How To Access Blocked Websites At School Without VPN

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As a student, you may have encountered the frustration of trying to access certain websites at school only to find them blocked. Whether it’s social media platforms, streaming sites, or online gaming portals, school administrators often restrict access to these websites to maintain focus on academic activities. While these restrictions have their reasons, it can be frustrating when you need to access blocked websites for research or personal use.

Fortunately, there are methods to bypass these restrictions and access blocked websites at school without using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs are commonly used to encrypt internet traffic and disguise the user’s location, but they may not always be available or allowed on school networks. In this article, we will explore alternative methods to access blocked websites that are practical and effective.

It is important to note, however, that attempting to bypass school website restrictions may have consequences. Always respect your school’s policies and guidelines regarding internet usage. Use these methods responsibly and for legitimate reasons.

In the following sections, we will discuss the risks and consequences of accessing blocked websites, as well as various methods that can be employed to bypass website blocking without VPNs. Keep reading to discover these effective techniques and regain access to your favorite websites at school.

Understanding Website Blocking at School

Website blocking at schools is a practice implemented by educational institutions to regulate internet usage among students. The goal is to create a controlled online environment that fosters academic focus and prevents students from accessing potentially inappropriate or distracting content. By blocking specific websites, schools aim to ensure that students are using the internet responsibly and for educational purposes.

There are several methods that schools use to block websites. One common approach is to employ content filtering software or firewalls that restrict access to specific URLs or website categories. These filters are typically set up by network administrators and can be configured to target social media platforms, entertainment websites, or any other websites deemed unnecessary or inappropriate for educational settings.

In addition to content filtering, schools may also rely on whitelisting or blacklisting certain websites. Whitelisting allows only selected websites to be accessed, while blacklisting denies access to specific websites. By utilizing these methods, schools can exert control over the websites that students are permitted to visit during their time at school.

Website blocking at school can have both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it helps maintain a focused learning environment and reduces distractions for students. It can prevent access to harmful or potentially inappropriate content that could be detrimental to students’ well-being. On the other hand, it may limit students’ access to valuable educational resources and hinder their ability to conduct research effectively.

It’s important to understand that website blocking at school is not solely motivated by control or restriction. Educational institutions have a responsibility to protect students from online threats, ensure their safety, and encourage a responsible use of technology. However, students may occasionally find the need to access blocked websites for legitimate reasons. In the next section, we will explore the potential risks and consequences of attempting to bypass these website restrictions.

The Risks and Consequences of Accessing Blocked Websites

While accessing blocked websites at school may seem like a tempting solution to bypass restrictions, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and consequences involved. By attempting to access blocked websites, students may face disciplinary actions, loss of privileges, or even legal ramifications.

One of the primary risks of accessing blocked websites is the violation of school policies or guidelines. Most educational institutions have clear rules regarding internet usage, and circumventing website blocking is often considered a breach of these policies. Students caught attempting to bypass restrictions may face consequences such as detention, suspension, or even expulsion.

Furthermore, attempting to access blocked websites may also lead to the loss of internet privileges at school. Network administrators closely monitor internet usage and can impose temporary or permanent restrictions on students who violate the rules. Losing access to the internet can severely impact your ability to complete assignments, conduct research, or access educational resources.

In some cases, the consequences of accessing blocked websites can extend beyond the school environment. Depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the blocked content, students may inadvertently violate local laws or regulations. For example, attempting to access websites with explicit or illegal content can have serious legal implications, including fines or even criminal charges.

It is important to consider the potential risks and consequences before attempting to bypass website restrictions. While the desire to access blocked websites may be understandable, it is essential to weigh the benefits against the potential negative repercussions.

Fortunately, there are alternative methods that can allow access to blocked websites without resorting to risky behavior. In the next sections, we will explore these methods and provide guidance on how to responsibly and safely access blocked websites at school.

Methods to Access Blocked Websites Without Using a VPN

If you find yourself unable to use a VPN to access blocked websites at school, don’t worry. There are alternative methods that can help you bypass these restrictions and regain access to the websites you need. Here are several effective methods to consider:

1. Using Proxy Servers: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the blocked website. It allows you to access blocked websites by redirecting your internet traffic through a different server. There are many free proxy servers available online that can help you bypass website restrictions. Simply search for a reliable proxy server, enter the URL of the blocked website, and the proxy server will fetch the content for you.

2. Utilizing Tor Browser: Tor Browser is a secure web browser that can be used to access blocked websites without a VPN. It works by routing your internet connection through a network of volunteer-operated servers, making it difficult to trace your online activity. Tor Browser allows you to access blocked websites anonymously, providing a safe and private browsing experience.

3. Employing Web-based Proxies: Similar to proxy servers, web-based proxies allow you to access blocked websites by entering the URL into the proxy website. These proxies work directly from your web browser without requiring any additional software or configuration. However, keep in mind that some web-based proxies may have limitations in terms of speed and reliability, so it’s essential to choose a reputable and trustworthy provider.

4. Accessing Websites via Mobile Data: If your school’s website restrictions only apply to the Wi-Fi network, you can try accessing blocked websites using your mobile data. Simply switch off the Wi-Fi on your device and use your cellular network to browse the internet. This method can be useful if your mobile data plan allows for unrestricted access to websites that might be blocked on the school network.

5. Using DNS Servers: DNS (Domain Name System) servers can be used to unblock certain websites by bypassing the DNS filtering set up by your school. You can change your device’s DNS settings to use public DNS servers that may not have the same restrictions as the school’s DNS. There are several popular public DNS servers available, such as Google DNS and OpenDNS, which can help you access blocked websites.

These methods offer viable alternatives to bypass website restrictions without relying on a VPN. However, it is important to use them responsibly and for legitimate purposes. Always consider the potential consequences and follow your school’s guidelines when accessing blocked websites.

Using Proxy Servers

One effective method to access blocked websites without using a VPN is to utilize proxy servers. A proxy server acts as a middleman between your device and the website you want to visit. It allows you to bypass website restrictions by redirecting your internet traffic through a different server that is not blocked.

Here’s how you can use proxy servers to access blocked websites at school:

1. Find a Reliable Proxy Server: Start by searching for a reliable proxy server that is accessible from your school’s network. There are numerous free proxy servers available online. Look for reputable providers that offer secure and fast connections.

2. Enter the URL: Once you’ve found a proxy server, access its website and locate the URL or address bar. Enter the URL of the blocked website that you want to visit. The proxy server will then fetch the content of the website and display it for you.

3. Browse the Website: After entering the URL, the proxy server will establish a connection with the blocked website on your behalf. You can now browse the website as if you were directly accessing it. Keep in mind that the browsing experience may be slightly slower due to the additional network hops involved.

Proxy servers work by masking your IP address and making it appear as if you are accessing the website from a different location, thereby bypassing the restrictions in place. This method allows you to access blocked websites without the need for a VPN.

However, it’s important to remember that not all proxy servers are reliable or secure. Exercise caution when using proxy servers, especially free ones, as they may compromise your internet privacy or expose you to malicious content. Stick to reputable proxy server providers with positive user reviews to ensure a safe browsing experience.

Additionally, be aware that proxy servers may not be suitable for accessing websites that require secure connections, such as online banking or shopping platforms. In such cases, it’s best to use the website’s official app or access it through a trusted, secure network.

By utilizing proxy servers, you can bypass website restrictions and gain access to blocked websites at school. Remember to use them responsibly, adhere to your school’s policies, and respect the purpose for which the website blocking is implemented.

Utilizing Tor Browser

If you are unable to use a VPN to access blocked websites at school, another effective method to consider is utilizing the Tor Browser. Tor (The Onion Router) is a secure web browser that allows you to access blocked websites while maintaining your anonymity.

Here’s how you can use Tor Browser to access blocked websites:

1. Download and Install Tor Browser: Start by downloading the Tor Browser from the official Tor Project website. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android devices. Follow the installation instructions provided by the website to set up the browser on your device.

2. Launch Tor Browser: Once the installation is complete, launch the Tor Browser. Tor employs a network of volunteer-operated servers to redirect your internet traffic, making it difficult to trace your online activity and location.

3. Connect to the Tor Network: When you open Tor Browser, it will automatically connect to the Tor network. This process might take a few moments, as it establishes a connection with multiple servers to ensure your anonymity and security.

4. Access Blocked Websites: With Tor Browser successfully connected to the Tor network, you can now use it to access blocked websites. Simply enter the URL of the website you want to visit into the browser’s address bar, and Tor will route your connection through its network, bypassing the website blocking in place.

One of the key advantages of using Tor Browser is its ability to protect your online privacy and anonymity. It encrypts your internet traffic and prevents it from being easily traced back to your device or location. This added layer of security can be especially useful when accessing blocked websites in a school environment.

However, it’s important to note that Tor browsing can sometimes be slower compared to regular browsing due to the multiple network hops your data goes through. Additionally, some websites may have security measures in place that block access from Tor exit nodes, so you may encounter occasional access issues.

By utilizing the Tor Browser, you can access blocked websites at school without a VPN while maintaining your privacy. Remember to use Tor responsibly, respect your school’s policies, and avoid engaging in any illegal activities while browsing.

Employing Web-based Proxies

If you are looking for an alternative method to access blocked websites without a VPN, employing web-based proxies can be a viable solution. Web-based proxies allow you to bypass website restrictions by accessing blocked websites through a proxy website. These proxies work directly from your web browser without requiring any additional software or configuration.

Here’s how you can use web-based proxies to access blocked websites:

1. Search for Web-based Proxies: Start by searching for reputable web-based proxies that are accessible from your school’s network. There are numerous providers available online that offer proxy services for free. Look for proxies that have positive user reviews and a good track record of reliability.

2. Access the Proxy Website: Once you find a suitable web-based proxy, access its website from your web browser. The proxy website will serve as an intermediary between your device and the blocked website you want to visit.

3. Enter the URL: On the proxy website, you will usually find an input field or an address bar where you can enter the URL of the blocked website you wish to access. Simply type in the URL and click on the appropriate button to proceed.

4. Browse the Website: After entering the URL, the web-based proxy will fetch the content of the blocked website on your behalf and display it in your browser. You can now browse the website as if you were accessing it directly, while the proxy server handles the communication with the blocked website.

Web-based proxies provide a convenient way to bypass website restrictions without the need for additional software installations. However, it’s essential to exercise caution when using free web-based proxies, as some may be unreliable or pose security risks. Stick to reputable providers and avoid entering sensitive information on websites accessed through a proxy.

Keep in mind that web-based proxies may have limitations in terms of speed, reliability, and stability. Additionally, some advanced website blocking measures employed by schools may be able to detect and block proxy websites. If you find that a particular web-based proxy is not working, you can try switching to a different one or explore other methods mentioned in this article.

By employing web-based proxies, you can effectively access blocked websites at school without the need for a VPN. However, always use them responsibly, adhere to your school’s internet usage policies, and respect the purpose for which the website blocking is implemented.

Accessing Websites via Mobile Data

If you find that certain websites are blocked on your school’s Wi-Fi network, a practical solution to access those sites is by utilizing your mobile data. By switching off the Wi-Fi on your device and using your cellular network, you can bypass the website restrictions imposed on the school network and gain access to blocked websites.

Here’s how you can access blocked websites via mobile data:

1. Disable Wi-Fi: Start by disabling the Wi-Fi on your device. This can usually be done by swiping down on your device’s screen to access the quick settings panel, then tapping the Wi-Fi icon to turn it off. Alternatively, you can go to your device’s settings and toggle the Wi-Fi off.

2. Enable Mobile Data: Once the Wi-Fi is disabled, you can enable mobile data on your device. Again, access the quick settings panel or go to your device’s settings and toggle the mobile data option on.

3. Launch Your Web Browser: With mobile data enabled, open your web browser and navigate to the website you want to access. Since you are using your cellular network for internet connectivity, you should be able to bypass any website restrictions imposed on the school Wi-Fi network.

Accessing websites via mobile data can be a straightforward and effective way to overcome website blocking at school. Many schools only restrict access to specific websites on their Wi-Fi network, allowing you to freely browse the internet using your own mobile data plan.

Keep in mind, however, that using your mobile data to access blocked websites may have limitations depending on your data plan and network coverage. Ensure that you have an adequate mobile data plan that allows for unrestricted access to websites, and be mindful of any additional charges that may apply if you exceed your data limit.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the speed and reliability of your mobile data connection. Depending on your location and network congestion, the browsing experience via mobile data may differ from using Wi-Fi. Some websites may load slower due to variations in network performance.

Overall, accessing websites via mobile data provides a viable alternative to bypass website restrictions at school. However, it’s important to follow your school’s guidelines and only use this method for legitimate purposes and during appropriate times.

Using DNS Servers

If you’re looking for a method to access blocked websites without a VPN, using DNS (Domain Name System) servers can be an effective solution. DNS servers convert domain names into their corresponding IP addresses, allowing your device to connect to the desired website. By changing your device’s DNS settings, you can bypass the DNS filtering set up by your school and access blocked websites.

Here’s how you can use DNS servers to access blocked websites:

1. Identify Public DNS Servers: There are several public DNS servers available that may not have the same restrictions as your school’s DNS. Popular options include Google DNS (, and OpenDNS (, Research and select a DNS server that suits your needs.

2. Change DNS Settings: On your device, locate the network settings and find the DNS settings section. It may be under the Wi-Fi or Internet settings, depending on your device. Replace the default DNS server addresses with the addresses of the public DNS server you have chosen.

3. Save and Apply Changes: After entering the new DNS server addresses, save the changes and apply them. Your device will now use the new DNS server to resolve domain names when accessing websites.

By using alternative DNS servers, your device bypasses the DNS filtering set up by your school, allowing you to access blocked websites. It’s important to note that changing DNS settings affects the entire device and all network connections associated with it, so this method may not be suitable if you share the device with others who utilize the school network.

While using alternative DNS servers can be an effective way to access blocked websites, it’s crucial to consider the possible limitations. Some school networks may employ more advanced website blocking methods that cannot be bypassed solely by changing DNS settings. Additionally, the effectiveness of this method may vary depending on the restrictions and network configuration set by your school.

It’s also worth noting that using public DNS servers can impact your browsing experience, as the speed and reliability of these servers may differ from your school’s DNS. It’s advisable to test different DNS servers to find one that provides optimal performance and reliability for your needs.

By utilizing alternative DNS servers, you can potentially bypass website restrictions set up by your school and gain access to blocked websites. However, always use this method responsibly and adhere to your school’s policies regarding internet usage.

Accessing blocked websites at school without a VPN is definitely possible with the right methods and precautions. While schools have website restrictions in place to create a focused learning environment, there are times when accessing certain websites for research or personal use becomes necessary. By employing methods such as using proxy servers, utilizing Tor Browser, employing web-based proxies, accessing websites via mobile data, or using alternative DNS servers, students can successfully bypass these restrictions.

It is important to remember, however, that attempting to access blocked websites may come with risks and consequences. Violating school policies can lead to disciplinary actions or loss of internet privileges. Additionally, engaging in illegal activities or accessing inappropriate content can have more severe legal ramifications. Therefore, it is crucial to use these methods responsibly, respect school guidelines, and only access blocked websites for legitimate purposes.

When utilizing these methods, it is advisable to choose reputable proxy servers or web-based proxies, install Tor Browser from the official website, ensure a reliable mobile data plan, and opt for trusted public DNS servers. By doing so, students can enhance their chances of successfully accessing blocked websites while maintaining their safety and privacy.

It’s also important to remember that website blocking techniques employed by schools may evolve over time. Therefore, staying informed about the latest restrictions and exploring new methods that emerge can be valuable in accessing blocked websites in the future.

Ultimately, while it can be frustrating to encounter website restrictions, understanding the rationale behind them and using alternative methods responsibly can help students navigate these challenges effectively. By utilizing the methods discussed in this article, students can gain access to the information and resources they need while maintaining a respectful and responsible approach to internet usage.

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5 Ways to Bypass Blocked Sites Without Using Proxies or VPNs

You're at work or school, but want to view a blocked website. Here are several methods you can try—no proxy or VPN needed.

Picture the scene. You're at work or school, and in your downtime, you want to peruse a website. Maybe you want to check your social media feeds or need to watch YouTube for research purposes... but it's blocked.

You could use a proxy service or VPN, but proxies might be blocked too, and VPNs require additional effort (and payment in some instances). So how can you open banned sites without a VPN or proxy? Is there a way to access restricted sites and bypass Wi-Fi firewalls at school, college, and work?

Sites are blocked for a reason: in schools, for instance, it's likely for safeguarding, i.e. protecting students from harmful content. We don't endorse anyone getting round such blocks put in place for good reason; however, in some cases, material can be banned accidentally by overzealous filters or you might need access for research.

1. How to Access Banned Websites Using Short Links Without a Proxy

This is a hugely popular method because it works in most cases. However, that also means administrators are getting wise to it. Still, it should definitely be your first port of call.

Shortened URLs became prominent due to Twitter: back when addresses counted towards the character limit, using short links was a way of condensing a tweet. It's incredibly easy to do. You just copy a URL into a service like Bitly or TinyURL , and it'll give you something like:

Insert it into the address bar, and you should be redirected to where you want to go, bypassing any blocks that might be in place—fingers crossed.

2. Access Restricted Sites Using an IP Address

This way is somewhat comparable to going through shortened links. Though website URLs are blocked, IP addresses might not be.

A URL is a domain name, an IP address translated into words. So while you can see the MUO domain name at the top of this page, the IP address is

How do you find the IP address of a restricted website? In the Windows search bar, search for "Command Prompt." Then type in "tracert" and the desired domain name, and then click Enter . The IP address should appear, and you can copy this into the search bar of your browser.

Most browsers default to HTTPS, so you'll likely see a warning that your connection is not private . If you're sure you want to proceed, you can continue regardless.

3. How to Use Translation Services to Access Blocked Sites

You're probably familiar with services like Google Translate or Microsoft Translator. Many search engines and browsers offer translation options . Their standard offering is changing one language into another, so you can convert any sentence from English to Japanese, Urdu, French, etc., and back again.

It also translates whole websites—whether you actually need them translated or not. And that's why it's helpful here too.

Visit your chosen translation service. Whatever the site, follow the instructions and type the URL into the text box. For Google Translate, for example, you'll need to change the tab to Websites as it defaults to "Text". Now, click on the link in the translation output. You'll be redirected to it, but chances are that the blocks used otherwise will miss the page as it'll appear under a different address. It will look something like:

It's not perfect. It'll struggle with video streaming, adverts, and social media sites, for example, and responsive pages won't be as smooth as they're intended to be. Still, if it's an article you need to read for research reasons, it's ideal.

And anything you access within the translation window should also bypass your browser's restrictions!

4. Convert Pages to PDF to Access Blocked Websites

You'll generally need to sign up for this method to work. However, it's worth it, not just for reading censored pages but also for creating content that's easy to share and a pleasure to read.

There are plenty of services available online which will convert websites and more into PDFs : you just have to choose whether you want to pay for it or not.

Take Five Filters' PDF Newspaper for instance, a free PHP app that transforms articles into, effectively, a personal publication. You can read output from all your favorite sites in printable A4 or A5 sheets that are more aesthetically pleasing than RSS feeds.

You could use it to bypass blocks because Five Filters does the work of scouring a webpage for you.

It's useless for YouTube, Twitter, and viewing embedded content, but don't knock it until you've tried it. Of course, you'll need to know the exact addresses for articles, as you can't peruse a site. A simple Google search should help you with that; that is, if you know the webpage name. You could combine this technique with another method of bypassing restrictions to fully explore what you want to.

Further alternatives include PDFMyURL , , and WebToPDF (which lets you view the results in your browser or via email).

5. Tether to Your Phone to Unblock Restricted Sites

You want to view a blocked site. You don't want to bypass using a proxy or VPN. You're clearly a rebel who doesn't play by anyone's rules but your own. In such a case, you won't have any grievances about using your phone when you possibly shouldn't.

The idea here is that you use the internet via tethering your smartphone , so yes, you'll need a top quality data plan to do this. It's not worth it if you just want to read something from a censored site, but if you want to watch YouTube and nothing else is working, this should work... though it's likely to be slow.

Go to Settings . From there, the method will vary slightly depending on your operating system.

On iOS, just turn on Personal Hotspot and note the password. It'll give you the option of connecting through Wi-Fi, USB (if you were really prepared!), or Bluetooth. From there, follow the instructions in that section. To tether Android devices , you'll need to go to Network & internet and then Hotspot & tethering .

This should really only be in emergencies, however, as you risk substantial bills if you go over your data usage limits. And be aware that your organization's IT department might have blocked connection to new Wi-Fi networks.

How to Bypass Firewalls and Blocks Without a Proxy or VPN

Whether you want to access banned adult sites, visit restricted pages for research, or watch a YouTube video in college, it is possible to open restricted content without a VPN or proxy.

Not everyone has the knowledge to effectively use VPNs or proxy sites, but using these techniques, you should be more than capable of bypassing any blocks you encounter without jumping through too many hoops.

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How to access blocked websites and videos

Jim Martin

If you want to read a web page or watch a video that’s blocked, there are a few ways you can get around these restrictions.

Those restrictions might exist for different reasons. A common one is because of video licensing, meaning it’s only viewable in certain countries or regions. If an entire website is blocked, it might be because the owner doesn’t comply with data protection regulations in your region.

Alternatively, certain websites and services such as YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, TikTok and others are blocked because your work or school administrator doesn’t want you using them while you’re supposed to be working or studying.

Some governments filter the internet – China being an obvious example – but it might be that an over-eager web filter has blocked a website it shouldn’t have.

However, if you’re seeing a message telling you that the website you’re trying to visit is potentially dangerous, it might contain malware or attempt to scam you. You shouldn’t ignore these, so don’t try to get around those blocks.

As long as you’re confident the web page is safe and isn’t going to scam you, you can try using the methods below to circumvent blocks and filters. As always, we don’t condone or encourage using these methods to access content illegally. Be safe and be smart.

How to access blocked websites with Google Translate

It sounds strange, but this is a simple, effective way to bypass content filters in a lot of situations. This ‘hack’ won’t work for everyone, and it won’t work for getting to websites or videos which are region-blocked. (For those, keep reading.)

But for school and work filters, it can be surprisingly successful.

First, you need to know the URL of the website you want to visit. If you don’t know then Google it, right-click on the link and choose an option like ‘copy link address’.

Now, go to and paste in the URL you just copied such as into the left-hand pane. Pick a language, such as Spanish, and leave English as the language to translate to (assuming you speak English).

How to access blocked websites

Click the link in the right-hand pane, and the site should load. If your IT admin is already wise to this trick they might have blocked Google Translate as well. If they have, this method won’t work.

But if it hasn’t been blocked, you can now browse the website almost as normal: links work, videos should play, but you might not be able to download any files.

How to access blocked websites

How to access blocked websites using a VPN

A VPN is one of the most popular and effective methods of bypassing regional blocks.. In some cases you won’t be able to download or install a VPN, such as at work or school. But if you’re using your own device which doesn’t have parental controls enabled, you can install a VPN app very easily.

A VPN routes your internet connection through a server somewhere else in the world. All you need to do is select a location (such as country or city) in the VPN app and you can then browse the web as if you were physically in that location. You can find out how VPNs work , if you’re interested in the details.

NordVPN iPhone app

Dominik Tomaszewski / Foundry

Both free and paid-for VPNs will unblock websites. But we recommend opting for a paid VPN such as NordVPN , especially if you want to watch movies or TV shows on Netflix (or another streaming service) that aren’t available in your country.

If you don’t want to pay, then use of these free VPNs . Just know that hardly any will unblock streaming services, and all place limits on the amount of data you can have each month.

For alternative paid VPNs, read our round-up of the best VPNs .

But on many devices, including phones, you can manually configure a VPN connection in the operating system’s settings. Because each device is different, that’s not something we can cover here in detail, but you’ll need various details including the server address, your username, password and certain other information. This means you need to create an account with your chosen VPN provider first.

Access blocked websites with a proxy

Another way to get around a block is to use a proxy service. Like a VPN, it routes your internet connection through a sever, but unlike a VPN it tends to only work with specific applications (e.g. your web browser or torrent application) rather than your whole connection. It doesn’t encrypt all web traffic, either, and typically only changes your IP address to make it seem like you’re in the region where the content is viewable.

That might be fine if you just want to quickly visit a website or watch a video, but there are some downsides to a proxy when it comes to privacy and security.

Proxies are often used to access region-locked content on Hulu , Netflix , or BBC iPlayer . But they can also often be used to avoid content filters by circumventing them, hopefully allowing you to browse the web freely.

Many proxies are available as browser extensions, but that also means that they will only bypass blocked websites and web services. You can’t use a proxy to make the Spotify app work if it’s otherwise blocked: you’d need to use Spotify in your browser instead.

If you care about privacy, choose a proxy that uses HTTPS encryption.

There are free public proxies, but many have a bad reputation for collecting or selling user data, inserting ads into web pages, or stripping away encryption. This is why we recommend using a VPN. But if you only want to get around a web filter as a one-off, or can’t install a VPN app, it can be a good option.

HideMyAss is one of the best known free proxies. Try and avoid using unknown proxies and only use reputable, trusted ones. The same goes for VPN services because they can – potentially – see and record information about you and what you do on the web.

Access blocked websites with Tor

One of your other options is to use Tor , a.k.a. ‘The Onion Router’, to browse the web. Tor is the best known example of an ‘anonymity network’, and uses layered encryption (hence the name) and peer-to-peer networking to bounce your traffic around, making it extremely difficult for anyone to trace any activity back to you.

The Tor web browser is faster than it used to be, and you might not notice any slowdown depending upon your internet connection speed. It’s the sort of trade-off you might be willing to make for increased privacy, but it’s not necessarily worth it if all you want is to bypass a filter, especially if the slower speeds cause video to buffer.

There are also concerns that it’s not quite as secure as people once thought, especially if the site you’re trying to browse to doesn’t use SSL. And dependent on how paranoid you’re feeling, you might worry that using Tor will put you on some sort of government watchlist, given how popular it is with political dissidents and whistleblowers.

On the other hand, it’s totally free, and we’d recommend Tor over any of the free proxies or free VPNs for long-term browsing (though a paid VPN service still wins and you can still use Tor with some VPNs. The added security and privacy is well worth any drop in connection speeds.

Beat web filters with Google’s Public DNS

The last method you can use to try and get around web filters is to use different DNS servers than your regular ISP’s servers.

Every time you visit a website, your computer, phone, tablet or whatever device you’re using performs a DNS lookup. This converts the friendly address (such as of the web page to the IP address of the server. Your browser can display the web page only once it knows the IP address.

If DNS-based web filtering is being used on the network your device is connected to (whether that’s a residential ISP or a work or school network) then you might find you can’t visit certain websites.

But, by telling your device to use another unfiltered DNS such as Google’s own, you can get around these blocks.

