

Remember that, if you're traveling away from home, you can use a VPN to watch the 2024 Tour de France Femmes free from abroad on your usual streaming service.

When is Tour de France Femmes 2024?

The 2024 Tour de France Femmes takes place between August 12 and August 18, with one stage per day. Stage 1 runs from Rotterdam to Le Haye in the Netherlands. The timings (finish time being the earliest estimate) are as follows:

Start: 12:45 CET / 08:45 ET / 22:45 AEST / 13:45 BST

Finish: 15:33 CET / 11:33 ET / 01:33 (August 13) AEST / 16:33 BST

Can I watch Tour de France Femmes 2024 on my mobile?

Of course, most broadcasters have streaming services that you can access through mobile apps or via your phone's browser.

You can also stay up-to-date with the Tour de France Femmes on the official social media channels on X/Twitter ( @letourfemmes ) and Facebook ( LeTourFemmes ).

We test and review VPN services in the context of legal recreational uses. For example: 1. Accessing a service from another country (subject to the terms and conditions of that service). 2. Protecting your online security and strengthening your online privacy when abroad. We do not support or condone the illegal or malicious use of VPN services. Consuming pirated content that is paid-for is neither endorsed nor approved by Future Publishing.

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Patrick is a freelance sports writer and editor. Patrick worked full-time at Cyclingnews for eight years between 2015 and 2023, latterly as Deputy Editor. More recently he worked as Deputy Editor on the Global Cycling Network webite, a highly respected cycling media brand. He covers all aspects of cycling, from pro racing to lifestyle and tech.

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Money blog: Heinz urged to bring back classic snack that sells for £50 on eBay even when it's years out of date

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news/tips. Today's posts include a backlash against Waitrose over its essential toilet roll and our latest Bring It Back feature. Let us know which classic treat you'd like to see return in the comments box below.

Tuesday 13 August 2024 08:08, UK

  • Average wages rise by 5.4%
  • Grocery inflation rises for first time since March 2023
  • Heinz urged to bring back discontinued snack that sells for £50 on eBay
  • Waitrose customers hit out at 'poor quality' loo roll after shrinkflation

Essential reads

  • Money Problem : 'I cancelled swimming lessons and they are keeping my money - do I have any rights?'
  • Is this the end of the British pub?
  • The rise of 'doom spending' - what it is and how to stop
  • Where kids can eat for free or cheap
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive of features

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Grocery inflation has risen for the first time since March 2023, according to closely watched industry data.

Prices in food shops rose by 1.8% in the four weeks to 4 August, research by Kantar Worldpanel found.

It follows 17 consecutive months of  easing inflation   in the sector, including during the previous month when the rate dropped to 1.6%.

Vitamins, supplements, drinks and chocolate were among the goods that went up fastest in price.

The research, based on the purchasing habits of 30,000 UK households, also found a surge in spending on drinks and snacks during the  Euros football tournament  and the  Olympic Games .

Read the full story here ...

Wages were 5.4% higher in the second quarter of 2024 than a year ago, the Office for National Statistics has said.

The weekly earnings figures - which the Bank of England is keeping a close eye on in deciding where interest rates should go - exclude bonuses.

The fall from 5.8% was in line with economists' expectations.

The figure remains well above inflation, a concern for the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee, which wants to see evidence the battle with high inflation is over before loosening monetary policy.

Interest rates are kept high to discourage spending and encourage saving - when this happens, price rises tend to slow.

Employers expect lower headline inflation to reduce pressure to raise wages over the coming year. 

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said yesterday that employers expect to raise pay by 3% - the lowest expectation in two years.

However, a BoE survey pointed to pay rises of 4.1%. 

Last month, new Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves approved pay rises of at least 5% for millions of public sector workers, including a 22% rise for junior doctors over two years to resolve a long-running industrial dispute.

Unemployment lower than expected

Meanwhile, the percentage of people who are out of work and looking for a job dropped to 4.2% in July.

Those polled by news agency Reuters expected a rise to 4.5%, up from the 4.4%  recorded a month ago .

A low unemployment rate can indicate a healthy economy and - relating back to where we started this post - increase pressure for wages to rise.

