Tour 360 San Cristobal Galapagos 2024

This tour 360 consists of going around the island Cristóbal , where you will see frigate birds, boobies, dolphins, sea lions, sea turtles, hammerhead sharks, seagulls, gannets, marine iguanas and many more animals.

TRIP DETAILS: • Departure time: 7:30 am. • From: San Cristóbal island - Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. • Activities: 90% Snorkeling and 10% Walk on the beach. • Duration: 7 hours. • Yacht capacity: 12 people. • Note: Stay 2 nights in Cristóbal.

Pay with credit card.

$190 Economic Boat. $210 Standard Boat. $230 Superior Boat.

Map of the route of the 360 tour on San Cristóbal Island.

Travel Itinerary Tour 360 Cristobal

The trip starts at 08:00 am from the Tiburon Martillo Pier. Then we reach Kicker Rock , where you will snorkel and be able to appreciate the sea turtles, Galapagos sharks, Hammerhead sharks, rays, sea turtles and fish.

Sea lions on San Cristóbal Galapagos island.

Then there will be a tour of the majestic Cerro Brujo. You can take a break to relax on the Bahía Sardina beach.

Cerro Brujo

Continuing with the tour, you will visit Punta Pitt where you will have the opportunity to experience experiential fishing.

Experiential fishing.

To end the tour, you will visit the beach Bahía Rosa Blanca where you can snorkel. If you like sailing and fishing, this is the tour to choose.

Beach Bahía Rosa Blanca.

The tour 360 Cristobal includes:

• Certified Guide (English - Spanish) • Lunch. • Snacks. • Shorty Wetsuit. • Snorkeling equipment.

The Tour does not include:

• Sodas. • Tips.

icono persona que guía

Tours from San Cristóbal island

Tour to Kicker Rock

Tour to El Junco lagoon

Tour to Espanola

Tour to Lobos Island

Tour to Punta Pitt

Copyright © 2024 Grupo Galápagos Travel Agency. Terms and Conditions.

Galapagos Guides by ChokoTrip | Ecuadorian Travel Blogger


360 Tour Galapagos Islands

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  • San Cristobal Tours

360 Tour on San Cristobal | Day Tour starting at $180 | Galapagos

Christian Echeverria - ChokoTrip ChokoTours

Christian Echeverria

The 360 tour takes you on a full loop around San Cristóbal Island , visiting beaches, bays and the prominent Kicker Rock. I can help you book the 360 Tour starting at *$180 .


On Tour 360, one of the Galapagos Island’s newest tours, you’ll experience the top sights around San Cristóbal in about 5 hours. A short summary of each stop can be found below. Highlights of this tour are snorkeling with marine life in Rosa Blanca and Sardina bays and visiting the impressive Kicker Rock.

360 Tour in San Cristobal

Trip itinerary.

  • Tour information
  • Check availability
  • ES: Tour 360

Wet landing on Bahia Sardina Beach

Wet landing on Bahia Sardina Beach

Wet landing in Sardina Bay

Wet landing in Sardina Bay

Chokotrip unlike Viator and other websites

Reserves your tour directly with the boat operators when you send your first payment. This is why our prices are not inflated and why when you reserve with us you recieve, the name and information of your tour operator so you can follow up directly with the tour operator and have the security of knowing that the tour is confirmed the moment you pay for it.

Upon leaving the main dock at San Cristobal Island, this tour involves 5 stops (not the same as disembarking!), in the following order:

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca among the top 5

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca among the top 5

Rosa Blanca is a small bay situated on the northeast of San Cristobal Island. It’s known for its various small beaches, the main attraction being the largest beach in the centre of the bay that is lined with sand dunes. The unique combination of these dunes and the bay’s crystalline waters make Rosa Blanca an attractive destination for visitors. Visitors can also snorkel in the bay, experiencing sea life including sharks, rays and sea turtles.

Punta Pitt is a short stop for lunch and a demonstration of local, traditional fishing. We do not disembark here, but can appreciate the otherworldly landscape nearby and watch for various endemic bird species, like the Red-footed Booby.

Snorkeling time in Bahia Rosa Blanca is among my tops

Snorkeling time in Bahia Rosa Blanca is among my tops

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca on San Cristobal Island

Snorkeling in Bahia Rosa Blanca on San Cristobal Island

Bahía Sardina comprises two beaches – the draw being their small, white-sand dunes beside the crystalline water, which is perfect for snorkeling. You’ll have a chance to observe (and swim with) sea turtles, rays and sea lions.

We’ll pass by Cerro Brujo , which translates to “Witch’s Hill”, on the way to Kicker Rock, which is characterized by its large rock faces, and where you’ll have the chance to snap photos and observe the birdlife that lives on the rocks.

Sardina Bay beach time and relaxation

Sardina Bay beach time and relaxation

Sardine Bay in San Cristobal Galapagos

Sardine Bay in San Cristobal Galapagos

Roca León Dormido, also know as “Kicker Rock” in English, is an uninhabited islet 30 minutes away from the main dock on San Cristobal. It looks like a large rock formation just off the main island, but is, technically, an eroded cone of volcanic tuff (ash). It reaches up to a height of 148 meters (486 feet)! Kicker Rock is also a refuge for marine birds like the Blue-footed Booby and sea lions. The waters surrounding the island are home to numerous fish species, hammerhead sharks, sea turtles, and rays.


360 Tour Information

› Does not include: Alcoholic drinks, soda and tip.



I can help you reserve this 360 tour with local operators that own the vessels. Instead of wasting time wandering around each island looking for tours, you should be enjoying the places you can visit on your own while at the Galapagos Islands.


Day trip to Tour 360 - Galapagos tours by #ChokoTrip

I can help you reserve this 360 tour with local operators that own the vessels. Instead of wasting time wandering around each island looking for tours, you should be enjoying the places you can visit on your own while at the Galapagos Islands.  


12 people is the maximum passenger on the 360 ​​tour

12 people is the maximum passenger on the 360 ​​tour

The contrast of white sand and mangroves in Bahia Rosa Blanca

The contrast of white sand and mangroves in Bahia Rosa Blanca

Beach time in Bahia Sardina

Beach time in Bahia Sardina

Pangaride in Punta Pitt to observe the red-footed boobies

Pangaride in Punta Pitt to observe the red-footed boobies

Snorkeling in Kicker Rock is part of the tour

Snorkeling in Kicker Rock is part of the tour

Snorkeling in Leon Dormido lasts about 45 minutes

Snorkeling in Leon Dormido lasts about 45 minutes


  • Al reservar hospedaje en cada isla, obtendras 10 dolares por isla, es decir si reservas en las 3 islas hospedajes obtendrias 30 dolares de descuento por persona al contratar tours diarios en las 3 islas.
  • Al usar el descuento en los tours contratados con ChokoTrip, las reservas de hospedajes no podran ser canceladas ni se aplicaria ninguna politica de cancelacion ni cambio de fecha de los hoteles.
  • Para acceder al descuento, la compra de los tours debe ser realizar por la misma persona que reservó en el siguiente formulario de la pagina de ChokoTrip
  • Solo para reservas del 2024


After a lot of research, I found a travel assistance service that really works and helps in difficult moments. Good travel insurance that covers flight cancellations is key and, in purchasing this, travelers that visit my blog also get a 5% discount.



  • Cabo Rosa Tunnels | Tour starting at $130 | Galapagos
  • Galapagos Islands a Guide to traveling on your own and at a low cost
  • Bartolome Island | Day Tour starting at $250 | Galapagos
  • Española Island | Day Tour price $250 | Galapagos
  • Galapagos Cruise: check availability and prices | Last Minute
  • Galapagos Cruise: My experience sailing on the Golondrina Yacht

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My name is Christian but you came call me Choko. Together with my wife we have created this blog to help all travelers going to Galapagos. I am from Ecuador, born in Guayaquil. Passionate about traveling and everything related to social media. In my free time I travel the americas. I have given conferences and workshops revolving around my work and tourism 2.0 // WRITE ME USING WHATSAPP: +593978990910 - BLOG EN ESPAÑOL ChokoTrip


Best tour we did in the Galápagos by far! On the second day on the island we had already seen so much marine life and had a blast doing so. The tour guide was amazing! We talked to many people on San Cristóbal, Isabela and Santa Cruz, and we all agreed that this tour is the best thing you can do. The process of booking it was made very easy and simple thanks to Choko, everything was ready in advance which puts you at ease when you have to take care of hundreds of things when traveling.

The tour 360 on San Cristóbal was a really nice experience, we had the chance to enjoy an amazing beach at Rosa Blanca and we’re lucky to swim with hammerhead sharks at Kicker Rock during our 45 min stop. The guide was very professional and even provided us nice photos from deep ocean. This is one trip that we really recommend while visiting San Cristóbal

It was a pleasure to book our 360 degree tour via ChokoTrip. Booking went smoothly and there were no issues when we arrived in San Cristobal regarding our booking. It was a great trip which we will remember. ChokoTrip is a reliable platform for booking.

Definite a must do on San Cristobal. kicker Rock was awesome and saw hammerheads. Make this a morning stop. Excellent beaches and snorkeled with so many turtles. Choko and his team were excellent as always setting things up. Will definitely use them again.

El Tour de 360 °.en San Cristóbal, fué mi primer Tour en Galápagos. Y también mi primer snorkel. El Tour fué precioso ,y me sentí muy segura haciendo mi primer snorkel con el guía, muy profesional . Vimos tortugas nadando al lado ,rayas más en profundidad y hasta un tiburón martillo al fondo . El guía sacó fotos estupendas con su Gopro ,y nos las dieron gratuitamente una vez terminado el Tour .Un detallazo!! En la excursión visitamos también playas preciosas ,donde nos bañamos con lobitos marinos ,que jugaban alrededor. Con tortugas marinas nadando a nuestro lado . O simplemente contemplar el paisaje maravilloso, mientras veías pescar a los albatros , dormitar los lobos marinos …..Siempre había algo que ver. La excursión fué muy completa , y es muy recomendable. El guía muy profesional y simpático.

