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Freundlichkeit - kompetenz - erfahrung.

Drei Faktoren, an denen wir uns gerne messen lassen.

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Stella Christiani

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Larissa Christiani

Wer wir sind.

Auf jeden Fall ein gutes Team. Das schonmal vorweg. Wir kennen uns seit vielen Jahren und arbeiten (immer noch ;-) richtig gerne zusammen. Die Segelgebiete kennen wir allesamt und auf nahezu jedem Schiff war jemand von uns schonmal an Bord. Und ganz wichtig, wir kennen die meisten Skipper persönlich. Einige schon seit 30 Jahren.

Wie es dazu kam

Anfang der achtziger Jahre übernahmen wir die Vertretung für eine niederländische Reederei. Beratung und Vermietung von rund 30 Segelschiffen gehörten zu unseren Aufgaben. Aber schon bald überstieg die Nachfrage unser Angebot von 30 Schiffen. Es wurde also Zeit zu expandieren und zu diesem Zweck haben wir vor über dreißig Jahren aqua tours gegründet. Das war im April 1987.

Was draus wurde

Mittlerweile wurden aus 30 Schiffen mehr als 200. Und aus einem Hafen sind 18 Häfen geworden. Damit verfügen wir nun über das mit Abstand größte Angebot an Großseglern in den Revieren IJsselmeer, Wattenmeer und Ostsee. Ob Klipper, Schoner oder Tjalk, 8 oder 48 Personen, aqua tours hat für jede Gruppe das passende Schiff. Freundlichkeit, Kompetenz und Erfahrung unseres Teams dürften wesentlich dazu beigetragen haben, dass uns in den vergangenen 30 Jahren über 14.500 Gruppen ihren Urlaub auf dem Wasser anvertraut haben.

Was Sie davon haben

Unsere große Flotte bietet Ihnen die vielfältigsten Auswahlmöglichkeiten . Bestpreis-Garantie und Reisepreissicherung geben Ihnen zudem die Sicherheit, bei aqua tours finanziell immer auf der sicheren Seite zu sein. Bei Buchung erheben wir keine Bearbeitungsgebühren. Versprochen. Und es gibt auch keine versteckten Zusatzkosten . Garantiert nicht. Weitere geldwerte Vorteile wie Buskombifahrten, günstige Reiseversicherungen, Einkaufs-Service und einiges mehr runden unser Angebot ab. Eine Vielzahl an Service-Angeboten erleichtert Ihnen ganz erheblich Organisation und Durchführung Ihrer Gruppenfahrt.

Frei und Neutral

Das ist etwas, worauf wir besonders stolz sind.

Denn anders als üblich, schließt aqua tours - ausnahmslos - keine Verträge mit einzelnen Schiffseigentümern. Schon seit 30 Jahren nicht und auch in Zukunft werden wir es nicht tun. Verträge mit festen Umsatzvereinbarungen sind es, die objektiven Empfehlungen im Wege stehen. Und nur wer keinen Interessen Einzelner gegenüber verpflichtet ist, kann Ihnen völlig unvoreingenommen das empfehlen, was er auch für sich selbst buchen würde.


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Things to do in Moscow: how to visit Moscow | Unmissable, cool & unusual

  • September 2, 2023

Things to do in Moscow best

What are the best things to do in Moscow? What to do in Moscow? First, I will list the main places to visit by theme, passing by the must-sees, but also more unusual places in Moscow. Then, I will describe what to see in Moscow in one day and how to visit Moscow in 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 days. Let’s go!

Good to know. For more information, click on the places to open the dedicated blog posts.

Main places to visit in Moscow & best things to do in Moscow

I worked in Moscow and I loved this city for its dynamism and energy. We find there from time to time to see friends, remember good memories and enjoy this giant city! Then the time has come for us to share with you our practical guide.