Changing your devices DNS settings varies by operating system, but it will somewhere in the network settings. And Google explains how to use Google Public DNS here .

Related articles for further reading

  • How to hide your IP address
  • What is a VPN and why you need one
  • How to use a VPN
  • How to speed up a VPN
  • Best VPN services (plus free options )
  • Best VPN deals

Author: Jim Martin , Executive Editor

how to visit blocked sites at school

Jim has been testing and reviewing products for over 20 years. His main beats include VPN services and antivirus. He also covers smart home tech, mesh Wi-Fi and electric bikes.

Recent stories by Jim Martin:

  • Want to start using a VPN? Here’s how
  • How to download all photos and videos from Google Photos
  • Best free VPN services 2024

How to Unblock Websites (Ultimate Guide)

Small figures learning how to unblock websites

Blocked websites are an unfortunate reality of the online world — so much so that almost everyone runs into a block at one point or another. Thankfully, there are tons of handy tools and methods for bypassing blocks and accessing restricted content.

If you can’t access your favorite website, you’re not alone. Over 76 %  of Internet users live in countries with at least some form of online censorship. Plus, even if you don’t live somewhere with censorship, you’ve probably encountered blocks from work, school, and other places.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the many tools and methods available for unblocking websites from any device. Before we can do that, however, we’ll first have to find out why (and how) your favorite websites get blocked. Read on to learn more and start unblocking.

Why Am I Getting Blocked From a Website?

While blocks  can happen for any number of reasons, it’s usually because someone is trying to prevent you from accessing a certain website or app.

A screenshot of a blocked website

Most blocks fall into one of three major categories: Being blocked by the network you’re using (such as the WiFi at your work or school) or being blocked by the website itself. Finally, your internet service provider (ISP) or government may even block you.

No matter the block, there’s usually a workaround. However, the workaround you use depends on the type of block and what you’re trying to access. Read on to learn more about the different types of blocks and what tools you can use to bypass them.

It’s Blocked by Your Work or School

Almost everyone has had content blocked by their work or school. But why are these blocks in place, and how do they work?

The reasoning is pretty easy to guess: Schools and workplaces have a vested interest in keeping students and employees productive. As a result, they place heavy blocks on certain kinds of websites, such as social networks and online games.

Usually, your school or work network blocks websites by URL . That means whenever you enter an address into your browser  — the network compares this address to its blocklist. If the address is on the blocklist, it restricts access and blocks you.

A common way around these blocks is to reroute your browsing through a third party, such as a proxy or virtual private network (VPN).

It’s Blocked by the Government

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, most of the world’s population faces a block imposed by governments. But why?

The exact answer may vary, but it all boils down to a common trend: Governments have a vested interest in preserving their reputation among their citizens. As a result, many governments restrict access to websites that share embarrassing or incriminating information about past events.

One of the most famous examples of a government block is the “Great Firewall”  of China, which was quickly implemented after the Internet first arrived in the country in the early 1990s. The intention of the firewall is to block foreign websites and cross-border traffic that go against China’s constitution and censorship objectives.

Because of the Great Firewall, China’s population of nearly 1.5 billion people can’t access popular websites such as Google and Facebook. However, this hasn’t stopped them:  29 %  of Internet users in China bypass blocks with a VPN.

Of course, China is far from the only country that restricts its citizens’ Internet access. No matter the country, however, the blocks are usually the same, with government networks filtering web traffic based on URLs and host IP addresses.

VPNs are usually the best way to bypass government blocks. However, some users can get by using proxies and other methods .

It’s Blocked by Your ISP

While not nearly as common as the other types of blocks we’ve discussed so far, many users face blocks from their Internet service provider (ISP).

While the reasons for ISP blocks can vary, they’re usually meant to prevent web traffic that could violate local laws or the provider’s terms of service. In contrast to government-level “hard blocks,” ISP “soft blocks” are typically easier to bypass with VPNs, proxies, and other methods. Simply switching DNS servers can even bypass some ISP blocks.

Many Internet users aren’t even aware that they’re being blocked by their ISP. One common reason is that these blocks can be a valuable add-on service meant to safeguard your browsing experience. However, some ISPs may also restrict access to safeguard their own interests.

But how do you know if your ISP is behind a block? While it isn’t always easy to tell, you can usually conclude that a block is from an ISP if you can’t access a website on an otherwise unrestricted network. For example, if you live in a country without censorship and aren’t using a work or school network, then any blocks you experience are likely coming from your ISP.

It’s Geo-Restricted

Many websites block traffic from entire countries or regions. Also known as ‌”geo-restriction,” this type of block is common on streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, and more.

YouTube video unavailable due to geo-restrictions

Why bother blocking foreign traffic? Streaming services, in particular, must also follow distribution laws that dictate which countries and regions can access certain content. These laws are why your Netflix experience often changes when you enter a new country — even on the same account.

As you may have guessed, bypassing geo-restrictions requires accessing the website from an “approved” country. While that may seem impossible without travel, VPNs and proxies offer this capability by rerouting your traffic through remote foreign servers.

Another reason for other sites is that too much foreign traffic can overwhelm server resources.

You’re Banned

Sometimes blocks come from a website itself. Many popular websites such as Omegle and Twitter can ban users for violating their terms of service or promoting illegal activity.

In this case, it’s pretty easy to tell if you’re banned. But how can you get around it?

The answer varies depending on the website and the method of the ban. Account-based services such as Twitter will simply ban the account itself, meaning that you won’t be able to bypass it by simply using a VPN. Instead, you’ll have to create a new account altogether.

However, many bans are based on the user’s IP address . Instead of banning an account, a website may instead ban all traffic from the user’s IP address . VPNs and proxies are great ways to bypass these bans since they can effectively change your IP address by rerouting your traffic.

Can You Unblock a Website?

Yes, but it depends on the block. VPNs and proxies can usually bypass most restrictions, but it’s not always guaranteed.

As we’ll see in the next section, unblocking capability can vary widely between different providers and software packages. To make things even more difficult, many popular web services are constantly on the lookout for VPN and proxy server IPs, resulting in a never-ending struggle to maintain a vast pool of functional addresses.

Thankfully, even if a VPN or proxy doesn’t work for a certain service, there are still plenty of ways to bypass blocks. Read on to learn more about VPNs, proxies, and some effective alternatives to unblocking your favorite websites.

Top 4 Ways To Unblock Websites

VPNs and proxies are the most popular and effective tools for unblocking websites. However, many users also achieve great results from anonymous browsers such as DuckDuckGo . While there are many other methods for unblocking websites, these four are the most widely used.

1. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPNs are by far the most popular tool for unblocking websites. However, bypassing blocks is just a byproduct of their functionality.

True to its name, a virtual private network reroutes your traffic through its own set of secure servers, effectively extending the private network of your home, school, or work onto a virtual public network. In other words, where your traffic would normally be sent directly to a website, a VPN steps in as a “middleman” that takes your data and resends it.

Unlike a proxy, a VPN  also encrypts your outgoing traffic. As a result, both your traffic and your identity stay private and secure. As we’ll see later, this is part of the key to accessing blocked websites.

A diagram of how a VPN works

The process may sound a bit complicated, but it’s actually fairly straightforward:

  • You open the VPN client on your desktop or web browser .
  • The VPN client encrypts your outbound traffic. Depending on the provider, you may also be able to specify which apps will use the VPN (this option is known as “split tunneling”).
  • Your encrypted traffic gets sent to the VPN’s network of secure servers. Like with any connection, your traffic is divided into “packets,” each of which includes source and destination IP addresses. Here, the source IP address is that of your private home, work, or school network.
  • The VPN server removes your source IP address from each packet and replaces it with its own. In doing so, the receiving end will think that your traffic came from the VPN server, not your computer.
  • Your traffic is decrypted and received by the recipient, who won’t be aware of its true source.

Okay, so maybe not entirely straightforward. However, you likely won’t need to worry about the details of the process. Once it’s up and running, you’ll be able to browse normally while the VPN encrypts and reroutes your traffic behind the scenes.

That’s all well and good, but how does that process unblock websites?

The answer is in your IP. As many blocks and bans are IP-based (websites use it to deduce your location), replacing your IP address during rerouting is usually enough to slip through restrictions. However, as most major websites are constantly trying to block access from known VPN servers, providers need to maintain large networks of distributed servers in order to secure access.

Server numbers and capabilities vary widely between different VPN providers, however. Even a quick search for a VPN will yield hundreds of different options, with each provider having a different number and variety of servers.

As you might imagine, price also varies with performance, with top providers charging $10 or more per month to use networks with thousands of secure VPN servers. While there are some free VPNs, they often aren’t robust — and many people turn to proxies for free unblocking.

2. Use a Proxy Server

Like a VPN, a proxy also reroutes traffic through its own servers — but with a few key differences.

The biggest difference is that proxies don’t encrypt data as VPNs do. As a result, your traffic is fully visible to third parties, which can pose additional security risks if you’re using a less-than-reputable provider. Users should be careful when typing passwords or sending other secure information while using a proxy.

Diagram of how a proxy works

Most proxies also offer far fewer servers than the average VPN provider. While you may still be able to unblock websites, they probably won’t be as reliable as using a VPN.

However, these drawbacks don’t mean that proxies don’t have their place. Since they’re free and widely available, proxies offer a quick way to unblock websites and preserve anonymity. Just be careful when sending secure data and be prepared to try many different servers before you’re able to access restricted content.

3. Use a VPN/Proxy Browser Extension

Many VPNs and proxies can also come as browser extensions  (rather than full-fledged software tools).

NordVPN browser extension

These are a great option for unblocking websites. Conventional VPNs will reroute your entire connection rather than traffic sent from individual apps. While some providers do allow users to pick and choose which apps use the VPN network, you may have to pay extra for the privilege.

Another benefit of browser extensions  is that they won’t slow down your connection speed for other apps. Since VPNs add an extra step between source and destination, a slightly slower connection is always expected. However, if only the web browser is using the VPN, you’ll maintain a high connection speed for other apps while you unblock websites from the browser.

The difference isn’t quite as significant for proxies, however. Since most proxies are usually free and often overused, there’s little difference in connection speed unless the browser extension provides access to premium proxy servers.

Short for “The Onion Router,” Tor is a free, open-source network dedicated to preserving online anonymity. While its primary purpose is hiding your identity, it also has the benefit of unblocking websites by rerouting your traffic through its vast network of relays.

The Tor browser home page

While that may sound a lot like a VPN or proxy, it’s not quite the same. Where VPNs and proxies use dedicated servers, the Tor network relies on a large overlay network run entirely by volunteers.

When you use Tor, your traffic and data get rerouted through at least three volunteer relays  until there’s no identifying information left. As of 2022, the Tor network boasts over 6,000 relays.

Using the Tor network is free and easy. You can access the network by downloading the Tor browser  and simply selecting a connection. While some countries block Tor itself, you can bypass these blocks by configuring Tor to use its own network during the download. After installation, you’re good to go.

Tor does have some drawbacks, however. In order to keep your identity private, the Tor browser will often block media plugins (such as Flash) that could be manipulated into revealing identifying information. Similarly, it also automatically disables scripts, resulting in a slightly less feature-rich browsing experience.

Other Ways to Unblock Websites

While using VPNs, proxies, and the Tor network are all great ways to unblock websites, they’re not the only option — and they may even be unnecessary in certain situations.

Before shelling out for a premium VPN or replacing your favorite web browser with Tor, consider some of these simpler alternatives.

Switch from HTTP to HTTPS

One of the easiest ways to unblock certain websites is to simply switch to its HTTPS version . To do this, simply replace the “http://” in the URL with “https://”.

Using HTTPS in an address bar

These days, it’s not a surefire solution as HTTPS has become the standard for most websites. But it can be an effective way to bypass blocks on work or school networks.

In these cases, administrators usually specify a complete URL (e.g., when adding a site to their network’s blocklist. Administrators may forget to include the HTTPS variation, offering you a convenient workaround.

Use the Website’s IP Address

Similar to switching to HTTPS, you can also try using the website’s IP address instead of its URL.

To find a website’s URL, use any of the methods outlined here . Simply enter the IP address into your browser, and you should be able to access the website unless your network administrator has done the due diligence to also block the IP.

For example, one of several IP addresses for the Google homepage is Try entering this address in your browser instead of — you’ll wind up at the same place.

Use a URL Shortener

URL shorteners like TinyURL  provide another way to bypass certain blocks.

These services take an existing URL and return a shortened version that automatically redirects you to the original website. In doing so, you’re only connecting to the shortened URL and not the original, which may be blocked by your administrator. As a result, URL shorteners can sometimes do the trick for URL-based blocks and blocklists, depending on how they’re enforced.

Change Your DNS Server

Switching to a different Domain Name System (DNS) server is an effective way to unblock websites if you’ve been IP banned.

Without getting too technical, your DNS server  is responsible for linking URLs to their IP address(es) (e.g., to Since private networks and ISPs manage blocks from their DNS servers, switching to a public one is usually a good workaround.

Switching to Google’s public DNS

You can switch to a different DNS server by entering its IP address in your computer’s network settings. One of the most popular (and easy to remember) choices is Google’s public DNS server, which has an IP of

Use an Online Translators

Submitting a URL to online translators such as Google Translate  provides an alternative link that can evade many blocking filters. Simply enter the URL into the translation field, select your language, and let the translator work its magic.

Check Caches and Website Archives

Google Cache  and’s Wayback Machine store copies of every website they crawl, which are available to the public. Since you don’t need the original URL to access a cached website, it’s an effective method for viewing blocked websites — albeit older versions.

To access a cached version of a website, you can either Google search the URL and access the cache  from the results or search the Wayback Machine .

Use Opera Browser

The Opera browser includes a free built-in VPN, making it a quick and easy way to unblock websites without purchasing an expensive subscription. However, be careful: According to some reviews, it’s not the best option for securing your privacy or accessing streaming services such as Netflix.

Though there are many ways to unblock websites, VPNs remain the most popular and effective solution. With top providers offering thousands of servers spread across global networks, a VPN is a great way to access restricted content and even secure your privacy.

However, proxies, Tor, and the other tools and methods we’ve covered can also do a great job in many situations. No matter what you use, remember that the key to unblocking websites is either changing your IP address or trying an alternative URL.

Looking for more helpful hints? Visit the Kinsta blog for the latest tips on secure browsing, managed WordPress hosting , application hosting , database hosting , and more.

how to visit blocked sites at school

Salman Ravoof is a self-taught web developer, writer, creator, and a huge admirer of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Besides tech, he's excited by science, philosophy, photography, arts, cats, and food. Learn more about him on his website , and connect with Salman on Twitter .

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How to Unblock a Website: Step-by-Step Instructions

Whether you want to unblock sites at school, work, or home

Aliza Vigderman

How To Set Up A VPN

  • Why They're Banned

It can be frustrating when you’re on a particular network — like at your school or work — and the administrators have decided certain websites are off limits. How are you supposed to see what your favorite content creator is having for dinner if you can’t get on Instagram? How are you going to know how many people liked that fire selfie you took at the beach this past weekend?

this site can't be reached error

Simple — use a VPN.

VPNs, or virtual private networks, allow you to spoof your digital location and cut through the proverbial red tape that blocks you from certain websites. And this goes for desktops, laptops and mobile devices too. You can change your iPhone location with a VPN just as easily as you can using your home computer.

There are a lot of reasons you might want to do this. For one, changing your YouTube location with a VPN can help you access content that isn’t available in your geographic area. Say you’re traveling internationally for work and don’t really want to watch Italian Netflix, a VPN can make the network think your device is located in the U.S.

NordVPN Chrome App connected to Australia while browsing Netflix

Handy, right?

There are a few considerations to think through before you use a VPN, though, and a few steps you need to take to perform this little maneuver successfully. Don’t worry though, we have all of the information right here.

Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to unblock websites.

Pro Tip: Any good VPN can help you unblock websites, but some do it better than others. With strong encryption and affordable prices , Private Internet Access is one of the best VPNs for unblocking websites. Learn about its unique features in our Private Internet Access review .

Private Internet Access VPN's protocols

How to Unblock Websites at School, Work, or Home

School’s network blocking YouTube? Work won’t let you check social media? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered whether you’re on a phone, computer, or tablet. By hiding your IP address , VPNs can help you bypass site-blockers and internet censorship. Setting up a VPN is easy and only takes a few minutes. Here are some of our highest-rated VPNs that we've tested:

NordVPN Logo Horizontal

A Step-by-Step List for Setting Up a VPN

  • Choose a VPN. Our VPN buying guide is a good place to start. Or, if you’re a student, check out the best VPNs for school .
  • Download either the VPN app . Once enabled, you’ll be able to alter your device’s IP address and get around any website blockers. Note that if you’re on a school computer, browser extensions will probably be a better option.
  • Sign in with your username and password.
  • Connect to a VPN server. Look for server locations near you for optimal speeds.

NordVPN and its list of servers

Now that your IP address has changed , you should be able to get around internet censorship , even in countries like China, which has some of the most strict internet censorship on the planet. Speaking of — if you’re in Hong Kong, read about the best Hong Kong VPNs . There are a few considerations you’ll need to make to get around the Great Firewall.

The best VPNs to unblock websites are those with dynamic IP addresses, meaning that you get a new IP address every time you connect to the internet. We recommend reading our ExpressVPN review or our IPVanish review to learn more.

That said, VPNs aren’t the only way to access blocked sites.

What Are Proxy Servers?

If you’re looking to encrypt the IP address of a single web page only, you can use a free proxy instead of a VPN . The major advantage of proxies versus VPNs is that proxies are free, usually, and cover only a single website or apps. VPNs, on the other hand, encrypt all web traffic across your entire device, not just your IP address.

For students using school-owned devices, proxies may be a better option. Employees trying to bypass workplace restrictions should look for a public web proxy. Keep in mind, though, that your workplace might have blocked these sites as well.

Pro Tip: We don’t recommend using these tactics to violate the terms of your employment. If you use proxy servers or a VPN to access materials you shouldn’t on work devices, your IT department might end up wanting to have a word with you.

Sometimes, though, unblocking a particular website is as simple as fiddling with your device settings.

Change Device Permissions

If you have the administrative privileges to do so, sometimes you can unblock a particular website by adjusting the settings on your computer.

To disable the Microsoft Defender Firewall:

  • Click the Windows button.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click Privacy & Security.
  • Click Windows Security.
  • Click Firewall & Network Protection.
  • Select your profile.
  • Scroll to Microsoft Defender Firewall.
  • Switch the settings to off. 1

Windows firewall & network protection settings

Additionally, you may be able to unblock sites on Chrome.

On a computer:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Open Settings.
  • Scroll down to Privacy and Security.
  • Click Site Settings.
  • Change the setting of your choice.

Site Setting Options in Chrome

On an Android device:

  • Go to a website you want to unblock.
  • Click More.
  • Click Info.
  • Click Permissions.
  • Click Reset Permissions.

Alternatively, on some devices, you can reset permissions for sites via these steps:

  • Open the Chrome app.
  • Tap the three dots in the right-hand corner.
  • Select Settings.
  • Under Advanced, select Site settings.
  • Find a site under one of the Permissions categories (such as Location) > Blocked. Tap to see a list of sites and change the permission setting.

Finally, on an iPhone or iPad:

  • Click Content Settings.
  • Click the permission you want to change.

Updating Site Content Settings in Chrome iOS mobile app

So let’s say none of the above worked. You’re not sunk yet. You still have the nuclear option.

Tor Browser

The Tor browser is an open-sourced web browser that hides both a user’s location and their internet activity, a boon for online anonymity . By hiding your location, you might be able to bypass firewalls, although you may not be able to download Tor on school- or work-owned computers, or in countries like China.

Before you put on your Black Hat and start poking around on the Dark Web, though, you might want to check and make sure your screen time limits aren’t your problem.

NOTE: Do you spend most of your time on a Mac? We recommend using an iOS VPN and learning how to set up a VPN on an iPhone .

Turn Off Screen Time Limits

Perhaps you can’t access a website, not because the website is blocked, but because of screen time limits. If you’re able to, disabling these limits could let you onto the sites of your dreams.

On an iPhone:

  • Open your Settings.
  • Click Screen Time.
  • Click Continue.
  • Choose either This Is My Device or This Is My Child’s Device.
  • Enter your passcode if asked.
  • Click Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  • Turn Content and Privacy off. 3

Content & Privacy Restrictions on an iPhone

On an Android:

  • Go to
  • Select the child you set screen time limits for.
  • Select More.
  • Click Disable. 4

With all of this in mind, there are a handful of other ways to bypass web blockers — particularly if they aren’t set up well.

Other Methods for Unsophisticated Blockers

Those are all the best ways to unblock websites, but if you’re dealing with a very basic blocker, a few other methods could work as well.

  • Use an IP address : Some software blocks domain names only and not the IP addresses behind websites, so if you type the IP address into the URL bar, you could access the website. Use Whois to find out sites’ URLs. 5
  • Switch from HTTP to HTTPS : Another method is typing in the URL with either HTTP or HTTPS. Perhaps the software blocks only one or the other, so switching could get you access. However, proceed with caution, as websites whose URLs begin with HTTP are less secure than websites whose URLs begin with HTTPS.
  • Go on Google.
  • Search for the website you want to visit.
  • To the right of the URL, click the downward arrow.
  • Click Cached.
  • Copy the URL you want to visit.
  • Go to the Bitly website.
  • Paste the URL in the box that says Shorten Your Link.
  • Copy the short URL.
  • Paste the URL into your browser.

Why Are Websites Banned?

Website blocked popup

For those of us who are against internet censorship, running into blocked websites can be a frustrating experience, but there are many reasons why websites are banned, some legitimate and some not.

Schools, from elementary schools to high schools, ban websites to censor what children can see. This is a legal necessity for any school that receives discounts on internet access and connections through the federal E-Rate program. These schools must adhere to internet safety policies that block and filter internet access to harmful material.

It’s all part of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which Congress enacted in 2000, 6 around the time the internet became widely available.

Did You Know: Certain public schools in the U.S. are legally obligated under the Children’s Internet Protection Act to block obscenity, child pornography, and other pictures that are harmful to minors.

Aside from federal obligations, schools may want to block websites to shield kids from obscene content and keep them safe from cyberbullying, which our cyberbullying research has shown affects one in five kids. To protect kids online usually means websites and search terms restrictions.


Certain governments like those in China and Russia block websites in order to silence political opposition, independent journalists, and human rights organizations. Governments also may restrict websites in order to protect national security, block child pornography, or prevent copyright or trademark infringement. 7

Employers block websites for a couple of reasons, and no, it’s not just to annoy you.

One, they want to prevent employees from using the internet for personal reasons, otherwise known as “cyberloafing” or “cyberslacking” 8 (hey, we’ve all been there). A survey from the staffing firm OfficeTeam found that, on average, employees waste 56 minutes a day online, which amounts to nearly five hours a week. 9 Time theft is real, folks, which is why you may not be able to browse social media on your work computer. Rats.

Another reason why employers block websites is to prevent employees from causing data breaches or cyberattacks. Unfortunately, human error is the cause of many data breaches . A study found some pretty shocking employee trends when it comes to digital security and password hygiene :

  • A third of employees save passwords on lists on their computers or mobile devices rather than using encrypted password managers.
  • One in five employees use the same password for every login.
  • Eleven percent of employees who received phishing emails fell victim to them.
  • Only 41 percent of organizations reported that all of their remote employees adhere to the policies strictly on how to store and dispose of confidential information. 10

By blocking certain websites, employers can regain some level of control over their digital security, beyond installing antivirus software on devices and having remote employees use VPNs.

Is It Legal to Unblock Websites?

Whether or not it’s legal to unblock websites depends on what country you’re in, among other factors. Authoritarian countries like China and Russia ban certain websites, so unblocking them is illegal. On the other hand, if you’re using a school computer that falls under the Children’s Internet Protection Act, unblocking websites is illegal as well.

Now unblocking websites at your workplace? That’s technically legal, but it’s also technically legal to fire you for circumventing your employer’s workplace policies. Do you really want to get canned for watching a 2007 Vine compilation? Think hard about that before you pull the trigger.

There you have it; everything we know about how to unblock websites, and why they’re blocked in the first place.

We’re proponents of a free and open internet, so we hope that using a VPN was enough to get you past the firewalls. But note that if you’re in a country like China, you’re unblocking websites at your own risk. While using a VPN is legal in the U.S., that’s not the case everywhere, so above all, proceed with caution.

Since internet censorship (and getting around it) is such a huge topic, we’ve answered the questions we get the most below.

You can unblock a site by connecting to a VPN. A VPN will change your IP address, which could help you get around a firewall.

To unblock a site on Chrome, assuming you have administrator privileges:

  • Select More on the right (the three vertical dots).
  • Click on Settings.
  • Go to Privacy and Security.
  • Select Site Settings.
  • Unblock your desired website.

However, if you lack administrator privileges, you may need to use a VPN on your device or a VPN browser extension in order to unblock websites.

To open blocked websites without a VPN, you could try using a proxy server instead. You can also alter your device settings, if you have the administrator account, or use the Tor browser.

The easiest way to unblock an app that an administrator blocked is to connect to a VPN on your device. The VPN will hide your device’s IP address and replace it with a new one, which should let you get around firewalls.

Microsoft Support. Turn Microsoft Defender Firewall on or off .

Google Chrome Help. (2021). Change site permissions.

Apple Support. (2021). Use parental controls on your child's iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Google for Families Help. (2021). Manage your child's screen time.

DomainTools. (2021). Whois Lookup.

Federal Communications Commission. (2019). Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Electronic Frontier Foundation. Content Blocking.

BBC. (2020). Cyberloafing: The line between rejuvenating and wasting time.

Robert Half. (2017). Working Hard or Hardly Working? Employees Waste More Than One Day a Week on Non-Work Activities.

Shred-it. (2020). Data Protection Report 2020.

Top10VPN is editorially independent. We may earn commissions if you buy a VPN via our links.

  • How to Unblock Websites at School

Callum Tennent's profile image

Callum Tennent oversees how we test and review VPN services. He's a member of the IAPP, and his VPN advice has featured in Forbes and the Internet Society.

Fact-checked by Simon Migliano

  • Streaming & Unblocking

Our Verdict

The best way to unblock websites at school is to use a VPN . However, you can also bypass school website blocks without a VPN by using a free web proxy, a URL shortener, or by connecting to a mobile hotspot instead. All of these methods work to bypass website restrictions on school Chromebooks, too.

How to unblock websites at school

Schools regularly block websites and impose restrictions on their students’ internet usage.

Some of these restrictions are required by law, while others are put in place to increase student productivity, improve security on the school WiFi network, or to manage WiFi bandwidth.

We do not recommend violating your school’s policy. However, it isn’t uncommon for school content filters to accidentally block useful research websites, or other valuable resources.

It can therefore be helpful to know how to bypass school restrictions , if necessary.

