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How to Say Safe Travels in French: A Comprehensive Guide

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By Happy Sharer

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french


When you’re sending someone off on a trip, whether it’s for business or pleasure, you want to wish them the best of luck with their travels. In French, one way to do this is by saying “bon voyage” which literally translates to “good journey.” This article will discuss the phrase “bon voyage” and other ways to say “safe travels” in French. It will provide a comprehensive guide on how to express your best wishes for a safe trip in French.

A Guide to Saying

A Guide to Saying “Bon Voyage” in French

The most common phrase for wishing someone a safe and enjoyable journey in French is “bon voyage.” This phrase can be used to both send people off on their travels as well as to welcome them back upon their return. Depending on the context, it can also mean “have a good time” or “enjoy yourself.”

There are several variations of “bon voyage” depending on the gender of the person being addressed. For example, if you are addressing a female, you would say “bonne voyage,” while if you are addressing a male, you would say “bon voyage.” Another variation is “bon voyage à vous,” which is a more formal way of saying “good journey” and is suitable for use when addressing a group of people.

In some regions of France, such as the south, there are different dialects of the French language. In these areas, you may hear the phrase “bonne route” instead of “bon voyage.” This phrase has the same meaning but is more commonly used in the south.

10 Ways to Wish Someone Safe Travels in French

10 Ways to Wish Someone Safe Travels in French

Now that you know the basic phrase for wishing someone a safe journey in French, here are 10 additional phrases you can use to express your best wishes:

  • Bon voyage – Good journey/Have a good trip
  • Bonne route – Have a good trip (more commonly used in the south)
  • Bonne chance – Good luck
  • Bonne continuation – Have a good trip/Take care
  • Prends soin de toi – Take care of yourself
  • Sois prudent – Be careful
  • Fais attention – Watch out
  • Amuse-toi bien – Have fun
  • A bientôt – See you soon
  • Garde le cap – Keep the course/Stay the course

A Beginner’s Guide to Travel Greetings in French

If you are just starting to learn French and want to wish someone safe travels, here are some helpful tips and phrases you should know:

First, it’s important to remember that the French language has gendered words. You should always use the appropriate gender when addressing someone, using “monsieur” for a man and “madame” or “mademoiselle” for a woman. When wishing someone a safe journey, you should use the appropriate gender when saying “bon voyage” or any other phrase.

When saying goodbye to someone in French, there are several different ways to express your sentiments. The most common phrase is “au revoir,” which literally translates to “until we see each other again.” Other phrases include “à bientôt,” which means “see you soon,” and “bonne journée,” which means “have a good day.”

It is also important to practice proper pronunciation when speaking French. Although it can be difficult to master, it is essential to ensure that you are understood. Try to practice with audio recordings or native speakers to get an idea of how certain words and phrases should sound.

5 Simple Phrases for Wishing Someone a Safe Journey in French

5 Simple Phrases for Wishing Someone a Safe Journey in French

Here are five simple phrases you can use to wish someone a safe journey in French:

  • Bonne route – Have a good trip
  • Bon courage – Good luck/Be brave
  • Bonne santé – Stay healthy

How to Express Your Best Wishes for a Safe Trip in French

When expressing your best wishes for a safe trip, it’s important to make sure that your message is sincere and heartfelt. Here are some examples of wishes you can share with someone who is about to embark on a journey:

  • Je te souhaite un bon voyage – I wish you a good journey
  • Bonne chance pour ton voyage – Good luck on your journey
  • Je prie pour ta sécurité – I pray for your safety
  • Je te souhaite une bonne route – I wish you a good trip
  • Je t’envoie des pensées positives – I’m sending you positive thoughts

You can also express your sentiments in different ways. For example, you could write a poem or a letter, or draw a picture to show your best wishes. You could even make a video to share with your loved one.

Finally, try to keep your message short and sweet. Long messages can come across as insincere, so try to keep your wishes brief and to the point. Also, make sure to speak slowly and clearly when expressing your best wishes in French.

Saying “safe travels” in French can be a great way to show someone that you care about them and wish them the best of luck on their journey. Remember to use the appropriate gender when wishing someone a safe journey, and try to practice proper pronunciation when speaking French. There are many different phrases you can use to express your best wishes for a safe trip, from “bon voyage” to “bonne route” to “bon courage.” With this comprehensive guide, you now have the tools to properly wish someone a safe journey in French.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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How to Say ‘Safe Travels’ in French: A Guide to Bon Voyage

Traveling to a foreign country can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it is always important to be well-prepared and respectful of the local customs and language. If you happen to be heading to a French-speaking destination, one phrase that you will often hear is “Bon Voyage,” which literally translates to “Good Trip.” This charming expression is commonly used to wish someone ‘safe travels’ when embarking on a journey. In this article, we will take a closer look at the proper usage and variations of ‘Bon Voyage’ in French, so that you can confidently bid farewell to your loved ones, friends, or colleagues as they set off on their adventures. Whether you are a language enthusiast, a traveler, or simply someone interested in expanding their linguistic repertoire, this guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge to say ‘safe travels’ in an elegant and authentic manner.

Table of Contents

Understanding the French Phrase “Bon Voyage”

A. explanation of the literal meaning and cultural context.

The French phrase “Bon Voyage” is commonly used to wish someone a good and safe journey. The literal translation of “Bon Voyage” is “good journey” or “good trip.” The phrase reflects the cultural values of the French-speaking countries, where expressing well wishes before someone embarks on a journey is considered polite and thoughtful. It is a way to show concern for the person’s well-being and wish them luck on their travels.

B. Common usage of “Bon Voyage” in French-speaking countries

“Bon Voyage” is widely used in French-speaking countries, such as France, Canada (particularly in Quebec), Belgium, Switzerland, and many African countries where French is spoken. It is often used when saying goodbye to someone who is about to embark on a trip, whether it be a short leisure trip or a long journey.

In these countries, it is common to hear “Bon Voyage” being said at airports, train stations, or even when bidding farewell to friends and family. It is seen as a polite and friendly way to acknowledge someone’s departure and wish them a safe and pleasant journey.

The phrase is not limited to formal settings; it can also be used among friends and acquaintances. Regardless of the context, saying “Bon Voyage” is a customary way to convey well wishes and show that you care about the person’s travel experience.

Understanding the cultural context and common usage of “Bon Voyage” is essential for travelers, as it allows them to not only participate in the local customs but also to connect with the people they encounter during their journey. By using this phrase, travelers can demonstrate respect for the local culture and language, fostering positive interactions and experiences.

IBrief French Language Overview

A. introduction to the french language and its global reach.

The French language, known as “le français,” is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is the official language of 29 countries, including France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and several African nations. French is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations, making it an important language for international diplomacy.

With its global reach, learning the basics of the French language can be incredibly beneficial for travelers. Not only does it open doors to various French-speaking countries, but it also allows for a deeper understanding and appreciation of their cultures.

B. Importance of learning basic phrases for travelers

For travelers, understanding basic phrases in the local language can greatly enhance their experience and facilitate communication with locals. Even a simple “bonjour” (hello) or “merci” (thank you) can go a long way in establishing connections and showing respect.

Learning basic French phrases is particularly helpful when navigating transportation systems, ordering food at restaurants, or seeking assistance. It not only simplifies daily interactions but also shows locals that you are making an effort to engage with their language and culture.

Moreover, speaking a few words of French can help travelers immerse themselves in the local atmosphere and gain a deeper appreciation for the destinations they visit. It demonstrates a willingness to embrace the language and allows for a more enriching cultural experience.

By learning basic French phrases, travelers can break down the language barrier, forge meaningful connections, and navigate unfamiliar territory more easily. It not only adds practical value but also shows respect for the local culture and enhances the overall travel experience. So, before embarking on your next adventure, take the time to learn some simple French phrases and open the door to a world of linguistic and cultural discovery.

RecommendedBasic French Expressions for Travelers

A. greetings and introductions.

When traveling to a French-speaking country, it is essential to know how to greet and introduce yourself to the locals. Understanding basic French phrases can help you navigate through different situations and make a positive impression. Here are a few common greetings and introductions to get you started:

– “Bonjour” (Hello) – This is the most common way to say hello in French. It can be used anytime during the day and in any setting. – “Comment ça va?” (How are you?) – This is the standard way to ask someone how they are doing. It is important to note that the French usually reply with a detailed response rather than a simple “good” or “fine.” – “Je m’appelle [Your Name]” (My name is [Your Name]) – This is how you introduce yourself in French. It is polite to use this phrase when meeting new people. – “Enchanté(e)” (Nice to meet you) – This is a common response to an introduction. It’s a polite way to express your pleasure in meeting someone.

B. Asking for directions and assistance

While exploring a new place, it is inevitable to get lost or require assistance. Knowing how to ask for directions or help in French can make your travel experience much smoother. Here are a few phrases to use when seeking guidance:

– “Où est…?” (Where is…?) – Use this phrase followed by the name of a specific location or landmark to ask for directions. – “Je cherche… / Est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider?” (I am looking for… / Can you help me?) – Use this phrase when you need assistance in finding something or someone. – “Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous me montrer le chemin vers…?” (Excuse me, can you show me the way to…?) – This is a polite way to request someone to guide you to a particular place. – “Je suis perdu(e)” (I am lost) – Use this phrase to communicate that you are unsure of your current location and need help finding your way back.

C. Expressing gratitude and politeness

It is essential to be polite and show gratitude when interacting with the locals. French people appreciate good manners, and using the right phrases can go a long way. Here are a few expressions to express gratitude and politeness:

– “Merci” (Thank you) – This is the most common way to express gratitude in French. Use it whenever someone helps you or offers you something. – “S’il vous plaît” (Please) – Use this phrase when making a request or asking for a favor. – “Excusez-moi” (Excuse me) – This is a polite way to get someone’s attention or apologize for any inconvenience. – “Je suis désolé(e)” (I am sorry) – Use this phrase to apologize for any mistakes or misunderstandings.

By familiarizing yourself with these basic French expressions, you will not only be able to navigate daily interactions more smoothly but also make a positive impression on the locals. Remember to practice these phrases before your trip and don’t be afraid to use them during your travels.

Introducing “Safe Travels” in French

A. explanation of the phrase “safe travels” in english.

In the context of traveling, “safe travels” is a phrase commonly used to express well wishes for someone’s journey. It conveys the hope that the person will have a safe and secure trip without encountering any harm or mishaps along the way. It is a way to show care and concern for the traveler’s well-being and overall successful voyage.

B. Translation of “safe travels” into French

The French translation of “safe travels” is “Bon voyage.” The phrase “Bon voyage” is widely recognized and used not only in France but also in many other French-speaking countries. It holds the same meaning as its English counterpart, expressing the desire for a safe and pleasant journey.

C. Pronunciation tips

To pronounce “Bon voyage” correctly in French, remember that the letter “o” is pronounced like the “o” in the English word “hot,” and the letter “i” is pronounced like the “ee” in the English word “bee.” The word “Bon” is pronounced as “bohn,” while “voyage” is pronounced as “vwah-yaj.”

It is important to note that the “g” in “voyage” is silent, and the ending “-age” is pronounced with a soft “j” sound. Overall, the pronunciation should be smooth and flowing, emphasizing the second syllable with a slight emphasis on the final “e.”

Understanding the correct pronunciation ensures that your well wishes are conveyed accurately and respectfully, adding a personal touch to your interactions with French-speaking individuals.

By incorporating the phrase “Bon voyage” into your travel vocabulary, you not only show cultural sensitivity but also enhance your communication skills while exploring French-speaking countries. Remember to always use it in appropriate situations when bidding farewell to someone who is embarking on a trip, whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a stranger you meet while traveling.

Safe travels, or “Bon voyage,” is just one of many ways to express your well wishes in French. In the next section, we will explore alternative phrases with similar meanings to add variety to your repertoire of good luck expressions.

Alternatives to “Bon Voyage”

A. exploring other french phrases with similar meanings.

While “Bon Voyage” is the most common phrase used to wish someone safe travels in French, there are several alternatives that can be used to convey similar sentiments. One of the alternatives is “Bon séjour,” which translates to “good stay.” This phrase is often used when someone is embarking on a trip but will stay in one place for an extended period.

Another alternative is “Bonne route,” which means “good journey.” This expression is commonly used to wish someone a safe and pleasant journey, especially when they are traveling by road or by any means of transportation.

B. Understanding the appropriate usage of alternative phrases

It is important to understand when to use these alternative phrases in order to convey the appropriate sentiment. “Bon séjour” should be used when someone is going on a trip where their primary intention is to stay in one place, such as a vacation or a business trip. On the other hand, “Bonne route” is more suitable when someone is embarking on a journey that involves traveling from one place to another, regardless of the mode of transportation.

These alternative phrases can also be combined with “Bon Voyage” to provide a more comprehensive well-wish. For example, you can say “Bon Voyage et bon séjour” to wish someone a good journey and a pleasant stay.

It is worth noting that while these alternative phrases are less common than “Bon Voyage,” they are still widely understood and appreciated by native French speakers. Using these phrases shows that you have taken the effort to learn and adapt to the language and culture of the destination.