Angry Waitrose customers have aired their complaints online after the supermarket shrunk the size of its own label toilet rolls.

The upmarket grocer has made changes to its Essentials loo roll in order to lower the price - including adding an "embossed texture".

The number of sheets has also been reduced from 240 to 190.

A flood of disgruntled customers have aired their views on social media and the Waitrose website.

One user documented the "disappointing" size change, while another said they wished they hadn't "wasted hard-earned money on a 16 pack", adding that they felt "ripped off".

In a one-star review on the Waitrose website, one person said they had bought the toilet roll "for years" but would not purchase it again.

"Very thin. Disintegrates. Smaller rolls smaller sheets. Very poor quality. Waitrose what on earth are you doing."

Another customer said: "Essential Waitrose bathroom tissue has always been my go-to product, surpassing competitors by a mile. What has happened, what have you done to this once incredible product?"

Waitrose told The Grocer its changes were aimed at providing better value for money, with the price reduced in recent months. A four-pack of the bathroom essential now costs £2, down from £2.50 in May.

A Waitrose spokesman said: "We recently embossed our rolls to give an improved texture, while also cutting the price to reflect the reduction in sheet count. We always welcome feedback and are already reviewing this with our team to see how we can make improvements."

The company also said the size of their own-label loo roll was in line with other brands.

Here's a look at how own-brand four-pack toilet rolls at other major retailers compare:

  • Tesco - Luxury Soft Toilet Tissue - £1.45 - 220 sheets
  • Sainsbury's - Super Softer Classic Toilet Tissue - £1.90 - 190 sheets
  • M&S - Quilted Rolls - £2.50 - 170 sheets
  • Ocado - Aloe Vera Toilet Tissue - £1.65 - 160 sheets

Sky News has contacted Waitrose for comment.

After the revival of popular Cadbury's chocolate bar Top Deck earlier this year, we asked you which discontinued treat you would like to see brought back - and we got so many responses that we've decided to make a weekly feature of it called  Bring It Back . 

Every Tuesday, we'll pick one from our comments box and look at why it was so beloved and, crucially,  find out whether the companies in question might consider reintroducing them.

This week, we turn our attention to Heinz Toast Toppers.

We were inundated with messages about this range of products, which were popular from the 1970s and onwards, before being discontinued in 2015.

Toast Toppers were cans of creamy spread that fans would slather on toast and then grill. They came in flavours including ham and cheese, mushroom and bacon, and chicken and mushroom.

Their disappearance from supermarket shelves has been mourned ever since, with thousands of people following a Facebook group demanding their return.

Aimee Foy, from Manchester, runs that group and told Sky News: "It was just a really nice but versatile snack.

"Like a lot of people, I have really nostalgic memories of having it as a teenager.

"It was tasty, but also really simple and cheap, especially when you compare it to how much you have to spend if you're getting a meal delivered by Uber Eats or something."

She said there remained huge demand for the product and that it would prove especially popular given its relative affordability amid a cost of living crisis.

"I've seen tins on eBay that were six years out of date but going for more than £50, which just shows how much people love it.

"It was only around £1 when they stopped doing it, but even at twice that price people would definitely still buy it.

"It's obviously not a la carte or anything, but we loved it - and I'm sure that people would jump on it if Heinz did decide to bring it back."

Indeed, Heinz is all too aware of the continued interest in Toast Toppers - with the company's official UK Facebook page posting a popular meme in reference to the fixation many fans have with the product.

A Kraft Heinz spokesperson told Sky News: "Toast Toppers were a huge hit with Brits back in the '70s and '80s, but as consumer tastes and trends evolved, Toast Toppers sadly fell out of favour, so we took the decision to pull them from sale in 2015.

"It simply wouldn't have been feasible to continue making them, despite the iconicity of this delicious teatime snack.

"We don't have any immediate plans to bring them back, but we'd never say never and have plenty of exciting innovations in the pipeline that we're confident consumers will love."

Which currently discontinued chocolate bar, crisps, sweets - or any other food product - would you like to see brought back, and why? Let us know in the comment box at the top!