See my post on Los Tuneles for more insight into our trip.

Pros and cons for this 360 Tour are as follows. PRO: 1) Amazing wildlife. The beaches are so remote with limited visitors so its definitely one of kind experience. 2) our guide was amazing. He was well informed, enthusiastic, personable and open to have conversation, spoke English very well. 3) Galapagos Eco was very friendly and helpful. 4) Kicker Rock was definitely the highlight. I jumped out solo on this one. Wife and kids stayed on the boat. Best decision given the extent of the swim in open ocean around a pretty big rock! CON: 1) its a LONG time in the boat to get out of the boat only 3 spots. I wish they added more stops to break the long trip. We did slow down in x2 other spots but these were drive-by’s.

The 360 tour was amazing! I recommend it to everyone with a packed schedule who wants to glimpse San Cristóbal Island. All crew were so kind and offered us snacks every time, I didn’t stay hungry during the day. We were able to fish a tuna and we ate sashimi, it was my first time trying it! During the snorkeling activity, I was lucky to see sharks, sting rays, and sea lions!!

Four older women travelled to San Cristobal on an Exoticca Tour of Ecuador. We had a free day on the island and I looked for something worthwhile to do. I decided on the 360 Tour offered by Choko. Our trip to Ecuador ended up being postponed due to Hurricane Ian in the fall of 2022. We rescheduled for February ‘23. and paid in full. I was worried about having done this, but it all worked beautifully. We had a gorgeous day & got to see so many interesting places and animals. Kicker Rock was teeming with life! I was disappointed that we weren’t able to fish for our lunch, but otherwise, the experience was excellent. The crew did an wonderful job keeping us hydrated throughout. Our only complaint was that our naturalist guide was somewhat gruff about one of my friend’s asthma condition. All in all a glorious day!

Great 360 Tour. We saw a pod of Orcas interacting with a Sea Lion. Didn’t end well for the Sea Lion, but was spectacular to watch. Kicker Rock was fun with sharks, fish, tortoises and beautiful scenery. Galapagos Eco Fishing (tour operator) was great and provided us with some amazing footage of our day – both in and out of the water.

My friends and I did the 360 tour on San Cristobal and booked in advance, we were a little worried about paying in advance but everything went quite smoothly. The tour was awesome and we saw a lot of things in one day, we were supposed to do an English tour but our guide spoke barely any….BUT that being said he was our favourite guide of the whole 6 days. Super patient and kind and we had a lot of fun. He was also patient with my fear of snorkelling and making sure to go with me so I definitely recommend.

360 tour: awesome tour, in kicker rock we had the luck to see thousands of fishes because there were a lot of plancton coming from a sea current. We did the 360 tour other way around and it was better because the snorkel at kicker rock was much colder than the other one. We advise again 2 wetsuit to proper enjoy the snorkel. The second snorkel was great as well because we had the chance to see again other turtles, rays and a lot of white reef sharks resting in the water. The food and the guide were great so we totally recommend doing this tour.

After booking, I was unable to go on the tour myself, but my friend did go and he loved it. He would absolutely recommended this tour to others.

Also, as I notified Choko ahead of time that I would be unable to make it, they were able to fill my spot with someone else, and they gave me back a full refund. I am very appreciative of that.

The 360 tour was wonderful. I highly recommend, especially if you’re only in San Cristobal for a short time, like we were. It gives a good overview of the island, while snorkeling and stopping at some awesome beach spots. I particularly enjoyed seeing the sea lions up close on the beach.

our 360 tour was amazing. We didn’t see any hammerheads because it is not hammerhead season, but it was still worth it to snorkel at kicker rock. We saw sharks and turtles and had a great time. Our guide was wonderful, helping my husband who is still getting used to being in the water and snorkeling. He was patient and so super helpful and understanding.

Absolutely a MUST do tour! We stopped in San Cristobal for 2 nights just to do this tour. I chose this based on all the positive reviews and they were all right! We got to fish for our lunch right off the boat. Caught a big Wahoo and the chef made sashimi with it. The tour was fantastic. We had an English speaking naturalist who was extremely informative. Lots and Lots of fun. I would NOT recommend this tour for younger kids. The snorkeling can be a bit rough but worth it. The water is also a bit chilly. This tour is great for kids age 12-13 and older.I I would also like to add that Choktrip was extremely helpful in planning any activities. We opted not to take the ferry shuttle and to fly to Isabella after San Cristobal and Im really happy with that choice.

The 360 tour was awesome. We had a great guide, boat and itinerary. The price is steep but the same as the other local outfits we were able to see an amazing amount of wildlife.

Awesome trip. Guide was fantastic. Great food. First snorkeling spot was great. Saw sharks turtles stingrays. Then caught a fish on the boat. Stopped at punta pitt for great pics. Another snorkel spot and then kicker rock which is fantastic. Tons of turtles, spotted sting rays. Sea lions. Amazing trip. Definite must on San cristibal.

I had some travel issues in Guayaquil (thank you Delta!) and my flight was moved to next day. I called Choko, he made arrangements last minute and booked me and my family a 360 trip

Fantastic experience, great boat, great bilingual guide and crew. That snorkeling experience in Kicker Rock was the most epic moment during my Galapagos trip!

Fully recommended! Thanks again Choko

The 360 tour is definitely the best way to see San Christobal! The snorkeling was great with very fine equipment provided. We made several stops to swim with sea lions, turtles, hammerhead sharks, reys and too many fish to name. There were also great occasions to see blue footed boobies on the clifs. Thanks to Christian for easy advance booking.

The 360 tour was very interesting. You can enjoy fishing and snorkeling as well as sightseeing by boat. Our experience was wonderful, thanks to the fishing masters on board. We were able to watch a fight between the birds and Sharks aimed at tuna and Wahoo.

Very good organized by choko. Tour itself was ok, snorkeling at Kicker Rock was the best in the Tour.

The best part of this tour was snorkeling near Kicker Rock. Beaches also were very nice. We were happy that Choko took care of reservation so we didn’t waste our vacation time looking for tour operator and tours. Thank you, Christian.

It was very fun. Especially it was so exciting to catch some big fish in trolling. And so we could see a lot of Galapagos sharks to eat fish gut.

The 360 tour was absolutely fantastic. Snorkeling at Kicker Rock was incredible. The bird life at Punta Pitt!! Wow! The snorkeling in the sheltered bay with sharks and hanging out on the most astonishing beaches – amazing. We collected our gear at Galapagos Eco Fishing – everything included. There was lunch, snacks, snorkel gear and our guide took GoPro of all the snorkel dives that we got to download as souvenirs. Working with Choko was a breeze. We connected through WhatsApp. It was great to be able to pay him half on the card so we didn’t have to stress getting so much cash in San Cristobal. 100% recommend this 360 tour, San Cristobal generally and definitely recommend booking through Choko. Enjoy the Galapagos and look after them!

If you only have a short time for Galapagos is this trip perfect for you. In only one day you see more than other people in two or three days. The tour was well organised and really interesting. Second best snorkeling after Los Tunnels on Isabela for me. Choko gives you his phone number and you can call him with any problem. At this moment I want to say thank you again for the help with the tour planning and all other things that can happen. It is every time good to have a local person you can call. I would book my tours with Choko again.

I cannot recommend the 360 tour highly enough, originally we had tried to book the separate kicker rock tour but it wasn’t available on the days we wanted so this was suggested as an alternative. I’m so pleased it worked out this way. We are not experienced snorkellers and for myself the snorkelling at Kicker Rock was a little out of my comfort zone but before that we went to a ocean bay where we saw white tipped reef sharks, sea turtles, sea lions and a variety of Rays this for me was the highlight of the day. Even though the snorkelling at kicker rock wasn’t for me it would be a great opportunity for inexperienced snorkellers who want to see if they want to go further or for those who want to see whether diving would be for them. The welcome we were given when we went to the tour company’s Galapagos Eco Fishing to rent our wetsuits was extremely warm and professional. Our guide Fabricio was extremely knowledgable and it was clear that his main aim was to ensure we enjoyed ourselves. My sister didn’t manage the first snorkelling as she has a minor panic attack, when we went to another bay for some chill out time after lunch Fabricio took time out to introduce her slowly to snorkelling, she has since then managed to completed 3 separate trips and enjoyed Kicker Rock much more than me. A fantastic day.

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galapagos 360 tour

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galapagos 360 tour

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galapagos 360 tour


Vive una aventura increíble en la Isla San Cristóbal con nuestro Tour 360Galapagos + leon dormido ! Incluye la exploración de 5 lugares espectaculares, entre ellos el famoso León Dormido, la Playa Bahía Rosa Blanca y una inolvidable experiencia de snorkeling con tiburones martillo. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad única de explorar uno de los lugares más hermosos del mundo! Reserva ahora.


Leon dormido.

1.  Primer sitio de visita 

tour 360 galapagos leon dormido foto

el Snorkeling  en León Dormido, Galápagos, es una experiencia emocionante y gratificante para los amantes del mar y la vida marina. Con su impresionante paisaje submarino y su asombrosa biodiversidad, este sitio de buceo es un verdadero paraíso para los aventureros submarinos. 

El snorkeling  en León Dormido, Galápagos, es una experiencia única e inolvidable que atrae a entusiastas del buceo de todo el mundo. Este icónico sitio de buceo, también conocido como Kicker Rock, es un impresionante afloramiento de roca volcánica ubicado a unos pocos kilómetros de la costa de la isla de San Cristóbal, en el archipiélago de las Galápagos.