TOP 5 must-see places in Moscow

  • Moscow Red Square
  • St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Bolshoi Theatre

Places of cultural, historical and religious interest in Moscow

  • Novodevichy Convent and cemetery
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
  • Kremlin Izmaïlovo (pseudo-historic place, recently built in the image of the old, one of the best things to do in Moscow for your Instagram account 😉 )
  • Park and ancient village of Kolomenskoye

Visit Moscow of the Soviet era

  • Moscow State University and Sparrows Hill
  • VDNKh and the Museum of Astronautics, one of the key landmarks of the Soviet era in Moscow
  • GULAG Museum
  • Metro stations
  • The Stalinist skyscrapers, scattered all over the city

Less touristy places in Moscow

  • Gorky Park and the GARAGE museum
  • The old Krasny Oktyabr factory
  • Zaryadye Park
  • Center for Contemporary Art, WINZAVOD
  • Business center, Moscow City

Main districts of Moscow to visit

  • Patriarch Ponds
  • Tchistye Prudy
  • Kuznetsky most
  • Arbat Street

However, regardless of the length of your stay, whether you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days or in 2, you need a visa. The article Obtaining a tourist visa for Russia could then be useful in any case.

What to do and see in Moscow in one day?

List of things to see and do in Moscow in one day:

  • Go to Red Square
  • Visit St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • See Kremlin walls (but not to visit)
  • Visit Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Discover Kuznetsky most districts and see Bolshoi Theatre building
  • And if you have time at the end of the day: go to the Sparrows Hill or to the Moscow City for a beautiful view

Things to do in Moscow in 2 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, there are 2 purposes: do not miss the essential places of Moscow and optimize travel.

  • First day: Red Square , Saint Basil’s Cathedral , Zariadye Park, Bolshoi Theatre , Kremlin
  • Day 2: Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the former Krasny Oktyabr factory on Balchug Island, Gorky Park, Moscow State University (one of the Seven Sisters buildings ) and Sparrow Hill

As 2 days os really short, be sure to choose an accommodation in the best districts where to stay in Moscow .

Walking on Red Square in Moscow: one of the unmissable things to do in Moscow

Iconic place and one of the must-see places in Moscow and even in Russia! Besides, if there was only one place to visit in Moscow in 2 days, this place would then be Red Square, without hesitation. Therefore, starting the city tour with Red Square is ideal . Several buildings are on the square, but not all of them have to be visited. Check out my blog post about Moscow’s Red Square in detail to learn more and not miss anything.

Red Square Moscow

Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside

Even more emblematic than Moscow’s Red Square! Built in the middle of the 16th century under the orders of Tsar Ivan Le Terrible, this cathedral is one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art, and definitely one of the unmissable places in Moscow. Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside is one of the most beautiful things to do in Moscow!

  • Visit estimate time : 1h30
  • Entry ticket : 700 RUB. Tickets can be purchased on the cathedral’s official website 45 days before the tour.
  • Audio guide (recommended): 500 RUB
  • Opening hours : June to August 10 am-6pm; from November to April: 11 am-5pm; May, September, October 11 am-5pm. Cathedral closed on Wednesdays. Entrance is closed 45 minutes before closing.
  • Find out more in the dedicated article: Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Take a walk in Zariadye park: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow after visiting Red Square

Zaryadie Park is just a 10-minute walk from St. Basil’s Cathedral, so it’s easy to include in your itinerary if you’re going to visit Moscow in 2 days. From its heights, you can see the red walls of the Kremlin. But, the most impressive point of view is the platform which overlooks the Moskva river. A must see! And clearly one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

  • Open 24 hours a day
  • Good to know! Park Zaryadye is also a place to visit in Moscow in winter. Find out more here: What to do in Moscow in winter?

What to do in Moscow

See the Bolshoi Theatre and discover the Kuznetsky Most district

The Bolshoi Theatre is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy entrance tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets

The Bolshoi Theater is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets are located north of the theater. It is therefore very pleasant to find them to leave the main axes of the megalopolis.

IMG_3040 tickets Bolshoi Theatre dress code

Visit the Moscow Kremlin

Visit Kremlin is on top of things to do in Moscow. A place of power for centuries, the Kremlin then shows us a whole different image when viewed from the inside. If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, the Kremlin is certainly one of the must-see places in Moscow.

  • Opening hours : Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Thursday.
  • See our blog post about visiting the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin: skip-the-line tickets and 8 things not to miss

Visit the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

This impressive Moscow Cathedral is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is a must see if you visit Moscow in 2 days and clearly one of the things to do in Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was first built in 1883 in memory of Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s Grand Army. Then in 1931 Stalin ordered its destruction. It was then rebuilt again (identically) only in 2000.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 15. At the foot of the Kropotkinskaya metro station.
  • Opening hours . Daily: 10: 00-17: 00, except Monday: 13: 00-17: 00
  • Free entry (some closing restrictions, for example a short)