How to access blocked websites at school ultimately depends on the device you’re using. There are usually three main scenarios:

  • You’re using a personal device on school WiFi.
  • You’re using a school computer or tablet , e.g. in the library or in a classroom.
  • You’re using a school Chromebook .

Here is a quick overview of how to unblock websites in each of the scenarios above:

SUMMARY: How to Unblock Websites at School

  • If you’re using a personal device, the best way to unblock websites on school WiFi is to use a VPN. To do this:
  • Sign up to a top-rated VPN service and download the VPN app onto your phone, tablet or laptop. You will probably have to do this at home, as VPN websites are commonly blocked on school WiFi networks. For the best results, we recommend CyberGhost VPN or Proton VPN Free .
  • At school, open the VPN app and turn it on . Your traffic will now be encrypted and redirected through a remote VPN server.
  • Navigate to the blocked website . You should now have access to it.
  • Enter the URL of a web proxy into your browser’s search bar . We recommend the Free Proxy .
  • Input the URL for the website you want to unblock . If you can choose the proxy server’s location, choose the location nearest to you for the fastest speeds.
  • Click ‘Connect’ . The website should appear on your screen unblocked.

Otherwise, we recommend using a web proxy or switching to a mobile hotspot. Here’s how to do it:

  • Turn on the WiFi Hotspot feature on your smartphone . On Android, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Network & internet’ > ‘Hotspot & tethering’. On iPhone, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Personal Hotspot’.
  • Connect your school Chromebook to the hotspot . Access the WiFi settings in the bottom-right corner of the screen and connect to the hotspot using the password displayed on your cell phone.
  • Navigate to the blocked website on your Chromebook . It should now load unblocked.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the five best methods for unblocking websites at school. We’ll also explain exactly when each method works and when they do not.

We’ll also go into detail about how to unblock websites on school Chromebooks and explain how school content blocks work .

EXPERT ADVICE: In this guide we explain how to unblock websites that are blocked by your school. To learn how to bypass other blocks, such as geographic restrictions or government censorship, follow our instructions on how to unblock websites from anywhere .

How to Unblock Websites On a School Chromebook

Google Chromebooks are now used by over 50 million students and educators in schools worldwide.

Their popularity stems from their affordability, speed, and durability, but also from the fact that they enable school administrators to easily enforce content filters. Not all Chromebooks support local software installation , which means it’s much harder to install website unblocking applications onto the device, such as VPN or proxy apps.

Gaming site blocked on a Google Chromebook

Schools impose restrictions on gaming websites.

The best way to unblock websites on a school Chromebook is to use a VPN extension for Google Chrome . They let you access virtually any blocked website on Chrome , deliver quick connection speeds , and are incredibly easy to set up and use on a Chromebook.

To use a VPN extension to unblock websites on a school chromebook:

  • Subscribe to a VPN service with a high-quality Chrome extension . Our top recommendation is CyberGhost .
  • On your Chromebook, click the “Launcher” button . It’s in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  • Select “All Apps” and then click the “Web Store” icon . If you can’t see the “Web Store” icon, it may be because your school has blocked Chrome store access. In this case, use a web proxy.
  • Search for your chosen VPN and click “Add To Chrome” . Make sure you download the official extension.
  • Open the VPN chrome extension . You should be prompted to sign into your account.
  • Choose a VPN server location . For fastest speeds, choose a server close to your real location.
  • Turn the VPN extension on and navigate to the blocked website in your browser . You should now be able to freely access the website.

A VPN Chrome extension works similarly to a full VPN application , except it only works within the browser . That means it encrypts your connection and hides your IP address for your browser traffic only.

NOTE: On Chromebooks, this isn’t much of an issue because all of your traffic is usually browser traffic. However, it’s still worth being aware of this difference between VPN applications and VPN browser extensions.

Unfortunately, many school districts configure their chromebooks in a way that blocks students from accessing the Chrome Web Store. You can tell based on whether you see a “Web Store” icon after clicking “All Apps”.

If you can’t, then it means your school has blocked the Web Store and you won’t be able to install a VPN chrome extension.

EXPERT TIP: Some schools allow their students to access the Chrome Web Store, but restrict the types of extensions that can be installed to ‘educational’ categories only. As a result, it is possible that VPN and proxy extensions may still not be available, even when the Web Store is accessible.

To bypass restrictions on a school chromebook without a VPN , you’ll need to use one of the other methods listed below. Our top recommendations are to use a web proxy or switch to mobile data .

The 5 Best Methods to Unblock Websites at School

According to our tests, the five best ways to unblock a website at school are:

  • Use a VPN : The most effective way to unblock websites at school.
  • Use a Web Proxy : The fastest way to bypass school restrictions.
  • Use Mobile Data : A free way to access websites that are blocked on school WiFi.
  • Use a URL Shortener : A simple, free tool for beating URL-based website blocks.
  • Use The Wayback Machine : The best way to access restricted content without getting in trouble.

Here is a comparison of these five methods, plus the VPN extension for Chrome:

We’ll now take a closer look at each of these methods and how to use them to unblock websites at school. Alternatively, skip to our section of how schools block websites in the first place .

1. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The most reliable, safe, and effective way to unblock websites at school is to use a VPN. It can be difficult to access one if you’re using a school computer, but if you’re able to use a VPN at school then it is by far the best method for bypassing restrictions .

The best VPN for unblocking websites is CyberGhost , but you can also use a safe free VPN like Proton VPN Free .

Using Windscribe Free VPN with Netflix

Windscribe Free unblocks UK Netflix.

Essentially, a VPN works by creating a tunnel for your traffic to travel through. To do this, it encrypts your connection and re-routes it via a remote VPN server, where it leaves the tunnel and travels on to your target website.

Most school website blocks are based on the URL or IP address of the website you’re visiting . When you use a VPN, these details are hidden inside the VPN tunnel. That’s why it works to bypass content restrictions at school.

The local network (i.e. the school WiFi) only sees the IP address of the VPN server you’re connecting to, which means it cannot enforce any of its content restrictions .

If you’re trying to unblock websites on a personal device while connected to school WiFi, then using a VPN is cheap, quick, and very simple to set up. It’ll work to unblock YouTube, gaming websites, and streaming content on the school network. It will also work to unblock websites on Google Chrome.

The best VPNs even offer an obfuscation feature , which can hide the fact you’re using a VPN from the network administrator and your teachers.

NOTE: Without VPN obfuscation, your school WiFi administrator can most likely see that you’re using a VPN. They won’t be able to see your browsing activity, but the VPN encryption, protocols, port numbers and server IP address are all giveaways that you have a VPN turned on.

Unfortunately, on school computers (e.g. in the library), you’re unlikely to have the administrative permissions needed to install and use a VPN application. Instead, we recommend you use a web proxy .

Likewise, most school chromebooks won’t let you install software like VPN applications onto the device. In this case, you can try using a VPN extension for Chrome , instead.

Alternatives to a VPN

If you can’t afford a top-rated VPN service, then there are two similar but free alternatives you can try:

Users typically access Tor through the free Tor Browser, which is available on Windows, macOS and Android devices. Tor is incredibly slow, but it is an effective tool for unblocking websites.

However, be aware that Tor is commonly associated with illegal and suspicious behavior, so it’s likely that you’ll attract the attention of your school IT administrator if you use it.

  • Free VPNs : There are a handful of 100% free VPNs that are safe to use, even at school. If you can download them, we recommend ProtonVPN, Windscribe or PrivadoVPN. These services won’t unblock websites as reliably as a premium VPN, but they won’t harm your device or spy on your personal information.

How To Use a VPN To Unblock Websites At School

how to visit blocked sites at school

How to use ExpressVPN to unblock Instagram.

To unblock websites at school with a VPN:

  • Sign up to a CyberGhost . The average VPN subscription costs around $4.00 per month.
  • Download and install the VPN software for the device you’re using .
  • At school, open the VPN app and turn it on . Connect to a nearby server location for the fastest possible speeds.
  • Visit the blocked website in your browser . The VPN should have unblocked it.

EXPERT TIP: VPN websites are sometimes blocked on school WiFi networks. You might therefore need to download and install the VPN application before going to school, using your home WiFi (or public WiFi).

2. Use a Web Proxy

The best way to unblock websites at school without a VPN is to use a web proxy. They’re free to use, fairly reliable at bypassing school restrictions, and don’t require any installation or set up.

For this reason, using a web proxy is usually the best way to unblock websites on school chromebooks and school computers , where you often aren’t able to install new software.'s web proxy’s web proxy service.

A web proxy is essentially a normal website with access to a proxy server embedded inside. You simply enter the blocked website’s URL, and the web proxy retrieves the site’s content for you in the same window.

This lets you bypass school blocks because you don’t actually request the website’s URL or IP address — the web proxy requests it on your behalf. This means the school’s content filters are not triggered.

EXPERT TIP: If your school uses more advanced filtering techniques, it’s possible that your connection will still be blocked despite using a web proxy. Likewise, if your device has screen monitoring built-in (which is common on school Chromebooks) then your administrator or teacher can always see what you’re doing, even if you’re using a web proxy.

Web proxies tend to deliver reasonably fast connection speeds , and they’re a great option for unblocking text-based websites , such as Quora or Reddit.

Streaming is often not possible when using a web proxy. However, gaming websites can sometimes still work, depending on the web proxy you’re using and how busy the server is.

One important thing to note is that web proxies are not encrypted . That makes it easier for the school and its ISP to monitor you , and it means your browsing activity is not protected. You should never enter any personal or sensitive information while using a web proxy.

Schools often try to stop students from accessing web proxies by adding the proxy’s URL to the network’s blocklist. If that’s the case, you can use one of the other methods in this list to regain access to the proxy site, or simply choose a web proxy that isn’t blocked by your school.

Later in this article, we list a number of popular web proxies you can try .

Alternatives to a Web Proxy

If you can’t find a web proxy that isn’t blocked by your school, then one alternative is to use a URL Unblocker tool , instead.

Like a web proxy, these tools use another computer to access the blocked website on your behalf, bypassing school restrictions in the process. To do this, they typically use an embedded version of the Chromium browser which you can control from within the tool.

URL Unblockers tend to be less private, more insecure, and slower than a web proxy. However, they are less commonly blocked by school administrators and often work with video streaming websites. Examples of URL Unblockers can be found on Replit .

How To Use a Web Proxy To Unblock Websites At School

To unblock websites at school with a web proxy:

  • Go to a web proxy in your browser . We recommend’s free proxy .
  • Input the blocked website’s URL . On some web proxies, you can also pick a server location.
  • Click ‘Visit Anonymously’ . It will retrieve the site’s content for you without being blocked.

3. Switch to Mobile Data

Accessing the internet through your phone’s data network , rather than the school’s WiFi network, is an easy and quick way to unblock websites at school.

Most school content filters are implemented at the network-level . When you use the school’s WiFi, your traffic passes through a firewall in the local network which monitors the URL, IP address, and sometimes even the content of the website you’re visiting.

It compares this against a blocklist, and if it detects a match, your connection is blocked.

How school WiFi and mobile data internet connections work

The difference between school WiFi and mobile data internet connections.

You can bypass these firewalls completely by switching from the school’s WiFi to your mobile data network .

When you use mobile data to access the internet, you’re no longer subject to school restrictions. You can access whichever websites your cell phone provider allows – often with faster speeds.

By turning your phone into a personal hotspot , you can use this method to unblock websites on school chromebooks and sometimes school computers too. That’s because your computer’s traffic is routed through your cell phone provider’s network and not your school’s network.

EXPERT TIP: Personal hotspots are visible to any device nearby. That means your teacher can often see when someone in the class has created a personal hotspot. You can change the hotspot’s name so it doesn’t give your identity away, but you can’t completely hide it.

It’s worth remembering that this method will consume your phone’s data allowance, which can quickly become expensive. You may also get in trouble if you’re caught using your phone in class.

In addition to these limitations, this method won’t work in two particular situations:

NOTE: Many schools switch their content filters off during out-of-school hours. This gives you unrestricted internet access at home, but it doesn’t stop your activity being routed through the school’s servers. It also doesn’t help to unblock websites during school hours.

  • School computers and school chromebooks occasionally have content filtering software installed directly onto the device itself , in addition to network-level firewalls. That means website blocks will still apply regardless of whether you’re connected to a mobile data network or the school’s WiFi.

Alternatives to Using a Mobile Data Hotspot

If you can’t use mobile data, a similar alternative is to change the network proxy.

Like switching to mobile data, this option involves unblocking websites by avoiding the school’s network-level firewall altogether. You can read more about how to unblock sites by changing the network proxy here.

How To Use Mobile Data To Unblock Websites At School

To switch to cellular data on a smartphone device:

  • Tap Settings .
  • Open WiFi .
  • Toggle the button to WiFi Off .
  • A 3G, 4G or 5G symbol should appear at the top of your screen to signal that you’re now connected to mobile data.

To unblock websites on a school chromebook , on a school computer , or on a personal laptop at school , you’ll need to turn your smartphone into a personal hotspot.

Here’s how to do this, using a school chromebook as our example:

  • On your cell phone, go to Settings .
  • On Android devices, tap Network & Internet and then Hotspot and Tethering . On iPhone devices, tap Mobile Data and then Personal Hotspot .
  • Turn On the Personal Hotspot. Set the password and change the hotspot name to something anonymous.
  • On your Chromebook, open WiFi Settings via the tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Find your smartphone’s Personal Hotspot among the available WiFi networks.
  • Connect to it by entering the password on your phone.
  • Navigate to the blocked website, which should be unblocked now.

4. Use a URL Shortener

A URL shortener is a free online tool that takes a full URL address and creates a shortened version that is easier to remember and share. When accessed, the shortened URL then redirects users to the original, longer URL.

URL shorteners are mostly used to create more user-friendly URLs, but they can also be used to unblock websites at school. That’s because the tool lets you visit blocked websites via a URL that isn’t recognised by the school’s content filters .

Example of a URL shortener

TinyURL can be used to bypass internet restrictions at school.

It’s therefore a great method for easily bypassing URL-based website blocks , which are the most common type of school restriction. It can be used for streaming and gaming , and works equally well on personal devices , school computers , and school chromebooks .

EXPERT TIP: If your school filters content based on IP addresses or something more sophisticated, this method will not work.

Sometimes, school administrators will block access to the URL shortener website itself. In this case, you might need to try a few different options before finding one that is unblocked. Popular URL shorteners include TinyURL , and Bitly .

It’s important to keep in mind that your network administrator can still see what you’re doing when you use a URL shortener at school. On school computers and school chromebooks, it’s likely that your teacher can still monitor your activity, too.

Alternatives to a URL Shortener

If your school has blocked access to all URL shorteners, then there are three similar alternatives you can try. These methods also involve accessing a website without ever requesting its full blocked URL:

  • Search for an IP Address : Using a URL isn’t the only way to access a website. You can often access it via its IP address, too. Simply find the website’s IP address using an online tool , copy and paste it into your browser’s search bar, and press enter. This method can be effective, but some websites don’t permit direct access via IP address, and others change their IP address so frequently that it’s not a viable option.
  • Visit the site’s mobile version : Some websites host the mobile version of their site on a slightly different URL. Facebook’s mobile site, for example, is School administrators occasionally forget to include mobile URLs on their blocklists, which means you can freely access the blocked website by navigating to its mobile version.
  • Try accessing the HTTP site : Similarly, many websites have an encrypted HTTPS version and an unencrypted HTTP version. It’s therefore possible that only one of the URLs is specified on your school WiFi’s blocklist.

How To Use a URL Shortener To Unblock Websites At School

To unblock websites at school using a URL shortener:

  • Go to a URL Shortener website in your browser . We recommend TinyURL or Bitly .
  • Input the URL of the blocked website you want to access . Press “Enter”.
  • Copy the shortened URL that is generated .
  • Paste that URL into your browser .You should be redirected to the website without being blocked.

5. Use Wayback Machine

Another technique for unblocking websites at school is to access a copy of the website , rather than trying to visit the blocked site itself. The best way to do this is to use the Wayback Machine .

The Wayback Machine is a free digital archive containing billions of web page copies. The tool works by taking snapshots of websites and then storing them in its database.

By viewing an archived version of the site, you prevent the school’s content filters from detecting the URL or IP address of the blocked website, thereby granting you free access to the restricted material.

The Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet.

NOTE: Some schools block students from accessing the Wayback Machine website on school WiFi. In these cases, you can try one of the alternatives listed below.

Using the Wayback Machine is a quick and easy way to bypass simple website blocks at school, and it requires no manual installation or configuration.

It works on school Chromebooks and school computers, and is probably the method that’s least likely to cause any issues with your teacher or administrator.

That said, it does have its limitations. The archived version of the website may not always be the most up to date . Additionally, some websites may not be fully functional or interactive when accessed through the Wayback Machine.

For this reason, this method is best for unblocking text-based websites . The tool supports multimedia content (such as video or audio streaming) for some but not every website, which means it’s not the most reliable method if you want to watch videos. It won’t work for games, either.

Alternatives to the Wayback Machine

If your school has blocked the Wayback Machine website, there are two similar alternatives you can try. Like the Wayback Machine, each of these methods involve accessing a copy of the website, rather than visiting the website itself:

  • Google Cache : Google stores cached versions of webpages in order to increase loading speeds. By accessing one of these caches, you can view restricted content at school without being blocked. Simply find the blocked website in Google’s search results, click the dropdown button next to the website’s link, and select “Cached”. Unlike the Wayback Machine, this method doesn’t support multimedia content.
  • HTML to PDF Converter : An HTML to PDF converter is a free online tool that takes a website URL and converts it into a PDF document. To use one, simply enter your blocked website’s URL into the tool. It will then generate a PDF containing the site’s content for you to view, without having to visit the site yourself. Popular HTML-to-PDF converters include SodaPDF and Sejda .

How To Use The Wayback Machine To Unblock Websites At School

how to visit blocked sites at school

How to unblock Instagram at school using the Wayback Machine.

To unblock websites at school using the Wayback Machine:

  • Navigate to in your browser .
  • Paste the blocked website’s URL into the site’s search box .
  • Hover over the most recent blue circle on the calendar . You can also view older versions of the website if you wish.
  • Click the most recent timestamp . This will open the most recent copy of the webpage archived by the Wayback Machine.

What Are the Best Free Proxies for Unblocking Websites at School?

Using a web proxy is the most popular way to unblock websites at school , despite the fact that the vast majority of web proxies are actually unsafe to use .

At the very least, they leave your traffic unencrypted and exposed to hackers. However, some web proxies also spy on your browser activity , sell this information onto advertisers , inject adverts into your browsing session, and sometimes even infect your device with malware .

You should therefore only ever use a trusted web proxy, such as the ones listed below. These will keep you safe online and are usually more reliable at unblocking websites, too.

EXPERT TIP: If these two proxy websites are blocked by your school, we recommend trying one of the other methods listed above, rather than risk using an unsafe web proxy.

If you must use a web proxy, we recommend using one of the best free proxy sites to limit the danger to your online privacy and security.'s Proxy Browser’s proxy browser.’s Proxy Browser is the most private web proxy you can use to unblock school restrictions. That’s because the company is committed to a zero logs policy , which means they claim not to keep any records of your activity when using the proxy.

The web proxy also offers a higher level of security than kProxy. Users are not only given the option to “Encrypt URL” , but can also “Encrypt Page” .

Unfortunately, provides no information about what these options actually mean.

While this is nowhere near the level of security offered by a VPN or the Tor browser, it is a step in the right direction. It may also help to prevent more sophisticated school content filters from blocking your connection based on keyword detection.

In terms of performance,’s web proxy delivers average connection speeds . It is about as reliable as kProxy at bypassing school restrictions, and offers three different server locations : the Netherlands, Germany, and Finland.

Overall, it’s a useful tool for unblocking websites at school and offers a greater degree of privacy and security than kProxy.

To unblock websites at school with’s proxy browser:

  • Navigate to’s Free Private Proxy Browser .
  • Type in your desired website URL into the “Enter web address” box . Choose the ‘Proxy location’ that’s closest to your real location.
  • Tick ‘Encrypt URL’ and ‘Encrypt Page’ .
  • Click Go . The page should appear unrestricted on your screen.

Kproxy Web Proxy

kProxy’s web proxy.

kProxy is a very popular free web proxy. In our tests, it wasn’t able to unblock websites as frequently or reliably as, though.

However, when it did unblock websites, the load times were very fast and the proxy injected no adverts into the browsing session.

You can therefore use kProxy to access blocked websites at school, with only a small amount of trial and error.

If you do encounter an error, kProxy offers ten different proxy servers to switch between. All of these are located in the US — which is good news for American students — but may cause speed issues for non-US users.

You should also be aware that kProxy has an encrypted HTTPS version and an unencrypted HTTP version. To stay safe and secure, you should only ever use the encrypted version .

One annoying quirk of kProxy is that it switches to the HTTP version every time you switch servers. You can change back to the HTTPS version by clicking the padlock icon on the left of the search bar.

To use kProxy to unblock websites at school:

  • Go to . Make sure the icon on the left is of a locked padlock, too. If it isn’t, click it to change to HTTPS.
  • Select “Change Server” and choose any of the 10 Public Servers . After the page reloads, check that the padlock icon is still showing a locked HTTPS.
  • Enter the blocked website’s URL in the search box .
  • Click “surf!” . The website should load unblocked.

How Are Websites Blocked at School?

Most schools around the world are required to filter their students’ internet access in order to comply with the law.

In the US, for example, the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) forces public schools to block websites that contain obscenity, pornography, and any other images that may be harmful to minors.

How each school chooses to implement its filters is up to them, but there are generally three options:

These services can be integrated into the school’s existing network, installed directly onto student devices, or configured so that all traffic on the school’s WiFi is routed through the software’s network infrastructure.

  • Set up network-level restrictions . School administrators may configure website restrictions themselves by creating a local firewall that filters all traffic traveling through the school’s network.

Network-level website blocks can filter by:

  • Website URL – The administrator creates a list of URLs which are blocked if detected. This is the most common type of website block in schools.
  • IP Address – The administrator creates a list of website IP addresses which are blocked if requested.
  • Content Category – Schools can buy third-party databases that sort thousands of websites into categories like “Social Media” or “Gaming”. The administrator can then block entire categories.
  • Keyword – More sophisticated filtering techniques allow administrators to block websites according to the actual keywords present on the page.

NOTE: Most school administrators don’t have the time or resources to use sophisticated filtering techniques. In comparison, third-party services are much more likely to use them. GoGuardian, for example, uses AI to block webpages in real-time based on the text and images present on the page.

These filters can be configured to block websites based on URL, IP, Content Category, Keyword, or a combination of several factors.

NOTE: Even if your school Chromebook doesn’t have content filtering software installed on it, Chromebooks can be configured to always route student traffic via school servers . If that’s the case, your school’s network-level restrictions will still apply to you, even when you use your Chromebook at home.

EXPERT TIP: It’s common for schools to use screen monitoring software on school computers and chromebooks. Although it’s not a type of website block, this technology allows teachers to see exactly what you’re doing on your computer. In some cases, they may also have the ability to manually block your connection.

For example, if your school uses a tool like Deledao Classroom , the staff have a “birds-eye” view of every Chromebook connected to the school WiFi. If you’re unblocking websites, they will know.

Can The Network Administrator See If You Unblock Websites?

If you use a web proxy, a URL shortener, or the Wayback Machine to unblock websites then the WiFi network administrator can see from the network logs that you’re visiting those websites.

Likewise, the network administrator can usually tell when you are using a VPN app or a VPN Chrome Extension. That’s because VPN traffic leaves a specific signature in the network logs, usually in the form of VPN protocols, port numbers and encrypted packets.

The only solution to this is to use a VPN with obfuscation .

The only method in this list that hides that fact you’re unblocking websites from the school administrator is switching to mobile data . By no longer connecting to the local network, your school administrator loses the ability to monitor your activity.

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unblock sites

Let’s face it, we’ve all come across sites that are blocked. Whether that’s because your country has restricted internet access or you just want to watch YouTube at school, it makes no difference – all you want to do is unblock sites and use the web like everyone else.

The quickest and easiest way to unblock sites at home or abroad is to use one of the best VPN services. With a VPN, your activity is encrypted and made anonymous. This means that who or whatever is blocking sites on your network can’t see what you’re looking at or searching for. In turn, that means they can’t make the decision to block what you’re viewing.

  • More: Here's how to watch CNN anywhere

Which VPNs are best for unblocking sites?

It’s important to think about privacy, how many servers the VPN has, and whether it’s any good for streaming. Free VPN services can be useful, but for getting around Internet restrictions, none are truly good enough. So, unblocking sites is something we’d only entrust to a paid VPN like ExpressVPN or NordVPN .

We rate ExpressVPN as the #1 VPN on the market

<a href="" data-link-merchant=""" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> We rate ExpressVPN as the #1 VPN on the market , and it’s our first choice for unblocking websites. It has over 3,000 servers in 94 countries worldwide, meaning wherever you are you’ll get a strong, fast connection. It's great for streaming, and in countries with strict VPN policies like China it also uses special obfuscated servers to help get around those restrictions.

You’ll get apps for all your devices, and just about every server delivers speeds which are fast enough to stream HD content from Netflix, or any other service. The best bit? Tom’s Guide readers can claim three free months on any 12-month plan – and you’ll also have a 30-day money-back guarantee to make up your mind before you commit.

NordVPN is another great choice$3.71 a month

<a href="" data-link-merchant=""" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> NordVPN is another great choice as a website unblocker VPN. With 5,000+ servers in 59 countries you’ll have plenty to choose from, and its powerful encryption will keep you safe. Speeds are good, it’s great for streaming, and also works in anti-VPN countries like China. At $3.71 a month , it’s pretty good value too, so it’s a decent alternative to ExpressVPN.

we'd highly recommend Surfsharkjust $2.49 a month

If you're looking for a cheap way to unblock sites on the web, <a href="" data-link-merchant=""" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> we'd highly recommend Surfshark . While it doesn't deliver quite such an in-depth experience as Nord or Express, <a href="" data-link-merchant=""" data-link-merchant=""">Surfshark is incredibly affordable at just $2.49 a month . Plus, you'll also be able to use it on as many devices as you want, and you'll have a 30-day money-back guarantee to test-drive it.

Why are certain sites blocked?

Certain sites are blocked for any number of reasons. Many countries, including China, the UAE, Cuba, Russia and Turkey, censor what can be accessed online. While this isn’t ideal for residents, it can come as a surprise to holidaymakers or those traveling for business that this will affect them too.

However, even in countries that don't censor content online, website unblockers can still be useful if your internet is restricted – for example, at work or at school. These restrictions are usually put in place for productivity, but in reality they can affect how you learn or do your job, so bypassing them with a VPN can have great benefits beyond just watching gaming vids on YouTube.