In conclusion, while “Bon Voyage” is the go-to phrase for wishing safe travels in French, there are other alternatives that can be used depending on the specific context. Understanding the meaning and appropriate usage of these alternative phrases adds depth and personalization to your well wishes. So next time you want to wish someone safe travels in French, consider using one of these alternatives to show your thoughtfulness and cultural understanding.

Adding Personalized Touch to Well Wishes

Expressing additional sentiments beyond “safe travels”.

When it comes to wishing someone well on their journey, sometimes a simple “safe travels” may not feel enough. Adding a personalized touch to well wishes can make your message more heartfelt and meaningful. In French, there are various ways to express additional sentiments beyond the standard “Bon Voyage.”

One common sentiment to include in your well wishes is “have a great trip.” In French, you can say “Bon voyage et passez un excellent séjour.” This phrase not only expresses the hope for a safe journey but also emphasizes the desire for a wonderful experience during the trip.

If you want to convey the idea of exploring and discovering new things, you can use the phrase “Bon voyage et profitez bien de votre découverte.” This encourages the traveler to fully embrace the adventure and make the most out of their discoveries.

Providing examples of heartfelt messages in French

To further enhance the personalized touch of your well wishes, you can incorporate specific details about the person’s journey or destination. For instance, if your friend is going to Paris, you can say “Bon voyage et profitez bien des croissants et du romantisme parisien.” This message not only conveys your wishes for a safe trip but also highlights the iconic aspects of the city they will be visiting.

Another example of a heartfelt message could be “Bon voyage et que chaque nouvelle expérience enrichisse votre vie.” This showcases your desire for the traveler to have enriching experiences during their journey and emphasizes personal growth through encountering new situations.

Remember, adding a personal touch is about tailoring your message to the individual and their specific plans or interests. By doing so, your well wishes become more authentic and thoughtful.

In conclusion, while “safe travels” is a commonly used phrase, adding a personalized touch to well wishes can make them more meaningful and special. French offers various options to express additional sentiments beyond the standard phrase “Bon Voyage.” By incorporating specific details and tailoring your message to the individual, you can create heartfelt messages that truly resonate with the traveler. So, the next time you wish someone well on their journey, consider adding a personal touch in French to make your well wishes even more memorable.

Cultural Considerations

Importance of cultural sensitivity while traveling.

When traveling to French-speaking countries, it is important to be culturally sensitive and aware of local customs and traditions. French culture places a great emphasis on etiquette and politeness, and this extends to well-wishing phrases like “Bon Voyage.” Being mindful of cultural considerations not only shows respect for the local culture but also enhances the overall travel experience.

French people value personal connections and take the time to exchange pleasantries before getting down to business. They appreciate genuine well wishes and consider it a sign of good manners and camaraderie. So, when using phrases like “Bon Voyage,” it is crucial to show sincerity and warmth.

Understanding customs and traditions associated with well-wishing

In France, well-wishing is deeply rooted in tradition. When someone is about to embark on a journey, it is customary for family, friends, and colleagues to express their best wishes for a safe and pleasant trip. These good wishes are often accompanied by small gifts, such as travel accessories or good luck charms.

The French also have specific customs associated with well-wishing before a journey. It is believed that if the traveler steps back into their home after saying goodbye, it will bring bad luck. Therefore, the well-wishers often wait outside until the traveler is safely out of sight.

Furthermore, it is common for the French to kiss both cheeks as a form of greeting and farewell. When saying “Bon Voyage,” it is appropriate to accompany it with this customary gesture. However, it is essential to note that the number of kisses may vary depending on the region in France. For example, while people in Paris typically exchange two kisses, those in Marseille may exchange three.

By understanding and respecting these customs, travelers can better integrate into the local culture and create positive interactions with the French people they encounter during their journeys.

In conclusion, being aware of cultural considerations when using well-wishing phrases like “Bon Voyage” in French-speaking countries is crucial. It demonstrates respect for the local culture and enhances the travel experience. Additionally, understanding the customs and traditions associated with well-wishing allows travelers to fully immerse themselves in the local culture and form meaningful connections with the people they meet. By incorporating these cultural considerations into their travels, travelers can navigate French customs with ease and embrace the warmth and hospitality of the French people.

Etiquette Tips for Using “Bon Voyage”

When using the phrase “Bon Voyage” in French, it is important to be aware of the appropriate situations and how to pronounce it correctly. Understanding the etiquette surrounding its usage will ensure respectful and meaningful well wishes.

A. Appropriate situations to use the phrase

“Bon Voyage” is commonly used when bidding farewell to someone who is embarking on a journey, especially a long-distance or international trip. It expresses the hope that the person’s journey will be safe, pleasant, and successful. You can use it when saying goodbye to friends, family members, colleagues, or acquaintances who are traveling.

It is also appropriate to use “Bon Voyage” when sending written messages, such as cards or emails, to someone before their trip. Including this phrase adds a thoughtful touch and shows your genuine concern for their well-being.

B. How to pronounce “Bon Voyage” correctly in French

The correct pronunciation of “Bon Voyage” in French is “bohn vwa-yahzh.” The “o” in “bon” is pronounced as in the English word “song,” and the “o” in “voyage” is similar to the “wa” sound in “water.” The “zh” sound at the end of “voyage” is similar to the “s” sound in the English word “treasure.”

It is essential to pronounce the phrase accurately to convey your good wishes effectively. Practice saying it aloud to ensure you are pronouncing it correctly.

Remember that the phrase “Bon Voyage” is specific to well-wishing in the context of travel. Using it appropriately and pronouncing it correctly will show respect for the French language and culture. By using this phrase, you can express your genuine concern for someone’s safe travels and demonstrate your understanding and appreciation for the French language.

Language Resources for Travelers

Introduction to online language-learning platforms and apps.

In today’s interconnected world, learning a new language has become easier than ever. With numerous online language-learning platforms and apps available, travelers have a wide range of resources to choose from to enhance their language skills. These platforms provide a convenient and flexible way to learn languages at one’s own pace.

Recommendations for French language resources for travelers

For travelers looking to learn French or improve their existing language skills, several excellent resources are available. One popular option is Duolingo, a mobile app that offers interactive lessons and exercises in French. Its gamified approach makes language learning fun and engaging.

Another highly recommended resource is Babbel, an online platform that provides comprehensive French courses suitable for beginners and intermediate learners. Babbel’s lessons are designed to be practical and relevant to real-life situations, making it particularly useful for travelers.

For those who prefer more structured and traditional learning, Rosetta Stone offers French language courses that cover all aspects of language learning, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Their immersive teaching method aims to replicate the natural language acquisition process, ensuring a deep understanding of the French language.

Additionally, FluentU offers a unique approach to language learning by utilizing authentic French videos, such as movie trailers, music videos, and news clips. This platform provides learners with an immersive and engaging experience, allowing them to learn French in context.

Additional language resources

In addition to these online platforms and apps, there are other resources available to help travelers learn French. Language exchange websites, such as Tandem and HelloTalk, facilitate conversations with native French speakers, providing an opportunity to practice speaking and improve language skills. French language podcasts, such as “Coffee Break French” and “News in Slow French,” offer audio lessons and interesting content for language learners on the go.

Promoting language learning for travel

Learning the local language of a destination not only enriches the travel experience but also demonstrates respect and appreciation for the culture and people of the country visited. By incorporating language learning into their travel preparations, travelers can communicate more effectively, make meaningful connections, and navigate unfamiliar environments with greater ease.

In conclusion, language resources for travelers, particularly those learning French, provide convenient and effective ways to enhance language skills. Online platforms and apps like Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and FluentU offer comprehensive courses and engaging content to help travelers learn French at their own pace. In addition to these resources, language exchange websites and podcasts provide valuable opportunities for practice and immersion. By taking advantage of these resources, travelers can enhance their language skills and make their travel experiences more rewarding.

In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the significance of expressing well wishes in different languages, particularly focusing on how to say “safe travels” in French. We have discussed the literal meaning and cultural context of the French phrase “Bon Voyage,” as well as its common usage in French-speaking countries. Additionally, we have provided a brief overview of the French language and the importance of learning basic phrases for travelers.

To help travelers navigate their way in French-speaking countries, we have covered basic French expressions for greetings, introductions, asking for directions and assistance, as well as expressing gratitude and politeness. Furthermore, we have introduced the phrase “safe travels” in English and provided its translation into French, along with pronunciation tips.

For those seeking alternatives to “Bon Voyage,” we have explored other French phrases with similar meanings and emphasized the importance of understanding their appropriate usage. We have also encouraged adding a personalized touch to well wishes by expressing additional sentiments beyond just “safe travels” and provided examples of heartfelt messages in French.

Understanding cultural considerations is crucial while traveling, and we have highlighted the importance of cultural sensitivity when expressing well wishes. By understanding customs and traditions associated with well-wishing, travelers can engage respectfully with local communities.

To ensure proper etiquette, we have discussed appropriate situations to use the phrase “Bon Voyage” and provided guidance on pronouncing it correctly in French. Pronunciation is essential to convey sincerity and respect when expressing well wishes in any language.

As language resources play a vital role in language learning, we have introduced online platforms and apps that can assist travelers in their language journey. We have also recommended specific French language resources that cater to the needs of travelers, making it easier for them to learn and communicate in French-speaking countries.

In conclusion, incorporating the phrase “Bon Voyage” into your travel vocabulary not only shows your respect for the French language but also allows you to connect with the locals on a deeper level. By learning and using this phrase, you can wish others safe travels and experience the joy of cultural exchange. Remember, saying “safe travels” in French is not just a simple gesture; it is a way to show empathy and goodwill towards fellow travelers. Bon Voyage!

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How to Say “Enjoy Your Trip” in French: Formal and Informal Ways

Are you planning a trip to a French-speaking country? Mastering a few basic phrases can greatly enhance your experience. One of the most common phrases to learn is “Enjoy your trip.” In this guide, we’ll explore the formal and informal ways to convey this sentiment in French. We’ll also provide tips, examples, and address regional variations when necessary. So, let’s dive in and learn how to say “Enjoy your trip” in French!

1. Formal Ways to Say “Enjoy Your Trip” in French

When addressing someone in a formal setting, such as talking to your boss or an authority figure, it’s important to use the appropriate level of politeness. Here are a few formal ways to express “Enjoy your trip” in French:

  • Profitez bien de votre voyage. – This is a common and polite way to express “Enjoy your trip” in French. It translates directly to “Enjoy your trip” in English. “Profitez” is the formal imperative form of the verb “profiter” (to enjoy), while “bien” means “well” or “very much” and “votre voyage” means “your trip.” This phrase can be used in any French-speaking country.
  • Je vous souhaite un bon voyage. – This phrase translates to “I wish you a good trip” in English. It is a more formal way to wish someone a great journey. “Je vous souhaite” means “I wish you” and “un bon voyage” means “a good trip.” This phrase is commonly used in France and other French-speaking regions.
  • Que votre voyage soit agréable. – This expression can be translated as “May your trip be pleasant” or “May your journey be enjoyable.” It conveys a formal and kind sentiment. “Que” means “May” or “Let,” “votre voyage” means “your trip,” and “soit agréable” means “be pleasant.” This phrase is often used in administrative or formal contexts.

2. Informal Ways to Say “Enjoy Your Trip” in French

When talking to friends, family, or acquaintances in a more casual setting, you can use a slightly different phrasing to convey the same message. Here are some informal ways to say “Enjoy your trip” in French:

  • Amuse-toi bien pendant ton voyage. – This informal phrase translates to “Have fun during your trip” in English. “Amuse-toi bien” is the informal imperative form of “amuser” (to have fun or to enjoy oneself), “pendant” means “during,” and “ton voyage” means “your trip.” This phrase is commonly used in France and other French-speaking regions.
  • Passe de bonnes vacances. – In English, this phrase means “Have a good vacation.” It is a common and informal way to wish someone a pleasant trip. “Passe” is the informal imperative form of “passer” (to have or spend), “de bonnes” means “good,” and “vacances” means “vacation.” This phrase is widely used in casual conversations throughout the French-speaking world.
  • Enjoie ton voyage au maximum. – Translated as “Enjoy your trip to the fullest,” this phrase conveys a sense of enthusiasm and encouragement. “Enjoie” is derived from the verb “jouir” (to enjoy), “ton voyage” means “your trip,” and “au maximum” means “to the maximum” or “to the fullest.” You can use this phrase in informal settings when you want to express excitement for someone’s journey.

When it comes to expressing “Enjoy your trip” in French, it’s important to consider the level of formality and tailor your phrases accordingly. In formal situations, phrases like “Profitez bien de votre voyage,” “Je vous souhaite un bon voyage,” or “Que votre voyage soit agréable” are commonly used. For informal settings, you can opt for phrases like “Amuse-toi bien pendant ton voyage,” “Passe de bonnes vacances,” or “Enjoie ton voyage au maximum.”

Remember, the French language is rich and varied, and there may be regional variations in certain phrases or expressions. However, the examples provided in this guide are widely understood and used throughout the French-speaking world. So, whether you’re visiting France, Canada, Switzerland, or any other French-speaking country, these phrases will help you convey your best wishes and make a positive impression.