Good to know! In orthodox religious places, one must avoid excessively uncovered clothing. Women should cover their heads. After visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you can explore Bolotny Island and Gorky Park. This is one of the routes our guide to Moscow.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The old Krasny Oktyabr factory: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow

If you cross the Moskva River by a pedestrian bridge which is located just in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the city and at the same time you can discover Balchug Island. Furthermore, if you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, you can include this island in your itinerary between the cathedral and Gorky park. Here is the old confectionery factory Krasny Oktyabr, which has gradually turned into a fashionable micro-district. There are then some elements of street art, cafes and restaurants and some Moscow bohemian side. At the end of the island you can see a gigantic 98-meter-high monument dedicated to the Russian reforming tsar Pierre The Great.

Good to know! You can find on this island are the trendiest nightclubs in Moscow. On weekends, there are taxi caps after midnight so there are so many people. On the other hand, if you go there in winter and during the day, the island is quite empty and less interesting to see.

Gorky Park is one of the TOP places to visit in Moscow, because it allows you to better understand the life of the locals and their rhythm. In fact, it’s a huge entertainment park. For example, in winter there is a giant ice rink and in summer – free dance or yoga lessons, sandy beaches for playing volleyball, an outdoor cinema. So, like the locals, have a Stakantchik (ice cream or cooked corn), and enjoy the atmosphere of the place: that’s one of the interesting things to do in Moscow to discover the city.

  • Where? Krymsky Val 9. 20 minutes’ walk from Krasny Oktyabr, along the quays.

Sparrow Hill and Moscow State University

The Sparrow Hill, Vorobiovy Gori in Russian, is the highest point in Moscow. It is rather known to Russians, but less to travelers. A nice view on Moscow opens from the hill, and in particular on the Luzhniki Stadium. In addition, on the hill itself is the Moscow State University: an impressive skyscraper from the Soviet era.

  • How to get there? By bus T7 (35 min) from Oktyaborskaya station, near Gorki Park. By metro (Vorobiovy Gorki station) + climb the hill on foot. On foot along the Moskva along the Gorky Park (1h30) + climb in funiculars.

Good to know! It is possible to cross the Moskva river by funicular. We actually tested it and it was pretty cool! That is one of our favorite things to do in Moscow!

What to do in Moscow

What to do in Moscow in 3 days?

If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days, it would be interesting to dive into the Soviet era which strongly marked the country and the city. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the capital was transferred from Saint Petersburg to Moscow, in order to mark the change of power. Moscow then became the world showcase for communist ideology. Here are the best things to do in Moscow for 3-day-trip!

VDNKh, visit Moscow of the Soviet era

VDNKh is a large exhibition center in the north of Moscow, where there are still several striking witnesses of the USSR. The most interesting are the Museum of Cosmonauts and the Statue of the Worker and the Kolkhozian , which will certainly impress you with its size!


GULAG History Museum

The explanations of the museum are very well done. We really have the feeling of going back in time. If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days and you are interested in history and this subject in particular, I recommend this museum. Visit the GULAG History Museum is one of the most interesting things to do in Moscow.

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Discover the Patriarche Pounds district

It’s a nice neighborhood in Moscow where you can come across rather affluent locals, but not necessarily very bling-bling. Take a walk in this area is really a cool thing to do in Moscow! In addition, the Ponds of Patriarch is one of the places of Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita”. As this is an interesting area to see, we have included it in a walking tour of Moscow. The route ends at the Moscow Kremlin, which is very convenient, because you will be able to visit Moscow in 3 days by optimizing your trips.

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What to visit in Moscow in 4 days: TOP things to do in Moscow in 4 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 3 days, you will already see a lot of things. On the other hand, if you stay one more day, you have plenty to do! The Novodevichy Convent, the Tchistie Proudy district and the Izmaylovo Kremlin are very good candidates for you, if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days.

Visiting Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

The Novodevichy Convent is one of the most brilliant examples of Russian architecture, according to UNESCO. This beautiful complex was built in 1524 and today consists of the convent, but also of a cemetery whose status could be compared to that of Père-Lachaise in Paris. Visiting Novodevichy Convent is one of the great things to do in Moscow, if you want to go a little bit outside of the center!

What to see in Moscow in one day

Discovering Tchistye Proudy district

It’s one of the most popular areas of Moscow, with many cafes, restaurants and bars nearby. It is therefore a place to discover if you want to visit Moscow in 4 days. It is just as pleasant for a stroll as for the discovery of local life. For example, in winter the pond turns into an ice rink.