Finally, if you enjoy watching TV online, you’ll know that there’s tons of content that’s not available where you are. Netflix shows different content in different countries, and services like BBC iPlayer and Hulu are only available in one country. Using a streaming VPN is the only way to get more content out of your paid services, and access geo-blocked free ones, too.

unblock sites like netflix with a VPN

How to unblock Netflix and other streaming sites

One of the most popular reasons to get a VPN is to access blocked content on Netflix, and get access to region-restricted streaming services in different countries. For example, if you’re from the UK but on a trip to Spain, you won’t be able to watch iPlayer until you get home.

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However, a good VPN can get you access to any streaming content wherever you are – just as long as you pay for it, in the case of Netflix, Hulu, and other premium providers.

So, if you’re in America and want to watch It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Netflix – it’s exclusive to Hulu in the US – you can connect your VPN to a UK server. Then you can head to Netflix and get watching. That’ll save you having to get a Hulu subscription just for one show.

Note : Using a VPN to circumvent streaming site blocks is typically against their Ts&Cs, so proceed with caution and make sure you know the risks before you do so.

  • Check out the best Netflix VPN for accessing blocked content

How to unblock banned sites

Beyond streaming, a VPN is hugely useful for unblocking your daily sites when overseas. A great example is China – if you’ve travelled there for business or pleasure, you’ll notice sites and apps like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Gmail , Wikipedia and quite literally thousands more are blocked. If you think you’d like to access them, even once, you’ll need a VPN.

You need to choose a VPN that’s proven to work in the country of your choice – both ExpressVPN and NordVPN are reliable as a China VPN , Turkey VPN , UAE VPN , and in other restrictive states thanks to their obfuscated server tech. Then, you can connect to a server in a nearby country that doesn’t restrict internet use, and get browsing as usual.

Note: If you know you’re traveling to a country like China that restricts VPN use, make sure to sign up before you travel – downloading once you’re there can be difficult or even impossible.

  • You need an Android VPN or an iPhone VPN if you're on the move

How to unblock sites that are banned at work or school

If social media sites are blocked on your school or work Wi-Fi, or perhaps you live in rented accommodation which has restricted Internet, a VPN can help you unblock sites here, too.

All you need to do is switch on your VPN, connect to your chosen server, and head over to the blocked website. Your traffic will then be anonymized, and your ISP won’t be able to choose what you can and can’t access.

ExpressVPN will get you access to just about every blocked site on the webthree months absolutely free

<a href="" data-link-merchant=""" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ExpressVPN will get you access to just about every blocked site on the web , wherever you are – and it's the service we'd choose to use if we were heading to China or anywhere else that restricts the web. Tom's Guide readers can claim three months absolutely free on any 12-month plan, and you also get a 20-day money-back guarantee so you can try before you commit.

Mo Harber-Lamond

Mo is VPN Editor at Tom's Guide. Day-to-day he oversees VPN , privacy, and cybersecurity content, and also undertakes independent testing of VPN services to ensure his recommendations are accurate and up to date. When he's not getting stuck into the nitty-gritty settings of a VPN you've never heard of, you'll find him working on his Peugeot 205 GTi or watching Peep Show instead of finally putting up those shelves.

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how to visit blocked sites at school


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How to Unblock Websites & Access Restricted Content (13 Easy Ways)

Whether it’s school, work, or something else preventing you from accessing websites, there are ways to bypass blocked content. Access your favorite sites and content with our tips on how to unblock websites. Then try our blazing-fast VPN to help get around content blocks immediately.

Get it for Android , iOS , Mac

Get it for iOS , Android , PC

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Get it for Mac , PC , Android


There are several ways to try to get around content blocks online. We’ve compiled a list of 13 ways to bypass blocked websites. If you want to know why sites restrict content or the legality of getting around content blocks, skip down to our sections on why websites get blocked  and  whether it’s legal to unblock them .

1. Unblock websites using a VPN

Using a VPN is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to get around content blocks and unlock the URLs you want. A  VPN (virtual private network)  routes your internet traffic through a remote server, letting you choose your virtual location.

When you connect to a website with a VPN, the website thinks that the virtual location shown by your VPN is your actual location, which means you can unblock content in different global regions. And that’s just one of the benefits of a VPN — VPNs also encrypt your connection, helping to secure the data and personal information like credit card details you enter when shopping online .

Here’s how to unblock websites with a VPN on both desktop and mobile:

First, download and install your VPN — get a free trial of AVG Secure VPN right here:

Downloading and installing AVG Secure VPN.

Now set up your VPN on Windows or get your VPN set up on Mac .

Turn on the VPN and select a server location.

You’re now browsing anonymously and securely from a virtual location!

The AVG Secure VPN dashboard showing that a secure connection has been established.

A VPN is one of the easiest, most comprehensive tools to bypass content blocks. But if you’re using a public computer at a library or need to unblock websites at school, a VPN may not be the best option, because you need to download it.

Some content providers have also started blocking known VPN IP addresses, so your VPN might not work on the sites or services you want to use. When VPN providers realize one of their IPs has been blocked, they usually open new addresses to provide more options.

Highly secure

Encrypts your data and connection

Can unblock websites

Some VPNs are optimized for streaming and bypassing geo-blocking

Good VPNs offer customer support

Not free (most reputable VPNs aren’t free)

Download required

Can be slow — but, there are ways to speed up your VPN connection

As well as being one of the best ways to bypass content blockers, reliable VPNs like AVG Secure VPN offer a wide range of server locations, meaning you can customize your connection to access your favorite sites and services while away from home — all while masking your activity behind a virtual IP address for maximum privacy and anonymity.

2. Unblock websites using Tor

Tor is another option for getting around content blocks and bypassing geo-restrictions. Tor — or The Onion Router — routes your online traffic through many layers of encryption, hence its name. Tor lets you access the web anonymously and get around most content restrictions.

While Tor offers strong online privacy, its downside is slow speeds. That’s because the Tor network and browser are an open-source project maintained by volunteers. Another downside is that you usually can’t install Tor on a school, work, or public computer.

Here’s how to unblock websites using Tor:

Go to the  Tor website and install the Tor browser.

Open Tor and configure it according to your preferences.

Then, connect and enter the URL you want to access. 

A screenshot of the Tor browser homepage.

The Tor browser offers a powerful cloak of anonymity, helping users bypass content blocks and explore the uncharted corners of the internet. But it lacks the flexibility of a VPN, is blocked by many content services, and can slow down your browsing speed considerably, meaning it’s not the ideal choice for streaming.

Secure and encrypted

Run by a non-profit, with no data mining

Lets you access the dark web

Works well to unblock many sites

Can’t bypass some specific blocks against Tor nodes, including Netflix

Slow speeds

Requires downloading

No customer service to help configure Tor properly

3. Unblock websites using a web proxy

A  web proxy works well for quickly unblocking content on public computers. And if you need a website unblocker for school — for Chromebooks, say, which run Android apps — and you can’t download a VPN or Tor, then try a web proxy. You’ll connect to a proxy server first, and then on to your desired website — hiding your actual location in the process.

Learning how to unblock websites on a school computer or Chromebook is easy when you use a web proxy. To use a proxy server, go to a proxy website, enter the URL of the actual website you want to visit, and press a button to access it.

The downside is that before visiting the site you want, you need to navigate to the web proxy first — every time, in every tab. It can be a little annoying and generally isn’t great for  streaming content online .

A simplified diagram illustrating how a web proxy works.

And while web proxies are usually free, they don’t provide the same privacy and security protections as a VPN or Tor. But they are easy to access and use. Simply navigate to your web proxy site of choice, enter the site you want to access, select your server, and go.

No installation required

Works on public computers and school Chromebooks

Can bypass basic content blocks

May break some website functionality

Doesn’t safeguard private personal data

Not optimized for speed

Not guaranteed to unblock all sites

You have to open the web proxy every time you visit a new site

4. Unblock websites using a browser extension

A proxy  extension  is like a more convenient web proxy, and it’ll get you around content blocks on a school computer very quickly. A proxy extension sits right in your browser, so you won’t waste time constantly navigating to the proxy — it’s ready whenever you want to access blocked content.

Proxy extensions in the Chrome Web Store are vetted by Google for security

Usually encrypt your browser connection

Can choose your server location

Usually free

Won’t disrupt any of your other Chrome security extensions

Requires installation on your computer

May show ads

May not be optimized for streaming content

If you can’t download a VPN or Tor (maybe your school or business forbids it), don’t want to use a proxy, but still need to unblock something quickly, there are some other quick methods to access blocked websites that could work.

The following methods for unblocking sites may not be as reliable or user-friendly as the options outlined above, but they can be effective site unblockers in a pinch.

5. Use a URL shortener

If your school or work network is using a very basic blocking method, using a URL shortener might help. Services like TinyURL shorten a website’s URL, which will help you unblock websites without  a proxy, VPN, or Tor . For example, if your school blocks Facebook but you need to use the social network for research or some other academic reason, creating a different (shortened) URL may help you access it.

Here’s how it works:

Go to a URL shortening site like , TinyURL , or Bitly .

Enter the website you want to unblock into the URL field, then click the button to shorten it.

Copy your new, shorter URL and paste it into your computer browser.

A screenshot of the URL shortener for bypassing website blockers.

If the alternative URL bypasses the content blocker’s filters, you'll be able to get to the site you want.

No downloading required                         

Quick and easy

May or may not work to unblock sites

No security

6. Try switching protocols

A graphic illustrating HTTPS to HTTP protocol switching.

But it’s important to note that HTTP is an unsecured protocol and should be avoided whenever possible . And never enter any personal information or passwords into a site using just HTTP, because of potential   security vulnerabilities that can be exploited .

No security; HTTP protocol is unsecured

If all else fails, protocol switching may be worth a try. But as well as leaving you exposed to man-in-the-middle attacks , you can’t use it to access sites or content that are geo-blocked in your location.

Use AVG Secure VPN to help unlock URLs, encrypt your connection, and switch your virtual location.

7. Use web archive

If you encounter restrictions accessing a live website, a potential workaround is to access the blocked content by visiting the Wayback Machine , an internet archive that stores copies of countless web pages. Just input the blocked URL into the archive's search bar and click "Browse History." Unless the Wayback Machine itself is blocked, you may discover an archived version of the content you're seeking.

The internet archive search bar on Wayback Machine.

Using an internet archive is a nifty way to access restricted content — even on school or work computers that won’t let you access proxies or download software. But of course, it has its limitations. The archived material may not be up to date, and you won’t be able to bypass geo-blocking or access streaming services.

May or may not work for all blocked content

May display outdated content

8. Use Google translate

Another Google-based workaround is to use Google Translate to unblock websites. This method for accessing restricted sites might not show the page you want to view perfectly, but it may be enough to let you read the content you’re looking for.

Here’s how to use Google Translate to unblock websites:

Go to  Google Translate.

Choose any language for the from field and English for the to field.

Paste your desired website or URL into the box.

Copying a URL into Google Translate to bypass a website restriction.

Click the link.

You may now be able to view it as an unblocked website.

Be aware that some elements on the page may break.

Accessing a blocked website by running the URL through Google Translate.

In this method, Google Translate accesses the website on your behalf and presents you with a cloned image of the site on its own URL. The advantage of this technique over some others is that Google Translate itself is unlikely to be restricted, and it’s possible to interact directly with the website clone — albeit with limited functionality.

May or may not work as a true website unblocker

9. Use a dynamic IP address

Some websites block connections from certain groups of IP addresses due to spam or cybercrime concerns. If that includes your IP address , you won't be able to visit that website. A dynamic IP address — one that changes with each use — will let you bypass this restriction. It’s the same trick phone spoofers use to keep calling you from different phone numbers.

Most ISPs use dynamic IP addresses, so simply restarting your router may get you a new one. Otherwise, connecting to a VPN or proxy server is the easiest way to get a dynamic IP address.

Increases your online privacy                 

If done manually, it’s free

May require a subscription

Can involve some technical know-how

If you’re on Windows, you can also use Command Prompt to change your IP. Open Command Prompt by simultaneously pressing the Win + R keys, then type cmd  and click OK . In the window that opens, type ipconfig /release (including spaces) and press Enter . Then type ipconfig /renew (including spaces) and press Enter , then close Command Prompt.

10. Use Safari Configurations

For Mac users, configuring a proxy directly within Safari is another option worth considering. While it requires slightly more effort during the initial setup compared to using browser plug-ins or extensions, it avoids the need to manually connect via a proxy service whenever you wish to unblock a specific website.

Here’s how to configure Safari proxy settings:

Launch Safari. 

Open the Safari menu and select Preferences .

Navigate to the Advanced tab.

Click the Change Settings button.

 Changing settings in the Safari browser Advanced Preferences menu.

Look at the proxy protocol options.

Ensure that the right proxy is selected.

Add the proxy service endpoint address.

Finally, click OK followed by Apply .

Selecting a desired proxy protocol in the Safari menu.

Although configuring a proxy server directly through your Safari browser settings has some advantages over using a web proxy , their fundamental plusses and minuses as website unblockers are mostly the same. But avoiding the need to manually connect via a web proxy service isn’t just convenient — it bypasses access restrictions to web proxy sites themselves.

Easy to use                                         

No download

  • Avoids the need to visit web proxy sites

No security                                             

More complex initial setup

Only possible on macOS

If you’re looking for an effective, reliable, and easy-to-set-up method to help unblock website restrictions, look no further than AVG Secure VPN . As well as securing your connection with ironclad encryption and masking your internet activity, it comes with over 50 global server locations to choose from, helping you optimize download speeds and access your favorite content.

11. Use an HTML to PDF converter

If you just want to read the contents of a particular webpage, and you don’t need to visit the actual site, you can use a PDF converter to convert the HTML source code into a readable PDF.

HTML to PDF converter tools change the contents of any URL into a PDF document, including the text and pictures on the site. Then, you can either preview the PDF online, download it to read it later, or print it.

Free and easy                                            

No installation needed

Inefficient browsing method

No on-page interaction

You can’t visit the actual site                

12. Use a private browser

Another effective way to try to unblock sites and view blocked content is to use a web browser built for privacy and security . Not only will a private browser help prevent unwanted tracking while you browse, but it can also help you access blocked websites.

One such browser is AVG Secure Browser , which includes built-in access to AVG Secure VPN — together, they can help you bypass website access restrictions, while also encrypting your connection and concealing your online activity.

To start accessing blocked websites: 

Download and install AVG Secure Browser .

Open AVG Secure Browser.

Click the green shield in the top-right corner.

Open the Security & Privacy Center .

A screenshot of the AVG Secure Browser Security & Privacy Center.

From there, you can activate multiple privacy features — including AVG Secure VPN — to help hide your presence from blocked websites and access restricted content.

Easy access to a built-in VPN with a kill switch

Helps stop phishing attacks and online trackers

Includes a built-in private browsing mode for extra privacy

Includes a customizable, easy-to-use adblocker

Requires extra installs to access all premium features

Requires browser installation

Using a top-rated private browser like AVG Secure Browser isn’t just a great way to access additional built-in features like a VPN. Built from the ground up with privacy and security in mind, its advanced suite of anti-tracking and fingerprinting technology helps you hide your identity and bypass bans and blocks — all while enjoying a seamless browsing experience.

13. Change your DNS server

Changing your Domain Name System (DNS) server — either manually or via a smart DNS proxy server — also helps you access geo-blocked content, by tricking a website into thinking you’re in a different location.

You can change your DNS server on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS (iPhone or iPad). Or, you can change the DNS server within your browser or via your router. The biggest difference between a smart DNS proxy and a VPN is that your IP address is still visible if you use a smart DNS proxy alone.

Free website unblocker                            

Doesn’t require installation

Doesn’t sacrifice speed

Works on all device types

Doesn’t hide your IP address or provide encryption

Setup can be intimidating

What’s the best way to unblock websites?

Now let’s review the main website unblocker methods described above and get a snapshot overview by rating them across a variety of factors including ease of use, speed, security, and more.

Green dots mean the method scores highly in that category, while orange dots mean it’s less optimal, and a red dot indicates low performance or complete absence of a feature.

As you can see, although each method has its drawbacks, VPNs score highest overall, especially in the categories that are critical for effective website unblocking. But if you need a no-download option to use on a public device, a web proxy service is probably your best bet.

An illustration of the various strengths, weaknesses, and features of different methods for unblocking websites.

Why do websites get blocked?

Websites get blocked when they detect an IP address that isn’t supposed to access the restricted content. Your IP address identifies your device on the internet and reveals your physical location. That’s what lets websites find your IP and block (or allow) your device.

If you use a VPN, it’s easy to hide your IP address so that it appears you’re coming from a different physical location, which can let you access blocked websites. But websites can also detect data stored in browser cookies . And if you’re trying to access a subscription site or paywalled content, the page will be blocked unless the site can verify that you’re logged in and have a subscription.

Geo-restricted content

Geo-blocking is common for streaming services — such as Netflix, Disney+, and Spotify — that have licensing agreements for the content they provide. Those agreements specify the films and TV shows they can deliver in each region they serve. That’s why many people traveling abroad use VPNs to unblock content that’s available in their home country.

A graphic illustration showing that website access can be blocked in different countries.

School and work restrictions

It’s obvious why your school or workplace might not want you to access certain things such as adult content or unsafe websites . But if they’re preventing you from streaming music or accessing news sites, it’s probably because they’re worried about productivity and bandwidth consumption.

A graphic showing school and workplace website blocking restrictions.

Some countries censor online content within their borders because of cultural, religious, or political concerns — in other words, to limit the flow of information. China, with its Great Firewall , is probably the most notorious example, blocking lots of sites like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). When countries censor the open web, their citizens often find ways to unblock banned websites.

 A graphic illustration showing that state censorship is a common reason for blocked websites.

Internet service providers (ISPs) typically block websites for legitimate reasons — URLs known to contain or traffic illegal or pirated content are often blocked by most ISPs. If you live in a country with strict censorship laws, ISPs may be required to block websites according to local regulations too.

A graphic illustration showing that ISPs themselves may not allow access to certain sites.

Is it legal to unblock websites?

The legality of unblocking websites varies depending on location. Many countries (even China, to some degree) allow VPNs. For more details about specific countries, research what local laws say about VPNs. If you’re torrenting copyrighted media, that’s almost always illegal, whether you’re using a VPN or not.

Bypassing content restrictions to access specific shows on platforms like HBO Max or Netflix isn’t illegal — but it may be against their terms of use. Likewise, unblocking legitimate websites on an institutional device won’t get you in any trouble with the law, but could land you in hot water with your school or employer.

Will any of these methods allow me to access blocked websites at school?

Yes, some of the above methods to unblock websites will work at school. But due to restrictions imposed by the network administrator, it’s likely that you won’t be able to download a VPN or Tor. That means a proxy or one of the quick methods outlined above will be your best bet if you need to unblock sites and access materials for a school project.

How about unblocking sites at work?

If you have a fixed workstation or can download any software you want on a laptop, a VPN is perhaps your best option to unblock websites at work. If that’s not the case — if you have a hot-desking setup or your employer restricts what you can download on your laptop — then neither a VPN nor Tor will work. At that point, a web proxy or browser proxy is likely your best option.

The easiest way to access blocked sites on any device

Is there a free vpn.

It’s possible to get free VPNs, but their features won’t be as comprehensive as premium products. And unreputable VPNs might even monetize your browsing activity by selling it to data brokers or other third parties. You can try AVG Secure VPN for free with a 7-day trial.

Can I unblock websites on my phone, too?

Yes, you can unblock websites on your iPhone or Android using the most common methods for unblocking websites on a computer. But, fiddling around with a web proxy or Tor might not work well due to decreased speeds. 

Setting up a VPN on mobile is one of the best ways to unblock sites on your phone. VPNs are easy to set up, easy to use, and protect you on unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Whether you use Android or iOS , AVG has you covered with a top-of-the-line mobile VPN app. Give it a try today.

How can I unblock a website on Chrome?

Here’s how to unblock sites on Chrome: Open Settings and change or reset permissions while you’re on the website you want to visit — this will help you get around content blocks on Chrome immediately. Tor is a separate browser, but it also has an extension for Chrome . Both VPNs and web proxies work well on Chrome too.

How do I unblock a website without a VPN?

It is possible to unblock websites using alternative methods such as the Tor browser or proxies, but there are downsides to both. Using a VPN not only helps you access restricted content, but it also encrypts your data for airtight privacy and security.

How do I unblock sites on my laptop?

A VPN is among the best and most convenient tools for unblocking websites on a laptop. As well as helping you quickly and easily watch TV online and bypass other content blocks, you’ll also enjoy other benefits of a VPN, such as a choice of optimized server locations and encryption to help block your activity from being tracked .

How do I unblock websites on a Chromebook?

You can unblock websites on a Chromebook with a VPN, as long as the VPN has an Android-supported app. If you need a website unblocker to conduct research on a school Chromebook, try a web proxy server — though you may have to search for one that the IT department hasn’t restricted yet.

Download AVG Secure VPN to help get around website blocks and stay private online.

Install AVG Secure VPN to help get around website blocks and stay private online.


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How to unblock sites at school

Often, most entertainment sites or sites of distracting subjects are blocked by the network administrator at schools. In this article, you will find ways on how you can unblock sites at school using different tools and services.

keyboard with unblock button

  • Web browser extensions
  • Additional tools

Accessing cetrain websites at school

There exists various tools utilized for the purpose of preventing access to websites within a school setting. As an illustration, a filter could be directly implemented onto the school’s computers. The fundamental concept behind the functioning of such a filter is as follows: upon making a request to access a specific site that pertains to distracting subjects, which have been included in the list of restrictions, the connection will be disrupted, resulting in the display of a connection error. However, the process of installing a filter on each individual computer is both time-consuming and demanding, involving the procurement of a group of licenses for the school, which can prove to be highly costly. Therefore, in the majority of cases, a single filter is installed within the school’s server environment. Whenever a user attempts to visit a blocked website, they are presented with a distinct window containing information indicating that the site is prohibited and currently unavailable to them. 

Blocking websites at school is not reasonable, as it may happen that you have a few free minutes and would like to check your social network accounts, important messages, or open any site, which is in most cases blocked by the network administrator. So instead of searching for free unblocked music sites at school, we invite you to learn some easy tips on how to unblock sites at school. The practice of preventing access to websites at educational institutions is not justifiable, as there may be occasions when one has available time and desires to access personal social media accounts, important communications, or any other website, which is typically restricted by the school’s network supervisor. Thus, rather than seeking out unrestricted music websites while at school, we would like to extend an invitation to discover simple methods to circumvent website blocks while on campus. 

Top ways to unblock websites at school

Use proxy to unblock websites on school.

Web Proxy is a kind of application installed on a web server, which acts as a medium between you and the website. It is simple to use. Just find any free proxy website, open it, enter the address of the necessary site into the special URL field and click the Go button. You will access the site by using a “foreign” IP address. Web proxies are often used to:

  • Bypass filter administrator’s restrictions and access certain sites
  • Surf anonymously and hide your IP address
  • Unblock geo-restricted websites
  • Test online services in different locations

Here is a list of free proxy services you can try to unblock movie sites at school, social networks or other sites.


how to unblock school blocked sites

If you are interested in how to unblock sites at school without using a Proxy, then continue reading to learn more ways.

Use web browser extensions to access blocked websites

Some browsers can bypass restrictions without a need to download third-party programs. There are built-in browser tools and some popular free add-ons which can be used as school site unblockers.

  • Compression mode. The simplest, but nevertheless, still effective method. You just turn on the traffic saving mode, for example, in Opera and visit the sites you need.
  • Stealthy. The extension is used to change your IP-address to a foreign one. This is achieved by using special proxy servers, and the extension automatically selects the fastest server from the list for your location.
  • Hola Unblocker. This is a special service, which is aimed to speed up the Internet connection and give users access to any sites, regardless of their country of residence.
  • FriGate. Opens sites blocked by the system administrator of your school, network or provider. With friGate, you can simply and reliably open any site without losing a speed.

The list of extensions for browsers that help solve problems with free access to sites can be continued, but this does not make sense since you can find them on Google marketplace and choose the one you like.

Use VPNs to unblock websites

Let’s say that your browser does not support plug-ins and extensions. In this case, you can use a VPN.

When using a VPN, your system connects to a remote server located in another country through a secure tunnel. The information passing through this tunnel is completely protected. Because the VPN service connects you to an external server, this allows you to avoid site-blocking. In addition, when you connect to a VPN, you also receive a new IP address.

Pros. VPN-programs allow you not only to open blocked sites, but also allow you to search anonymously and hide your online activity. Also, with a VPN you have unlimited traffic and a high connection speed.

Cons. You will have to download and install additional software on your device. You can learn more about VPNs in our previous article or immediately download the VPN Client app for Mac and get a free 7-day trial period.

How to unblock school sites using the VPN Client

  • Download VPN Client from the App Store and launch the app.
  • Register your account using your valid email address.
  • Choose the VPN server and click to connect.
  • The program will change your IP address and allow you to unblock websites.

hulu vpn

Additional methods to unblock restricted sites

We have shared the easiest ways on how to unblock school sites. The programs above will allow access to any site within two minutes. However, there are some more complex cases, for example, when it is prohibited to install any software on a computer. Then you can try other tricks: We have provided instructions on the most straightforward methods to bypass restrictions on school websites. The aforementioned software options facilitate unrestricted access to any site in a matter of two minutes. Nevertheless, there are instances where the situation is more intricate, such as when it is forbidden to install any programs onto a computer. In such cases, alternative techniques can be attempted. Try the following tricks:

  • Subscribe to site updates via email. Even when there are the most stringent restrictions, you always have access to your email. So you can subscribe to the newsletter of your favorite website and get new articles by email.
  • RSS. If the site does not provide email marketing, you can always use an RSS feed to your mailbox. RSS is a well-known, proven technology, allowing you to get acquainted with new articles without having to visit the site.
  • Google services. Some of Google services can also be used to overcome artificial barriers in the network. For example, such services as Google Translate, Google Mobilizer, Google Modules may well be used as an improvised proxy.
  • Google cache. Check whether the page has a cached version, which you can open even i fit is blocked at your school. To open a cached page on Chrome, open the browser → search for the website you want to visit → right of the URL → click the downward arrow → click Cached.
  • URL shortener. If your school blocks, for example, YouTube, a service that replaces a website’s URL address with a shorter domain name, might unblock the video.
  • Switch between HTTP and HTTPS. Try typing in the URL with either HTTP or HTTPS. This method can help you if the software blocks only one URL.

As you can see, there are many ways to overcome any restrictions imposed on you. Although the list of tools we have listed is quite complete, we’re sure, can easily add your favorite ways and proven programs on how to unblock blocked sites at school in the comments below.

VPN Client logo

FAQs about accessing blocked content

Here is the list of some sites that are not blocked at schools:

  • Unblocked Games Pod
  • CoolMath Games
  • Bored Button
  • RG Mechanics

By default, all folders on a Mac have the same color—the macOS uses tags to organize your folders. However, you may want to make your folders different so you can easily find the required items in a mess of folders. In that case, you can use third-party applications like Softorino, which allows you to colorize folders on your Mac.

