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Tourism in Rome - statistics & facts

Has tourism in rome recovered from the impact of covid-19, accommodation in rome, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation in Rome 2014-2022

Leading inbound travel markets in Rome 2019-2022, by number of arrivals

Number of domestic tourist arrivals in Rome 2014-2022

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Museums & Galleries

Number of visitors to the Colosseum archaeological park in Rome 2012-2022


Most visited Italian municipalities 2019-2022, by overnight stays

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Recommended statistics

  • Premium Statistic Monthly number of international tourist arrivals in Italy 2018-2023
  • Premium Statistic Monthly tourism balance in Italy 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Most visited Italian municipalities 2019-2022, by overnight stays
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP in Rome 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Cruise passenger movements at the port of Civitavecchia in Italy 2016-2022

Monthly number of international tourist arrivals in Italy 2018-2023

Number of international tourist arrivals in Italy from January 2018 to May 2023 (in 1,000s)

Monthly tourism balance in Italy 2019-2023

Monthly tourism balance in Italy from January 2019 to May 2023 (in million euros)

Municipalities with the highest number of tourist overnight stays in Italy from 2019 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP in Rome 2019-2022

Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2021, with a forecast to 2022 (in billion euros)

Cruise passenger movements at the port of Civitavecchia in Italy 2016-2022

Number of cruise passenger movements at the port of Civitavecchia in Italy from 2016 to 2022

International tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation in Rome 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading inbound travel markets in Rome 2019-2022, by number of arrivals
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound overnight stays in tourist accommodation in Rome 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading inbound travel markets in Rome 2019-2022, by number of overnight stays

Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation establishments in Rome, Italy from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Leading international travel markets in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2022, by number of arrivals (in 1,000s)

Number of inbound overnight stays in tourist accommodation in Rome 2014-2022

Number of international overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments in Rome, Italy from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Leading inbound travel markets in Rome 2019-2022, by number of overnight stays

Leading international travel markets in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2022, by number of overnight stays (in 1,000s)

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic tourist arrivals in Rome 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic overnight stays in Rome 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourist arrivals in hotels of Rome 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic overnight stays in hotels of Rome 2013-2022

Number of domestic tourist arrivals in travel accommodation establishments in Rome, Italy from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of domestic overnight stays in Rome 2014-2022

Number of domestic overnight stays in travel accommodation establishments in Rome, Italy from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Domestic tourist arrivals in hotels of Rome 2013-2022

Number of domestic tourist arrivals in hotels of Rome, Italy from 2013 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Domestic overnight stays in hotels of Rome 2013-2022

Number of domestic overnight stays in hotels of Rome, Italy from 2013 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in Rome 2019-2022, by rating
  • Basic Statistic Number of hotels in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel destinations in Italy 2022, by number of chain hotels
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel destinations in Italy 2022, by number of chain hotel rooms
  • Premium Statistic Average cost of overnight accommodation in Rome 2020-2023, by month
  • Premium Statistic Most expensive cities for average price in four-star hotels in Italy 2023
  • Premium Statistic Italian cities with the highest occupancy rate in four-star hotels 2023

Number of hotels in Rome 2019-2022, by rating

Number of hotel establishments in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2022, by rating

Number of hotels in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality

Number of hotel establishments in Rome, Italy in 2021, by sub-municipality

Leading travel destinations in Italy 2022, by number of chain hotels

Leading travel destinations in Italy in 2022, by number of chain hotels

Leading travel destinations in Italy 2022, by number of chain hotel rooms

Leading travel destinations in Italy in 2022, by number of chain hotel rooms

Average cost of overnight accommodation in Rome 2020-2023, by month

Average cost of overnight accommodation in Rome, Italy from January 2020 to December 2023 (in euros)

Most expensive cities for average price in four-star hotels in Italy 2023

Most expensive cities for average price per night in four-star hotels in Italy as of December 2023 (in euros)

Italian cities with the highest occupancy rate in four-star hotels 2023

Leading cities for average occupancy rate in four-star hotels in Italy in 2023

Non-hotel accommodation

  • Basic Statistic Non-hotel accommodation establishments in Rome 2019-2022, by type
  • Basic Statistic Number of Airbnb listings in Rome 2023, by room type
  • Basic Statistic Average price per night of accommodation on Airbnb in selected Italian cities 2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of bed and breakfasts in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality
  • Basic Statistic Number of vacation rentals in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality

Non-hotel accommodation establishments in Rome 2019-2022, by type

Number of non-hotel accommodation establishments in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2022, by type

Number of Airbnb listings in Rome 2023, by room type

Number of Airbnb listings in Rome, Italy as of December 2023, by room type

Average price per night of accommodation on Airbnb in selected Italian cities 2023

Average price per night of accommodation establishments listed on Airbnb in selected Italian cities as of December 2023 (in euros)

Number of bed and breakfasts in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality

Number of bed and breakfasts in Rome, Italy in 2021, by sub-municipaility

Number of vacation rentals in Rome 2021, by sub-municipality

Number of short-term vacation rentals in Rome, Italy in 2021, by sub-municipality

  • Basic Statistic State museums, monuments, and archaeological areas in Lazio 2022, by province
  • Basic Statistic Attendance to state museums in Lazio 2022, by province
  • Basic Statistic Income of state museums in Lazio, Italy 2019-2022, by province
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the Colosseum archaeological park in Rome 2012-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of visitors to the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome 2019-2022

State museums, monuments, and archaeological areas in Lazio 2022, by province

Number of state museums, monuments, and archaeological areas with paid and free admission in Lazio, Italy in 2022, by province

Attendance to state museums in Lazio 2022, by province

Number of visitors to State museums, monuments, and archaeological areas with paid and free admission in Lazio, Italy in 2022, by province

Income of state museums in Lazio, Italy 2019-2022, by province

Income of state museums, monuments, and archaeological areas in Lazio, Italy from 2019 to 2022, by province (in euros)

Number of visitors to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill archaeological park in Rome, Italy from 2012 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of visitors to the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome 2019-2022

Number of visitors to the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome, Italy from 2019 to 2022

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47+ rome travel & tourism statistics (latest 2024 data).

Cazzy Magennis

There are so many things to love about Rome.

The capital of Italy is also the heart of its travel and tourism industry.

They welcomed 10.32 million international tourists in 2019 and is the 17th most popular city worldwide.

It’s actually one of the most coveted destinations for baby boomers from the US too !

Are you wondering about where most visitors to Rome are from?

Or how many hotels operate in this city?

Well, we’ll answer everything below with the most recent statistics about Rome tourism!

Sources : I’ve attached the source article or data under each statistics. Feel free to head over to the end of this article for a full list of all the sources used.


Is Rome the most visited city in the world?

No, but Rome is the 17th most visited city in the world with 10.32 million international tourists in 2019.

Which nationality visits Rome the most?

Based on the number of tourist arrivals, the United States is the largest inbound tourism market for Rome. The city welcomed 219,000 Americans in 2021.

How many tourists visit Rome annually?