Visiting the Izmaylovo Kremlin, one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

The Izmaylovo Kremlin is more of a tourist than a historic place. On the other hand, it is a pretty impressive place to discover, especially on weekends. Inside the Kremlin, there is a flea market where you can find a little bit of everything, but mostly good souvenirs to bring from Moscow. For example, chapka, traditional Russian scarves or matryoshka (Russian dolls). Add the Kremlin and the Izmaïlovo market to your itinerary if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days, because it is a nice and very colorful place! Visiting the Izmailovo Kremlin is one of the things to do in Moscow, if you want to put colors in your Instagram account! 😉

Things to do Moscow blog

In 4 days, we will have the opportunity to see several Moscow: Classic Moscow, Moscow of old Russia, Soviet Moscow and a little bit of the new Moscow. So what to visit in Moscow on the 5th day of travel?

What to visit in Moscow in 5 days?

Art lovers will be delighted to discover the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, while others will prefer to stroll along Arbat Street, see the buildings of Moskva-City or visit Bunker 42.

Admiring Russian art at Tretyakov Gallery

Founded in 1856 by an industrialist and great lover of art, the gallery has grown over the decades, and then bequeathed to the state. Today the collection includes more than 140,000 pieces, 15,000 of which are paintings. Visiting the Tretyakov Gallery is one of the things to do in Moscow if you want to discover Russian art!

  • Where? Pereoulok Lavrouchinski 10. A 5-minute walk from Tretiakovskaya station
  • Opening hours. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Closed on Mondays.
  • Entry tickets. 500 RUB.

Museum to see

Visiting the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts presents the treasures of ancient Egypt, the paintings of Rembrandt and Cézanne, a fine collection of Impressionism.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 12
  • Opening hours. Daily: 10: 00-20: 00, except Thursday: 11: 00-21: 00. Closed on Mondays. The boxes close an hour before closing.
  • Entry tickets. The prices vary according to the collections from 300 to 750 RUB.

Walking on Arbat Street

All Russians know Rue Arbat. So, walking on Arbat street is one of the things to do in Moscow. However, after the years, little by little it became very touristy. This is a pedestrian street only. There are souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes there, but it is no longer the most authentic neighborhood in the city.

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Seeing the buildings of Moskva-City (Moscow City)

Moskva-City is Moscow’s business center, much like Paris’s Defense district. The skyscrapers of Moskva-City are among the tallest in Europe: 373 meters high! Very nice place to see at dusk.

Good to know! You can admire a nice view of Moscow City from the docks of Tarasa Shevchenko. It’s especially beautiful in the evening with all the lights on.

Bunker 42, one of the most unusual things to do in Moscow

Bunker 42 is a secret military complex which was to be used by the Soviets in the event of a nuclear attack: a space of 7000 m² 65 meters underground!

  • Where? 5 Kotelnitcheski Lane, 11.
  • Prices. 2200 RUB per person
  • Opening hours. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Restaurant inside. Original, but rather a tourist trap.

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What to visit in Moscow in 6 days or more?

There are still so many places to see, because Moscow is a big megalopolis and there is always something exciting to do there. For example: the ancient Kolomenskoye village or the WINZAVOD contemporary art center .

If you are interested in history and want to see Russian cities on a rather “human scale”, it would certainly be interesting for you to discover the cities of the Golden Ring . For example, it is very easy to get to Sergey Posad from Moscow (less than 2 hours in train). Visiting the Golden Ring is one of the best things to do in Moscow if you are staying more than a 5-6 days.

There are still plenty of places to see in Moscow, however I did my best to list here the best things to do in Moscow, what to see in Moscow in one day, but also in 2, 3, 4 or 5 days in Moscow!

Moscow travel tips:

  • Airport transfer: how to go to Moscow?
  • Where to stay in Moscow (hotels, districts)?
  • Tourist voucher for Russian visa
  • Christmas and New Year in Moscow
  • What is the best time to visit Moscow?

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17 Best Moscow Tours

aqua tours olpe boote

Are you planning a visit to the capital of Russia and looking for the best Moscow tours? From Red Square to the Kremlin and from world-class art to fairytale buildings, Moscow is an enchanting city that offers plenty of excitement and elegance. Its history dates back more than 800 years, and there is culture in abundance for visitors to immerse themselves in.