Instead of a VPN service, you could use a proxy server to open blocked sites at school. Another option is to use the Tor browser.

Blocking websites at school is necessary to censor what children can see and protect them from unwanted content.

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How to Unblock Websites at School – An In-Depth Guide for 2024

Unblock Websites School

Any type of online restriction is annoying as it gets. You can’t access your favorite sites, and sometimes, it extends to apps like Facebook Messenger, preventing you from contacting your friends and family. Schools are notorious for this trend, which vastly limits your online freedom, even when you need it for your homework. Luckily, there are a few solutions to help you alleviate this problem. Stay with us to find more about unblocking and accessing websites freely at your school.

Using a VPN for Unblocking Sites at School

In this day and age, schools’ firewall systems are getting stronger, but not stronger than VPNs. Depending on how tech-savvy you are, you may have heard about this term. This service is used by millions of people worldwide for this, and many other purposes online.

So, what exactly is a Virtual Private Network and how will it help you with this issue?

Simply put, it’s a service that allows you to bypass website block and browse the web anonymously. When you connect to a VPN server, you’re assigned a new IP address, hiding (obfuscating) your old one. In other words, you get a new online identity, making you anonymous online.

Access ALL the websites with ExpressVPN >

This lets you browse the web freely, without any site blocks and limitations. Given that VPNs use military-grade encryption, your connection will be stable and safe, so your school can’t intercept your traffic.

A service like this is also great for unblocking streaming platforms at your school/university. You can watch YouTube videos freely at your school or catch up with an episode of your favorite show on Netflix. When you change your IP address , possibilities are endless, even in your school.

Just don’t use the internet during classes, though. But when the big break comes, you can chew your school meal and enjoy some free internet – it’s that easy!

How to Use a VPN to Unblock Sites at School?

We said that using this service is easy and we’ll quickly back that up. If this is your first time using a VPN, don’t fret – we have a step-by-step guide on how to unblock every website that is blocked at your school. Scroll down, buddy!

  • Subscribe to the provider of your choice. We recommend ExpressVPN .
  • Download and install the apps you’re going to use.
  • Open the app and sign in with your credentials to proceed to the home screen.
  • Under the connection button, click on the country displayedto open the server list.
  • Click on the server you want to connect to and use the connection button to establish a connection.
  • With your connection established, visit any website you want and enjoy.

Beware that schools mostly block communication websites and apps, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Without a doubt, a VPN will unblock all of them easily. And before you ask – yes, Snapchat and TikTok will work!

Recommended VPNs for Unblocking Websites at School/Workplace

Getting a Virtual Private Network is like going on your local car dealership. Every car is allegedly good and reliable, while many of them suck. There are many providers that aren’t worth a second of your time.

Therefore, we came up with the list of top 3 VPN choices for unblocking sites at school/uni. Note that they will ALWAYS work.

1. ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN unblock sites

Do you think that your buddies from school are your best friends? Well, no offense, but ExpressVPN will trump them all! This provider is your best companionship for worry-less web browsing, even in “grey” areas like schools or workplaces.

The reason being is because it’s exceptional when it comes to unblocking websites. With 3,000+ servers in 94 countries worldwide, ExpressVPN will bypass geo-restrictions in a snap of a singer. Moreover, it has the fastest speeds on the market, which will give you buttery-smooth browsing experience.

For this purpose, having rock-solid security is a must and the provider knows that well. It wraps your connection with 256-bit AES encryption and supports a Kill Switch preventing you from exposing your IP or DNS.

If you care about privacy, a zero-logging policy will fix that. It’s audited by PwC, hence the provider abides by its promises perfectly. Are you bored to death on your big breaks? Well, ExpressVPN unblocks streaming services like Netflix, HBO GO, and Hulu, so you can still enjoy some shows and movies during that time.

ExpressVPN offers a 49% discount for an annual plan and gives you 3 months FREE on top of that. With 5 simultaneous connections and 24/7 support, this is the best VPN deal on the market.

Unblock and Access Favorite Sites in School With ExpressVPN >

NordVPN unblock website

NordVPN is a well-known name in this industry. A name that strides to make itself perfect and satisfy millions of users around the globe. To be fair, it does so, all while offering a relatively affordable price, depending on your location.

What makes this provider special? For the start, 5,600+ servers in 60 countries. All of them are super-secure and offers great speeds for web browsing and streaming. You can now dance on TikTok or act a fool on Instagram live streams without any limits!

Unblocking sites at your school/university will be a breeze, especially if we talk about streaming sites and social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube – they’ll all be at your palm’s reach. Even better, you get dedicated servers for streaming, just in case you want to access some teenage shows on Netflix or Prime Video.

Security-wise, NordVPN is equipped like a tank. It uses 256-bit encryption, a kill switch, Double VPN, and obfuscated servers. With all of these features, you’ll easily slide under the prying eyes of your school and/or the Internet Service Provider.

And if you find ads annoying (who doesn’t?!), there’s CyberSec for mitigating this issue. NordVPN will give you unlimited bandwidth, up to 6 simultaneous connections, and a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you don’t like it. Is this a fair deal? It surely is.

Enjoy Online Freedom at School With NordVPN >

3. CyberGhost

CyberGhost unblock sites

Saving money off your school snack can lead you to some great savings that you can spend on CyberGhost. The reason we’re saying this is because it’s very cheap. Actually, it’s the cheapest of the bunch and provides equally good performance.

One thing where CyberGhost reigns supreme is the server count. It has 7,000+ servers in 90 countries around the globe. It sounds like a lot, and frankly, it IS a LOT. Some of them are dedicated servers for streaming and torrenting, in case you want to snatch some songs or movies from torrent sites at school.

And if you want to stream Netflix, that’s possible with CyberGhost’s fast and reliable servers. Users of this provider like its speeds that are slightly below what ExpressVPN offers. This is still pretty fast, so you won’t notice that you’re using it.

CyberGhost can take pride in being very secure, due to its military-grade encryption and a zero-log policy. This, alongside 7 simultaneous connections, will let you protect every internet-capable device in your home. And now, for the best stuff – a 45-day money-back guarantee.

This is the most generous offer you’re going to get. If you don’t like it, you can get a refund within the first 45 days of your purchase. If your parents refuse to get a VPN for you, show them this offer and they’ll think about it – we promise!

Unblock Sites at School With CyberGhost >

Other Solutions for Unblocking Sites at School

The solution we just gave you is the most reliable one. It will always work and you’ll have no problems with it, given that you’ve picked one of the choices from our list. Now, the solutions you’re going to see below may, or may not work.

This depends on how strong the school’s firewall is. On the flip side, they’re all free, so you can try them out easily.

Using a Proxy Server Proxy

The solution many people use at schools or workplaces comes in the form of proxy servers. They let you unblock sites and they’re free, so why would you use a VPN? Hold on a second. Do proxies really unblock sites? Well… sometimes.

A proxy server may unblock the site you want but there are a few important caveats to think about. First, you get very slow speeds that will hinder your browsing experience. Second, you can’t connect to the server you want. Instead, the proxy assigns you a random IP from a random country.

And the last thing is that your connection isn’t encrypted – uh-oh! This means that your school’s internet administrators can still see what you’re doing online and intercept your connection.

For us, using a proxy is a no-go if you’re in a dire need of the internet at your school. If we’re talking about a one-time use, a proxy might come in handy. For example, to see what’s new on Instagram or check messages on Discord.

But, as we mentioned, this method may not always work if the school’s firewall is rock-solid. Plus, with no encryption, you can say goodbye to privacy.

Typing a Site’s IP Instead of URL

This trick is as old as the internet itself, but it seems to work in some cases. You see, every website has an URL but also an IP address that you probably don’t know of. Schools will often block particular URLs, without thinking about IP addresses.

In that case, if you type in the URL, you can’t access the site. But what if you go for an IP? If it’s not blocked, this trick will work. Here’s how to get an IP of the site on different platforms:

  • iOS and Android: download the app called Traceroute on your phone and follow the steps.
  • Windows: open the command prompt and type in tracert
  • macOS: open the Network Utility tab and find the Traceroute option. Type in the website address to get its IP.
  • Linux: In the Terminal, type in dig to get the IP address of the site you want.

When you get the IP, copy and paste it to your web browser. If the school hasn’t blocked the site’s IP, this method should work.

Using Google Translate

Google Translate is a great educational tool that lets you translate words and sentences from and into more than 100 languages. This is why schools and workplaces usually don’t ban it. But, little did you know, you can use this tool to bypass websites’ ban at your school.

Basically, you’ll use it to translate the blocked website in another language, and then, Google-search it. It’s very simple and will work given that your school didn’t impose a ban on Google’s tool.

Getting a Portable Web Browser

Many schools will impose very strict bans that are hard to bypass with all of the aforementioned methods, except VPNs. These bans may be so harsh, that you can’t install any browser extensions to unblock sites.

What you can do, though, is download a portable version of a web browser on your USB drive. We recommend Mozilla Firefox because it’s lightweight and actually offers a portable version.

You can then equip this browser with numerous extensions and like that, transfer it to your USB Drive. When you get to school, plug in the USB drive and use the browser. It should unblock sites, depending on the level of your school’s restrictions.

If it doesn’t work, you can also use a quality proxy with it, but then, the issues we mentioned above will arise. This is why a VPN is a much better solution in order to access blocked websites at school and university.

Using a Free VPN

Another solution is getting a free VPN . This solution is slightly more effective than proxies, although we still don’t recommend it. For unblocking sites, it will work a bit better, but you get limited bandwidth, very slow speeds, and weak security features.

In many cases, though, free providers collect your personal info and browsing history, which isn’t exactly screaming privacy. To make matters worse, they sell your data to third parties, which allows the government and advertisers to track you online.

Providers that we recommend avoiding are Hola VPN and Betternet. They are proven to sell data, and on top of that, they offer almost zero security.

Long story short, ExpressVPN will give you a no-compromise experience, so it’s always our recommended choice. It’s more affordable than ever in 2024 and provides everything you need to safely unblock sites at school.

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21 Ways to Access Blocked WebSites at School and Work

There might be many reasons behind this, most of the offices, colleges, and schools provide free Wi-Fi to their staff and students but they always aim to block many awesome and useful websites. They may include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Most of the people in those areas always try to unblock websites to access blocked websites . There are many ways to complete this task. This article helps you to unblock websites and get access to blocked websites at school and work. Using below mentioned steps you may able to open blocked websites easily in no time.

21 working ways to access blocked websites at schools and office

As I said earlier you can access blocked websites at colleges and schools using many different ways. You can achieve this task by using proxies, cache and some software applications and even by add-on’s in browsers.

Here are the most commonly used tricks to access blocked websites easily at your schools, colleges, and offices. 


ProXPN VPN is the best software cum application to unblock websites and to access blocked websites in schools and colleges on Windows, MAC and Mobiles. Working algorithm is very simple. Before proceeding you have create an account at their website and later download and install ProXPN VPN by following on screen instructions carefully.

Once installed you should connect ProXPN VPN to your device using your login credentials. Once your machine gets connected to ProXPN VPN, then it creates a secret tunnel via which data exchange takes place hiding your exact physical location. In this way, you can access blocked websites at any place using ProXPN VPN.

2. TunnelBear Vpn

TunnelBear Vpn also works alike above one. It works on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10,  MacOS, All apple smartphones and in Android gadgets. Just download it from their official site and install it by following on-screen instructions.

3. HotspotShield VPN

HotspotShield VPN works on almost all popular smartphones and PC operating systems. Working logic is simple and same as above two. Just download and install it and enjoy surfing blocked websites for completely free.

4. Security Kiss

Securitykiss , it keeps it simple and smart and helps you to surf entire internet without any restrictions. It is completely free of cost and safe to use. Your personal data is never misused in any way. This is simple yet most efficient way to access blocked sites in just matter of few clicks.

5. Private Tunnel

Private Tunnel is one the most trusted VPN software to access blocked websites in Windows and MAC. You can contact support team in case of any difficulties.

6. Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine is an online tool with a unique concept. This tool collect and store the cache of almost all sites. In short, you can see how does a website look a year or couple of years ago. Using this tool, select the latest cache and it will almost look like actual website. This is one the best way to access blocked websites using cache.

Just open Wayback machine tool and type URL the of required site and hit “Go Wayback!” Presto! You have unblocked the website and accessing it like a boss. But this cache trick may won’t work on Social media sites.

7. Google Cache

Best part of Google search engine is they store the websites cache. It helps us to see blocked sites via these cache pages. Doing this is very simple and even a newbie can do this.

Search at Google in this format “ ” without quotes and wait for search results to display. At the extreme right of the search result, you’ll see an option named “Cache”. Kindly hit on it and enjoy surfing blocked sites in no time.

Note : Replace with the URL you need to unblock.

If any site is blocked in your area, then you definitely need a mediator to get connected to it. In short these proxy websites acts as same. Firstly you’ll connected to this proxy site and then it connects to the blocked website, in this way you can get access to blocked websites easily using these online proxy sites. There are many such sites established on internet today but for now I’ll introduce 5 best proxy websites here to access the blocked websites .

8. Hide my Ass

Name itself sounds funny right? But it is a very powerful tool and I always use this for any urgent tasks and works. According to me, HidemyAss is best proxy website till now I have used. It works very fast when compared to rest.

9. Spysurfing

Spysurfing is another proxy site which hides your actual location and connects to blocked websites in a fraction of seconds. Spysurfing even has advanced options like filters. You can remove Images, flash, scripts etc. to load pages faster than usual.

Using Kproxy , you’re capable to unblock blocked websites and as a result you are able to access blocked websites in no time. But they works slower than normal. Just go to the site and enter web address you want to unblock and hit “Surf”

11. Proxify

Proxify also works on the same principle but is a paid tool and you need to login to make use of their service. However you can get one day free trail to test its power and features. If you’re satisfied with it, then you can proceed to payment. According to me, HidemyAss works great than this Proxify and even HidemyAss is free to some extent.

12.  support both English and dutch language. Just enter the required url and press Enter . It works bit slower but gives the maximum result.

13. Tor Web Browser

Using Proxy tools and websites, it is impossible to access social media sites like Facebook, Google+ etc. Since it stores cookies to works perfectly which is not possible with proxies. So you need an alternative to access such sites, here comes the Tor web browser which can surf the internet anonymously hiding your identity.

You can  download Tor web browser here

 14. Extension for your Browser

By Installing Hola extension in your browser, you can browser the internet anonymously hiding your physical identity. For example Facebook and YouTube is banned in china; but by using this extension you can access them, It cunningly act that you’re surfing from America even tough you’re in China. You can  get Hola extension for your browser here

Bonus : Install Geek Dashboard Extension on your chrome

15. IP Address

Normally schools and offices block the websites by entering the URL like . but each website will have a unique IP address. If you manage to grab the IP address of blocked website, then you can unblock them by accessing it with their IP address

Let me show you how to grab IP address of any website using command prompt.

  • Press Windows+R to open RUN box in Windows or open Terminal on Mac.
  • Now type cmd and press enter  if you are on Windows.
  • In command prompt/Terminal type “ ping ” without quotes and hit enter .

Note : Replace with blocked website URL without http and www. Check below screenshot for reference.

16. URL Shortener

Usually these URL Shortner’s are used to minimize the size of lengthy urls to remember them easily. Later these short URL’s will redirect to actual address. If Facebook is blocked at your college, using online tools likes , you can shorten those URL’s and can access those sites even if they are blocked.

17. Adding Proxy in Browser

Most of modern browsers today support proxy. There are tons of proxy sites available on internet; from then select one the proxy site and enter it in your browser to access blocked websites at work and school.

In Google Chrome 

Doing this process is different in different browsers, if you are using chrome, go to Settings and then click Show Advanced settings and then hit “ Change Proxy settings… ” under network tab. Under LAN; Hit LAN settings and check “ Use a Proxy for your LAN ”

  • In address box; enter a proxy site ( Click here to get list of proxy sites)
  • Enter 80 in port tab and hit Save .

In Mozilla Firefox

From menu bar click Tools and the navigate to Options; Now click on Advanced and hit Network tab. Then click on connection settings and select manual proxy configuration . Finally enter any proxy and port name and press OK . Also, make sure you have checked “ Use this proxy for all protocol “.

18. Browser in Secure Connection

Generally most of the websites won’t use secure connection. But few popular websites like Facebook, Google, Yahoo allow their visitors to surf securely. In order to access blocked websites at colleges and work, instead of opening websites in http:// format open them as https:// for example; if Google is blocked at your college, it may be possible to open Google as at your end even if it is blocked in your area. It works in some of the cases.

19. Read via Email

Web2mail is an online tool which sends webpages to your mail. Signup from this site and request them to send any of the blocked site to your email. Most of the email services like Gmail, Yahoo and outlook supports html in mails, so you can access blocked websites from your email as well.

20. Google Translate

Google Translate is capable to convert any webpage from one language to other. Enter URL of website and hit translate. Normally most sites are in English langues, so select any other langues than English in FROM tab and select Engish in TO tab. Check screenshot for better understanding.

Consider Reading:

Top 10 Best Google Chrome Themes

10 Interesting Google Search Tips and Tricks

21. Using Decimal Code

Do you remember the IP address trick I mentioned above? What if even IP address is blocked at your college. No worries! you can convert it to decimal code to access blocked websites. First find the IP address of the required website using above command prompt tool and then open this online tool  and enter IP address as shown below and press calculate . Finally you can see decimal code, copy and use it as new URL for your blocked website.

Hope one of these 21 tricks helped you to access blocked websites easily at your college or work. Don’t forgot us while you surf internet at your college hours and consider sharing this guide with your friends and over your social media profiles and help them to access blocked websites as you did.

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Amar Ilindra

Amar Ilindra is a tech-savvy individual who is passionate about gadgets and new technology. He is a full-stack developer who enjoys experimenting with technology and sharing his experiences through blogging. When he's not writing, he devotes his time to creating practical web and mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms.

October 18, 2018 at 9:29 AM

The new program Labyrinth is getting a lot of hype as well for being an anti-censorship browser.

May 15, 2017 at 7:02 PM

Nice article dear! Thanks for sharing…:)

January 24, 2017 at 4:07 PM

Amazing tips, thanks to share. i go with a VPN method and recently purchased PureVPN its performing great with fast speed.

November 15, 2016 at 8:27 AM

I’ve just made an app that can help people bypass network blocking such LightSpeed and Websence,only need more real tests, can anyone help me test it? connect: [email protected]

November 5, 2016 at 12:15 AM

I’m currently at a hospital and I have time to use a laptop once a day for an hour and none of these worked. The alternative proxy websites are blocked themselves and I can’t download anything to this computer. I just want to access my email but is blocked.

November 5, 2016 at 10:54 PM

I don’t know why you are in the hospital. You may have a speed recovery. Did you tried ? Let me know if it worked for you.

May 7, 2016 at 12:57 PM

Among these ways VPN is the most effective one. For secure internet browsing VPN is the best option. I am using Hide-My-IP to acess any blocked website. It really works. I don’t have to pay a lot to use this service. It costs me only $2.95/month.

May 5, 2016 at 3:32 PM

You mentioned some good VPNs, but for me Hide My IP VPN seems a better deal, 2.95/mo includes 100 locations, 5 devices, and smart dns proxy.

November 18, 2015 at 8:31 PM

None worked for me, thanks to Lightspeed Systems being WAY strict on stuff.

October 11, 2015 at 5:49 AM

Facebook is blocked at my workplace. I’m using arcvpn to bypass the block! 🙂

June 3, 2015 at 4:43 AM

It’s perfect time to make a few plans for the longer term and it is time to be happy. I have read this publish and if I could I want to recommend you few attention-grabbing things or advice. Perhaps you could write next articles regarding this article. I wish to learn more issues approximately it!

December 10, 2014 at 5:42 PM

My school got macbook airs this year but they practically blocked everything, i would like a little more freedom if you know what i mean , theyre main blocker is Lightspeed systems.

September 11, 2013 at 12:46 AM

I just couldn’t depart your web site prior to suggesting that I extremely loved the usual info a person provide to your visitors? Is going to be back continuously to check up on new posts

September 7, 2013 at 12:06 PM

Thanks for sharing..the great post..keep the good works going..:-)

August 19, 2013 at 10:10 PM

Great and covered almost all working methods…

August 20, 2013 at 11:02 AM

Thanks for your Rohit, Keep Visiting

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  • VPN & Privacy
  • How to unblock websites

How to unblock websites on Chrome and Firefox from anywhere

unblock websites Chrome Firefox

When a website is blocked, you’ll see some sort of error message or a page indicating that you’ve encountered a blocked site.

page not available connection reset

Websites can be blocked in a few different ways:

  • IP blacklisting

DNS tampering

Keyword filtering.

We’ll explain these in more detail further down. Before that, we’ll discuss the one-size-fits-all solution for all but the toughest web censorship: a VPN.

Short for Virtual Private Network, a VPN encrypts all the data going to and from the internet and re-routes it through an intermediary server. The VPN acts as a proxy that accomplishes two things:

  • Hides what websites you visit from anyone monitoring your internet connection, such as a school, office, or internet service provider
  • Masks your real IP address with that of the VPN server so that websites can’t block you by IP or location

Our top recommendation is NordVPN , a VPN provider that offers an easy-to-use  app that can unblock blocked websites in more than 61 countries. It boasts robust security and fast speeds, so you can stream video through it or use it while gaming. NordVPN’s browser extension for Chrome and Firefox enables you to use the VPN without installing a separate app. It comes with a money-back guarantee that you can take advantage of any time in the first 30 days, no questions asked.

How to use a VPN to unblock websites at school, work, or abroad

nord vpn browser extensions

VPNs make unblocking websites easy. Just follow these instructions:

  • Sign up for a VPN. We recommend NordVPN .
  • Download and install the VPN app or web browser extension.
  • Select a VPN server in the location you want to browse from and hit Connect .
  • Wait for the connection to be established, then open the blocked website. It should now be accessible.

NordVPN connected

Many VPNs, NordVPN included, offer both native apps that install on your operating system and browser extensions that plug into Chrome and Firefox. If you just need to unblock websites, a browser extension should be sufficient and you won’t have to worry about not having administrative privileges to install software.

But note that with a browser extension, traffic from apps and services outside of your web browser won’t go through the VPN. If you need to unblock some other app or the browser extension doesn’t get the job done, try installing the native app for Windows or Mac instead.

If you’re trying to access restricted websites from abroad, be sure to connect your VPN to a country where the site in question is not censored. For example, BBC iPlayer is only available to people in the UK, so you could connect to a VPN server in London (or elsewhere in the UK) to access it.

How websites get blocked

To understand how websites are blocked, you first need to have a basic grasp of IP addresses and DNS.

IP blocking

Every device connected to the internet has a unique public IP address, including servers where websites are hosted and end user devices like the one you’re using right now.

One IP address for this website is, a unique address for the web server on which this site is hosted.

If a network administrator at a school, office, or internet service provider wanted to block this website, they could set up a firewall rule to block any traffic to or from IP address

When you use a VPN, internet traffic first goes to the VPN, and then to the website. The school or office only sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the IP address of the website. Because the VPN server IP address hasn’t been blocked, the user can access the blocked website through it.

IP blacklisting is limited in that many websites have multiple IP addresses because they’re so big. YouTube, for example, uses several IP addresses. IP addresses are not always permanent, so blocking a site by its IP address might not work or might only work temporarily.

Enter DNS tampering.

Also known as DNS hijacking, DNS poisoning, or DNS spoofing, DNS tampering is frequently used as a means to block websites.

Let’s say you’re at a school where this website is blocked. The domain of this website is “” When you click a link to this page or enter the page URL into your web browser’s address bar, a request containing the domain is sent to a DNS server.

DNS, or Domain Name System, works like a phone book for the internet. Instead of names and phone numbers, it associates domain names with IP addresses. The DNS server looks up the IP address associated with the “” domain name. Under normal circumstances, in response to the request, the DNS server sends back the IP address of the server where Comparitech is hosted. This allows your device to connect to the website and load the page in Chrome or Firefox.

DNS tampering involves changing the phone book. Whomever operates the DNS server can remove or change the IP address associated with “” Without knowing the correct IP address, the user will either see an error page or be redirected to another site, such as a page indicating you’re trying to access blocked content. This is a common tactic used by China’s Great Firewall to block Facebook, YouTube, and hundreds of other sites. Because domain names rarely change, DNS tampering is far more reliable than just blocking IP addresses.

DNS tampering is more tricky to overcome but most good VPNs these days can bypass it. The VPN will use its own DNS servers instead of the ones provided by your school, office, or ISP. This ensures your DNS hasn’t been poisoned and pages will be unblocked.

Note that not all VPNs can solve this problem, and that’s doubly true for VPN browser extensions. DNS traffic is often sent outside of the web browser and VPNs might leak DNS traffic. Look for a VPN that offers “DNS leak prevention” to ensure you’ll be able to unblock websites. NordVPN’s web browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox include DNS leak protection, which is rare for VPN plugins.

Keyword filtering is less common than other methods of website blocking but might still be an obstacle in schools and offices. A VPN might or might not help depending on where the filtering takes place.

The concept is simple: if a website contains certain words, then block it. Unlike DNS tampering and IP blacklisting, this form of censorship doesn’t require the network administrator to know which sites to block ahead of time. Instead, the webpage is scanned for certain keywords before it can be viewed. Schools can use this method to block sites containing profanity, for example.

Keyword filtering can take place on the network or on the end user device.

If it takes place on the network, then the page is scanned before it arrives on your device. Put simply, the school, ISP, or office intercepts the page, scans its contents, and then decides whether to block it or let it pass to the end user device. A VPN encrypts all of your device’s internet traffic, so the network administrator will not be able to view the page and therefore cannot block it if you’re connected to a VPN.

If keyword filtering takes place on the end user’s device, then a VPN will not help. This might be the case when parental monitoring software or a similar program is installed on a school or office computer. The page is blocked after it arrives on your device based on any sensitive keywords it finds. Because a VPN only protects data in transit across a network, it can’t do anything about a program that scans pages after they’ve reached your web browser. To unblock a site that’s been keyword filtered locally, you’ll have to disable the monitoring software. Perhaps try using a different web browser.

Geo-blocking and IP banning

Geo-blocking and IP banning happens the other way around from all the other blocking methods in this article. It occurs when the website itself blocks you instead of your school, office, or ISP. Websites typically block users based on their IP address or where their DNS servers are located.

Websites that block people based on their location—geo-blocking—usually do so using IP addresses. An IP address not only identifies your device, it also points to your approximate location. A website restricted to users in the UK will block anyone with an American IP address, for example. This is known as “geo-blocking.”

DNS servers are usually operated locally and thus are also a good indicator of your location.