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When it comes to expressing good wishes to someone embarking on a journey, saying "Enjoy the trip" is a thoughtful and kind way to show your enthusiasm and happiness for their upcoming experience. In this guide, we'll explore both formal and informal ways to convey this message, with tips, examples, and variations.

How to Say "Enjoy your Trip" in Different Ways: Formal and Informal

Going on a trip is an exciting and fulfilling experience. Whether you're traveling for leisure or business, expressing well wishes to someone embarking on a journey is a thoughtful gesture. There are various ways to convey the sentiment "enjoy your trip" both formally and informally. In this guide, we will explore different expressions, offering tips and examples to help you communicate your good wishes effectively.

Guide: How to Say "Enjoy Your Camping Trip"

Going on a camping trip is an exciting adventure, whether you're planning a solo escapade or going with family and friends. Before embarking on your journey, it's always good to know how to express your well wishes for others to enjoy their camping trips too. In this guide, we will explore both formal and informal ways to express "enjoy your camping trip" while providing you with tips, examples, and a warm tone to enhance your communication skills. Let's dive in!

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An image of a French countryside road winding through picturesque vineyards, with a signpost adorned with colorful flowers pointing towards a charming village

How Do You Say Safe Travels in French

If you’re planning a trip to France, you might be wondering how to say "safe travels" in French. Well, look no further! In this article, we’ve got you covered with common phrases and useful expressions for wishing someone a safe journey in French. So whether you’re embarking on an adventure or sending someone off on their trip, we’ve got the words to help you convey your well wishes en français. Let’s dive in and explore the world of French travel phrases together!

Key Takeaways

  • "Bon voyage!" and "Bonne route!" are common phrases used to wish someone safe travels in French.
  • Other phrases include "Soyez prudent!" (Be careful!), "Bon périple" (Good adventure), and "Que la route te soit douce" (May your journey be smooth).
  • Being able to communicate in the local language enhances the travel experience and shows care for others.
  • Saying "Bon voyage" is a polite and caring way to wish someone a safe trip, and it conveys the hope for exciting experiences and wonderful memories.

Common Phrases for Safe Travels

To wish someone safe travels in French, you can say "Bon voyage!" It’s a common phrase used to express well wishes for someone embarking on a journey. When traveling, it’s important to have a sense of freedom and adventure. You want to experience new cultures, meet interesting people, and create lasting memories. Being able to communicate in the local language can enhance your travel experience and make it more enjoyable. In addition to "Bon voyage!", here are some other phrases you may find useful: "Bonne route!" which means "Have a good trip!", or "Soyez prudent!" which means "Be careful!". These phrases not only show your concern for the person traveling but also convey your desire for their safety and freedom throughout their journey.

Translations for "Safe Travels" in French

When traveling to France, it’s common to wish someone ‘Bon voyage’ for safe travels. But if you want to dive deeper into the language and culture, here are some other translations for ‘Safe Travels’ in French:

  • Bonne route: Wishing someone a good journey.
  • Voyage sécurisé: Wishing someone a secure journey.
  • Déplacement en toute sécurité: Wishing someone a safe trip.
  • Bon périple: Wishing someone a good adventure.
  • Que la route te soit douce: May your journey be smooth.

As you explore the beautiful streets of France, may these phrases serve as reminders of freedom and the joy of traveling. Remember, language is not just about communication, but also about embracing different cultures and experiences. So go forth and immerse yourself in the beauty of France!

Useful Expressions for Wishing Safe Travels in French

Immerse yourself in the beauty of France by using these useful expressions to wish someone a secure journey or a good adventure. When you want to say "safe travels" in French, you can use the phrase "bon voyage." It’s a common expression that conveys your well wishes for someone’s journey. Another option is to say "voyage en toute sécurité," which means "travel safely." Both of these expressions are perfect for those seeking freedom and wanting to explore the wonders of France without any worries. So go ahead and embrace your adventurous spirit while also showing care for others by using these phrases when bidding farewell to your fellow travelers. Bon voyage!

How to Say "Have a Safe Trip" in French

Before embarking on your journey, make sure to wish others a secure trip by using the phrase ‘bon voyage’ in French. This simple expression is commonly used to express good wishes for someone’s travel. When you say ‘bon voyage,’ you are essentially saying ‘have a safe trip.’ It is a polite way of showing that you care about their well-being while they are away. Here are five items that can help paint a picture of what it feels like to wish someone a safe trip in French:

  • The warm smile on your face as you bid them farewell.
  • The excitement in the air as they prepare for their adventure.
  • The anticipation of new experiences and discoveries.
  • The feeling of joy knowing that you have sent them off with good wishes.
  • The sense of freedom and liberation as they embark on their journey.

Saying "Bon Voyage" in French

Go ahead and spread some positivity by wishing others a ‘bon voyage’ in French – it’s a polite and caring way to send them off on their journey. Saying "bon voyage" is like giving someone a warm hug before they embark on their adventure. It’s a phrase that carries the hope for safe travels, exciting experiences, and wonderful memories. By using this expression, you not only show your support but also encourage the person to embrace new opportunities with an open heart. So next time you bid farewell to someone about to set off on their journey, remember to say "bon voyage" with genuine enthusiasm. Your words will uplift their spirits and remind them that they have your well wishes as they explore the world with freedom and joy. Bon voyage!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any other commonly used phrases in french to wish someone a safe journey.

There are indeed other commonly used phrases in French to wish someone a safe journey. These expressions convey well wishes and hope for a secure trip.

What Are Some Other Ways to Say ‘Have a Safe Trip’ in French Besides the Ones Mentioned in the Article?

There are several other ways to say "have a safe trip" in French besides the ones mentioned in the article. Some alternatives include "bon voyage" and "voyage en toute sécurité."

Are There Any Specific Cultural Customs or Gestures Associated With Wishing Someone Safe Travels in France?

When traveling in France, it’s important to be aware of cultural customs and gestures associated with wishing someone safe travels. These customs vary, so it’s best to do some research before your trip. Stay open-minded and respectful!

Can You Provide Any Tips on How to Pronounce the French Phrases for ‘Safe Travels’ Correctly?

To pronounce the French phrase for "safe travels" correctly, remember to emphasize the first syllable of each word. Repeat the phrase slowly and practice enunciating each sound clearly. You’ll get it!

Are There Any Particular Situations or Contexts Where It Would Be More Appropriate to Use ‘Bon Voyage’ Instead of Other Expressions for Wishing Safe Travels in French?

In certain situations or contexts, it may be more fitting to use "bon voyage" instead of other expressions for wishing safe travels in French. It adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your well-wishes.

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Enjoy in French: 7 ways to translate it

Translating ‘enjoy’ in French can be confusing. France is known for its ‘douceur de vivre’, that is to say its relaxed and laid-back lifestyle. It’s also known that French people like to enjoy life in many ways, which translates differently in language. Depending on the context, you’ll have to chose a very different expression. Are you enjoying your time, some food, a party, having proper fun? To avoid the faux-pas, read on:

1/ To enjoy something / doing something : aimer, adorer, apprécier 

  • J’ai bien aimé faire du surf à Biarritz le week end dernier. I enjoyed surfing in Biarritz last weekend.
  • Tu as aimé lire le dernier livre de Leïla Slimani ? Oui, j’ai adoré ! Did you enjoy reading the latest book of Leïla Slimani ? Yes, I really enjoyed it / I loved it!
  • J’adore écouter les chansons de Pomme . I really enjoy (I love) listening to Pomme’s songs.

2/ To enjoy oneself / to have fun : bien s’amuser

  • Je me suis bien amusée à la fête ! Il y avait de la bonne musique et une bonne ambiance. I had fun / I enjoyed myself at the party! There was good music and a good atmosphere.
  • On s’est bien amusés avec Jay dans la voiture. On a chanté des chansons françaises pendant tout le trajet ! We had fun with Jay in the car. We sang French songs during the whole trip!
  • Amuse-toi bien au mariage de Teona et Rémi / pendant tes vacances / au concert ! Enjoy yourself / Have fun at Teona and Remi’s wedding / during your holiday / at the gig !

Many students have difficulties to choose between “s’amuser” et “aimer/adorer/apprécier”. Here is my tip: always ask yourself if you’re talking about something really fun such as a gig, a birthday, etc — > if yes, then use “s’amuser” and if it’s not that fun, then you should use “aimer, adorer, apprécier”.

3/ To enjoy the use of something : profiter de / en profiter

  • On est allés à la villa de ma tante à Nice. On a profité de la piscine, c’était super ! We went at my aunt’s villa, in Nice. We enjoyed the swimming pool, it was great!
  • Ma soeur a un jacuzzi. J’en ai profité quand j’étais en vacances chez elle ! My sister has a jacuzzi. I enjoyed it when I was at her place!

In this case, you should ask yourself if you’re taking pleasure in using this special thing, that normally you don’t have.

4/  To enjoy food : se régaler

  • J’ai préparé une tarte aux fruits. Régale-toi bien ! I prepared a fruit tart. Enjoy it!
  • On a mangé au Coq d’Argent samedi soir. On s’est régalés ! We ate at the Coq d’Argent last Saturday evening. We enjoyed the food!

If you’d like to mention less enthusiastically that you liked the food, you could just say ‘J’ai apprécié / j’ai aimé le repas’.

5/ Enjoy ! : Profiter / En profiter (bien)!

If you want to translate ‘enjoy!’ as an interjection, you should use the verb ‘profiter’ or the expression ‘en profiter’ in the imperative form, and emphasise it with ‘bien’ : 

  • Tu pars en vacances ? Profites-en bien! You’re going on holiday? Enjoy!
  • Vous allez au mariage de Rémi ? Profitez(-en bien) ! You’re going to Remi’s wedding? Enjoy!
  • Tu pars au Carnaval de Rio ? Profite ! You’re going to Rio’s Carnival? Enjoy!

If you remove the pronoun ‘en’ and the adverb ‘bien’, your sentence will just sound more more colloquial, not rude though!

6/ Enjoy the film, your holiday, your meal, etc…! : Bon + noun !

Bon film ! Enjoy the film!

Bonnes vacances ! Enjoy your holiday!

Bon appétit ! Enjoy your meal!

7/ Both enjoy something and enjoy oneself in a colloquial and young way : kiffer

Tu as aimé la série Vernon Subutex ? J’ai trop kiffé ! Did you like the series Vernon Subutex? I loved it!

Alors le concert de Christine and the Queens ? J’ai kiffé ! So the gig of Christine and the Queens ? I really enjoyed it! I really enjoyed myself!

Note that only young people use the verb ‘kiffer’.

And now, check if you know how to translate ‘enjoy’ in French with our short quiz !

French Travel Phrases

French Travel Phrases

The most essential French travel phrases are Bonjour (hello), au revoir (goodbye), Où est? (Where is), C’est combien? (How much is it?) and l’addition s’il vous plaît (the check, please). This page covers over 60+ useful words and phrases which you can use on a trip to France.

French travel phrases

French Greetings

If you are going to France it is very important to learn the basic greetings. While you might not speak French fluently just yet, the French people will really appreciate your trying to make an effort.

  • Bonjour Hello, good morning, good day
  • Au revoir Goodbye
  • Salut Hi/bye (informal)
  • Merci! Thank you!
  • Merci beaucoup! Thank you very much!
  • Ça va? How are you? How’s it going? (informal)
  • Bien, merci! Fine, thank you!
  • S’il vous plaît Please
  • De rien You’re welcome
  • Enchanté! Nice to meet you!

This page on our site covers French greetings in detail.

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

Asking directions

When asking directions in France, it’s very important that you know a few basic words. This page on our site covers asking directions in detail.

  • Où est…? Where is…?
  • Où est la gare? Where’s the train station?
  • Où est la gare routière? Where’s the bus station?
  • Où sont les toilettes? Where’s the restroom?
  • Où est la banque? Where’ the bank?
  • Où est un bureau de change? Where’s a exchange counter?
  • Je suis perdu I’m lost
  • Le plan city map

Asking for things

On your trip you’ll inevitably need to ask for things. This short list of words is a very good start. Learning the verb vouloir is a good idea as it means “to want”.

  • Je veux (slightly informal)
  • Je voudrais I would like
  • Donnez-moi Give me
  • Avez-vous? Do you have?
  • Auriez-vous Would you happen to have?
  • Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is it?
  • Nous avons We have
  • Nous n’avons pas We don’t have
  • C’est disponible It’s available

Restaurant phrases

One of the best places to try practicing speaking French is a restaurant. Here’s a short list of words in phrases you may use. This page on our site offers a very comprehensive list of restaurant vocabulary . In addition, this page on our site covers food vocabulary and this page covers beverage vocabulary.

  • Une table pour deux, s’il vous plaît A table for two, please
  • Je prends I’ll have (from the verb prendre , to take)
  • La carte menu
  • La soupe soup
  • La salade salad
  • L’entrée appetizer
  • Le dessert dessert
  • La boisson beverage
  • Le vin rouge red wine
  • Le vin blanc white wine
  • La a bière beer
  • Le café coffee

Taxi/Uber phrases

If you find yourself in a taxi or Uber, some of the the following phrases should come in very handy.