León Dormido es famoso por su extraordinaria vida marina y sus deslumbrantes formaciones rocosas submarinas. Aquí, los buceadores tienen la oportunidad de nadar junto a una gran variedad de especies, como tiburones martillo, tiburones punta blanca de arrecife, tortugas marinas, rayas, leones marinos, peces tropicales e incluso aves marinas como el ave fragata.El sitio de snorkeling  en León Dormido en el canal  presenta una grieta espectacular que se extiende desde la superficie hasta una profundidad de aproximadamente 30 metros. Los pasajeros  pueden explorar las paredes de la grieta, cubiertas de corales y esponjas, mientras disfrutan de la increíble visibilidad del agua que llega hasta 30 metros o más.Además de la abundante vida marina, León Dormido también es conocido por sus emocionantes corrientes submarinas que a menudo desafían a los buzos, aunque también hacen posible que los animales se congreguen en grandes cantidades en el área. Por esta razón, se recomienda que los buzos que deseen experimentar este sitio de buceo tengan un nivel de habilidad intermedio o avanzado.


2.  Segundo sitio de visita .


Cerro Brujo  El nombre Cerro Brujo proviene de la leyenda local que habla de un cerro cercano, donde se dice que habitaba un brujo y donde los lugareños aseguran haber visto luces misteriosas y escuchado extraños sonidos durante la noche. Hoy en día, la playa es un refugio tranquilo para los turistas que buscan disfrutar del paisaje y de las actividades al aire libreen el tour 360  es un paraíso para los amantes de la naturaleza, la vida silvestre y las actividades al aire libre. Con su belleza escénica, su rica biodiversidad y su fascinante historia, e.El Cerro Brujo es un destino turístico espectacular que forma parte del emocionante tour 360. Ubicado en la isla de San Cristóbal, este lugar es famoso por su impresionante paisaje, su diversa vida silvestre y sus formaciones rocosas únicas. Los visitantes pueden disfrutar de una experiencia de ecoturismo inolvidable mientras exploran el entorno natural y la biodiversidad que caracteriza a las Galápagos .


3.  Terser sitio de visita 

playa bahia sardina tour 360 galapagos 2023

Bahía Sardina es una playa impresionante ,  Con su hermosa arena dorada y aguas cristalinas, esta playa es un destino popular para aquellos que buscan un lugar tranquilo para disfrutar del sol y el mar.Bahía Sardina es un lugar ideal para aquellos que buscan una experiencia de ecoturismo. Los visitantes pueden realizar de3porte de Snorkeling con  gran variedad de especies marinas, incluyendo peces tropicales y tortugas marinas  gigantes. Además, la playa es un lugar perfecto para relajarse y disfrutar de la naturaleza


4.  Cuarto sitio de visita 

playa bahia rosa blanca tour 360 galapagos

Bahia Rosa Blanca es una playa  de arena blanca y aguas cristalinas es un refugio de tranquilidad rodeado de una biodiversidad única, lo que la convierte en el lugar perfecto para aquellos que buscan disfrutar de un entorno paradisíaco y al mismo tiempo aprender sobre la flora y fauna endémica de las Galápagos. la playa Bahía Rosa Blanca es una oportunidad única para sumergirse en la belleza natural y la rica biodiversidad de las Islas Galápagos. Esta experiencia brinda a los turistas la posibilidad de disfrutar de un entorno paradisíaco mientras aprenden sobre la flora y fauna endémicas de este archipiélago único en el mundo.. esta playa cuenta con una laguna donde Existe presencia de especies de tiburón, rayas y tortugas marinas que son el complemento ideal para las actividades de snorkel.ntre ellos.  Los piqueros de patas azules se anidan en el interior  (rara vez en los acantilados), los piqueros de patas rojas anidan sobre arbustos y los enmascarados anidan en los acantilados.  

5.  Quinto sitio de visita 

punta pitt tour 360 galapagos isla san cristobal

Avistamiento de aves desde la embarcación este es el único sitio de las Islas Galápagos, donde se puede observar las tres especies de piqueros y las dos especies de fragatas anidando en una misma área. La razón por la que se encuentran las tres especies de piqueros en Punta Pitt se debe a la ubicación geográfica; se encuentra suficiente alimento por lo que no hay competencia entre ellos.  Los piqueros de patas azules se anidan en el interior  (rara vez en los acantilados), los piqueros de patas rojas anidan sobre arbustos y los enmascarados anidan en los acantilados.  


Equipos de nuestros yates.

  • Radar, depth sounder, GPS
  • Life Vests Fire Alarm & Fire Extinguishers
  • Experienced Captain and Sailors

Reasonable Price

  • shared boat small boat price per person $ 180
  • shared boat Big Boat price per person $200
  • shared boat Big Boat price per person $220
  • Gide ingles and spanish
  • Lunch on board
  • transfer to the hotel at the pier
  • Complete snorkeling equipment

Information del Tour

  • Pick up in the hotel 7:00 AM
  • Boat Capacity 10 Pax
  • Tour duration 12 hours
  • necessary 2 nights on San Cristobal Island

galapagos 360 tour

Common Questions

Haga una consulta gratis gratis, email address.

[email protected]

+593 95 90 100 10

Clients Love

Testimonial tripadvisor.

It seems to me an incredible islet. Its shape is unique and being able to snorkel around it and swimming through the channels is a fantastic experience. And it looks wonderfully completed with the presence of sea lions or turtles that swim next to you

galapagos 360 tour

Impressive underwater experience, an essential stopover on your visit to San Cristóbal, without a doubt the main attraction of the Island

galapagos 360 tour

Highly recommended, the guide was super friendly, the staff on the boat were very professional, they always had us water and fruit in case we were low on energy. Very attentive that we all have a very good time.

tOURR 360 galapagos isla san crisobal kiker rock foto

lista de dir

  • 123, Any Street North Your City Name Country Name. P.O 3554
  • +593 099 590 10010
  • [email protected]
  • 4 dias 3 Noches Isla Isabela
  • 4 dias 3 Noches Isla Santa Cruz
  • 4Dias 3 Noches Isla Santa Cruz

Social Media

  • Documentacion emitida por el ministerio de turismo de la compañia Royal Galapagos Expeditions

Copyright 2022 ©Royal Galapagos Expeditions 

galapagos 360 tour

visita los sitios mas importantes en la Isla San Cristobal en un solo dia con un tour 360º galapagos 

  • Leon Dormido
  • Cerro Brujo
  • Bahia Sardina 
  • Bahia Rosa Blnaca 
  • Call on : +593 96 813 1971
  • San Cristóbal Island - Galápagos - Ecuador

Logo 360 Tour Galapagos

Discover the Entire Island in One Trip

360 Tour on San Cristóbal Island

We offer the opportunity to take a full turn on the amazing island of San Cristóbal. During this tour of approximately 70 nautical miles, you'll have the opportunity to discover the best beaches of San Cristóbal, snorkeling with hammerhead sharks, Galápagos sharks, manta rays and sea turtles, you'll also be able to spot a variety of seabirds, such as frigate birds, blue-footed boobies, and seagulls.

Tour 360 Galapagos San Cristóbal en Familia

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Tour 360 San Cristóbal

$ 230,00 Original price was: $230,00. $ 180,00 Current price is: $180,00.

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Tour Price: $180 per person (children under 2 years old do not pay)

Tour details.

Test equipment (snorkel, fins and wetsuit short ): 7h00am at the agency on the day of the tour.

Departure time: 7:30 am from the aquarium dock.

Activities: 80% Snorkeling, 15% beach, 5% hike over the rocks.

Navigation time: 3 hours.

Time activities: 5 hours and 30 minutes.

Capacity of the boat: 12 persons.

Tour 360 en la Isla San Cristóbal - Galápagos



The meeting point is at 7:00am at the Galápagos Xcursion agency, where we will provide you with all the necessary equipment (snorkel, fins and wetsuit) for the excursion. The itinerary may vary depending on the day, we can start on the north or south side of the island. If we start on the north side, the first point visiting will be the León dormido also known as Kicker Rock , here you will have the opportunity to observe seabirds and snorkel for about 1 hour with sea turtles, tropical fish, manta rays, hammerhead sharks, Galápagos sharks, black tip sharks and white-tip sharks.

Kricker Rock Leon Dormido Tour 360



The second point of visit will be the majestic Cerro Brujo . Here, aboard the yacht, you will enjoy impressive landscapes and have the opportunity to take photographs while our guide will provide you with detailed information about the origin of the name and other relevant aspects of this emblematic place.

Cerro Brujo Portada



The third point of the visit is Bahia Sardina . You will be guided to disembark on this paradisiacal beach by our guide and sailor aboard the auxiliary boat. Here, you will have the opportunity to relax and participate in activities such as snorkeling or simply enjoy the beach for an hour and a half.

Bahía Sardina Tour 360 San Cristobal


The fourth point of the visit takes us to Punta Pitt , a place with an impressive landscape, where we will stay aboard the yacht. While our staff serves lunch, you will have the opportunity to spot a variety of birds, such as red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, and blue-footed boobies, which inhabit this area.

Punta Pitt Portada



The fifth and last point takes us to the stunning Bahia Rosa Blanca , a white sand beach that stands out as one of the most beautiful in San Cristóbal. We will disembark for a short walk of approximately 10 minutes, where you can photograph its lagoons and snorkel for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. During the cold season, this beach becomes the home of white tip sharks. In addition, you can admire a wide variety of sea turtles, sea lions and manta rays in these crystal clear waters.

Bahía Rosa Blanca San Cristóbal

Everything you need to know to live an unforgettable experience with us

Important information.

Immerse yourself in a unique experience where every detail has been carefully considered. exclusive yacht L/P MELITO. Immerse yourself in a unique experience where every detail has been carefully considered.


galapagos 360 tour

✅ Bilingual guide (Spanish – English) certified by the Galápagos National Park. ✅ Snorkel, fins and wetsuit short. ✅ Photos and videos from GoPro. ✅ Lunch with protein from chicken/fish, vegetarian or vegan. ✅ Station, coffee and tea, fruits and snacks. ✅ Non-alcoholic beverages. ✅ Towels.