  • In 2022, there were 5,821,362 international tourist arrivals in Rome, an incredible 500% increase from 2021.

Key Rome Travel Statistics

  • Based on the number of tourist arrivals, the United States was the largest inbound tourism market for Rome. The city welcomed 219,000 Americans in 2021.
  • The world region with the most tourist arrivals in Rome is Europe, with 2.78 million tourists in 2022.
  • In 2022, there were 3,844,876 domestic tourists in Rome, which was a 110.15% increase from 2021 and a recovery of 81.94% from 2019.
  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism revenues in Italy amounted to $51.91 billion or 2.6% of the country’s gross national product.
  • On average, it costs 145 euros to stay overnight in Rome in February 2023. This is considerably higher than the 83 euros average back in February 2020.
  • In 2021, the number of international overnight stays in tourist accommodations in Rome was approximately 4.2 million.
  • As of 2021, there were a total of 1,600 hotels in Rome, Italy.
  • In Rome, the average nightly rate of accommodations listed on Airbnb is 236 euros.
  • The Colosseum is the most popular tourist attraction not only in Rome, but all of Italy. It welcomed 1.7 million visitors in 2021, which was higher than the 1.1 million in 2020.

International tourism in Rome

1. in 2019, rome was the 17th most popular destination in the world with 10.32 million foreign tourists..


Rome is the most visited city within Italy, followed by Venice in the fourth place with 5.59 million visitors in 2019 .

most popular destinations in Italy

2. In 2022, there were 5,821,362 international tourist arrivals in Rome, an incredible 500% increase from 2021.


3. In 2021, there were a total of 1.6 million international arrivals in tourist accommodation around Rome. This is higher than 2020, but still almost 80% lower than the pre-pandemic figures.

4. based on the number of tourist arrivals, the united states was the largest inbound tourism market for rome. the city welcomed 219,000 americans in 2021..

In Rome, there were 219 thousand tourist arrivals from the US in 2021 , which was more than 2020 but still lower than the number of pre-pandemic arrivals.

5. The US was also the leading inbound travel market in Rome for overnight stays, with a total of 804 thousand overnight stays in 2021 alone.

6. the world region with the most tourist arrivals in rome is europe, with 2.78 million tourists in 2022..

International travel within Europe has always been easy, which is why the majority of international tourists in Rome in 2022 was from Europe (2.78 million arrivals) .

7. On the other hand, as regions, Southeast Asia and Central South America contributed the least number of tourist arrivals in Rome, with 540 thousand and 394 thousand arrivals respectively.

8. rome is among the top travel destinations for foodie families..

Among families who travel and enjoy food destinations , Rome is among the top destinations, along with London and Paris.

Domestic tourism in Rome

How many domestic tourists go to Rome each year?

9. In 2022, there were 3,844,876 domestic tourists in Rome, which was a 110.15% increase from 2021 and a recovery of 81.94% from 2019.

domestic tourists in Rome

10. Meanwhile, the number of overnight stays by domestic tourists was 7,243,401.

Again, this is a 115% increase from 2021, and a recovery of 79.97% from the pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

11. Tourist accommodation establishments in Rome welcomed 2.3 million domestic arrivals in 2021, increasing from 1.5 million in the previous year.

Economic impact of rome tourism.

How much do tourists spend in Rome?

12. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism revenues in Italy amounted to $51.91 billion or 2.6% of the country’s gross national product.

13. thus, in 2020, the average international tourist in italy spent around $450., 14. meanwhile, italians who travel abroad spend $511 on average when on vacation., 15. on average, it costs 145 euros to stay overnight in rome in february 2023. this is considerably higher than the 83 euros average back in february 2020..

This rising cost can be explained by the recovery of the tourism industry post Coronavirus.

16. State museums, monuments, and archaeological areas in Rome generated an income of 26,899,132 euros in 2021.

This is higher than the 15,879,076 euros income recorded in 2020, but still 68.7% lower than the pre-pandemic figure of 86,048,208 euros.

Income from Rome cultural institutions

17. On average, 26.5% of tourist spending in Rome is for hotels, 20.2% for shopping for clothes, 17.2% for eating out and drinking, and 12% for visiting cultural attractions, movies, and shows.


Rome tourism hotels & accommodation

How many hotels rooms are in Rome?

18. In 2021, the number of international overnight stays in tourist accommodations in Rome was approximately 4.2 million.

While this is slightly more than the arrivals in 2020, it’s still 82% less than the number before the Coronavirus pandemic .

19. In 2021, there were 6.2 million domestic overnight stays in Rome, much more than the 4.4 million recorded in 2020.

As of 2021, there were still more domestic tourists staying overnight in accommodations in Rome than international tourists.

20. Meanwhile, the total arrivals in hotels and residences in Rome was 9.66 million, a 245% increase from the previous year.

21. as of 2021, there were a total of 1,600 hotels in rome, italy., 22. the majority of hotels in rome are rated three stars, with 621 such establishments..

Out of the 1,600 hotels in Rome , nearly 39% of them are three-star hotels.

23. The number of 3-star hotels in Rome had risen slightly to 621 in 2021, from 618 in 2020.

24. meanwhile, there are 442 four-star hotels and 53 five-star hotels in rome..

Number of hotels in Rome by rating

25. Based on the number of chain hotel rooms, Rome is the leading travel destination in Italy, with 22,899 chain hotel rooms recorded in 2021.

26. there are 2,249 properties awarded with a travel sustainable badge in rome..


Italy is the country with the highest number of travel sustainable awards on Booking.come, with 2,249 sustainable establishments in Rome alone .

27. Overall, 95% of customers who leave reviews will write a positive one.


As the number of online positive reviews increase , tourists in Rome will be more likely to stay in hotels and make their bookings online.

Other tourist accommodations in Rome

Where else do tourists stay in Rome?

28. As of December 2022, there were 24,383 Airbnb listings in Rome, Italy.

29. in rome, the average nightly rate of accommodations listed on airbnb is 236 euros..

This is more expensive than Airbnb listings in other cities in Italy, including Florence, Venice, and Milan.

Average Airbnb nightly rate in Italy

30. The majority of Airbnb listings in Rome featured are entire homes or apartments, with 16,542 properties.

Out of the over 24 thousand Airbnb listings in Rome , 16,542 of them are entire homes or apartments.

31. Moreover, there are 6,992 private rooms listed on Airbnb, 712 hotel rooms, and just 137 shared rooms.

Number of Airbnb listings in Rome by room type

32.  Non-hotel tourist accommodations in Rome increased to over 22 thousand in 2021, from just 20 thousand in 2019.

Overall, the 22 thousand non-hotel accommodations are suitable for backpackers who want a low-cost alternatives to hotels when visiting Rome.

33. As of 2021, there are nearly 6.8 thousand holiday dwellings, 3.5 thousand bed and breakfasts, and 414 holiday homes in Rome.

These three are the most popular types of non-hotel facilities in Rome.

34. There are 44 youth hostels recorded in Rome.

35. in 2021, municipio i - historical center-prati had the most bed and breakfasts (577 establishments)..

Rome is divided into 15 sub-municipalities, with the Prati neighborhood recording the most B&Bs within the city.