Make the most of your visit with 17 of the best Moscow tours that let you see everything the city and its surroundings have to offer.

1 – Guided Tour of the Moscow Metro

Guided Tour of the Moscow Metro

Moscow’s metro is world-famous, thanks to the architectural delights on offer underground stations around the capital. This guided tour of the Moscow stations, otherwise known as “the palace of the people” lasts for 1.5 hours and includes an English-speaking guide who will tell you how the Russian metro became one of the most beautiful in the world. Highlights include Mayakovskaya station with its aviation-themed mosaics.

  • Moscow metro tours

2 – Cosmonautics Museum Space Tour

Cosmonautics Museum Space Tour

Discover Cosmonautics Museum with this space tour. Dive into one of the greatest battles between the Soviet Union and the United States – the space race. Hear about the space programs of the USSR and learn about how the USSR shaped space travel and technology.

  • Cosmonautics Museum tours

3 – Guided Tour of the Kremlin

Guided Tour of the Kremlin

A Kremlin is actually a citadel in Russian towns, and Moscow’s version is, without doubt, the most famous. The Kremlin is the heartbeat of the city, and this guided tour takes you to the most important points of interest. See Cathedral Square with its orthodox temples; Tzar Cannon with its 890mm calibre, which is the largest in the world; and the exterior of the all-important government buildings that are located within the Kremlin’s walls.

Click here to learn how to book Kremlin tickets .

  • Kremlin tours

4 – Moscow City Walking Tour

Moscow City Walking Tour

One of the best Moscow tours for seeing everything the city has to offer, this small-group walking tour lasts for 2 hours and includes an expert guide. Make the most of the capital and see the cobbled spaces of Red Square, take pictures of St Basil’s Cathedral, visit the elegant Bolshoi Theatre, and enjoy the ornamental Alexandrovsky Garden.

  • Moscow walking tours

5 – Night Tour of Moscow

Night Tour of Moscow

When the sun sets, the fun begins – and it all starts with a night tour of Russia’s most famous city. The beauty of Moscow comes into full effect after hours, as iconic buildings like St Basil’s Cathedral illuminate against the night sky. Other locations on this tour include the Moscow River and the Ukraine Hotel, which is a landmark skyscraper that was constructed during the era of Stalin.

6 – Sergiev Posad Day Trip

Sergiev Posad Day Trip

One of the best Moscow tours that take you outside of the city, the Sergiev Posad day trip provides the opportunity to see The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church. It’s made up of a number of different buildings that include the blue domes of the Cathedral of the Assumption, Church of St. Sergius and the Bell Tower.

  • Sergiev Posad day trips from Moscow

7 – City Sightseeing Moscow Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with Optional Cruise

City Sightseeing Moscow Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with Optional Cruise

If your time in Moscow is limited, this hop-on, hop-off bus tour is ideal – and it even features an optional cruise on the river. Choose between a 2 and 3-day ticket and see famous landmarks like Red Square, the Kremlin and the Bolshoi Theatre from an open-top panoramic bus with informative audio commentary. Take your experience to the next level by upgrading to a boat tour.

  • Moscow hop on hop off bus tours

8 – Guided Tour of the Tretyakov Gallery

Guided Tour of the Tretyakov Gallery

As one of the world’s most important galleries, the Tretyakov Gallery is a must-see for any art lovers and is one of the best Moscow tours for culture vultures. Learn about the masterworks of Pablo Tretyakov with a guided tour and discover the secrets behind the paintings. Other noticeable artists on view include Fedotov, Vasnetsov, Rokotov and Kiprenski, who is the author of the famous “Portrait of Alexander Pushkin”.

  • Tretyakov Gallery tours

9 – Alternative Moscow: 2-Hour Walking Tour

Alternative Moscow: 2-Hour Walking Tour

See a different side of Moscow with this 2-hour alternative tour. An expert guide will take you around quirky streets, suburbs and squares while as your veer away from the traditional tourist hotspots. Highlights include a ride on the famous “Annushka” tram and a visit to the neighbourhood of Khitrovka, which was once known as the criminal district of the city.

10 – St.Basil’s Cathedral and Red Square: Private Tour and Ticket

St.Basil's Cathedral and Red Square: Private Tour and Ticket

Combine two of Moscow’s biggest attractions with a visit to Red Square and St.Basil’s Cathedral. Admire the beautiful architecture of St.Basil’s Cathedral from inside and out, before wandering Red Square and learn about the soldiers, farmers and revolutionaries that all called this famous square their home. Round things off with the changing of the guard at Alexander Garden.