  • Je vais à I’m going to
  • Je descends ici I’ll get off here
  • Voici l’adresse Here’s the address
  • Allez tout droit Keep going straight
  • Tournez à gauche Take a left
  • Tournez à droite Take a right

Hotel phrases

The following is a short list of words and phrases that you can use in your hotel. While most hotel staff speak basic English, it’s still nice to know these words in French.

  • L’hôtel hotel
  • Une chambre à deux double room
  • Un grand lit Double bed
  • La réception Check-in desk
  • Quitter la chambre To check out
  • La piscine swimming pool
  • Le petit déjeuner compris Breakfast included
  • Réserver une chambre To reserve a room

Miscellaneous words and phrases

The following is a list of miscellaneous French words and phrases which we feel are essential for a trip to France and belong on this list.

  • Je voudrais louer une voiture. I’d like rent a car.
  • Je voudrais acheter un billet. I’d like to buy a ticket.
  • Un billet aller-retour Round-trip ticket
  • L’aller simple One-way ticket
  • Le passeport passport
  • Les vacances vacation
  • Je voudrais annuler. I’d like to cancel.
  • Un voyage A trip
  • Bon voyage! Enjoy your trip!
  • Bon séjour! Enjoy your stay!

Further your learning We feel that it’s a great idea to carry a French phrase book while traveling in France. Most phrase books on the market won’t show you how to actually say the phrases. For an audio option, check out French Today’s Modern French Audio Phrasebook !

Discover more:

  • Ways to say “thank you” in French
  • How to say “hello” in French
  • Ways to say “you’re welcome” in French
  • Guide to French verbs
  • Guide to French vocabulary

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

Complete Guide to French Vacation ⛱

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Learn the French vacation vocabulary + French to describe your holidays in France + Vacation dates and zones in France + tips form a French native.

Vacation, in French “les vacances” (always plural), is at the heart of the French culture.

With 5 weeks paid vacation for French employees, and a total of 16 weeks of vacation for French school students, France sure values her holidays.

1 – French Holiday Vocabulary

  • bonnes vacances! = have a good holiday!
  • bon voyage! = have a good trip!
  • bonne route! = have a safe journey!
  • les grandes vacances = school summer break
  • partir en vacances = to go on holiday/vacation
  • aller au soleil = to go under the sun
  • aller à la mer = to go by the beach
  • aller à la montagne = to go to the mountains (usually to ski, but maybe to hike)
  • Faire ses valises = to pack
  • Défaire ses valises = to unpack
  • On est allés… We went… à l’hôtel – in a hotel dans un club de vacances – in a resort dans un camping – in a camping dans une auberge de jeunesse – in a youth hostel dans un gîte / une chambre d’hôte – in a B&B chez des amis – at some friend’s house.
  • le départ – departure
  • l’arrivée – arrival
  • le trajet – the trip
  • le voyage – the trip
  • la douane – customs
  • l’immigration – immigration
  • la frontière – the border
  • un passeport – passport
  • un billet d’avion – plane ticket
  • un ticket de train – train ticket
  • une réservation – booking

vacation french phrases poster

2 – Expressing What Went Well or Poorly During Your Vacation in French

  • On a vu… = we saw
  • Le voyage/tout… s’est bien / mal passé = the trip/everything… went well / poorly
  • La circulation était fluide / dense = traffic was fluid / dense
  • L’avion/ le train était à l’heure / en retard = the plane / the train was on time / late
  • La chambre (n’) était (pas) très confortable = the room was very comfortable (or not)
  • La vue était superbe / moche (slang) = the view was great / ugly
  • La nourriture était délicieuse / dégueulasse (slang) = the food was delicious / awful
  • Il a fait beau / mauvais = the weather was nice / bad
  • Il a fait (trop) chaud / froid = the temperature was (too) hot / cold
  • Le musée était ouvert / fermé = the museum was open / close
  • On a perdu nos valises = we (or someone else) lost our suitcases
  • On a été volé = we were robbed
  • J’ai été malade = I was sick
  • Il y avait des grèves = there were strikes
  • Le vol a été annulé = the flight was canceled

3 – Paid Vacation in France

The French are known to take a lot of vacations, especially if you compare them to the Americans! But is this “five weeks of paid vacation” myth really true?

Yes it is. According to Le Journal du Net, French employees take even more vacation time than that, with an average of 37 days per year, or 5.2 weeks (in 2012). There is quite a difference between French workers: a public office manager takes an average 7.4 weeks of paid vacation, versus a farm worker/ artisan who takes 4.6 weeks.

So who doesn’t take this much vacation in France? Self employed people… Shop owners, small businesses and startups – believe me, not everybody takes 5 weeks vacation in France!

However, it’s true that in general, the French really enjoy a lot of vacation time: don’t go to France in August and expect to do a lot of shopping! A lot of stores close in August – and actually in January as well, especially in smaller countryside towns.

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4 – School Vacation and School Breaks Dates in France

French kids enjoy 16 weeks of vacation (+ all the long weekends and official holidays…)

The French school vacation is divided as follows:

  • France’s Summer break: “les grandes vacances”, July and August, so 8 weeks total.
  • France’s Fall vacation: “les vacances de la Toussaint”, mid October, 2 weeks.
  • France’s Christmas break: “les vacances de Noël”, mid December, 2 weeks.
  • France’s Winter vacation: “les vacances d’hiver”, zone dependant*, February, 2 weeks.
  • France’s Spring break: “les vacances de printemps”, zone dependant*, April, 2 weeks.

5 – What is the French Vacation “Zone” System?

Since 1964, France is divided into “zones” to facilitate the departure of students for vacation : France is cut into three zones (A, B, C) and the vacation time spread over one month so that there is enough room for everybody in the ski stations! I am NOT kidding…

So now, every single French household with kids has to check out this map to know which zone they now belong to, and when the vacation for their kid is going to be. And forget about meeting your Parisians cousins for the vacation if you live in Brittany… you are not in the same zone, which means you won’t have the same vacation date.

So practical!

French School Vacation Vocabulary

For more info and exact French vacation dates, go to the French School Vacation Government Site .

6 – Watch Out For Ticket Prices and Driving in France During School Vacation

Of course, as soon as you hit the vacation starting / ending dates, France is in a gridlock. We call them: “les journées noires” (black days) and you should not plan on driving during these days if you don’t want to be stuck in endless traffic-jams (“les embouteillages”, “les bouchons”).

Train and plane tickets, room prices, all goes up as well.

So it’s a good thing to know about the French school vacation dates before you plan your next trip to France!

7 – French Speaking Vacation Tip – Think Club Med!

Lots of French students want to practice their French during their vacation. It’s a good idea, however:

  • you have to pick your location carefully (read my article about vacationing in France )
  • you need to make sure you get people to talk to – it’s not always easy to strike up a French conversation with perfect strangers… This is why I recommend you check out my immersion at French Teacher’s house programs .

However, your family may not speak French, or share your enthusiasm to visit France over and over again… Or going to France maybe too far, too complicated… So why not try “Club Med”?

As a French organization, many people speak French there, and you’ll be surrounded by a lot of French guests. Even in Florida, or the Caribbeans…

Club med now has “family” clubs, which are kid friendly – although not everybody may agree on what is PC around kids! The evening shows may be viewed as “too risqué” for very conservative families, so be aware that with French speaking people, you’ll also get a bit of French culture, humor, attitude…

 French Vacation Vocabulary

8 – How do You Say “How Was Your Vacation” in French?

This is more tricky than it sounds. First, you have to memorize that the French word for vacation is always plural: les vacances, mes vacances, des vacances… The verb and adjectives will also have to be plural to match “les vacances”.

Then, to ask “how was your vacation” (or rather how were your vacations in French…) we don’t use the same construction.

  • In formal French, we say: “comment se sont passées tes/vos vacances”?

Or you can use a statement and turn it into an informal question:

  • “Vos/tes vacances se sont bien passées?”
  • Another way is to switch it around: “vous avez / tu as passé de bonnes vacances ?”

I suggest you pick one and learn it by heart to use it yourself, but you need to know the three formulas because they are very, very common in French.

Of course, one can get creative and say: “tes/vos vacances, c’était bien ?”. It’s much simpler, but less used in French!

9 – How do You Answer “My Vacation was…” in French?

Here again, you have to watch out to keep your answer in the plural.

Your answer usually “matches” the formality of the question, but it’s not set in stones.

  • Mes vacances se sont (très) bien/mal passées – My vacation was (very) good/bad.
  • J’ai passé de (très) bonnes / mauvaises vacances – I had a (very) good / bad vacation.

or, much easier:

  • C’était super / nul – It was great / really bad.

10 – How to say Where You Went / Are Going on Vacation in French?


You’ll start by using “aller” or “partir”.

In the past, both form their passé-composé with “être” :

  • Je suis allé(e), je suis parti(e) – I went, I left
  • Nous sommes allé(e)s, nous sommes parti(e)s – we went, we left

In the future, we tend to use the near future construction:

  • Je vais aller, je vais partir – I’m going to go, I’m going to leave
  • Nous allons aller, nous allons partir – we’re going to go, we’re going to leave

Then, what follows get complicated… I’ll sum it up here, but read my articles to know more about the French prepositions of place and how to say the date in French .

  • Use à + city, en + feminine country, au + masculine country, aux + plural country. Je suis allée à Paris, en France, au Japon, aux Bahamas.
  • Use en + month Je vais aller en France en juillet.

Voilà, I hope this is helpful. To learn more about French vacation vocabulary, the best is to learn in context: I suggest you check out my “ Une Semaine à Paris ” and “ Une Semaine à Paimpol ” downloadable French audiobooks, featuring:

  • A fun and reachable French story, full of useful everyday vocabulary and situations, and its English translation.
  • A story recorded at 2 speeds: a bit slower than normal and street French (normal for the French and featuring modern pronunciation and glidings).
  • A Q&A section to practice your French out loud and check your understanding of the story.

I post new articles every week, so make sure you subscribe to the French Today newsletter – or follow me on  Facebook , Twitter  and  Pinterest .

Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany .

More Articles from Camille Chevalier-Karfis

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Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French?

It’s not just slang. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners.


The Top 50 Common French Phrases for Travelers and Tourists

Whether you're planning a trip to france or any other french-speaking country, learning a few key phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience., introduction.

French is a widely spoken language that is popular among travelers and tourists. Whether you're planning a trip to France or any other French-speaking country, learning a few key phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. This article presents the top 50 common French phrases that every traveler should know. These phrases will help you navigate various situations, interact with locals, and make the most of your trip.

Essential Greetings and Polite Expressions

  • "Bonjour" - Hello
  • "Merci" - Thank you
  • "S'il vous plaît" - Please
  • "Excusez-moi" - Excuse me
  • "Pardon" - Pardon me
  • "Au revoir" - Goodbye
  • "Oui" - Yes
  • "Je m'appelle [Your Name]" - My name is [Your Name]
  • "Comment ça va?" - How are you?

Basic Conversational Phrases

  • "Parlez-vous anglais?" - Do you speak English?
  • "Je ne comprends pas" - I don't understand
  • "Pouvez-vous m'aider?" - Can you help me?
  • "Je cherche [a hotel]" - I'm looking for [a hotel]
  • "Combien ça coûte?" - How much does it cost?
  • "Je voudrais [a coffee]" - I would like [a coffee]
  • "Où est [the bathroom]?" - Where is [the bathroom]?
  • "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" - What is it?
  • "Je suis perdu(e)" - I am lost
  • "Est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes de crédit?" - Do you accept credit cards?

Transportation and Directions

  • "Où est la gare?" - Where is the train station?
  • "Je voudrais un billet pour [Paris]" - I would like a ticket to [Paris]
  • "Je voudrais un billet aller-retour - I would like a round-trip ticket
  • "À quelle heure part le prochain train?" - What time does the next train depart?
  • "Est-ce que ce bus va à [l'aéroport]?" - Does this bus go to [the airport]?
  • "Combien de temps cela prend-il pour aller à [la plage]?" - How long does it take to get to [the beach]?
  • "Excusez-moi, je cherche [la rue Saint-Michel]" - Excuse me, I'm looking for [Saint-Michel Street]
  • "Est-ce que vous pouvez m'indiquer le chemin?" - Can you give me directions?
  • "Je suis en retard. Pouvez-vous appeler un taxi?" - I'm running late. Can you call a taxi?
  • "Est-ce que je peux utiliser mon téléphone ici?" - Can I use my phone here?
  • "À quelle heure ferme le métro?" - What time does the metro close?
  • "Pouvez-vous me déposer à l'hôtel?" - Can you drop me off at the hotel?

Food and Dining

  • "Une table pour [deux personnes], s'il vous plaît" - A table for [two people], please
  • "Je voudrais voir le menu, s'il vous plaît" - I would like to see the menu, please
  • "Qu'est-ce que vous recommandez?" - What do you recommend?
  • "Je suis végétarien(ne)" - I am a vegetarian
  • "L'addition, s'il vous plaît" - The bill, please
  • "Je voudrais réserver une table pour ce soir" - I would like to book a table for tonight
  • "Est-ce que le service est inclus?" - Is the service charge included?
  • "Je voudrais essayer [le plat traditionnel]" - I would like to try [the traditional dish]
  • "Avez-vous des plats sans gluten?" - Do you have any gluten-free options?
  • "Quelle est la spécialité de la région?" - What is the regional specialty?