Embarcación Yate tour 360 san Cristobal

❌ Breakfast. ❌ Tips. ❌ Transfer from the accommodation to the agency Galapagos Xcursion.


galapagos 360 tour

He is currently the boat more spacious and comfortable for the tour 360°. ✅ Overall length: 12.53. ✅ Sleeve: 3.50. ✅ Depth: 1.42. ✅ 2 engines HP 300.


We are a local tour operator located in the San Cristóbal Island, we offer different types of tours terrestrial, aquatic, diving and cruises around the Galápagos Islands.  

We work with the best local brands to bring you the best service and the best boats for your excursions.

Our flagship product is the tour 360 for this we have an own boat called L/P MELITO which is the boat more comfortable and spacious that makes this tour journal along with our crew of skilled and a naturalist guide certified by the Galápagos National Park that is in charge of you to live the best experience on the island of San Cristóbal.

Do you have doubts or questions?

Visit us at:.

  • Avenida Charles Darwin and Teodoro Wolf
  • +593 968131971
  • +593 967793166
  • +593 997983753
  • [email protected]

Hours of operation

  • Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
  • Saturday: 10am-4pm

® All rights reserved.



Tour details

  • What to bring

San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour

San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour

Tour San Cristóbal Island in its entirety and snorkel at Kicker Rock

Explore the underwater world of the Galapagos Islands with this all-inclusive day tour from San Cristobal.

The San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour includes boat transportation, snorkeling equipment, lunch, and a local naturalist guide. On board the Hammerhead you will sail through Cerro Brujo, Sardine Bay and reach Punta Pitt where you will have the opportunity to fish. It will also take you to three of the best places in San Cristobal Island for snorkeling: Rosa Blanca, Sardina Bay, and Kicker Rock. Are you ready to swim among hammerhead sharks, sea turtles, rays or octopuses?

💙 Book the 360 San Cristobal tour in advance and do not miss this unique experience in the Galapagos Islands.

  • Meals (vegan and vegetarian menu available)
  • Bilingual naturalist guide (Spanish/English)
  • Neoprene wetsuit
  • Microfiber towel
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • HAMMERHEAD boat transport
  • Photos and videos

Not included

  • Additional Services

Important information

It is recommended to sleep the day before on the island to do this tour.

Cancellation policy

Free cancellation! If you cancel at least 48 hours before the tour starts, you will receive 100% of the amount paid. After this time, or in case of no-show, no refunds will be given.

Tour itinerary

360 tour san cristobal galapagos.

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Group 10 travelers

🕗 Duration 9 hours

📅 Daily departures

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

The tour starts at the office of the local agency located in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristobal Island at 7:30 am.

When the whole group (maximum 10 travelers + 1 guide) is together, you will head to the pier. You will board the Hammerhead and the adventure begins!

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

Kicker Rock Snorkel

The first stop will be one of the uninhabited islands of the Galapagos: Kicker Rock. The guide will give you the snorkeling equipment and basic safety instructions, and off you go, ducks!

Enjoy a spectacular morning of snorkeling at Kicker Rock among turtles and hammerhead sharks.

Kicker Rock Snorkel

Bahia Rosa Blanca

You will dock at Bahia Rosa Blanca, where a second snorkeling session awaits you in the crystal clear waters of San Cristobal. Sea turtles, rays and octopus will be waiting for you.

💬 In case of strong winds or strong waves that do not allow you to reach Rosa Blanca Bay, the activity will take place at Playa del Muerto.

Bahia Rosa Blanca galapagos

Cerro Brujo - Sardine Bay

You will get back on the boat to skirt the Cerro Brujo that will take you to Sardina Bay. Here you will enjoy some relaxing moments among white sand and sea lions.

You will enjoy a delicious lunch included in the tour on board the yacht. If you need your menu to be vegetarian or vegan, simply indicate it in the reservation form.

Cerro Brujo

Punta Pitt - Experiential fishing Galapagos

You will get back on the boat for an experiential fishing activity. Be attentive to the indications of the guide, who knows all the secrets to fish in the crystal clear waters of the Galapagos Islands.

Experiential fishing Galapagos

Return to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

It's time to head back to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. On the way, you will enjoy a small snack of local fruits with the sea breeze in the background.

You will be back at the local agency office around 4:00 PM.

San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour

What to bring to San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour

  • Backpack or small bag
  • Sandals or lace-up shoes (that support the foot well) and can be put in the water.

Where does the tour San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour start

The 360 Tour begins and ends at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristobal Island.

In the Galapagos Islands, you will find two islands with international airports: Santa Cruz (Baltra Airport GPS) and San Cristobal (San Cristobal Airport SCY). However, the one that receives the most flights is the Santa Cruz airport.

To get to San Cristobal Island you have the following options:

  • Domestic flights: There are three airlines that offer direct flights from Guayaquil or Quito: LATAM, AVIANCA, and TAME.
  • Inter-island flights: There are two airlines offering flights from Santa Cruz or Isabela: Emetebe and FlyGalapagos.
  • Ferries: from Santa Cruz or Santa Isabela with several departures per day and different companies.

💬 If you decide to arrive by ferry, Howlanders recommends you take a motion sickness pill one hour before departure. As well as sitting in the back seats of the boat or even asking to go upstairs next to the captain.

Questions & Answers

What is the size of the group, does the 360 san cristobal tour depart all year round, is the 360 san cristobal tour suspended due to wind, san cristobal galapagos 360 tour tour reviews with howlanders, other tours that might interest you from ecuador.

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  • Mon - Sat: 8AM - 5PM

San Cristobal 360⁰ Full Day Tour

Live the complete experience of your visit to the wonderful San Cristobal Island by doing our tour around the island in a comfortable yacht , the largest boat to carry out this tour on the island. On this navigable tour you can snorkel with turtles and sharks , take pictures of yourself in the majestic Cerro Brujo and even enjoy and rest on its beautiful beaches .

Naturalist guide

Key Features

Leon dormido (kicker rock), cerro brujo, sardina bay, rosa blanca bay, description.

It is the second most eastern island of the Archipelago. It is the capital of the Galapagos province, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno . Here is the best shipping port ; as well as one of the two airports in the Galapagos Islands. San Cristobal has a hotel infrastructure, restaurants and bars suitable for enjoying a relaxing trip , in the middle of a natural paradise, where inhospitable landscapes of rugged volcanic rocks coexist with seabeds of extraordinary beauty.

A complete tour of   San Cristóbal Island , visiting beaches, bays and the Leon Dormido. One of the newest tours in the Galapagos Islands is the 360° tour, the idea is to go around San Cristobal Island completely, visiting places like Rosa Blanca, Sardina Bay, Punta Pitt and Cerro Brujo.

galapagos 360 tour

Located in the north of San Cristóbal Island. It is one of the most beautiful white sand beaches on the island where you can snorkel (different types of fish, sea turtles and sea turtles) and rest. From the beach you have a good view of the Sleeping Lion and the highlands of San Cristóbal. Behind the beach there are several saltwater lagoons.

galapagos 360 tour

It is a set of eroded volcanic cones and presents a scenery of varied colors, due to its different types of lava, as well as its colorful vegetation, typical of xerophytic plants, in addition to its beautiful climate. Thanks to its geographical location Punta Pitt is one of the few places in the Galapagos Islands where you can find all the three species of booby and the two species of frigate.

galapagos 360 tour

The word booby refers to clown like feet, this colorful pair call the attention of the tourist but mainly the other bobies, it is a way to show how healthy and well fit they are. The pigments that reflect this blue turquoise color are inclose inside of particular feet cells, when the cells are not complete turgent or immature, the pigment decrease or won't be enough and the color turn pale green. If the cells are weak, the pigment get darker, and the color is dark purple-blue. When the cells are turgents and the pigment well distributed, the result is a bright turquoise which is the best color to breed.

galapagos 360 tour

The Galapagos sea lion is widely distributed in the archipelago, however the biggest breeding colonies are located in San Cristobal island. The sea lion population was reduce over 50%. The sea lions can include more than 34 species of fish plus octopus and even squids. The breeding success is estimate one young every two years. The females never share milk or adopt, some pups had been seen waiting for the females to fall asleep to steal milk, something that can put their lives in threat.

galapagos 360 tour

Sharks are perhaps one of the most ancient fish in our ocean, among this group they have common characteristics like the aerodynamic scales, very small that is impossible to distinguish to the naked eye, when you touch in the right direction you feel like sandpaper. Other important adaptation is the Lorensini fossetts that allow them to feel electromagnetic fields. This organ is very important and highly dense on the hammerheads front and bottom of the head since most of them are bottom feeders using the head like a metal detector, can discover their preys (rays, flounder and sole fish), in dark and muddy bottoms.

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Ecuador

Kicker Rock, Ecuador


Bahía Sardina, Ecuador

Punta Pitt, Ecuador


San Cristobal Island

galapagos 360 tour

The departure is from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno where an auxiliary boat is obtained to board a small yacht. Then you will go to Leon Dormido (Kicker Rock) , here you can snorkel where you can see turtles, sharks, rays and fish. Then there will be a tour of the majestic Cerro Brujo to take a break and relax on the beach. Continuing with the tour you will visit Sardina Bay and Punta Pitt where you will have the great opportunity to experience fishing . To end the tour, you will visit Blanca Rosa Bay beach to walk and enjoy the place.

We recommend for this day to wear comfortable cloth, hiking shoes, long sleeve shirt, and bring a jacket or a windbreaker. Also don’t forget your camera and sun protection.


Tour details.

Bilingual guide

Snorkel Equipment

Private Transportation

Extra drinks

Other activities that aren't detailed in the itinerary

Extra services

Meeting point

Local tour agency

Additional information

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Grace Cardenas

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  • San Cristobal

The Kicker Rock, aka Leon Dormido

Home > Galapagos > San Cristobal > 360 Tour in San Cristobal

  • Last Updated: July 9, 2024

The 360 Tour in San Cristobal is the tour you have to book in order to really understand the size of the island, its fauna, and flora, and see all its different landscapes.