  • Red Square tours

11 – Bunker-42 Cold War Museum Guided Tour

Bunker-42 Cold War Museum Guided Tour

Moscow is notorious for the Cold War, which lasted for about 45 years between 1945 and 1990. Head to the world-famous Bunker-42, located 65 meters below ground level, and learn about the storied past. Visit rooms and passages that were set up to shelter 3,000 people in case of nuclear attack and discover other sections, such as the equipment room and the war-proof telecommunications system.

  • Bunker-42 Cold War Museum tours

12 – Architecture Tour of Moscow’s Metro and Kolomenskoye Estate

Architecture Tour of Moscow's Metro and Kolomenskoye Estate

Combine the beauty of the metro stations with the Kolomenskoye Estate and see some of Moscow’s grandest sights. After visiting the elegant metro stations, it’s time to go to the Kolomenskoye Estate, which is filled with UNESCO-listed sites that are dedicated to Tsar Peter the Great.

  • Kolomenskoye tours

13 – Tour of Soviet Moscow

Tour of Soviet Moscow

Unpick the history of the USSR with one of the best Moscow tours for discovering Soviet Moscow. Starting at Monument to the Conquerors of Space, a tribute to the success of the Soviet space programme, the tour includes historical landmarks and interesting tidbits about Soviet Russia. There is also a visit to the All-Russia Exhibition Centre (VDNKh), a site that was constructed under the aegis of the USSR in tribute to state achievements.

14 – Moscow: 2.5-Hour Luxury River Cruise with Dining Option

Moscow: 2.5-Hour Luxury River Cruise with Dining Option

Sail down the Moscow River on this 2.5 hour tour that provides a different perspective of the city and includes landmark sights. The boat features two decks and has panoramic views as well as free Wi-Fi access. Attractions along the route include Ukraine hotel, Sparrow Hills, Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Crimean Bridge, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Zaryadye Park and more.

  • Moscow boat tours

15 – Izmailovo Market and Vodka Museum Tour

Izmailovo Market and Vodka Museum Tour

Visit the museum of Vodka and gain insight into one of Russia’s most famous exports and head to the Izmailovo antique and handicraft market to find a gem or two. The tour starts with Izmailovo market, which features the iconic matryoshka dolls, fur hats and amber jewellery. Next up is a trip to the Museum of Vodka, where you will discover a distillery that dates back to the 15th century.

  • Izmailovo market tours

16 – Súzdal and Vladímir Day Tour

Súzdal and Vladímir Day Tour

Discover Russia’s famous “Golden Ring” on this tour of two medieval cities outside of Moscow. The historic city of Vladimir is first up with its Golden Gate, which is an ancient city-fortress that dates back to the 13th century. Next up is the neighbouring town of Suzdal, which features historic architecture and the Kremlin, where you can see its striking white walls topped with blue domes.

  • Suzdal & Vladimir tours from Moscow

17- Moscow Food Tasting & Walking Tour

Moscow Food Tasting & Walking Tour

Sample the unique flavours of Moscow with this food tour that lasts for 3 hours and features more than 15 different food and drink tastings. Weave in and out of small alleys in the city centre while enjoying the best food spots in town. See Moscow like a local while trying classic dishes from local breakfast haunts, bustling markets, the oldest monastery in Moscow, and dumpling cafes where you can taste authentic dumplings and enjoy local coffee.

  • Moscow food tours


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  2. Yachtcharter in Holland für 2-14 Personen ohne Führerschein

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  3. Hausboot in Holland mieten

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  4. aqua tours Reisebüro in Olpe: Schiffsreisen, Reisen & Freizeit

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  5. Yachtcharter in Friesland oder Südholland für 2-14 Personen

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  6. Boote Archiv

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  1. Hausboot in Holland mieten

    In den Niederlanden können Sie z. B. Hausboote, die nicht länger als 15 m sind und nicht schneller als 20 km/h fahren, ohne Führerschein steuern. Nach einem ausführlichen Skippertraining ist dies möglich. In Deu tschland (Brandenburg oder Mecklenburgische Seenplatte) können Sie nach einer Fahreinweisung, nach deren Abschluss Sie einen ...