Learning a few common French phrases can go a long way in enhancing your travel experience. With these top 50 phrases at your disposal, you'll be able to navigate through various situations, communicate with locals, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Remember to practice these phrases and embrace the opportunity to engage with native speakers during your travels. Bon voyage!


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Journey To France

50+ Useful French Phrases For Travelers

By: Author Christine Rogador

Posted on Published: June 19, 2020  - Last updated: January 6, 2023

Are you planning to, or already scheduled to visit France soon? One of the most important things to know aside from your travel details and itinerary is the language.

The French people may speak and understand English but it is considered a basic courtesy to have even a beginner’s knowledge of their language as well.

Things you'll find in this article

French Phrases for Basic Greetings and Introductions

French words for a cafe or restaurant, phrases for direction:, french phrases for the cab, french words when shopping, when you’ve ran out of french, french phrases for basic conversation.

Useful French Phrases

For one, it helps you navigate cities and towns easier. Knowing even a bit of French gives a more authentic local feel to your experience as a traveler.

Locals are definitely more welcoming and accommodating to visitors who speak even a simple Oui and Bonjour !

You do not have to learn how to conjugate or form complex sentences, the basics will do fine.

From greetings to getting around cities and towns to some popular expressions – here are some French phrases that will help you truly enjoy your visit to France.

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These are useful phrases that help you answer simple questions, properly address people you meet, and even introduce yourself.

Oui – Yes

Non – No

Bonjour – Hello

Au revoir – Goodbye

À bientôt – See you soon

Bonsoir – Good evening

Merci  – Thank you

Merci beaucoup – Thank you very much

S’il vous plaît – Please

Excusez-moi – Excuse me

De rien / Je vous en prie – You’re welcome

D’accord – OK / Okay.

Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal) / Comment t’appelles-tu? (informal) – What’s your name?

Je m’appelle… – My name is…

Je suis… – I am … (nationaility)

…American – … Américain

…British – … Anglais

…Brazilian – … Brésilien

….Japanese – … Japonais

….Korean – …. Coréen

….Chinese – … Chinois

….Russian – … Russe

…Canadian – .. .Canadien

Je viens … – I am from (country of origin)

…Australia – … d’Australie

…Canada – … du Canada

…England – …d’angleterre

…USA – … des USA

Je suis ici en vacances. – I am here on holiday.

Je suis ici en voyage d’affaires. – I am here on a business trip.

Read: How To Say Hello In French In Different Ways

french words

France is foodie heaven. One of the best parts of traveling here is being able to sample French hearty dishes and delicious desserts.

The following are a few phrases that will help you when in a cafe or restaurant, from ordering to getting the check.

Où est un bon restaurant/un bon café? – where is a good restaurant or cafe?

Bonjour, une table pour une/deux/trois personnes, s’il vous plaît. – Hello, a table for one/two/three people, please.

Je vais prendre de l’eau / Je prendrais de l’eau . – I will take some water / I’ll take some water.

Je vais prendre du café / Je vais prendre du café au lait. – I will take some coffee or I will take some coffee with milk.

Le menu, s’il vous plaît. – Can I please have the menu?

Avez-vous un ménu en Anglais? –   Do you have a menu in English?

Quels sont les plâts du jour? –   What are today’s specials?

Je prendrai –  I’d like…

Je voudrais – I would like…

L’addition, s’il vous plaît. – The check, please? (when it’s time to pay the bill)

If you or a companion has a food allergy or any dietary preference or restriction, this is an important phrase to remember:

Je ne peux pas manger… – I can’t eat…

The following are some common allergens that you can put after the word manger : 

les produits laitiers – dairy products

le gluten – gluten

la viande – meat

le poisson/les fruits de mer  – fish/ shellfish

noix – nuts

soja – soy

Getting Around The City and Reading Signages in French

paris metro

Navigating a foreign country via its public transport system can be daunting. This is more challenging if it is a country of predominantly non-English.

How do you get on the right train? What does certain signage mean? How do you tell your cab driver where you’re going?

Here are some phrases to learn that will help you get from point A to B without much hassle.

Je cherche le bus/train/métro. Où est l’arrêt le plus près? – I am looking for the bus/train/subway. Where is the nearest stop?

Comment aller à la station X –  How do I get to X station?

Est-ce le bon sens pour aller à X – Is this the right direction to X?

Où est le guichet? – Where is the ticket window?

Je voudrais regarder l’horaire. – I would like to look at the schedule.

Je voudrais réserver un billet. – I would like to reserve a ticket.

Je voudrais acheter un billet aller simple/aller-retour pour Paris. – I would like to purchase a one-way ticket/a round-trip ticket.

À quelle heure faut-il arriver? – What time should it arrive?

Où est la sortie – Where is the exit?

La Sortie – Exit

Correspondance/s: – connection (transfer line)

Passage Interdit – Forbidden passageway/Do not enter

En Travaux – Under construction

Plan du Quartier – Neighborhood map

Attention, Danger de Mort –  Warning, Danger of Death

Je veux aller en/aux… – I have to go to…

Je dois aller à l’hôtel. –  I have to go to the hotel.

Galeries Lafayette France

Huge, government-regulated sales, quaint little shops lining streets and harbors, weekend markets, covered or open-air markets – every town or city in France offers shopping opportunities that are hard to resist. Here are phrases that can help you while shopping.

Où sont les magasins? – Where are the shops?

Où est le centre-commercial? – Where is the mall?

Est-ce que je peux payer avec une carte de crédit? – Can I pay with a credit card?

Combien ça coûte? – How much does it cost?

C’est trop cher! – It’s too expensive!

C’est bon marché! – It’s a great deal!

C’est bon/mal/terrible. – It’s good/bad/terrible.

Yes, except that it will happen. You want to say or ask something and you don’t know how to say it in French. You’ll be fine, people won’t expect tourists to know more French than necessary.

However, it does help to know a few ways to express that indeed, you’ve run out if French and you’re about to speak just English, please.

Parlez-vous anglais? – Do you speak English?

Je ne parle pas français. – I do not speak French.

Pouvez-vous m’aider, s’il vous plaît? –  Can you help me, please?

Je ne comprends pas. –  I don’t understand.

Parlez lentement, s’il vous plaît. – Speak slowly, please.

Répétez, s’il vous plait. – Repeat, please.

Où sont des toilettes? – Where are the toilets?

Où est-ce que je peux trouver un plan de la ville? – Where can I find a city map?

Whether you’re strolling around a neighborhood, browsing items in a shop, having coffee, or on a guided tour, you’ll come across locals.

Locals who will most likely strike up a conversation. It is best to be prepared during such instances with these useful French phrases.

Comment allez-vous? –  How are you? (Formal – used when speaking to a stranger or older people.

Ça va? – How are you? (informal, to a friend or someone you’re already familiar with)

Quel est ton/votre film préféré? – What’s your favorite movie?

livre – book

genre de musique – type of music

émission de télévision – TV show

À tout à l’heure! – See you later!

Get fluent fast now. Upgrade your French language skills with our free classes online today.

Christine Rogador in the Louvre

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.

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You are currently viewing Bon voyage ! Have a Great Trip! Travel Phrases in French

Bon voyage ! Have a Great Trip! Travel Phrases in French

  • Post author: Language Garage
  • Post published: August 18, 2020
  • Post category: French / Travel / Vocabulary

In this post we’ll look at a lot of French vocabulary and expressions that will come in handy when you travel. Let’s start with the basics.

Ma valise My Suitcase

Before you travel, you of course need to pack. So let’s start there.

  • la valise suitcase
  • J’ai besoin de faire ma valise. I need to pack my suitcase.
  • Ma valise est lourde/légère/pleine/vide. My suitcase is heavy/light/full/empty.
  • Mes affaires ne rentrent pas dans ma valise. My clothes don’t fit in my suitcase.
  • J’ai besoin d’un autre sac/d’une autre valise. I need another bag/suitcase.

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À l’aéroport At the Airport

If you’re traveling, you’re probably going to leave from and arrive at an airport.

  • un billet d’avion, une carte d’embarquement, un passeport, un vol plane ticket, boarding pass, passport, flight
  • les arrivées, les départs, la porte, le retrait des bagages arrivals, departures, gate, baggage claim
  • le contrôle des passeports, la douane passport control, customs
  • J’ai besoin d’enregistrer mes bagages. I need to check my luggage.
  • J’ai un bagage à main. I have a carry-on bag.
  • Quand part le vol ? When does the flight leave?
  • L’avion décolle à quelle heure ? What time does the plane take off?
  • Il y a une longue file d’attente à la sécurité. There’s a long line at security.
  • L’embarquement est dans dix minutes. We’re boarding in ten minutes.
  • siège côté hublot/fenêtre, siège côté couloir, siège du milieu window seat, aisle seat, middle seat
  • le pilote, l’hôtesse de l’air (f.), le steward (m.) pilot, flight attendant
  • Veuillez attacher vos ceintures. Please fasten your seatbelt.
  • Veuillez éteindre vos (téléphones) portables. Please turn off your cell phone.
  • Combien de temps dure le vol ? How long is the flight?
  • Nous atterrissons dans dix minutes. We’re landing in ten minutes.
  • On doit passer à la douane et au contrôle des passeport. We need to go through customs and passport control.
  • Où se trouve le retrait des bagages ? Where’s the baggage claim area?
  • Où se trouvent les taxis ? Where are the taxis?
  • Y a-t-il un train/un bus pour aller en ville ? Is there a train/bus to the city?
  • J’ai besoin de changer de l’argent. I need to exchange money.

À l’hôtel At the Hotel

You’ve finally arrived, so let’s get you settled in your hotel room.

  • Où se trouve l’hôtel ? Where is the hotel?
  • J’ai une réservation au nom de ______. I have a reservation under the name ______.
  • Où est l’ascenseur ? Where’s the elevator?
  • À quel étage se trouve ma chambre ? What floor is my room on?
  • la chambre, le lit, la salle de bain, la fenêtre, la télévision, le téléphone room, bed, bathroom, window, television, phone
  • les draps, la couverture, l’oreiller, la robe de chambre sheets, blanket, pillow, bathrobe
  • Est-ce qu’il y a un service en chambre / le room service ? Is there room service?
  • Puis-je avoir une couverture en plus ? Can I have an extra blanket?
  • Puis-je avoir un fer à repasser et une planche à repasser ? Can I have an iron and an ironing board?
  • Puis-je avoir un sèche-cheveux ? Can I have a hair dryer?
  • Est-ce que je peux faire laver mes vêtements? Can I have my clothes washed?
  • Le chauffage ne marche pas. The heat isn’t working.
  • La climatisation ne marche pas. The air conditioning isn’t working.
  • Pourriez-vous nettoyer ma chambre ? Please clean my room.
  • Puis-je avoir une autre chambre/une chambre plus grande/une chambre plus calme ? Can I have another room / a bigger room / a quieter room?
  • Où prend-on le petit déjeuner ? Where do we eat breakfast?
  • Y a-t-il une salle d’entraînement ? Is there an exercise room?
  • Y a-t-il une piscine ? Is there a pool?
  • Y a-t-il un bar ? Is there a bar?
  • Y a-t-il un restaurant ? Is there a restaurant?
  • Avez-vous le wifi ? Do you have WiFi?
  • Quel est le mot de passe pour le wifi ? What’s the WiFi password?
  • À quelle heure faut-il libérer la chambre ? What time is check-out?
  • Je voudrais régler ma note. Je libère la chambre. I would like to check out. I’ve left the room.
  • Pourriez-vous appeler un taxi ? Can you call a taxi for me?

J’ai faim. I ’m hungry.

When you’re traveling, it’s important to know some basic terms for food, drink, and how to navigate a nice meal at a local restaurant. Check out this post , which covers all of that!

  • Où se trouve la gare ? Where is the train station?

Once you’re settled into your hotel, you probably want to know where things are in case you need to pop out and buy something.

  • Y a-t-il une supérette près d’ici ? Is there a convenience store nearby?
  • Y a-t-il une pharmacie près d’ici ? Is there a pharmacy nearby?
  • Y a-t-il un supermarché près d’ici ? Is there a supermarket nearby?
  • Y a-t-il un bon restaurant près d’ici ? Is there a good restaurant nearby?
  • Y a-t-il un hôpital/un cabinet de médecin près d’ici ? Is there a hospital/doctor ’s office nearby?
  • Y a-t-il une librairie près d’ici ? Is there a bookstore nearby?
  • Y a-t-il un magasin de vêtements près d’ici ? Is there a clothing store nearby?
  • Y a-t-il un magasin de chaussures près d’ici ? Is there a shoe store nearby?
  • Où se trouve la station de métro ? Where is the subway station?
  • Où se trouve l’arrêt de bus ? Where is the bus station?

C’est près de l’hôtel. It ’s next to the hotel.

Of course, if you ask where things are, you’ll need some basic vocabulary related to directions and getting around.