The sub-municipality with the least bed and breakfasts is Municipio XV, with only 21 such properties.

36. Prati is also the sub-municipality with the highest number of vacation rentals, or 7.8 thousand establishments in total.

Municipio VI has the least number of vacation rentals, at only 62 vacation rentals.

Tourism destinations in Rome

Where is the most visited place in Rome?

37. Rome has 35 paid state cultural institutions and 24 attractions with free entry.

In the region of Lazio, Rome is the province with the highest number of state cultural attractions.

38. In total, there were 4.8 million visitors to state museums, monuments, and archaeological areas in Rome in 2021.

Number of visitors to cultural institutions in Lazio, Italy by province

39. The Colosseum is the most popular tourist attraction not only in Rome, but all of Italy. It welcomed 1.7 million visitors in 2021, which was higher than the 1.1 million in 2020.

40. after the colosseum, the most popular sites in rome are trevi fountain (visited by 86.3% of tourists), pantheon (82.6%), piazza di spagna (81.7%), st. peter's basilica (75,1%), and the roman forum (73.9%)..

Top tourist attractions in Rome

41. The Mausoleum of Hadrian greeted 1.2 million visitors in 2019, 220 thousand in 2020, and 240 thousand in 2021.

The figure is steadily rising as tourism in Rome and Italy overall is recovering, but it’s still well below the pre-pandemic level.

Traveller’s opinion on Rome tourism

What do tourists think about Rome?

42. 14% of tourists in Rome are annoyed by street vendors who keep offering their products.

43. a further 13% are dissatisfied with lots of vehicles on the streets of rome., 44. 12.2% of tourists are also dissatisfied by the unclean streets., 45. meanwhile, public transportation is a negative factor of rome tourism for 11.5% of visitors., 46. on the other hand, the survey reveals that 1 in 10 visitors to rome claim that “rome is beautiful, as is”., 47. 4 in 5 tourists also says that rome is the most beautiful city in italy., 48. moreover, 75% of people who travel to rome state that they will return for a second visit..

Overall, Rome’s tourism is rising as the world continues to recover from the Coronavirus pandemic.

Whether you’re a digital nomad looking for the next place to work from or simply want to understand more about Rome, we hope these statistics are helpful.

Let us know in the comments if we missed any interesting facts about Rome’s travel industry!

In the meantime, you might enjoy these other stats:

  • Millennial Travel Statistics
  • Glamping Statistics
  • Pet Travel Statistics
  • TourismReview
  • Booking.com

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Italy Visitor Arrivals

  • Italy Visitor Arrivals recorded 60,992,806 person in Dec 2023, compared with 50,525,695 person in the previous year
  • Italy Visitor Arrivals data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1990 to Dec 2023
  • The data reached an all-time high of 64,825,156 person in Dec 2019 and a record low of 16,482,810 person in Dec 2020

View Italy's Visitor Arrivals from 1990 to 2023 in the chart:

Italy Visitor Arrivals

What was Italy's Visitor Arrivals in 2023?

Italy Visitor Arrivals recorded 60,992,806 person in Dec 2023, compared with 50,525,695 person in the previous year See the table below for more data.

Visitor Arrivals by Country Comparison

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Tourism Teacher

Tourism in Rome: The Eternal City

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Tourism in Rome is booming! But why is Rome such a popular tourist destination and what are the reasons that people are choosing to travel here? In this article I introduce you to the tourism industry in Rome; the good and the bad. Ready to learn more about tourism in Rome? Read on…

Geographical overview of Rome

The tourism industry in rome, key statistics about tourism in rome , most popular tourist attractions in rome, cultural tourism in rome, religious tourism in rome, food and wine tourism in rome, fashion and shopping tourism in rome, art and museum tourism in rome, nightlife and entertainment tourism in rome, economic impacts of tourism in rome, social impacts of tourism in rome, environmental impacts of tourism in rome, faqs about tourism in rome, tourism in rome- to conclude.

Rome, the capital city of Italy, is situated in the central-western part of the country, on the banks of the Tiber River. The city is built on seven hills, which are the Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal hills. These hills have played an important role in the city’s history and development .

The city is located in the Lazio region of Italy, which is known for its mild climate and fertile agricultural land. It is also located close to the Tyrrhenian Sea, which has shaped the city’s history and culture .

The Tiber River runs through Rome, dividing the city into two parts: the left bank (west) and the right bank (east). Several bridges connect the two sides of the city, including the famous Ponte Sant’Angelo and Ponte Milvio.

Rome’s geography has played an important role in shaping its history, culture, and architecture, and continues to be a significant aspect of the city’s identity.

Tourism in Rome

Rome is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting millions of visitors every year, from solo travellers who visit Rome to groups, to families and more. . Tourism in Rome is a vital component of the city’s economy and cultural identity, and continues to attract visitors from all over the world who come to experience the city’s history, culture, and beauty. The city’s rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural heritage make it a must-visit destination for travellers from all over the globe.

The tourism industry in Rome is a significant contributor to the city’s economy. The industry provides employment for thousands of people and generates revenue through the sale of hotel rooms, restaurants, transportation, and other travel-related services.

There are many popular attractions in Rome that draw tourists to the city. The Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, and the Trevi Fountain are just a few examples of the city’s most famous landmarks. The Vatican Museums, which house the Sistine Chapel, are also a major draw for tourists.

Tourists can also enjoy the city’s culinary scene, which features traditional Italian dishes such as pasta, pizza, and gelato. There are numerous restaurants and cafes in Rome that offer these dishes, as well as many other types of cuisine.

Accommodations in Rome range from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels, ensuring that there are options for travellers with different budgets and preferences.

So lets take a look at exactly how big tourism in Rome is, here are a few key statistics, correct at the time of writing:

  • Rome welcomes approximately 20 million visitors a year, making it the fourth most-visited city in Europe.
  • The tourism industry in Rome contributes to 9% of the city’s GDP.
  • The average length of stay for tourists in Rome is 3.3 days.
  • The most popular months for tourism in Rome are May, June, and September.
  • Americans make up the largest group of international tourists in Rome, followed by visitors from Germany, the UK, France , and Spain.
  • The Vatican Museums, which include the Sistine Chapel, are the most visited attraction in Rome.
  • Rome has more than 2,000 hotels, with a total of over 50,000 rooms.
  • The average hotel occupancy rate in Rome is around 80%.
  • The most common method of transportation for tourists in Rome is walking, followed by public transportation and taxis.
  • The tourism industry in Rome provides employment for over 270,000 people.