Heathrow says a drop in passenger numbers is down to a government scheme that charges non-visa connecting travellers £10 to pass through the airport .

It said the electronic travel authorisation (ETA) had been "devastating for our hub competitiveness" - accounting for a 90,000 drop in passengers.

The chairman of Asda says he is "embarrassed" by the supermarket's recent decline.

The retail giant reported a 2.1% drop in like-for-like sales in the first half of the year.

Asda has also lost market share since it was acquired by the Issa brothers in 2021.

Lord Rose told The Telegraph he was "slightly embarrassed" and did not like "being second, third or fourth".

Card Factory has teamed up with food delivery app Just Eat to offer customers the chance to get greetings cards delivered to their door as quickly as a takeaway.

The partnership is live in 19 stores across the UK, including Liverpool, Manchester and London, and is set to be extended.

Rioting caused sales to plummet as much as 40% in areas where rallies, protests and riots were rumoured to take place last Wednesday, according to a hospitality association.

Businesses reported footfall was down by as much as 75% in some locations, while sales fell by 10% across the country, UKHospitality said.

Shops closed down, events were cancelled in city centres, and customers stayed away, working from home and cancelling day trips to coastal towns.

"These figures are startling and show the enormous impact the riots, and threat of further disorder, have had on our high streets and communities," said Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UKHospitality.

"Bustling, vibrant city centres were turned into ghost towns as the public stayed at home and businesses shut."

A flooring company which trades out of John Lewis has collapsed into administration, resulting in the loss of around 200 jobs.

The Floor Room, a sister firm of Carpetright, closed concessions in 34 John Lewis shops on Friday and appointed administrators PwC.

A message on the company's now-closed website confirms the company has ceased trading and will not complete outstanding orders.

The accounting firm said management at the collapsed company had "exhausted options to secure further funding or a potential sale" prior to calling in administrators.

Some 201 employees are losing their jobs as a result of the move.

What are your rights?

If you've paid for an unfulfilled order, or want to return an item, a lack of shops mean you have to file a claim with administrators PwC to join a list of creditors owed money – but there's no guarantee you'll get your money back.

Credits and debits

You can file a claim with your debit or credit card provider to recover lost funds:

  • Credit card:  If you bought any single item costing between £100-£30,000 and paid on a credit card, the card firm is liable if something goes wrong. If any purchase was less than £100, you may still be able to get your money back via chargeback;
  • Debit card:  Under chargeback, your bank can try to get your money back from The Floor Room's bank. However, be aware that this is not a legal requirement and it can later be disputed and recalled back.

The battle to bring down inflation is not over, a Bank of England ratesetter has warned, as she urges Britons not to be "seduced" into thinking the country is out of the woods.

Catherine Mann, an external member of the BoE's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), said she was still worried inflation could rise again despite it coming down to the 2% target.

She told the Financial Times that pay growth (currently way above inflation at 5.7% with updated figures due this week) could pose a problem, with companies still expected to make increases to wages and prices.

"That says to me right now I'm looking at a problem for next year," she told the newspaper.

"There is an upwards ratchet to both the wage-setting process and the price process and... it may well be structural, having been created during this period of very high inflation over the last couple of years," she added.

"That ratchet up will take a long time to erode away."

Ms Mann was one of four members of the nine-strong MPC who voted to keep interest rates at 5.25% last month - and it sounds like she isn't likely to shift position ahead of September's rate decision.

A revamped Waitrose store in north London will reopen soon with fancy new features - including a parmesan bay - as the upmarket grocer unveils its new store concept.

The John Barnes store on Finchley Road has undergone a major six-week refurbishment and is set to reopen on 21 August.

According to Retail Gazette , the store will have a number of new features including a new look and feel bakery, an in-branch baguette station and even a "dedicated parmesan bay".

The supermarket chain said it would also be the first to have a hot wok counter serving ready-to-go meals.

The John Barnes site is being used as a tester for its new concepts, it added.

On Friday we reported on teachers being given access to the Blue Light discount scheme - which appeared to elicit a backlash on social media...

We had scores of reader comments - all but one onside with the backlash (see below).