  • Est-ce près d’ici ? Is it nearby?
  • Est-ce loin d’ici ? Is it far from here?
  • Puis-je y aller à pied ? Can I walk there?
  • C’est près d’ici. It ’s nearby.
  • C’est loin d’ici. It ’s far from here.
  • C’est de l’autre côté de la rue. It ’s across the street.
  • C’est à côté de l’hôtel. It ’s next to the hotel.
  • Traversez la rue. Cross the street.
  • Traversez le pont. Cross the bridge.
  • Tournez à droite. Turn right.
  • Tournez à gauche. Turn left.
  • Allez tout droit. Go straight ahead.
  • C’est à côté de la gare. It ’s next to the train station.
  • C’est près de la gare. It ’s near the train station.
  • C’est derrière la gare. It ’s behind the train station.
  • C’est à gauche de la gare. It ’s the left of the train station.
  • C’est à droite de la gare. It ’s to the right of the train station.
  • C’est en face de la gare. It ’s in front of the train station.

Allons visiter la ville. Let ’s go sightseeing.

  • Nous voudrions visiter la ville. We would like to go sightseeing.
  • Avez-vous un plan de la ville ? Do you have a map of the city?
  • Y a-t-il un bus/autocar touristique ? Is there a tour bus?
  • Y a-t-il un guide ? Is there a tour guide?
  • Nous voudrions aller dans un musée. We would like to go to a museum.
  • Nous voudrions visiter une cathédrale/un temple/une mosquée. We would like to visit a cathedral/temple/mosque.
  • Nous voudrions aller au parc. We would like to go to the park.
  • Nous voudrions visiter une galerie d’art. We would like to visit an art gallery.
  • Nous voudrions voir une pièce (de théâtre), un opéra, un concert. We would like to see a play/opera/concert.
  • Nous voudrions visiter un château. We want to visit a castle.
  • Nous voudrions visiter un monument. We want to visit a monument.
  • Quels sites historiques doit-on visiter ? Which historical sites should we visit?
  • Quels sites culturels doit-on visiter ? Which cultural sites should we visit?
  • Où se trouve le meilleur quartier pour faire du shopping ? Where ’s the best neighborhood for shopping?
  • Où se trouve le meilleur quartier pour sortir le soir ? Where ’s the best neighborhood for nightlife?
  • Nous voudrions aller dans un bar/une boîte (de nuit). We would like to go to a bar/nightclub.
  • Où peut-on avoir une vue panoramique de la ville ? Where is there a good view of the city?
  • Nous voudrions visiter un marché. We want to visit a market.
  • Y a-t-il des toilettes publiques près d’ici ? Is there a public bathroom nearby?
  • Où sont les toilettes ? Where is the bathroom?
  • Où se trouve la sortie/l’entrée ? Where is the exit/entrance?
  • Combien coûte une visite ? How much does a tour/an entrance cost?
  • Combien coûte un voyage organisé ? How much does a guided tour cost?         

Où va ce train ? Where does this train go?

You probably want to see some sights outside of the city, and for that you’ll need to get around.

  • Nous voudrions aller à Tours. We would like to go to Tours.
  • J’aimerais un ticket de bus/un billet de train pour Tours. I ’d like a bus ticket/train ticket to Tours.
  • Combien coûte un ticket/billet ? How much does a ticket cost? ( un ticket = bus, un billet = train, plane)
  • Je voudrais un aller simple, s’il vous plaît. I would like a one-way ticket, please.
  • Je voudrais un aller-retour, s’il vous plaît. I would like a round-trip ticket, please.
  • Quand est-ce que le train/le bus part ? When does the train/bus leave?
  • Quand est-ce que le train/le bus arrive ? When does the train/bus arrive?
  • Est-ce que ce bus/ce train va à Tours ? Does this bus/train go to Tours?
  • Combien de temps ça prend pour aller à Tours ? How long does it take to go to Tours?
  • Où puis-je louer une voiture ? Where can I rent a car?
  • Comment puis-je me rendre à la plage/les montagnes/le parc national ? How can I get to the beach/mountains/national park?
  • Combien ça coûte ? How much does it cost?

When you’re traveling, you probably need to by all sorts of things. Let’s cover that vocabulary.

  • Où puis-je acheter une carte/une bouteille d’eau/une tasse de café ? Where can I buy a map/a bottle of water/a cup of coffee?
  • Où puis-je acheter des lunettes de soleil/de l’aspirine/de la crème solaire ? Where can I buy sunglasses/aspirin/sunscreen?
  • Où puis-je acheter des cartes postales/des souvenirs ? Where can I buy postcards/souvenirs?
  • Où puis-je acheter quelque chose à manger/quelque chose à boire ? Where can I buy something to eat/something to drink?
  • Pourriez-vous écrire le prix, s’il vous plaît ? Could you please write the price?
  • Puis-je payer en liquide ? Can I pay by cash?
  • Puis-je payer par carte bancaire ? Can I pay by credit card?
  • C’est trop cher. That’s too expensive.
  • Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher ? Do you have something less expensive?
  • Puis-je voir cela/ça ? Can I see that, please?
  • Je vais prendre cela / ceci. I’ll take that/this.
  • Puis-je l’essayer ? Can I try it on?

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Image by David Mark from Pixabay .

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All About the Phrase “Bon Voyage” – and the Travel Habits of the French

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French people have been wishing each other Bon voyage (Have a nice trip) for centuries. The saying is so common that it’s one of those French phrases that’s been adopted into other languages, including English .

Despite how frequently you might hear it, like any ultimate travel destination, bon voyage offers a lot more to discover than you might expect.

Let’s take a guided tour of Bon voyage  and learn about the travel habits of the French along the way!

What does bon voyage mean?

Bon voyage means “Have a good trip”. But as you can see, there aren’t quite as many words to it. Literally, it’s just “Good trip/voyage”.  So, how did we get there?

Wishes in French with bon(ne)(s)

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

Bon voyage is a shortened form of a phrase like Je vous souhaite un bon voyage. (I wish you a good trip.) or Fais bon voyage (Have a good trip.).

Both of these sentences are still used today, but they tend to be more formal (for the first) or uncommon (for the second).  This is because the French like to keep things brief, so why not just say it in two words?

Bon voyage isn’t the only phrase that expresses a wish like this. There’s a whole list of them, and you may know at least a few already.

These include:

  • Bonne année  – Happy New Year
  • Bonnes vacances – Have a nice vacation
  • Bon appétit – Enjoy your meal
  • Bonne journée / Bonne soirée – Have a nice day/evening
  • Bon weekend – Have a nice weekend
  • Bonne route – Have a good/safe drive
  • Bon anniversaire – Happy birthday! This is a less common equivalent of Joyeux anniversaire .

You’ll frequently hear and see these phrases – and you may discover some others, as well. In French, you can add Bon , Bonne, Bons, or Bonnes to a noun (often a gerund (a noun that describes an action)) to say “Have a good….” or “Enjoy…”.

For instance, if you run into someone as you’re headed to the movies, they might tell you << Bon film !>> (“Enjoy the movie!”).

Or you could hear Bonne baignade ! (Have a nice swim!),  and so on.

The structure Bon(ne)(s) + noun works for so many situations, but it can be tricky for us non-native speakers sometimes. For instance, if you want to say “Enjoy the book!”, you can’t use the word livre (book); it would be Bonne lecture! (Happy reading!).

Expressing a complex wish, like “Have a nice day at work!” can also be confusing. You can’t just say Bon travail ! – that literally means “Good work/Good job!”. 

So, what can you do to be sure you get these phrases right?

Sometimes, using these expressions is something that will come from listening to and absorbing French.

Other times, you might be able to correct yourself if you realize you’re using an expression that already means something, as in the case of Bon travail . 

And when it comes to one of those complex wishes, like “Have a good day at work,” it’s probably best to just say it in a different way – it’s not a simple idea, after all.

So, “Have a good day at work” could be Passe une bonne journée au bureau! or in a more formal conversation, Je te/vous souhaite une bonne journ é e au bureau!

….Then again, since the French prefer to keep things concise, you could probably just say Bonne journ ée and leave it at that.

If this seems overwhelming, don’t worry. The phrases with bon(ne)(s) that I’ve listed, as well as a few others , are the most common ones, and are important to know. But if you feel unsure about using bon(ne)(s) + noun otherwise, remember that there are always other ways to say what you want.

For example, I could say «  J’esp è re que tu passeras une bonne journée au travail. » (I hope you’ll have a good day at work) or « J’esp ère que ce livre te plaira. »  (I hope you’ll like this book.). Just think about the meaning behind the wish.

Other ways to wish people well in French using bon(ne)(s)

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

The expressions we’ve just learned about translate to “Have a good____”. But there are some other expressions in French that use bon(ne)(s) to wish people well in a slightly different way.

In these cases, instead of talking about something concrete or expected, these expressions refer to things like luck or the future.

You’ve probably come across one of the most famous before:

Bonne chance – Good luck

Other common phrases like this include:

  • Bonne continuation   – Keep it up! or Good luck with your future endeavors!
  • Bon rétablissement – Get well soon
  • Bon courage – Hang in there (Although this phrase isn’t necessarily as informal is “Hang in there,” and can be used in most situations)

There’s no major difference between these expressions and others like them , and the ones we looked at earlier, but there are two subtle ones you may come across:

• These well-wishes tend to stay in their original structure. Whether they’re stand-alone statements, or used in a longer phrase (ex: Je vous souhaite une  bonne continuation ), you wouldn’t replace Bon/Bonne with Super in any of these phrases.

• When you’re talking about events, like your continued career or your path back to health, you add un or une before bon/bonne when it’s used in a sentence, as you can see in the example in the previous paragraph. But when you talk about a totally abstract concept or feeling like luck or courage, you don’t use an article (ex: Je te souhaite bon courage. ) .

How to take bon voyage to the next level

Although you can’t add to or change the core phrases we saw in the last section, you can modify bon voyage and its closest cousins a bit.

Most of the time, Bon voyage is a perfectly normal way to wish someone a good trip. But maybe you want them to know you hope they have an EXTRA good trip.

In this case, you can add tr è s (very), like so: Passe(z) un tr è s bon voyage. or Je vous/te souhaites un tr è s bon voyage.

In informal situations, like when you’re talking to a friend, you could replace tr ès bon or just tr ès with super.  For example: Passe(z) un super voyage OR Passe(z) un super bon voyage.

For more formal situations, excellent would be a good replacement.  For example: Je vous souhaite un excellent voyage.

You’ve probably realized that when you add tr ès, super , or excellent , you can’t just use Bon voyage on its own, though.

Do the French say Bon voyage a lot?:  The French and travel

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The average working French person gets five weeks of paid vacation a year, plus about a week’s worth of personal days. There are also a number of national holidays in France, and schools have two-week vacations every six weeks, plus two months of summer vacation. Train tickets are usually affordable, and low-cost airlines operate out of many French airports. So it’s no wonder that the French are among the nationalities that travel the most . 

Where and when do the French travel?

But where do they like to go?  It turns out that most French people tend to travel primarily within France .

Part of this can be explained by the French rail system, which is highly developed and fairly affordable. It’s easy to go to major cities or even small towns, and since many trains are high speed, a trip like that might only take a few hours. Add to this the wide range of landscapes to be found in mainland France alone – from the warm beaches of the Côte d’Azur, to the ski slopes of the Alps, to attractions in major cities like Paris. France is even home to Europe’s only Disney theme park.

And of course, many French people use at least some of their vacation time to visit family and friends who also live in France.

As for when the French travel, there are some traditions around that. But it turns out they don’t totally reflect reality.

For instance, French people typically go on their longest or even only vacation in summer. August is considered a month when everything shuts down (well, except in vacation/tourism destinations, of course). Entire businesses will close their doors because everyone is on vacation.

But with globalization, as well as new, strategic ways of thinking, that’s changed in recent years. According to recent statistics, 69% of the French population takes a summer vacation. But many companies have at least a few employees who stay behind in August – and those people aren’t always disappointed about it. Some French people prefer to work during this time because their offices are usually calmer since so many of their coworkers and bosses are away. They take a vacation another time – when most destinations will be less crowded and pricey, besides.

Similarly, in winter, especially during the winter school holidays, French people traditionally go on ski trips. And yet, it turns out that only 1 in 10 French people go skiing every year.

Part of these lower-than-expected numbers is due to cost. Not everyone can afford to travel – especially taking a ski trip, which involves a lot of expenses beyond room and board.

Which countries do the French travel to most?

Although France itself is the number-one travel destination for French people, the French do go abroad, as well. And when you think about it, with all of the vacation time they have, a majority of a French person’s travel might be national, but they might go beyond their borders for at least one of those trips.

The top countries visited by the French in 2019 include Spain, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, and Russia, as well as Canada and the United States.

What do people think of French tourists?

All of this traveling has earned the French  a reputation in the hospitality and tourism industries, as well as with locals in certain places. The typical French tourist is known to be critical, curious, cheap, and seductive.

As some of the people interviewed in this article suggest , seemingly negative traits like being critical may also make them have a more in-depth travel experience. For instance, a tour guide in India explains that instead of saying that they like or don’t like an ice cream flavor, a French tourist will often ask about what’s in it.

They might also make suggestions for how its taste might be improved, which goes with another way the French are perceived: as comparing everything to how good it is or how much it costs back in France.