Tourism in Rome

Rome is home to a plethora of famous landmarks, historic sites, and cultural treasures that draw millions of tourists to the city every year. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Rome:

  • The Colosseum: This iconic amphitheatre is one of Rome’s most famous landmarks and a symbol of the city’s rich history. Built in AD 80, the Colosseum hosted gladiatorial contests and other public spectacles.
  • The Roman Forum: This ancient plaza was the centre of political and social activity in ancient Rome. Today, visitors can explore the ruins of the forum and see the remains of buildings such as the Temple of Saturn and the Arch of Titus.
  • The Pantheon: This magnificent temple is one of Rome’s best-preserved ancient buildings. It was built in AD 118 and is known for its spectacular dome and impressive interior.
  • The Vatican Museums: These museums house a vast collection of art and artifacts, including works by famous artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael. The Sistine Chapel, with its stunning ceiling painted by Michelangelo, is one of the most popular attractions in the Vatican Museums.
  • The Trevi Fountain: This famous Baroque fountain is one of Rome’s most popular landmarks. Visitors can throw a coin into the fountain to ensure their return to Rome.
  • The Spanish Steps: These steps lead up to the Trinita dei Monti church and offer stunning views of Rome. They are a popular spot for tourists to relax and enjoy the ambiance of the city.
  • The Piazza Navona: This beautiful square features three magnificent fountains and is surrounded by Baroque buildings. It is a popular spot for street performers and artists.
  • The Castel Sant’Angelo: This historic fortress was originally built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian and later used as a papal residence. Visitors can explore the castle’s interior and enjoy the views from the rooftop terrace.
  • The Villa Borghese: This beautiful park is home to several museums, including the Galleria Borghese, which houses an impressive collection of Renaissance and Baroque art.
  • The Trastevere neighbourhood: This charming neighbourhood on the west bank of the Tiber River is known for its narrow streets, colourful buildings, and vibrant nightlife. It is a popular spot for tourists to explore and enjoy authentic Roman cuisine.

Most popular types of tourism in Rome

Rome is a city that caters to a wide range of interests and passions, and there are several types of tourism that are popular among visitors. Here are some of the most popular types of tourism in Rome:

Rome is a city with a rich history and culture, and visitors flock to the city to experience its art, architecture, and ancient ruins. Many tourists come to Rome to visit landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Vatican Museums, making it a popular cultural tourism destination.

Rome is the centre of the Catholic Church, and many visitors come to the city to see the Vatican and the city’s many beautiful churches and religious landmarks. The Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel are all popular destinations for religious tourists .

Italian cuisine is renowned around the world, and Rome is no exception. Visitors come to the city to enjoy the delights of traditional Italian dishes such as pasta, pizza, and gelato, as well as the city’s famous wine and coffee. Food tours and cooking classes are popular activities among food tourists and wine tourists .

Rome is home to some of the world’s top fashion designers and luxury brands, and the city is a popular destination for shoppers. Visitors can explore the city’s designer boutiques and high-end department stores, as well as its many markets and artisan shops.

Rome is home to many world-class museums and galleries, including the Galleria Borghese, the Capitoline Museums, and the MAXXI Museum of Contemporary Art. Visitors come to Rome to explore these museums and see the city’s art and architecture.

Rome has a vibrant nightlife scene, with many bars, clubs, and theatres. Visitors can enjoy live music, theatre performances, and dance shows, as well as the city’s many restaurants and cafes.

Overall, Rome offers something for every type of tourist , whether they’re interested in history and culture, food and wine, shopping, or entertainment.

Impacts of Tourism in Rome

Whilst tourism in Rome may appear to be great from the outside, there are a number of impacts that result from having such a big tourism industry. Below I will discuss both the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Rome.

Tourism in Rome 

Tourism plays a significant role in the economy of Rome, generating income and employment opportunities across a wide range of sectors. Here are some of the key economic impacts of tourism in Rome:

  • Employment: Tourism is a major employer in Rome, with many people working in hotels, restaurants, and other service industries. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism in Italy (including Rome) supported over 4.2 million jobs in 2019, accounting for 12.2% of total employment in the country.
  • Revenue: Tourism is also a major source of revenue for Rome’s economy, generating income from activities such as accommodation, food and beverage services, transportation, and retail sales. According to the Italian National Institute of Statistics, the tourism sector in Rome generated over 14 billion euros in revenue in 2019.
  • Investment: The tourism industry in Rome also attracts significant investment in infrastructure, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation networks. This investment can help to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth in the city.
  • Cultural preservation: Tourism also plays a role in preserving Rome’s cultural heritage. Revenue generated from tourism can help to fund the maintenance and restoration of historic landmarks and monuments, ensuring that they remain accessible to future generations.
  • Economic diversification: The tourism industry in Rome helps to diversify the city’s economy, reducing its dependence on any single sector. This can help to create a more stable and resilient economy, less vulnerable to shocks or downturns in any one industry.

However, tourism can also have negative economic impacts, such as price inflation, over-reliance on the tourism sector, and economic leakage . It is important for policymakers to carefully manage and regulate tourism in order to ensure that the economic benefits are maximised while minimising any negative impacts.

Tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on a destination, including Rome. Here are some of the key social impacts of tourism in Rome:

  • Cultural exchange: Tourism can facilitate cultural exchange, as visitors have the opportunity to learn about and experience the local culture, history, and traditions of Rome. This can help to promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Community development: Tourism can provide opportunities for local communities to benefit from the industry by creating jobs, stimulating the growth of small businesses, and generating income that can be reinvested in the local economy.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage: Tourism can help to preserve cultural heritage sites, landmarks, and traditions in Rome by creating awareness and providing funding for their protection and maintenance.
  • Increased social interaction: Tourism can increase social interaction between locals and visitors, leading to new friendships, exchange of ideas and knowledge, and more vibrant communities.
  • Pressure on infrastructure and resources: High numbers of tourists can put pressure on local infrastructure, such as transportation networks, public spaces, and public utilities, which can negatively affect the quality of life for local residents.
  • Displacement of local residents: Tourism can lead to the displacement of local residents, particularly in neighbourhoods that become gentrified or in high-demand areas that attract short-term rentals, pushing up housing costs and driving out long-term residents.
  • Cultural commodification: Tourism can lead to the commodification of local cultures and traditions, as they are packaged and sold to visitors, leading to the loss of their authenticity and meaning.

It is important for policymakers to balance the positive and negative social impacts of tourism in Rome, by implementing sustainable tourism policies that benefit both visitors and local residents, and preserve the cultural heritage and social fabric of the city.

Tourism in Rome 

Tourism can have significant environmental impacts, including in Rome. Here are some of the key environmental impacts of tourism in Rome:

  • Carbon emissions: Travel-related transportation is a significant contributor to carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change. In Rome, air travel is the primary mode of transportation for many visitors, and the high demand for flights can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Overuse of natural resources: Tourism can put pressure on natural resources, including water , energy, and land. High numbers of visitors can lead to increased water consumption, energy usage, and waste generation, putting stress on local ecosystems and contributing to climate change.
  • Pollution: Tourism can contribute to pollution , including air, water, and waste pollution. Increased transportation, construction, and energy usage can all contribute to pollution, which can negatively impact local ecosystems and public health.
  • Destruction of natural habitats: Tourism can lead to the destruction of natural habitats, including through the development of new infrastructure and activities that disturb natural ecosystems.
  • Loss of biodiversity: Tourism can contribute to the loss of biodiversity, as visitors can bring invasive species with them, and overuse of natural resources can lead to the decline of local flora and fauna.
  • Land degradation: The construction of new tourism infrastructure, including hotels and other facilities, can lead to the degradation of land, including the destruction of agricultural land and deforestation.