This morning, we asked our followers on LinkedIn for their view. The poll is still active , but the results so far suggest a level of support for teachers...

The discrepancy between the way people are voting on LinkedIn and the comments here in the Money blog could be interpreted in several ways. Sky News could be followed by different demographics on the two platforms, or perhaps it is that those who feel most angry at something are far more likely to leave a comment.

Whatever the explanation, here's a selection of comments that sum up the general feeling in our inbox...

If you change it to key workers then you would have to open it to shop workers, waste disposal workers, plumbers and electricians. Dave
Blue light is in the name. Shift workers who work long unsociable hours in a responsive role. Pure greed by the administrators of the scheme. Shawhome
How long have teachers been an emergency service? I don't remember them being on the front line during COVID. I haven't seen them during the riots. Swiftrider
Teaching is NOT an emergency service. I'm a carer to a child and get paid peanuts, no Blue Light card for me. Joseph Morgan
As a gas emergency engineer who is safeguarding life and property who has an hour from the reported time to get to the gas escape... we get there quicker than the ambulance service and occasionally police but we can't get a Blue Light card. Just wondering why? Senseirick
Teachers do a good job, but to actually class them as blue light is shameful. When was the last time a teacher went home and wept after loosing a patient or had to stand in a line behind a shield getting bricked by a mob? Or being shot at in a foreign land? Ianstu
Farmers feed the nation, when will they be entitled to a Blue Light Card? Greatauntbleach
An emergency service is available 24 hours a day. 365 days per year. Teachers are not. They are valuable in society, absolutely, but they are not an emergency service with a blue light. Joanna Clark
Wow. 30 years as a prison officer, working very unsociable hours, getting abused, assaulted. Nowhere near the amount of time off that teachers get. Police, NHS, armed services deserve this, not teachers. Noslop17

We did have one correspondent backing teachers - and of course our inbox is still open if you want to share your view...

Good to see teachers getting the Blue Light card as an essential service for children's future - and also what about teaching assistants, lunch supervision and school club staff. If schools shut, the whole country is affected, especially parents not working, during strikes or bad weather. Southwest lady

Blue Light hits back

Blue Light Card hit back on Friday, saying: "Teachers are not just educators; they are mentors, guides and inspirations that are helping shape the future for our children. They are fully deserving members of our blue light community."

What kind of offers can a Blue Light card get you?

There's too many to list but among the offers is 12% off at Fenty Beauty and 15% off at Bose.

Users can also get a £30 gift card if they spend more than £1,000 at British Airways or a £110 voucher if they sell their car via Carwow.

Or if getting fit is more your thing, you can get 50% off an annual subscription to the Body Coach.  

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mobile product tour


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    mobile product tour

  2. 13 Best Product Tour Software for SaaS in 2023 [UPDATED Guide]

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  3. Product tour UI/UX: Best onboarding flow patterns, with tips & examples

    mobile product tour

  4. 8 Inspiring Product Tour Examples That Delight Users

    mobile product tour

  5. How to design more effective product tours and walkthroughs

    mobile product tour

  6. 14 Best Product Tour Software in 2024

    mobile product tour


  1. Product Tours: A Guide to Onboard and Activate New Users ...

    A product or feature tour is an in-app tutorial that guides new users through a product's key features, aiming to drive fast adoption. Effective product tours help to: Lower time to value. Minimize the learning curve and onboard users with ease. Increase product adoption and feature adoption.

  2. Ultimate Guide to Creating Product Tours in 2024

    A product walkthrough is another term for a product tour. Typically a product walkthrough might signify that the product tour is a multi-step process that involves the new user interacting alongside the prompts. Product walkthroughs may also be used for more complex, SaaS applications - in comparison to a simple product tour for mobile apps.

  3. Product Tours Guide for SaaS: Types, Best Practices, and Tools

    However, Appcues has one advantage over Userpilot: it supports mobile apps. Product tour software: Appcues. UserGuiding - affordable product tour software. UserGuiding is the most affordable of the 3 solutions, targeting smaller SaaS companies. The tool allows you to create: Product tours. Onboarding checklists.