None of this is to say that the French are terrible tourists (even though they often joke about this amongst themselves). After all, tourists from every country have their good and bad points , and a lot of times it has to do with how well their culture meshes with the local one.

For what it’s worth, one thing I’ve noticed about French people who travel to other countries is that whether or not they complained or made comparisons to France on-site, they generally seem to see their experience as positive, even as a way to expand their knowledge and perspective on the world. Whether they spent a week sunbathing on a beach somewhere, or visited a new city or monument, they come home with a sense of having learned something, and (understandably) often nostalgia for the place they left.

This Egyptian tour guide agrees with me. She loves French tourists because [ i]ls sont très cultivés, ils s’intéressent aux monuments. Ils ne voyagent pas seulement pour prendre des photos (They’re very educated, they’re interested in monuments. They don’t travel just to take pictures.).”

A recent survey shows that 53% of French people see taking a vacation as important and something they’re willing to make sacrifices for.  In addition to self-care and getting away from it all, I think some of this could also be chalked up to wanderlust and a natural curiosity and fascination with other places.

Do you have a favorite place to travel? How about somewhere you dream of going – particularly in France? Whether you’re planning a trip or just armchair traveling, Bon voyage!

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  • The 16 best websites and apps for French conversation practice
  • Duolingo French review: The good, the bad and the ugly

Alysa Salzberg

Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. She has taught English and French for more than ten years, most notably as an assistante de langue vivante for L'Education Nationale. She recently published her first novel, Hearts at Dawn , a "Beauty and the Beast" retelling that takes place during the 1870 Siege of Paris. You can read about her adventures here , or feel free to stop by her website .

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20 Basic French Travel Phrases for Beginners

Milena Andrade

When traveling to a French-speaking country, having a basic understanding of the local language can greatly enhance your experience.

Learning a few essential French travel phrases not only enables you to communicate with locals but also shows respect for their culture and makes your interactions more enjoyable.

Today, we will introduce you to 20 basic French travel phrases that are perfect for beginners. Each section will focus on a specific category of phrases, providing translations, guidance, and example usage.

We will leave you with some tips for learning French at home. Follow this guide, and you'll be speaking French in no time.

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

20 French Travel Phrases

Let's dive into our comprehensive list of 20+ essential French phrases so you have the tools necessary to make yourself understood in France.

We will kick things off with greetings and polite expressions so you can conduct yourself well on your trip to France.

Greetings and Polite Expressions

When interacting with locals in a French-speaking country, it's important to start with a friendly greeting.

  • Bonjour - Hello

The phrase bonjour is the most common and widely used greeting in French. It sets a positive tone for your conversation. You can use this greeting all day.

  • Bonsoir - Good evening Bonne soirée - Have a good evening Bonsoir is used in the evenings, from around 6 pm onward as a greeting. Meanwhile, bonne soirée is used to express the desire that someone else will have a nice evening.
  • Bonne nuit - Good night Just as in English, you would use bonne nuit as "good night" before going to bed.
  • Au revoir - Goodbye When leaving someone at any time of day, au revoir is a polite and pleasant way to say "goodbye."
  • Comment t'appelles-tu? - What's your name? (informal) Comment vous appelez vous? - What's your name? (formal) Quel est ton nom? - What is your name? (informal) Quel est votre nom - What is your name? (formal)

Once you have greeted someone, you can ask "What is your name?" either formally or informally, as the situation dictates.

  • Je m'appelle... - My name is…
  • Je viens de ... - I come from... La France - France L'Allemagne - Germany L'Espagne - Spain Le Royaume-Uni - The UK Les États-Unis - The US
  • (Comment) ça va? - Are you alright? (most informal) Comment vas-tu? - How are you? (informal) Comment allez vous? - How are you? (formal) To show interest in someone's well-being, ask "How are you?" It's a common way to initiate a friendly conversation and display your courtesy. You can reply to ça va? with ça va or ça va bien , both of which mean "I'm alright". Or, use je vais bien , which also means "I'm alright".
  • Merci - Thank you Learning to say "thank you" in the local language wherever you go will endear the natives to you. On your trip to France, you will find yourself saying merci all the time.

For instance, with the phrase ça va bien, merci. Et toi?, meaning "I'm good, thanks. And you?"

  • De rien - You're welcome If someone thanks you in a French-speaking country, the standard reply is de rien .
  • S'il vous plaît - Please (formal) S'il te plaît - Please (informal) When asking for something in a hotel, restaurant, among friends, or in any other situation, it is always best to say "please". As you can see, there is a more formal and less formal way to say "please". Use the informal with friends, and the formal in other social situations. If you are ever in doubt about whether to use formal language, it is best to err on the side of caution and go for the formal structure.
  • Je suis désolé - I am sorry It is always worth knowing how to say sorry if you need to apologize for anything in French, for instance not understanding something or not knowing the answer to a question.
  • Je ne comprends pas - I don't understand Je ne sais pas - I don't know

Can You Speak English/ French?

With the following phrases, you can swap out anglais ("English") and français ("French") with any other language, as needed.

  • Pourriez vous parler français - Could you speak French?
  • Parlez vous anglais? - Do you speak English?
  • Je ne parle pas français - I don't speak French
  • Je parle un peu français - I speak a little French
  • Parlez lentement, s'il vous plaît - Speak slowly, please

Useful French Travel Phrases

One of the most important things to learn in French is how to ask for directions. Let's look at some common questions in French regarding directions.

  • Où est la plage/ le gare - Where is the beach/ the train station You can use où est...? for any other singular object, such as la tour Eiffel ("the Eiffel Tower") and le bus ("the bus"). Just make sure to note the gender of the object so you use the right article.
  • Où est le guichet? - Where's the ticket booth? Note that you can also say je cherche... , which means "I am looking for..."
  • Où sont les toilettes? - Where are the toilets?
  • Où sommes-nous - Where are we? As you can see, où means "where" in French. This is followed by a conjugated form of the verb "to be", être , and the object of the sentence.
  • Excusez moi, je suis perdu - Excuse me, I am lost Finally, a handy phrase to know is "excuse me, I am lost". It's a good idea to keep a copy of your hotel information on your person so you can show people if you need help directing yourself home.

Miscellaneous Common French Phrases

Now that you have learned 20 French phrases for travel, we will list some other miscellaneous French phrases for everyday life in a French-speaking country.

  • Je t'aime - I love you You will come across je t'aime in music, movies, and even on t-shirts, so it is worth knowing what it means. And you never know - you might want to use this French phrase yourself when you get to Paris, the city of love.
  • Es-tu célibataire? - Are you single?
  • Je ne sais quoi - I don't know what Paris is known as a romantic destination as it has a certain je ne sais quoi in the air that makes it so unique and magical.
  • Je voudrais (un café) - I would like (a coffee)
  • Un verre de vin - A glass of wine When in France, you will want to get your hands on a coffee or a wine as soon as you find the right spot to sit and people-watch.
  • Je voudrais acheter... - I would like to buy…
  • Combien ça coûte - How much does it cost?
  • C'est trop cher - It's too expensive

Asking a question in French

Finally, a note on forming a French question. In general, to ask a simple question in French, you can use est-ce que. Take a look at the following basic French phrases.

  • Est-ce que vous parlez français? - Do you speak French?
  • Est-ce qu’il parle français? - Does he speak French?
  • Est-ce qu’elle parle français? - Does she speak French?

How to Learn French at Home

So, now that you have this useful vocabulary list to get you started, you will want to know how to start learning French at home. One great method is to watch French TV shows and movies.

This provides natural exposure to French slang and colloquialisms , idiomatic phrases, the French accent, and French culture. You can find great French shows on Netflix and Lingopie. Both streaming services offer French and English subtitles, and Lingopie has bonus language-learning features like digital flashcards and an interactive transcript.

You can also listen to French podcasts and French songs like La Vie en Rose and Je ne Regrette Rien. Any engaging resource that familiarizes you with French pronunciation and introduces you to new French words in a natural way is a great language tool.

Of course, you can also sign up for online French classes or find a private tutor. Many language learners also enjoy using language-learning apps to supplement their learning. You can also buy a French phrasebook if you want to have all of your useful French phrases in one place.,

FAQs About French Phrases for Travelers

Now, let's take a quick look at some frequently asked questions about basic French phrases for travel.

Is there another way to ask "où sont les toilettes?"

Yes, there is another way to ask où sont les toilettes? which means "Where are the toilets?" You can also say où est la salle de bain? , which means "Where is the bathroom?"

Both are appropriate in public and formal situations.

Is it rude to say "je ne comprends pas" in French?

No, it is not rude to say "I don't understand" in French. You can make the statement more polite by saying je suis désolé(e), je ne comprends pas , meaning "I'm sorry, I don't understand".

You might want to add répétez s'il vous plaît , meaning "can you repeat, please", or je ne parle pas français , "I don't speak French."

How do you say "s'il vous plaît" informally?

The phrase s'il vous plaît ("please") literally translates as "if it pleases you", but it is used like "please" in English. You can say "please" informally in French by switching out the vous ("you" - formal) for te ("you" - informal). So, it sounds like s'il te plaît.

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

Summing Up: Basic French Travel Phrases

Now that you have started to learn these 20+ basic French words and phrases, you are ready to dive into the French language and start practicing today.

Whether you're asking for directions, ordering food, or engaging in basic social interactions, these phrases will serve as a valuable tool during your journey.

French learners can head over to Lingopie's streaming site for access to a host of awesome French TV shows and movies with interactive learning features.

Your language-learning journey starts today with the help of Lingopie and this comprehensive vocab guide. Have fun learning French at home.

Milena Andrade

Milena Andrade

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20 Essential French Phrases For Travel

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By OptiLingo • 9 minute read

Learn common French phrases and expressions for essential travel vocabulary

Learn Common French Phrases

Whether you’re saving up money for your next vacation, reading a travel blog , or you’re about to embark on your next business trip, you should know some basic French phrases before you get there. They’ll help you navigate easily, and you’ll receive better customer service and avoid some embarrassing mistakes . Not to mention how much French locals will appreciate your efforts. Here are some basic but useful French phrases and expressions that you can use while interacting with French locals.

20 Essential Phrases in French

There are so many reasons to learn French . But, travel is perhaps the greatest motivation you can find. Whether you’re out enjoying the nightlife of Paris, or you’re joining a sightseeing tour, it’s always worth expanding your French vocabulary. As you’re walking around in France, you’ll surely hear these common French expressions:

1. Bonjour – “Hello”

You can use bonjour in both an informal and formal setting. While there are many ways of saying hello in French, this is the widely used phrase. At night or evening, when having a drink with friends or acquaintances, you can replace bonjour with bonsoir. If you’re keen, there are a lot more useful French greeting you could use to sound like a local in France.

2. Au revoir – “Goodbye”

Whenever you part from your French friend or leave a shop, make sure you say goodbye. It’s very polite to do so.

3. S’il vous plaît / s’il te plaît – “Please”

Saying “please” is very important in French etiquette. When requesting something, remember the basics and start with, “S’il vous plaît or s’il te plaît ” to mean, please.

If you are saying please in a formal setting or addressing an older person or a stranger, you should use, “S’il vous plaît. ”

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

4. Merci (beaucoup) – “Thank you (very much)”

You’ll hear this a lot in France. French people are very polite, so it’s important that you learn this French phrase. 

5. Comment t’appelles-tu? / Comment vous appelez-vous? – “What’s your name?”

The first thing that you will want to know when meeting someone is his or her name. If you are in a formal setting, you can ask, “Comment vous appelez-vous?” but if your setting is informal or you can ask, “Comment t’appelles-tu?”

On the other and, if someone asks your name, you should say, “Je m’appelle” meaning “my name is.” A simpler version is “Je suis” translated to “I am”

6. Comment allez-vous? – “How are you?

This is a polite way of asking a person how they are in French. While walking in France, you may hear the phrase “ça va?” being frequently used. It is used when you do not need to be formal, but you still need to find out how a person is.

If you are on the receiving end, you should respond to “ça va?” with “ça va bien, ” which means ” I am well.”

safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

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7. Oui/Non/Si – “Yes/No”

When learning any language, you must learn to say yes and no. Yes is “oui,” while no is “non.” Saying ouaip or ouais is typical in an informal setting. It substitutes oui and means “yep” or “yeah.”

Si is a useful word that you should use when saying yes. Use it to respond to a person who has asked you a question that is negatively phrased. For example, if someone asks, “haven’t you eaten pizza?” If your answer is yes, it will not be clear whether you ate pizza or not. French tries to avoid this scenario with the word si. Using the example above, if you answer with si, it will mean that you have eaten pizza.

8. Excusez-moi – “Excuse me”

This phrase is necessary when you want to get a person’s attention. It can be a stranger, a colleague, or even a waiter.

Learn French phrases to speak to French locals

9. Je voudrais parler français – “I would like to speak French”

The French love their language and they’re very protective of it. Sometimes they can reply to your questions in English if you speak imperfect French. It can be a bit frustrating, but if it happens to you, politely but firmly tell the person “Je voudrais parler français.” The only way you will make progress when learning French is if you continuously practice speaking it.

10. Je ne comprends pas – “I don’t understand.”

If you do not understand what the other person is trying to tell you, say, “Je ne comprends pas.” Do not be ashamed of being a beginner. However, do not ask them to translate to English because if they do that, you may never learn. Persevere and try to grasp as much as you can.