It is important for policymakers and tourism industry stakeholders to implement sustainable tourism practices in Rome, including reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and protecting local ecosystems. This can help to minimise the negative environmental impacts of tourism while preserving Rome’s natural beauty and resources for future generations.

Now that we know a bit more about tourism in Rome, lets answer some of the most common questions on this topic.

What is the best time of year to visit Rome?

The best time to visit Rome is typically in the spring (April to June) or fall (September to November), when temperatures are mild and the crowds are smaller.

What are the top tourist attractions in Rome?

Rome is home to many famous tourist attractions, including the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and the Roman Forum.

How do I get around Rome?

Rome has an extensive public transportation system, including buses, trams, and a subway system. Taxis are also available, but can be more expensive.

Do I need a visa to visit Rome?

If you are a citizen of the European Union , you do not need a visa to visit Rome. Citizens of some other countries may need a visa, so it’s best to check with your local embassy or consulate.

What is the currency in Rome?

The currency in Rome is the Euro .

What is the language spoken in Rome?

The official language of Rome is Italian, but many people also speak English, particularly in tourist areas.

Is it safe to visit Rome?

Rome, like any major city, has some safety concerns, but it is generally safe for visitors who take appropriate precautions and exercise common sense.

What is the dress code for visiting Rome’s religious sites?

Visitors to religious sites in Rome, such as the Vatican, should dress modestly and avoid wearing shorts, skirts or dresses above the knee, and sleeveless tops.

What is the tipping etiquette in Rome?

Tipping is not generally expected in Rome, but rounding up the bill or leaving a small amount for exceptional service is appreciated.

Can I drink the tap water in Rome?

The tap water in Rome is generally safe to drink, but some people may prefer to drink bottled water to be on the safe side.

In conclusion, Rome’s remarkable legacy as the ‘Eternal City’ affords it an undeniable allure in the global tourism landscape. While tourism undoubtedly bolsters the city’s economy and promotes cultural exchange, the associated challenges necessitate robust and sustainable management strategies. The implications of tourism are multifaceted, touching upon economic, environmental, and socio-cultural dimensions.

Overcrowding, wear on historic sites, and the risk of cultural commodification underscore the importance of fostering sustainable tourism. Balancing the preservation of Rome’s historic and cultural integrity with its thriving tourism industry presents a complex, yet crucial task.

As this article has explored, the continued success and sustainability of Rome as a world-leading tourist destination hinges on the city’s ability to navigate these intricacies effectively. Future research and policy directions should focus on promoting responsible tourism practices that respect Rome’s rich heritage, while ensuring an enriching experience for tourists and a high quality of life for residents.

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Tourist flow in Italy

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The National Institute of Statistics releases data on tourist flows and their features in 2017 from a supply and demand-side perspective.

In 2017, around 421 million nights were spent at tourist accommodation establishments (+4.4% compared with the previous year) and arrivals were equal to 123 million (+5.3%).

About 93.8 million of arrivals (+3.9% compared with 2016) and about 275 million of nights spent (+2.8%) were recorded in hotels and similar accommodation and the average length of stay was 2.93 nights.

In other collective accommodation establishments, the arrivals (29 million) increased by 10.2%, while the number of nights spent (145 million) increased by 7.5%, thus resulting in a reduction of the average length of stay (-0.12 nights).

Residents and non residents spent 210 million and 211 million nights (+3.2% and +5.6% respectively, compared with 2016).

In 2017, 40.6% of the total nights spent were concentrated in only 50 Italian municipalities. Rome is the main destination with 27 million of nights spent (6.4% of the total amount), followed by Milan (2.8%) and Venice (2.8%).

rome tourism statistics 2019

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Reference period: Year 2017

Date of Issue: 28 November 2018

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Tourism in Italy

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Tourism statistics

Data extracted in December 2023.

Planned article update: December 2024.

62 % of EU residents made at least one personal tourism trip in 2022.

Half of EU residents' trips in 2022 were short domestic trips.

In 2022, Spain was the most popular EU destination for international tourists, with 271 million nights spent in tourist accommodation, or 22 % of the EU total.

Share of population participating in tourism, 2022

  • Source: Eurostat (online data code: tour_dem_totot)

This article presents a general introduction to statistics on tourism in the European Union (EU) . The data shown here are discussed in more detail in several other articles . Tourism plays an important role in the EU because of its economic and employment potential, as well as its social and environmental implications. Tourism statistics are not only used to monitor the EU’s tourism policies but also its regional and sustainable development policies.

Full article

More than three out of four residents of the netherlands, luxembourg, finland, france and austria participated in tourism.

Tourism participation: 62 % of EU residents made at least one personal trip in 2022

It is estimated that 62 % of the EU population aged 15 or over took part in tourism for personal purposes in 2022, in other words they made at least one tourism trip for personal purposes during the year (such as holidays, leisure, visiting friends and relatives). However, large differences can be observed between the EU Member States , as this participation rate ranged from 27.8 % in Bulgaria to 83.7 % in the Netherlands (see Figure 1 and Table 1). The participation rate of 62 % was higher than in 2020, the first year affected by the pandemic (52 %) and 2021 (56 %), but still below the pre-pandemic level of 2019 (65 %).

Horizontal bar chart showing share of population participating in tourism as percentage of population aged 15 years and over in the EU, individual EU Member States and Norway for the year 2022.

More information can be found in the following article:

  • Tourism statistics - participation in tourism

Tourism trips: Residents of Luxembourg, Belgium, Malta, Slovenia and the Netherlands made more foreign than domestic trips

75 % of all trips made by EU residents were inside their own country

EU residents (aged 15 and above) made nearly 1.1 billion tourism trips in 2022, for personal or business purposes. The number of trips increased by 51 % compared with 2020 and by 23 % compared with 2021, but was still 6 % below the pre-pandemic year 2019. More than half (56.4 %) of these trips were short trips of one to three nights (see Table 1). 75.5 % of all trips made were to domestic destinations, while 24.5% to destinations abroad.

Table showing tourism trips of Europeans aged 15 years and over in thousands of trips, percentage destination type and duration and percentage share of population in the EU and individual EU Member States for the year 2022.

In 2022, 94.5 % of the total number of tourism trips made by residents of Luxembourg were to destinations abroad, followed by Belgians with 74.5 %, residents of Malta (60.6 %), Slovenia (53.3 %) and the Netherlands (51.9 %). However, less than one out of ten trips taken by residents of Romania (8.1 %) and Spain (9.8 %) were abroad. These figures appear to be influenced by both the size of the Member States and their geographical location (smaller and more northerly countries tended to report a higher propensity for their residents to travel abroad).

In 2022, EU residents showed a preference to travel in the summer months with one fourth of their trips made in July or August.