  4. Product Tours 101: Guidelines, Inspirations, and Tools for 2023

    Product tours are an essential tool for a product manager in guiding users towards their "aha" moment or showcasing high-value features that are being underused. By offering contextual guidance while your users interact with your product, you help them recognize your product value quickly and take the right action to get their job done.

  5. Product Tour 101: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

    Think of effective product tours as a concise and clear roadmap that helps users quickly understand your product's flow and value by taking them on a step-by-step journey through its features. 5 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in a Guided Product Tour. Let's dive into the reasons why interactive walkthroughs are a game-changer for your business:

  6. Product Tours and Walkthroughs

    Here are a few ideas off the top of our head. 1. Use product-led growth in your marketing. One way you can utilize your product tour is to drive your product-led growth marketing strategy. Give prospects the option to try your product themselves, understand the value it can bring them, and then decide to buy it.

  7. How to create effective product tours that users will love‍

    Personal finance management app Mint built its product tour to guide users through a lengthy setup process that involves everyone's favorite task: typing in sensitive personal information. Mint uses tooltips to make what would otherwise be a thorny starting process a cinch. After entering their email address, Mint asks users to add all of their bank accounts.

  8. How to Create the Best Interactive Product Tour in 2024

    These days, optimizing your interactive product tour for mobile devices isn't just 'nice-to-have.' If anything it's a necessity. That being said, you need to ensure your product tour delivers a friction-free experience across various screen sizes and operating systems with responsive design. This will also ensure cross-device compatibility.

  9. Product Tours: A Definitive Guide to Enhance User Engagement

    A good product tour highlights the value of your product, making it easier to understand. #2. It saves time and money. A product tour will save you and your users time. You can also save money with a successful product tour. New users will likely engage with your product immediately because of the tour.

  10. Interactive Product Tours: How, What, and Why

    An interactive product tour is a powerful tool that helps businesses create an engaging user experience. It requires the user to interact with a product or service while guided by visual and audio cues such as animations, videos, and images. Usually, product tours depend on: Step-by-step instructions. Visual and audio cues.

  11. 15 Best Product Tour Software Tools & Solutions to Improve ...

    9. Apty. Choose Apty if you run multiple applications (e.g. Salesforce, Workday), and you need a comprehensive enterprise software adoption tool for employees. If you work in a smaller team and you're looking for a simpler solution, Apty might not be your best choice; nor if your goal is end-user product adoption.

  12. Product Tour Examples to Drive Product-led Growth

    A product tour demonstrates to your customers exactly how to use your product's features and guides them toward activation (the realization of value). Importantly, product tours should be interactive. Interactive product tours will engage your users while dull, sequential, and irrelevant tours will drive them away.

  13. 8 Inspiring Product Tour Examples That Delight Users

    5- Trello. Not all product tours happen during the initial onboarding and Trello's new interface tour is a great example. Trello introduces their new navigation bar in 4 simple steps and asks whether the user would like to switch to the new version at the end. A short and concise interaction with the user for sure.

  14. The Ultimate Guide to Product Tours in 2024

    The Ultimate Guide to Product Tours in 2024. Modern enterprise software buyers have a lot of choices. Instead of long, drawn-out RFPs, buyers want to see products firsthand. Forrester research shows that 60% of buyers will go to a vendor's website before accepting an online or in-person sales meeting. As a result, the ability to effectively ...

  15. SaaS Product Tours: 11 Tactics & 18 Examples

    18 Product Tour Examples. Airtable product tour. ActiveCampaign feature explainer tour. Ayoa product walk-through. Bluescape in-app tutorial. Booksy UI walk-through. Chargebee embedded tour. Conceptboard intro tour. Conceptboard web app tour.

  16. Introducing: Product Tours

    A product tour is an onboarding UX pattern used to virtually guide users through the basics and necessary features of your product. Product tours are meant to be definitive, clear, and simple so that the users move along the user journey smoothly and reach the "Aha!" moment quickly, without being overwhelmed. Product tours help increase ...