11. Pardon – “Sorry”

If you bump into someone when walking, do not be embarrassed about it. Just say pardon, and the person will forgive you.

You can also use pardon when something is not clear, and you want an individual to repeat a statement because you did not understand or hear them. If this is the case, you should say the word with a high-pitched tone to show that it is a question.

You can also use “pourriez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît?” which means, “could you repeat that, please?”

12. Comment dit-on __ en français? – “How do you say __ in French?”

If a word that you wanted to say in French escapes you, you can ask a person how it is said in French by filling the bank in the sentence above.

13. Comment ça s’écrit? – “How do you spell that?”

Use the phrase above if you want to know the spelling of a French word that you have just learned. Spelling in French is not an easy task because there is a complicated relationship between the pronunciation and spelling of a word. It is easier to know the pronunciation of a word when you spell it, rather than figuring out it’s spelling when you pronounce it.

14. C’est combien? – “How much is it?”

France is not a cheap country. If you are on tour, you wouldn’t want to spend much more than you had budgeted for because you do not know the prices.

You can ask the price of something by saying, “C’est combien?” Alternatively, you can use “Combien ça coûte?”

15. Où sont les toilettes? – “Where are the toilets?”

It would be best if you learned this phrase because you may urgently need it. However, note that public toilets are a bit rare in France, so you might have to search for them for a while. If you find one, you may have to pay before using it.

16. À quelle heure est-ce qu’il faut régler la note? – “What time is check out?”

If you visit any country that speaks French, and check into a hotel, you must inquire about the checkout time. Find out the checking out time by asking, “à quelle heure est-ce qu’il faut régler la note?”

17. La carte/le menu, s’il vous plaît. – “The menu, please.”

You have probably been dreaming of going to France because of its famous wine and food. When wining and dining in France, remember that you can ask for the “menu” in two ways.

A carte is your typical “menu.” It lists the various food options and their prices, so you can select what you want and sum the costs up to get your bill.

A “fixed-price menu” is also available in France and is known as a menu. When ordering from it, you are at liberty of choosing an option for each course and paying a fixed price irrespective of your selection.

Order in French with these basic French phrases and expressions

18. Nous voudrions commander maintenant. – “We would like to place an order now.”

When you want to order something in a hotel or restaurant, you can use the word commander. It would be best if you did not confuse it with ordonner that is usually used when you are ordering a person to do something, for example, in the military.

After receiving the menu or carte, the waiter will give you time to decide. When you are ready to order, you can tell him or her “nous voudrions commander maintenant.”

19. Où est ____? – “Where is ____?”

If you ever find yourself lost, you can ask for directions from French locals. While understanding the response is a different problem in itself, remember, spoken language isn’t the only form of communication. Hand signals and pointing at maps can be just as helpful.

12. Je t’aime – “I love you.”

I love you had to make it on the list. We have all heard that French is very romantic. Who knows? You might find love while traveling and use this phrase.

I love you in French is “Je t’aime”.

There are many other basic French phrases, but these should get you started to ensure that you are having an easy time during your adventure or that business trip.

How to Pronounce Common French Phrases and Expressions

This video is a great learning resource for these essential French phrases. Listen to the video and learn how to pronounce these useful expressions:

How to Learn These French Phrases

Luckily, learning these essential French phrases won’t take long. In fact, you can learn them in a day. With some great last-minute language learning tips , you can conquer French in record time.

  • Read through the French expressions : Understanding the meaning of these French phrases is crucial to remember them. We’ve included translations and some common situations where you’d use these phrases.
  • Listen to the pronunciation : At the end of this list, we included a handy video, so you know how to pronounce these essential French phrases. Listen intently, and try to recreate the sounds of French yourself.
  • Say them out loud : The only way you can build your confidence is by speaking the language. You can become fluent in French quickly if you keep this in mind. Don’t be shy, give these French phrases a go. And don’t worry about your accent . As long as you’re speaking clearly, French locals will understand you.
  • Review often : Spaced repetition is the key to language learning. This means, that after you’ve learned you vocabulary, you need to go back in a few days to review it. This way, you will commit your lesson to your long-term memory effectively.

Learn French in Record Time

You can reach French fluency faster than you think. But, you need the right resources. You need a language learning method that gets you speaking, not typing the language. And that’s OptiLingo.

With OptiLingo, you can discover the most useful French words and phrases. This app only gives you vocabulary that everyday French people use. Learn how to speak like a French local with a fun and engaging method. Discover how effective learning French can be when you try OptiLingo !

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What is the translation of "have a safe trip" in French?

"have a safe trip" in french, have a safe trip [example].

  • volume_up fais bon voyage

have a safe trip home [example]

  • volume_up bon retour


Context sentences, english french contextual examples of "have a safe trip" in french.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

Monolingual examples

English how to use "have a safe trip" in a sentence, english how to use "have a safe trip home" in a sentence, english how to use "bon retour" in a sentence.

  • have a right to something
  • have a ringside seat
  • have a roll in the hay
  • have a roof over one's head
  • have a roommate
  • have a rough time
  • have a rough time of it
  • have a rude awakening
  • have a runny nose
  • have a safe trip
  • have a safe trip home
  • have a say in the matter
  • have a scout round
  • have a screw loose
  • have a seizure
  • have a set-to
  • have a sexual relationship with
  • have a shag
  • have a share in it

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safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

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  1. Hand Writing Bon Voyage Have a Good Trip in French with Marker, Concept

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

  2. How to say 'safe travels' in French?

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

  3. How to Say "Have a good trip!" in French?

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

  4. Luxury Bon Voyage Quotes In French

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

  5. 20 French phrases for travel

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french

  6. 10 Awesome Wish You A Safe Trip En Francais

    safe trip and enjoy yourself in french


  1. Taking A Perfectly Safe Trip To The French Country Side

  2. 3 Must-Know French Phrases for Travel

  3. Learn French: Where would you like to travel?

  4. In French, conversation between two friends about their vacations with French Subtitles with LRF


  6. Have a safe trip


  1. Guide: How to Say "Have a Safe Trip" in French

    The first phrase, "Bon voyage," is a widely-used expression for wishing someone a good trip in an informal context. It's equivalent to saying "Have a safe trip" or "Enjoy your trip.". The second phrase, "Passe un bon voyage," is a slightly shortened version of the previous phrase but conveys the same sentiment of good wishes.

  2. How to Say Safe Travels in French

    Informal Ways to Say Safe Travels in French. Remember to always use informal expressions when wishing someone a secure journey in French. Here are some casual ways to say "safe travels" in French that will make your wish sound more friendly and relaxed: Bon voyage: This is the most common way to wish someone a good trip in French.

  3. How to Say Safe Travels in French: A Comprehensive Guide

    Here are five simple phrases you can use to wish someone a safe journey in French: Bonne route - Have a good trip. Bon voyage - Good journey/Have a good trip. Bon courage - Good luck/Be brave. Bonne santé - Stay healthy. Bonne chance - Good luck.

  4. 10 great ways to say "enjoy" in French

    Pay attention to the context because some are more adequate for food, others for the view, objects…. As a reminder, here are the ways to translate enjoy: profiter >>> enjoy. apprécier >>> appreciate. aimer >>> like. s'amuser (bien) >>> have (great) fun. jouir >>> enjoy. savourer >>> savour.

  5. How to Say 'Safe Travels' in French: A Guide to Bon Voyage

    A. Explanation of the literal meaning and cultural context. The French phrase "Bon Voyage" is commonly used to wish someone a good and safe journey. The literal translation of "Bon Voyage" is "good journey" or "good trip.". The phrase reflects the cultural values of the French-speaking countries, where expressing well wishes ...

  6. How to Say "Have a Good Trip" in French: Formal and Informal Ways

    It can be used in both formal and informal situations. It translates directly to "Have a good trip.". Example: Je voulais juste vous souhaiter un bon voyage et espérer vous revoir bientôt. (I just wanted to wish you a good trip and hope to see you soon.) Bon séjour - This phrase is used to wish someone a pleasant stay at their destination.

  7. How to Say "Enjoy Your Trip" in French: Formal and Informal Ways

    Here are some informal ways to say "Enjoy your trip" in French: Amuse-toi bien pendant ton voyage. - This informal phrase translates to "Have fun during your trip" in English. "Amuse-toi bien" is the informal imperative form of "amuser" (to have fun or to enjoy oneself), "pendant" means "during," and "ton voyage ...

  8. How Do You Say Safe Travels in French

    Common Phrases for Safe Travels. To wish someone safe travels in French, you can say "Bon voyage!" It's a common phrase used to express well wishes for someone embarking on a journey. When traveling, it's important to have a sense of freedom and adventure. You want to experience new cultures, meet interesting people, and create lasting ...

  9. Enjoy in French: 7 ways to translate it

    Translating 'enjoy' in French can be confusing. France is known for its 'douceur de vivre', that is to say its relaxed and laid-back lifestyle. ... We sang French songs during the whole trip! Amuse-toi bien au mariage de Teona et Rémi / pendant tes vacances / au concert ! Enjoy yourself / Have fun at Teona and Remi's wedding / during your ...

  10. French Travel Phrases

    Un voyage A trip; Bon voyage! Enjoy your trip! Bon séjour! Enjoy your stay! Further your learning We feel that it's a great idea to carry a French phrase book while traveling in France. Most phrase books on the market won't show you how to actually say the phrases. For an audio option, check out French Today's Modern French Audio Phrasebook!

  11. Complete Guide to French Vacation ⛱

    4 - School Vacation and School Breaks Dates in France. French kids enjoy 16 weeks of vacation (+ all the long weekends and official holidays…) The French school vacation is divided as follows: France's Summer break: "les grandes vacances", July and August, so 8 weeks total. France's Fall vacation: "les vacances de la Toussaint ...

  12. The Top 50 Common French Phrases for Travelers and Tourists

    Whether you're planning a trip to France or any other French-speaking country, learning a few key phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. This article presents the top 50 common French phrases that every traveler should know. These phrases will help you navigate various situations, interact with locals, and make the most of your trip.

  13. Bon voyage

    We'll see you in two weeks! Salut Alix et Georges, bon voyage ! Bye Alix and Georges, have a good trip! Somewhat synonymous. bon retour - have a safe journey home, get home safely. bonne route - drive safely, have a safe journey. bonnes vacances - enjoy your vacation/holiday. à la rentrée - see you after summer vacation.

  14. How To Say: Safe Travels In French

    In French, the phrase "Happy and Safe Journey" would be translated as "Bon voyage et bon retour". This can be said to anyone who is leaving on a trip, regardless of where they are going. You can also add in the person's name before saying this phrase if you wish. For example, "Bon voyage et bon retour, Pierre!".

  15. 50+ Useful French Phrases For Travelers

    These are useful phrases that help you answer simple questions, properly address people you meet, and even introduce yourself. Oui - Yes. Non - No. Bonjour - Hello. Au revoir - Goodbye. À bientôt - See you soon. Bonsoir - Good evening. Merci - Thank you.

  16. Bon voyage ! Have a Great Trip! Travel Phrases in French

    Do you want to learn French? Check out our other posts on French language, culture, and more. And if you're looking for convenient and affordable live French lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn't matter where you live or work. We can come to you.

  17. All About the Phrase "Bon Voyage"

    Wishes in French with bon (ne) (s) Bon voyage is a shortened form of a phrase like Je vous souhaite un bon voyage. (I wish you a good trip.) or Fais bon voyage (Have a good trip.). Both of these sentences are still used today, but they tend to be more formal (for the first) or uncommon (for the second). This is because the French like to keep ...

  18. 20 Basic French Travel Phrases for Beginners

    Bonjour - Hello. The phrase bonjour is the most common and widely used greeting in French. It sets a positive tone for your conversation. You can use this greeting all day. Bonsoir - Good evening. Bonne soirée - Have a good evening. Bonsoir is used in the evenings, from around 6 pm onward as a greeting.

  19. 105 French Travel Phrases Used by Native Speakers

    In France, politeness is not just a gesture—it's a way of life. By understanding and using basic French phrases for travel, such as "S'il vous plaît" and "Merci," you can navigate social interactions with grace. Embrace the cultural nuances of courtesy that enrich every conversation. French Phrase. English Translation. Merci.

  20. 20 Essential French Phrases For Travel

    The only way you will make progress when learning French is if you continuously practice speaking it. 10. Je ne comprends pas - "I don't understand.". If you do not understand what the other person is trying to tell you, say, "Je ne comprends pas.". Do not be ashamed of being a beginner.

  21. 13 Essential and Easy French Phrases For Your Paris Trip

    4. S'il vous plaît. "S'il vous plaît" translates literally to 'if you please,' however it's used as the standard way to say 'please' in French. You can also use it to get a waiter's attention. 5. Merci/ Merci beaucoup. "Merci" is the French word for 'thank you.' "Merci beaucoup" is French for 'thank you very much


    have a scout round. have a screw loose. have a seizure. have a set-to. have a sexual relationship with. have a shag. have a share in it. Have a look at the Urdu-English dictionary by Translation for 'have a safe trip' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.

  23. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.