It’s a daily tour and you will go by speed boat around the entire San Cristobal island. The exact tour depends on the day but it passes obligatorily in Bahia Rosa Blanca and Kicker Rock (Leon Dormido).

Bahia Rosa Blanca beach on the 360 tour San Cristobal

Travel Guide, Itineraries, Map, Local Tips

Get access to my curated list of all the best viewpoints,  hiking trails, secret waterfalls, diving spots, wildlife  tours, accommodations, and more, that will make your trip to Ecuador and The Galapagos unforgettable.

All of this, in an interactive guide featuring a mobile-friendly map, pre-designed itineraries, all my favorite photos, and helpful travel tips to guide your journey in this amazing unexplored country.

If you want personalized advice write me in-app and we can plan it together.

Rexby Guide Review


This tour has to be done with an agency and i chose by recommendation of my local contact the company Galapagos Eco Fishing.

This agency is environmentally friendly and the Naturalist guides are very experienced and well informed. Totally recommend.

  • Highlights: Snorkel at  Kicker Rock  (Leon Dormido), Bahia Rosa Blanca beach, and Punta Pitt bird watching. On our tour, the other two locations (that vary from group to group) were Cerro Brujo and Bahia Sardinia beach.
  • Duration: The entire day (You have to be at 6:30 am at the agency’s entrance)
  • Price: 180$ USD (when I did it in April 2022 it was 150$ USD).
  • Agency/Guide: Galapagos Eco Fishing

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360 Tour in San Cristobal, Galapagos


To do the 360 Tour in San Cristobal you need to book it with an agency. I chose by recommendation the Galapagos Eco Fishing company.

You have to book and pay for it at least one day before the tour. They usually don’t accept credit or debit cards so you must have cash with you. There are multiple ATMs on the island so don’t worry. 

On the day of the tour just head really early to their store, around 6:30 if I’m not mistaken (they will tell you when you book it) and they will give you your gear. You will have to try the fins and the wetsuits to get your size right. 

After that, you just head to the port, and the tour starts.

The tour is done in two directions to avoid crowds, one starts in Kicker rock (clockwise) and the other in Bahia Rosa Blanca beach (counterclockwise). 

Before you go I recommend you take the tour that starts in Kicker Rock for two reasons:

  •  As I was told, hammerhead sharks are more active in the morning so in theory, you’ve more chances to see them if you go earlier. The other tour only reaches Kicker Rock at around 2 pm (We didn’t see any Hammerhead). 
  • If you start at Bahia Rosa Blanca beach that’s on the east side of the island it is ALOT rougher to go by boat cause it’s not protected by the island. The waves are big and you need to take a sea-sickness pill. I would say it’s a smoother trip if you have the harsh waves only at the end of the tour and not at the start.


Opuntias cactus next to Bahia Rosa Blanca on the 360 Tour

Travel Insurance

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What clothing and equipment should i bring to do the 360 TOUR?

Clothing & Accessories:

  • Tshirt: Breathable Tshirt (Tech or Merino), or a Lycra
  • Jacket: Waterproof Jacket
  • Shorts: Swimming Clothes
  • Shoes: Flip Flops
  • Dry-fast Towel
  • Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bag
  • Change of Clothes

Useful Extras:

  • GoPro / Camera
  • First-Aid Kit – Extra Sea Sickness Medication if needed
  • Sunscreen 50 SPF
  • Food / Snacks
  • Thermos  or  Water-filtering Bottle

Check out my complete guide on What’s in My Backpack – From photography gear, and clothing for Hiking, Mountaineering, Scuba Diving, Rainforest, and City-Street Photography.


This was my fourth day on San Cristobal Island and I did this tour together with two friends of mine in a group of 10 people.

We started the tour and we were told we were going to visit Bahia Rosa Blanca beach first. We soon figured out that means rough seas for one hour.

I advise you to take a sea-sickness pill 30 minutes before you start the tour if you go this way first. Luckily the guide had enough pills for all (yes, it’s a common thing to get sea-sick on this trip).

I also advise you to go on the back of the boat because there at least you have fresh air and you don’t feel so much the bumps from the waves.

Blue Footed Booby in Punta Pitt

visiting the Bahia Rosa Blanca BEach

After all the bumps and humps from the sea, we finally reached the Bahia Rosa Blanca beach. 

To reach the beach you have to leave the speedboat and board a smaller inflatable boat that takes you to shore.  

Once you get to the beach you go through a mangrove path and finally reach the beautiful and photogenic part of the beach.

Unfortunately after a couple of minutes, you start seeing the sad reality of this beach. Even though it’s gorgeous, the sand white and the water turquoise, there is plastic garbage everywhere, usually on the waves-breaking-point on high tide. From broken chairs to bottles, flasks, fishing nets, or even parts of toilets. 

Because our tour was an Ecological one we picked up all the garbage we could and placed it in a higher place where we were told that later get collected by another boat. 

After the beach we went for a small hike around the shore (take at least flip-flops cause the floor is lava). On this walk, we saw some nice lakes surrounded by Opuntia cactuses and we ended up on a lagoon where we snorkeled and saw huge turtles, an eagle ray, many stingrays, reef sharks, and many other small fishes.

Mangrove at the entrance of Bahia Rosa Blanca Beach in San Cristobal

Bird watching at punta pitt

After Bahia Rosa Blanca we went on with the tour and before we reached Punta Pitt we had some lunch.

On our tour, they tried to fish some tuna with two fishing poles but were unfortunately not very lucky otherwise we would have eaten some sashimi. 

Without the tuna, they prepared us some fish, chicken, and vegetarian menus, which were quite good.

After lunch, we went on to Punta Pitt and did some birdwatching. We saw some swallow-tailed gulls, some tijeretas/frigatebirds, some blue-footed boobies, and red-footed boobies.

A trick to find blue-footed boobies, look for the white spots on the black rocks. It is their poo. Wherever they stop is usually white as you can see in the photos. 

Blue Footed Boobies in Punta Pitt

visiting bahia sardina beach and cerro brujo

After Punta Pitt, which is the easternmost corner of the island the sea stops being so rough and it’s actually a pleasant trip until Bahia Sardina beach and Cerro Brujo.

In Bahia Sardina, we got around 30minutes to snorkel and swim around and those who went to the beach were attacked by horse-flies, a menace in the Galapagos. But still a beautiful beach.

The next stop on the tour was Cerro Brujo, another edge of the island and from here, through a cave it’s possible to see Kicker Rock (Leon Dormido). It’s a highlight and a very beautiful one. 

If you’re lucky on your tour you might end up at Cerro Brujo beach instead of Bahia Sardina or go up to the hill, if I’m not mistaken.

The Bahia Sardina beach

snorkeling in kicker rock (Leon dormido)

And the last stop of the day, Kicker Rock or Leon Dormido in Spanish (sleeping lion, cause on a certain angle the rock resembles a sleeping lion). 

We went snorkeling here but unfortunately, it was already dark inside Kicker Rock’s channel so we couldn’t see hammerhead sharks or any other shark.

Nevertheless, we saw some sea lions chilling on the side. The visibility was also pretty poor, full of plankton.

So again, go on the morning tour, the other group saw hammerheads and manta rays.

And that’s about it after Kicker Rock we went back to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno and the 360 Tour in San Cristobal was over.

What about you, have you already done the 360 Tour in San Cristobal Island?  Leave me a comment down here if you did and after you did it with your impression.

Thanks for reading through and have fun on this tour!

I’ll drop a couple of my other favorite photos from this tour down below, enjoy!

The 360 tour in san cristobal VISITING THE BAHIA ROSA BLANCA BEACH​

Bahia Rosa Blanca beach on the 360 tour San Cristobal

BIRD WATCHING at punta pitt

A Red-Footed Booby


The Bahia Sardina beach on the 360 Tour in San Cristobal

5 thoughts on “360 Tour in San Cristobal”

We like your blogs. Thank you. I went diving on gordon rocks and will do this 360 tour (now 190).

Great to hear that, hope you enjoy the 360 too!

Thank you for this information – super insightful. Do you have any recommendations for tours that go in the opposite direction (visit Kicker Rock first)? I am heading to San Cristóbal in November.

Thank you very much, Maddy

Hey Maddy, you can ask when you book the tour that you want to go on the group that goes first to Kicker Rock. Alternatively if that’s your must see on the island perhaps joining a group of people going there just for diving might be the ideal thing to do. You can just snorkel instead of diving and it costs much cheaper than the scuba-diving option. Here’s an article i wrote about the diving in Kicker Rock. DIVING IN KICKER ROCK

Thank you very much for your help – I will investigate further 🙂

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galapagos 360 tour

Discount Tour Chatham

September 13, book now with a discount and join the group., ecological commitment.

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galapagos 360 tour

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That is why we strengthen these values ​​with our campaign and activity «Leave a mark without leaving a trace», we invite you to see more about this project.

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galapagos 360 tour

José de Villamil, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

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Planet Ocean Galapagos

Planet Ocean Galapagos

Diving San Cristobal

Quick Overview

Highlights: Turtles, Rays, Sharks, Marine Iguanas, sea lions

Full Day 7:30am - 4:30pm​

maximal group size: 10​


Snorkelling Gear and Towels are provided by us. You can go snorkelling at White Rose and Kicker Rock


One hike at White Rose, 15min, easy walk


Beachtime: Bahia Sardina, White Rose


Short fishing at Punta Pitt fishing, Panga ride at Cerro Brujo


We provide lunch for you. We have vegetarian, fish or meat options, please let us know which are your preferences


Snacks and none-alcoholic drinks like: tea, coffee, coke, water are included

360° Tour

San Cristobal is the second most eastern island of the archipelago, also known as Chatham. It is the capital of the province of Galápagos, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, located to the southwest of the island. Here are the administration offices and the best shipping port as well as one of the two airports in the Galapagos Islands. San Cristóbal has an infrastructure of hotels, restaurants and bars suitable to enjoy a holiday trip in the middle of a natural paradise, a place where the rustic and inhospitable places on the volcanic rocks of the seabed of extraordinary beauty.