Once again, a good VPN service with DNS leak protection is the solution. Make sure the VPN you choose has servers in the country or city from which you need to access blocked websites. NordVPN has over 6,000 servers in more than 61 countries, so you should be covered.

Note that many websites have caught onto this tactic and have started blocking IP addresses of known VPN servers. This is the case with several video streaming websites like Netflix, Hulu, HBO, BBC iPlayer, and Amazon Prime Video. If you want to access one of these sites – while traveling abroad, for example – then Comparitech has plenty of resources for finding the best VPN. That being said, NordVPN works with the majority of geo-blocked sites that we’ve tested.

Other ways to unblock websites

Google translate.

unblock websites with google translate

Google Translate includes a feature that allows you to translate entire websites in your browser. You’ll still be on the Google Translate website, but the site you want to unblock appears in your browser window. Here’s how to unblock websites with Google Translate:

  • Copy and paste the URL of the site you want to unblock into Google Translate.
  • Click the hyperlink that appears in the translated box.
  • You’ll see an error page that says the page is already in English. Near the top, click the dropdown menu next to To: and select any language other than English.
  • You’ll now see the page in another language. At the top right, click Original to view the page.

This might or might not work depending on the blocking technique used, and don’t expect all website functions to work normally. That being said, it’s a quick and free way to access blocked sites.

Proxy sites

A quick Google search will bring up no shortage of free proxy sites that you can use to unblock websites from school or the office. Be cautious, however, as many of these sites are neither safe nor private. Chances are the proxy is not encrypted like a VPN, so it can monitor all of your online activity, including any information you enter into the page.

These sites work similarly to the Google Translate method above by displaying a page within a page. Again, don’t expect everything on the site to function normally.

Proxy extensions

Proxy extensions for Chrome and Firefox come in many shapes and sizes. SOCKS and HTTP proxies are the most common. Some proxy extensions like Proxy SwitchySharp for Chrome and FoxyProxy for Firefox let you configure your own proxy extension, but you’ll need a proxy server on hand.

Beware of free browser plugins that come with built-in proxy servers. Like proxy websites, they probably aren’t very private or safe. Plus, any proxy extension that doesn’t authenticate users—no password required—is inherently less safe than those that do and are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks .

NordVPN’s browser extension encrypts traffic, prevents DNS leaks, and requires authentication to use, making it significantly more secure than the vast majority of proxy extensions.

tails running tor browser check

Tor is an anonymity network that can potentially help unblock websites. Tor uses proxies to make the user untraceable by sending internet traffic through a series of random nodes around the world. This will give you a different IP address and hide the websites you’re visiting from your school, office, or government.

The easiest way to get started with Tor is by downloading the Tor Browser, an alternative browser to Firefox and Chrome that sends all internet traffic through the Tor Network.

Tor comes with a few caveats, however. It’s slow, for one. Second, while Tor is legal, it’s often associated with criminals and hackers. Your school, office, government, or internet service provider might frown upon Tor usage in any form as a result. Plus, some websites block Tor users altogether.

See also: Best VPNs for Tor

Change your DNS servers

If DNS tampering (see above) is the method used to block websites, you might be able to overcome it by changing your default DNS servers. DNS servers are usually operated by internet service providers, though your school or office might use their own. You can change DNS servers in your internet settings.

A good free option is Cloudflare, which operates secure, private DNS servers. You can learn how to set up Cloudflare DNS here . If you need DNS servers for a particular region or country, try OpenNIC.

Good VPNs like Nord operate their own private DNS servers. A few providers offer smart DNS proxy services that are adept at unblocking geo-blocked content, though there’s not much benefit to these over a VPN.

Note that if DNS tampering is not the blocking method being used, changing your DNS servers won’t make a difference.

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Roundup - best VPNs for

Privacy alert: websites you visit can find out who you are.

The following information is available to any site you visit:

Your IP Address:

Your Location:

Your Internet Provider:

This information can be used to target ads and monitor your internet usage.

Using a VPN will hide these details and protect your privacy.

We recommend using NordVPN - #1 of 72 VPNs in our tests. It offers outstanding privacy features and is currently available at a discounted rate. Unblock Censorship How to Unblock Websites From Anywhere

How to Unblock Websites From Anywhere

William Elcock

Can’t access a site? Websites can be blocked for various reasons. Some countries impose restrictions on specific sites . For example, India and Somalia have banned TikTok, and the BBC is banned in Russia.

Your employer or school administrators may also restrict access to certain websites (like social media platforms). And some streaming services are not available worldwide . For example, you can’t access Netflix from Russia or China, and you can’t access Hulu outside the U.S.

Being blocked from accessing a website can be frustrating. Thankfully, there’s a workaround — use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN allows you to bypass restrictions and access any blocked site. Here’s how to unblock websites from anywhere with a VPN:

  • Sign up for a VPN . We recommend NordVPN : its unblocking capabilities and vast server network allow you to access blocked sites from anywhere.
  • Download and install NordVPN on your device.
  • Log in to the NordVPN app with the account details you used in Step 1.
  • Connect to a VPN server in a country where the website you want to access isn’t blocked.
  • Now, you can freely access previously blocked websites .

After testing different VPN services extensively, we found that NordVPN is the best choice for unblocking websites from anywhere. Besides its super-fast speeds and excellent unblocking capabilities, NordVPN’s obfuscation technology makes it impossible for anyone to detect you’re using a VPN to access restricted sites.

Continue reading for more detailed instructions on how to unblock websites from anywhere.

Block sign icon

Do you find some sites blocked when you try to access them? Your employer or school administrators may be restricting access to sites (like social media, gambling, or porn sites) that can distract you or affect your productivity. Also, some websites — like online banking platforms or streaming services — may be inaccessible in countries where they don’t operate. Your internet service provider (ISP) may also be blocking some sites.

The easiest way to access a blocked website is by using a VPN . A VPN spoofs your location, making it appear like you’re in another city or country. This allows you to access previously blocked sites.

Unfortunately, not all VPNs can bypass restrictions and unblock websites. We’ve tested different VPNs to determine the best options for unblocking websites. And NordVPN emerged on top. Its fast speeds , vast server network , and unrivaled unblocking capabilities allow you to access any blocked site, regardless of your location. With NordVPN, you can unblock news sites, streaming sites, gaming sites, and virtually any type of online content — even if you’re in a country with strict internet censorship.

Below, we provide step-by-step instructions for unblocking websites from anywhere.

Unblock websites with a VPN, proxy, or Smart DNS.

It’s not uncommon to stumble on inaccessible sites. For example, if you try to access BBC iPlayer from outside the UK, you will be greeted with an error message explaining that the service is only available in the UK.

BBC iPlayer does not work outside of the UK without a VPN

There are many reasons a website may be inaccessible to you. But, regardless of the reason, there are three main ways to unblock websites.

1. Unblock websites from anywhere with a VPN

Using a virtual private network to unblock a site is easy, and it’s the most secure method . When you connect to a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through a secure third-party server. This gives you a new IP address, and, as a result, you’ll appear to be in a different location. When you connect to a VPN server in Paris, for example, any website you visit will assume you’re in France. This makes it possible to access blocked websites.

A VPN also encrypts your internet traffic, masking your private information and allowing you to bypass censorship and geo-restriction . Here’s how to unblock websites on any device.


Save big with up to 69% off a two-year subscription!

  • Fast and large worldwide network of VPN servers
  • Perfect for privacy and streaming
  • Trusted by many, with over 14 million users

NordVPN different OS availability

  • Head to the website you’re trying to unblock . You should be able to access it now.

NordVPN has a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, you can use it to unblock websites for an entire month, risk-free.

2. Unblock websites from anywhere with a proxy

Another way to unblock websites and access content is via a web proxy site or by using a proxy server. Think of a proxy service as a “lite” version of a VPN . It routes your connection through a third-party server and changes your IP address. As a result, you will appear to be accessing the website from a different location. This allows you to browse previously blocked websites.

Compared to VPNs, proxies usually have smaller server networks . As a result, they may be unable to unblock sites that are restricted to particular countries. Also, network administrators in schools and workplaces can implement security policies and configurations that will limit your ability to use proxy servers .

Proxies can also slow down your internet connection more than VPNs since they tend to have limited bandwidth . A proxy doesn’t encrypt your traffic and is generally less secure than a VPN.

3. Unblock websites from anywhere with Smart DNS

Smart DNS tricks websites into believing you’re in a different location . It does this by masking the origin of your DNS queries. While Smart DNS does not change your IP address , it blocks any traffic that could reveal your location. Ultimately, this allows you to unblock websites from anywhere.

Smart DNS doesn’t provide extra security through encryption . It also doesn’t anonymize your connection or safeguard your privacy online, like a VPN.

The 3 Best VPNs for Accessing Blocked Websites From Anywhere

We conducted extensive tests to find the best VPNs for unblocking websites from anywhere. The three VPN providers below can unblock websites regardless of the reason they’re blocked. They also come with solid security and privacy features.

1. NordVPN: The best VPN for accessing blocked sites from anywhere

A screenshot of NordVPN's website showing its Threat Protection service

  • Excellent unblocking capabilities
  • 6200+ servers in 111 countries, so you can unblock geographically restricted content from different parts of the world
  • Strong security features
  • Obfuscated servers hide your VPN traffic and allow you to access blocked sites undetected
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Based on our tests, NordVPN is the best VPN for unblocking websites from anywhere. It can bypass all kinds of restrictions, like geographical blocks on websites such as Netflix or barriers put up by your government on news sites. NordVPN’s obfuscated servers allow you to access blocked sites freely without being detected by your network admin.

Besides providing access to blocked websites and services, NordVPN boasts fast speeds . You can stream TV shows or movies and play games online without lags or delays. NordVPN has apps for different devices, allowing you to access blocked sites on desktop or mobile. You can even install this VPN on your router, and access blocked sites on any device of your choice.

NordVPN is quite affordable , too. And, if you act now, you can get a massive limited-time 69% discount and drive the price further down to just $ 3.09 per month.

Interested in learning more about NordVPN and its features? Check out our in-depth NordVPN review .

2. Surfshark: Budget VPN for unblocking websites from anywhere

A screenshot of the Surfshark website showing that you can download the Surfshark VPN app.

  • One of the most affordable VPNs for unblocking websites
  • Offers an unlimited number of simultaneous connections with a single subscription
  • Superb unblocking capabilities
  • Camouflage mode allows you to use a VPN without being detected

Surfshark gives you the most bang for your buck among all the VPNs we tested. It can easily unblock websites such as Disney+ , thanks to its wide network of 3200+ servers. Surfshark’s servers are fast and reliable — we didn’t experience any connectivity issues during our tests.

Like NordVPN, Surfshark uses strong AES 256-bit encryption to protect your data and offers obfuscation via its Camouflage mode . In Camouflage mode, Surfshark makes your VPN traffic look like regular traffic, ensuring your ISP or network admins can’t see that you’re accessing a blocked site. Surfshark allows you to unblock websites even in countries, schools, or workplaces that crack down on VPN use.

You can even share your Surfshark account with family and friends , as this VPN supports unlimited connections.

Surfshark is one of the cheapest VPNs available today , but you can get a 84% discount on it by clicking the orange button below.

For more information about this VPN service, including details of how it performed in our tests, read our full Surfshark review .

3. CyberGhost: Large server network for unblocking websites in various locations

Screenshot of CyberGhost's page on being a multi-device VPN

  • Servers are optimized for particular purposes, such as gaming and streaming
  • Allows five simultaneous connections
  • Offers quality service at a great price

CyberGhost has an extensive server network — a whopping 11700+ servers in 100+ countries . This makes it an excellent option for accessing blocked websites. It also has dedicated servers for high-bandwidth activities. So, you can unblock streaming or gaming sites and enjoy a smooth, lag-free experience.

This VPN performed impressively well in our speed tests . Although there are faster VPNs out there, CyberGhost is no slouch. While CyberGhost can provide access to blocked sites, it doesn’t have obfuscated servers like NordVPN and Surfshark. This means you may be spotted using this VPN to unblock restricted sites. As a result, we don’t recommend this VPN if you’re in a country, school, or workplace with strict rules barring you from accessing particular sites.

One of the reasons we love CyberGhost is its 45-day money-back guarantee — it’s longer than the money-back guarantee period of any other VPN. You have nearly six weeks to test this VPN and decide if it’s what you need. Plus, CyberGhost is super affordable, just like Surfshark. Get CyberGhost at 84% off today and only pay $ 2.03 per month.

Read our comprehensive CyberGhost review to find out what our VPN experts think of this VPN and how they rate its performance.

How to Unblock Websites at School or Work

Schools and workplaces may block particular websites to ensure productivity or to conserve bandwidth. However, you may need to access these websites for legitimate reasons such as school/product research. Here’s how to unblock websites on a school or work computer:

  • Get a NordVPN subscription .
  • Download the NordVPN app on your device.
  • Sign in to your NordVPN account.
  • Connect to a VPN server . Since the site is blocked by your workplace or school admin, connecting to a server in your city (or a nearby city) should unblock it.
  • Now, you can access content online without restrictions.

Can I Unblock Websites With a Free VPN?

If you want to cut costs, you may consider using a free VPN to access blocked websites. While some top-rated free VPNs are great for everyday browsing, we don’t recommend using one to unblock websites. Free VPNs usually have several limitations. For example, their weak security may leave you exposed if your school, employer, ISP, or government is monitoring the IP addresses of anyone trying to access blocked sites. They’re not ideal for anonymous activities, like getting Pornhub unblocked.

And, even when free VPNs work, there’s a limited number of websites you can block as they usually have significantly smaller server networks. Free VPNs are also more likely to have data caps and bandwidth limits, which can make it impossible to stream or download content online.

There’s also a privacy risk to free VPNs. Many free VPN services have been accused of logging and selling users’ data to advertisers for profit. It’s not worth putting your privacy at risk. Grab NordVPN now for $ 3.09 — less than a cup of coffee — and access restricted content safely.

Why Are Websites Blocked?

Reasons why websites are blocked

Websites can be restricted for a few reasons.

  • Workplaces and schools may block particular websites to prevent unproductive activities such as streaming or gaming. They may also do this to restrict the amount of bandwidth being used.
  • Oppressive governments may block websites, like news portals or social media, to curb dissent — as it could expose citizens to ideas that are contrary to the official narrative. For example, China’s “ Great Firewall ” blocks websites that go against the country’s censorship guidelines.
  • ISPs sometimes block access to sites that violate local laws . For example, they may block access to free streaming, torrenting, or porn sites.

Final Thoughts: Unblocking Websites From Anywhere

Regardless of the reason a website is blocked, the easiest way to access it is by using a VPN. NordVPN is our top choice for unblocking websites. Its unblocking capabilities are remarkable, plus it’s fast and has an extensive network of servers, which allows you to access geo-restricted content in various countries. Take advantage of NordVPN’s massive 69% discount and unblock any website of your choice now.

If you would like to find out more about unblocking websites with a VPN, check out the articles below:

  • Best VPNs for Streaming: Unblock Movies and Shows for Free
  • This Video Is Unavailable: How to Unblock YouTube Videos
  • How to Unblock YouTube at School or Anywhere: A Quick Guide

Do you have questions about how to unblock websites from anywhere? Check out the FAQ below for quick answers.

Yes, you can unblock websites that may be blocked for various reasons with a VPN. Here is how:

  • Get NordVPN .
  • Install the VPN app  on your device and log in to your NordVPN account.
  • Connect to a VPN server in a city or country where the site you’re trying to visit isn’t blocked.
  • Visit the website . It should be unblocked now.

Yes, VPNs are legal in most countries. However, there are a few exceptions. VPNs are illegal in the following countries:

  • Turkmenistan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • North Korea

Both VPNs and proxy servers route your internet connection through third-party servers. However, a VPN also encrypts your traffic to protect your privacy. A premium VPN, like NordVPN , has an extensive network of servers spread out globally, letting you access content from many different locations. On the other hand, proxy servers tend to have small server networks, limiting your ability to access blocked sites.

A VPN gives you a different IP address and allows you to access VPN servers from across the globe. VPNs also encrypt your internet traffic and generally improve your online safety. Smart DNS, on the other hand, tricks websites and services into thinking that your DNS queries are coming from a different location. They don’t offer the added security and privacy benefits of a VPN.

You can unblock a website in Chrome by following these steps:

  • Get a NordVPN subscription.
  • Install the NordVPN Chrome browser extension .
  • Sign in to your NordVPN account on the Chrome browser extension.
  • Connect to a VPN server  in a city or country where the website you want to visit isn’t blocked.
  • The website  should be unblocked now .

We recommend using a premium VPN with excellent unblocking capabilities, like NordVPN. While many VPNs are great for everyday use, they’re ineffective at bypassing restrictions and unblocking websites. During our tests, NordVPN allowed us to browse different blocked sites successfully.

A VPN is the best way to unblock a website, whether you’re using a work or school computer. Here’s how to unblock websites on a school Chromebook.

  • Download and install the NordVPN app on your device.
  • Connect to a server in a nearby city or country where the site you want to access isn’t blocked.
  • Enjoy unrestricted access to any website of your choice.

William Elcock

William Elcock Author

Tech journalist.

William has been fiddling with tech and helping friends with their tech problems for as long as he remembers, so it’s no surprise he ended up becoming a true cybersecurity aficionado. For years now, he has been writing useful how-to guides and trustworthy online privacy advice read and appreciated by people all over the globe.

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How to Access Blocked Websites at School, College, and Work

How to access blocked websites at school? How to access blocked websites in college WiFi? How to get on any blocked website at school, college and work? And how to access blocked websites on school computers?

These are some of the most common queries that always get asked on the web by school & college students, and employees. Because in most of the colleges, schools and offices, the administration use to block various social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram etc) and other useful websites due to many specific reasons.

While accessing blocked websites using proxy servers and unblocking restricted internet access using website unblocker software has become more and more manageable, there are still many straightforward methods that you can use in order to access blocked websites at school , college and workplaces.

How to access blocked websites in school, college and work

This tutorial will perfectly explain you about the all possible methods to unblock restricted internet access so that you can access blocked websites or content anywhere comfortably. Let’s know the methods to get into websites blocked by your school, college, or office.

You may also be interested in checking out:

  • NordVPN – The Most Advanced VPN Service
  • Top 22 Best VPN for Android Free Download
  • Top 13 Best VPN Services for Windows 10 (Free and Paid)
  • Rocket VPN – Access Blocked Websites and Surf Anonymously
  • How to Hide Your IP Address and Access Blocked Websites

Table of Contents:

15 Methods to Access Blocked Websites in School & College

Addition to the most preferred ways to access blocked websites using proxy servers and Google translate, I have listed some more interesting ways to access blocked sites which have ability to unblock blocked sites and open almost any blocked websites on the internet.

Here are the step by step methods to access blocked websites at school & college:

(1) Access Blocked Websites using Proxy Servers

Accessing blocked websites using proxy servers is one of the simplistic ways and everybody prefer to use proxy sites in order to unblock restricted internet access. Basically, the web proxy website is nothing but the online proxy server which redirects you to the blocked website instead of directly connecting to the websites that are blocked at your place.

access blocked websites using proxy servers

The best advantage of using proxy servers to open blocked sites is that you can securely surf the internet without your information being available to hackers, spammers, and scammers. There are countless of free proxy sites and best free proxy servers available on the web that allows you to access blocked websites anonymously .

Some very popular and the best free web proxy servers to access blocked websites in school, college and workplace are:

  • HideMyAss Free Proxy Website

Only, you have to open a Proxy Server and enter URL of the blocked website inside the input Box and then simply click on submit or search button (as shown in above screenshot). Immediately, it will show the blocked website. Thus, you can see how simple is to access blocked websites using proxy servers.

(2) Access Blocked Websites using Google Translate

If you are looking for the quickest and simplest way to open blocked websites then Google Translate is really a nice option for you. Using Google translate as a web proxy server you can easily access any blocked website from your work, school or college’s WiFi or other internet connection.

To unblock websites using google translate, follow these simple steps:

  • First of all, open Google Translate and then enter the Blocked site URL address (which you want to access).
  • After that, select any of your regional Language (like: Hindi, Arabic) and then click to translate .
  • Once you have done these steps, you will be able to access the blocked site. Now, enjoy the websites that are not blocked.

access blocked websites using google translate

Google Translate has the ability to support more than 70 different languages including Hindi, Arabic, and Spanish etc, so you haven’t to be worried about supported language.

(3) Access Blocked Websites using Hide My IP

Hide My IP is an award-winning VPN tool for Windows, Mac, and Android OS that helps you to hide your IP address to keep secret your identity on the Internet and access blocked websites anonymously . The tool is packed with multiple awesome features like changing your IP address, encrypting internet connection, sending anonymous email, enjoying private web surfing and accessing websites that are blocked etc.

access blocked websites using hide my ip

This secure proxy VPN software offers more than 80 IP locations to choose from and enjoy anonymous web surfing. Only you have to Download Hide My IP Tool and start enjoying its exciting features.

(4) Access Blocked Websites using TOR Browser

Other above-mentioned methods help you to access the static websites only, you can’t use the social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Myspace etc. It’s because the social networking sites use the browser to store cookies and which isn’t possible by using these web proxy servers and proxy websites. In this condition, you need to use a secure browser-based network.

If you like to use a secure web network and want to protect your privacy or anonymity on the web then using TOR Browser is really a relevant selection for you. Basically, Tor Browser is a free software for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux system that helps you to access blocked websites and enjoy private web surfing. Even, it can run off a USB flash drive.

  • At first, Download TOR Browser from its official website and install it on your PC.
  • Once the installation process is completed, click Finish to launch Tor Browser’s wizard.
  • Now on the Tor Browser’s wizard click the Connect button.
  • Once the browser is configured to use Tor, type the URL of blocked site and start surfing the web anonymously.

access blocked websites using tor browser

Accessing blocked websites using TOR Browser is really very secure and perfectly protects your privacy or anonymity on the web. Give it a try and share your view with us.

(5) Access Blocked Websites using Hola Browser Extension

Hola is another appropriate method to unblock websites at school , college and workplaces. Hola is a well-known browser extension available for all popular Web browsers. With the help of Hola Browser Extension, you can comfortably browse the internet anonymously.

Go to the Official website of HOLA and install browser extensions directly from there for your preferred Web browser. Start accessing any blocked website anytime, anywhere!

Access Blocked Websites using Hola Browser Extension

Hola is completely free for non-commercial use and charges a small fee for commercial use. Addition to this, its VPN service works on all your devices ( Windows , Mac , Ipad , Android , iPhone ), you can even use it on multiple devices at the same time.

(6) Access Blocked Websites using Command Prompt

In many colleges, schools, and workplaces the websites are normally blocked using particular website blocking software that prepares a database of the Websites they need to block. So, whenever you enter the domain name (URL address) of any website then that website will simply get blocked.

In such cases, accessing blocked sites using command prompt (entering the IP address of the websites) comes as a very handy option. Since, each website has a unique IP address. So, if you can find IP address of blocked websites then you can easily access those sites with their IP address. Here’s how to find IP address of any website using cmd (command prompt):

  • At first, Press Windows + R keys together to open Run dialog box.
  • After that, type cmd in the open section and then press Enter .
  • Now command prompt Window will appear. In the command prompt type ping and hit enter.

Important Note: Please, replace with the blocked website URL without HTTP and www as shown in below screenshot:


Thus, you can easily find the IP address of any website using the Windows command prompt. Once you got the IP address of the websites that are blocked, now you can access those blocked sites using their IP address. Read the below method to know how to open blocked sites using IP address.

(7) Access Blocked Websites using IP Address

Opening blocked sites in office, school or college using IP address is also a quite popular method and many internet users apply it whenever they wish to use blocked sites in the restricted internet access area.

Once you got the IP address of the websites that are blocked (as explained in above method), now open your favorite web browser and type the IP address of the blocked site and then press Enter in order to access blocked websites using IP address.

(8) Access Blocked Websites using Google Cache

Popular Search engines like Google and Yahoo store the cache of each and every website often. So, you can access the cache of any website using Google’s old cache . It’s also a very helpful and easy to use method.

access blocked websites using google cache

To access blocked sites using Google cache, open and search for the Blocked website which you wish to access. Click on small down arrow sign which is located just next to the website URL and then click on Just search for the BLOCKED website which you need to open and click on the Cached link as shown in above screenshot.

(9) Access Blocked Websites using WayBack Machine

WayBack Machine is also a very usable option if you wish to make use of Cache for accessing blocked sites at school, college, and Office. Basically, the Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web and all other information on the Internet created by the Internet Archive.

Access Blocked Websites using WayBack Machine

With the help of WayBack Machine, you can clearly know about the previous Look of any website/blog from its archives. Only, you have to enter the URL address of the blocked website and start checking or access the previous versions of the website that are blocked at your Place.

For the example: the above screenshot shows the previous look of at the time of 2007.

(10) Access Blocked Websites using Decimal Code

In the above method, I explained the process to access blocked websites using IP address. But what you will do – if even the IP address of the website that you need access was also blocked?

In such circumstance, opening blocked websites using Decimal Code is a suitable solution. With the help of decimal numbers, you can also access any blocked websites because almost none will even block the IP address in decimal.

You can readily get the decimal code of IP address using IP Address To Decimal Calculator. Only you have to, enter the IP address of blocked website and press the Calculate button.

Access Blocked Websites using Decimal Code

For the example: If the IP address of Google is then you can use the decimal format instead http://1249766560 . Both will take you to the same place.

(11) Access Blocked Websites using HTTPS Connection

Nowadays, most of the website uses the secure connection. Specially, all the popular websites like Facebook, Google, and Yahoo allow their visitors users to surf securely.

In order to access blocked websites at school , colleges and work, instead of opening the blocked websites in http:// format open them in https:// format. I have already tried it and it helped me to access blocked websites on school computers.

Access Blocked Websites using HTTPS Connection

For the example: If is blocked in your school & college then you should try to open as This trick will help you a lot and you might be able to access blocked sites even in the restricted internet access area.

(12) Access Blocked Websites using URL Shortener Services

As we all know, normally URL shorteners are used to shorten the length of the lengthy URL address to remember them easily. And when the short URL is opened then it gets redirected to the actual web address.

But the interesting thing is that you can use URL shortener services to bypass the security and access blocked websites. I have used this method to access Facebook in my college WiFi to chat with friends and my Girlfriend.

Access Blocked Websites using URL Shortener Services

For the example: If is blocked on college & school computers then using online URL Shortener tools likes or you can shorten the’s URL and can perfectly access the sites even if they are blocked. TINY URL and MooURL are also very effective URL shortener services for this purpose.

(13) Access Blocked Websites using Email Services

It’s quite strange to know that we can access blocked websites using email services , but yes this is true. Web2mail is a web based email service which sends web pages information to your mail.

access blocked websites using email services

Only you have to Sign Up for Web2mail and request them to send information of the blocked site to your email. Since, most of the email services like Gmail, Yahoo and outlook are compatible with the html in mails, so you can easily access blocked websites from your email as well. This is a secure way to use blocked sites.