More information can be found in the following publication:

  • Tourism trips of Europeans (online publication)

Nights spent abroad by EU residents: Luxembourg leads in nights per inhabitant

Residents of Germany and the Netherlands spent nearly half of the total number of nights spent abroad by EU residents in 2022

EU residents spent an estimated 2.2 billion nights abroad on tourism trips in 2022 (see Figure 2). German residents spent 786 million nights on trips outside of Germany in 2022, while residents of the Netherlands spent 221 million nights abroad; residents from these two EU Member States accounted for nearly half (46.7 %) of the total number of nights spent abroad by EU residents.

Pie chart showing nights spent during foreign trips of Europeans by share of the tourist’s country of residence in percentage of total nights spent abroad by residents of the EU. Countries shown are Germany, Netherlands, France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Italy and rest of EU, for the year 2022.

When taking into account a country’s size in terms of its population, Luxembourg was the EU Member State whose residents spent the most nights abroad per inhabitant (an average of 38 nights in 2022), followed by the Netherlands (with 15 nights spent abroad per inhabitant) and Sweden (with 14 nights spent abroad per inhabitant). At the other end of the spectrum, residents of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Portugal spent, on average, less than two nights abroad in 2022 (see Figure 3).

Horizontal bar chart showing country of origin for foreign tourism trips as average number of nights spent abroad per inhabitant aged 15 years and over in the EU and individual EU Member States for the year 2022.

Bed places in the EU: Italy and France predominate

In 2022 35 % of all bed places in the EU were concentrated in Italy and France

It is estimated that there were more than 621 000 tourist accommodation establishments active within the EU in 2022 and together these provided 28.9 million bed places (see Table 2). More than one third (35.5 %) of all the bed places in the EU were concentrated in just two of the Member States, namely Italy (5.2 million bed places), and France (5.1 million), followed by Spain (3.8 million) and Germany (3.6 million).

Table showing tourist accommodation establishments in the EU, individual EU Member States, EFTA countries, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo for the year 2022. Shown are number of establishments in units, number of bed places in thousands and total nights spent in millions.

  • Tourism statistics - annual results for the accommodation sector

Nights spent by international guests in the EU: Spain on top

Nearly two out of five nights spent by international guests in the EU were spent in Spain and Italy

The number of nights spent at EU tourist accommodation establishments in 2020 dropped by more than 50 % compared with 2019. 2021 showed clear signs of recovery (see Figure 4), reaching nearly two thirds of pre-pandemic 2019 levels, while the upward trend continued in 2022, when it reached nearly 96 % of the pre-pandemic level. Short term indicators for monthly data showed that 2023 exceeded pre-pandemic levels (see Tourism statistics - nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments ).

Line chart showing trends in nights spent at EU tourist accommodation establishments. Three lines represent total nights spent, nights spent by international guests and domestic nights spent over the years 2009 to 2022. The year 2009 is indexed at 100.

In 2022, Spain was the most visited tourism destination in the EU for international tourists (people travelling outside their country), with 271 million nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments, or 22.4 % of the EU total (see Figure 5 and Figure 6). Half of these 271 million nights spent in Spain were concentrated in five NUTS 3 regions : Mallorca, Tenerife, Barcelona, Gran Canaria and Malaga.

The second most popular EU destination for international tourists in 2022 was Italy (201 million nights), followed by France (125 million nights), Greece (112 million nights) and Croatia (82 million nights). These five countries together accounted for nearly two thirds (65.5 %) of the total nights spent by non-residents in the EU. On the other hand, the least common EU destinations in terms of nights spent, were Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania and Estonia with less than 3 million nights spent by international tourists in each of these countries in 2022.

Horizontal bar chart showing tourism destinations, nights spent by international guests at tourist accommodation in million nights spent in the country by non-residents in individual EU Member States, EFTA countries, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo for the year 2022.

The number of total nights spent (by domestic and international guests) can be put into perspective by making a comparison with the size of each country in population terms, providing an indicator of tourism intensity . In 2022, using this measure, the Mediterranean destinations of Croatia (23 nights spent per inhabitant), Malta and Cyprus (16 nights spent per inhabitant each) were on top (see Figure 7), followed by Austria and Greece (both with 13 nights spent per inhabitant).

Horizontal bar chart showing tourism intensity as nights spent by domestic and international guests at tourist accommodation establishments per inhabitant in the EU, individual EU Member States, EFTA countries, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo for the year 2022.

More information can be found in the following articles:

  • Tourism statistics - nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments
  • Tourism statistics - seasonality at regional level

Tourism expenditure: highest spending by German residents

Germans were the biggest EU spenders on international travel, totalling €85.2 billion in 2022

The economic importance of international tourism can be measured by looking at the ratio of international travel receipts relative to GDP; these data are from balance of payments statistics and include business travel, as well as travel for pleasure. In 2022, the ratio of travel receipts to GDP was highest, among the EU Member States, in Croatia (19.3 %), Cyprus (9.9 %), Malta (8.8 %), Portugal (8.7 %) and Greece (8.6 %), confirming the importance of tourism to these countries (see Table 3). In absolute terms, the highest international travel receipts in 2022 were recorded in Spain (€69.2 billion), followed by France (€56.7 billion), Italy (€44.3 billion) and Germany (€30.0 billion).

Table showing travel receipts and expenditure in balance of payments as millions euro and percentage relative to GDP of receipts, expenditure and balance of the EU, individual EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo for the years 2010, 2015 and 2022.

Germany recorded the highest level of expenditure on international travel, totalling €85.2 billion in 2022, followed by France (€39.2 billion). When analysing this expenditure relative to the population, Luxembourg's residents spent on average €5 011 per inhabitant on travel abroad in 2022, far ahead of the second and third ranked countries, Ireland and Cyprus (€1 592 and €1 432 per inhabitant respectively), which were followed by Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands (all above €1 000 per inhabitant).

Spain was the EU Member State with the highest level of net receipts from travel in 2022 (€48.4 billion), while Germany recorded the biggest deficit (-€55.2 billion).

  • Tourism statistics - expenditure

Source data for tables and graphs


Data sources

Tourism, in a statistical context, refers to the activity of visitors taking a trip to a destination outside their usual environment, for less than a year. It can be for any main purpose, including business, leisure or other personal reasons other than to be employed by a resident person, household or enterprise in the place visited.

In July 2011, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted a new Regulation (EU) No 692/2011 concerning European statistics on tourism and repealing Council Directive 95/57/EC ; this came into force for reference year 2012 and requires EU Member States to provide a regular set of comparable tourism statistics.

Tourism statistics in the EU consist of two main components: on the one hand, statistics relating to capacity and occupancy of collective tourist accommodation; on the other, statistics relating to tourism demand. In most EU Member States, the former are collected via surveys filled in by accommodation establishments, while the latter are mainly collected via traveller surveys at border crossings or through household surveys.

Statistics on the capacity of collective tourist accommodation include the number of establishments, the number of bedrooms and the number of bed places. These statistics are available by establishment type or by region and are compiled annually. Statistics on the occupancy of collective tourist accommodation refer to the number of arrivals (at accommodation establishments) and the number of nights spent by residents and non-residents, separated into establishment type or region; annual and monthly statistical series are available. In addition, statistics on the use of bedrooms and bed places ( occupancy rates ) are compiled.