The 360 tour takes you to places around San Cristobal Island where the man does not arrive except for the 360 tour, exotic places, beaches, marine life, an ideal tour for a one day stay on the island, such as Sardines Beach, White Rose beach with short hiking around 15min to the natural pool full of white tip reef sharks, sea turtles, Stop for Picture time around wizard hill (Cerro Brujo).

The last stop will be at Kicker Rock for about an hour maximum to proceed with the snorkeling activity of the day, the guide will show you the marine life you can find in this wonderful rock, like, sharks, sea turtles, sea lions, fish, rays, and more

My Trip To Ecuador

Our Experience at Tour 360º at San Cristobal Island, Galapagos

Magnelisto Beach, a part of the 360 Tour on San Cristobal island

One of the popular tours that you can do in San Cristobal is the Tour 360º and it is a must-have! The tour, as the name suggests, circumnavigates San Cristobal Island . The Tour 360º cruise circles San Cristóbal Island , stopping at beaches, bays, and the iconic Kicker Rock. This trip is one of my favorite parts of our Galapagos escapade .

Unlike many day trips on tourist-class boats, this journey can be a little rougher at times because the boats with fishing licenses vary a lot in terms of size and stability. By the way, the adventure starts with fishing!

Fishing during Tour 360 San Cristobal

They are not rickety boats, and they are still fairly comfortable for a small party of visitors, but they are not as large as you might anticipate. This is worth mentioning because, during rough, windy weather, this long cruise around San Cristobal can be exhausting for anybody prone to seasickness. The trips go all day, beginning in the early morning and ending well before dusk.

Tour 360 takes you around San Cristóbal in around 5 hours to view the most important sights. This tour includes snorkeling with marine life in the bays of Rosa Blanca and Sardina, as well as a visit to the beautiful Kicker Rock. Each stop will be described briefly below.

This trip begins at the main pier on San Cristobal Island and includes five stops in the following order:

  • Rosa Blanca (snorkeling)
  • Punta Pitt (photo opportunity)
  • Bahía Sardina (snorkeling)
  • Punta Pucuna & Cerro Brujo (photo opportunity)
  • Kicker Rock (snorkeling)

You can also see how we captured 360 tour in our big video about traveling to the Galapagos Islands:

Rosa Blanca

Rosa Blanca stop during Tour 360 Galapagos

Rosa Blanca is a tiny bay on San Cristobal Island ‘s northeast coast. It is well-known for its several little beaches, the primary draw is the biggest beach in the bay’s center, which is flanked by sand dunes.

Rosa Blanca Lagoon for snorkelling during Tour 360T

Rosa Blanca is a popular tourist attraction due to the unusual mix of these dunes and the bay’s pristine waters. Visitors may also snorkel in the area and see water life such as sharks, rays, and sea turtles.

Stingray Tour 360

We grabbed the opportunity to snorkel and enjoyed the wonderful view of the rich marine life in the Galapagos. Even after a few days of staying in the Galapagos Islands and doing a lot of snorkeling activities, I still never get tired of doing it and discovering the interesting wildlife under the Galapagos waters.

Punta Pitt view from the water

Punta Pitt is a brief lunch break with a demonstration of traditional local fishing. We didn’t disembark here, but we could see the odd topography and check for uncommon bird species like the Red-footed Booby from a distance.

The Galápagos coastline, like many others, is swarming with sea lions. Punta Pitt is the only spot in the Galapagos where you may observe all three kinds of Boobies, as well as the two types of frigates that nest here.

The three booby species cohabit because each has its own domain: Nazca boobies nest along the cliffs, red-footed boobies live among the bushes near the cliffs, and blue-footed boobies nest further inland.

Bahía Sardina

Bahia Sardina snorkelling during tour 360 San Cristobal

Bahía Sardina offers another chance for visitors to enjoy snorkeling. The appeal of Baha Sardina’s two beaches is their modest, white-sand dunes next to the clear sea, which is ideal for snorkeling. Here, you’ll get to see and swim with some marine turtles, rays, and sea lions. Sardines, octopi, lobsters, langoustines, and mullet are also common.

Punta Pucuna & Cerro Brujo

Punta Pucuna beach with volcanic view during tour 360

The sandy beach at Punta Pucuna stands in dramatic contrast to the volcanic scenery directly behind it, with lava cones towering in the backdrop.

tour 360 san cristobal galapagos

From a distance, this spot provides a stunning view of Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock. The trip will pause in this area so you may snap photos. Then, on a 45-minute trek, you’ll continue exploring the islands.

Kicker Rock or Leon Dormido

Kicker Rock during tour 360

Kicker Rock, also known as Leon Dormido by locals, is a deserted islet located 30 minutes from San Cristobal’s main pier. It appears to be a massive rock structure from off the main island, but it is actually an eroded cone of volcanic tuff (ash). It can reach a height of 148 meters (486 feet)! 

Marine life at Kicker Rock

Kicker Rock also serves as a haven for marine birds such as the Blue-footed Booby and sea lions. Numerous fish species, hammerhead sharks, sea turtles, and rays may be also found in the seas around the island.

Bottom Line

Keep in mind that this trip visits a lot of destinations and provides a wide range of experiences. However, the length of time you spend at some locations, such as Kicker Rock, may not be as long as you would want. If you are determined to see the “best” of Kicker Rock or Punta Pitt , you could consider planning separate journeys to those locations.

Overall, Tour 360º is one of the best excursions I had. The snorkeling experience is the best one I had in my life! It was a one-of-a-kind experience and I definitely recommend it to everyone planning to visit Galapagos Islands . Make sure to include Tour 360º on your Galapagos bucket list !

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About the author.

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Oleg Galeev

I'm Oleg, and together with my wife, we've explored Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, journeying through more than 20 cities ( Quito , Cuenca , Banos , Tena , Puyo , Guayaquil , Riobamba , Otavalo , Mindo and more) and nearly every island in the Galapagos (including iconic ones such as Bartolome Island , San Cristobal Island , Isabela Island , Santa Cruz Island and more). In this blog, I give you my real thoughts about each place we visited. This info can help anyone planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands or mainland Ecuador . I'm just a traveler, not a tour company, so I'm not trying to sell anything. That means I'll tell you the truth—both the good and the bad — about traveling in Ecuador based on what we experienced.

Hello! What tour company did you use for the 360 tour? Thank you!

I bought it at local agency in San Cristobal but my wife and I were lucky to get the last two spots. They tour is quite popular, I know that many people get it in advance online from Viator . You will overpay at about 30% of the cost compared to prices on the island but at least you get a spot. The tours on Galapagos are limited so if you go there high-season, I’d recommend getting it online in advance, unless you spend many days on San Cristobal and you have extra days to take the 360 tour.

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Tour 360° in San Cristobal

Let Cesar know what you think!

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Languages offered, transportation, mobile ticket.

The Galápagos is known for its stunning wildlife, and this tour takes you to some of the best wildlife attractions around San Cristobál. On this all-day tour, you’ll see famous sights like Punta Pitt, Cerro Brujo, and Kicker Rock. Along the way, you'll get to explore he volcanic scenery on hikes and snorkeling excursions. Don't worry about finding a vending machine in the middle of the ocean — snacks and lunch are included.




The tour begins with Rosa Blanca Beach on San Cristóbal, which sits on a small bay with several beaches that are best known for their scenic dunes. On a snorkeling exploration of the area, you might get to see several shark species, rays, and sea turtles.

Next, we set off for Punta Pitt to do some bird watching from the boat. As with many shorelines in the Galápagos, the shore hear is crowded with sea lions. Punta Pitt is the only location in the Galapágos where you can spot all three species of Boobies as well as the two species of frigates that nest here. All three species of booby live in harmony because each has its own territory — the Nazca boobbies nest along the cliffs, while the red-footed boobies live among the bushes that grow near the cliffs, and the blue-footed boobies make their nests farther inland.

After bird watching, you’ll set sail for Sardine Bay to do some more snorkeling. Sardine Bay comprises two beaches, both with crystal clear water that provides a home to all kinds of marine wildlife. Besides the usual rays and sea turtles, you can also expect to see sardines, octopi, lobsters, langoustines, and mullet — to name just a few.

Punta Pucuna’s sandy beach provides the stark contrast to the volcanic landscape just behind the beach, with lava cones rising in the background. This area offers a splendid view of Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock from a distance. The tour pauses so you have a chance to take some photographs. Then, you’ll continue to explore the islands on a 45-minute hike.

The next leg of the trip bring you two of the most well-known sights around San Cristobál — Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock. You’ll take a panga ride to boat around a rocky outcrop of Cerro Brujo, which is the remains of a collapsed volcanic tuff. Kicker Rock is another volcanic formation, which first appeared when a sharp spike of lava erupted from below the water’s surface. You’ll notice lots of marine birds perching on the rock before donning your snorkeling gear for an hour-long snorkel.

This snorkeling exploration takes place in the canal next to Kicker Rock. At the opening of the canal, you’ll be in water that’s about 115 feet (35 m) deep and ends at a depth of 39 feet (12 m). While you’re here, you’ll have the chance to see black tip sharks, white tips sharks, Galápagos sharks, hammerhead sharks, eagle rays, sea turtles, and sea lions.



Your tour begins with an unforgettable visit to Kicker Rock. which is located just off the coast of San Cristobal. The main shaft of Kicker Rock juts an impressive 500 feet (152 m) out of the ocean, an explosion of lava from an underwater volcano that’s frozen in time. This is a favorite spot for marine birds and a diverse population of underwater wildlife. To get a better look at this diversity, you’ll go snorkeling in the canal next to Kicker Rock, where you can see black tip sharks, white tip sharks, Galapagos sharks, hammerhead sharks, eagle rays, sea turtles, and sea lions. The depth of the canal varies from 115 feet (35 m) deep to 39 feet (12 m). Next, you’ll visit Cerro Brujo, exploring the borders of this collapsed volcanic cone on a panga ride.