(14) Unblock Sites using Proxy IP Address in Browser Setting

These days, all web browsers support proxy for allowing users to surf the web anonymously. There are tons of web proxy sites available on the internet that provide Proxy IP address and Port list for free of cost. Some of the most popular proxy sites list to grab proxy IP address are – HideMyAss Proxy List , Free Proxy Lists , inCloak Proxy List etc. Here’s how to access blocked sites using proxy IP address in Web browser setting:

 ✓ In Google Chrome Browser

  • First of all, go to Settings and click on Show advanced settings .
  • Under the Network section, click on the Change Proxy Settings button.
  • After that Internet Properties popup will appear. Click on the LAN Settings button.
  • Now, on the next popup window check “ Use proxy server for your LAN ” option.

unblock sites using proxy ip address in google chrome browser setting

  • And also check the “ Bypass proxy server for local address ” option.
  • Finally, press OK and save. That’s it!
  • Now, you are ready to surf the web anonymously and access blocked websites.

 ✓ In Mozilla Firefox Browser

  • At first, go to Options and select “ Advanced ” option wich is located at the top of navigation section of the popup window.
  • Next, go to the “ Network ” tab and click on Settings button which is located under the Connections section.
  • After that on the next popup window, select option saying “ Manual Proxy Configuration “

unblock sites using proxy ip address in mozilla browser setting

  • Now, add the Proxy IP address in the HTTP Proxy section and Check the “ Use this proxy server for all protocol ” option.
  • Finally, Press OK and save.

Now, you are ready to surf the web anonymously and unblock the blocked websites.

(15) Access Blocked Websites using Unblocker Software

If you want the most secure free access to blocked websites then using website unblocker software is also a suitable choice for you. There are lots of free Unblocker Software available on the web that helps you to Unblock Websites at School, college or Work . Some of the most popular and best free website unblocker software are:

  • Hotspot Shield
  • Your Freedom

All these website unblocker tools are well compatible with all versions of Windows including Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 operating system. Download the website unblocker software according to your wish and enjoy free access to your favorite sites.

We hope, you got some amazing methods to open blocked websites in school, college and workplace. If you have still any queries (how to access blocked websites at work, school or college? How to access blocked websites without proxy server? How to get on any blocked website at school? etc) then feel free to ask us through comments.

Did you like these above-mentioned top 15 methods to access blocked websites at school & college ? We would love to know – if you have any other interesting methods to access blocked websites at school, college and workplaces?

Read next: NordVPN – Browse Anonymously with the Fastest VPN of the Globe

9 thoughts on “How to Access Blocked Websites at School, College, and Work”

I have tried your given methods but didn’t work in my college.In My college they give a particular id and password for the acess of wifi in which their use of data is limited any sites etc are blocked, plz help

First of all welcome to and thanks for sharing/asking your view with us about accessing Blocked Websites at College.

Hey Dipu first of all, you need to get the WiFi password from your college authorities (if possible) and once your device is connected to the WiFi, you will be able to start accessing your preferred sites using above-mentioned methods to access Blocked Websites in School & College.

I have tried that one wifi id is 8 digit eg 14561086 .but first of all they have a portal where yu type yur id and password.they monitor our data and sites we are visiting from that portal.there was a psiphone app which was used earlier in oir colleges it was then blocked.i have tried many other app so plz some other ways

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about access blocked websites. Regards

Hurrah! At last, I got a webpage from where I am able to genuinely get helpful facts concerning my study and knowledge.

Dude, my school computer knows all sites and I can’t remove the setting for the proxy. These guys are smart.

i cant figure out how to do number 14 on a mac using chrome

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How to Unblock Websites at School – Access Favorite Sites Easily


As many say, schools are the place where we need to sit and pay attention carefully. Nowadays, though, a vast majority of schools use the online world when it comes to uploading lessons and important notifications, so having proper internet access at your school is important. However, with many website blocks and restrictions, it’s hard to access even some of the basic websites. That’s why, today, we’re going to give you a few tips on how to overcome this obstacle at your school.

Use a VPN to Bypass Blocks at Your School

Whether you’re going to school or a university, you’ll encounter a plethora of restricted websites. Namely Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Discord, Twitter, and Facebook Messenger.

Now, you’ll agree that most of these apps and websites are made for fun. But, if the school blocks Facebook and its Messenger, you’re cut out from your friends and family – in a way. How would you communicate with your friends regarding homework, for example, if your communication means are blocked?

Furthermore, when the big break comes, you maybe want to have some fun, but not with your buddies. You’ll want to watch your favorite podcast on YouTube or see what’s up on Instagram. Given how harsh these blocks are, it’s impossible to do so.

There are many solutions that we’re going to discuss further in the article. But, for us, the best solution to unblock websites at school is to use a VPN.

How Will a VPN Help You Unblock Some Websites at School?

If you’re still going to school, you may not be very tech-savvy. A VPN is a service that many people have heard of, yet they don’t know what it is. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and it’s a perfect tool to help you access blocked websites at school.

The question is – how does it achieve that?

First of all, it allows you to connect to a remote server in another country (or the same as where you are now), which gives you a new IP address . In other words, you change your online identity completely. This lets you bypass your school ban and access the internet freely.

While doing so, a VPN wraps your connection inside a so-called VPN tunnel, which serves as encryption. This way, no one will be able to track and intercept your internet traffic, leaving you hidden from the prying eyes.

VPNs have many benefits for those facing this problem, as well as privacy and bandwidth throttling issues.

Best VPNs to Unblock Websites at Your School

Now that you know what this service is and what it can do, it’s time to introduce you to our top 3 choices for unblocking sites at school/uni in 2024.

1. ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN unblock restrictions

ExpressVPN is your best bet if you want to successfully unblock sites. It has 3,000+ servers in 94 countries, which allows you to stay anonymous with a click of a mouse. Furthermore, the provider can unblock and let you use Netflix freely , so you can enjoy some streaming while it’s a big break.

While not the cheapest out there, the provider gives you the necessary privacy and security so that the school censorship system doesn’t detect you. There are 256-bit AES encryption and a kill switch that you can use on all devices (except iOS).

The good news for speed lovers is that this is the fastest solution on the market. While everyone else struggles to load websites, you’ll be loading them easily. In case you have a laptop, you can connect ExpressVPN to it, and enjoy torrenting if you want to.

ExpressVPN has a crystal clear no-logging policy, which grants you infinite privacy, even if the company is compromised. And if you want to protect multiple devices, that’s an easy feat. The provider lets you protect up to 5 devices simultaneously , with a single account.

Lastly, if you decide to get it, know that there’s a 49% discount and 3 months free for an annual plan . It’s more affordable than ever, so hurry up and snatch it while the discount lasts!

NordVPN unblock website

NordVPN is a great VPN provider for those at school. We know you love chit-chatting on Discord and watching some girls on Snapchat, and so does NordVPN. Therefore, it provides substantial performance for all your browsing needs and requests.

In terms of unblocking websites, this provider is a champ. You can unblock HBO GO , Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Netflix, Hotstar, and many more. The speeds are excellent, by the way, so you can forget about stuttering or endless buffering on your favorite videos.

You get some intuitive apps for all platforms, so get ready to equip your mobile phone properly. NordVPN also uses 256-bit encryption but introduces several new features – Double VPN, obfuscated servers, NordLynx protocol, and CyberSec, an ad-blocker.

All of these features make NordVPN very secure and capable of bypassing your school’s censorship. If you’re all about quantity, you’ll be happy to see that the provider packs 5,600+ servers in 60 countries worldwide . Big numbers, aren’t they?

Well, they get bigger when it comes to simultaneous connections – you get 6 of them, instead of 5 with ExpressVPN. Plus, there’s 24/7 customer support that will fix your VPN-related issues in a matter of minutes.

3. CyberGhost

CyberGhost unblock sites

If your parents don’t want to get you a VPN subscription, you can persuade them to take a look at CyberGhost. Why? Because it’s dirt-cheap and will cover almost your entire time at school with its 3-year plan. This plan offers 2 months free , so you can extend it a bit to your graduation, as well.

What makes CyberGhost so special is its server count, which is the largest on the market. 7,000 servers in 90 countries around the world – damn, that’s a lot! Oh, and don’t think these servers are just for decoration. They work like a Swiss clock and are capable of unblocking every website at school.

Discord, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter – they’ll be all yours, buddy! And if you’d like to stream an episode of your favorite show, Netflix and HBO GO will be available if you’re outside the US.

CyberGhost has dedicated servers for streaming and torrenting, too, making these activities far more enjoyable. Much like NordVPN, CyberGhost has an ad-blocker and uses military-grade encryption for keeping you safe. Needless to say, IP and DNS leak protection work wonderfully, which is a crucial parameter to bypass blocks at school.

The fact that it offers 7 simultaneous connections is enough to justify its low price. To make things better, its 24/7 support is pretty responsive and will clear out the potential problems. Of course, regarding VPNs – don’t smother them with your high-school break-ups!

Other Methods to Unblock Websites at School

For those who didn’t get it, we recommended premium VPNs for this purpose. We know that some of you are against paying for such a service, but this is truly THE best solution you can go for.

If you still think that we’re lying or talking non-sense, we’re going to give you a few more FREE solutions to resolve this problem. Just to warn you – they’re not as effective as VPNs!

Use a Proxy Service

Back in our school days (looong ago!), we used to try these proxy services to unblock websites. And much to our surprise, it worked – it freaking worked! With them, we could easily unblock YouTube and Facebook, while some of the nastiest children accessed porn sites. Shame on them, really.

A proxy service is a good solution in the short run. However, beware that it won’t always work for unblocking sites. Furthermore, it gives you an unsecured connection, which does nothing for your privacy. In fact, it just makes you transparent online, making it easy for the watchful eyes of your school to detect you.

Proxy services connect you to a random server in another country. Then, your connection goes through the proxy server, ending up at its destination e.g. the site you want to visit. The problem here is that your connection isn’t encrypted as it is with a VPN like ExpressVPN .

This leaves space for anyone to intercept your traffic and see your online activities. Apart from this, they won’t unblock Netflix, Facebook, and other relevant sites. Not to mention the speeds, which are atrocious and will make you wait for minutes for a single page to load.

You might as well get a dial-up internet and ride it out.

Type an IP Instead of the URL

Schools sometimes aren’t as perfidy as you might think. They, in fact, apply very simple tricks that people break their brains about. Each website has an URL, which is basically its address. And we all use URLs to access them – logically.

Did you know that a website has an IP address as well? And did you know that your school usually blocks only the URL and NOT the IP? Now, we’re talking! Here’s how to find out the IP address of the site you want to access, on different platforms:

  • Windows: open the command prompt and type in “ tracert ”  to get an IP.
  • Android and iOS: find the Traceroute app on the Google Play and Apple Store and follow the steps in-app to get the IP.
  • Mac: open Network Utility and select the Traceroute option. Just enter the website address and it will display its IP.
  • Linux: open the Terminal and type  “ dig “

Now that you have the IP of the website you want to visit, copy, and paste it into your Chrome, Mozilla, or another web browser. If the school hasn’t blocked its IP, chances are that the website will work just fine.

Of course, the main downside of this method is that schools have already learned all the tricks that students use. Therefore, many of them have already blocked entire sites (including their IP), and not just their URLs. If that’s the case, this method will not work.

Get a Portable Browser on a USB Drive

Some schools tend to apply much more restrictions that will prevent you to install browser extensions for unblocking sites for personal use. In that case, you can get a USB drive and install a browser on it. For example, you can use Mozilla Firefox since it’s lightweight and supports extensions.

There’s a portable version of it, as well. Simply download the portable version, transfer it to your USB drive, and it’s ready to use. When at school, plug it in the computer, boot it up, and enjoy the internet.

Theoretically, it sounds quite easy, and it is – if it works! But, this method, although popular, doesn’t always yield great results. You’ll have to pair it with a decent proxy, which is impossible to find, or get a VPN, which is, once again, the best solution.

How to Use a VPN to Unblock Sites at School?

Using a VPN to unblock sites at school is quite simple and can be done in a few steps:

  • Subscribe to a VPN. Our recommendation is ExpressVPN .
  • Download and install the apps you’re going to use.
  • Open the app and sign in with the credentials you provided upon subscribing.
  • Click on the country under the connection button to open the server list.
  • Connect to the server you want from the server list.
  • Access the internet at your school freely 😉

Can I Use a Free VPN to Unblock Websites at School?

To wrap things up, we need to go over another question we get a lot, and it has to do with free VPNs.

Free VPNs, theoretically, let you do everything that paid VPNs offer, but for free. If this sounds impossible to you, you’re right. How can a free service be the same as the paid one? It can’t.

If you’re going for free solutions, know that they’re not effective at unblocking websites and preserving your privacy. They use weaker encryption and don’t have enough “firepower” to blast through website restrictions at your school.

Furthermore, the speeds you get will be, on average, 40 to 50 percent slower than with the paid providers, which will make your browsing experience a chore. Not to mention limited bandwidth of just a few gigabytes a month, which is not enough to enjoy the internet without limits.

Lastly , they collect your personal data and browsing history, which they sell to third parties later on. This is how they expose you to advertisers and trackers that have your information, without you even knowing about it.

With that in mind, we don’t recommend using free VPNs for this purpose. A much better choice is a premium option, such as ExpressVPN .

Milos photo

A professional writer with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Since his youngest age, he loves everything related to internet, technology, fitness, games, and dogs! He joined our team in order to bring his deep knowledge in security services, among which VPN is of course a key component.

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How to Unblock Websites on Safari

Last Updated: March 16, 2024 References

This article was written by Luigi Oppido and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA . Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years. This article has been viewed 52,130 times.

Need to access a website that's blocked on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad? We'll show you a variety of ways to access blocked sites in Safari, including those restricted by your school, work, or internet provider's network. We'll also show you how to unblock sites you've blocked yourself by changing parental controls and your Mac's hosts file.

Removing Parental Restrictions on an iPhone/iPad

Step 1 Open your iPhone or iPad's Settings icon.

  • Use this method if you or someone else is restricting access to certain websites using the tools built into your iPhone or iPad.
  • You're going to need the Content & Privacy Restrictions passcode to disable website blocking.

Step 2 Tap Screen Time.

  • If you want to continue blocking some websites, you can skip this step.

Step 7 Unblock specific websites.

Removing Parental Restrictions on a Mac

Step 1 Open your Mac's System Preferences.

  • If the Mac is set up to use Family Sharing and the restrictions were created by a parent's account, you'll need to log into the Mac using the parent's account to make this change. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Click Screen Time.

  • If you're using Family Sharing, click the menu in the sidebar and select the account you want to edit.

Step 3 Click Content & Privacy in the left sidebar.

  • If you want to keep blocking certain websites, you can skip this step.

Step 6 Unblock one website.

Access Sites Blocked by Region or Network

Step 1 Try a free online proxy.

  • Some networks and providers may block your access to free proxy sites, so your mileage may vary.
  • This method might not work if your parents, school, or company have set up parental controls on your computer, phone, or tablet.

Step 2 Use a VPN.

  • The best, safest, and most reliable VPN services are not free, but many have free trials and/or very affordable subscription prices. Some popular options are NordVPN , Private Internet Access , and ExpressVPN .
  • If your parents, company, school, or other authority has restricted your ability to install software on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, you won't be able to install a VPN.
  • Once you sign up for a VPN service, you can download the service's Mac or iPhone/iPad software for a painless setup.

Step 3 Browse the web with Tor.

  • While there is no official Tor browser for iPhones or iPads, the developers of Tor recommend using Onion Browser , a free Tor-based browser you can install from the App Store. [9] X Research source
  • Some networks will block the Tor network, so this might not be effective for everyone.

Removing Sites from Mac Hosts File

Step 1 Open a terminal on your Mac.

  • If you think you'll want to block the site again in the future, you can just place a hash symbol # before the line to comment it out. This tells your Mac to ignore this line until you remove that symbol.

Step 6 Press Ctrl+O and then ⏎ Return.

  • sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder;sudo killall mDNSResponderHelper;sudo dscacheutil -flushcache .

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About This Article

Luigi Oppido

1. A free online proxy can help you access websites blocked by your school, work, or home network. 2. A VPN is the most reliable way to get around georestricted and network blocks. 3. Install Tor for another easy way to get to sites that are blocked. 4. If you blocked the site yourself, you can edit your Screen Time content restrictions or remove the blocked site from your Mac's hosts file. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Total solar eclipse April 8, 2024 facts: Path, time and the best places to view

In the U.S., 31 million people already live inside the path of totality.

Scroll down to see the list of U.S. cities where the April 8 total solar eclipse will be visible, the duration of the eclipse in those locations and what time totality will begin, according to .

"Eclipse Across America," will air live Monday, April 8, beginning at 2 p.m. ET on ABC, ABC News Live, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo WILD, Disney+ and Hulu as well as network social media platforms.

On April 8, 2024, a historic total solar eclipse will cast a shadow over parts of the United States, prompting a mass travel event to the path of totality -- from Texas to Maine and several states and cities in between.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth and, for a short time, completely blocks the face of the sun, according to NASA .

PHOTO: Tyler Hanson, of Fort Rucker, Ala., watches the sun moments before the total eclipse, Aug. 21, 2017, in Nashville, Tenn.

The track of the moon's shadow across Earth's surface is called the path of totality, and to witness the April 8 total solar eclipse, viewers must be within the 115-mile-wide path. To discover when to see the solar eclipse in totality or the partial eclipse in locations across the U.S. outside of the path, check out NASA's Eclipse Explorer tool .

Eclipse travel

In the U.S., 31 million people already live inside the path of totality, bringing the celestial phenomenon to their doorsteps, Michael Zeiler, expert solar eclipse cartographer at told ABC News.

MORE: Eclipse glasses: What to know to keep your eyes safe

But for individuals outside of the path, investing time and money are needed to experience the event in totality.

PHOTO: People watch a partial solar eclipse from the roof deck at the 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge on Aug. 21, 2017 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City.

Eclipse chasers, or umbraphiles, are individuals who will do almost anything, and travel almost anywhere, to see totality, according to the American Astronomical Society .

"There's a very active community of solar eclipse chasers and we will go to any reasonable lengths to see solar eclipses anywhere in the world," Zeiler said. "All of us are united in pursuing the unimaginable beauty of a total solar eclipse."

MORE: The surprising reason why a Texas county issued a disaster declaration ahead of April total solar eclipse

Bringing together both eclipse experts and novice sky watchers, the total solar eclipse on April 8 is projected to be the U.S.'s largest mass travel event in 2024, according to Zeiler, who likened it to "50 simultaneous Super Bowls across the nation."

"When you look at the number of people expected to come to the path of totality for the solar eclipse, we estimate those numbers are roughly the equivalent of 50 simultaneous Super Bowls across the nation, from Texas to Maine," he said.

Eclipse map, path of totality

In the U.S., the path of totality begins in Texas and will travel through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse, according to NASA.

Best times, places to view eclipse

Below is a list of some American cities where the April 8 total solar eclipse will be most visible -- pending weather forecasts -- the duration of the eclipse in those locations and what time totality will begin, according to

  • Eagle Pass, Texas, 1:27 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 23 seconds
  • Uvalde, Texas, 1:29 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 16 seconds
  • Kerrville, Texas, 1:32 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 23 seconds
  • Austin, Texas, 1:36 p.m. CDT: 1 minute, 53 seconds
  • Killeen, Texas, 1:36 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 17 seconds
  • Fort Worth, Texas, 1:40 p.m. CDT: 2 minutes, 34 seconds
  • Dallas 1:40 p.m. CDT: 3 minutes, 47 seconds
  • Little Rock, Arkansas, 1:51 p.m. CDT: 2 minutes, 33 seconds
  • Jonesboro, Arkansas, 1:55 p.m. CDT: 2 minutes, 24 seconds
  • Poplar Bluff, Arkansas, 1:56 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 8 seconds
  • Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1:58 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 6 seconds
  • Carbondale, Illinois, 1:59 p.m. CDT: 4 minutes, 8 seconds
  • Mount Vernon, Illinois, 2:00 p.m. CDT: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
  • Evansville, Indiana, 2:02 p.m. CDT: 3 minutes, 2 seconds
  • Terre Haute, Indiana, 3:04 p.m. EDT: 2 minutes, 57 seconds
  • Indianapolis 3:06 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 46 seconds
  • Dayton, Ohio, 3:09 p.m. EDT: 2 minutes, 46 seconds
  • Wapakoneta, Ohio, 3:09 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 55 seconds
  • Toledo, Ohio, 3:12 p.m. EDT: 1 minute, 54 seconds
  • Cleveland 3:13 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 50 seconds


  • Erie, Pennsylvania, 3:16 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 43 seconds
  • Buffalo, New York, 3:18 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 45 seconds
  • Rochester, New York, 3:20 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
  • Syracuse, New York, 3:23 p.m. EDT: 1 minute, 26 seconds
  • Burlington, Vermont, 3:26 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 14 seconds
  • Island Falls, Maine, 3:31 p.m. EDT: 3 minutes, 20 seconds
  • Presque Island, Maine, 3:32 p.m. EDT: 2 minutes, 47 seconds

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Solar eclipse maps show 2024 totality path, peak times and how much of the eclipse you can see across the U.S. today

By Aliza Chasan

Updated on: April 8, 2024 / 8:52 PM EDT / CBS News

A total solar eclipse  crosses North America today, with parts of 15 U.S. states within the path of totality. Maps show where and when astronomy fans can see the big event  as skies darken in the middle of the day on Monday, April 8.

The total eclipse will first appear along Mexico's Pacific Coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT, then travel across a swath of the U.S., from Texas to Maine, and into Canada.

About 31.6 million people live in the path of totality , the area where the moon will fully block out the sun , according to NASA. The path will range between 108 and 122 miles wide. An additional 150 million people live within 200 miles of the path of totality.

Solar eclipse path of totality map for 2024

United states map showing the path of the 2024 solar eclipse and specific regions of what the eclipse duration will be.

The total solar eclipse will start over the Pacific Ocean, and the first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico's Pacific Coast, around 11:07 a.m. PDT on April 8, according to NASA. From there, the path will continue into Texas, crossing more than a dozen states before the eclipse enters Canada in southern Ontario. The eclipse will exit continental North America around 5:16 p.m. NDT from Newfoundland, Canada.

The path of totality includes portions of the following states:

  • Pennsylvania
  • New Hampshire

Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse.

Several major cities across the U.S. are included in the eclipse's path of totality, while many others will see a partial eclipse. Here are some of the best major cities for eclipse viewing — if the weather cooperates :

  • San Antonio, Texas (partially under the path)
  • Austin, Texas
  • Waco, Texas
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Dayton, Ohio
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Buffalo, New York
  • Rochester, New York
  • Syracuse, New York
  • Burlington, Vermont

Map of when the solar eclipse will reach totality across the path

The eclipse will begin in the U.S. as a partial eclipse beginning at 12:06 p.m. CDT near Eagle Pass, Texas, before progressing to totality by about 1:27 p.m. CDT and then moving along its path to the northeast over the next few hours.

Eclipse map of totality

NASA shared times for several cities in the path of totality across the U.S. You can also  check your ZIP code on NASA's map  to see when the eclipse will reach you if you're on, or near, the path of totality — or if you'll see a partial eclipse instead.

How much of the eclipse will you see if you live outside of the totality path?

While the April 8 eclipse will cover a wide swath of the U.S., outside the path of totality observers may spot a partial eclipse, where the moon covers some, but not all, of the sun, according to NASA. The closer you are to the path of totality, the larger the portion of the sun that will be hidden.

NASA allows viewers to input a ZIP code and see how much of the sun will be covered in their location.

Could there be cloud cover be during the solar eclipse?

Some areas along the path of totality have a higher likelihood of cloud cover that could interfere with viewing the eclipse. Here is a map showing the historical trends in cloud cover this time of year. 

You can check the latest forecast for your location with our partners at The Weather Channel .

United States map showing the percent of cloud cover in various regions of the eclipse path on April 8. The lakeshore region will be primarily affected.

Where will the solar eclipse reach totality for the longest?

Eclipse viewers near Torreón, Mexico, will get to experience totality for the longest. Totality there will last 4 minutes, 28 seconds, according to NASA. 

Most places along the centerline of the path of totality will see a totality duration between 3.5 and 4 minutes long, according to NASA. Some places in the U.S. come close to the maximum; Kerrville, Texas, will have a totality duration of 4 minutes, 24 seconds.

What is the path of totality for the 2044 solar eclipse?

After the April 8 eclipse, the next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the contiguous U.S. will be on Aug. 23, 2044.

Astronomy fans in the U.S. will have far fewer opportunities to see the 2044 eclipse than the upcoming one on April 8. NASA has not yet made maps available for the 2044 eclipse, but, according to The Planetary Society , the path of totality will only touch three states.

The 2024 eclipse will start in Greenland, pass over Canada and end as the sun sets in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, according to the Planetary Society.

Map showing the path of the 2044 total solar eclipse from Greenland, Canada and parts of the United States.

Aliza Chasan is a digital producer at 60 Minutes and She has previously written for outlets including PIX11 News, The New York Daily News, Inside Edition and DNAinfo. Aliza covers trending news, often focusing on crime and politics.

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See the list of notable total solar eclipses in the U.S. since 1778

WATCH LIVE: See the total solar eclipse as it moves across the US

One of the biggest celestial events of the decade has arrived in the form of the total solar eclipse that will make its way across parts of Central and North America on Monday.

You can watch a livestream of the rare event here beginning at 12 p.m.

Dozens of cities across the Midwest, Plains and South regions will be in the path of totality, or where the sun's visibility will be completely blocked by the moon. Expect skies to darken as other phenomena take place throughout the afternoon.

What is a solar eclipse?

According to  National Geographic , a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, creating a shadow on our planet called an umbra.

There are also different kinds of eclipses. A total eclipse occurs when the moon blocks out the entire sun and a partial eclipse occurs when the moon only blocks part of the sun.

What is a total solar eclipse? What happens during a total solar eclipse?

According to the  Indiana University official website , a total eclipse takes place when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth, placing the Earth in its shadow. The time it takes place, as well as the duration, are influenced by factors like the distances between the sun, moon and Earth, the moon’s phase and the axial tilt of the Earth and moon.

Does it get dark during a total solar eclipse?

Yes. The closer one's location is to totality, the greater the darkness and duration. During a total solar eclipse, the moon eventually lines up perfectly between the Earth and the sun, blocking out light.

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Your last-minute guide to Monday's total solar eclipse

Photo Illustration: The phases of a total solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse will cross North America on Monday , offering millions a rare opportunity to see afternoon skies temporarily darken as the moon blocks the face of the sun.