  2. Yachtcharter in Holland für 2-14 Personen ohne Führerschein

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  3. Fahrrouten für Ihren Hausbooturlaub in Holland

    Routenvorschläge für Ihren Hausbooturlaub in Holland/Friesland. Unzählige Fahrrouten können im Fahrgebiet ab Heerenveen oder Drachten erkundet werden. Es erstreckt sich über die Provinzen Friesland, Drenthe, Groningen und den oberen Teil von Overijssel und verfügt über unzählige Wasserwege und vielfältige Routen.

  4. Boote mit 04-06 Schlafplätzen

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  6. Pelicaen (ab NL-Akkrum)

    8 Kojen, 2 Duschen, 2 WC. Modernes Schiff mit allem Luxus und Komfort. Diese Motoryacht ist im Winter 2022/2023 überholt und zu einer luxuriösen 8-Personen-Yacht modernisiert worden. Sie verfügt über eine Außensteuerung unter einem XXL-Cabrioverdeck. Auf dem Achterdeck gibt es ein geräumiges, bequemes U-förmiges Sofa mit gepolsterten ...

  7. Hausboot in Holland ohne Führerschein für einen Urlaub auf dem Wasser

    Holzofen, Dusche, Toilette, 3-flammiger Kocher, Kühlschrank und warmes Wasser sind nur einige Merkmale der Ausstattung. Relaxen auf dem Wasser, Angeln, Schwimmen oder ein Buch lesen, das kann man auf diesem Boot in entspannter Umgebung erleben. Jeder Tag bietet dazu noch eine neue Aussicht.

  8. Aqua tours

    Aqua tours - Bootsurlaub ohne Führerschein, Olpe, Germany. 12 likes. Wir vermieten Motoryachten und Hausboote in den Niederlanden oder Deutschland für 2-14 Personen, die ohne Führerschein nach einer...

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  10. Aqua Tours

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  11. Aqua Tours

    Bietet führerscheinfreie Boote für Charter an. Das Fahrgebiet erstreckt sich über die nordholländischen Binnengewässer der Provinzen Friesland, Groningen,

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  13. aqua tours Reisebüro in Olpe: Schiffsreisen, Reisen & Freizeit

    Das Unternehmen ist auf führerscheinfreie Bootsferien in den Niederlanden spezialisiert und bietet dementsprechende Infos über Fahrgebiet, Reservierung, Versicherung und Boote an. Schiffsreisen im Branchenbuch für Olpe: aqua tours Reisebüro in der Kategorie Reisebüros.

  14. Klassenfahrt

    Alle in einem Boot, Hand in Hand. Segeltörns schweißen Gruppen zusammen. Ob 8 oder 48 Personen, aqua tours hat für jede Gruppe das passende Segelschiff. Willkommen an Bord. Segeln im IJsselmeer mit Plattbodenschiffen. Segeltörns als Klassenfahrt, Jugendfreizeit, Betriebsausflug in IJsselmeer, Wattenmeer und Ostsee.

  15. Aqua Adventure Tours

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  16. Moscow river cruises and boat tours 2024

    Buy tickets. River Cruise aboard a River Palace Yacht from City-Expocentre (International Exhibition) HIT SALES. Daily, from April 27, 2024. Departure from the berth City-Expocentre (m. Vystavochnaya), mooring place "A". Cruise duration 3 hours. We invite you on a river cruise aboard a premium class panoramic yacht starting from the main Moscow ...

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    Was draus wurde. Mittlerweile wurden aus 30 Schiffen mehr als 200. Und aus einem Hafen sind 18 Häfen geworden. Damit verfügen wir nun über das mit Abstand größte Angebot an Großseglern in den Revieren IJsselmeer, Wattenmeer und Ostsee. Ob Klipper, Schoner oder Tjalk, 8 oder 48 Personen, aqua tours hat für jede Gruppe das passende Schiff.

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  19. 17 Best Moscow Tours 2024

    8 - Guided Tour of the Tretyakov Gallery. As one of the world's most important galleries, the Tretyakov Gallery is a must-see for any art lovers and is one of the best Moscow tours for culture vultures. Learn about the masterworks of Pablo Tretyakov with a guided tour and discover the secrets behind the paintings.

  20. Moscow tours and vacation packages

    Week-end Moscow0. 3 days / 2 nights. Personal arrival and departure transfers. Guide speaking your language (English, German, French, Spanish) Private car. Entrance tickets to museums. Visa support (invitation) if you book accommodation. Price from 146,25.