Next up, you’ll continue to Punta Pucuna, a popular fishing spot near San Cristobal. It only takes a short boat ride to reach this small bay’s three beaches. You’ll see Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock in the distance, so make sure you have your camera ready. While you’re here, you’ll take a 45-minute hike over lava rocks and appreciate more of the view.

After your hike, you’ll make your way to Sardine Bay, which provides a healthy habitat for sardines, octopus, lobsters, langoustines, and mullet. It has two beaches with small white sand dunes that sit next to crystal clear waters — ideal conditions for snorkeling. Take a peek under the waves to meet sea turtles, rays, and sea lions.

The following stop is at one of Galapápagos Islands’ main birdwatching hotspots. At Punta Pitt, you can observe three different species of boobies — blue footed boobies, red-footed boobies, and Nazca boobies — all of which occupy their own little corners of the island. Besides all the birds, you’ll also see plenty of sea lions crowding the shores.

Then, you’ll head back San Cristobal Island to see the bay of Rosa Blanca. This small bay is on the northeast side of the island, just a few minutes from Montones de Arena and Veinte Varas. Rosa Blanca’s main attraction is the big beach that’s surrounded by dunes. Local fishermen come to this area to catch wahoo, butterfish, horse eye jack, mullet and cod. Go snorkeling here to observe shark species, rays, and sea turtles.

What to Bring

What's included, similar things to do, san cristobal highlands tour, punta pitt tour, espanola island tour, kicker rock - leon dormido island tour, lobo island and ochoa beach, fc millennium cruise galápagos islands, culinary & cultural encounters, adventure sports, hidden local gems, photo opportunities, mind & body rejuvenation, easy sightseeing, city-life energy, rugged exploration, rest & relaxation, romantic moments, mind-blowing vistas, off-the-beaten-path exploration.

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galapagos 360 tour

360 Tour | San Cristóbal

Duration: approximately 9 hours Start 07:00 am – Travel Agency Office Finish 17:00 pm – Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

  • Trip Type Day Trips , Tours
  • Activities Fishing , Hiking , Snorkeling
  • Group Size 1 Min - 10 Max
  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Locations San Cristóbal
  • Trip Duration N/A
  • Trip Outline
  • Trip Includes

San Cristobel 360 Degrees Day Tour

Our first stop is Rosa Blanca is a small bay located northeast of San Cristóbal island, the main attracition is the  large beach where you can see many birds and fish. Here you have the option to walk along the beach or guided snorkel to see sharks, rays and other marine life.

Next we visit  Pitt Point in the north of the island.  The boat trip takes about 45 minutes and you will see the amazing coastline with red, brown and black volcanic formations. Pitt Point is a natural bird farm where frigates nest and red, black and blue- footed boobies, can only be seen from the boat. The boat anchors here for lunch before heading to Sardina Bay.

At Sardina Bay we go ashore to the coral sand beach and take a guided walk to see iguanas, turtles  and birds nesting. Then we cruise past Witches Hill for a photo stop before heading to our last stop at Kicker Rock for another snorkeling adventure in open sea. The water is very deep and is known for many types of sharks, inlcuding hammerheads.  We then return to  Puerto Baquerizo Moreno where our adventure concludes

Lunch, snacks, tea and coffee on the boat Wet suit, mask and fins Bilingual guide Spanish / English Shared boat for sightseeing

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About this trip


A Complete 10 day Galapagos 360 experience! 

Start:  Baltra

End: San Cristobal

Small plane flight from Isabela to San Cristobal is included. 

Enjoy our magical 10 days Galapagos Adventure!

Ideal for adventure loving travelers who want to experience it all, we've got the "Galapagos 360 Tour " that takes you to enjoy a complete tour around some of the best spots in Galapagos.  

Be prepared to be amazed by breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife, this is what makes the Galapagos Islands one of the most fascinating places in the world!

On this  10 Day Galapagos 360 Island Hopping tour , you will explore the Galapagos with outstanding service on a sustainable tour , for a great price!

For each Smart Traveler on this Adventure tour, we will plant trees at no additional cost for you! 

1) Santa Cruz    2) North Seymour     3) Isabela       4) San Cristobal     5)Santa Fé

We can accommodate to any flights. It is recommended to book an early arrival and a late departure flight to have extra time for more activities.

Inter-Island flights on a private small plane IS INCLUDED.



Young Spirit adventure loving travelers. Adrenaline pumping adventure people that crave a taste of everything without breaking the bank. Ideal tour for Smart travelers seeking a complete & unique SMART experience. 

Perfect for nature lovers with a twist of light adventure. 

-Beautiful hand-picked Hotels on every island with private rooms with A/C and private clean bathrooms with hot water. 24/7 filtered water, coffee and tea. Great location and service. 


      Cozy, comfortable, clean and great location!  The Smartest option for for adventure loving travelers looking for a clean room, good breakfast and a smart service!. A/C & private bathroom. Perfect for couples and families!


       Charming & elegant! Close to everything, these classy hotels offer great location, views and service! A/C & private bathroom. Our hand-picked selection of Premium hotels are the Smartest option for those seeking a Superior hotel. 

  • Smart service   We provide truly personal service & advise previous and during your tour. Receive our complete SMART TIPS guide for your tour.
  • Guided tours Profesional bilingual guide on tours. As indicated in itinerary
  • Transfers in/out All transfers as in itinerary.
  • Local guide Local guide on visits (transfer from/to airport)
  • Accommodation Hand-picked hotels on Comfort or Premium category.
  • Meals Meals as included in itinerary
  • Entrance to Ranch Entrance to private Ranch to see Giant Tortoises (self-guided walk)
  • Snorkel equipment Snorkel equipment during navigable tours
  • Inter Island transport All transportation between islands
  • CO2 carbon footprint offset. We will plant trees on your behalf for traveling Smart.
  • Lobito bus & Ferry Lobito Bus from Baltra airport to Itabaca Channel & Ferry


  • Flights International and national flights
  • National Park Entrance Galapagos National Park Entrance fee ($100 foreigners). Must be paid in cash at the airport (No ATM machines). *Price change on August 2024.
  • INGALA $20 transit control card
  • Credit card fee 2.9% 2.9% credit card fee. US bank transfer is free
  • Alcoholic drinks & tips Alcoholic drinks and tips not included
  • Travel Insurance Medical or travel insurance is not included. Guests must get their own travel insurance
  • Service tips and water taxis


- Walk inside petrified Lava Tunnels.

- See Giant Galapagos Tortoises on their natural habitat.  

- Yacht tour to the beautiful island of North Seymour and relax at "Bachas beach"

- Trekking tour to an active Volcano in Isabela Island with amazing views.

- Snorkel at "Concha de Perla" with huge Marine Turtles.

- Kayaking tour to see penguins at Tintoreras Islet with snorkel.

- Navigable tour to the amazing Kicker Rock, Sardine Bay and more in San Cristobal Island.

- Enjoy one of the best snorkeling spots at the incredible Lava Tunnels and Cabo Rosas in Isabela. 

- Tour to "Channel of Love", Dog's beach and "Las Grietas" + snorkel 

- Visit "La Galapaguera" and Puerto Chino

- Snorkel at Santa Fé Island and visit "Hidden Beach"

*Optional upgrade: * Dive in search of Hammerhead Sharks at North Seymour Island (Discovery diving is available at no extra cost if you don't have previous diving experience).

- Yachting tour to the breathtaking Bartholomew Island.

Available Packages

Price per person. Based in double or triple rooms. 

Price per person

Kids accompanied by minimum one adult


Toddler under two years of age accompanied by one adult 

70% discount

Single traveler


Available options

Price Per Person

Snorkeling tour to Kicker Rock 

For diving please contact us first

galapagos 360 tour

After your arrival, we will pick you up at the airport in Baltra Island and cross to Itabaca Channel and then take you to Santa Cruz Island to your selected hotel at the beautiful town of Puerto Ayora. On the way we will make a short visit "Los Gemelos" volcanic formations and a private Ranch where we will see Giant Galapagos Tortoises on their natural habitat. We will also walk inside a petrified lava tunnel!

Enjoy a special welcome dinner in front of the sea at one of the best restaurants in town!

Accommodation at your selected hotel

galapagos 360 tour

Breakfast at your hotel and then we pick you up to take our comfortable yacht that will take us to the incredible island of North Seymour . This uninhabited island is one of our favorites for animal lovers. Here you will see a large colony of Blue-footed boobies and the extremely photogenic Great Frigate birds . Also lookout for swallow-tailed gulls, marine iguanas, land iguanas , sea lions and more. 

North Seymour is particularly famous for its elegant Frigate birds that, during mating season, rewards us with the vision (and photographs) of males inflating their guttural pouch into an enormous scarlet-red balloon to attract the females. 

After a delicious lunch onboard the yacht, we head to Bachas Beach , a beautiful white coralline expanse. This is the perfect place for practicing snorkeling, swimming or to simply enjoy the white soft sand. Several brackish lagoons only a few steps away from the sea provide feeding grounds for various wading birds, from stilts to flamingos .

Overnight at your Hotel. 

* This tour can be changed to Bartholomew, Plazas or Santa Fé Islands depending on the day of the week and availability. Your SMART GALAPAGOS travel advisor will let you know with time. 

galapagos 360 tour

After breakfast we will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the pier for a great snorkeling day tour to Santa Fé Island. We will snorkel with abundant marine wildlife at a beautiful turquoise lagoon and then head to "Hidden" beach . Lunch on board. Sport Fishing (Catch & release) might be practiced.

Return to your hotel and in then enjoy a free afternoon walking to the famous white beach of Tortuga Bay (a beautiful beach top 5 in the world). Swim in "Playa Mansa" and enjoy kayaking if you'd like (not included $10 pp). 

Special dinner at one of the most beautiful restaurants in town.

A good night sleep at your selected hotel.

*Optional upgrade: Premium Yacht tour to Bartholomew Island and Pinnacle Rock. 