Tune into NBC News NOW as Lester Holt hosts a two-hour special at 2 p.m. ET Monday from Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

The eclipse's path fortuitously cuts across Mexico, 15 U.S. states and a small part of eastern Canada. In all other states in the continental U.S., viewers will be treated to a partial solar eclipse, with the moon appearing to take a bite out of the sun and obscuring part of its light.

Here’s everything you need to know about the rare celestial event.

What is a solar eclipse?

Solar eclipses occur when the sun, moon and Earth align. The moon passes between Earth and sun, temporarily blocking the sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth.

A total solar eclipse is when the moon fully obscures the sun, whereas a partial solar eclipse means it blocks just a portion of the sun’s face.

Solar eclipses occur only with the new moon. Because the moon’s orbit around Earth is tilted, the three bodies don’t always line up in a way that creates an eclipse.

“Imagine if the moon’s orbit were in the plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun — if that were the case, then every new moon, you’d have a total solar eclipse and every full moon, you’d have a lunar eclipse,” Neil DeGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, told NBC News. “So, because things don’t always align, it lends to the rarity of the event and the specialness of the event.”

Where and when will the eclipse be visible?

This year’s eclipse will follow a slightly wider path over more populated areas of the continental U.S. than other total solar eclipses have in the recent past.

NASA estimates that 31.6 million people live within what’s known as the path of totality, where the total solar eclipse will be visible. An additional 150 million people live within 200 miles of the path, according to the agency.

The path travels through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Tiny parts of Michigan and Tennessee will also be able to witness totality if conditions are clear.

After the eclipse crosses into Canada, it will pass over southern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton, at the eastern end of Nova Scotia.

Those outside the path of totality can still take part in the astronomical event by viewing a partial solar eclipse — visible throughout all 48 states of the contiguous U.S. — or a NASA livestream.

The timing, including how long totality lasts, depends on the location, but some spots will see the moon fully cover the sun for up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds.

Below is a list of timings for some cities along the path of totality, as  provided by NASA . A number of other resources, including  and , can also help people plan.

  • Dallas: Partial eclipse begins at 12:23 p.m. CT and totality at 1:40 p.m.
  • Little Rock, Arkansas: Partial eclipse begins at 12:33 p.m. CT and totality at 1:51 p.m.
  • Cleveland: Partial eclipse begins at 1:59 p.m. ET and totality at 3:13 p.m.
  • Buffalo, New York: Partial eclipse begins at 2:04 p.m. ET and totality at 3:18 p.m.
  • Lancaster, New Hampshire: Partial eclipse begins at 2:16 p.m. ET and totality at 3:27 p.m.

This composite image of thirteen photographs shows the progression of a total solar eclipse

How to safely view a solar eclipse

It is never safe to gaze directly at the sun, even when it is partly or mostly covered by the moon. Special eclipse glasses or  pinhole projectors  are required to safely view solar eclipses and prevent eye damage. Failing to take the proper precautions can result in severe eye injury,  according to NASA .

Eclipse glasses are thousands of times darker than normal sunglasses and specially made to enable wearers to look at the sun during these kinds of celestial events.

Sky-watchers should also never view any part of the sun through binoculars, telescopes or camera lenses unless they have specific solar filters attached. Eclipse glasses should not be used with these devices, as they will not provide adequate protection.

However, during the few minutes of totality, when the moon is fully blocking the sun, it is safe to look with the naked eye.

Image: Tyler Hanson

Beware of fake eclipse glasses. On legitimate pairs, the lenses should have a silver appearance on the front and be black on the inside. The manufacturer’s name and address should be clearly labeled, and they should not be torn or punctured. Check, as well, for the ISO logo and the code “IS 12312-2” printed on the inside.

If you don’t have eclipse glasses, you can make a homemade pinhole projector, which lets sunlight in through a small hole, focuses it and projects it onto a piece of paper, wall or other surface to create an image of the sun that is safe to look at. 

All you need is two pieces of white cardboard or plain white paper, aluminum foil and a pin or thumbtack. Cut a 1- to 2-inch square or rectangle out of the center of a piece of white paper or cardboard. Tape aluminum foil over that cut-out shape, then use a pin or thumbtack to poke a tiny hole in the foil.

During the eclipse, place a second piece of white paper or cardboard on the ground as a screen and hold the projector with the foil facing up and your back to the sun. Adjusting how far you hold the projector from the second piece of paper will alter the size of the image on the makeshift screen.

What to look for while viewing the total solar eclipse

For people along the path of totality, there are some fun milestones to keep track of as the total solar eclipse unfolds.

As the eclipse progresses and the sun gets thinner in the sky, it will start to get eerily dark, according to Tyson.

The "diamond ring effect" is shown following totality of the solar eclipse at Palm Cove in Australia's Tropical North Queensland in 2012.

When the last beams of sunlight are about to become obscured, look out for the “diamond ring effect”: The sun’s atmosphere will appear as an illuminated halo, and the last light still visible will look like the diamond of a giant ring.

As the sunlight decreases even further, an effect known as Baily’s beads will be created by the moon’s rugged terrain. Tiny “beads” of light will be visible for only a few seconds around the dark moon, as the last bits of sunlight peer through the moon’s mountains and valleys.

When the moon is fully blocking the sun, it is safe to remove eclipse glasses and look at the total solar eclipse with the naked eye.

The Bailey's Beads effect is seen as the moon makes its final move over the sun during the total solar eclipse on Monday, August 21, 2017 above Madras, Oregon.

Some lucky sky-watchers may even catch a glimpse of a comet .

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks — nicknamed the “ devil comet ” because an eruption last year left it with two distinct trails of gas and ice in the shape of devil horns — is currently visible from the Northern Hemisphere as it swings through the inner solar system.

The comet can be seen in the early evenings by gazing toward the west-northwest horizon. During the eclipse, when skies darken during totality, it may be possible to see the comet near Jupiter, but its visibility will depend on whether it’s in the middle of an outburst and thus brighter than normal.

Most likely, all eyes will be on the alignment of the moon and sun.

“Most people won’t even notice,” Tyson said. “But if you know to look, it’s there.”

When is the next solar eclipse?

The next total solar eclipse will be in 2026, but it will mostly pass over the Arctic Ocean, with some visibility in Greenland, Iceland, Portugal and northern Spain. In 2027, a total solar eclipse will be visible in Spain and a swath of northern Africa.

The next total solar eclipse visible from North America will be in 2033, but only over Alaska. Then in 2044, a total solar eclipse will cross Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, parts of Canada and Greenland.

The next total solar eclipse to cross the continental U.S. coast-to-coast in will occur in 2045. The path of totality for that eclipse will cut through California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and Florida.

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Denise Chow is a reporter for NBC News Science focused on general science and climate change.

Lucas Thompson is a content producer for the NBC News Climate Unit.

Solar eclipse 2024 live: Total eclipse ends in Ohio. See photos and videos

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Welcome to's live coverage of the 2024 solar eclipse. Check back throughout the day for the latest updates.

4:24 p.m.: Eclipse ends in Cincinnati

The solar eclipse officially ended in Cincinnati around 4:24 p.m. It also ended in many places around the U.S. between 4 and 5 p.m. ET.

4:10 p.m.: ODOT reports heavy traffic on I-74 toward Cincinnati

Through X Monday, ODOT reported heavy traffic heading toward Greater Cincinnati from Indiana on I-74. It also reported heavy traffic on I-475 and I-75 around Toledo, as well as on U.S. Route 33 going toward Columbus in Union County.

The department then reported that the left lane on I-75 in Dayton was blocked near Keowee Street.

4:07 p.m.: Eclipse nearing end in Cincinnati

The eclipse will be over in Cincinnati at approximately 4:24 p.m.

Many places across the country will see the eclipse end between 4 and 5 p.m. ET.

3:20 p.m.: No major traffic delays in Ohio

The Ohio Department of Transportation is reporting no traffic delays at this time.

3:08 p.m.: Total eclipse passes through Miami Whitewater Forest, other parts of Ohio

The total eclipse reached Miami Whitewater Forest and other parts of Ohio shortly after 3 p.m. Check out some videos and photos below.

2:56 p.m.: Partial eclipse in Miami Whitewater Forest

The total eclipse has almost arrived to Miami Whitewater Forest. Check out the video above.

2:50 p.m.: Couples prepare to tie the knot in Trenton

Trenton, Ohio, is holding a Solar Eclipse Mass Wedding Ceremony on Monday, officiated by Mayor Ryan Perry. Samantha Palmer and Gerald Lester (pictured below) are among the couples getting married.

2:30 p.m.: Eclipse photos from Greater Cincinnati start flooding in

Enquirer reporter Cameron Knight captured this photo of a partial eclipse in Springdale on Monday.

2:20 p.m.: People enjoying start of eclipse at Miami Whitewater Forest

People came in droves to see the total eclipse from Miami Whitewater Forest on Monday. Take a look at the video of the crowd below.

Among the ways to enjoy the eclipse is from a boat on the Miami Whitewater lake. Enquirer reporter Sherry Coolidge did just that and wrote about her experience.

"One of my favorite tween books (a long time ago) was called 'Taking Care of Terrific' by Lois Lowry, which involved a babysitter taking a child to the park to ride swan boats. 

I always loved the image of that. So when I saw there were swan boats at the Miami Whitewater Forest late today I had to try it out. (It was really a dragon and I cajoled my almost 16-year-old son into helping pedal.)

It lived up to the hype I built in my head, and it’s by far the most popular attraction here today ahead of the eclipse. Well, a close second to the playground at least."

1:56 p.m.: Crowds prepare for solar eclipse at Summit Park in Blue Ash

Crowds of people accept eclipse glasses at Summit Park in Blue Ash, Ohio ahead of the rare solar event.

1:52 p.m.: Partial eclipse arrives in Cincinnati

A partial eclipse began in Cincinnati at 1:52 p.m. It will end at 4:24 p.m., and the moon will obscure approximately 99.4% of the sun at its peak.

1:30 p.m.: The 2024 solar eclipse is almost here!

We're just minutes away from the start of the solar eclipse. The eclipse will begin in Cincinnati at 1:52 p.m. and end at 4:24 p.m.

Even though Cincinnati isn't in the path of totality, we will still see a partial eclipse for 2 hours and 33 minutes. At the peak, the moon will obscure approximately 99.4% of the sun.

1:06 p.m.: Several Ohio state parks hit capacity ahead of solar eclipse

The following Ohio state parks have reached capacity for viewing Monday's solar eclipse, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The state has asked that visitors go to other locations for the eclipse instead.

  • Mt. Gilead State Park.
  • Van Buren State Park.
  • Daughmer Prairie Savannah State Nature Preserve.
  • Sheldon Marsh State Nature Preserve.
  • Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve.

12:24 p.m.: I-74 backed up as solar eclipse approaches

Traffic slowdowns and crashes are beginning to be reported on interstates 74, 71, 75 and 275 as  the time for the eclipse  grows closer. Traffic cameras show a significant backup on westbound I-74 from Dent to the I-74/I-275 split.

The  Ohio Department of Transportation  is warning drivers to plan ahead and expect heavy traffic due to the eclipse.

12:18 p.m.: Take a look at these eclipse photos from across Ohio

Viewers across Ohio are getting ready for Monday's solar eclipse. Take a look below.

12:12 p.m.: The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium prepare for the solar eclipse

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are ready for unique research opportunities presented by Monday's total solar eclipse and will be studying animals throughout the day.

11:25 a.m.: Heading to an Ohio park for the eclipse? Make sure there's still space

At least one park along the eclipse's path of totality is already at capacity.

Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve in Ridgeway, about 60 miles of Columbus and 30 miles southeast of Lima. was full as of 11:11 a.m., according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The state has asked that visitors go to other locations for the eclipse instead.

Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve is one of 28 ODNR parks along the eclipse's path, according to the state agency.

10:10 a.m. Spectators arrive to Indianapolis Motor Speedway

People from around the world are watching the eclipse from Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Check out some photos below.

10:09 a.m.: Cincinnati Bengals tweet about 2024 solar eclipse

The Cincinnati Bengals posted a video on X/Twitter poking fun at the 2024 solar eclipse.

9:45 a.m.: Miami Whitewater Forest starts to fill up

Enquirer trending editor David Wysong arrived to Miami Whitewater shortly after 7 a.m., and the park wasn't too busy. He even captured the video of the sun rise below.

However, the park started filling up between 9 and 10 a.m.

9:02 a.m.: Cincinnati Zoo animals prepare for the solar eclipse

Meerkats at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden prepared for the eclipse Monday morning with ... oversized eclipse glasses.

8:41 a.m.: Here's a list of animals you might see during the solar eclipse

Take a look at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources 2024 solar eclipse field guide, which includes a list of species likely to be seen within the path of totality.

8:21 a.m.: Latest eclipse weather update for Greater Cincinnati

Here's the latest weather update for the Cincinnati area, according to the National Weather Service office in Wilmington .

8:10 a.m.: Ohio treated to a beautiful sunrise on eclipse day

Enquirer photo editor Cara Owsley sent this photo from the National Museum of the United States Air Force near Dayton, where she's covering the eclipse today.

7:40 a.m.: Tips for eclipse viewing at Miami Whitewater Forest

Miami Whitewater Forest, which is in the path of totality, is expecting a lot of people to show up on Monday. Great Parks of Hamilton County shared these tips if you're planning to visit:

• Expect plenty of traffic and arrive early with a full tank of gas, water and food

• Rangers will close the park if they reach capacity. Satellite locations at Parky's Farm and Sharon Woods are open, but they're not in the path of totality.

• The park closes at sunset, so an immediate, large-scale exit isn't necessary.

7:17 a.m.: What does a solar eclipse look like from a plane?

If you're taking a flight on Monday during the 2024 solar eclipse, here's a look at what you may see.

7:00 a.m.: A look back at the 2017 solar eclipse

Weather Channel meteorologist Stephanie Abrams reflects on the 2017 eclipse ahead of the 2024 solar eclipse Monday afternoon.

6:31 a.m.: Visually impaired students experience the eclipse

Blind and visually impaired students in Indianapolis, Indiana, will join NearSpace Education at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and will use Cadence Tactile Tablets to experience the eclipse in real-time.

Everything you need to know

Astronomy lovers, your time has come! The total solar eclipse , one of the biggest celestial events of the century, is here Monday.

The  National Weather Service  says the eclipse will start in Texas and make its way across the country, passing over states that include Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana before arriving in Ohio. According to USA TODAY , nearly 500 cities in the U.S. are on the path of totality, including Cleveland and Toledo.

Cincinnati isn't in the  path of totality , but it will still see a partial eclipse lasting 2 hours and 33 minutes. At the peak of the eclipse, the moon will obscure approximately 99.4% of the sun.

Are you planning to view the solar eclipse in the Queen City? We have information you may need below. This is also the place for live updates throughout the day, complete with photos and videos. Check back here as the eclipse makes its way across the country.

Live broadcast of solar eclipse

Want to follow the 2024 solar eclipse live on Monday afternoon? Watch the USA TODAY broadcast at the video below.

What time does the solar eclipse start in Cincinnati? When will it end?

The  eclipse begins in Cincinnati at 1:52 p.m . and ends at 4:24 p.m. The partial eclipse is expected to last approximately 2 hours and 33 minutes.

  • How long will solar eclipse darkness last in Ohio cities? Explore these interactive maps .
  • What time will the solar eclipse happen in Cincinnati and Cleveland?
  • 2024 solar eclipse: 'New' path of totality map reveals Ohio will see less of the solar eclipse .
  • Solar eclipse: When to leave Cincinnati to reach the path of totality .

What will the weather be like in Cincinnati for the solar eclipse?

The  NWS reports that dry conditions are in store for the solar eclipse Monday afternoon. Currently, the forecast calls for a slight chance of showers before 8 a.m. before the day becomes partly sunny, which should result in viewable conditions. Temperatures will reach the low 70s, with a high near 74.

  • The 2024 solar eclipse is here! Get the latest weather forecast for Greater Cincinnati

Solar Eclipse traffic information for Greater Cincinnati

The Columbus Dispatch reports that Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) officials expect 150,000 to 575,000 visitors in the state April 8. To help emergency responders and residents prepare, ODOT created an interactive online map  forecasting traffic that day.

  • Where could Ohio traffic be bad during the solar eclipse? See the map from ODOT .
  • Solar eclipse 2024: Ohio Department of Transportation maps show traffic surge day of eclipse .

Where to get eclipse glasses in Greater Cincinnati

NASA doesn't approve any specific spectacles for eclipse viewing. However, the American Astronomical Society has  a list of approved vendors for eclipse glasses  and telescopes that can be purchased at many local retail stores, including Kroger, Meijer, Walmart and more.

But be careful because counterfeit glasses have flooded marketplaces for weeks leading up to the big event. If you're unsure whether your eclipse glasses are safe for viewing, check the International Organization for Standardization 12312-2 standard .

  • You need special glasses to see the solar eclipse. Here's where to get them in Cincinnati .
  • How to make a pinhole projector to view the solar eclipse .
  • Do eclipse glasses expire? Are my eclipse glasses safe? Ohio doctors offer tips .
  • Solar eclipse: How Ohioans can get free Warby Parker eclipse glasses starting April 1 .

What to wear during the solar eclipse

Experts at  Solar Eyeglasses  recommend wearing shades of red and green to enhance your eclipse viewing experience and avoid neutral tones, such as black, white, gray and brown.

  • Solar eclipse: Here's which colors to wear (and avoid) when the eclipse arrives in Ohio .
  • From ‘Black Hole Sun’ to ‘Moonshadow,’ an ultimate playlist of songs for the solar eclipse .

Where to watch the eclipse around Cincinnati

The closest city to Cincinnati where the total eclipse will be viewable is  Harrison , located just 20 miles northwest of the Queen City. There,  the total eclipse  will occur around 3:08 p.m.

Several places around Greater Cincinnati will also host eclipse-viewing parties. Click here for a non-comprehensive list of eclipse-viewing events and spots in the area.

  • Where to watch the 2024 solar eclipse in Greater Cincinnati .
  • Is your student's school closed for the 2024 eclipse? Check Cincinnati area closings here .
  • We asked Ohio astronomy experts what they're doing for the eclipse. Here's what they said .

Solar Eclipse viewing do's and don'ts

Locally-based, nationally-known astronomer Dean Regas has outlined several tips for observing the upcoming eclipse, including info on eclipse glasses, solar filters and projection with smaller telescopes, purchasing special telescopes for eclipses and more.

  • Safe viewing tips for the 2024 solar eclipse .
  • How to photograph the 2024 solar eclipse: Tips, tricks for iPhone and Android users .
  • Astronomer Dean Regas: 4 things to know about 'eerie' and 'awesome' total solar eclipse .


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    how to visit blocked sites at school

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    how to visit blocked sites at school

  3. How to Easily Unblock Blocked Websites in School, At Work, or Anywhere

    how to visit blocked sites at school

  4. How to Access Blocked Websites at School, Work, Home or Anywhere

    how to visit blocked sites at school

  5. How To Unblock Blocked Websites At School 2019

    how to visit blocked sites at school

  6. How to Unblock Sites at School

    how to visit blocked sites at school


  1. How to Unblock Websites on School Chromebook 2023 2

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  3. How to go to blocked sites everywhere !

  4. how to get into blocked sites

  5. how to open blocked sites in saudiarabia

  6. How To Unblock Websites On School Chromebook 2023


  1. How To Access Blocked Websites At School Without VPN

    Here's how you can use DNS servers to access blocked websites: 1. Identify Public DNS Servers: There are several public DNS servers available that may not have the same restrictions as your school's DNS. Popular options include Google DNS (, and OpenDNS (,

  2. 5 Ways to Bypass Blocked Sites Without Using Proxies or VPNs

    It's incredibly easy to do. You just copy a URL into a service like Bitly or TinyURL, and it'll give you something like: Insert it into the address bar, and you should be redirected to where you want to go, bypassing any blocks that might be in place—fingers crossed. 2. Access Restricted Sites Using an IP Address.

  3. 6 Ways to Access Blocked Websites

    Enter the website address in the address bar at the top. 4. Use the Tor browser. The Tor browser is a free web browser that is used to keep you anonymous on the web by routing your web traffic through a series of proxy servers. Tor is often used to access websites that are blocked by the country or region you live in.

  4. How to Access Blocked Websites at Home, Work or School

    Try and avoid using unknown proxies and only use reputable, trusted ones. The same goes for VPN services because they can - potentially - see and record information about you and what you do on the web. Access blocked websites with Tor. One of your other options is to use Tor, a.k.a. 'The Onion Router', to browse the web.

  5. How to Unblock Websites: The Ultimate Guide For 2024

    No matter the block, there's usually a workaround. However, the workaround you use depends on the type of block and what you're trying to access. Read on to learn more about the different types of blocks and what tools you can use to bypass them. It's Blocked by Your Work or School. Almost everyone has had content blocked by their work or ...

  6. How to Unblock a Website: Step-by-Step Instructions

    Select Settings. Under Advanced, select Site settings. Find a site under one of the Permissions categories (such as Location) > Blocked. Tap to see a list of sites and change the permission setting. Finally, on an iPhone or iPad: Open the Chrome app. Tap the three dots in the right-hand corner. Click Settings.

  7. 6 Ways to Unblock Blocked Sites

    Type in the URL of the blocked site you wish to visit. Click the button to get a shortened version of the URL. The website will generate the shortened version that you can paste into your browser to access the site. Even though the address looks different, it is like a code for the same address you submitted. 3.

  8. How to Unblock Websites at School (On Chromebook & More)

    On your Chromebook, click the "Launcher" button. It's in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Select "All Apps" and then click the "Web Store" icon. If you can't see the "Web Store" icon, it may be because your school has blocked Chrome store access. In this case, use a web proxy.

  9. How to unblock sites and access banned pages wherever you are

    The quickest and easiest way to unblock sites at home or abroad is to use one of the best VPN services. With a VPN, your activity is encrypted and made anonymous. This means that who or whatever ...

  10. Unblock Websites at School or Work

    If your school or work network is using a very basic blocking method, using a URL shortener might help. Services like TinyURL shorten a website's URL, which will help you unblock websites without a proxy, VPN, or Tor. For example, if your school blocks Facebook, you can create a different (shortened) URL to access it.

  11. Unblock Websites at School, Work, and on Chrome in 2024

    Best VPNs to Bypass Blocked Sites Anywhere in 2024. ExpressVPN — Excellent Speeds to Quickly Access Any Website. CyberGhost — Intuitive User-Interface to Easily Bypass Network Restrictions. Private Internet Access (PIA) — Huge Server Network to Reliably Unblock Websites.

  12. How to Unblock Websites at School, Home, Work (2024)

    Method 1: Use a proxy. One of the easiest ways to unblock websites is with a public web proxy. It may not be as fast or secure as a VPN, but a public web proxy is a good option when you use public PCs that don't let you install a VPN. Proxies hide your IP address and route your internet traffic through different public servers.

  13. How to Unblock Sites at School

    To open a cached page on Chrome, open the browser → search for the website you want to visit → right of the URL → click the downward arrow → click Cached. URL shortener. If your school blocks, for example, YouTube, a service that replaces a website's URL address with a shorter domain name, might unblock the video.

  14. How to unblock and access websites at school? [WORKING IN 2021]

    Type in the website address to get its IP. Linux: In the Terminal, type in dig to get the IP address of the site you want. When you get the IP, copy and paste it to your web browser. If the school hasn't blocked the site's IP, this method should work.

  15. How to Unblock Websites at School: Top 3 Methods

    Once you click Browse History, you'll see a calendar with the dates the website's been archived. Just choose a date from the calendar and enjoy the view. 2. Use a URL shortener. While not 100% effective in all cases, using a URL shortening service is another simple method that can help you unblock websites at school.

  16. 21 Ways to Access Blocked WebSites at School and Work

    7. Google Cache. Best part of Google search engine is they store the websites cache. It helps us to see blocked sites via these cache pages. Doing this is very simple and even a newbie can do this. Search at Google in this format " " without quotes and wait for search results to display.

  17. How to Unblock Websites & Access Restricted Content in 2024

    Open Command Prompt. Enter ping and the name of the website you want to unblock (for example, 4. Then, all you have to do is press Enter on the keyboard and you'll have the IP address of the site you want to unblock. Paste it into your search bar and enjoy access to restricted content.

  18. How to unblock websites on Chrome and Firefox from anywhere

    Your school, office, government, or internet service provider might frown upon Tor usage in any form as a result. Plus, some websites block Tor users altogether. See also: Best VPNs for Tor. Change your DNS servers. If DNS tampering (see above) is the method used to block websites, you might be able to overcome it by changing your default DNS ...

  19. How to Unblock Websites From Anywhere

    Here's how to unblock websites from anywhere with a VPN: Sign up for a VPN. We recommend NordVPN: its unblocking capabilities and vast server network allow you to access blocked sites from anywhere. Download and install NordVPN on your device. Log in to the NordVPN app with the account details you used in Step 1.

  20. 15 Methods to Access Blocked Websites in School & College

    These are some of the most common queries that always get asked on the web by school & college students, and employees. Because in most of the colleges, schools and offices, the administration use to block various social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram etc) and other useful websites due to many specific reasons.. While accessing blocked websites using proxy servers ...

  21. How to Unblock and Access Sites at School

    Linux: open the Terminal and type "dig". Now that you have the IP of the website you want to visit, copy, and paste it into your Chrome, Mozilla, or another web browser. If the school hasn't blocked its IP, chances are that the website will work just fine.

  22. 4 Ways to Unblock Websites on Safari

    1. A free online proxy can help you access websites blocked by your school, work, or home network. 2. A VPN is the most reliable way to get around georestricted and network blocks. 3. Install Tor for another easy way to get to sites that are blocked. 4.

  23. Total solar eclipse April 8, 2024 facts: Path, time and the best places

    Scroll down to see the list of U.S. cities where the April 8 total solar eclipse will be visible, the duration of the eclipse in those locations and what time totality will begin, according to ...

  24. How much of the eclipse will you see if you live outside of the

    A total solar eclipse crosses North America today, with parts of 15 U.S. states within the path of totality. Maps show where and when astronomy fans can see the big event as skies darken in the ...

  25. LIVE: Watch solar eclipse 2024 move across the US

    WATCH LIVE: See the total solar eclipse as it moves across the US. One of the biggest celestial events of the decade has arrived in the form of the total solar eclipse that will make its way ...

  26. Back to Black (2024)

    Back to Black: Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. With Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.

  27. Your last-minute guide to Monday's total solar eclipse

    Solar eclipses occur when the sun, moon and Earth align. The moon passes between Earth and sun, temporarily blocking the sun's light and casting a shadow on Earth. A total solar eclipse is when ...

  28. Live eclipse updates: Heavy traffic in Ohio. See eclipse photos, more

    The eclipse will be over in Cincinnati at approximately 4:24 p.m. Many places across the country will see the eclipse end between 4 and 5 p.m. ET. 3:20 p.m.: No major traffic delays in Ohio. The ...