Statistics on tourism demand are collected in relation to the number of tourism trips made (and the number of nights spent on those trips), separated by:

  • destination country;
  • length of stay;
  • accommodation type;
  • departure month;
  • transport mode;
  • expenditure.

The data are also analysed by the socio-demographic characteristics of the tourist:

  • educational attainment level (optional);
  • household income (optional);
  • activity status (optional).

Up to 2013, tourism statistics were limited to at least one overnight stay; as of reference year 2014, foreign same-day visits are also covered by official European statistics.

Data from a range of other official sources may be used to study tourism. These statistics include:

  • structural business statistics (SBS) and short-term business statistics (STS) which may be used to provide additional information on tourism flows and on the economic performance of certain tourism-related sectors;
  • data on employment in the tourism accommodation sector from the labour force survey (LFS) , analysed by working time (full/part-time), working status, age, level of education, sex, permanency and seniority of work with the same employer (annual and quarterly data);
  • data on personal travel receipts and expenditure from the balance of payments ;
  • transport statistics (for example, air passenger transport).

According to a United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) publication titled ‘ International Tourism Highlights ’, the EU is a major tourist destination, with four of its Member States among the world’s top 10 destinations. Tourism has the potential to contribute towards employment and economic growth, as well as to development in rural, peripheral or less-developed areas. These characteristics drive the demand for reliable and harmonised statistics within this field, as well as within the wider context of regional policy and sustainable development policy areas.

Tourism can play a significant role in the development of European regions. Infrastructure created for tourism purposes contributes to local development, while jobs that are created or maintained can help counteract industrial or rural decline. Sustainable tourism involves the preservation and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage, ranging from the arts to local gastronomy or the preservation of biodiversity .

In 2006, the European Commission adopted a Communication titled ‘ A renewed EU tourism policy: towards a stronger partnership for European tourism ’ (COM(2006) 134 final). It addressed a range of challenges that will shape tourism in the coming years, including Europe’s ageing population, growing external competition, consumer demand for more specialised tourism, and the need to develop more sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism practices. It argued that more competitive tourism supply and sustainable destinations would help raise tourist satisfaction and secure Europe’s position as the world’s leading tourist destination. It was followed in October 2007 by another Communication, titled ‘ Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism ’ (COM(2007) 621 final), which proposed actions in relation to the sustainable management of destinations, the integration of sustainability concerns by businesses, and the awareness of sustainability issues among tourists.

The Lisbon Treaty acknowledged the importance of tourism — outlining a specific competence for the EU in this field and allowing for decisions to be taken by a qualified majority. An article within the Treaty specifies that the EU ‘shall complement the action of the Member States in the tourism sector, in particular by promoting the competitiveness of Union undertakings in that sector’. ‘ Europe, the world’s No 1 tourist destination — a new political framework for tourism in Europe ’ (COM(2010) 352 final) was adopted by the European Commission in June 2010. This Communication seeks to encourage a coordinated approach for initiatives linked to tourism and defined a new framework for actions to increase the competitiveness of tourism and its capacity for sustainable growth. It proposed a number of European or multinational initiatives — including a consolidation of the socioeconomic knowledge base for tourism — aimed at achieving these objectives.

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  • Tourism (tour)
  • Trips of EU residents - annual data (ESMS metadata file — tour_dem_esms)
  • Capacity and occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments (ESMS metadata file — tour_occ_esms)
  • Methodological manual for tourism statistics
  • Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism (Communication from the European Commission, October 2007)
  • European Commission — Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs — Tourism
  • Industry, trade, and services
  • Statistical article
  • December2024
  • ISSN 2443-8219
  • This page was last edited on 12 December 2023, at 16:17.
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Rome 12th most visited city in world

9.6 million international tourists expected to visit rome in 2017..

Rome ranks in 12th place on the 2017 Top 100 City Destinations survey, according to statistics compiled by market researcher Euromonitor International.

The Italian capital is predicted to draw 9.6 million international tourists by the end of 2017, representing a growth of 1.8 per cent compared to last year's figure of 9.4 million visitors.

Hong Kong retains its crown as the planet's most visited city for the ninth consecutive year, with 25.7 million international tourists expected in 2017, despite a predicted 3.2 per cent drop from its 26.55 million visitors in 2016. In second place is Bangkok (21.25 million in 2016; 23.27 expected in 2017) followed by London (19.19 million last year; 19.8 expected this year).

Although Rome is the third most visited European city - after Paris in seventh place with 14.26 million visitors expected this year -  it only attracts half the number of foreign tourists that flock to London.

The three other Italian cities on the list are: Milan in 27th place with 6.8 million, Venice in 38th place (5.2 million) and Florence in 44th position with 4.9 million tourists.

The survey coincides with Italy's participation as "Official Premier Partner" at the World Travel Market (WTM), currently taking place in London, in an effort to capitalise on its growing tourism sector which recorded a 16 per cent increase in arrivals in 2016.

Addressing the event, Italy's ambassador to the UK Pasquale Terracciano said the development is thanks to spreading tourism around the country, away from the traditionally popular regions of Campania, Tuscany and Veneto.

Ambassador Terracciano also credited the positive statistics with the southern Italian city of Matera becoming the 2019 European Capital of Culture, as well as efforts to promote Italy's borghi , or ancient towns, as new tourist destinations.

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Rome, Italy

Facts and Figures

  • Founded: 753 BC.
  • Population: 2.779 million people (2021).
  • Area: 1.285 km2.
  • Country and region: Italy, Lazio region .
  • Time: GMT / UTC + 1 hour (+ 2 hours in summer).
  • Telephone code: +39 (06).
  • Emergency telephone number: 112.

See also - Italy regions .

Information about the city history

Rome wolf

History of Ancient Rome lasted from the foundation of Rome in 753 BC., until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. There are three periods in the history of ancient Rome: the royal (from foundation the city up to 510 years BC), Republican (509 BC - 30 BC), Imperial (30 BC - 476 AD).

A huge area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea was under the rule of Rome in the heyday of the Roman Empire.

The first time in the city comes to live adventurous, expelled from other cities and countries peoples, runaway slaves. They were mostly men, so in Rome was lacking the female population. To solve this problem the Romans captured by force and cheating women from a neighboring tribe the Sabines. This has caused the first war in the history of Rome.

By the first century BC, the Roman state became the most powerful country in the ancient world. Mediterranean Sea became an inland sea of the Roman Empire.

The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus, was deposed 4 September 476. The Western Roman Empire ceased to exist.

Colosseum photo

Tourism in Rome

For many coming to Italy tourists Rome is the first Italian city and the must-see destination in the travel program. According to statistics, in 2019, Rome visited about 10.1 million people, of which approximately 70% were foreign tourists.

Almost all coming to Rome tourists (97%), visit the historic city center. Among the most popular tourist sites in Rome are “Pantheon”, the “Trevi Fountain”, “Piazza Navona”, “St Peter's Basilica”, “Roman Forum”, “Sant'Angelo” castle, the “Basilica of San Giovanni” in Laterano, “Piazza di Spagna” (Spanish Steps staircase, Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti), “Villa Borghese” park, “Piazza del Popolo”, “Trastevere”. According to published in the Internet information the most visited object in Rome is the Colosseum.