Enjoy a day yachting to the amazing Bartholomew Island with the famous Pinnacle Rock. Here we can spot some playful Galapagos penguins. Lunch on board included. Snorkel and relax at a beautiful beach away from the crowds. 

*Or Plazas, North Seymour or Santa Fé Islands.

Special dinner in front of the sea at one of the most beautiful restaurants in Galapagos! 

*Optional upgrade: Diving (or Discovery Diving) tour to North Seymour. 

Perfect spot to dive with abundant marine life, this excellent diving spot is ideal for divers and non divers alike. Great spot to see Hammerhead Sharks, White Tip Sharks, rays and much more. 

galapagos 360 tour

After a nice breakfast,, we pick you up from your hotel and go to the pier to start a 3 hour bay tour . Snorkeling and walking guided tour to "Lobos Island", Love Channel, "Las Grietas" and "Playa de los Perros" (Dog's Beach). 

Return to your hotel at 1pm. Pick up from your hotel and transfer to the pier to board the fast boat to Isabela Island. 

Pick up from the Pier in Isabela Island and transfer to your hotel. 

Dinner included in front of the sea. 

galapagos 360 tour

After breakfast we will pick you up to start our navigable tour to the incredible Lava Tunnels and Cabo Rosas . Here we will have the chance to snorkel with amazing marine animals such as White Tip (Friendly) sharks, rays, Marine Turtles and even get to see Penguins and Sea Horses .  (This Off the Beaten path tour is one of the best hidden gems in Galapagos)

This magical place has historically been filmed by BBC and National Geographic for their documentaries. It is a labyrinth of lava arches comprised of crystal clear water full of sea turtles, eagle rays, sea lions, sharks and more. The turtles navigate their own highway from the mangroves to the open sea through "Los Tuneles".

Then we will walk over the tunnels to see land animals such as the beautiful Blue-Footed boobies . Lunch on board before returning to your hotel for a relaxed afternoon at the beach.

galapagos 360 tour

Breakfast + pick up from your hotel to start our way to Sierra Negra Volcano + Trekking to the crater (2nd biggest oceanic crater in the world) + Trekking to the active "Volcán Chico" to enjoy some amazing views of Isabela Island (4h30 walk) + Box lunch. 

Dinner in front of the sea. 

*Upgrade to Tintoreras: Walking or Kayaking tour. Snorkel included. 

galapagos 360 tour

After breakfast,  we will pick you up at your hotel to take you to the pier to start our kayaking tour in search of the penguins at Tintoreras Islet. Snorkel at Concha de Perla included. 

After lunch we will pick you up and take you to the airport for your small plane private flight to San Cristobal Island. 45 minute flight with outstanding views of Galapagos. Upon arrival, we will pick you up and take you to your hotel. 

Enjoy a free afternoon to relax at Playa Mann, snorkel at Tijeretas and walk to Tijeretas Hill before reaching Playa Punta Carola for an amazing sunset surrounded by Sea Lions. 

*OPTIONAL FREE TOUR: Change your Kayaking tour for a walking tour to Tintoreras Islet. Visit colonies of marine iguanas and see many sharks from land. Ideal tour for families ! Snorkel at La Galera. (+$0)

galapagos 360 tour

Breakfast at your hotel and then we pick you up and drive to "La Galapaguera" breeding center, "El Junco" lagoon for a short walk and then to "Puerto Chino" beach (enjoy beach time on your own). Pick up and transfer back to your hotel or visit "La Lobería Beach". 

Accommodation at your selected hotel. 

*Upgrade: Snorkeling or diving tour to Kicker Rock. For Diving contact us.

galapagos 360 tour

After an early breakfast, start our navigable day tour around all San Cristobal Island .  This tour consist on going around the island of San Cristobal, where you can see Frigate birds, Boobies, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Sea Turtles, Hammerhead sharks, Sea-gulls, marine iguanas and many more. 

It takes around 7h30. 

Visit: Kicker Rock , Cerro Brujo, Bahía Sardina, go around Punta Pitt, Bahía Rosa Blanca. 

Snorkel 80% - Walk on the Beach 20%

You can also experience sport fishing on this tour. 

Farewell Dinner at a nice restaurant in town. 

After return relax at your selected hotel for a good overnight sleep. 


Special sunset on board our boat to finish the tour the best way possible! Enjoy watching the sunset on a beautiful place on a private boat with beer or wine, sashimi & Ceviche. Sport fishing is also available.  (+$100 pp)

galapagos 360 tour

Breakfast + Free morning to enjoy San Cristobal Island + Transfer out to the airport 



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    I advise everyone who goes to San Cristobal to do this 360 tour, with Fabrizio from the agency, it was for me the best day of my entire stay in Galapagos (10 days). Everything was excellent, from the boat to the guide with incredible snorkeling (sharks eating fish, eagle rays, turtles, sea lions with whom we have played a lot 😍)! Really a charm.

  10. Full Day Tour 360 San Cristobal

    Full Day Galapagos 360 Tour from San Cristobal (naturalist guide) 4. Full-day Tours. from . $245.00. per adult. Full day San Cristobal Tour - 360 Degrees. 6. Full-day Tours. from . ... Absolutely DANGEROUS AND NOT SAFE. Please, do your research before booking any tour in the Galapagos. I hope this review helps many. Stay safe. Read more ...

  11. 360 Tour in San Cristobal, Galapagos: Full-Day Tour

    The 360 Tour in San Cristobal is the tour you have to book in order to really understand the size of the island, its fauna, and flora, and see all its different landscapes. It's a daily tour and you will go by speed boat around the entire San Cristobal island. The exact tour depends on the day but it passes obligatorily in Bahia Rosa Blanca ...

  12. Eco-Challenger Galapagos Tour Agency

    Most recommended Daily Tours in the Galapagos Islands. Departure every day. Tour 360 . San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands 1 día English / Spanish. Book from 197.00 usd. Start the adventure. ... 360 tour big boat 12 people couldn't have asked for a better customer service experiencehave asked for a better customer ...

  13. Full Day Galapagos 360 Tour from San Cristobal (naturalist guide)

    About. Explore the underwater world of the Galapagos Islands with this all-inclusive day tour from San Cristobal. The San Cristobal Galapagos 360 Tour includes boat transportation, snorkeling equipment, lunch, and a local naturalist guide. On board the Hammerhead you will navigate through Cerro Brujo, Sardina Bay and the Punta Pitt trail.

  14. Full Day Galapagos 360 Tour From San Cristobal (Naturalist Guide)

    Company Information. Viator, founded in 1997, is a reputable company that offers the Galapagos 360 Tour from San Cristobal, providing travelers with a unique and enriching experience in the Galapagos Islands.Viator Operations and Company Policies ensure a smooth booking process and a reliable tour experience:. Operational Excellence: Viator has been operating since 1997, ensuring a wealth of ...

  15. 360° Tour

    The 360 tour takes you to places around San Cristobal Island where the man does not arrive except for the 360 tour, exotic places, beaches, marine life, an ideal tour for a one day stay on the island, such as Sardines Beach, White Rose beach with short hiking around 15min to the natural pool full of white tip reef sharks, sea turtles, Stop for ...

  16. Our Experience at Tour 360º at San Cristobal Island, Galapagos

    Tour 360 takes you around San Cristóbal in around 5 hours to view the most important sights. This tour includes snorkeling with marine life in the bays of Rosa Blanca and Sardina, as well as a visit to the beautiful Kicker Rock. ... The tours on Galapagos are limited so if you go there high-season, I'd recommend getting it online in advance ...

  17. Best Tour in the Galapagos Islands! San Cristobal 360 Tour ...

    This video highlights what we're calling the best tour in the Galapagos Islands. This is the 360 tour from San Cristobal Island. We went with Sunnlandtours a...

  18. Full Day Tour 360 San Cristobal

    per adult (price varies by group size) 6-Day Galapagos Superior Adventure (Tourist Superior Class) 2. Adventure Tours. from. £1,803.54. per adult (price varies by group size) Full-day Adventure Tour at Espanola Island (Waved Albatross Island) 2.

  19. Tour 360°, San Cristobal

    TOUR 360 (MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY) MONDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 07:30 AM DEPARTURE / UNTIL 16:30 PM ... Galapagos sharks, hammerhead sharks, eagle rays, sea turtles, and sea lions. The depth of the canal varies from 115 feet (35 m) deep to 39 feet (12 m). Next, you'll visit Cerro Brujo, exploring the borders of this collapsed ...

  20. Full day San Cristobal Tour

    4-Day Galapagos Land Tour: San Cristobal and Santa Cruz Island. 1. Adventure Tours. from . $1,002.00. per adult (price varies by group size) SPECIAL OFFER. 8 Day Full Pack Galapagos Multi-Sport Adventure (4-5 Island Tour) 2. ... Full day San Cristobal Tour - 360 Degrees provided by Perfect Destiny.

  21. 360 Tour

    San Cristobel 360 Degrees Day Tour. Our first stop is Rosa Blanca is a small bay located northeast of San Cristóbal island, the main attracition is the large beach where you can see many birds and fish. Here you have the option to walk along the beach or guided snorkel to see sharks, rays and other marine life. ...

  22. 10 DAY

    On this 10 Day Galapagos 360 Island Hopping tour, you will explore the Galapagos with outstanding service on a sustainable tour, for a great price! For each Smart Traveler on this Adventure tour, we will plant trees at no additional cost for you! ISLANDS: 1) Santa Cruz 2) North Seymour 3) Isabela 4) San Cristobal 5)Santa Fé FLIGHTS: We can ...

  23. Full Day Tour 360 San Cristobal

    Discover the underwater world of the Galapagos Islands on a full-day snorkel tour from San Cristobal. Provided transportation takes you to three of the area's top snorkel sites: Rosa Blanca, Sardinia Bay, and Kicker Rock. Keep your eyes peeled for hammerhead sharks, sea turtles, rays, and even octopuses. Reserve now and save yourself the hassle of booking a tour last minute after your ...