  17. Product Tours

    Product Tours works with all of Intercom. Automatically capture a new user's intent and then send them on the right tour directly from the conversation. Automatically answer FAQs with a tour that can walk customers through the steps to solve their problem. Insert tours in in-app messages, emails, and multichannel campaigns as a powerful call ...

  18. The 16 Best Product Tour Software to Support SaaS Onboarding

    Effective product tours can increase product activation, adoption, and user retention rates and loyalty. Product tour software can also be used to record and analyze customer feedback. If you're on the hunt for a good product tour tool, check out our suggestions: 1. Userpilot. Cost: from $249/month. Best Features: Growth Insights; Engagement ...

  19. How to Build a Kickass Product Tour

    Product tours act as great initial call-to-actions to get new users to explore your product. It adds that sense of urgency which can be the difference between losing or retaining a customer. A good product tour doesn't just show a visitor how to use your tool, it should make them desperate to use it. It helps users reach their wow moment

  20. Product tours

    Product tours. Exploring new features and navigating through a product can sometimes be a bit of a maze. Not anymore! Gleap's product tours are designed to make every user's journey smoother and more enjoyable. Start 14-day free trial. Trusted by 3,450+. More than 3,450+ organizations worldwide rely on Gleap.

  21. Product Tours explained

    With Product Tours, you can: Onboard new customers with multi-page tours that require no code to set up. Automatically show tours to a target audience on a specific page, like paid customers who visit a new feature. Proactively guide customers by sharing tours in conversations, messages, and bots. Re-engage inactive customers by sharing tours ...

  22. App Builder

    Watch an on-demand product tour. Dive into the app builder and see how easy it is to add features to your app in just 6 minutes. watch product tour. ... Forward-thinking professionals are using Guidebook's simple app builder to make interactive mobile guides for their student orientations, college campus tours, venues, corporate campuses ...

  23. Tosca Mobile product tour

    Tosca Mobile product tour. Got 5 minutes? Watch this video to see how you can create your most resilient mobile tests at speed for complex end-to-end scenarios. Tosca Mobile is a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly into your broader testing strategy - using the same proven, codeless test automation technology that works across ...

  24. Showcase 360 Properties with CloudPano's Advanced Features

    CloudPano's Mobile App: Creating Tours on the Go Features of the CloudPano Mobile App. The CloudPano mobile app is designed to make creating 360° virtual tours easy and fast. With this app, you can capture, edit, and publish tours directly from your phone. It supports both iOS and Android devices, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

  25. What Is A Product Tour And How Do You Build One Code-Free?

    A product tour shows customers how to use the features of your product that they need in order to activate. Make sure your product tour is interactive, not linear. Most good product tours contain a welcome screen, a microsurvey for segmentation, a checklist, and multiple experience flows. It's incredibly difficult to build a product tour from ...

  26. The 2024 Gundam Base Mobile Tour| Bandai Namco Toys| Collectibles

    Join the Gundam Base Mobile USA Tour! Enjoy hands-on GUNPLA workshops, buy exclusive kits, take photos with a giant RX-78-2, and play the latest Gundam games.

  27. Smm Lock Bypass

    AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Graphics (Formerly codenamed) "Phoenix" FP7/FP7r2/FP8. AMD Ryzen™ Series Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Graphics (Formerly codenamed) "Hawk Point" FP7/FP7r2/FP8. AMD Ryzen™ 7045 Series Mobile Processors (Formerly codenamed) "Dragon Range" CVE-2023-31315. RembrandtPI-FP7 ...

  28. Microsoft Student Community Tour in Berlin

    On June 13, an exciting and collaborative event unfolded in Berlin Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors, and Microsoft e mployees (FTEs).The event was a significant part of the Microsoft Student Community Tour, which we initiated last year alongside MVPs, Student Ambassadors, and local Microsoft teams in various cities, including Karlsruhe ...

  29. How to watch Tour de France Femme 2024: free live streams ...

    Here are the Tour de France Femme 2024 TV channels, broadcasters and free streams as the focus switches to back cycling in Europe's summer of sport.

  30. Money blog: Blue Light discount anger as teachers added; pound falls

    Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news/tips. Today's posts include four weeks of falls for the pound and this week's Money Problem - you can submit yours ...