Below is percentage of tourists visiting some popular sites .

  • Colosseum - visited by 95.8% of tourists.
  • Trevi Fountain - visited by 86.3% of tourists.
  • Pantheon - 82.6%.
  • Spain Square (Piazza di Spagna) - 81,7%.
  • St. Peter's Basilica ( Basilica di San Pietro ) - 75,1%.
  • The Roman Forum (Fori Romani) - 73,9%.
  • Vatican Museums - 67.3%.
  • Spada Gallery - 26,1%.
  • Palatine hill - 24,9%.
  • Borghese Gallery (la Galleria Borghese) - 17,6%.
  • Catacombs (le Catacombe) - 17,3%.
  • Capitoline Museums (Musei Capitolini) - 14,4%.
  • National Gallery of Ancient Art at the Palazzo Barberini (Galleria d'Arte Antica Palazzo Barberini) - 10,6%.
  • National Museum of XXI Century Arts Maxxi (nuovo museo d'arte moderna Maxxi) - 9,3%.

You can see the location on the Map of Rome .

In the sphere of interests of tourists (mostly young people) are also Rome theme parks.

  • Zoomarine. It is amusement Water Park, located approximately 35 kilometers from Rome, near the Mediterranean Sea coast.
  • Rainbow-Magicland. It is theme park, located in the suburbs of Rome, Valmontone, approximately 40 kilometers south-east of Rome.
  • Bioparco. Large zoological park, which contains more than 1,000 animals. The zoo is located in the northern part of Rome, Villa Borghese.
  • According to conducted surveys, in spending of visited Rome tourists 26.5% was spent on hotels, 17.2% of money tourists spend in restaurants and bars, 20.2% was spent in clothing stores, about 12% money was spent in museums, galleries , movies and shows.

What annoys tourists in Rome?

Approximately 14% of the tourists were dissatisfied by lots of street vendors, annoyingly offering their goods for tourists. Approximately 13% were dissatisfied with lots of vehicles on the streets of Rome. Unclean streets and inefficient public transportation was named among the negative factors, respectively, by 12.2% and 11.5% of tourists. This is average figures. Guest rating highly depends on where the tourists come from.

Approximately 10% of travelers say that nothing needs to be changed, that “Rome is beautiful, as is”. Approximately 80% of respondents said Rome's most beautiful city in Italy. 75% of tourists visiting Rome are going to return here again.

Useful information for tourists

“roma pass” card.

This may be helpful for tourists to buy a “Roma Pass” card, which will make your stay in Rome more comfortable and cheaper. The card is valid for three days (until midnight of the third day from the date of activation). “Roma Pass” card allows:

  • Free access to the first two museums or archaeological sites. (Including the exhibition held at the museum.) For the cardholder has a separate turnstile to enter the Colosseum.
  • Reduced prices on tickets to museums (archaeological site) after that.
  • Free travel on public transport the territory of community of Rome (buses, trams, trolley buses, metro, regional train Roma-Lido, Roma Flaminio Piazza del Popolo-Viterbo, Roma-Giardinetti).
  • Reduced prices for tickets to the exhibition and some other services for tourists.

Attention! The card is not valid in the Vatican Museums. The card is not valid for travel to the airport.

Card can be purchased:

  • In museums.
  • In the underground ticket offices.
  • At the tourist information point.

Roma Pass card can also be purchased online (cards, payment through Visa or Mastercard). From 05/01/2013 the card cost is 34,00 €.

On the back of the card should be filled full name and date of validation (activation). Cardholder must carry an identity document. Card is activated during first use ( visit the museum's or first trip on the city's public transport), and it must be used within the first three days after activation. It expires at midnight of the third day from the date of activation. Card works contactless (RFID, Radio Frequency Identification). Card must touch the scanner yellow to get the bus (subway). The green light indicates that the card is recognized.

Tourist information points

Tourist information in Rome (Punti Informativi Turistici, PIT):

  • PIT Fiumicino, Airport Leonardo Da Vinci , arrival area of international flights (Terminal 3).
  • PIT Ciampino, Aeroporto GBPastine, arrival area of international flights, baggage claim.
  • PIT Termini, Station Rjma Termini - street Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34.
  • PIT Castel S. Angelo, Lungotevere Vaticano (Piazza Pia).
  • PIT Cinque Lune, Piazza delle Cinque Lune (Piazza Navona).
  • PIT Minghetti, Via Marco Minghetti (corner to Via del Corso).
  • PIT Nazionale, Via Nazionale (Palazzo delle Esposizioni).
  • PIT Fori, Visitor Center - Via dei Fori Imperiali.

How to get to Rome

The most popular types of transport for foreign tourists are airplane and train. Most tourists travel to Rome by air.

  • Rome-Fiumicino International Airport named after Leonardo da Vinci is located near the sea shore, about 30 kilometers south-west of the center of the Italian capital. Most foreign tourists arrive in Rome via this airport. The Leonardo express train connects the city with the airport. The journey takes about 30 minutes.
  • Rome-Ciampino Airport (Aeroporto di Roma-Ciampino) is the second largest airport in the region of Lazio. It is located about 15 kilometers southeast of the center of Rome.

You can find flights and buy tickets online .

Residents of some European cities come to Rome by rail. The Termini station is Rome's main train station. Trains from many Italian cities, as well as from Munich, Geneva and Vienna arrive regularly at the train station. Tickets for the train can also be bought online.

Rome Cruise Terminal is located at Port of Civitavecchia, at a distance of about 80 kilometers from Rome. Cruise ships passengers can visit Rome.

Things to do

  • Look at the most famous sights of Rome: the Colosseum, the Capitoline Hill, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, St. Peter's Cathedral. Take a stroll around the neighborhood. (The ticket for the tourist bus Roma City Tour will be very useful.)
  • Visit a museum. For example, the Vatican Museums. In the museums of Rome you can see unique exhibits.
  • Look at the works of local artists in Piazza Navona.
  • Do shopping on Via del Corso and the nearby streets. Here you can buy the most fashionable clothes and shoes.
  • Enjoy Italian food at local restaurants and cafes. Food, wine, cheese and pizza in Italy are some of the most delicious in the world.

Where to stay

In which part of the city is it best to book a hotel when traveling to Rome? In most cases, the most convenient for living tourists can be considered the central part of the city and hotels located in the Vatican area. Living in the historic center of the city you can visit the sights and interesting places during the day, visit the shops and cafes in the evening.

It can be hotels (hostels, apartments) in the area between the area of ​​Venice in the south, the area of ​​Spain in the north, the station Roma Termini in the east and the Tiber River in the west. More about good places for tourists to stay in Rome .

Recommended to see: Tourist map of Rome .

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    Tourism in Rome. For many coming to Italy tourists Rome is the first Italian city and the must-see destination in the travel program. According to statistics, in 2019, Rome visited about 10.1 million people, of which approximately 70% were foreign tourists. Almost all coming to Rome tourists (97%), visit the historic city center.